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Trichromy Composite Image

I. CLASS: High School Class 9 12


II. TIME NEEDED: 50 minute class, 4 classes (1 day for introduction, 2 work days,
and 1 day for critiques).

important theme in artists work. A classic example of the prominent use of color
was Renaissance painter Joseph Turner (1775-1851), who was considered a master
colorist with the use of his impressionistic style and vivid, romantic colors. His The
Slave Ship painting is a well known example of his masterful impressionistic
romantic style. However, the color wheel for combining paints (also known as
pigments), as Turner used to create his fantastic colors, is different than it is for light.
There are many different kinds of color wheels depending on the medium, and the
traditional primary colors (the ones most people are taught in school) used for mixing
most pigments like paints, crayons, etc., are red, yellow and blue (RYB). For most
inkjet printers, for instance, this changes slightly to cyan, magenta, and yellow
(CMY), which when combined can produce every other color (with the addition of
black ink as well to produce shades). With light, its completely different. The three
primary color of light are red, blue and green (RGB) which combine to form every
other color. And although there are many different kinds of color wheels, there are
two basic categories that every color wheel falls into: Additive & Subtractive color
wheels, where things like inks and pigments follow the Subtractive color wheels, and
light is governed by the Additive color wheel (RGB).
A Russian photographer named Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1944) pioneered color
photophraphy at the turn of the 20
Century by shooting black and white film with 3
different filters (red, green, and blue filters) and then projecting those three images
together to form a color image using light. Since the actual film strip is a negative
image (with the black and white components inverted) the photographs are projected
using the complimentary colors of RGB which are CMY (cyan, magenta, yellow),
which when combined when making a print or a projection of the image, form a color
image. In the use of computer and digital-based forms of art, it is important to be
familiar with these different types of color wheels and especially the Additive color
wheel since that is the one governing light, TV monitors, etc.

IV. SUBJECT: Using photographs and Photoshop to make a composite images of three
combined images that utilize the RBG channels, creating an image that displays the
interrelationship between color using the Additive color wheel.

V. SUPPLIES: Photoshop software, computer, digital camera, and tripod if available.

VI. OBJECTIVES: Use the tools of Photoshop (e.g. manipulating and editing
photographs) and the principles and elements of design to create a successful image
that displays how the three primary colors of light (RGB) combine to create every
other color.

Ohio Art Content Standard- for grade 10
5PE: Explore the application of technology to the production of visual artworks
4PR: Establish and apply appropriate levels of craftsmanship to
complete artworks.
5PR: Understand and demonstrate how to access available digital tools
and innovative technologies to create and manipulate artwork
1RE: Apply methods of art criticism when discussing selected works of art.
3RE: Expand the use of arts-specific vocabulary to define and describe techniques
and materials used to create works of art.

State Standards in Other Disciplines
Acquisition of Vocabulary: Students use and understand color theory terms
Physical Sciences: Understands the nature of color in relation to its properties as a
wavelength of light and how when combined it produces a variety of colors, as well
as properties of how a photographic device captures and translates light into color

VIII. LEARNER OUTCOMES: Students will demonstrate an understanding working
with layers, channels, and basic editing tools such as Levels and Contrast when
creating a trichromy digital work of art. They should also keep in mind elements of
art and design such as composition, balance, and emphasis to create a unique,
carefully crafted trichromy image showing movement/change, and be able to
articulate their decisions using appropriate art vocabulary during discussion/critique.

IX. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: Keep liquids and magnets away from electronic

X. ALTERNATIVES TO THE LESSON PLAN: I will provide extra cameras for
students without digital cameras to take photos. If student has iPad or camera phone,
they may use those instead of a DSLR camera. If no camera is available, students
may find 3 images from the web (a triptych will typically work best).


1. Day 1 Introduce students to project and talk about color theories e.g. of light
VS pigments. Do a demonstration of how to make quick easy edits to photos to
get them ready for the trichromy process, and then how to create a trichromy
image using 3 separate images and then combining them to create a full color,
trichromy image. Talk about the history of color photography and how light
utilizes a different color wheel than what they are likely used to.
2. Day 2 Students should shoot at least 3 images with a camera (preferably on a
tripod) that depict something moving/changing in the scene between all 3 shots.
3. Day 3 - Students should have shot images to begin working on in class and
combining them using Photoshop. Spend the rest of the day as a work day.
4. Day 4 Do final critique and have a discussion about their final products. If
time allows, give students chance to make edits before turning in for final grade.

Assessment of student ability
to complete art activity
Excellent Good Average Needs
Criteria 1 Process:
At least 3 different images are
used (properly aligned) in
trichromy image that show
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 or less
Criteria 2 Craftsmanship:
Photos are properly edited
(levels, white balance, etc) e.g.
not too dark or distorted colors
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 or less
Criteria 3 Behavior:
Participates & shows respect for
students during project & class
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 or less
Criteria 4 Effort:
Took time to develop idea &
complete project. (Didnt rush.)
Good use of class time.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 or less
Criteria 5 Creativity:
Uses trichromy process to create
something purposeful and unique
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 or less
Total: 50 (possible points)

50 46 points = A 45 40 points = B 39 33 points = C 32 25 points = D 24 0 points = F

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