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Slii [l[m[n[B JfiBOfla 136/

Dear Friends, - .
We close the accounts for I966 with a little sigh of regret, because
we hate to see such good times come to an end. It is with minds full
of thankfulness that we recall how God has provided all of our needs
for these extensive and expensive journeys, how so many friends com
bined to give us that heart-warming send-off from Japan and those joy
ful homecomings in five different states last summer, and many other
blessings received too numerous to mention.
The last newsletter ended with our move into this house in Cincinnati.
A lot of time was spent in study and adjusting to the wOrk at the Sem-
and we enjoyed every minute of it. The fellovrship^
with both faculty and~~s"tudent^ trhe~hmirs in"* the library, trhechapei
singing, the old and the new in the school atmosphere, the climate,
all contributed to make this a season of refreshing for us.
Some of the highlights of our experiences this fall were:
Sept. 11 A visit with the Church of Christ in Alexandria, Kentucky.
My father and mother were serving as the first ministers to.
this new church when we were lasb on furlough. Now they
have a very attractive new building and are groviing well.
Sept. 16-18 I participated in my first Faith-Promise Rally in Bar-
berton, Ohio. Enjoyed visits with old friends in Columbus,
Ohio on the way up and back.
Sept. 25 Mrs, Ed Royal (who became dur good friend when her husband
was in the Navy in Japan) entertained us royally in Owens-
boro, Kentucky for the week-end.
Sept, 28-30 Attended the National Missionary Convention in Ft. Wayne,
Indiana. It was a great joy to meet many old friends here,
of the arize and growth-ofoua^ "moveffient-
during the past seven years, to hear some of the messages.
Also I was honored by being elected chairman of this Con
vention for 1967, meeting in Dodge City, Kansas September
26-29, 1967.
Oct. 7-9 The Markle, Indiana church Faith-Promise Rally, I was the
first living-link missionary supported by this big church
in a little tox^rn, beginning twenty years ago. It was a
blessing and unforgettable thrill to see them go over their
goal of ^25,000 in promises the final night,
Oct. 16 A wonderful day with the Garden City church in Columbus,
Indiana and our friends, the Staffords. (Mr-. Stafford is a
businessman who has been to our house in Tokyo.)
Oct. 22 Parents* day at the Seminary. Quite a few of our class
mates now have children in the student body, and it was a
reunion of sorts.
Oct. 23 Missionary rally at Ladoga, Indiana.
Oct. 30 Montgomery Road Church of Christ here in Cincinnati had a
nice covered dish supper for us.
Nov. 6, 7 Knoxville, Tennessee area Missionary rally.
Nov. 10 My mother and father came up for a week's visit with us in
Nov. 13 My parents accompanied the family to Columbus, Ohio for re
newed fellowship with friends they had not seen for txArenty
years or more.
Nov. 15-17 The Conference on Evangelism in Cincinnati. I wore my
new suit for my part in the program. Now that's a high
light, isn't it?
Page 2
Nov. 20-25 Evangelistic meeting with our living-link church in Char-
lottesville, Virginia, The whole family was there for
Thanksgiving Day. There were two baptisms and one transfer
during the meeting.
Nov. 27 The first message of a series on Spiritual Growth at the
New Antioch Church of Christ, in Wilmington, Ohio,
Deo, 4 A most enjoyable visit to the church in Chester, West Vir
ginia where I was born.
Dec. 11 To Howenstine, Moreland, and Greenwood churches in the Can
ton, Ohio area, and good fellowship with Fenton Messenger
who was born in Japan.
Dec, 15 The Seminary Chorus Christmas Concert, in which Hope sang
alto. Afterwards a group of more than 100 students came to
our yard and sang carols in such harmony and volume that
tears well in the eyes to think of it. Doors opened along
the street to share this delight with us,
Dec, 18-20 I went out to Dodge City^ Kansas to meet with the planning
committee concerned with the next National Missionary Con
vention. Clifford Schaub (Congo missionary living in Cin
cinnati) and I drove back from there in one day915 miles,
in order to take our wives shopping before Christmas.
Deo, 25 Christmas in the United States again. V/e received a good
number of Christmas cards from folks in Japan, as well as
from all over the U,S. Soine from Japan contained reassuring
personal messages showing continuirig fai.thful.ness to Christ.
The Nakano church people very thoughtfully sent us a box of
instant noodles and rice crackers which they knew we would
enjoy. This was our "package from home" this year.
-DecT'^=^0A-rela"Xlng~and fai:i:Btitng~and"most'Jcyful few days with
the home folks down in Tennessee.

Dec. 31 Ralph's and Earl's and our families met at Earl's for a
feast and some laughter and talk to finish out the year.
(All our boys were together in the basement,}
We hope during this year in the United States to have a good balance
of interesting and fruitful activities connected with the two flags
'we are sailing under--teacher and missionary. It is our Intention
and prayer that the work in the Seminary as well as the speaking trips
around the country will be productive of new recruits for Japan, deep-
er Interest in the whole missionary task on the part of many brethren
and larger vision, faith, and zeal on our part. The evangelization
of Japan is still our goal and calling and daily prayer.
Yours in His service,
Forwarding Agent
First Church of Christ
315 Orange Avenue
Eustis, Florida 32726
Non-Profit Organization
U. S. Postage
Eustis, Florida
Permit No, 57
I ^
GQ 03
Dear friends,
We have reached the Examination and Commencement season of a
very good school year here at Cincinnati Bible Seminary, I am sure
I have learned more than the students in preparing for and teaching
the Historiesof the Israelites, of Missions, of Christianity in
Japan, and of Religions in Japansubjects that were assigned to me.
The contact with over thirty of the young people three days every
week in the classroom, as well as with the whole school family in
chapel, concerts, ball games, banquets, and many other occasions,
has been a real joy and stimulation to us mentally and spiritually.
We are very grateful to our good friends here who have given us the
opportunity-tos-erve Christ in this way during our -absenoe from ser
vice in Japan.
I also was able to visit several other Bible College campuses
during this winter and spring. In February I participated in the
Missionary Rally at Kentucky Christian College; in March I spent
three days at Ozark Bible College Missions Emphasis Week; and in
April I was at Manhattan Bible College for their Missions Week and
at Minnesota Bible College for two days of their Missionary Confer
ence, Through all of these speeches we have continued to hope and
pray that some of these students who have so much dedication and
ability may feel called of the Lord as missionaries to Japan. We
are encouraged in the knowledge that some are considering this very
Also, X spoke several times during the Faith-Promise Rally at
the Englewood Christian Church in Jacksonville, Florida and once
during the one at Taylor Mill, Kentucky. I also spoke on the pro
grams of the well-kiiown missionary rallies at East Palestine, Ohio
and Flora, Illinois,
Besides the above-mentioned places, we enjoyed fellowship with
the following widely scattered churches presenting our work in Jax^an:
Heyworth, Lincoln, and Springfield (South Side) Illinois; Browns-
town, Crothersville, Fortville, Jerome, Markle, Milan (youth rally)
Indiana; Canton, Clay Center, Mankato, LaCrosse, Ashland, and Wichi
ta (Town and Country) Kansas; Garrison, Sadieville, and Turkey Foot,
Kentucky; Akron (Kenmore), Beverly, Hamersville., Malvern, and Ports
mouth (Carey*s Run) Ohio; Wheeling (Warwood) West Virginia; and
Northern Hills, President Drive, New Burlington, Madeira, and Madi-
sonvllle Churches here in Cincinnati.
Lois has also spoken at quite a number of churches, and espec
ially at some Mother and Daughter Banquets recentlyin Waterloo and
Markle, Indiana; Latonia, Kentucky, and missionary meetings in Sugar
Tree Ridge, Ohio; Hamilton, Ohio; and Northern Hills, Fairfield, and
Western Hills here in Cincinnati. She was also on the committee and
program of the large and successful Conference of Christian Women
held at C.B.S, on May 6. She has also spent quite a bit of time and
profitable effort on her Tuesday evening class in Bible Survey,
taught by Lewis Poster, and finished in the top 10^ of the class.
We have been sustained by the knowledge that many have been pray
ing for us as we have been carrying the Seminary class schedule, a-
long with the responsibilities of the National Missionary Convention
and the rigors of many miles of travel to all of these speaking en- -
gagements. And we are grateful for this quiet and effectual inter
The children will soon be vrinding up their year of school in the
U.S. also, and they have all been doing well. Hope is finishing her
Freshman year at C.B.S. and has grown much in experience. She is
SIMS NEWSLETTER Page 2 June, 1967
working part time in the sohool library. Sylvia is completing her
Junior year in Western Hills High School and was chosen as a member
of the "Daisy Chain", which means that she was among the top twenty
students in a class of 650 and will have the privilege of escorting
the Senior Class at various functions. . Jorinie is having, his best
year ever in school and was selected as a member of the National
Junior Honor Society. He has grown quite a bit taller in the last
few months, Bobby is finishing the sixth grade. He has been serv
ing on the safety patrol and recently became a member of a Boy Scout
troop organized at Western Hills Church of Christ, Danny is finish
ing kindergarten, and his latest interest is a dally trip over to
the next door neighbor*s kitchen to watch some baby kittens.
We plan to take the whole family down to Tampa to visit the
grandparents and attend the North American Christian Convention at
the end of June. Perhaps we will see many of you there. In July,
plan to be at the Lake James Week of Missions. For the month of
August, I plan to be in New York City working with a group of stu
dents from several Bible Colleges who will be doing summer mission
ary internships in connection with the program of.the "Go Ye" Chapel.
I hope to learn some things about big city evangelism that will be
of benefit to our work in Tokyo, as well as do my Job of supervising
the student work- Spare time will be taken up with final plans for
the National Missionary Convention coming up in September and the
arrangements for the three-month visit to the U.S. of my Japanese
preacher friend, Stephen Iljima.
The excavations for the new Library and Graduate School building
of the Seminary began some' days ago. And the Clovernook Church,
where the family attends when we are in the city, is in the final
stages of a major building program. All of this progress, and the
faith, sacrifices, vision, and talents of the people connected with
these and other advances for Christ that we are seeing are a great
-eneourageatent--tous^ We-are-thankfuTfor-all these thingsy and we
pray that we may absorb and carry back tp Japan some of this spirit.
We ask your continued prayers for God^s guidance on us.
ForwardIng Agent:
First Church of Christ
315 Orange Avenue
Eustis^ Florida 32726
Yours in His service.
Harold Sims
n f St7
Non-profit Organization
U. S. Postage
Eustis, Florida
Permit No, 57
Sims J^ewsletter
September, 1967
Dear Friends,
During this riotous summer, we seem to have escaped the worry
and trouble by keeping on the move. We participated in several pro-
grans which afforded a very happy combination of Inspiration from
hearing great preaching, Joy in fellovjship with old friends, inter
est in seeing new places and the privilege of representing our work
in Japan,
We told'about our Tokyo missionary work in the Vacation Bible
Schools at First Cloristian Church in Columbus, Indiana {every morn
ing) and at Bright, Indiana (every evening) during the week of July
11-18, .. ....... .... , . .... -
Then we headed SOUTH.
On Sunday, June 25, we spoke in the Jefferson Park and North
Druid Hills churches in Atlanta, Georgia. Also, while in that area,
we visited the campus of Atlanta Christian College and the Christian
City project. I showed my children where I attended sctiuol, and
then spent a lot of time talking about the progress that has been
made since. I was a student there.
Prom Atlanta, we went on dotvn to the North American Christian
Convention in Tampa, Florida, Our whole family enjoyed everything
about the Convention, and we were happy to see many of you there,. We
stayed with Grandma Lutton in St. Petersburg during the Convention
and for a few days afterward, Hope and Sylvia and I. also enjoyed a
brief visit with the congregation in Eustis on July 5-^
Sunday, July 9, found us in Baton Rooge, Louisiana speakingat
the Calvary Christian Church. A couple xrom that church, on business
with the Humble Oil Company, had worshipped with us for some months
during their stay in Japan 3 years ago,- and they:_.ha^LJ:)aen--ixlVit:ing-
us to visit them. It was our first time In the Evangeline country,
and we enjoyed it very much.
July 12-15.we held a Sims family reunion in cottages at Wautau-
ga Lake in eastern Tennessee, and spoke at Claxton and Morristown on
July 16,
A few days after returning to Cincinnati, we started NORTH.
On Sunday, July 23, we presented our work at the First Christ
ian and Maple Lam churches in Joliet, Illinois. The morning service
was broadcasted. Then on Monday we went to Lake James for the
School of Missions. The program was very well planned, the attend
ance was fine, and the place brought back memories of our first visit
there 21 years ago as a recruit. It was another week of blessing
for us all. That week Hope went to the Wakatomika camp in central
Ohio to serve as the camp missionary for the Juniors, and she also
had a good experience.
Lois, Sylvia and Danny went back to Cincinnati with Mr- and .
Mrs. Dan Eynon on Saturday, July 29; and Jennie, Bobby and I went
on from Lake James to Lansing, Michigan. We visited the East Lansing
and South Lansing Churches of Christ on July 30. The next morning,
we bought some supplies and drove 1^0 miles further North to the
Northmen's encampment in the woods up there. It was a real inspi
ration to hear the singing of 1000 men and boys in the big tent there
in the piney wilderness; and the boys and I had a genuine good time
camping. We are not very used to this outdoor life, but through the
kindness of the Art Katt family in Cincinnati, who'loaned us the.
tent, sleeping bags, oookstove, and other equipment, we had a won
derful time together.
On August 5, the day after returning from the Northmen's meet
ing, I left by plane for the EAST.
This was my first visit to Nevj York City since I was a little
boy. My purpose there was to assist in the "Missionary Internship"
SIMS NEWSLETTER page 2 September, 1967
program sponsored by the Go Ye Chapel in cooperation with several
Bible Colleges. Naturally, I also wanted to see and learn some
things that would be of benefit to our work in Tokyo.
There were about 15 different students from 6 different Bible
Colleges who participated in at least part of the summer work, and
I acted as a kind of faculty adviser. There were stimulating educa
tional experiences in the various evangelistic activities of the
young people during these weeks, and we know that they were helped,
I believe it was also a help to the work of Christ's church in the
greater New York area and that future support and recruits for that
field will result from the vjork these students saw and did.
Several Vacation Bible Schools were held. One was in a poorer
section of the town of Hast.Islip on Long Island. The class was held
in a school bus, which drove to a parking place next to the community
hall every morning and was soon filled x^ith ^1-0 or more children. (We
also used the bus in a similar fashion for one-stop Bible Schools in
several places in Brooklyn, N, Y.) V/e also had several good street
meetings from the Go Ye Chapel at the same spot in the evenings to
ward the close of the week. The result was that the community lead
ers permitted the Isllp Terrace Church of Christ to start a weekly
Sunday School in the Communiuy Building, and the first Sunday there
were 5I present, including some adults.
Another Vacation Bible School was held in the city of Pough-
keepsie, where three young families were endeavoring to get the first
Christian churoh in the Hudson Valley started. Vie began with an ad
in the local paper that brought three children the first morning.
That afternoon we went around the community with the Go Ye Chapel.
This was quite a novelty to see a church on wheels going down the
street with organ playing, etc., and drew crowds of children out of
houses like a Pied Piper, The second morning we had 29 children,
and the third day we had ^6. I taught a class of Junior boys that
-cewi3-t-ed~of five Roman ~Ca thoiios -arrdone-'-Episcoppri-lan-;Po-r tfe
closing program on Friday, we had ^5 children present and 1^ parents
in spite of a cold rain, A-ud many of the parents expressed apprecia
tion for our program. We hope a-Siinday School will soon be star-ted
in that community, vrhere the preaching services for the three fami
lies have been going on every Sunday evening in a rented Masonic Hall
for several months.
We also used the Go Ye Chapel for a number of street meetings
in the East Harlem section of Manhattan and Brooklyn. Our best au
dience was in a very typical slum street where some of the listeners
were observed carrying pistols and knives and burned out oars from
the recent riots still stood by the curbs, but they listened quietly
as the girls sang and I told the story of the prodigal son. Before
we left, some viere saying Amen and singing along with us.
We also did a lot of calling. Teams of two girls each knocked
on every one of hundreds of doors in a series of 13-story government
built apartment buildings Just behind the new Lincoln Cepter for the
Performing Arts in Manhattan. Many would look through the peepholes
and not even open the door. Others opened the doors, but about 9/10
of them were Catholics. Of bourse, this gave all of us good exper
ience and food for thought. We also called in some ordinary neigh
borhoods and new housing developments in Long Island and up at Pough-
keepsie. In the latter town, we were rewarded by finding three homes
where the people had been members of Christian Churohes elsewhere
and they were very lively prospects for the new church there.
When calling in New York, we invited people to the services at
the Henry Hudson Hotel, where a second floor room is rented for ser
vices every Sunday morning at the nominal' cost of It was my
privilege to preach to this small, interesting, and racially inte
grated congregation three Sundays in August. I hope to try something
like that when we return to Tokyo next year. This may be a solution
to the problem of high costs of land and building for new churches
in Tokyo.
.i-. .
Page 3
September, 19^7
Our summer activities ended with the Family Week of camp at the
Catskill Christian Assembly about 150 miles from the city, I re
turned home on September 2 after exactly weeks away.
Now to the WEST.
On September 26-29 the National Missionary Convention, of which
I am President this year, will meet in Dodge City, Kansas. Lois and
I plan to drive out there, and my father and mother will come up
from Tennessee to look after our children who will be in school here
in Cincinnati.
We sincerely hope and. urge-that all of-you .will-be-in -prayer
for this Convention. May God*s Spirit guide us in ti:',e decisions,
and be present to bless all those who attend. We want the work of
worldwide evangelism to go forward in the next few years in an even
greater way than it has during the past 20 years, and we hope^ this
Convention can contribute to that growth.
The Convention is in need of financial support. If you would
like to contribute a mite toward the success of this Convention,
you could do so by sending- in your registration. But, in any case,
we ask your prayers for us.
School begins again at the Cincinnati Bible Seminary on Sept
ember 13, and I will be teaching essentially the same ccurses again
this year. We .look forvjard to another good year in schooL, vxid. then
next summer we plan to. head back to Japan.
Yours :.ln -His service,
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