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Islam is Intolerant

Muslims and Dhimmis claim that Islam is tolerant. Their claim is proved to be maliciously and malignantly
3:85. And whoever seeks a religion other than Islm, it will never be accepted of him, and in the
Hereafter he will be one of the losers.
3:86. How shall Allh guide a people who disbelieved after their belief and after they bore witness
that the Messenger !Muhammad " is true and after clear proofs had come unto them# And Allh guides
not the people who are $lim%n !polytheists and wrong&doers".
3:87. They are those whose recompense is that on them !rests" the 'urse of Allh, of the angels, and of
all mankind.
3:88 . They will abide therein !Hell". (either will their torment be lightened, nor will it be delayed or
postponed !for a while".
The specific conte)t of *urah Al&Imran +.,- applies to apostates who embraced Islam and later re.ected it.
/ut the words are clear0 1nly Islam is accepted and Muslims curse those who choose 'hristianity or
2udaism. That is the antithesis of tolerance.
*upremacism is not tolerant. In verse 334 we find Allah telling Moe that Muslims are the best of peoples.
(ote the conte)t0 it is one of waging war against disbelievers, who will either flee in fear or mount an
ineffective defense because llah will terrori!e them.
3:""#. $ou 5true believers in Islmic Monotheism, and real followers of 6rophet Muhammad and his
*unnah !legal ways, etc."7 are the best of peoples ever raised up for man%ind& you en.oin Al&Ma8r%f
!i.e. Islmic Monotheism and all that Islm has ordained" and forbid Al&Munkar !polytheism, disbelief
and all that Islm has forbidden", and you believe in Allh. And had the people of the *cripture !2ews
and 'hristians" believed, it would have been better for them9 among them are some who have faith, but
most of them are Al&:si;%n !disobedient to Allh & and rebellious against Allh8s 'ommand".
3:""". 'he( will do (ou no harm, barring a trifling anno(ance9 and if they fight against you, they
will show you their backs, and they will not be helped.
3:""). Indignit( is put over them wherever the( ma( be, e)cept when under a covenant !of
protection" from Allh, and from men9 they have drawn on themselves the <rath of Allh, and
destruction is put over them." This is because they disbelieved in the Ayt !proofs, evidences, verses,
lessons, signs, revelations, etc." of Allh and killed the 6rophets without right. This is because they
disobeyed !Allh" and used to transgress beyond bounds !in Allh8s disobedience, crimes and sins".
Muslims are the best, we can8t resist, indignity and destruction are put over us9 how tolerant= *ahih
/ukhari >.>4.,4 e)plains the true meaning of +.334 with great clarity. Muslims are the best as they drag us
to Islam in chains.
Sahih Bukhari Volume 6, Book 60, Number 80:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Verse:--"You (true Muslims) are the best of peoples ever raised up for
mankind." means, the best of peoples for the people, as you bring them with
chains on their necks till they embrace Islam.
<aging perpetual war is not a token of tolerance. *urah Al&Anfal ,.+? commands perpetual war
against pagans until only Allah is worshiped.
8:3*. And fight them until there is no more :itnah !disbelief and polytheism0 i.e. worshipping others
besides Allh" and the religion !worship" will all be for Allh Alone 5in the whole of the world 7. /ut if
they cease !worshipping others besides Allh", then certainly, Allh is All&*eer of what they do.
*urah At&Taubah ?.@? commands perpetual war against 2ews, 'hristians A $oroastrians until they are
sub.ugated and pay e)tortion. *ubse;uent ayat curse us. How tolerant=
*:)*. +ight against those who !3" believe not in Allh, !@" nor in the Bast Day, !+" nor forbid that
which has been forbidden by Allh and His Messenger !C" and those who acknowledge not the religion
of truth !i.e. Islm" among the people of the ,cripture !2ews and 'hristians", until the( pa( the
-i!(ah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
*:3#. And the 2ews say0 8DEair !FEra" is the son of Allh, and the 'hristians say0 Messiah is the son of
Allh. That is a saying from their mouths. They imitate the saying of the disbelievers of old. llh.s
/urse be on them, how they are deluded away from the truth=
Those 2ihad imperatives are not anachronisms9 they have no e)piration date, no geographic limits, no
provocation is re;uired and they are codified in *hari8ah0 Geliance of the Traveller o*.8 A ?.?. Hedaya, the
*hari8ah of the Hanafi school of Islamic 2urisprudence, as practiced in colonial India, adds some detail in
Holume II, /ook II, which beins on page 3C4. 2iEya is a species of punishment for disbelief and a payment
in lieu of destruction. Disbelief is an evil which must be removed from the world by death or Islam.
Tolerance my ass===
Islam is intolerant9 its intolerance is enshrined in the Jur8an and codified into Islamic law. 'ursing us and
waging war against us because we are not Muslims is the epitome of intolerance.
<hen there is conflict between ayat, the rule is first in0 first out. Batter revelations abrogate earlier, more
passive and tolerant revelations. If you doubt this, refer to )."#6 A "6."#". . *urah At&Taubah was K33+,
*urah A9&Anfal was K,,. Muslims like to cite *urah Al&/a;arah @.@->, K,L, which is abrogated.
):)56. There is no compulsion in religion. Herily, the Gight 6ath has become distinct from the wrong
path. <hoever disbelieves in Tgh%t and believes in Allh, then he has grasped the most trustworthy
handhold that will never break. And Allh is All&Hearer, All&Mnower.
N...(o compulsion in religion...N can not withstand N...fight them until...only Allah is worshiped...N
There is another abrogated verse they do not generally use, but they could try it. *urah Ounus wasa K-3, it
is abrogated by ,.+?.
"#:**. And had your Bord willed, those on earth would have believed, all of them together. *o, will
you !1 Muhammad " then compel mankind, until they become believers.
"#:"##. It is not for any person to believe, e)cept by the Beave of Allh, and He will put the wrath on
those who are heedless.

*urah Al&Maafiroon, K 3, would be abrogated by ,.+? if it was preaching tolerance, but it is not. It is
separating Moe and his followers from the Mafirs, whom Allah will cast into Hell on 2udgment Day.
"#*:". *ay !1 Muhammad !" to these Mushrik%n and Mfir%n"0 N1 Al&Mfir%n !disbelievers in Allh,
in His 1neness, in His Angels, in His /ooks, in His Messengers, in the Day of Gesurrection, and in Al&
Jadar, etc."=
"#*:). NI worship not that which you worship,
"#*:3. N(or will you worship that which I worship.
"#*:0. NAnd I shall not worship that which you are worshipping.
"#*:5. N(or will you worship that which I worship.
"#*:6. NTo you be your religion, and to me my religion !Islmic Monotheism".N
(ote the title of Ibn Mathir8s e)egesis of this surah0 N1e commanded 1is 2essenger to disavow himself
from their religion completel(N.
'afsir l3-alala(n implies abrogation.
Oou have your religion, idolatry, and I have a religionP, Islam0 this was 4revealed5 before he was
commanded to wage war 5against the idolaters7 !all seven JurPQnic readers omit the yQP of the
genitive possessive construction 5in wa&liya dRni7 whether with a pause or without9 OaS;Tb, however,
retains it in both cases".
'afsir Ibn bbas leaves no doubt.
!Dnto you your religion" of disbelief and ascribing partners to Allah, !and unto me my religion" Islam
and faith in Allah. 'he verses of fighting then abrogated this and the 6rophet 7pbuh8 did fight
*urah A9&Anfal A *urah At&Taubah contain 2ihad imperatives which demonstrate Islamic intolerance.
Those imperatives are confirmed by an authentic saying collected by Imam /ukhari. In that saying, Moe
denies the sanctity of our blood A property and denies our human rights, effectively declaring open season.
That is not tolerance.
,ahih 9u%hari :olume ", 9oo% 8, ;umber 387:
(arrated Anas bin Malik0
Allah8s Apostle said, <I have been ordered to fight the people till the( sa(: .;one has the right to
be worshipped but llah.. nd if the( sa( so, pra( li%e our pra(ers, face our =ibla and slaughter
as we slaughter, then their blood and propert( will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with
them e>cept legall( and their rec%oning will be with llah.N (arrated Maimun ibn *iyah that he
asked Anas bin Malik, N1 Abu HamEa= <hat makes the life and property of a person sacred#N He
replied, N<hoever says, 8(one has the right to be worshipped but Allah8, faces our Jibla during the
prayers, prays like us and eats our slaughtered animal, then he is a Muslim, and has got the same
rights and obligations as other 2uslims have.<
<hen Muslims meet us on the road, they are commanded to elbow us into the ditch. That is not tolerance.
,ahih 2uslim9oo% #)6, ;umber 538*0
Abu Huraira reported Allah8s Messenger !may peace be upon him" as saying0 Do not greet
the 2ews and the 'hristians before they greet you and when (ou meet an( one of them on
the roads force him to go to the narrowest part of it.
*hari8ah imposes restrictions on con;uered 2ews A 'hristians who do not convert to Islam.
6rohibition of building churches, ringing bells, public prayer and processions is not tolerant.
*uch non&Muslim sub.ects are obliged to comply with Islamic rules that pertain to the safety and
indemnity of life, reputation, and property. In addition, they0
&3& are penaliEed for committing adultery or theft, thought not for drunkenness9
&@& are distinguished from 2uslims in dress, wearing a wide cloth belt !Eunnar"9
&+& are not greeted with <as3,alamu .ala(%umN9
&C& must %eep to the side of the street9
&-& ma( not build higher than or as high as the 2uslims. buildings, though if they ac;uire a tall
house, it is not raEed9
&>& are forbidden to openl( displa( wine or pork, !A0 to ring church bells or displa( crosses,"
recite the 'orah or @vangel aloud, or ma%e public displa( of their funerals and feastda(s9
&L& and are forbidden to build new churches.
NN,ahih 9u%hari 6" !/ewley"
BIIIHII0 <hat is said about spears
It is mentioned from Ibn 8Dmar from the 6rophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, NMy
provision has been placed under the shadow of my spear, and abasement and humilit( have been
placed on the one who disobe(s m( command.N
Moe commanded his victims to convert to Islam, then he waged war against them. How tolerant is

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