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Healthy Eating Simplified

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In the realm of eating I see two extremes happening in America. On
the one hand, meal time has been reduced to a drive through window
or something from a box, thats ready in minutes. Families just
dont have time to cook anymore On the other hand, healthy eating
has become way too complicated, with many varying opinions on what
is healthy and what is not.
In fact, have you ever thought about feeding your family more
nutritious foods, but just did not know where to begin? Perhaps you
have even bought one or two of the many books on the subject of
healthy eating, only to find yourself more confused than enlightened.
Well, do not feel alone. Twenty five percent of Americans say they are
confused about what is healthy and what is not.
Many of us have found that as we search for answers we often find
that even the experts do not agree on the subject of healthy eating.
Raw food diet, low carb diet, fruit and vegetable juice diet, coupled
with lists of cant haves, leaves us asking the questions, Does
healthy eating really have to be this complicated? Does it have to be
that different from what my family likes? Or Is there really anything
wrong with good old meatloaf and mashed potatoes?
The answer to these questions is, absolutely not! With just a few
simple steps you can put meal time back in its proper perspective and
serve healthy foods that you family will not only eat, but enjoy!
One basic principle, however, must prevail over our endeavors to
change our eating habits. We must return to a diet consisting of real
food. By real food, I mean food that is created by God to nourish
our bodies and that is eaten in a form as close to the way God created
it as possible. For example, eat an apple instead of an apple flavored
fruit bar or a highly processed package of apple sauce. Eat real
meats, real vegetables and real fruit. Choose real eggs and real
butter. You do not have to become a vegetarian or change to a raw
foods diet or become a meat eater for that matter. Just make real
food choices from the many wonderful options that God has given us,
that best suits your familys likes and meets your bodys needs. The
exciting part is you can begin today and even shop in the regular
grocery store. Shop the perimeter of the store to find the real food.
The important thing to remember is to just GET REAL.
With this basic principle in mind, there are a few specific steps you can
make that will bring drastic and noticeable improvements to the health
of your family.
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Step 1: Eat Real Bread Buy a Grain Mill -There is one exception
to finding real food in the grocery store and that is BREAD! Of all the
foods God has given us, bread, or food made from grain, is the most
altered by man. The grocery shelves are filled with denatured,
processed grain products. Real bread, however, is bread made from
freshly milled whole grains. Without making your own bread and grain
foods it will be difficult to obtain real bread or the remarkable health
benefits it will bring.
For our ancestors of 100 years ago, whole grains and real bread were
the staples of their diet. They did not suffer the cancer, heart disease,
or diabetes as we do today. In fact, in 1900 America was the
healthiest of 93 countries surveyed. By 1920 it had dropped to 2

and thereafter Americas health continued to rapidly decline. Today,
America is the world leader in chronic sickness and disease as well as
obesity. What happened to cause such drastic changes in Americas
Prior to the 1900s most bread baked in this country was done so at
home. Grain was milled at the local miller or homes had mills of their
own so that flour could be milled as needed and used before it spoiled.
The bran and germ portions of the whole grain contain many vital
nutrients to good health that oxidize quickly once the flour is milled
and the germ portion contains oils that go rancid as well. In the late
1800s steel rolling mills were invented that sifted the bran and germ
portions away, leaving white flour that would not spoil. Thinking this a
wonderful discovery, steel rolling mills soon replaced the local millers
and by 1910 white flour and white bread became food for the common
Three diseases became epidemic immediately and health officials
traced the problem to the new white flour that had taken over the
market. They urged the millers to put the bran and germ portions
back into the flour but the millers refused, choosing instead to enrich
the white flour. For the 25-30 nutrients lost by removing the bran and
germ, only 4 were replaced. Unfortunately, the synthetic vitamins and
minerals used to enrich or fortify foods are often forms that our
bodies can not readily absorb.
This is a significant turning point in Americas health history. You see,
white flour and white bread have always been around, however, its
consumption was reserved for the wealthy or royalty. Royalty could
afford servants, who would sift out the bran and germ portion to make
white flour dainties and delicacies as mentioned in Proverbs 23:3.
Proverbs 23:1-2 warns us that this is deceitful food and that we should
even put a knife to our throats lest we be given to gluttony.
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The invention of the steel rolling mills made white flour available to the
common people, rich and poor alike. By 1920, bread and bread
products had drastically changed and Americas health has been
declining ever since. Today, most of what we eat has been so altered
by processing and preserving it can hardly be called bread at all.
America is now the fattest nation in the world, evidence that we are
truly given to gluttony. We are now the world leader in heart
disease, cancer and diabetes. Asthma has increased by 200% in the
past 10 years and the number of children with type II diabetes
(previously called adult onset) is alarming. Americans, old and young
alike, are dependent on antihistamines and allergy relief medications
and constipation is no longer an old persons problem.
Recent government studies state that whole grains reduce the risk of
these now common health issues, yet God knew all along. In
Deuteronomy 24:6 God instructed the Israelites in wise business
practices. It was customary to take a pledge from someone when
making a loan. God declared, however, that no man shall take a mill
or upper millstone in pledge, for he would be taking a life in pledge.
(emphasis mine) God knew the importance of bread for maintaining
life and health, therefore the capacity to mill grain was equated with
the very life of a person.
Since 1992 I have been teaching on the health benefits of grinding
your own grains to make your own breads. We have heard literally
thousands of testimonies of improved health from this one dietary
change alone. In all my years of study of healthy eating and trying
many different ways to improve my health and the health of my
family, I have never seen one change bring such immediate and
noticeable results as when we began milling our grain and making
bread. The best part is the bread tastes good and will have your
family begging for more!
How important is this first step to improving your familys health? IT
Though this first step may seem hard, it is definitely worth it. The
immediate improvements in health will not only encourage you to go
on in your journey, but will also you give you the energy you need to
move forward. If you never make any other changes in your familys
diet, than real bread, you will still experience many health
improvements. But, there are a few more simple steps you can make
that will bring even more positive results.
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Step 2: Drink More Water Most of us have become very concerned
about the food we eat, but neglect the importance of what we drink. A
person can fast from food for as long as 40 days and not die, yet a fast
from water for longer than 3 days brings death.
Water makes up 65-75% of the human body and is essential for life
and the proper functioning of the body. Most of us, however, do not
clearly understand its life-giving role, nor do we drink enough.
Valuable nutrients, as well as oxygen, are continually brought into our
cells by water, while it also carries waste products away from our cells.
This process of transporting and eliminating is essential for the health
and function of every cell in our bodies. Necessary nutrients vary from
cell type to cell type but the transport vehicle remains the same
Since water is instrumental in flushing toxins and waste from the
body, if the body does not receive enough water these toxins build up
and hinder the proper function of the cell. Both our digestive and
eliminative processes are adversely affected by the build up of toxins.
Sugar and chemical laden beverages, such as teas, coffee, soft drinks,
and fruit juice drinks (even the 100% juice drinks) do not have this
cleansing potential. Since we would certainly not consider cleansing
the outside of our bodies with one of these beverages, why do we
think they can replace pure clean water for cleansing the inside of our
Step 2 then in our quest for better health involves replacing the sugar
filled beverages we consume with water. A great place to start is first
thing in the morning. Begin each day with an 8 ounce glass of water,
before anything else goes in your mouth. I call this priming the
pump. Morning is your bodys main cleansing time. Drinking a glass
of water will get things moving. I have noticed also that drinking
water first thing in the morning enables me to distinguish between
thirst and hunger. It will actually help you to want more water
throughout the day.
Step 3: Friendly Bacteria The more I study the human body the
more I am amazed at the importance of replenishing the good bacteria
that lives in our colon. These good guys play a vital role in our
immune function. This friendly flora suppresses the growth of
pathogenic bacteria and yeast. America is one of the few countries
that does not have a cultured or fermented food as part of its daily
diet. By cultured food, I mean yogurt and kefir, both fermented dairy
products, or a fermented vegetable such as sauerkraut. Yogurt and
kefir are the easiest foods to incorporate into a healthy eating program
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but they of course need to be real containing at least 5 different
live active bacteria and not heavily sweetened, flavored or colored. A
good plain yogurt or kefir can easily be blended into a fresh fruit
smoothie or sweetened with honey and frozen fruit, it can be eaten
like ice cream. I enjoy eating yogurt with my granola instead of milk
or at breakfast, I often serve yogurt and fruit as a side dish. Try to
consume at least a cup every day.
If dairy allergies are a problem I would supplement with a good
probiotic which can be purchased at any health food store.
Step 4: Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Making a conscientious
effort to eat more fruits and vegetables will do a lot to improve your
bowel health as well as supply your body with many of the vitamins
and minerals so important to good health. Begin to replace sugary
snacks with a piece of fresh fruit. I have noticed that hungry people,
especially children, will eat the most convenient thing. Make fruit
more convenient than chips and crackers. Try to have a fresh
vegetable, cooked or raw, at least once a day.
Step 5: Get Rid of the Junk At some point we have to make the
decision to get rid of the junk in our lives. I am not a purest by any
stretch of the imagination, but my little junky splurges are rare these
days. I found that by eating real food, especially real bread, my
craving for sweets and junk food have greatly diminished. Begin to
read labels. Make wiser choices, choosing real food over processed
foods. Again make real foods more available than less healthy ones.
A great question to ask yourself before partaking of these little
dainties and delicacies is Will this food add to my health or take it
Step 6: Exercise You may be wondering what exercise has to do
with healthy eating, but physical activity is critically important to the
function of both our lymph and elimination system. So our health is
not only about what we eat, but also about what we do!

God created our bodies to work. Unfortunately we find ourselves in an
era that does not typically require much physical labor in the work
force. Most of us now have to work at exercising. Regular exercise
does not have to be complicated, just regular. A nice long walk can do
wonders for your physical health. Find and activity you enjoy and
Healthy Eating Simplified

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Step 7: Rest And on the seventh day God ended His work which
He had done; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work
which He had done. And God blessed the seventh day, set it apart as
His own, and hallowed it because on it God rested from all His work
which He had created and done.
Genesis 2: 2-3
We should not get legalistic here, but we must find time to rest, each
day, as well as weekly. Plan your days and weeks so you can look on
your accomplishments as God did and say It is good then sit down,
relax or better still turn out the lights (and computer) and go to

Will changing the way you eat, or live, reverse or prevent life
threatening diseases? Maybe Maybe not, but everyone should
experience improved health when we begin to give our bodies what
they need. This is not rocket science. God lovingly caused the earth
to produce food that would perfectly nourish the bodies He created.
Man cant improve on God. Its that SIMPLE!

To request a free 90 minute CD on the health benefits of real bread or
to read more articles by Sue Becker go to www.BreadBeckers.com
Visit our bakery website at www.realbreadcompany.com

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Pressure Cooker Brown Rice Pudding (whole grain)

1 T Butter
1 cup short grain brown rice (don't use long grain)
2 cups water
2 cups milk
pinch salt
1 egg
5 T Sugar
1 vanilla pod
1/2 cup golden raisins

Melt butter in pressure cooker. Add rice, and stir to coat grains with
butter. Add water and salt. Cover and lock pressure cooker. Bring to
high pressure and cook on high for 10 minutes. Let pressure reduce
naturally. can be done ahead of time.

Fill rice in seperate bowl , clean cooker and grease bottom with
butter, add rice and milk, split vanilla pod in half, scrape out the mark
and add both to the pot. Boil until pressure builds up and cook on high
pressure for 10 minutes. Let sit for about 5 minutes, then open and
check consistency of the rice. Whole grain rice will always be firm, with
some bite to it, similar to al-dente. The liquid should be soupy, it will
thicken in the next step.

Meanwhile, mix together egg, sugar together and spoon 2-3 Tblsp. of
hot milk from the pc into the egg mixture, then mix well. Add raisins.
Beating the rice/milk mixture constantly, pour the egg mixture into the
pressure cooker. Stir for a minute to thoroughly combine. Bring the
mixture under stirring to a boil, then boil gently for one minute.
Remove from heat and let sit to thicken. Sprinkle cinnamon over the
dish when serving.


Dont be discouraged when you remove the pressure cooker
lid. The butter-rice-milk mixture will look very soupy but it
will thicken up nicely when the egg-sugar-vanilla mixture is
Healthy Eating Simplified

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This recipe makes a loose/wet/custardy rice pudding rather
than a dry rice pudding.

Black Eyed Peas and Eat Your Veggie Rice

1 cup black eyed peas
1 cup rice medley
2-3 Tbs. Eat Your Veggies seasoning mix
1 tsp. salt
few dashes of pepper
4 cups liquid, beef broth works well

Regular pot:

Bring to a boil and reduce heat to a simmer. Simmer for 1 hour.

Pressure Cooker:

Bring to a boil, put the pressure lid on and lock. Bring pressure to 2

Reduce heat to regulate pressure to stay at 2
line. Cook 20 minutes.
Use natural release method.

Pressure Cooker Pasta Alfredo

1 cups broad pasta, (Penne, Pici, Fusilli)
2 shallots, finely diced
Olive oil
1 cup light cream
1 cup chicken stock
2/3 cup grated Parmigiano
1/3 cup chopped fresh parsley
Pinch Nutmeg
Salt and pepper

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Heat up the Blue Point pressure cooker (or pressure skillet) over
medium heat with some olive oil, add diced shallots to saut for 2-3
minutes without browning. Stir in cream and chicken stock, add
ground nutmeg and bring to boil. Add pasta, stir ones, close and lock
lid and heat to build up pressure. When the indicator shows the second
level, turn down the heat to minimum and cook for 5 minutes then
release steam and open skillet. Add the grated Parmegiano and the
parsley and stir everything. Serve with fresh ground pepper. side.

You can use different types of fresh herbs like tarragon, basil or thyme
and you can use different cheeses.

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