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Analysing My findings from my Questionnaire

1. Here this result shows how many males and females have taken part in my initial survey
questionnaire. To make this entire Survey impartial, I have interrogated this to 9 males and
9 females, in order to keep my findings fair and also it will allow me to find about both
Genders opinion, as they usually differentiate it.

2. These responses show the age group and according to the chart, it shows that the
majorities are between the ages of 16 to 18 and then 19 to 21. the reason why I got mostly
16-18 years old age group is because I went around to people who study A’ levels. I
personally think this is actually the right age group to ask questions based on higher
education. The reason for this is because, this is the stage where students decide whether
they should consider higher education or not. The second highest level of this graph is the
ages between 19-21 age groups. This is another age association that I can find about their
beliefs in Higher education which might be different to the previous age group, as they are
under post 16. The 19-21 age groups will be useful, as I would find about their opinion in
Higher education stage.

How old are you?


3. According to this question, many people have said that they will be or are interested doing
Higher education. The reason why I got the majorities as the answer ‘yes’ is because I
asked people who actually do A’ levels and those are how actually want to go to University.
If I went different institutions like college, I would have had some different answers.
Nowadays many people consider Higher education, this is because many people have their
career aspiration and want to achieve their highest possibilities and therefore this result
reveals that many students are determined to get qualifications according to their interest in
Higher education.
Would you be interested doing Higher Education?



Yes No

4. This question doesn’t seem to be successful, because many people put down as they ‘don’t
know’. This doesn’t really help me in terms of finding about the spending power; however I
certainly do not think that this is going to affect my findings. On the other hand the some
seem to spend their money on educational resources like Tuition fees. Tuition seems to be
another way to get successful behind their studies. I personally think, tuition has helped
many people, in terms of getting their success in their studies.

5. This result seems to be quite interesting, the amount of the responses are given equally.
These responses seem to be reflecting with question number 3. This means the people
who have said that they have an interest in higher education seem to have the parents who
have experienced Higher education. It is precise that when parents have studied Higher
education, then most likely the children’s are going to consider Higher education as well.
This is because the parents teach their kids in a young age the value of education and that
continues throughout their life.

Did your pare nts /guardian do any Highe r Education?

Y es No
6. This question doesn’t have any potential as many respondents have said ‘No’ to this
question. The majorities have declared to this question that they haven’t seen any recent
documentaries based on Higher education. However, this shows that this topic doesn’t
seem to be a common topic used in documentaries and therefore this reveals that I have
chosen a topic that will be something unusual motif in a documentary.
7. When I asked the question to the audience, based on what angle they would consider if
they were in my position of doing this documentary, they all seem to be very interesting as
they have come up with different appeal of answers. First of all the main angle that some
have chosen are looking at the benefits of Higher education, how it can benefit their future.
This is the angle that I am going to look at; therefore I know what the audience would
expect. According to the responses, the question has helped me or allowed to stay on my
angle. The other angle that I really find interesting is looking at the opportunities after
graduating. This is something I could look at in my documentary; however this motif has got
a wide range of angle, so it will be hard to concentrate on one angle. Therefore, I am going
to stick with my angle that I have already chosen.

8. Here this result shows the majorities, which is 83.3% people have chosen the most
important feature in a documentary are facts and figures. Generally Facts and figures are
the most important factor in any sort of programmes, which makes it interesting. Not
surprisingly, 66.7% people have voted for Humorous talks. I personally think that humorous
talks are very important when it comes to this age group, as they want it to watch it with fun
and amusements. In general everyone has voted for at least one feature, so this means
every feature that I have included is substantial for my documentary.

As a Consumer, w hat is the most substantial feature that has to be

contemplated in my documentary based on Higher education?


l ks










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9. 81.8%people prefer it when it’s not formal. This shows they want the documentary to be
informally represented.
Does a Documentary alw ays have to be Formal? W ould you like it to be in
a serious tone w ith lots of facts and figures and more verbally
represented? (Formal means academic)

Yes No

10. Many have declared a general opinion towards this documentary, some say that this
documentary should be balanced between formal and informal, as it allows the audience to
be attracted to this type of documentary and it doesn’t bore them. However, few people
mentioned that this motif is a serious matter, so therefore it shouldn’t be informally

11. As this is an open question, some have come up with some interesting factors about the
benefits of Higher education. Some have said that it allows people to decide what they want
to do in the future. Another factor that has been mention is that it Can lead into a success
and gives you the qualification that will be required in the job market...Also doing HE is not
all about studying it is also about experiencing your individual life. This reveals that the
majority of students are ware of the benefits of Higher education but the question why are
some not bothered about Higher education.

12. When I asked them what the best way is to get qualification, the majority of the bulk have
acknowledged that university is the appropriate way to get qualifications. In general, many
see University as the only opportunity to get qualifications, where it has the demand for it.
13. When I have queried about what Higher education means to them, many have talked about
University. To conclude in general, many think that University is the best option to get the
best job they want. As the job market are decreasing now, they want more qualified people,
so University is the best way to get successful in future.

14. The half of the majority, have said that Higher education does not certainly have to benefit
everyone, however the higher proportion have said that this will be beneficial towards the
people who consider Higher education. This is a plus point, because this question has got a
niche audience, it only depends who is interested studying Higher education.
15. Most of the bulks have said yes to whether there is a purpose in higher education. This
shows their understanding towards Higher education, even though some are not interested
in Education.
Do you think the re is a purpos e in Highe r Education?



Y es No
16. When asked about how I could make the documentary appealing towards my target
audience, they have commonly said I may use interesting conventions like: public views,
interviews, music, bring in teenagers, in order to appeal to the young audience. These
answers have helped me to get an idea, of how to represent my documentary and also
show to me what they are expecting in this kind of documentary. Also I have been advised
to focus on the target audience and try to have as many vox pops as possible so you have
a lot of personal opinions.

17. This question has given me wide range of ideas, which helps me to give me creative idea
that I can put it in ma documentary. Many like it when it has got the direct mode of address
with humorous talks and less heavy talk. These are going to be my top priority when it
comes to present the documentary.

18. The common angle that they have said is looking at the positive and negative impacts of
higher education. However, if look at the negative impacts of Higher education, this may
change my angle, as I want people to see the importance of higher education.

19. When asked about if it aims at my target audience, the majority have said yes to the
question. This is the most important question, because this depends whether my
documentary can be a success or no.
Do you think this topic aim s at the targe t audie nce ?



Y es No

20. 90% of the people have voted that this motif has got the potential towards the audience.

Do you personally think this m otif has got the potential tow ards the



Y es No

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