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Honolulu, Hawaii
Nov. 1, 1958
Li EC ^ 0 IQf^
Dear Christian Friends, ^
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It has been six months since We have
published a news sheet and many things have happened consequently some things reported will
be old news.
During the summer months we conducted Vacation Bible School and had a very good one with
the total enrollment being 38. Two of the teachers from Sunset Beach Day School helped us.
We had 7 young people to go to Christian Service Camp with us.
Many of you have not heard of our catastrophic experiences this summer so will attempt
to bring you up to date on this. As most of you know, Christine and I have been teaching
school to support our family (since our return from the mainland in Sept. 1957), and have
been using the mission funds to operate the mission and expand its facilities. This year
our mission income has been very low and we have had to use part of our teaching salary to
pay mission bills. In doing so our personal bills began to pill up. This summer we did not
teach therefore no income from that source so we asked in our May news letter for additional
support to tide us over the summer. Instead of receiving more--the mission income was less
and less each month until we were forced to borrow money from the bank and friends and con
tinue to let bills pill up until it seemed that we could no longer keep our heads above
water. By the first of September we v/ere so discouraged that we didn't know what to do.
And after talking our situation over with our congregation and preacher friedds it was
decided to combine the Makaha congregation with the Maile congregation (7 miles away) and
sell the Makaha property and pay the debts. It was then that we wrote our few remaining
regular supporters and told them the conditions that prevailed and asked their counsel as to
what we should do with the remaining balance after debts were settled.
Before putting the property up for sale we wanted to finish repainting the building
inside and out and clean up generally. This ?/e hoped to do by October first. We continued
services at Makaha till then. However, the beginning of school in September didn't leave us
much time to work on the building and we didn't have the money to hire it done so the prop
erty wasn't put up for sale as planned. In the mean time several of our missionaries got
together with us and talked over the situation. It was then decided that it would be better
not to sell the Makaha property but to mortgage it to pay the debts and try and get some one
from the mainland to come over here and take the work over, Christine and I were agreeable
to thisin fact it will be of lasting satisfaction to us to have the work continued,
especially after we have spent 7 years of hard work there in building the buildingimproving
the property and laying the foundation for the congregation. We do not have anyone lined up
to come here to the work but we know of a minister and his family that are interested.
Last school year (1957/58) we drove back and forth from flakaha to Jackson College in
Honolulu ivhere we teach76 miles rounf trip each day five days a week. This required from
2g- to 3 hours driving time besides the hours in the class room. This was very strenuous and
almost broke our health. We decided to move to Honolulu and did so in August of this year.
We would go to Makaha on Friday afternoon and stay through Sunday. Now that the Makaha con
gregation is attending the Maile church we go out on Saturdays and work on the property and
water the plants. On Sunday we worship with Kiamuki Christian Church here in Honolulu and
Christine and I both teach Sunday School Classes. We are enjoying our fellowship with this
wonderful congregation and their minister Bro. Carl Clarke.
We are teaching school at Jackson College and will continue so through this school year.
It will take several months to acquire the necessary funds to pay our way back to the main,-
land. We plan to retiu?n to the mainland next June if it be the Lord's Will.
We can not begin to tell you how much we have appreciated your prayers and the financial
help you have given us during these years in Hawaii. We shall ever be grateful to you.
Please accept our heartfelt thanks.
Yours in Christ' ^^ryice in Hawaii

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