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ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

San Diego County Health and Family info Options




Serving our comunities since 2001




Good affordable nutrition is possible

Five easy ways to eat healthy
The facts about kids
and medication safety


Get the Facts and Join the Fight!

Parents, Protect Your Childrens
Health With Immunizations

Soccer scores a Goal for your health


Prosecutor Paul greenwood is on

a mission to stop elder abuse


Channeling grief into contribution


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SALUD+HEALTH INFO is designed for informative and educational

purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute
for personal medical attention, diagnosis or hands-on treatment. If
you are concerned about your health or that of a child,please consult
your familys physician or health provider immediately and do not try
to diagnose yourself.
SALUD+HEALTH INFO is published and distributed free of charge by ION
Publishing Co. All rights reserved. ION Reserves the right to edit all information provided to the publisher as it deems necessary with regard to all legal, public health ,
Federal, International and other standards for the proper publishing
of this periodical. We reserve the right to refuse any article and advertising at any time
. No reproduction of this magazine by any means is permitted without the written consent of ION Publishing
Company. ION has no affiliation with any health
organization or political group. ION is not responsable for the claims of advertisers, not
for the verity of submitted written articles.


Vaccines help prevent diseases that were once

common in this country, including polio, measles and
whooping cough.
If you are a parent or grandparent of babies or young
children, or if you provide child care for them, you want
to do all you can to protect their health. One of the
best ways to do that is to make sure the children are
up-to-date with immunizations which protect against
14 childhood diseases. But, a growing number of
San Diego parents are choosing not to vaccinate their
children, leaving them prone to illness. Making sure
children are protected from vaccine-preventable
diseases is more important than ever. Parents and
grandparents should ask their doctor or clinic to check
their childs immunization record and make sure their
baby is up-to-date.
Babies are not the only ones who should be
vaccinated. Parents, older siblings, grandparents,
health care professionals, and babysitters also need
to be up to date. High immunization coverage levels
mean fewer people get sick.
For more information about immunizations and
the diseases they protect against, please visit the
San Diego County Immunization Program
www.sdiz.org , and the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention www.cdc.gov
ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014



Healthy living is more than simple daily habits, it's a lifestyle. Regardless of your age and what you do for
work and leisure, how often do you wish you had more time to have fun and enjoy yourself with your family
and friends? And what is more important than teaching your kids or grandchildren to be healthy and happy?
Always remember that children learn by example; but sometimes being task-oriented and having a tight
schedule can leave us feeling burned-out and drained. This pattern of stress has to stop. You have to make
a priority of feeling well, or in other words, your happiness. It is not what happens to you; it is how you look at
what happens to you and the decisions you take.

Striving for a work/life balance is worth its weight in gold.

You need to take care of yourself because overloading yourself will cause your mindset, your relationships
and even your health to suffer. Whenever you are working hard or trying to solve a problem, it can be easy to
feel temporarily drained or low on mental energy. When you are low on energy because you have spent too
long focusing on a tough problem, take a break, but take a real break.
There are types of breaks that are very simple to do but will allow you to regain energy and clear your mind
so you can get back to work and focus. Whenever you need to recharge, take off five or ten minutes and grab
a piece of fruit and a sip of tea, or plain fresh water... or just sit back with your eyes closed and take a few deep
Sometimes you may need a change of scenery, so go outside for a brisk walk
and get some fresh air, or you can try to take a 30-minute, or one-hour nap. Sleep
makes you feel better, but its importance goes way beyond just boosting your
energy and your mood.
Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit
your heart, weight, mind, and more. Sleep needs vary, but most
adults do best with seven to nine hours of nightly sleep. Getting
at least seven hours of sleep will go a long way toward improving
your focus during the day. Certain tasks require a lot of our focus
and energy. By taking steps to increase our energy levels through
proper diet and exercise, it is easier to focus.

Take care of your health

An important step toward good health is becoming
aware of your own personal risk for chronic diseases.
Some risks, such as smoking cigarettes or being overweight, are obvious, but other risk factors, such as
high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol, have
few visible signs or no symptoms at all. To learn more
about your risk, make an appointment with your doctor for a thorough checkup.

ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Eat healthy.
Fatigue breaks us down
physically and emotionally and
wreaks havoc on the immune
system, making us more susceptible to illness, depression,
and even chronic conditions like
heart disease. Moreover, proper
nutrition and the timing of what
you eat can do wonders to make
you feel alert and powerful.
For example, breakfast really is
the most important meal of the
day. Not only does it give you
energy to start a new day, but
breakfast is linked to many
health benefits, including weight
control and improved performance. Eating breakfast is
important for everyone, but is
especially so for children and
adolescents. According to the
American Dietetic Association,
children who eat breakfast
perform better in the classroom
and on the playground, with
better concentration, problemsolving skills, and eye-hand coordination. Additionally, certain
nutrients, especially iron, may
help us to feel more energized.
Iron is essential for producing
hemoglobin, which carries
oxygen to our bodys cells,
where it is used to produce
energy. Too little iron (iron-deficiency) has also been shown to
decrease immunity, and can
cause fatigue and impair
physical and mental
endurance. Great
plant sources of iron
include beans, lentils,
spinach, and sesame
seeds; eating them
with vitamin C-rich
foods can boost iron

Exercise makes you feel more relaxed, stronger, and

more capable of handling lifes challenges. Exercise is
for everyone who wants to feel better; it opens you up by invigorating
your mind and body. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. You may
also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise
regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem.


Research shows that as little as 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on all days of the week, helps to protect and maintain your
health. This level of activity can reduce your risk of heart disease as
well as lower your chances of having a stroke, colon cancer, high blood
pressure, diabetes, and other medical problems.
Exercise and physical activity deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And
when your heart and lungs work more efficiently, you have more energy
to go about your daily chores.

You dont have to join a gym, or sign up for exhausting

classes to reap the benefits!

Examples of moderate activity are taking a brisk walk, light

weight-lifting, dancing, raking leaves, washing a car, house cleaning, or gardening. If you prefer, you can divide your 30-minute activity into shorter periods of at least
each. Now - go
ahead and take
dance classes,
hit the hiking
trails or join a
soccer team.
Find a physical
activity you enSo, joy, and just do
balance between
your job and caring
for yourself, making
time for the things
that ignite your joy,
and eating a healthy, balanced
diet, along with regular exercise
and seeing your doctor can keep

ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Good, Affordable Nutrition is Possible

Rising food prices are making it increasingly difficult for families to prepare cost-friendly meals. When resources
are limited, the 99-cent specials may get more attention than the homemade meals that may seen more
expensive. Eating out costs money and uses extra gas. Preparing food at home allows YOU to control what
goes in to your food. Food prepared at home can be healthier. If you have children or grandchildren involve
them in the meal planning and preparation to build their kitchen skills. If you allow them to participate, to offer
ideas and to help in choosing and preparing foods, not only will you be teaching them to choose the right
foods, but also to cook and eat healthy foods.

You can have delicious and healthy dishes that fit your budget. The
key is in planning what and how much to buy and how to prepare it.
These tips will help you get started.
Healthy eating starts with learning new ways to eat.
A variety of foods each day will help you get all the nutrients
you need. Most days, eat from each food groupgrains,
protein foods, vegetables and fruits, and dairy. Choose
different foods in each food group.
Cook once, eat twice. Making a large batch by
doubling a recipe will save time in the kitchen later
on. Extra portions can be used for lunches or meals
later in the week, or freeze leftovers in
individual containers for future use. If you
must have snacks on hand like cookies,
smaller portions help you avoid
overindulging. Keep healthy foods in
sight, like fruit on a bowl in the kitchen or
cut-up vegetables in the refrigerator. You
and your family are more likely to choose
them over less healthy snack foods.

Save time by
cooking large
ground beef and
chicken and then
puttting in the
freezer in smaller

Plan ahead, take advantage of what you

have and try to save time when cooking.
Decide on the meals and snacks you
want. Before you head for the grocery
store, plan your meals and snacks for the
week. Review recipes for what
ingredients are needed. Check to see
what foods you already have and make
a list of what you need to buy. When
planning the foods to add to your list, you
should also take into account how
perishable they are.


ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Multiply Multiply
Your Grocery Money!

Some foods should be eaten that same day;

otherwise, freeze them. For example, you can make
spaghetti and pastas, divide them in three parts and
freeze two of them. Since this dish will have been
previously cooked, it will not take as much time to
prepare. As you cook them, you can combine them
with other foods, such as chicken, beef chunks, and
fresh vegetables, and by simply adding a sauce,
you'll have a hearty dish that can be accompanied
by mashed potatoes and fresh salad, which will
make the dish bigger and healthier at every
occasion, plus providing variety with the same dish.

In 2012 alone, more than 36 million tons of food

waste were generated, and only three percent of
that waste was diverted from landfills for
composting, according to the EPA.The fact is that
some of that food waste could become useful
compost, but what about if instead we tried to save
money by multiplying or cloning our vegetables
instead composting? Even though it can sound too
good to be true, re-growing your groceries is

Eat a snack or a meal and a glass of water before

you shop. With a full stomach you are less tempted
to buy ready-to-eat foods, candies, chips, or fast
food, or drinks to satisfy your hunger or thirst.

If you take a minute and look at what are you

throwing away, you may find some vegetables that
can be re-grown from scraps. Yes - it means that
you can grow your own vegetables without starting

Small changes in your shopping

habits can mean saving money
at the grocery store.
Look for specials and seasonal foods. Only use
coupons for foods you need; sometimes coupons
tempt you to buy things you don't need. Reevaluate everything. Do I need this? Buy ONLY
whats on the list.
Buy smart, and be realistic. Shop healthy.
Include some healthy snack foods and special
treats on your shopping list. Remember to include
some healthy convenience foods, such as cut-up,
bagged, fresh vegetables or lower-calorie or lowersodium frozen foods.
Dried beans and peas are a good source of protein
and fiber. They last a long time without spoiling.
Be aware of downsizing. Keep track of the price
as well as the quantity or weight you are buying. A
trend in recent years is for manufacturers to keep
the same sized packaging and same product price,
but reduce the quantity of product inside the
package. This trend has been most commonly seen
in baby food, and coffee, as well as paper and
cleaning products.

Continued on page 18

ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

and onions. Place the root end in a dish of water. Make

sure that the roots are in the water, but do not
submerge the rest of the plant. Place it in a sunny
window and spray with water 1-2 times a week to keep
the top of the plant moist. After a few days, you should
start to see roots and new leaves appear. After a week
or so, transplant it into soil with just the leaves showing
above the level of the soil. The plant will continue to
grow, and within a few weeks it will sprout a whole
new head. You can also plant your cutting directly
into soil (without starting the process in water) but you
will need to keep the soil very moist for the first week
until the new shoots start to appear.

Multiply your Grocery Money

Continued from page 7
from seeds!
So you wont need to buy them again - and you
will also have some aromatic houseplants. There
are three main ways you can grow plants from
scraps: depending on the plant, you can start
growing it in water, pebbles or soil, and most
plants will eventually need to be transferred to
soil. But since the beautiful San Diego climate is
on our side, you can grow plants both indoors
and outdoors.

Onions, Leeks, Scallions, and Fennel can be easily

re-grown. For any of the four simply place the root
end in a jar of water; it will begin to re-grow within just
a few days. Just make sure to replace the water with
fresh as needed. For basil, cilantro and garlic, when
they start to sprout theyll grow stronger roots if they
are placed in a glass of water as well. Once the roots
are long enough, just plant them in a pot. In a few
weeks, new sprigs will start, and in a few months you'll
have a full plant ready to enjoy in salads, pasta and
as a garnish.

Vegetables and herbs that you buy once and

enjoy can re-grow and reproduce forever! Never
buy another head of lettuce again. Don't throw
out the end of romaine! Use it to re-grow a head
of lettuce. Like growing lettuce, growing green
onions, celery, Bok Choy, cabbage, basil, parsley,
pineapple, and avocados, all can be re-grown by
using a dish with lilt water to encourage roots and

This is the best time of year to eat and then reproduce

the vegetables you enjoy the most. Your success
re-growing lovely, fresh veggies from scrap may vary;
some veggies just propagate more easily than others.
So, go ahead and experiment its lots of fun!

Cut the leaves or stalks off to about an inch above

the roots on lettuce, celery, Bok Choy, cabbage


ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

If you are:

Pregnant, breastfeeding, or have children under 5 years old

You can get:
Breastfeeding support
Nutrition and health education
Referrals to health care
Special vouchers for healthy foods
Low wage, working families (and migrants)
are welcome to apply

( 1-888-942-7942)

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. # 47 VOL. 12 2014




The benefits of healthy eating for
children go beyond development and
healthy growth. Healthy eating can
stabilize childrens energy, sharpen
their minds, and even out their moods.
By encouraging healthy eating habits
you can make a huge impact on your
childrens lifelong relationship with
food and give them the best
opportunity to grow into healthy,
confident and successful adults.


dairy, and protein.

Fresh, canned, dried and

frozen fruits each supply a
wealth of vitamins and minerals, most notably vitamin
C and potassium. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that
helps control infections and aids your body in
producing collagen, a substance necessary for healthy
bones, teeth and blood vessels. This vitamin also
helps neutralize free radicals, which can decrease
your risk of certain illnesses and diseases. Potassium
is a mineral essential for the health of your heart and
muscles. It also helps your body maintain a healthy
Make Fruit & Vegetables easily accessible.
Have a bowl of fruit on your counter and have
freshly-cut fruit & veggies in the fridge ready
to go.

Research shows that introducing fruits, vegetables,

whole grains, and other healthy foods in the early
years increases the chance that children will like
trying out new healthy foods. Talk to your doctor
or a registered dietitian about the nutrient-rich
foods your baby needs and when to introduce
When children are offered a balanced diet over
time, they will develop good eating habits. To help
with the selection of healthier food choices, the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) has designed
an easy-to follow symbol: My Plate.
MyPlate focuses on eating a variety of foods from
the five food groups. Each food group by itself
provides some, but not all, of the nutrients and
energy children need. This is why variety is the
key to planning meals using MyPlate. The foods
we offer children each day should include choices
from all five food groups: grains, vegetables, fruits,

ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Variety is the spice of life. Add different colors

to their plates. This encourages them to eat a
variety of vitamins too!



Protein Foods

fluid balance.

disease and cancer.

All vegetables supply nutrients, and the more

colorful they are, the higher the concentration of
key vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A and
folate. Vitamin A is crucial for the health of your
eyes, but it also encourages your body to produce
healthy white blood cells. Additionally, it helps your
body maintain bone mass, and aids in the health
of your skin. Many vegetables, most notably leafy
greens, also provide folate, a B vitamin that helps
reduce the risk of certain birth defects, such as


Meat, beans, nuts, seeds and tofu each supply

a healthy dose of protein. Your body relies on
protein for each of the functions it carries out and
to produce energy from the foods you eat. Protein
foods are also a healthy source of iron, a mineral
that is crucial for the formation of healthy red
blood cells and for the movement of oxygen
through your body. Zinc is another mineral
present in many protein foods. This mineral
supports a healthy immune system and aids in
wound healing and cell division.


spina bifida.
The most notable benefit of eating plenty of grains
is the amount of fiber you get. Whole grains supply
several grams of fiber per serving, and choosing
them over refined grains is a smart choice. A diet
that includes plenty of fiber can reduce your risk of
constipation, heart disease and diabetes. Enriched
grains, such as bread, pasta and breakfast cereal,
also contain a healthy dose of B vitamins. B
vitamins, such as riboflavin, thiamin and niacin, aid
in energy production and might also reduce your
risk of certain health problems, such as heart
Make healthy food look FUN turn something that
can be a little boring into something the kids are
excited to eat! You can use cookie cutters to make
shapes too. Fill their plates with FUN food!

Dairy foods are usually associated with

calcium, a mineral essential for strong teeth
and bones. Dairy foods, such as milk, cheese
and yogurt, are also healthy sources of
phosphorus, and milk supplies a good amount
of vitamin D. Phosphorus works with calcium
to support healthy bones and teeth and also
helps you maintain a regular heartbeat and
contract your muscles properly. Vitamin D
helps your body absorb calcium. It also
supports a healthy immune system and might
reduce your risk of certain illnesses, such as
heart disease and cancer.

For more information about the Five groups and eating plans and
serving sizes, visit: ChooseMyPlate.gov.


ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Tips for Cleaning

Fruits, Vegetables

If you think foodborne illness is only caused by animal

products, think again. Last year, the U.S. experienced
several large outbreaks of illness caused by fruits and
vegetables. Do you know how to make sure the produce
you serve is safe?
Federal health officials
estimate that nearly 48
million people are sickened
by food contaminated with
harmful germs each year,
and some of the causes
might surprise you.

Wash your hands for 20 seconds

with warm water and soap before
and after preparing fresh produce.
Cut away any damaged or bruised
areas before preparing or eating.

Although most people know

animal products must be
handled carefully to prevent
illness, many dont realize
that produce can also be the
culprit in outbreaks of
foodborne illness. In recent
years, the United States
has had several large
outbreaks of illness caused
by contaminated fruits and
spinach, tomatoes, and
Glenda Lewis, an expert on
foodborne illness with
the Food and Drug
Administration, says fresh produce can become
contaminated in many ways. During the growing
phase, fruits and veggies may be contaminated
by animals, harmful substances in the soil or
water, and poor hygiene among workers. After
produce is harvested, it passes through many
hands, increasing the contamination risk.
Contamination can even occur after the produce
has been purchased, during food preparation, or
through inadequate storage.

FDA says to choose produce that isnt bruised

or damaged, and make sure that pre-cut
itemssuch as bags of lettuce or watermelon
slicesare either refrigerated or on ice both
in the store and at home. In addition, follow
these recommendations:

produce while
holding under
plain running
water. Theres
no need to use
produce wash.
Wash produce
peel it, so dirt and
bacteria arent
transferred from
the knife onto the
fruit or vegetable.
Use a clean vegetable brush to scrub firm produce,
such as melons and cucumbers.
Dry produce with a clean cloth or paper towel to
further reduce bacteria that may be present.
Throw away the outermost leaves of a head of lettuce or cabbage.
Store perishable produce in the
refrigerator at 40 degrees or below.


ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Avoid Foodborne Illness


Food safety tips to prevent foodborne illness at both homes and

businesses by The County of
San Diego Department of
Environmental Health :
Keep refrigerator and freezer
doors closed. Keep potentially
hazardous foods, such as meat
or poultry, chilled to 41F or less.
Do not place hot or
unrefrigerated foods in the
refrigerator once the power has
gone out. It will raise the
temperature inside the unit. Chill
food with ice baths as needed.
Any foods that were prepared
prior to the power outage that
were not rapidly cooled should
be discarded.
If the freezer is not full, group
packages together so they will
retain the cold more effectively.
Without power, a full freezer will
keep everything frozen for about
2 days. A half-full freezer will
keep food frozen 1 day.
If you have advance warning
of a power outage and if the
outage is anticipated to last
more than 4 hours move foods
that must be refrigerated to the
freezer as space will allow. If
necessary, use block ice or
bagged ice for supplemental
Keep meat and poultry items
separated from other foods so
if they begin to thaw, their juices
will not drip onto other foods.
Discard any thawed food that
has risen to room temperature
and remained there for four (4)
hours or more.


Kitchen ventilation units will

shut off during power outages.
Be advised that there have
been reports of smoke, heat
and grease emissions setting
off alarm and fire suppression
When in doubt, throw it out!
When the power comes back
on, all potentially hazardous
foods must be evaluated for
proper temperatures. Bacteria
can multiply rapidly on
potentially hazardous foods
that have been at room
temperature for more than 4
hours. Thawed foods that are
at 41F or below should be
used as soon as possible. Do
not refreeze thawed foods.
For more information on food
handling, visit the U.S.
Department of Agriculture
If the power outage lasts more
than two hours, permitted food
facilities should contact the
Food and Housing Division at


Lead poisoning is a serious

menace. The disease can
permanently and irreversibly
damage the developing brains
and other organs of young
children. Serious effects can
include lowered intelligence,
behavior disorder, and slowed
physical development. Once
poisoned, a young childs
chances for academic, social and
occupational success are
significantly diminished.
Lead poisoning is a silent threat to
your children that could be lurking
in many places around your home
or property. It is a preventable
condition caused by breathing in
lead dust or eating something that
has been contaminated with lead.
"Lead poisoning is still a risk as
long as there are people living in
older homes that may have leadbased paint, said Lillan Jalali,
community health promotion
specialist, from the San Diego
County Health and Human
Services Agency Childhood Lead

Main Sources of Lead

Lead-based paint is a hazard if it
is peeling, chipping, chalking, or
cracking. Even lead-based paint
that appears to be undisturbed can
be a problem if it is on surfaces that

ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

children chew or that

get a lot of wear and
tear. The older your
home is, the more likely
it is to contain leadbased paint.Besides
lead-based paint, other
potential sources include:
Contaminated dust
forms when lead paint
is dryscraped or
sanded. Dust can also
become contaminated
when painted surfaces
bump or rub together.
Lead chips and dust
can gather on surfaces
and objects that people
touch or that children
put into their mouths.
Contaminated soil
occurs when exterior
lead-based paint from
houses, buildings, or
other structures flakes
or peels and gets into
the soil. Soil near roadways may also be contaminated from past
use of leaded gasoline
in cars. Avoid these areas when planting vegetable gardens.
Other Sources of
Lead: Contaminated
drinking water from
older plumbing fixtures,
Lead-based painted
toys and household furniture, Imported leadglazed pottery and
leaded crystal, Lead
smelters, Hobbies, Folk
remedies like azarcon
and pay-loo-ah, and
cosmetics like kohl and


Lead poisoning is preventable

If you think your home has high levels of lead:
Get your children tested for lead, even if they seem
Do not use imported pottery to store or serve food.
Let tap water run for one minute before using.
Use only cold water for making your babys formula,
drinking, and cooking.
Always wash your hands before eating.
Make sure your children eat healthy, low-fat foods high
in iron, calcium, and vitamin C.
Wash childrens hands, bottles, pacifiers, and toys.
Regularly clean floors, windowsills, and other surfaces
using wet methods
that control dust.
Wipe or remove
shoes before entering your house.
If you rent, it is
your landlords job
to keep paint in
good shape. Report peeling or
chipping paint to
your landlord and
call your health department if the
paint is not repaired safely.

Your Family
From Lead
In Your

Lead from paint chips, which

you can see, and lead dust, which
you cant always see, can both be
serious hazards.

Removing lead improperly

can increase the hazard to your
family by spreading even more
lead dust around the house.

Dont try to remove paint yourself!

Get your home tested for lead if it was built before
Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP)
Lead poisoning often occurs with no visible or obvious
symptoms and frequently goes unrecognized. Even low
levels of exposure can cause learning and behavioral
problems.The only way to find out if your child has lead
poisoning is to get a blood test.Children with health
insurance should be tested for lead poisoning by their
health care provider any time it is possible the child
might have been exposed to lead. The CLPPP
recommends that children with publicly-funded
insurance be tested when they are 1 and 2 years old
and any time up to the age of 6 if they have never been
screened before.
Medi-Cal and low-income
children can get free medical checkups, including a
blood lead test. For information call the Child Health
and Disability Prevention Program at 1-800-675-2229
or 1- 800-424-5323.


Just knowing that a home has

lead-based paint may not tell you
if there is a hazard.

The National Lead

Information Center
1- 800-424-LEAD

The Department of Housing

and Community Development

ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

The Facts about kids and Medication Safety


Children are curious by nature, and it makes sense that they would be even more
curious when it comes to medication. Many medications look and taste like candy.
While its important to encourage our kids to explore and discover new things,
when it comes to medication, we want to be careful to keep them safe. Here are
a few tips to show you how.

Store Medicines Safely

Keep all medicines in
their original packages
and containers.

Put all medicines up and away and out of sight including your
own. Make sure that all medicines and vitamins are stored out of
reach and out of sight of children. In 3 out of 4 emergency room
visits for medicine poisoning, the child got into medicine belonging
to a parent or grandparent.

Consider places where kids get into medicine. Kids get into medication in all sorts of places, like in
purses and nightstands. In 67% of emergency room visits for medicine poisoning, the medicine was left
within reach of a child, such as in a purse, on a counter or dresser, or on the ground. Place purses and
bags in high locations, and avoid leaving medicines on a nightstand or dresser.
It is estimated that in 38 percent of ER visits involving a
medicine poisoning, the medicine belonged to a
grandparent. Talk to grandparents about being extra
mindful with medicine or pillboxes when children are
Consider products you might not think about as
medicines. Most parents store medicine up and away or at least the products they consider to be medicine.
They may not think about products such as diaper rash
remedies, vitamins or eye drops as medicine, but they
actually are and need to be stored safely.
Put the toll-free number for the Poison Control
Center (1-800-222-1222) into your home and cell
phones. You can also put the number on your
refrigerator or another place in your home where
babysitters and caregivers can see it.

If your child has collapsed, is not

breathing, or has a seizure, call 911.


ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Some spider bites, like those of the black widow or

brown recluse, are also serious and can be lifethreatening. Most spider bites, however, are
harmless. If bitten by an insect or spider, bring it for
identification if this can be done quickly and safely.




By the National Institutes of Health

For emergencies (severe reactions):

Insect bites and stings can cause an immediate skin reaction.

The bite from fire ants and the stings from bees, wasps, and
hornets are usually painful. Bites caused by mosquitoes, fleas,
and mites are more likely to cause itching than pain.

Check the person's

necessary, call 911
and begin rescue
breathing and CPR.

In most cases, bites and stings can be easily treated at home.

However, some people have a severe allergic reaction to
insect bites and stings. This is a life-threatening allergic
reaction known as anaphylaxis, and it requires urgent
emergency care. Severe reactions can affect the whole body
and may occur very quickly, often within minutes. These
severe reactions can be rapidly fatal if untreated. Call 911 if
you are with someone who has chest pain, face or mouth
swelling, difficulty swallowing, trouble breathing, or goes into
The non-emergency symptoms vary according to
the type of insect and the individual. Most people
have localized pain, redness, swelling, or itching.
You may also feel burning, numbness, or tingling.

Reassure the person.

Try to keep him or her
Remove rings and
constricting items

because the affected

area may swell.
Use the person's
EpiPen or other
emergency kit, if they
have one. (Some
people who have
reactions carry it with
If appropriate, treat
the person for signs
of shock. Remain
with the person until
medical help arrives.

When to Contact a Medical Professional. Call 911

if the person is having a severe reaction:
Trouble breathing, wheezing, shortness of breath
Swelling anywhere on the face or in the mouth


Throat tightness or difficulty swallowing

Remove the stinger if still present by scraping the back

of a credit card or other straight-edged object across
the stinger. Do not use tweezers -- these may squeeze
the venom sac and increase the amount of venom

Feeling weak

Wash the site thoroughly with soap and water.

Place ice (wrapped in a washcloth) on the site of the
sting for 10 minutes and then off for 10 minutes. Repeat
this process.
If necessary, take an antihistamine, or apply creams
that reduce itching. Over the next several days, watch
for signs of infection (such as increasing redness,
swelling, or pain).
DO NOT apply a tourniquet.
Do NOT give the person stimulants, aspirin, or other
pain medication unless prescribed by the doctor.


Turning blue

Use appropriate insect repellants and protective
clothing, and also avoid perfumes and floralpatterned or dark clothing
Use caution when eating outdoors, especially
with sweetened beverages or in areas around
garbage cans, which often attract bees.
For those who have a serious allergy to insect
bites or stings, carry an emergency epinephrine
kit (which requires a prescription). Friends and
family should be taught how to use it if you have
a reaction. Wear a medical ID bracelet.
ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Get the Facts and

Join the Fight!
Mosquitoes are one of the deadliest
creatures on earth, spreading diseases like West Nile virus, malaria,
dengue, encephalitis, and others.

The Mosquito Life Cycle

-A mosquito has four stages of life:
1. Egg: Once laid in water, eggs will hatch in 2
to 3 days.
2. Larva: A mosquito larva looks like a tiny
wiggling worm in the water.
3. Pupa: A larva becomes a pupa and the adult
mosquito develops inside.
4. Adult: Total development time from egg to
adult can be less than 1 week during periods of
warm weather. The average mosquito will live
for about 2 weeks.

There is no human vaccine to prevent West Nile

virus and no specific treatment for the virus. The
best defense against West Nile Virus is to avoid
mosquito bites. You can reduce contact with
mosquitoes by taking the following actions:
If outdoors when mosquitoes are active, dress
in light-colored, long-sleeved clothing, long pants
and socks during dawn and dusk hours when
outdoors during prime mosquito hours. Apply
mosquito repellent with DEET to clothing and
exposed skin in accordance with label directions.
Make sure doors and windows have tight-fitting screens. Repair or replace screens that
have tears or holes.

Vector Control Program

Report dead birds on your property to the

Vector Control Program. Dead birds (crows, blue
jays and raptors) can be the first indicators of the
presence of West Nile Virus in the area.
Call Vector Control to get free mosquito fish for
green pools, ponds and fountains (858) 694-2888

The Best Defense is to

Avoid Mosquito Bites.

County of San Diego


Discard any outdoor container that might hold

water, or empty water from wading pools and bird
baths once a week.

Neglected swimming pools can be ideal sources

for larval development of the mosquito species
that transmits WNV and therefore a public health
hazard. Residents should report neglected pools.
Technicians would be dispatched to inspect and
treat the pool, as necessary, to eliminate the risk.
Worldwide, nearly 4 million people die each year
from various mosquito-borne diseases. Being
outside means youre at risk. The more time
youre outdoors, the more time you could be
bitten by an infected mosquito. By monitoring
and reducing mosquito populations, the County
of San Diego Vector Control Program protects
public health and promotes an environment
where residents can enjoy parks, open spaces
and other outdoor activities.

(858) 694-2888 | SDFightTheBite.com

ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014


ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Diego residents, two full years before
the virus was even confirmed to be in San Diego County.

Bill's Fight for His Life

Today he hopes by sharing his story he will help

others avoid getting sick.

Bill does not remember being bitten by a

mosquito. He does remember waking up on
Monday morning with a rash from his neck to
his feet. He immediately went to see his doctor
who sent him to the lab for some blood work to
try to determine the cause of the rash.

The West Nile virus, WNV is a potentially

life-threatening disease carried by birds.
Mosquitoes transmit the virus from infected
birds to people and horses.
The virus often goes
undiagnosed as many
people who contract the
virus show no symptoms.
Others get mild symptoms
ranging from headaches
to muscle stiffness, rash,
fever and nausea. These
symptoms are often mistaken for the flu.

By this point, the virus was

attacking Bills brain. He
has no memory of going
to the lab or driving back
to work.
By Wednesday, Bill was
shivering so much that his
jaw hurt. He also began
to hallucinate. His next
stop was the hospital
emergency room where
he spent the next 13 hours
getting tested for meningitis among other things.

In severe cases, the

encephalitis (inflammation
of the brain) and meningitis (swelling of the tissue
surrounding the brain and
spinal column).

As there is no treatment for

viral meningitis, his doctors
needed to find out if his
meningitis was bacterial or
numbness, paralysis,
viral. It took almost two
weeks to get the diagnosis.
headaches, hallucinations
By being aware of the illness, its
It was West Nile virus.
and loss of vision.
symptoms and preventive measures,
By then Bill had lost almost
we can all ensure a healthier San Diego.
30 pounds. He has very
Encephalitis and meningilittle memory of his long
tis can also affect memory
hospital stay. On a follow
and other cognitive functions. These neurological
up visit to his doctor, Bill found out that his
effects can be permanent. Nearly 1,200 deaths
doctors didnt know if he was going to make
have been reported nationwide since 1999, when
the disease was first discovered in the U.S.
Before he got West Nile virus, Bill Polick knew
a lot about West Nile virus (WNV. He was
For more information call or visit:
present at the Countys 2001 news conference
that exposed the threat WNV poses to
(858) 694-2888 | SDFightTheBite.com


ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

San Diego Now Has a

New Place to Play,
Exercise, and Relax!
Fireworks boomed, scissors snipped a
1,600 foot-long ribbon and fountains of water soared toward the sky all at the opening
of the Countys new Waterfront Park
Crowds of people looked on as the park
formally opened to the public, and then
stayed on to enjoy a wide range of festivities throughout the 12-acre site.
Designed with conservation in mind, two
of the parks three gardens feature droughttolerant plants. Drip irrigation rings the trees,
and planting beds reduce water usage.
Instead of concrete, decomposed granite
was used for walking paths, minimizing
storm water runoff. A concession building
was built to Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design, or LEED, Silver

A spectacular 830-foot-long fountain runs nearly

the length of the park and its jets shoot water 14
feet into the air. The fountains basins create a
one-inch-deep splash area for children.
The fountain is the most eye-catching feature of
the park. It uses 80,000 gallons of water that is
stored in an underground reservoir and reused
over and over again. The water is treated
constantly so it remains safe to the public.

The Countys newest park features an

expansive civic green along the entire
western side of the park with room for 3,900
people on the north lawn and 2,900 on the
south lawn, grand promenades and an
elevated terrace that wraps around the west
side of the building.

The park is open daily from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. and

people interested in reserving a spot for weddings,
company events and birthday parties can call
County Parks and Recreation at (619) 232-PARK
(7275) or stop by the new Parks office on
the southwest side of the building. For more
information about County parks, visit: sdparks.org.

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"We are reclaiming our

waterfront and that is
what today is all about,"
said Mayor Kevin
Faulconer. "It was a
parking space, now it is
a people space."


This park is the new showpiece of the

North Embarcadero, said Supervisor
Greg Cox. The Countys dream for a
park encircling our County Administration Center has finally come true, and it
will become a destination in itself for
residents and visitors alike.


The San Diego waterfront belongs

to the public, said Supervisor Ron
Roberts. I am immensely proud,
and grateful, to have been part of
a Board of Supervisors that showed
how a dream can become a lasting gift for future generations.

ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014


Disaster Can Occur Suddenly
and Without Warning


Living in a coastal state, we are faced with certain risks
for natural disasters and other emergencies for which
we must always be prepared.
Many different types of disasters can force people to
evacuate their homes, and proper and timely evacuation can be the difference between life and death. While
it may be difficult to leave your home, your support network, and your friends, it could be even worse to ignore
the warnings of emergency.
After the firestorm on May, the County of San Diego is
urging residents to be prepared and to take steps to protect you and your family.

Families can better cope with disasters and recover faster by
preparing in advance and working together as a team.. Planning what to do before a disaster strikes provides the best
protection for you and your family. Your plan should also include what to do when other disaster than earthquake may
occur such as Tsumani, Wild fire and even a home fire.It is
important to create a communication plan to help you and
your loved ones connect and get help.
A disaster could happen while parents are at work and children are at school. Complete a family disaster plan and review it every year to establish things such as a reunion location if you are separated from your family and identifying the
location of utilities around your home.
To complete a family disaster plan, visit, ReadySanDiego.org
and click the Family tab. Templates are available in English,
Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Chinese and Japanese.


Families should prepare an emergency
supplies kit. Gather
items for a home, work
and car emergency kit
to last three days at
minimum. The items
should be stored in a
ready-to-grab waterproof bag or container,
such as a plastic tub.
Pre-packaged emergency kits are available
at some big box stores
or at the American Red
Cross, but residents
can also put their own
kits together by buying
items or gathering
items from home.
Check your emergency
supplies throughout
the year to replace first
aid supplies, batteries,
food, and water as
Personalize your kits
for your family by considering the dietary
needs of infants, pets
and other family members. If anyone in your
family requires medication, keep an extra
weeks supply in your
kits. Keep a copy of important documents
such as insurance policies, identification, and
bank records in case
you have to evacuate
quickly. You can scan
and store them online
or on a thumb drive. Do
the same with family

One important step is to
download the Countys
free SD Emergency
app, available from both
the Apple Store and
Google Play. The app
has preparedness information, and provides
critical updates during
a disaster, such as shelters, health warnings
and other information.
Residents can also sign
up to get free emergency alerts by cell
phone during a disaster.
Register your phone for
AlertSanDiego. You can
register up to five phone
numbers per address.
During an emergency,
the County of San Diego emergency website
will be updated with
news including road closures and shelters.
If the power is out, you
can use your batterypowered radio to get
updates from KOGO
600 AM or XTRA Sports
1360 AM. Residents
can call 2-1-1 for emergency updates or services.
The County of San
Diego also will also
send out information on
Twitter via the San
Diego County, Ready
San Diego and San
Diego Listo accounts.

Please visit: ReadySanDiego.org for more information

ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014


Soccer Scores a
Goal for Your Health!
Each soccer player scores a goal in favor
of their bones health and their physical ,
mental and social development.
Soccer isn't the most popular sport in the world for
nothing. Millions of children across the world reap the
benefits of this demanding, yet fun, game. There are
many benefits of playing soccer for children, with one
of the main ones being to increase their level of fitness
and to teach them the importance of regular exercise.
Soccer is an aerobic sport, and getting children involved
in playing a game that involves as much cardiovascular
exercise as soccer does will help them to maintain a
healthy heart and lungs as they grow and develop.
Regular playing will also build muscle strength,
particularly in the legs, and improve their energy levels
over time.

Soccer is known as a high impact sport that

involves the players constant attention,
coordination, agility, education and
entertainment. In addition, during each match,
a soccer player is in continuous movement,
including the goal keeper, who has the most
responsibility and pressure during the match:
the defense of the goal line. Even though the
goal keeper might not run or move as much as
the other players, he is required to keep his
attention on all the moves and show agility in
stopping all the goal attempts.
No matter the result of the games, with
all of the skills that children learn through
playing soccer and take forward with
them later in life, any soccer-playing
youngster will be a winner.

Soccer is a sport that, when played during the

younger years, helps in muscle development
and strengthens the bone system in general
by increasing bone mineral density (BMD).
What many people may not think about when
considering enrolling their child into a sport are
the benefits of soccer for children beyond just
the physical fitness aspect of the game.
As a team sport, it is a great hobby to help
youngsters build social skills. Because soccer
players are required to work as part of a team,
communication skills are essential. Young
players will learn the importance and value of
working as part of a team; transferable skills that
they will continue to use and build upon
throughout their lives.By putting all of the skills
that they have learned into practice, youth teams
will work together and play together to be the
best that they can be.
Soccer is a sport that can begin as healthy
recreation, but has the potential of
becoming something professional, and
along the way, winning each match is a goal
to reach.


ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Avoid the most common soccer injuries


Safety Measures

Provided by:
The American Academy of Orthopedists

First, be prepared for

accidents by having present
someone who knows first aid
for minor injuries, such as face
cuts, bumps or minor sprains.
However, it is also important to
have someone at hand for
major emergencies, such as
concussions, dislocations or
elbow, leg, knee, finger or toe
Clinical studies have proven
that muscles are more easily
hurt when cold, which is why,
before engaging in any sport, 3
to 5 minutes should be devoted
to warm up and stretch
muscles. You may walk, jump
rope, bike or finish with 30
seconds of stretching.
The field should be in good
conditions, be flat, not wet, not
have any holes or trash, and the
ball should not absorb water,
since this makes them heavier
and an injury risk.
The players should wear
synthetic clothing, special
soccer shoes and shin guards
at each match or training

Soccer Heat Safety Tips

By The U.S. Soccer Federation
Even slight dehydration
performance and increase
the risk for heat- related
Thirst isnt an accurate
indicator of fluid needs. All
athletes should be
encouraged to drink on a
schedule or at regular
intervals before they
become thirsty.
Fluids to Avoid During
Practice or Games are:
Fruit juices, carbonated
beverages, caffeinated
beverages, and energy

-Regardless of thirst, drink every 20
minutes for one hour after activity.
Drinks high in sugar content can slow fluid
absorption and cause upset stomach.
Carbonation can reduce voluntary drinking
due to stomach fullness. Caffeinated
beverages have a mild diuretic effect and
could promote dehydration. Drinks high in
carbohydrates such as energy drinks slow
fluid absorption.
Children should wear light-colored, loosefitting clothing. Take breaks in the shade
whenever possible. Always have a phone
available and be familiar with emergency
numbers. Keep ice and ice towels on hand
in case of heat-related emergencies.

Learn the warning signs of dehydration and heat illness. If someone

becomes fatigued, dizzy, nauseous or has a headache during
exercise in the heat, have them stop, rest and drink fluids. Seek
medical attention if symptoms persist.

Those who attend the matches are recommended to not sit close to the goal area because there have been
cases of mortal hits caused by balls that do not make it into the net. Deaths among the players or attendees have
also occurred when the audience loses control, getting into fights and throwing objects.


ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014


Its hot...

Its humid...

Avoid Heat-related Illness!


Do you know the signs of

Watch for symptoms of HEAT EXHAUSTION



Be prepared to act by learning correct first

aid procedures ahead of time.


Heat Exhaustion Symptoms

Dizziness or lightheadedness
Mood changes, irritability, confusion or the
inability to think clearly
Nausea and vomiting
Pale, clammy skin
ACT IMMEDIATELY! If not treated, heat
exhaustion can advance to heat stroke
Move victim to a cool, shaded area. Don't leave
the person alone. If symptoms include dizziness
or lightheadedness, lay the victim on his or her
back and raise legs 6 to 8 inches. If the
symptoms include nausea or vomiting, lay the
victim on his or her side.
Loosen and remove any heavy clothing.
Give the person cool water to drink about a
cup every 15 minutesunless he or she is
nauseated or vomiting.



ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Fan the victim and spray with a

cool mist of water or apply a wet
cloth to the skin.
Call 911 for emergency help if
the person does not feel better
in a few minutes.

Heat Stroke
Dry, pale skin with no sweating
Hot, red skin



Mood changes, irritability,

confusion or the inability to think
Inability to revive from an
unconscious state
CALL 911 for emergency help
Move victim to a cool, shaded
area. Don't leave the person
alone. If symptoms include
dizziness or lightheadedness, lay
the victim on his or her back and
raise legs 6 to 8 inches. If the
symptoms include nausea or
vomiting, lay the victim on his or
her side.
Loosen and remove any heavy
Give the person cool water to
drink about a cup every 15
nauseated or vomiting.
Fan the victim and spray with a
cool mist of water or wipe the
victim with a wet cloth or cover
with a wet sheet.
Place ice packs under the
armpits and groin area.


the Heat
Slow down. Be your
most physically active
during the coolest part
of the day, usually
between 4-7 a.m.
Pace yourself when
engaging in physical
Stay indoors as much
as possible. If air
conditioning is not
being used, stay on
the lowest floor. Keep
shades down and
blinds closed, but

Air out hot cars before getting into them.

Never leave children or pets inside vehicles
at any time, even with the windows
cracked. Temperatures inside a vehicle can
reach lethal levels no matter what the
weather is like.
Drink more fluids than usual even if you do
not feel thirsty.
Water is the safest liquid to drink during
heat emergencies. Avoid drinks with
alcohol or caffeine; they make the heat's
effects on your body worse.
Eat small meals and eat more often. Avoid
foods that are high in protein, which
increases metabolic heat.

Electric fans do not

cool the air, but they
evaporate, which
cools your body.

Avoid using salt tablets unless directed to

do so by a physician.

Take a cool shower,

bath or sponge bath.

If it is safe to do so, leave windows open at

night. Open windows on two sides to create
cross ventilation.

Avoid using the oven.

If you take diuretics, ask your physician

about a lower dosage during hot weather.

Place a piece of cardboard covered with

Wear lightweight,
aluminum foil in sunny windows to reflect
loose-fitting, lightsunlight and heat away from the house.
colored clothing. Light
colors will reflect away
Call your physician if you feel you may be
some of the sun's
experiencing a heat-related illness.
Aging and Independence Services designates Cool Zone
sites air-conditioned settings where seniors and others can
gather during the heat of the day, lowering individual usage
and helping to conserve energy for the whole community.
For more information call 1-800-510-2020


ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

When Should You Go to the

By The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)
More than 300,000 Americans on average are treated in our
nation's emergency departments every day, according to the
latest government statistics, and patients are treated for a
wide variety of medical conditions. The American College of
Emergency Physicians (ACEP) offers a list of warning signs
that indicate a medical emergency.
If you think the medical condition is life-threatening or the
person's condition will worsen on the way to the hospital,
then you need to call 9-1-1 and have your local Emergency
Medical Services provider come to you.

Warning Signs that Indicate

a Medical Emergency.

Emergency departments see patients based on

the severity of their illnesses or injuries, not on a
first-come, first serve basis. With that in mind,
ACEP offers the following tips to patients when
they come to an emergency department in order
to get the best possible care as quickly as

Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath

Chest or upper
abdominal pain or

Bring a list of your immunizations, medications

and allergies with the name of each medication,
how often you take it, and for how long. A list of
allergies is important, especially if there are many
of them. Be sure to include medications, foods,
insects or any other product that may cause an
allergic reaction.

Fainting, sudden

vomiting blood

Changes in vision

Suicidal feelings

changes in mental

Communication is important. Please remain

calm. A calm attitude can help increase
communication with the doctors and nurses who
are caring for you. The more they know about
your situation,the more quickly proper treatment
can begin.

Difficulty speaking

Any sudden or
severe pain

There can be long waits in the emergency

department as doctors and nurses tend to those
with the most severe conditions, but by all means
tell us if you are in pain or there is any change in
your condition while you're at the hospital.

vomiting or



Shortness of breath
abdominal pain
ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Diabetes affects how the body uses
the food needed for energy. People with
diabetes have high blood sugar levels
because their pancreas either produces
little or no insulin, or the cells do not

Many Americans have prediabetes without knowing it.

How do people know if they have diabetes? People with
diabetes frequently experience certain symptoms, but in
some cases, there are no symptoms. In this case, people
can live for months, even years without knowing they
have the disease.
People with diabetes should see a health care provider
who will help them with their prediabetes or diabetes,
and give them referrals to
develop a care team.

respond appropriately
to the insulin that is
produced. Without enough
insulin, the
glucose stays in the blood. If
the glucose cannot get into
the cells, it builds up in the
blood. Excess of glucose
over time can cause health
problems related to diabetes such as damage to
the eyes, teeth, gums, kidneys,
system, and the emotional
Almost one out of every ten adults in the
United States has diabetes. In addition,
an estimated 41 million people ages 40
to 74 have entered the danger zone
known as pre-diabetes. Prediabetes and
Type 2 diabetes are more common in
people who are overweight, and
occurs more often in African Americans,
American Indians, some Asian
Americans, and Hispanics/ Latinos.
Diabetes prevalence in the United States
is likely to increase as a large segment of
these populations ages. The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention CDC is
projecting that the prevalence of
diagnosed diabetes in the United States
will increase 165 percent by 2050.

How is
The good news is that with
healthy eating, physical
activity, and by checking
their sugar levels, people
with prediabetes can do a
lot to prevent or delay
diabetes, and people with
type 1 and type 2
diabetes can also control their blood glucose levels and
reduce their risk of developing complications.
The county is coordinating interactive and goal-oriented
workshops called Healthier Living. The workshops
are held once a week for people with chronic health
conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, depression, heart
disease, COPD, or any chronic illness. There are classes
strictly for people with diabetes. Topics include
diet, exercise, medication management, cognitive
symptom management, problem solving, relaxation, communication with healthcare providers, and dealing with
difficult emotions. The Healthier Living workshops are
available at sites throughout the county. For more information please call: Kyra Reinhold (858) 495-5710 or
kyra.reinhold @sdcounty.ca.gov


ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Healthier Living
Do you have
an ongoing health condition?
Attend a Healthier Living Class!

It is FREE
It is for YOU


During six classes you will:

Enjoy a small group of 10-15 led by peers trained in self-management
Discover ways to better manage your health challenges and lessen their impacts on your life
Explore ways to reduce fatigue, anxiety, sleep loss and pain
Find ways to communicate better with your doctors, friends and family
Set goals and problem solve to make positive changes
Experience a supportive environment for focusing on wellness

Healthier Living with Chronic Conditions

classes starting on the following dates:
- June 7 (Saturdays) from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
at the Point Loma Library, 3701 Voltaire St., San Diego 92107.
- June 16 (Mondays) from 1:30 to 4 p.m.
at City Heights Square, 4065 43rd St., San Diego 92105.
- June 25 (Wednesdays) from 9:30 a.m. to noon
at Poway Villas, 13001 Bowron Rd., Poway 92064
- July 12 (Saturdays) from 1 to 3:30 p.m.
at the Casa de Oro Library, 9805 Campo Rd., Spring Valley
- July 15 (Tuesdays) from 10:15 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. at OASIS,
3rd floor of Macys, 1702 Camino del Rio North, San Diego 92108.

Sign Up!
Kyra Reinhold
(858) 495-5710
We are always adding
classes to the schedule.
Call us to find a location
near you.

- Spanish - July 15 (Tuesdays)

from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at the Public Authority,
780 Bay Blvd. #200, Chula Vista 91910.

ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Indicators of Adult Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation

Physical Signs

Psychological/Behavioral Signs

Dehydration or malnutrition


Scratches, punctures, burns, bruises

Lack of communication and talking

Broken bones

Isolation or withdrawal

Pain from touching


Soiled clothing or bed


Signs of Financial Exploitation

Missing personal belongings
Suspicious signatures

Frequent change of healthcare professionals

Signs of Caregiver Abuse

Forced isolation

Frequent checks made

......out to cash

Lack of affection or care for the adult

Elder has no knowledge of


Communicates to others that adult.is a burden

Conflicting stories or accounts of details

Numerous unpaid bills

Prevents adult from speaking with others

Discrepancies in tax returns

Prevents visitation from family and friends

Large bank withdrawal

Inappropriate sexual.relationship orlanguage

Unusual bank activity

History of mental illness, criminal

behavior, or family violence

A changed will

Abuse should not be kept in the dark!

By making a report you can save a life!
To report adult abuse, neglect, or
exploitation, please call:

This article is published for community education and awareness. Part of the information was provided
by: The Center for Injury & Violence Prevention, Virgina Department of Health.



ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Prosecutor Paul Greenwood

is On a Mission to Stop Elder Abuse
Seniors are living longer and more often in their own homes
independently. This can make seniors vulnerable to scammers.
More than fifteen years ago, the bosses at the San Diego County
District Attorneys Office told Paul Greenwood that he would begin
prosecuting elder abuse cases.To date, Greenwood and his colleagues
have prosecuted more than 350 felony cases. The San Diego office
is among only a handful of official elder abuse units in the country,
and Greenwood has made it one of the
most aggressive and respected foes of the
In his free time, Greenwood travels the
country educating the public on how to
protect against abuse. He also teaches
those on the frontlines how to better
enforce laws and prosecute offenders.
Creating a new division
about a little-known crime
was a tall order for the
something about career
challenges. He spent the
first 12 years of his legal
career as a barrister in
England, defending and
prosecuting criminal
cases. Then in 1991, with
his wife homesick for
her native San Diego,
Greenwood moved to the

Financial abuse can happen to

anyone, regardless of income level,
education, living situation, race,
ethnicity, religion or social status.
How to spot elder abuse and what
you can do about it:
The number one perpetrator of
physical elder abuse is the son
living at home with his widowed
mother. He is between 35 and 50.
He is either a single son who has
never left home, o a divorced son
who complains that he cannot pay
alimony so he comes back home,
or he has just returned from prison.
In every case, he is lazy and
Most of the time hes addicted
to drugs, alcohol or gambling, and
steals from his mother in order to
feed his addiction. The first thing
he takes is her jewelry, which
he pawns. Then he steals her
checkbook and cashes her pension
checks. When his mother finds out,
and confronts him, he hits her in
the face.

Paul Greenwood, Deputy District Attorney Head of

Elder Abuse Prosecutions San Diego District
Attorneys Office

"When I was given the task of establishing an elder abuse
prosecution unit in January 1996, my office previously had rarely
filed elder abuse charges. Today I am responsible for overseeing
multiple prosecutions that are being handled by experienced prosecutors throughout our county ranging from homicides, sexual asSalud+HEALTHinfo.com

saults, neglect, physical beatings

and financial exploitations. With
each case comes challenges, but
we are constantly learning new
techniques and are absolutely committed to protecting and enhancing
the lives of senior citizens in the
County of San Diego."


Other types of abuse: A lot of

financial abuse scenarios involve
unlicensed contractors who rip off
elderly homeowners. The opportunistic thief comes to the door
looking for an easy target. I show
telemarketing sweepstakes scams.

Continued on the next page

ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Prosecutor Paul Greenwood

Victims dont report these crimes
as theres fear of retaliation, concern that the adult children or police will try to remove the victims
and put them into a nursing
Its wrong to
stay silent because it gives the
crooks more
encouragement; they are going do it
again to somebody else.
I get very upset when I read crime
reports showing that an elderly
person walked into a bank and
asked to withdraw $5,000 in
cash. I call the manager and ask,
What are you doing allowing
your customers to pull out this
kind of money? they say, Well,
it is none of our business. I say,
Yes it is your business.
Nursing homes typically are also
reluctant to report immediately.
I hear about these cases by
asking the state department that
oversees nursing homes to send
me copies of citations that they
have already issued on specific
homes. Then I phone or e-mail
someone and ask, what
happened to that investigation?
In my view, there is a crime here.
Its scary. These crimes would
just go unprosecuted if I hadnt
pestered the state department.
Out of all my cases I would say
about 65 percent have a financial exploitation component. I get
many calls from people who are
frustrated because they tried to
report a financial exploitation
case and were told they had to
sue. This happens because

many police officers and detectives

are not trained to understand that
there are many wayssubtle, manipulative waysto steal
an elder, some subtle,
manipulative ways.
For example, the suspect meets the
elderly victim and starts to build a
unsuspecting victim with companionship. The suspect then tells the
victim that his car has been stolen
and that he needs to borrow $17,000
to purchase a car. The victim willingly writes out a check for $17,000.
The suspect makes no repayments.
When this scenario is shared with
the police, they say, I dont see a
crime here. Thats a consensual
transaction, and if you now have a
dispute over it, you need to sue that
There was a case that received
a lot of local attention, and the
primary perpetrator received two
consecutive life sentences plus nine
years on top of that. Very rewarding.
He was a salesman who sold a
vacuum cleaner to a charming,
sweet 75-year-old woman. Six
weeks later he came back, knocked
on her door at 10 oclock at night and
said he had broken up with his girlfriend and could he come in and use
telephone to call his
mother. Of course, she recognized
him and let him in. As he was being
led to the telephone, he jumped her
from behind. When she woke up,
she had been duct-taped from head
to foot, and put her into the trunk of
her own car for 26 hours without
food, water, or restroom breaks and
drove off in her car.
Eventually she felt she was dying


and she cried out to her late

husband to send an angel to
rescue her. An hour and a half
later, the vacuum cleaner salesman blew through a red light and
when the car stopped, a deputy
sheriff opened the trunk and
found the woman
almost dead. The jury only took
about an hour and 15 minutes
to convict him of torture and
attempted murder.
What keep me upbeat in my job
is because I love my job, and
I am very proud and passionate
about pursuing justice for all
victims. But there is an extra
emphasis when I see victims in
the latter stages of their life.
They are typically the most endearing, trusting, wonderful,
charming people and dont deserve this. And in many of the
cases, the defendants targeted
because they expected to get away with it.
I have learned a great deal from
defending these victims. A
majority of them are astonishing;
they are not entirely bitter about
what has happened to them.
They have been through World
War II, and they dont hold
grudges. Many times they are
devastated, but not vindictive.
It has also taught me a lot, I am
afraid, about human nature.
Thankfully, many times, the truth
will prevail.
Article written by Cynthia Ramnarace who

writes about Paul Greenwood

Attorney health and families from
Rockaway Beach,
encourages N.Y.A version of this
anyone who
article appeared on February 2010, in the
U.S. edition elder abuse to contact
of AARP Bulletin, with the
headline: Ending Elder Abuse.
the was updated, edited and The informaAdult Protective Services
reprinted in
hotline at (800) 510-2020. the
Salud+HEALTH info with permission from
local office of AARP. The information was reprinted and transalted to Spanish to
increase knowledge, and to raise community
awareness of Elder abuse risk reduction in
San Diego California.

ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Channeling Grief into Contribution

By Ellen Schmeding, Director, County Aging & Independence Services
In the 1990s when her mother was
dying slowly day after day from
Alzheimers disease, philanthopist
Darlene Shiley would have spent
every dollar she and her husband,
Donald, had to save her.

at our June 12 Aging Summit: Creating a Safe and Caring Community. She
will share more
about her caregiving
experience as well
as her passion for
finding a solution to
Alzheimers disease.

But as is still true today, there is

not enough money to buy a treatment or drug that doesnt exist, she
Besides losing her mother to
Alzheimers, Darlene lost her uncle
and aunt to the same disease. In
2010, she lost Donald, who suffered
with dementia related to cardiovascular disease.

The Aging Summit

was started in 1998 as a forum of discussion in
the community to help us all prepare for the growth
of an aging population. The event is held every
other year and focuses on different important topics, such as transportation, housing, life options,
intergenerational programs and technology. This
year, the focus is on safety as well as caring for

Sometimes I just want to sit down and cry, Darlene

says of her grief from these losses. But I found a
way to channel it. I decided to start funding a difference.
The Shileys acquired their wealth from Donalds creativity as a biomedical engineer. He developed devices, such as an artificial heart valve, that continue to save the lives of countless people. How
fitting that Darlene is choosing to continue this
legacy by funding medical research into Alzheimers
disease and helping groups like the Alzheimers Association that benefit those who suffer from dementia and their family caregivers.

Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Dianne Jacob

and Supervisor Greg Cox will host the event, and
will be joined by District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis.
Aging Summit sponsors include HHSAs AIS, Behavioral Health Services and Public Health,
SDG&E, the North County Action Network
(NorCAN), AARP and the Barona and Sycuan
Tribal Governments.

The Shileys have given their name and funding to

many health-related causes: UCSD Shiley Eye Center, the USD Shiley Center for Science and Technology, Scripps Shiley Sports and Health Center,
SDSU Shiley BioScience Center, the Palliative Care
Initiative at Cal State San Marcos, the Scripps Brain
Research Center and the Salk Institute research
on Alzheimers disease.

Additional Speakers:
Journalist and Passages author Gail Sheehy will
also address the topic of caregiving. She was her
husbands primary caregiver for the last 17 years
of his life before he died from cancer. She wrote
Passages in Caregiving to share her raw experi-

Darlene Shiley will be one of the keynote speakers



ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

ence of caregiving and that of others.

She likens the caregiving journey to navigating the twists in a labyrinth, and emphasizes that there is life after
Paul Greenwood, who heads the District
Attorneys Elder Abuse Prosecution Unit,
will present 10 tips for avoiding becoming a victim of scams and fraud.
Aging Summit Break-Out Sessions:
The Aging Summit will be held at two locations: The Town & Country Convention Center in Hotel Circle and at the California Center for the Arts in Escondido.
The keynote speakers will be live at
Town & Country and be webcast to the
North County audience. Each site will
have additional break-out sessions and
Some of the break-out session speakers at Town & Country will include
George Chamberlin, executive editor at
the Daily Transcript, business editor for
KOGO radio and money advisor on NBC
7; Mary Davis, third-degree blackbelt in
Karate; Nora D. Eisenhower with the new
national Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau; and Karen Barney with the Identity Theft Resource Center. There will be
a special track related to Alzheimers.
Among the North County speakers will
be caregiving researcher and expert Dr.
Sharon Hammill from Cal State San
Marcos; Jennifer Marsh from Elizabeth
Hospice; and panels on home safety and
civic engagement. North County will also
have an Outdoor Wellness Zone with a
variety of health screenings and health
education talks.
For more details on Aging Summit agendas and online registration, visit
You can also register by phone through
the AARP Registration Line: (877) 926Salud+HEALTHinfo.com

Por Denise Nelesen,

Countys Aging & Independence Services

Reassurance for Vets
In support of veterans and
military families, Legacy
Corps volunteers are
providing free regular
check-in calls. If a
scheduled call is not
answered, the volunter
notifies designated family,
friends or neighbors.
Frequency and duration of
calls are dependent on
needs and availability of
volunteers. The Legacy
Corps also provides regular
respite aid for families with
a veteran or military
member. For details, call
(858) 505-6300.

Senior Photography
The City of San Diegos
Senior Citizen Services is
having a photography
contest for adults ages 50
and older for the categories
of Abstract, Still Life,
Landscape or Portrait.
Entries will be accepted from
June 16 to 27 in the lobby of
the City Administration
Building, 202 C St. in
downtown San Diego. There


will be a limit of two pieces per

exhibitor. Pieces must be ready
to hang.
Award-winning entries will be
on display in the City
Administration Building from
July 7 to 17. For an application
or for more information, contact
Senior Citizen Services at (619)

Golf Event to Benefit

Elder Law
A charity golf tournament to
benefit the nonprofit Elder Law
& Advocacy is set for 11 a.m.
on Friday, June 27, at the
Rancho Bernardo Inn. The
$125 fee includes golf and
dinner. Proceeds benefit
programs for older adults,
especially elder abuse
prevention and education. To
register for golf, or for the
dinner and the silent auction
only, or sponsoring, call (858)
565-1392, ext. 210, or
RSVP by June 13.

Help for Mature

One of the products of a
previous Aging Summit is the
San Diego Mature Workforce
Coalition, a consortium of
experts on older adults and
ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

employment issues who have

been meeting regularly to
further the interests of older
adults seeking work options.
The coalition has created
www.sdmatureworkers.org, a
website with a variety of
resources for people seeking
opportunities, even career
One of the recent additions to
the website is The Career
Playbook Series: Boomers +
Second Half Plays, a sequel
to Plan B for Boomers and
Beyond. You can find both
booklets under Resources for
Job Seekers.
They were written by Carleen
MacKay, author and career
management consultant with
Ageless in America.

Special Kinship Days

As many as 22,000 families in
San Diego County have
grandparents or other relatives
generally referred to as
kinship families. To help
these families with resources
and to help them connect with
other similar families, two
regional Grandparents Raising
Grandchildren events are
being offered.
The first event will be held from
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, June
21, at the Chula Vista Learning
Community Charter School,
590 K St., Chula Vista.
Supervisor Greg Cox will host
this event. There will be
activities, education and

grandparents as well as the
grandchildren. Lunch will be
provided.Spanish translation
will be available. Sponsors
include HHSA, AARP and the
YMCA. To register for this
event, call the AARP
Registration Line at (877) 9268300 or register online at
The second Grandparents
Raising Grandchildren event will
be held on Saturday, Aug. 23,
at the San Marcos Senior
Center. More details will be
available in the July Aging &
Independence bulletin.

Official Kickoff for

Cool Zones

With the unexpectedly hot days

in May, Cool Zones have
already been go-to places this
year, but the official Cool Zone
kickoff will be held at 11:30 a.m.
on Thursday, June 26, at the
La Mesa Adult Enrichment
Center, 8450 La Mesa Blvd., La
Chairwoman Dianne Jacob,
who created the idea for the
Cool Zones in 2001, will host
the kickoff. SDG&E partners
with HHSA on the Cool Zone
Cool Zones are air-conditioned
sites, such as libraries and
community centers, where
older adults and others can go
to cool off and save the cost of
using their energy at home.
When people share air
conditioning in this way, they
reduce the chance of blackouts
or brownouts. Cool Zones also
provide the opportunity to


The County has designated more
than 100 Cool Zone sites in the
hottest areas of the county. Look for
the Cool Zone bear logo on their
windows. To find a site near you, go
to www.CoolZones.org or call (800)
510-2020 and press 6.

Join a Community Action


Four regional Community Action

Networks focus on the issues and
needs of older adults and persons
with disabilities. They meet regularly
and welcome your participation.
The San Diego Community Action
Network (SanDiCAN) meets from
10:30 a.m. to noon on the last
Tuesday of each month at the War
Memorial Building, 3325 Zoo Dr.,
San Diego. For more information,
contact Brian Rollins: (858) 5056305.
The East County Action Network
(ECAN) meets from 1 to 3 p.m. the
third Wednesday of each month at
the Renette Recreation Center, 935
S. Emerald Ave., El Cajon. For more
information, call Kathy HolmesHardy: (619) 401-3994.
The South County Action Network
(SoCAN) meets from 1 to 3 p.m. on
the fourth Tuesday of each month at
the San Diego County Library,
Bonita-Sunnyside Branch, 4375
Bonita Rd., Bonita. Contact Anabel
Kuykendall: (619) 476-6223.
The North County Action Network
(NorCAN) meets from 1 to 3 pm. on
the fourth Tuesday of each month at
the San Marcos Senior Center, 111
Richmar Ave., San Marcos. For more
information, contact Marty Dare:
(858) 505-6300.
ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Saturday, June 21st .,2014 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Chula Vista Learning Community Charter School 590 K Street, Chula Vista, CA 91911

Register Now!
(i.e. Eligibility workers, Support Groups)




(i.e. Blood Pressure, Bone Density, Dental)

Register early, and receive an extra

drawing ticket!
* Includes other relative caregivers



* Spanish translation available


for the entire family, including your

FREE Lunch & Onsite Childcare

for pre-registered participants

County Supervisor Greg Cox

To register for this special event or for more information,

visit: aarp.cvent.com/GRG or call 1-877-926-8300

Dancing for Your Health

Once you start dancing,

Bailando por su Salud

You wont want to stop!



Friday, August 8, 2014

6:30 to 9:00pm


Loma Verde Recreation Center

1420 Loma Lane
Chula Vista, CA 91911

FREE event for adults

Live DJ

Call today to reserve your spot:

or http://aarp.cvent.com/cvdance

This is a free event, but we ask attendees to bring a donation of non-expired

canned or packaged food items to support San Diego Food Bank.
Opportunity drawings for those who donate.


ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

The 11 Annual Intergenerational Games

Was a Huge Success!
The day was filled with a variety of activities,lots of learning about
healthy living, dancing - and oodles of laughter. There was a definite
increase in health awareness and education related to nutrition and
wellness for all ages. We could write more about all the fun that was
had, and about the enjoyment shared by the attendees, community
partners and organizers, but these pictures do a much better job of
telling the story.

The South Bay Games is just one

of several intergenerational
programs offered by the County of
San Diego through the Health and
Human Services Agency. Other
Intergenerational Games were
recently held in San Marcos and
the Rancho Bernardo/Poway area.
Special thank you to all the
Sponsors and Volunteers. Gold
Sponsors: Sharp Chula Vista
Medical Center and Care 1st
Health Plan. Silver Sponsors:
American Medical Response,
Health Net, Kaiser Permanente,
Janice Pope, St. Pauls Pace,
Sunrise Bonita and Westmont at
San Miguel Ranch. Bronze
Sponsors: Bonita Optimist, San
Ysidro Health Center and Sprouts.
Other contributors included A
Better Solution in Home Care and
Trader Joes. Also thanks to the
partners: AIS/HHSA, Chula Vista
Elementary School District,
SoCAN, the U.S. Olympic Training
Center and the South Bay Family
Together we can made a big
difference in our community!
Together we can develop a strong
sense of community and find
positive role models for a healthy,
productive and brighter future for
all. A community where youngers
and olders share the joy of learning
while playing together in a "Living
Well" community, for all ages".



ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

Creating a Safe and Caring Community
Thursday, June 12, 2014
8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.



Creating a Safe and

Caring Community

Central (main site):

Town & Country
Convention Center
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego 92108

North County:
California Center
for the Arts Escondido
240 N. Escondido Blvd.,
Escondido 92025

Aging Summit 2014 focuses on the important topic of safety,

as well as examining concerns of family caregivers, particularly
those dealing with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
Each site will have break-out sessions with such topics as:

Gail Sheehy (pictured above)
Author of Passages and
Passages for Caregivers
Darlene Shiley
Philanthropist and former
Paul Greenwood
Head of the District Attorney's
Elder Abuse Prosecution Unit

Financial Planning
Disaster Preparedness
Helping the Helper
Finding the Best Long-Term Care
Identity Theft Prevention
How Technology Can Help Keep You Safe
Suicide Prevention
Easing the Burden of Alzheimer's Disease
And more
The Aging Summit will also include local resources, exhibit
tables, a free lunch and opportunity drawings!

Registration required; visit www.AISevents.org, or

call the AARP Registration Line: (877) 926-8300

(The keynote speakers will be

webcast from the main site to
North County, followed by
activities and workshops
unique to each site.)

ISSUE # 47 VOL. 12 2014

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