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General Knowledge Tests- History 2

51. Where do we get evidence of ploughing of fields during the pre-Harappan phase of culture?
a)Lothal b)Kalibangan c)Dholavira d)Mohenodaro
5!. Who is said to be responsible for the spread of "ainis# in Karnata$a?
a)%atasatru b)&handragupta Maur'a c)(i#bisara d)Mahapad#a )anda
5*. Who a#ong the following occupied the supre#e position in the +ater ,edic pantheon?
a)-ndra b).raapati c)%gni d),aruna
5/. 0he -ndian )ational &ongress #et first at
a)Bombay b)&alcutta c)Madras d)%llahabad
55. -ndia1s first oint sector co#pan' is
a)Maruti 2d'og +i#ited b)3undara# &la'ton c)%uto#obile .roducts of -ndia +td.d)SPIC(Southern
Petrohemial Industries Cor!oration" Ltd#
54. 0he Khilafat Move#ent was organi5ed to protest against the inustice done to
a)6g'pt b)%rabia c).ersia d)Tur$ey
57. 0he 3wara'a .art' was organi5ed b'
a)+ala +apat 8ai and 9ero5 3hah Mehta b)3aroini )aidu and %nnie (esant c)C#%#&as and 'otilal
(ehru d)&.8aagopalachari and &.:.&hinta#ani
5;. Where and when did the -)& declare .oorna 3wara?
a)Lahore)*+2+ b)Madras<1=!7 c)%h#edabad<1=!1 d)>a'a<1=!!
5=.0he 3hi#la agree#ent was signed between -ndia and .a$istan b'
a)'rs#Gandhi ,-#.#Bhutto b)Mrs.>andhi?:ah'a Khan c)+.(.3hashtri ?@.%.(hutto d)+.(.3hastri?
%'ub Khan
4A. When did &hina -nvade -ndia?
a)3epte#ber 1=4/ b)/tober *+02 c)Dece#ber 1=4A d)Bctober 1=45
41. 0he first -ndian >overnor of the 8eserve (an$ of -ndia?
a) 8a# .rasad 8a' b)M.&.3telvad c)&r# C# &#&eshmu$h d)3u$u#ar 3en
4!. Kash#ir beca#e an integral part of the -ndian 2nion on the
a)15th%ugust 1=57 b)!A
"ul' 1=57 c)20
1anuary *+23 d)!A
%pril 1=57
4*. 0he first national leader to attac$ the 3alt 0aC in the -ndian +egislature was
a).hero5shah Mehta b)Dadabhai )aoroi c)Mahat#a >andhi d)G#K#Go$hale
4/.Who a#ong the following was the author of the official histor' of the &ongress?
a)P#Sitaramayya b)3ardar .atel c)&.8aagopalachari d)".(.Kriplani
45. 0he draft of the DEuit -ndiaF resolution was prepared b'
a) ..3itara#a''a b)1awaharlal (ehru c)3ardar .atel d)%char'a Kriplani
44. 2nder whose influence did .atel reconcile to the partition of -ndia?
a)Mahat#a >andhi b)Dr.8aendra .rasad c)Lord 'ountbatten d)"awaharlal )ehru
47. Who was the first -ndian to enter the &ivil 3ervices?
a)Satyendranath Tagore b)8.&.Dutt c)(ehari lal >upta d)3urendranath (aneree
4;. Who a#ong the following >overnors->eneral is $nown for his refor#s in the field of local self-
a)+ord Ma'o b)+ord Dufferin c)+ord )orthbroo$ d)Lord %i!on
4=.Who a#ong the following >overnors->enerals repealed the ,ernacular .ress %ct of +'tton?
a))orthbroo$ b)Dufferin c)6lgin -- d)%i!on
7A. During whose regi#e 2pper (ur#a was %nneCed to the (ritish 0erritories in -ndia?
a)+ord +'tton b)+ord Ma'o c)Lord &u44erin d)+ord 6lgin
71. 0he -#perial %gricultural 8esearch -nstitute was established in -ndia in 1=A* %.D. at
a).oona b))agpur c)Pusa d)&oi#batore
7!. Which of the following %cts introduced d'rach' at the provincial level?
a)%ct of 1=A= b)%ct f 1=*5 c).t o4 *+*+ d)%ct of 1;5;
7*. During whose vicero'alt' the "allianwala (agh 0raged' too$ place?
a)Hardinge -- b)Chelms4ord c)8eading d)-rwin
7/. When did D0he HinduF beco#e a dail'?
a)1;4; b)*55+ c)1;;1 d)1=A1
75. Who a#ong the following had been influenced #ost b' Mahat#a >andhi?
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a)"awaharlal )ehru b)"a'apra$ash )ara'an c).bdul Ga44ar Khan d)3ubhas &handra (ose
74. 0he Dutch 6ast -ndia &o#pan' was for#ed in the 'ear
a)14A5 %D b)*062 .& c)14!5 %D d)1415 %D
77. Who was the (ritish >eneral who led the (ritish forces in the battle of (uCar?
a)3ir 6're &oote b)8obert &live c) Hetor 'unro 'a7or d)Warren Hastings
7;. 0he treat' of 3eringapatna# was concluded in March
a)1775 %D b)1745 %D c)*358 .& d)17=! %D
7=. 0he 0reat' of 3albai was concluded between the (ritish and
a)the 9rench b)the 'arathas c)0ipu 3ultan d)the )i5a# of H'derabad
;A. )adir 3hah too$ Delhi in
a)17*= %D b)*39+ .& c)17!= %D d)175= %D
;1. When did %h#ed 3hah %bdali fight the 0hird battle of .anipat with the Marathas?
a)17!7%D b)17/;%D c)*30*.& d)1757%D
;!. 0he treat' of (assein was concluded between the
a)6nglish and the .ortugese b):renh and the ;nglish c)6nglish and the Dutch d)6nglish and
;*. Who a#ong the following was the first >overnor of .ortugese possessions in -ndia?
a)%lfonso de %lbuGuerGue b),asco-da->a#a c):raniso de-.lmeida d))uno da &unha
;/. Who a#ong the following was not a )awab of (engal?
a)Mir Kasi# b)3ira-ud-daula c)Mir "afar d)'ir 'adan
;5. When did 3ubash &handra (ose escape fro# -ndia?
a) 1=/A b)1=/* c)*+9* d)1=//
;4. 0he Euit -ndia 8esolution was passed at
a)<ardha).ug#3)*+92 b)(o#ba'<%ug.;<1=/! c)Delhi<%ug.1!<1=/! d)%#ritsar<%ug.1/<1=/!
;7. During the course of which of the following #ove#ents Mahat#a >andhi gave the slogan DDo or
a)Dandi March b)Khilafat Move#ent c))on-&o-operation Move#ent d)=uit India 'o>ement
;;. March !/< 1=/4 is of historical i#portance because of the arrival of the HHHHHHHH in -ndia.
a)Cabinet 'ission b)3i#on &o##ission c)&ripps Mission d)Wavell .lan
;=. 0he cit' of &alcuttaInow Kol$ata) in -ndia was founded in
a)14!7 %D b)*0+6 .& c)1741 %D d)17A7 %D
=A. Which a#ong the following forts was opened b' %$bar b' the $e's of gold?
a)3urat b).sirgarh c)%h#adnagar d)&hittor
=1. How did 3hah "ahan treat )ur "ahan after he beca#e the e#peror?
a)Killed her b)6Ciled her c):i?ed a settlement u!on her d).ut her into prison
=!. -n whose reign did destitution reached such a pitch that the flesh of a son was preferred to his love?
a)%$bar b)Shah 1ahan c)(abur d)%urang5eb
=*. 0he cit' of %#ritsar was founded b'
a)>uru )ana$ b)>uru %#ardas c)Guru %amdass d)>uru %run Dev
=/.-sla# per#its a #an to have four wives provided the' are
a)treated as e@uals b)followers of -sla# c)beautiful and virtuous d)helpful in do#estic wor$
=5. -n 3hivai1s ad#inistration< the head of the village was called
a)>ra#ini b).anch c)Patel d)3arpanch
=4. 0he (uland Darwa5a was built to #ar$ %$bar1s conGuest of
a)%vadh b)Malwa c)Gu7arat d)&hitor
=7. Wh' is the 'ear 14!7 %D i#portant?
a)9irst 6nglish 9actor' was set up at 3urat b)(attle of .lasse' was fought c)Shi>a7i was born
d)3ir 0ho#as 8oe visited the Mughal &ourt
=;. What was the i#portant event that too$ place in 17A7 %D?
a)3hivai died b).urangAeb died c)6ast-ndia &o#pan' was established d)6nglish 6#pirefounded in
==. What was the s#allest unit of ad#inistration under the Mughals?
a)Pargana b)3ar$ar c),illage d)&it'
1AA.Who introduced tobacco cultivation in -ndia?
a)0he .ersians b)0he Dutch c)The Portugese d)0he %rabs
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