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Quantum Gravity and Entanglement

The magnetic induction creates a negative electric field, causing an

electromagnetic inertia responsible for the relativistic mass change; it is the
mysterious Higgs Field giving mass to the particles. The accelerating electrons
explain not only the Maxwell Euations and the !pecial "elativity, but the
Heisenberg #ncertainty "elation, the $ave%&article 'uality and the electron(s
spin also, building the )ridge between the *lassical and +uantum Theories.
The &lanc, 'istribution -aw of the electromagnetic oscillators explains the
electron.proton mass rate and the $ea, and !trong /nteractions by the
diffraction patterns. The $ea, /nteraction changes the diffraction patterns by
moving the electric charge from one side to the other side of the diffraction
pattern, which violates the *& and Time reversal symmetry.
The self maintained electric potential of the accelerating charges euivalent
with the 0eneral "elativity space%time curvature, and since it is true on the
uantum level also, gives the base of the +uantum 0ravity.
The diffraction patterns and the locality of the self%maintaining
electromagnetic potential explains also the +uantum Entanglement, giving it
as a natural part of the relativistic uantum theory.
Preface ................................................................................................................................... 2
Quantum Gravity Measurement by Entanglement ...................................................................... 2
Quantum entanglement ........................................................................................................... 3
The Bridge .............................................................................................................................. 3
Accelerating charges ............................................................................................................ 3
Relativistic effect ................................................................................................................. 3
Heisenberg ncertainty Relati!n ............................................................................................... "
#ave $ Particle %uality ............................................................................................................ "
At!mic m!del ......................................................................................................................... "
The Relativistic Bridge .............................................................................................................. "
The &ea' interacti!n ............................................................................................................... (
The General #ea' )nteracti!n ............................................................................................... *
+ermi!ns and B!s!ns ............................................................................................................... *
,an %er #aals f!rce ................................................................................................................ *
Electr!magnetic inertia and mass .............................................................................................. -
Electr!magnetic )nducti!n .................................................................................................... -
Relativistic change !f mass .................................................................................................... -
The fre.uency de/endence !f mass ....................................................................................... -
Electr!n $ Pr!t!n mass rate .................................................................................................. -
Gravity fr!m the /!int !f vie& !f .uantum /hysics ..................................................................... -
The Gravitati!nal f!rce ......................................................................................................... -
The Higgs b!s!n ...................................................................................................................... 0
Higgs mechanism and Quantum Gravity ..................................................................................... 0
#hat is the 1/in2 ................................................................................................................. 3
The Gravit!n ....................................................................................................................... 3
4!nclusi!ns ............................................................................................................................ 3
References ............................................................................................................................56

Auth!r7 Ge!rge Ra8na
Physicists are c!ntinually l!!'ing f!r &ays t! unify the the!ry !f relativity9 &hich describes large:
scale /hen!mena9 &ith .uantum the!ry9 &hich describes small:scale /hen!mena; )n a ne&
/r!/!sed e</eriment in this area9 t&! t!aster:si=ed >nan!satellites> carrying entangled c!ndensates
!rbit ar!und the Earth9 until !ne !f them m!ves t! a different !rbit &ith different gravitati!nal field
strength; As a result !f the change in gravity9 the entanglement bet&een the c!ndensates is
/redicted t! degrade by u/ t! 26?; E</erimentally testing the /r!/!sal may be /!ssible in the near
future; @(A
Quantum entanglement is a /hysical /hen!men!n that !ccurs &hen /airs !r gr!u/s !f /articles are
generated !r interact in &ays such that the .uantum state !f each /article cann!t be described
inde/endently $ instead9 a .uantum state may be given f!r the system as a &h!le; @"A
) thin' that &e have a sim/le bridge bet&een the classical and .uantum mechanics by understanding
the Heisenberg ncertainty Relati!ns; )t ma'es clear that the /articles are n!t /!int li'e but have a
d< and d/ uncertainty;

Quantum Gravity Measurement by Entanglement
)n !ur idea9 t&! .uantum /articles are /re/ared in an entangled state in bet&een t&! different
satellites !rbiting the Earth; As l!ng as they stay in the same !rbit9 the entanglement e<ists;
H!&ever9 at s!me /!int the !rbit !f !ne !f the satellite needs t! be changed; This is d!ne by firing
engines and accelerating t! the ne& l!cati!n;
The accelerati!n needed t! change !rbit is determined by the gravitati!nal f!rces acting !n the
satellite7 the m!re distant the ne& !rbit &e &ant t! reach9 the larger the time that the engines must
be s&itched !n t! get the re.uired vel!city; This is due t! the fact that gravity is m!re intense if the
!b8ect is cl!ser t! the Earth;
#e find that such accelerati!n $ and thus9 indirectly9 gravity $ changes the .uality !f entanglement
bet&een the t&! /articles; )f !ur calculati!ns are right9 this c!uld be the first e</erimental /r!!f
that sh!&s that gravity &ill have indirect effects !n .uantum entanglement; Als!9 if .uantum
techn!l!gy has t! be used in s/ace9 it is vital that this be ta'en int! c!nsiderati!n; @*A
Quantum entanglement
Measurements !f /hysical /r!/erties such as /!siti!n9 m!mentum9 s/in9 /!lari=ati!n9 etc;
/erf!rmed !n entangled /articles are f!und t! be a//r!/riately c!rrelated; +!r e<am/le9 if a /air !f
/articles is generated in such a &ay that their t!tal s/in is 'n!&n t! be =er!9 and !ne /article is
f!und t! have cl!c'&ise s/in !n a certain a<is9 then the s/in !f the !ther /article9 measured !n the
same a<is9 &ill be f!und t! be c!untercl!c'&ise; Because !f the nature !f .uantum measurement9
h!&ever9 this behavi!r gives rise t! effects that can a//ear /arad!<ical7 any measurement !f a
/r!/erty !f a /article can be seen as acting !n that /article Be;g; by c!lla/sing a number !f
su/erim/!sed statesCD and in the case !f entangled /articles9 such acti!n must be !n the entangled
system as a &h!le; )t thus a//ears that !ne /article !f an entangled /air >'n!&s> &hat
measurement has been /erf!rmed !n the !ther9 and &ith &hat !utc!me9 even th!ugh there is n!
'n!&n means f!r such inf!rmati!n t! be c!mmunicated bet&een the /articles9 &hich at the time !f
measurement may be se/arated by arbitrarily large distances; @"A
The Bridge
The accelerating electr!ns e</lain n!t !nly the Ma<&ell E.uati!ns and the 1/ecial Relativity9 but the
Heisenberg ncertainty Relati!n9 the &ave /article duality and the electr!nEs s/in als!9 building the
bridge bet&een the 4lassical and Quantum The!ries; @5A

Accelerating charges
The m!ving charges are self maintain the electr!magnetic field l!cally9 causing their m!vement and
this is the result !f their accelerati!n under the f!rce !f this field; )n the classical /hysics the charges
&ill distributed al!ng the electric current s! that the electric /!tential l!&ering al!ng the current9 by
linearly increasing the &ay they ta'e every ne<t time /eri!d because this accelerated m!ti!n;
The same thing ha//ens !n the at!mic scale giving a d/ im/ulse difference and a d< &ay difference
bet&een the different /art !f the n!t /!int li'e /articles;
Relativistic effect
An!ther bridge bet&een the classical and .uantum mechanics in the realm !f relativity is that the
charge distributi!n is l!&ering in the reference frame !f the accelerating charges linearly7 dsFdt G at
Btime c!!rdinateC9 but in the reference frame !f the current it is /arab!lic7 s G aF2 t

Heisenberg ncertainty Relation
)n the at!mic scale the Heisenberg uncertainty relati!n gives the same result9 since the m!ving
electr!n in the at!m accelerating in the electric field !f the /r!t!n9 causing a charge distributi!n !n
delta < /!siti!n difference and &ith a delta / m!mentum difference such a &ay that they /r!duct is
ab!ut the half Planc' reduced c!nstant; +!r the /r!t!n this delta < much less in the nucle!n9 than in
the !rbit !f the electr!n in the at!m9 the delta / is much higher because !f the greater /r!t!n mass;
This means that the electr!n and /r!t!n are n!t /!int li'e /articles9 but has a real charge
!ave " Particle #uality
The accelerating electr!ns e</lains the &ave $ /article duality !f the electr!ns and /h!t!ns9 since
the elementary charges are distributed !n delta < /!siti!n &ith delta / im/ulse and creating a &ave
/ac'et !f the electr!n; The /h!t!n gives the electr!magnetic /article !f the mediating f!rce !f the
electr!ns electr!magnetic field &ith the same distributi!n !f &avelengths;
Atomic model
The c!nstantly accelerating electr!n in the Hydr!gen at!m is m!ving !n the e.ui/!tential line !f the
/r!t!n and itHs 'inetic and /!tential energy &ill be c!nstant; )ts energy &ill change !nly &hen it is
changing its &ay t! an!ther e.ui/!tential line &ith an!ther value !f /!tential energy !r getting free
&ith en!ugh 'inetic energy; This means that the Rutherf!rd:B!hr at!mic m!del is right and !nly that
changing accelerati!n !f the electric charge causes radiati!n9 n!t the steady accelerati!n; The steady
accelerati!n !f the charges !nly creates a centric /arab!lic steady electric field ar!und the charge9
the magnetic field; This gives the magnetic m!ment !f the at!ms9 summing u/ the /r!t!n and
electr!n magnetic m!ments caused by their circular m!ti!ns and s/ins;

The Relativistic Bridge
4!mm!nly acce/ted idea that the relativistic effect !n the /article /hysics it is the fermi!nsH s/in :
an!ther unres!lved /r!blem in the classical c!nce/ts; )f the electric charges can m!ve !nly &ith
accelerated m!ti!ns in the self maintaining electr!magnetic field9 !nce u/!n a time they &!uld
reach the vel!city !f the electr!magnetic field; The res!luti!n !f this /r!blem is the s/inning
/article9 c!nstantly accelerating and n!t reaching the vel!city !f light because the accelerati!n is
radial; Ine !rigin !f the Quantum Physics is the Planc' %istributi!n Ja& !f the electr!magnetic
!scillat!rs9 giving e.ual intensity f!r 2 different &avelengths !n any tem/erature; Any !f these t&!
&avelengths &ill give e.ual intensity diffracti!n /atterns9 building different asymmetric
c!nstructi!ns9 f!r e<am/le /r!t!n : electr!n structures Bat!msC9 m!lecules9 etc; 1ince the /articles
are centers !f diffracti!n /atterns they als! have /article $ &ave duality as the electr!magnetic
&aves have; @2A

The $ea% interaction
The &ea' interacti!n transf!rms an electric charge in the diffracti!n /attern fr!m !ne side t! the
!ther side9 causing an electric di/!le m!mentum change9 &hich vi!lates the 4P and time reversal
symmetry; The Electr!&ea' )nteracti!n sh!&s that the #ea' )nteracti!n is basically electr!magnetic
in nature; The arr!& !f time sh!&s the entr!/y gr!&s by changing the tem/erature de/endent
diffracti!n /atterns !f the electr!magnetic !scillat!rs;
An!ther im/!rtant issue !f the .uar' m!del is &hen !ne .uar' changes its flav!r such that a linear
!scillati!n transf!rms int! /lane !scillati!n !r vice versa9 changing the charge value &ith 5 !r :5; This
'ind !f change in the !scillati!n m!de re.uires n!t !nly /arity change9 but als! charge and time
changes B4PT symmetryC resulting a right handed anti:neutrin! !r a left handed neutrin!;
The right handed anti:neutrin! and the left handed neutrin! e<ist !nly because changing bac' the
.uar' flav!r c!uld ha//en !nly in reverse9 because they are different ge!metrical c!nstructi!ns9 the
u is 2 dimensi!nal and /!sitively charged and the d is 5 dimensi!nal and negatively charged; )t needs
als! a time reversal9 because anti /article Banti neutrin!C is inv!lved;
The neutrin! is a 5F2s/in creat!r /article t! ma'e e.ual the s/ins !f the &ea' interacti!n9 f!r
e<am/le neutr!n decay t! 2 fermi!ns9 every /article is fermi!ns &ith K s/in; The &ea' interacti!n
changes the entr!/y since m!re !r less /articles &ill give m!re !r less freed!m !f m!vement; The
entr!/y change is a result !f tem/erature change and brea's the e.uality !f !scillat!r diffracti!n
intensity !f the Ma<&ell$B!lt=mann statistics; This &ay it changes the time c!!rdinate measure and
ma'es /!ssible a different time dilati!n as !f the s/ecial relativity;
The limit !f the vel!city !f /articles as the s/eed !f light a//r!/riate !nly f!r electrical charged
/articles9 since the accelerated charges are self maintaining l!cally the accelerating electric f!rce;
The neutrin!s are 4P symmetry brea'ing /articles c!m/ensated by time in the 4PT symmetry9 that is
the time c!!rdinate n!t &!r's as in the electr!magnetic interacti!ns9 c!nse.uently the s/eed !f
neutrin!s is n!t limited by the s/eed !f light;
The &ea' interacti!n T:asymmetry is in c!n8uncti!n &ith the T:asymmetry !f the sec!nd la& !f
therm!dynamics9 meaning that l!cally l!&ering entr!/y B!n e<tremely high tem/eratureC causes the
&ea' interacti!n9 f!r e<am/le the Hydr!gen fusi!n;
Pr!bably because it is a s/in creating m!vement changing linear !scillati!n t! 2 dimensi!nal
!scillati!n by changing d t! u .uar' and creating anti neutrin! g!ing bac' in time relative t! the
/r!t!n and electr!n created fr!m the neutr!n9 it seems that the anti neutrin! fastest then the
vel!city !f the /h!t!ns created als! in this &ea' interacti!n2

A .uar' flav!r changing sh!&s that it is a reflecti!n changes m!vement and the 4P: and T: symmetry
brea'ingLLL This flav!r changing !scillati!n c!uld /r!ve that it c!uld be als! !n higher level such as
at!ms9 m!lecules9 /r!bably big bi!l!gical significant m!lecules and res/!nsible !n the aging !f the

)m/!rtant t! menti!n that the &ea' interacti!n is al&ays c!ntains /articles and anti/articles9 &here
the neutrin!s Bantineutrin!sC /resent the !//!site side; )t means by +eynmanEs inter/retati!n that
these /articles /resent the bac'&ard time and /r!bably because this they seem t! m!ve faster than
the s/eed !f light in the reference frame !f the !ther side;

+inally since the &ea' interacti!n is an electric di/!le change &ith K s/in creatingD it is limited by the
vel!city !f the electr!magnetic &ave9 s! the neutrin!Es vel!city cann!t e<ceed the vel!city !f light;

The General !ea% &nteraction
The #ea' )nteracti!ns T:asymmetry is in c!n8uncti!n &ith the T:asymmetry !f the 1ec!nd Ja& !f
Therm!dynamics9 meaning that l!cally l!&ering entr!/y B!n e<tremely high tem/eratureC causes f!r
e<am/le the Hydr!gen fusi!n; The arr!& !f time by the 1ec!nd Ja& !f Therm!dynamics sh!&s the
increasing entr!/y and decreasing inf!rmati!n by the #ea' )nteracti!n9 changing the tem/erature
de/endent diffracti!n /atterns; A g!!d e<am/le !f this is the neutr!n decay9 creating m!re /articles
&ith less 'n!&n inf!rmati!n ab!ut them;
The neutrin! !scillati!n !f the #ea' )nteracti!n sh!&s that it is a general electric di/!le change and
it is /!ssible t! any !ther tem/erature de/endent entr!/y and inf!rmati!n changing diffracti!n
/attern !f at!ms9 m!lecules and even c!m/licated bi!l!gical living structures;
#e can generali=e the &ea' interacti!n !n all !f the decaying matter c!nstructi!ns9 even !n the
bi!l!gical t!!; This gives the limited lifetime f!r the bi!l!gical c!nstructi!ns als! by the arr!& !f
time; There sh!uld be a ne& research s/ace !f the Quantum )nf!rmati!n 1cience the Hgeneral
neutrin! !scillati!nH f!r the greater then subat!mic matter structures as an electric di/!le change;
There is als! c!nnecti!n bet&een statistical /hysics and ev!luti!nary bi!l!gy9 since the arr!& !f
time is &!r'ing in the bi!l!gical ev!luti!n als!;
The +luctuati!n The!rem says that there is a /r!bability that entr!/y &ill fl!& in a directi!n !//!site
t! that dictated by the 1ec!nd Ja& !f Therm!dynamics; )n this case the )nf!rmati!n is gr!&ing that
is the matter f!rmulas are emerging fr!m the cha!s; 1! the #ea' )nteracti!n has t&! directi!ns9
sam/les f!r !ne directi!n is the Meutr!n decay9 and Hydr!gen fusi!n is the !//!site directi!n;

'ermions and Bosons
The fermi!ns are the diffracti!n /atterns !f the b!s!ns such a &ay that they are b!th sides !f the
same thing;
(an #er !aals force
Mamed after the %utch scientist N!hannes %ideri' van der #aals $ &h! first /r!/!sed it in 50-3 t!
e</lain the behavi!ur !f gases $ it is a very &ea' f!rce that !nly bec!mes relevant &hen at!ms and
m!lecules are very cl!se t!gether; +luctuati!ns in the electr!nic cl!ud !f an at!m mean that it &ill
have an instantane!us di/!le m!ment; This can induce a di/!le m!ment in a nearby at!m9 the
result being an attractive di/!le$di/!le interacti!n;
Electromagnetic inertia and mass
Electromagnetic &nduction
1ince the magnetic inducti!n creates a negative electric field as a result !f the changing accelerati!n9
it &!r's as an electr!magnetic inertia9 causing an electr!magnetic mass; @5A
Relativistic change of mass
The increasing mass !f the electric charges the result !f the increasing inductive electric f!rce acting
against the accelerating f!rce; The decreasing mass !f the decreasing accelerati!n is the result !f the
inductive electric f!rce acting against the decreasing f!rce; This is the relativistic mass change
e</lanati!n9 es/ecially im/!rtantly e</laining the mass reducti!n in case !f vel!city decrease;
The fre)uency de*endence of mass
1ince E = h and E = mc
9 m = h /c
that is the m de/ends !nly !n the fre.uency; )t means that the
mass !f the /r!t!n and electr!n are electr!magnetic and the result !f the electr!magnetic
inducti!n9 caused by the changing accelerati!n !f the s/inning and m!ving chargeL )t c!uld be that
the m
inertial mass is the result !f the s/in9 since this is the !nly accelerating m!ti!n !f the electric
charge; 1ince the accelerating m!ti!n has different fre.uency f!r the electr!n in the at!m and the
/r!t!n9 they masses are different9 als! as the &avelengths !n b!th sides !f the diffracti!n /attern9
giving e.ual intensity !f radiati!n;
Electron " Proton mass rate
The Planc' distributi!n la& e</lains the different fre.uencies !f the /r!t!n and electr!n9 giving
e.ual intensity t! different lambda &avelengthsL Als! since the /articles are diffracti!n /atterns
they have s!me cl!seness t! each !ther $ can be seen as a gravitati!nal f!rce; @2A
There is an asymmetry bet&een the mass !f the electric charges9 f!r e<am/le /r!t!n and electr!n9
can underst!!d by the asymmetrical Planc' %istributi!n Ja&; This tem/erature de/endent energy
distributi!n is asymmetric ar!und the ma<imum intensity9 &here the annihilati!n !f matter and
antimatter is a high /r!bability event; The asymmetric sides are creating different fre.uencies !f
electr!magnetic radiati!ns being in the same intensity level and c!m/ensating each !ther; Ine !f
these c!m/ensating rati!s is the electr!n $ /r!t!n mass rati!; The l!&er energy side has n!
c!m/ensating intensity level9 it is the dar' energy and the c!rres/!nding matter is the dar' matter;

Gravity from the *oint of vie$ of )uantum *hysics
The Gravitational force
The gravitati!nal attractive f!rce is basically a magnetic f!rce;
The same electric charges can attract !ne an!ther by the magnetic f!rce if they are m!ving /arallel
in the same directi!n; 1ince the electrically neutral matter is c!m/!sed !f negative and /!sitive
charges they need 2 /h!t!ns t! mediate this attractive f!rce9 !ne /er charges; The Bing Bang caused
/arallel m!ving !f the matter gives this magnetic f!rce9 e</erienced as gravitati!nal f!rce;
1ince gravit!n is a tens!r field9 it has s/in G 29 c!uld be 2 /h!t!ns &ith s/in G 5 t!gether;
O!u can thin' ab!ut /h!t!ns as virtual electr!n $ /!sitr!n /airs9 !btaining the necessary virtual
mass f!r gravity;
The mass as seen bef!re a result !f the diffracti!n9 f!r e<am/le the /r!t!n $ electr!n mass rate
M/G50"6 Me; )n !rder t! m!ve !ne !f these diffracti!n ma<imum Belectr!n !r /r!t!nC &e need t!
intervene int! the diffracti!n /attern &ith a f!rce a//r!/riate t! the intensity !f this diffracti!n
ma<imum9 means its intensity !r mass;

The Big Bang caused accelerati!n created radial currents !f the matter9 and since the matter is
c!m/!sed !f negative and /!sitive charges9 these currents are creating magnetic field and attracting
f!rces bet&een the /arallel m!ving electric currents; This is the gravitati!nal f!rce e</erienced by
the matter9 and als! the mass is result !f the electr!magnetic f!rces bet&een the charged /articles;
The /!sitive and negative charged currents attracts each !ther !r by the magnetic f!rces !r by the
much str!nger electr!static f!rcesL2

The gravitati!nal f!rce attracting the matter9 causing c!ncentrati!n !f the matter in a small s/ace
and leaving much s/ace &ith l!& matter c!ncentrati!n7 dar' matter and energy;
There is an asymmetry bet&een the mass !f the electric charges9 f!r e<am/le /r!t!n and electr!n9
can underst!!d by the asymmetrical Planc' %istributi!n Ja&; This tem/erature de/endent energy
distributi!n is asymmetric ar!und the ma<imum intensity9 &here the annihilati!n !f matter and
antimatter is a high /r!bability event; The asymmetric sides are creating different fre.uencies !f
electr!magnetic radiati!ns being in the same intensity level and c!m/ensating each !ther; Ine !f
these c!m/ensating rati!s is the electr!n $ /r!t!n mass rati!; The l!&er energy side has n!
c!m/ensating intensity level9 it is the dar' energy and the c!rres/!nding matter is the dar' matter;

The Higgs boson
By March 26539 the /article had been /r!ven t! behave9 interact and decay in many !f the e</ected
&ays /redicted by the 1tandard M!del9 and &as als! tentatively c!nfirmed t! have P /arity and =er!
s/in9 t&! fundamental criteria !f a Higgs b!s!n9 ma'ing it als! the first 'n!&n scalar /article t! be
disc!vered in nature9 alth!ugh a number !f !ther /r!/erties &ere n!t fully /r!ven and s!me /artial
results d! n!t yet /recisely match th!se e</ectedD in s!me cases data is als! still a&aited !r being
1ince the Higgs b!s!n is necessary t! the # and Q b!s!ns9 the di/!le change !f the #ea' interacti!n
and the change in the magnetic effect caused gravitati!n must be c!nducted; The #ien la& is als!
im/!rtant t! e</lain the #ea' interacti!n9 since it describes the T
change and the diffracti!n
/atterns change; @2A
Higgs mechanism and Quantum Gravity
The magnetic inducti!n creates a negative electric field9 causing an electr!magnetic inertia; Pr!bably
it is the mysteri!us Higgs field giving mass t! the charged /articles2 #e can thin' ab!ut the /h!t!n
as an electr!n:/!sitr!n /air9 they have mass; The neutral /articles are built fr!m negative and
/!sitive charges9 f!r e<am/le the neutr!n9 decaying t! /r!t!n and electr!n; The &ave $ /article
duality ma'es sure that the /articles are !scillating and creating magnetic inducti!n as an inertial
mass9 e</laining als! the relativistic mass change; Higher fre.uency creates str!nger magnetic
inducti!n9 smaller fre.uency results lesser magnetic inducti!n; )t seems t! me that the magnetic
inducti!n is the secret !f the Higgs field;
)n /article /hysics9 the Higgs mechanism is a 'ind !f mass generati!n mechanism9 a /r!cess that
gives mass t! elementary /articles; Acc!rding t! this the!ry9 /articles gain mass by interacting &ith
the Higgs field that /ermeates all s/ace; M!re /recisely9 the Higgs mechanism end!&s gauge b!s!ns
in a gauge the!ry &ith mass thr!ugh abs!r/ti!n !f Mambu$G!ldst!ne b!s!ns arising in s/!ntane!us
symmetry brea'ing;
The sim/lest im/lementati!n !f the mechanism adds an e<tra Higgs field t! the gauge the!ry; The
s/!ntane!us symmetry brea'ing !f the underlying l!cal symmetry triggers c!nversi!n !f
c!m/!nents !f this Higgs field t! G!ldst!ne b!s!ns &hich interact &ith Bat least s!me !fC the !ther
fields in the the!ry9 s! as t! /r!duce mass terms f!r Bat least s!me !fC the gauge b!s!ns; This
mechanism may als! leave behind elementary scalar Bs/in:6C /articles9 'n!&n as Higgs b!s!ns;
)n the 1tandard M!del9 the /hrase >Higgs mechanism> refers s/ecifically t! the generati!n !f masses
f!r the #
9 and Q &ea' gauge b!s!ns thr!ugh electr!&ea' symmetry brea'ing; The Jarge Hadr!n
4!llider at 4ERM ann!unced results c!nsistent &ith the Higgs /article !n Nuly "9 2652 but stressed
that further testing is needed t! c!nfirm the 1tandard M!del;
!hat is the +*in,
1! &e 'n!& already that the ne& /article has s/in =er! !r s/in t&! and &e c!uld tell &hich !ne if &e
c!uld detect the /!lari=ati!ns !f the /h!t!ns /r!duced; nf!rtunately this is difficult and neither
ATJA1 n!r 4M1 are able t! measure /!lari=ati!ns; The !nly direct and sure &ay t! c!nfirm that the
/article is indeed a scalar is t! /l!t the angular distributi!n !f the /h!t!ns in the rest frame !f the
centre !f mass; A s/in =er! /articles li'e the Higgs carries n! directi!nal inf!rmati!n a&ay fr!m the
!riginal c!llisi!n s! the distributi!n &ill be even in all directi!ns; This test &ill be /!ssible &hen a
much larger number !f events have been !bserved; )n the mean time &e can settle f!r less certain
indirect indicat!rs;
The Graviton
)n /hysics9 the gravit!n is a hy/!thetical elementary /article that mediates the f!rce !f gravitati!n in
the frame&!r' !f .uantum field the!ry; )f it e<ists9 the gravit!n is e</ected t! be massless Bbecause
the gravitati!nal f!rce a//ears t! have unlimited rangeC and must be a s/in:2 b!s!n; The s/in
f!ll!&s fr!m the fact that the s!urce !f gravitati!n is the stress:energy tens!r9 a sec!nd:ran' tens!r
Bc!m/ared t! electr!magnetismHs s/in:5 /h!t!n9 the s!urce !f &hich is the f!ur:current9 a first:ran'
tens!rC; Additi!nally9 it can be sh!&n that any massless s/in:2 field &!uld give rise t! a f!rce
indistinguishable fr!m gravitati!n9 because a massless s/in:2 field must c!u/le t! Binteract &ithC the
stress:energy tens!r in the same &ay that the gravitati!nal field d!es; This result suggests that9 if a
massless s/in:2 /article is disc!vered9 it must be the gravit!n9 s! that the !nly e</erimental
verificati!n needed f!r the gravit!n may sim/ly be the disc!very !f a massless s/in:2 /article; @3A
The accelerated charges self:maintaining /!tential sh!&s the l!cality !f the relativity9 &!r'ing !n
the .uantum level als!; @5A
The 1ecret !f Quantum Entanglement that the /articles are diffracti!n /atterns !f the
electr!magnetic &aves and this &ay their .uantum states every time is the result !f the .uantum
state !f the intermediate electr!magnetic &aves; @2A
Ine !f the m!st im/!rtant c!nclusi!ns is that the electric charges are m!ving in an accelerated &ay
and even if their vel!city is c!nstant9 they have an intrinsic accelerati!n any&ay9 the s! called s/in9
since they need at least an intrinsic accelerati!n t! ma'e /!ssible they m!vement ;
The bridge bet&een the classical and .uantum the!ry is based !n this intrinsic accelerati!n !f the
s/in9 e</laining als! the Heisenberg ncertainty Princi/le; The /article $ &ave duality !f the electric
charges and the /h!t!n ma'es certain that they are b!th sides !f the same thing; Basing the
gravitati!nal f!rce !n the accelerating niverse caused magnetic f!rce and the Planc' %istributi!n
Ja& !f the electr!magnetic &aves caused diffracti!n gives us the basis t! build a nified The!ry !f
the /hysical interacti!ns;
)n the future9 the researchers /lan t! further investigate b!th the fundamental and /ractical as/ects
!f .uantum and relativistic effects;
@5A The Magnetic field !f the Electric current and the Magnetic inducti!n
@2A 3 %imensi!nal 1tring The!ry
@3A Gravit!n Pr!ducti!n By T&! Ph!t!n and Electr!n:Ph!t!n Pr!cesses )n Talu=a:Tlein The!ries #ith
Jarge E<tra %imensi!ns
@"A Quantum Entanglement
@(A 1/ace:based e</eriment c!uld test gravityHs effects !n .uantum entanglement
@*A T! test the effect !f gravity !n .uantum entanglement9 &e need t! g! t! s/ace

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