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Your 15 minutes programme.

Exercising three to five times per week for 15 minutes you can increase condition of the
muscles and ligaments, that secure your spine and keep them mobile and in good health.
Strengthening exercises help to build up strong muscles, and relaxing exercises increase
elasticity of the body. You should begin each set of exercises from initial position and follow
the instruction. ry to be relaxed and not in a rush.
!efore starting with new exercise set you should contact your medical adviser, especially if
you have any spine problems.
Don't force any exercises that cause pain.
"ay down on your back with up#lifted
knees, put your feet flat on the floor.
Your back should touch the floor with
it$s whole surface. %ut your hands on
the pelvis and breath deeply. You
should feel relaxed.
1. $a'ancing (ith pe')is.
o stretch back muscles, build up
abdominal muscles and increase pelvis
!y contracting buttocks and lower part
of your abdomen, slowly push with
lower part of the back to the floor. &old
on for five seconds, than relax. 'epeat
five or more times, and afterwards
return to the initial position.
"ay down on your back with up#lifted
knees, put your feet flat on the floor.
Your back should touch the floor with
it$s whole surface. %ut your hands on
the pelvis and breath deeply. You
should feel relaxed.
+. ,(isting 'o(er part of the -ac..
o stretch and build up back muscles.
Slowly move your knees on one side of
the body, and in the same time turn
your head into opposite direction. &old
for five seconds. 'epeat 1( or more
times, alternately. )fterwards return to
the initial position.
"ay down on your back with bend
knees, put your feet flat on the floor.
Your back should touch the floor with
it$s whole surface. %ut your hands on
the pelvis and breath deeply. You
should feel relaxed.
/. 0u''ing .nees.
o stretch lower part of the back and
buttock muscles.
Slowly pull your knees to the chest.
&old for five seconds. 'epeat five or
more times, gradually try to repeat *(
or more times. )fterwards return to
the initial position.
"ay down on your back with bend
knees, put your feet flat on the floor.
Your back should touch the floor with
it$s whole surface. %ut your hands on
the pelvis and breath deeply. You
should feel relaxed.
1. Lifting hips.
o build up buttock muscles.
+ithout bending your back, slowly lift
hips trying to keep your body straight
in line from shoulders up to your
knees. &old for five seconds, move
hips back down. 'epeat five or more
times. )fterwars return to the initial
"ay down on your back with up#lifted
knees, put your feet flat on the floor.
Your back should touch the floor with
whole surface. %ut your hands on the
pelvis and breath deeply. You should
feel relaxed.
5. 0artia' sit2up.
o build up abdominal muscles.
,ross your arms on your chest and put
your hands on your shoulders. &ide
your chin between crossed arms. %ull
your abdominal muscles in and lift the
torso. 'epeat five or more times.
)fterwards get ready for another initial
"ay down on your back with one knee
bent and foot flat on the floor. %ut
another leg straight on the floor. Your
back should touch the floor with it$s
whole surface. %ut your hands on the
abdomen, to feel how muscles will
work while doing the exercise.
3. 0u''ing the 'eg.
o stretch hips, lower part of the back
and buttock muscles.
-ove your bent knee slowly towards
your chest. .eep the other leg,
buttocks and your back pressed down
to the floor. &old for five seconds.
'epeat five or more times, change legs
and repeat again. )fterwards return to
the initial position. /on$t forget about
regular breathing and relaxing.
"ay down on your back with one knee
bent and foot flat on the floor. %ut
another leg straight on the floor. Your
back should touch the floor with it$s
whole surface. %ut your hands on the
abdomen, to feel how muscles will
work while doing the exercise.
4. Lifting straight 'eg.
o stretch hips, thigh tendons and
build up muscles.
+hile pressing to the floor with lower
part of the back, lift straight leg up to
the vertical position. &old for five
seconds. )fterwards slowly put your
leg back straight on the floor. 'epeat
five or more times, change legs and
repeat again. )fterwards get ready for
another initial position.
,HE 5L!!#
"ay down on your stomach, keep your
feet slightly apart, try to relax back
and abdominal muscles. %ut your
forehead on the floor. his position
can be difficult at first. 0f you have
problems to relax your neck, try to
put your head like you would like to
look down your body to see your feet.
6. 0ressing 7o(n (ith e'-o(s.
o stretch your back and maintain it$s
proper curvature.
.eep your neck in natural position and
lift your torso off the floor. ry to
press your forearms to the floor. )t
the same time try to keep you
stomach and hips pressed firmly
against the floor. &old for *(#1(
seconds, and afterwards go back
slowly to the initial position. 'epeat
five or more times. )fterwards get
ready for another initial position.
)ssume position on the floor on your
hands and knees. .eep your knees
exactly under your hips and hands in
straight line under your shoulders.
ense a little your abdominal muscles
to keep your back in a natural position.
.eep your neck in a normal position,
so your ears are on the arm level.
9. $en7ing of the -ac..
o build up abdominal and buttock
muscles, as well as stretch the back.
!end your back up while tensing
abdominal and buttock muscles. "et
your head hang freely, but keep hands
and legs in initial position. &old for five
seconds, and go back to the initial
position. 'epeat five or more times,
and go back to the initial position.
)ssume position on the floor on your
hands and knees. .eep your knees
exactly under your hips and hands in
straight line under your shoulders.
ense a little your abdominal muscles
to keep your back in a natural position.
.eep your neck in a normal position,
so your ears are on the arm level.
1:. #e'axing the -ac..
o stretch back muscles.
'elax back and buttock muscles, let
your back hang down freely. ry to
keep weight even through your body,
but don$t seat down. &old on for five
seconds2 go back to the initial position.
'epeat five or more times. )nd go
back to the initial position.
)ssume position on the floor on your
hands and knees. .eep your knees
exactly under your hips and hands in
straight line under your shoulders.
ense a little your abdominal muscles
to keep your back in a natural
position. .eep your neck in a normal
position, so your ears are on the arm
11. 8tretching arms.
o strenghten arms and upper part of
the back.
%ut one of your arms straight in front
of you, don$t raise your head, make
sure that the other shoulder doesn$t
drop. &old on for five seconds, and go
back to the initial position. 'epeat five
or more times, change arms and
repeat again. 3o back to the initial
)ssume position on the floor on your
hands and knees. .eep your knees
exactly under your hips and hands in
straight line under your shoulders.
ense a little your abdominal muscles
to keep your back in a natural
position. .eep your neck in a normal
position, so your ears are on the arm
1+. #ising 'egs.
o build up buttock muscles.
"ift one of your legs straight to the
back and keep in hori4ontal line over
the floor. &old on for five seconds.
/on$t let your back, head and
abdomen hang down, try not to bend
your back, keep your body straight.
3o back to the initial position. 'epeat
five or more times, than change legs
and repeat. )fterwards get ready for
another initial position.
Sit down on a chair, put your feet flat
on the floor. Your body should lean
forward a bit, to keep your balance
with two main buttock bones. 'elax
your arms, and keep the head the way
that your spine maintains its three
natural curves.
1/. 8i7e stretching.
o stretch back and side muscles.
'aise your arm straight over the head
and bend in the opposite direction, but
don$t twist your body. &old on for five
sec. 3o back to the initial position.
'epeat five or more times, than
change arms and repeat again.
Sit down on a chair, put your feet flat
on the floor. Your body should lean
forward a bit, to keep your balance
with two main buttock bones. 'elax
your arms, and keep the head the way
that your spine maintains its three
natural curves.
11. Leaning for(ar7.
o stretch back and buttock muscles.
+hile relaxing your neck muscles lean
forward. "et your arms and head hang
down. &old for 5 seconds. )fterwards,
using your abdominal and back
muscles, slowly go back to the initial
position. "ift your head last. 'epeat
five or more times, and go back to the
initial position.
Sit down on a chair, put your feet flat
on the floor. Your body should lean
forward a bit, to keep your balance
with two main buttock bones. 'elax
your arms, and keep the head the
way that your spine maintains its
three natural curves.
15. Hea7 turn.
o stretch neck muscles.
%ull your chin in but look straight
ahead, not down. urn your head like
you would like to look over your
shoulder. &old for five sec. 'epeat
five or more times on each side. )nd
go back to the initial position.
,HA,;8 ,HE END !5 ,HE E<E#%I8E8
=remem-er to repeat a'' of them at 'east t(ice a (ee.>

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