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If a member leaves without wanting to stay and stand against sin

then there is a heart problem. 2 Peter 2:14-26 and 1 John 2:1-1!

"he pro#ess for a POW to repair membership is doable$
Get out of sin!
"he pro#ess for an AWOL to repair their membership is they
must first get their heart right. %nd by every indi#ation they are saying that they
are not a &hristian. "here is '( )*+I" to prove that they have ever *epented
and *e#eived eternal life ,t. -:1-24. "heir heart seems to still belong
themselves. 'ot Jesus. .hen Jesus #omes into your heart /e promised that /e
will '00000 10000 you or )000000 you and #hange you2 /eb 13:4 2 &or :1-
2 Peter 2:14-26
15 .hat would have been better for this person6 000000000000000000000000
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 vs. 21
165 .hat will the end of this person be li7e6 0000000000000000000000000000
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 vs. 28
1-5 /ow #an you identify this 7ind of person6 000000000000000000000000000
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 vs. 14
9o you 7now anyone who 1(:;< the wages of unrighteousness - .rong
things6 000000000 vs. 1. /ave you ta7en the time to show &hristian %gape
1ove to them by rebu7ing their sin6 00000000000 &hur#h member= you are
supposed to do this a##ording to >,t. 1?:1-1?4 1 &or. 4 25
1?5 "hese 7inds of people have @oined the #hur#h in error of the truth. :s. 1?
their words only tal7 about :0000000000 and the 100000000 of the )0000000.
1!5 "his sad person is still in A0000000000000000 of sin. :s. 1! "his is easy to
see be#ause he is always (0000000000000000000 by the same sins.
1 John 2:15-19
285 "he 1ust of the )lesh is of the .000000000000 vs. 16
215 If anyone loves the world li7e this then what is not in this person6 00000000
000000000000000000000000000000000 vs. 1 "hat means they are not <aved2
225 &onsidering all of these a#tions done by the %.(1 member= answer this
Buestion$ .hy do they leave the %#tive <ervi#e of the 1ord C the &hur#h6
:s. 1! 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
P.O.W. P.O.W. or or A.W.O.L A.W.O.L. .
- - Our Desire is to help you live and find Eternal Life! Our Desire is to help you live and find Eternal Life!
>James :1!-285 DArethren= if any of you do ;000 from the "000000= and one
#onvert him4 1et him 7now= that he whi#h #onverteth the <000000 from the
;000000 of his way shall save a soul from 900000000000= and shall hide a
multitude of sins.D
Next Bible Study learn about the great Reunion Day that is coming
.e #are for you at Palau Baptist Church. .e want to share our love with you.
Join the family of Eod through salvation then @oin our #hur#h through Aaptism.
Eod offers many wonderful privileges to /is obedient #hildren. ?--264
Key Texts : 1u7e 11:14-264 ,t. 12:22-44
2 Peter 2:14-224
Key Thought : <o= Fou are a &hur#h ,ember=
.hat is the big deal6 .hat is so important about being a &hur#h ,ember6 %
#areful loo7 at the Aible will show you that it is a :;*F I,P(*"%'" thing to
be a member of the Aaptist &hur#h.
1. e!"ershi# $e%uire!ents G .hat it ta7es to be a member
2. e!"ershi# $es#onsi"ilities & It is a lifetime #ommitment
3. e!"ershi# $e'ar(s G %dvantages vs. 9isadvantages
4. e!"ershi# $e#aration G "he Pro#ess of *epairing your ,embership
. e!"ershi# $e)e*te( G ,embership Privileges '(" Permitted - P.O.W.
6. e!"ershi# $elin%uishe( G "he 1ost ,embership C A.W.O.L.
-. e!"ershi# $eunions G *euniting those who lose their membership
Conclusion C %re Fou % ,ember6 9o you want to be a member6 "oday there
is an open invitation if you Bualify$ What do you love?
+he $elin%uishin, of e!"ershi# Privile,es +he $elin%uishin, of e!"ershi# Privile,es
,embership has its privileges but these are lost when the member #hanges sides
in the Spiritual !ar" .hen a member goes #issing $n %ction he or she #hooses
-O+ to stand with Eod and the people of Eod in the wor7 of Eod. In ,atthew
12:38 Jesus said= D/e that is not with me is a,ainst !e. and he that gathereth
not with me s#attereth abroad.D <o I as7 you a very important Buestion$ HIs
faithfulness to your membership important6I If you give up your membership in
the #hur#h of the 1iving Eod it is be#ause you are #issing $n %ction
.hen a member is M.I.A. they are missing for one of two main reasons.
1/ "hey have been trapped by the enemy and they are trying to get free.
"his is a Prisoner of .ar P.O.W. /e is stu#7 in sin J trying to get out.
2/ "hey are running away from a#tive duty >membership responsibilities5.
"his is A.W.O.L. they are %bsent .ith (ut 1eave &NO 'ermission("
"he immediate responsibility of the #hur#h is to find out whi#h spiritual
situation the member is in. "hen the #orre#t a#tion #an be ta7en. Aoth are in
mu#h danger. Aoth have sin holding them ba#7 from a#tive servi#e. "he big
differen#e is the P(.Ks body is being for#ibly enprisoned= li7e barbed wire on
the outside of a prison #amp but the %.(1Ks heart loves the barbed wire prison.
"here are many traps and
temptations that #an #at#h the new or immature
&hristian2 )or this reason Eod #ommands /is
#hildren to get baptiLed and unite with /is &hur#h to
fight the <piritual Aattle together. Jesus promised that the gates of
/ell itself would not be able to defeat /is &hur#h >,t. 16:1?=1!5.
<till with all of this se#urity and prote#tion that Eod offers many old &hristians
fall into these traps of sin when they wander away from the straight and narrow
path that Eod #ommands the &hristian to wal7. ,t. -:13-14 1 John :16=1-4
/eb. 6:4-!4 ,t. 13:1-234 /eb. 18:26-3!4 1 John 1:3--
The Straight Gate
1/ Mt !:"#$"% = "he way that leads to eternal life is '0000000000000 and the
gate is <000000000000000. /ow many find it6 0000000000000000 vs. 14
2/ "he way that leads to destru#tion is .000000 and A00000000000. /ow
many go in to that way6 000000000000000000000000000000000000vs. 13
0/ .hat should you A;.%*; of6 )00000000 P00000000000 vs. 1 .hat do
they loo7 li7e6 <000000000 >&hristians5 Aut on the inside what are they6
.00000000 >the enemy that eats the sheep5. 1 Pt. :? says he is a 1000000.
4/ " &ohn %:"'("! = %ll unrighteousness is <000000. % one-word definition for
*ighteousness is * 0 0 0 0. <o if it is not H*ightI then it is wrong and <000.
5/ .e should Has7I in prayer for Eod to help a brother who is <000000 vs. 16.
.hen you got saved you realiLed you were a sinner and you repented. Fou
gave your heart to Jesus and /e forgave you from all of your sins. Fou were
given the /oly <pirit to live in your heart. /e was given to help you over#ome
the sinful habits that you have in your life. Aut sometimes these habits want to
stay for a little while longer. "hey fight with you be#ause they do not want to
leave. It is li7e a battle that is going on inside of you. Four heart belongs to
Jesus but sometimes your mind or body falls into one of the temptations. Fou
struggle and over#ome some of the traps. Aut then some of the traps are very big
and dangerous and your strength is not <piritually strong enough to pull you
free. "his is when you need the help of another &hristian brother or sister. Eal.
6:1-? "ells the <piritually strong &hristians to help HrestoreI the wea7er
&hristians who fell into sin. 1 Peter : --11 says that this time is to help you get
stronger. Fou must trust in the 1ord 188M. Fou must resist the devil. "hat
means )IE/" against the bad sinful habits. 9o not play with sin. It is .*('E2
If you fail to trust the 1ord and fight you #an be#ome disillusioned and begin to
find pleasure in your sins. "his has only one end$death. Four death. If you
truly repented and be#ame a &hristian at the first then you are still a &hristian=
but Eod will not allow you to live in your sin for a long time. /e will allow
<atan to 7ill your body. 1 &or is an eNample of this. <o fight and resist sin2
6/ "here are times you should not pray for a sinning brother. .hen is that6
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 John :16
.hen a member is P.O.W.
they are trapped and need
help getting res#ued. "hey
want res#ued. "hey are
trying to es#ape.
.hen a member is P.O.W.
they are trapped and need
help getting res#ued. "hey
want res#ued. "hey are
trying to es#ape.
"his is
an enlisted man or woman. "hey are a member. "hey have signed up and have
@oined of their own free will. "hey were not drafted. Aut with the passing of
time their HinterestsI have #hanged. <omething more important has #aught their
eyes. "hey HfeelI good about themselves= be#ause they #leaned up their life and
stopped a lot of bad habits with the help of the #hur#h. <o now they ta7e off.
"hey a#tually #hange sides in this <piritual Aattle. "hey stop standing with the
army of Eod that is fighting against <atan= <in and the .orld. "hey leave and
go @oin the ;nemies of Eod. "hey give many reasons for why they are going
away. Aut ea#h reason is a bad reason to Eod. Eod wants first pla#e in our life.
<o that means they are %bsent !ith Out Leave from /is %#tive <ervi#e C /is
Jesus told a story about this 7ind of person. /e #leaned up their life. "hey
seemed really ni#e and li7e everything was good but loo7 at what happened to
them. &onsider their end2 "hin7 about what Eod said would have been better for
that person$
Lu1e 11:14-262 20
Jesus #anst out a devil and made a manKs life mu#h better2
3/ Jesus said that a house divided against itself will )0000000000000 vs. 1-
4/ Jesus did not divide his house >#hur#h5 /e was standing against <0000000.
9/ Jesus said that /e was li7e a strong man that entered into <00000000 house
and over#ame him. vs. 22 "hen too7 away all of the armor <atan gave them
and also too7 away the powers that <atan gave them.
15/ Aut was this man <%:;96 000000000000 .hy6 vs. 23
11/ 9id the man @oin with Jesus6 000000000 vs. 23
12/ 9id the man start gathering with Jesus6 000000000 vs. 23
10/ .hat happened to the devil that left the man6 :s. 24
14/ .hen the devil returns to his former home is it filled with the /oly <pirit6
00000 <o= is the man a &hristian6 00000000000. Fou see Jesus 7nows
manKs thoughts and his heart >vs. 1-4 Jer. 1-:185. /e 7nows if a man is true
and serious or @ust playing games. /ere Jesus #learly shows what happens
to the HpretenderI who says that Jesus #hanged his life. Fes= /e is freed
from a devil and the powers and bad habits that #ame with it. Aut
be#ause the man did not give his heart to Jesus the man was '("
saved2 "he /oly <pirit never moved into his heart. "hen when the
devil returned he brought seven of his friends with him that were
more wi#7ed than the first and moved ba#7 in2
NO Life Guard Wanted
.hen a member is A.W.O.L. they
are not trapped by the enemy. "hey
@oin with the enemy. "hey do not
want to be res#ued and they
are not trying to es#ape.
NO Life Guard Wanted
.hen a member is A.W.O.L. they
are not trapped by the enemy. "hey
@oin with the enemy. "hey do not
want to be res#ued and they
are not trying to es#ape.
Insert for &hristian M.I.A.s
&ir#le the pi#tures that are 9%'E;*(+< be#ause they #an get your mind off of
&hrist and /is #hur#h.
.rite out ;phesians :11
.rite out 1 "imothy :28
Insert for &hristian M.I.A.s
&ir#le the pi#tures that are 9%'E;*(+< be#ause they #an get your mind off of
&hrist and /is #hur#h.
.rite out ;phesians :11
.rite out 1 "imothy :28

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