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Trng THCS Au Lac On tap HKII Anh

Van 6
E C!"#$ O# TA%& HO'C K() II
*#IT+, THE -O.(
Cong thc Dau hieu nhan
Th hien tai
I / you / we / they + V
He / he +
V / e
I / you / we / they +
!on"t + V
He / he +
!oen"t + V
Do + I / you / we /
they + V
Doe + he / he +
V #
$%e&y!ay ' e%e&y
(o&ning' e%e&y
A01,big' ta**' )at' hea%y' t&ong' (a**' ho&t' thin' *ight'
C232r4,b*ac+'ye**ow' white' g&een' g&ay' b*ue' &e!' b&own'
o&ange' ,u&,*e
I7 -&ite the antony( wo&!.
/0 thin 1 20 hea%y 1
30 ho&t 1 40 t&ong 1
50 big 1 60 young 1
II/ C2/p3 8t 8 th848 48nt8nc84,
/0 7y b&othe&/ ta**
30 8an an! 7ai/ beauti)u* gi&*
50 9ete&/ ta**/ )at
20 Thee &u*e&/ not *ong
40 :he/ big/ b&own/ eye
60 I/ o*!/ &e!/ !&e
;0 It/ new/ white/ ca&
<ho( =nh 6 /
Trng THCS Au Lac On tap HKII Anh
Van 6
III / Ch2248 th8 4u9ta:3 8 ;2r0 2r phra48 t2 c2/p3 8t 8 th848
48nt8nc84 .
/0 :hou*!e& a&e> on' ,a&t'&oun!?@@@@@@@@00 the
30 I 7&0 Aobe&t wea+ > but' o&' an! ?@@@@@@@0t&ong#B
He" t&ong0
50 I > (e' he' he& ?@@@@@@@)ace &oun!#B Ce'it i
20 They > !o' a&e' ha%e?@@@@0*ong noe0
40 7&0Tan > in"t' !oen"t ha%e' not ha%e ?@@@@@@@0
Du** *i,
60 @@@@@@0a&e he& *i,# > -hat co*o&' How' -he&e ?
IV/ <933 9n th8 :3an=4 ;9th th8 4u9ta:3 8 ;2r0 an0 th8n
an4;8r th8 >u84t9 2n,
(a** thin *ong o%a* b*ac+ ta** b*ue )u**
8inh i an act&e0:he i >/?@@@@@@an!>3?
@@@@@@@@@00:he ha>5?@@@@@@@@00>2?
@@@@@@@@@00hai& an! an>4?@@@@@@0)ace0 :he ha>6?
@@@@@@00eye' a>;?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@noe an! >E?
@@@@00*i,0 :he i %e&y beauti)u*
a? -hat !oe 8inh !o#
b? I he ta**#
c? I he thin o& )at#
!? Doe he ha%e a &oun! )ace#
e? =&e he& *i, )u** o& thin#
)? -hat co*o& a&e he& eye#
g? I he beauti)u*#
*#IT ?@, STA(I#$ HEALTH(
S A ;2u30 39=8 A t2 V7 #2un
wou*! *i+eGH! *i+e
$I. I"! *i+e to sitdown.
:he"! *i+e o(e noodles.

B I the&e/ =&e the&e any@#
0 Ce0 The&e i/ a&e
<ho( =nh 6 /
Trng THCS Au Lac On tap HKII Anh
Van 6
0 <o0 The&e in"t/ a&en"t
A01,hung&y' thi&ty' )u**' hot' co*!' ti&e!
I7 ieJn cac gii tK thLch h, %aKo choM t&ong.
?B Ar8 th8r8 anC 4tu08nt4 DDDDDDDDDB th8
FB Th8r8G 4 a :22=4t2r8 DDDDDDDDDD /C 4ch223B
HB Ar8 C2u Ir88 DDDDDDDDD Satur0aCE
JB #a/G 4 h2u48 94 n8Kt DDDDDDDDDD a /u48u/B
LB Ma9 94 g29ng DDDDDDD Ha n29B
6B I 2It8n g8t up DDDDDD 6B?L 8N8rC /2rn9 ngB
II7 NieJn !ang ung cuOa ong tK t&ong ngoaPc.
/0 7&0 an! 7&0 Qinh @@@@@@@@@0 a new ca&0 >want?
30 7y ite& @@@@@00 a &e! !&e0 >ha%e?
50 He wou*! @@@@@@@ o(e ice! co))ee0 >*i+e?
20 It @@@@@@@@0 %e&y hot now0 >be?
40 8oo+R :he @@@@@@@0 occe&0 >,*ay?
III/ SaOp K8Pp caQc t 4au th82 RuQng trat t cuSa caTu,
/0 *i+e/ any/ he/ bean/ !oe#
30 co*o&/ what/ hoe/ you&/ a&e#
50 )ee*/ he/ thi&ty/ now0
20 you/ )ee*/ !o/ ti&e!/ hung&y/ an!#
40 8an"/ !&in+/ i/ a,,*e Suice/ )a%o&ite0
IV/ TU/ Na 4Sa 32V9 4a9,
/0 7y (othe& *i+e go out )o& !inne&0
30 The&e a&e o(e (i*+ in the bott*e0
50 The chi*!&en want going to the Too0
20 <ga ha%e *unch at ho(e e%e&y!ay but now he i ha%ing he&
*unch in a (a** &etau&ant0
40 8itenR They ing0
60 The&e a&e o(e a,,*e but the&e a&en"t o(e o&ange0
*#IT ??, WHAT .O (O* EATE
<ho( =nh 6 /
Trng THCS Au Lac On tap HKII Anh
Van 6
I/ $h8Qp caQc t tr2ng c2t A NQ9 c2t -
= Q
/0 a ba& a0 o) tooth,ate
30 a can b0 o) egg
50 a tube c0 o) coo+ing oi*
20 a !oTen !0 o) oa,
40 a bott*e e0 o) ,ea
II/ Ch2n t RuQng tr2ng ng2aXc,
/0 :he >want/ !on"t want/ want? o(e %egetab*e0
30 -e !on"t want >o(e/ any/ a? oi*0
50 How >(uch/ (any/ about? +i*o o) (eat !oe he want#
20 >How (any/ How (uch? &ice !oe hi )athe& want#
40 7y (othe& >coo+/ coo+ing/ coo+? the (ea* e%e&y !ay0
60 They nee! >a/ o(e/ any? o!a0
;0 Do you ha%e >a/ an/ any? banana#
III/ 98Yn caQc tr R2ng t Z02[ 0284[ 02nG t[ 0284nG t\
/0 I want o(e &ice' but (y )&ien!@@@@@@@@@@@0
30 <a( !oen"t *i+e banana' but I@@@@@@@@
50 They !on"t *i+e chic+en' but thei& (othe&@@@@@@@0
20 7y )athe& *i+e co))ee' but (y (othe&@@@@00
40 -e !on"t want b&own ,enci*' but they@@@@@@@@00
IV/ H2an taPt R2an h29 th2a9 4au[ 4au R2Q traS 39
caQc caTu h2S9 :8Tn 0Q9,
:a*egi&*. Can I @@@@@@0 you#
Thu. Ce' @@@@@@0 a an!wich an! a g*a o)
*e(on Suice',*eae0
:a*egi&*. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@00
Thu. Than+' @@@@@@@00 a&e they#
:a*egi&*. Two thouan! )i%e hun!&e! !ong0Than+ you
/0 -hat !oe Thu want#
30 Hoy (any an!wiche !oe he want#
50 How (uch *e(on Suice !oe he want#
20 How (uch a&e they#
40 -he&e i he#
$ra//ar, Ae%iew 9&eent i(,*e tene an! 9&eent 9&og&ei%e
A0N4 2I Ir8>u8ncC, a*way' uua**y' o)ten' o(eti(e' ne%e&
$I. I a*way go fishing.
<ho( =nh 6 /
Trng THCS Au Lac On tap HKII Anh
Van 6
He ne%e& goes fishing.
I/ SaOp 48Pp caQc t 4au 4a2 ch2 c2Q ngh]a,
/0 &ecoc 40 &e%en
30 (anbi!not 60 !enwee+
50 &aecobi ;0 icni,c
20 (eti(eo E0 ywaa*
II/ aXt caTu th82 t h2aXc nh2Q/ t Rc g9 CQ,
/0 He/ wi(/ e%e&y!ay
30 7ai/ ,*ay/ ba!(inton/ e%e&y a)te&noon
50 The chi*!&en/ ,*ay %o**eyba**/ e%e&y e%ening
20 The gi&*/ +i, &o,e/ e%e&y!ay
40 :he/ o)ten/ !o ae&obic
60 Hi )&ien!/ ,*ay occe&/ e%e&y :un!ay
III/ aXt caQc trang t Na2 RuQng N^ tr_ tr2ng caTu,
/0 I a( buy on wee+!ay0 >a*way?
30 Do you &ea! a new,a,e& in the (o&ning# >o)ten?
50 8an *iten to (uic in he& )&ee ti(e0 >o(eti(e?
20 -he&e !oe he ha%e b&ea+)at# >o(eti(e?
40 7inh goe )ihing0 >ne%e&?
IV/ 98Yn /2t t th_ch hp Na2 ch2V tr2Png,
/0 How (any chi*!&en @@@@@@@@ he ha%e#
30 To!ay i @@@@@@@00 0-e !o not wee+0 -e"&e a** at ho(e0
50 -hat i you& @@@@@@@@@0 )oo!#
20 @@@@@@@@@00 i he& !oing#
40 Uu& c*a begin @@@@@@@00 e%en o"c*oc+0
60 :o&&y0 I"( not @@@@@0 tonight0
;0 How @@@@@@@@00 !o you go ca(,ing# Unce a yea&0
E0 -hich @@@@@@@@0 !o you ,*ay# I ,*ay occe&0
V/ TU/ Na 4Sa 32V9 caQc caTu 4au,
/0 The&e i any onion0
30 7i 8an a*way go to the cine(a twice in a wee+0
<ho( =nh 6 /
Trng THCS Au Lac On tap HKII Anh
Van 6
50 He !oen"t nee! o(e (eat0
20 I ha%e o)ten %egetab*e' (eat' an! )ih )o& !inne&0
40 Do you ha%e o(e coo+ing oi*#
VI/ TraS 39 nh`ng caTu h2S9 4au,
/0 -hich ,o&t !o you o)ten ,*ay#
30 Do you ,*ay occe&# I) ye' how o)ten !o you ,*ay it#
50 -hat !o you uua**y !o in you& )&ee ti(e#
20 -hat !o you ne%e& !o#
40 Do you o)ten go to choo* *ate#
I/ Ch2n caTu traS 39 RuQng nhaPt,
/0 -hat !oe <ga ha%e @@@@@00 b&ea+)at#
=0 )o& Q0 to C0 in D0 at
30 @@@@@@@00 i an iceBc&ea(# It" 3YYY !ong0
=0 How Q0 How (uch C0 How (any D0 How
50 7y )a%o&ite !&in+ i @@@@@@@00
=0 )ih Q0 (eat C0 banana D0 o&ange
20 <a( @@@@@@0 the ,iano at the (o(ent0
=0 a&e ,*aying Q0 i ,*aying C0 !oe D0 !o
40 @@@@@@@00 a&e you& eye# They"&e b*ac+
=0 -hat co*o& Q0 Co*o& C0 -hich D0 -hat
60 How@@@@@@@0 o&ange !oe he want#
=0 (uch Q0 (any C0 !o D0 !oe
;0 How @@@@@@@ bee) !o you nee!# 3YY g&a(0
=0 (uch Q0 (any C0 i D0
(any o)
E0 Can you go to the to&e @@@@@@@ # Ce' 7o(0
=0 to (e Q0 )o& (e C0 with (e D0 he*,
W0 :he want @@@@@@@@@ coo+ing oi*0
=0 a boI o) Q0 a can o) C0 a bott*e o) D0 a
<ho( =nh 6 /
Trng THCS Au Lac On tap HKII Anh
Van 6
/Y0 I"! *i+e @@@@@@@0 choco*ate
=0 a +i*o Q0 a boI o) C0 a can o) D0 a
II/ Ch2n t =haQc NQ9 32a9 t =9a,
/? houe' choo*' c*a&oo(' occe&
3? hot' co*!' coo*' chai&
5? ba!(inton' %o**eyba**' occe&' teache&
2? )&o(' )*owe&' in' at
4? to!ay' ta**' big' hea%y
6? white' b&own' eye' ye**ow
;? :un!ay' Tue!ay' :atu&!ay' o)ten
E? )at' eye' *eg' han!
III/ aXt caTu h2S9 ch2 nh`ng t Rc gach 0Q9,
/? 7y ite& *i+e ho,,ing0
3? He goe to the cine(a once a wee+0
5? They *i%e in the count&y0
2? :he want o(e ice! tea0
4? He& (othe& want two bott*e o) coo+ing oi*0
6? I ,*ay tenni in (y )&ee ti(e0
;? The&e a&e twenty tu!ent in the c*a&oo(0
E? 7ai o)ten ha !inne& at ; ,0(0
IV/ c on vn,sau chn T hay F:
Quang likes camping in the weekend. He usually goes with his friends.
Quang and his friends always wear strong boots and warm clothes. They always take
food, water and a camping stove. Sometimes, they camp overnight.
! Quang likes going fishing in the weekend.
"! He usually goes with his family.
#! They wear warm clothes.
$! They always camp overnight.
Unit 13:
Seasons: spring, summer, fall, winter
%ry season, wet season
& T'nh t( ch) th*i ti+t: hot, cold, warm, cool, sunny, windy, rainy, cloudy, snowy.
. H,i th*i ti+t:
<ho( =nh 6 /
Trng THCS Au Lac On tap HKII Anh
Van 6
Whats the weather like in + season/ place?
It/ the weather is + adjective
-.: /hat0s the weather like in the winter1
2t0s very cold in the winter.
". H,i v3 ho4t 56ng :
What + do/ does + S + do + in + season?
+ when its + adjective?
-.:& /hat does he do in the fall1
He usually plays tennis in the fall.
& /hat does he do when it0s rainy1
/hen it0s rainy, he listens to music or read.
I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently:
. a. take b. late c. table d. fall
". a. winter b. spring c. like d. fishing
#. a. hot b. cold c. soccer d. volleyball
$. a. music b. hundred c.summer d. bus
7. a. weather b. season c. wear d. breakfast
II. Choose the word or phrase that est co!pletes each sentence
. 8hong 999999999 soccer every afternoon. 2t0s his favorite pastime.
a. 8lay b. plays c. is playing d. is going to play
". /hat0s the weather 99999999 today1
a. 2s b. are c. like d. likes
#. /hen 9999999999 cold, they play volleyball.
a. There is b. there are c. these are d. it is
$. 2n the spring, there are 999999999999 flowers in our garden.
a. :uch b. many c. any d. else
7. Swimming is their favorite 999999999999 in the summer.
<ho( =nh 6 /
Trng THCS Au Lac On tap HKII Anh
Van 6
a. ;ctivity b. activities c. season d. seasons
<. 2t0s always very cold here in the 9999999999999.
a. Spring b. summer c. fall d. winter
=. How 99999999999 does she go to the cinema1 > Twice a week.
a. ?ften b. many c. much d. any
@. 8eter is doing 99999999 e.ercise.
a. Some b. a c. an d. any
A. This is 99999999999 new friend.
a. 2 b. my c. me d. we
B. There are two seasons 999999999 a year in Cietnam.
a. 2n b. at c. on d. of
III. "ead the passa#e and answer the $uestions:
There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, fall and winter. 2n the
spring, the weather is usually warm. Sometimes it is cold but not very cold. There
are many flowers in the spring. 2n the summer , the day is long and the night is
short. 8eople often go swimming in this season. The fall is the season of fruits. 2n
the winter, it0s usually very cold. The day is short and the night is long.
. How many seasons are there in a year1
". /hat are they1
#. 2s it usually warm in the spring1
$. /hat are there in the spring1
7. 2s the day long or short in the summer1
<. 2s the day long or short in the winter1
=. /hat0s the weather like in the winter1
@. /hat do people often do in the summer1
A. 2s the fall the season of fruits1
B. 2s the night short in the winter1
IV. Read and choose a suitable verb for each blank :
<ho( =nh 6 /
Trng THCS Au Lac On tap HKII Anh
Van 6
Sometimes - walk - my - favorite -
with - swimming - colors - hot
7y ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ>/? eaon i the )a**0 I *i+e wa*+ing an! I
o(eti(e ZZZZZZZZZZZZ>3? in the ,a&+ nea& ou& houe0 I *i+e the
>5? ZZZZZZZZZZ o) the t&ee in )a** [ b&own' ye**ow' o&ange' an! &e!0
I *o%e u((e&' too0 It" a*way ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ>2? in (y cout&y0 I
go ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ >4? e%e&y !ay' an! I *i+e going out with
ZZZZZZZZZZ>6? )&ien! in the *ong' wa&( e%ening0 I !on"t o)ten
tay at ho(e in u((e&R I ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ>;? go to the beach
ZZZZZZZZZZZ>E? (y )a(i*y )o& two wee+ in =ugut0
V. Sentence building:
/0 -hat/ *i+e/ ,&ing#
30 -hat/ *i+e/ u((e&#
50 -eathe&/ hot/ to!ay#
20 It/ o)ten/ coo*/ )a**0
40 It/ hot/ Vietna(/ =,&i*#
60 :he/ *i+e/ coo* weathe&0
;0 Cou/ *i+e / co*!/ weathe&#
E0 -hen/ hot/ I / wi((ing
W0 -hat/ you/ !o/ when/ hot#
/Y0 I/ o)ten/ go/ wi((ing/ u((e&0
VI. Change these sentences into the negative and interrogative form:
/0 It" o)ten wa&( in the ,&ing0
30 They o(eti(e in the ,a&+0
50 7ai uua**y !oe a)te& choo*0
20 Cou can ca(, in the ,a&+0
40 He a*way ha o(e egg )o& b&ea+)at0
60 7&0 Hai i ta+ing o(e %egetab*e to the (a&+et0
;0 7& *an *i+e o(e a,,*e0
E0 Thee boy a&e ,*aying %o**eyba** at ,&eent0
<ho( =nh 6 /
Trng THCS Au Lac On tap HKII Anh
Van 6
VII. Complete theses questions with !"# !$R$# !%&# !" '%()#
!" '*C!:
/0 ZZZZZZZZZZ !o you o)ten !o on :un!ay#
30 ZZZZZZZZZ ti(e !o you ha%e !inne&#
50 ZZZZZZZZZZ !oe he want#
20 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ chai& a&e the&e in the c*a#
40 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ !oe To( a*way go on 7on!ay#
60 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ )oo! !o you *i+e#
;0 ZZZZZZZZZZZZ !oe 7i 8ien *i%e#
E0 ZZZZZZZZZZZ i the ca+e# [ It" 4YY !ong0
*n9t ?J
IB Th8 n8ar Iutur8 t8n48,
-8 g29ng t2, 4!" [ 4#, $% &nh'
S A :8 Z 947 a/7 ar8\ A g29ng t2 A N8r: Z ;9th2ut t2\
+ %& th'(n# )i v*i c+c tr,n# t- v. c/! t- ch0 th(i #ian sau:
Tonight, tomorrow, on the weekend, next week, on Sunday
-.: 2 am going to write some letters tomorrow.
22. ()* +uestions ,ith e #oin# to :
(here - am. is. are - S - /oin/ to - 01
)o, 2on/
-.: & /hat are you going to do tomorrow1
/here is she going to have breakfast1
<ho( =nh 6 /
Trng THCS Au Lac On tap HKII Anh
Van 6
& )o, 2on/31 4ao 25u31 6H,i v3 th*i gian!
& Tr7 28i: 3'' 9or - :ho7n/ th8i /ian'
-.: How long are they going to stay in Ha Doi1
They are going to stay in Ha Doi for three weeks.
;;;' <a:in/ su//estions:
E 5Fa ra l*i 53 nghG hay m6t l*i gHi I, ta dJng
trong # cKu trLc sau:
. =et>s - 0 6 in9 ,ithout to? ( chng ta hy)
". (hat a@out - 0*in/. noun31 ( th sao/ nh?)
#. (hy $on>t ,e - 06 in9 ,ithout to? (Sao chng ta khng!?)
-.: Met0s go to the movies.
/hat about going to the movies1
/hy don0t we go to the movies1
I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently:
. a. vacation b. match c. badminton d. plan
". a. temple b. tent c. camera d. destination
#. a. citadel b. idea c. bring d. visit
$. a. photo b. go c. home d. hot
7. a. uncle b. music c. minibus d. summer
II. Choose the word or phrase that est co!pletes each sentence:
. /hat 999999999 the weather like in the summer1
a. is b. do c. does d. would
". /hen it0s warm, he goes 999999999999.
a. for swimming b. swimming c. swim d. to swim
#. How long are you going to stay in Hue1 99999999 a week.
a. for b. at c. in d. with
<ho( =nh 6 /
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Van 6
$. /hich place are you going to visit 999999991
a. firstly b. first c. at first d. one
7. The children don0t have homework this evening. They 99999999999
television all the evening.
a. watches c. are watching
b. are going to watch d. are going watching
<. 2t0s beautiful day today. Met0s 999999999999 for a walk.
a. go b. going c. to go d. to going
=. 999999999999 are they going to stay1 > Nor a week.
a. How much b. How long c. How many d. How often
@. /hat are you going to do 9999999999 the weekend1
a. 2n b. on c. to d. of
A. /hy don0t 999999999 to the park1
a. Oo b. going c. we go d. we going
B. 9999999999 are you going to stay1 > ;t a friend0s house.
a. /hat b. /here c. How long d. How often
. 2 want 9999999999 that movies.
a. see b. seeing c. to see d. to seeing
". He 999999999 goes swimming on the winter because it0s very cold.
a. usually b. always c. often d. never
#. He0s going to 999999999999 some photos.
a. take b. catch c. do d. make
$. She likes 999999999 her kite in the fields.
a. fly b. flies c. flying d. to flying
7. /here0s she1 > She 9999999999 dinner in the kitchen.
a. cook b. cooks c. is cooking d. is going to cook
III. Supply the correct ver for!:
. Dam often P go!99999999999 to the movies on Sundays.
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Van 6
". 2 P travel! 9999999999 to Cung Tau tomorrow.
#. Dga P watch! 999999999999 TC every evening.
$. They P play! 99999999999999 soccer at the moment.
7. /e P go ! 99999999999 to the cinema tonight.
<. He usually P Qog! 99999999999999 in the morning.
=. She P do! 999999999999999 aerobics everyday.
@. He P read! 9999999999 in the living room every day.
A. /hat 9999999 he P do! 999999999999 this weekend1
B. 2 P stay! 999999999999 there for " days when 2 come there.
I1. Sentence uildin#:
. :y fatherR cleanR bicycleR ne.t week
". StudentsR gamesR tomorrow afternoon
#. :ai and ManR stayR HueR ne.t week
$. 2 R writeR letter R tomorrow
7. SheR readR newspaper
<. /eR drinkR some coffee
=. How longR you R stayR Ha Doi1
@. /hereR heR goR ne.t week1
A. /hat timeR youR oftenR haveR lunch1
B. How often R your motherR go shopping1
1. 2ake $uestions:
. Dam and Sa is going to clean the window.
". Sill is going to take these chairs into the room.
#. His pencil is brown.
$. :r. Tam always works in the afternoon.
7. Man is my close friend.
<. They are going to have dinner in :r Sa0s house.
=. They are going to read some te.ts.
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@. 2 am going to play tennis after class.
A. /e are going to stay in Te. Hotel tonight.
B. She is going to buy some milk.
1I. "ead the passa#e and answer the $yestions:
:inh and his friends always have a picnic on the weekend. They are going to
have a picnic near a lake ne.t Saturday. Dam is going to bring his camera. Man is
going to bring some food. :inh is going to bring some drinks. Nirst, they are
going to have fried chicken, fried potatoes, apples and cola. ;fter that, they are
going to walk for one or two hours. Ninally, they are going to take some photos
and go home.
. /hat are :inh and his friends going to do on the weekend1
". /hat is Man going to bring1
#. /hat is :inh going to bringR
$. /hat are they going to do there1
7. /hat are they going to have1
1II. "ead and choose a suitale ver for each lank :
/atch & we & idea & what &
me & about & homework & tomorrow
:ary: 99999999999P! are you going to do tonight1
Man: 20m going to do my homework. /hat 9999999999P"! you1
:ary: 2 don0t have 999999999999P#!. 2 am going to 999999999999P$! TC.
Man: /hat are you going to do9999999999 P7!1
:ary: 2 don0t know. Hmm, do you want to go to the movies with
Man: 2 don0t want to go to the movies. /hy don0t 999999999P=! camping1
:ary: That0s a good 99999999999P@!.
1III. 2atchin#:
. /hat do you do in your free time1 ;. 2t0s cool.
<ho( =nh 6 /
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". How often does she read1 S. Ues, there is
#. /hat does :inh like doing1 V. 2 watch TC
$. /hat0s the weather like1 %. She0s tired
7. How long is she going to stay %a Mat1 -. 20d like some orange Quice
<. 2s it cold in the fall1 N. There is some milk.
=. /hat would you like1 O. Nor 7 days
@. 2s there any milk in the bottle1 H. /alking
A. /hat0s there to drink1 2. Twice a week
B. How does Dga feel1 W. Do, it isn0t
Unit 1A:
I. H Bi vC DuE DuFn :
& here + is, are + S + from -
S + is/ a!/ are + fro! + t3n n'*c.
-.: & /here are you from1
20m from Cietnam
& /here is he from1
& He0s from ;merica.
;;' )Bi vC DuGc t&ch:
& What + is + your/ his/ her/ their/ %a!s4 + nationality?
S + is/ a!/ are + $u5c t6ch
-.: & /hat0s your nationality1 &X 20m Cietnamese
III. H Bi vC n/Hn n/I:
& hich language + do, does + S + speak-
S + speak.s/ + n/Hn n/I
-.: & /hich language do you speak1
<ho( =nh 6 /
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2 speak -nglish
/hich language does Hoa speak1
She speaks Cietnamese.
;0' Jom"aratives an$ Su"er2atives o9 short a$Kectives : 6so sFnh
hLn vM so sFnh nhNt cOa tPnh tQ n/!n?
T"nh t# ng$n %& t"nh t# ch' c( ) *+n nh,- %ong, short, ta%%, sma%%,
high, .ig
/h0ng t"nh t# c( 1 *+n nh,ng t2n c3ng .4ng 5y6, 5er6, 5ow6
nh,- ha77y, c%e*er, narrowc8ng 9,:c so s;nh theo cng th<c
c=a t"nh t# ng$n!
1' Jom"aratives: 6 so sFnh hLn?
S + e 7 is/ a!/ are8 + adj. + er + than + noun/ pronoun

-.: Man is shorter than :inh
". Su"er2ative: 6 so sFnh nhNt?
S + is/ a!/ are + the + adj. + est
-.: :inh is the tallest in his class.
Sig &X bigger &X the biggest
Thin &X thinner &X the thinnest
Nat &X fatter &X the fattest
Small &X smaller &X the smallest
Tall &X taller &X the taller
Short &X shorter &X the shorter
Mong &X longer &X the longest
High &X higher &X the higher
0' )Bi vC :Pch thRSc:
9ow hi#h + is + noun ?
It + is + s5 l':n# + adj.
-.: How is the river1 &X 2t0s fifty kilometers long.
I;. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently:
. a. name b. vacation c. population d. small
". a. meter b. desert c. egg d. tent
#. a. high b. big c. river d. million
<ho( =nh 6 /
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$. a. cold b. long c. soda d. moment
7. a. city b. country c. my d. very
;. Co!plete the sentences with the countries and nationalities:
. Wohn is from the Ynited States. He is 999999999. He speaks 99999999
". Her friends are from Vhina. They are 999999999. They speak 999999.
#. 20m from Cietnam. 20m 999999999999. 2 speak 99999999999999999.
$. %aisy is from -ngland. She is 999999999. She speaks 999999999999.
7. They are from ;ustralia. They are 99999999999. They speak9999999.
<. He is from Wapan. He is 999999999999999. He speaks 999999999999.
=. She is from Vanada. She is 999999999999. She speaks 999999999999.
@. Susan is from Oreat Sritain .She is 9999999999. She speaks 99999999
;I. 2ake $uestions for the followin# answers:
. 9999999999999999999999999999999999999991
Do, she is not Nrench.
". 9999999999999999999999999999999999999991
20m from Cietnam.
#. 99999999999999999999999999999999999999991
Her mother is going to the market now.
$. 99999999999999999999999999999999999999991
Ues, she is from -ngland.
7. 999999999999999999999999999999999999999991
Do, she isn0t going to school now.
<. 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999991
/e are going to stay in a hotel.
=. 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999991
She goes to the cinema once a week.
@. 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999991
They are from Wapan
<ho( =nh 6 /
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A. 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999991
2 often have dinner at = p.m.
B. 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999991
Do, he isn0t ;ustralian. He0s Sritish.
Z22. Co!plete the sentences with the correct for! of the adjectives :
. Uour house is 9999999999999P big! than my house.
". Hoi ;n is the 9999999999999 Pold! town in Cietnam.
#. Tokyo is 99999999999 P big! than Mondon.
$. The :ekong Tiver is 999999999999 P long! than the Ted Tiver.
7. Her hair is 9999999999 Pshort! than his hair.
<. :ai0s house is the 9999999999999 Pbig! one in the village.
=. Her nose is 999999999999 Psmall! than my nose.
@. 2t is the 9999999999999 Pbig! building in this city.
A. Dam is 999999999999Ptall! than Sa. He is the 9999999999 Ptall! boy in his
B. The Oreet /all of china is the world0s 99999999999P long! structure.
;III. 2atch < to =:
; S
. /hat is he going to do this weekend1 ;. He is Vhinese.
". /here are you from1 S. ?nce or twice a week.
#. Van you speak Nrench1 V. 20 m from ;ustralia.
$. How often does she go shopping1 %. Ues, it is.
7. How do you feel now1 -. Do, 2 can.
<. How old is he1 N. He is going to help his mom.
=. 2s Ha Doi smaller than HV: Vity1 O. He is twelve years old.
@. /hat is his nationality1 H. 2 feel tired now.
A. /hich language does he speak1 2. He speaks -nglish.
B. /hat0s your favorite sport1 W. :y favorite sport is soccer.
;I1. 2ultiple choice:
. :inh is from Cietnam. He0s 9999999999999999.
a. Ciet Dam b. Cietnamese c. Cietnam man d. Cietnam
<ho( =nh 6 /
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". Her school is 9999999999999 than his school.
a. small b. smaller c. the smaller d. smallest
#. :e.ico Vity is the 99999999999 city in the world.
a. biger b. bigger c. biggest d. bigest
$. Dicole is from ;ustralia. She speaks 99999999999.
a. ;ustralia b. ;ustralian c. -ngland d. -nglish
7. How 999999999999999 is she1
a. High b. tall c. height d. length
<. Ha Doi is the 9999999999999 of Cietnam.
a. Vapital b. city c. mountain d. forest
=. 2t is 99999999999999 building of the three buildings.
a. ?ld b. older c. oldest d. the lodest
@. Tokyo has a 99999999999 of " million.
a. population b. polluted c. popular d. postcard
A. /hat0s his 99999999999999991 & He0s Wapanese.
a. nation b. national c. nationally d. nationality
B. 99999999999999 is hot and has very little water and very few plants.
a. :ountain b. %esert c. 8ark d. Tiver
. Tony is from Oreat Sritain. He0s 99999999999999.
a. Sritain b. Sritish c. Oerman d. Cietnam
". /hat does Tuan do in his free time1 > He 9999999999 on the river.
a. walking b. goes fishing c. does fishing d. take fishing
#. How is the 9999999999999 of toothpaste1
a. can b. bar c. bo. d. tube
$. 20d like some rice. 20m 9999999999999.
a. hungry b. hot c. thirsty d. thin
7. There isn0t 999999999999999 milk in the bottle.
a. an b. a c. any d. some
<ho( =nh 6 /
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;1. Co!plete the conversation and answer the $uestions:
Man: Hello, 2 am Man. /hat0s 99999999999999991
:ary: Hello, my name :ary. Dice to meet you.
Man: 9999999999999999999999999999999999991
:ary: 20m from Sritain. 9999999999999999999991
Man: 20m from Cietnam. 20m 99999999999999999999.
:ary: /hich language do you speak1
Man: 999999999999999999999999 Cietnamese.
:ary: 9999999999999 Cietnam a beautiful country1
Man: Ues, my country is very beautiful.
:ary: 9999999999999999999999999999991
Man: 2 live in Ho Vhi :inh Vity.
. /here is :ary from1
". /here is Man from1
#. /hich language does Man speak1
$. /hich language does mary speak1
7. %oes Man live in Hanoi1
Unit 1T:
2. ;n$e9inite Duanti9iers: ( c;c t# ch' %,:ng .>t 9?nh)
So!e> a little> a few> a lot of.
. So!e 7 *&i, m@t "t8> a lot of 7 nhiAu8: 5FHc dJng trF[c c\c danh t( 5+m 5FHc
] s^ nhi3u ho_c c\c danh t( kh`ng 5+m 5FHc trong cau .\c 5Gnh.
?@: some flowers
; lot of flowers
; lot of milk
Some milk
". < little P m6t 't, m6t chLt!: 5FHc dJng trF[c c\c danh t( kh`ng 5+m 5FHc.
?@: a little milk
#. < few Pm6t vbi, m6t 't!: 5FHc dJng trF[c c\c danh t( 5+m 5FHc ] s^ nhi3u.
?@: a few flowers
22. J5u hBi vSi U,hyV : P T4i sao1! h,i v3 lI do.
<ho( =nh 6 /
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Why + do/ does + 7not8 + S + 1 ?
=ecause + S44
-.: /hy don0t they go camping1
Secause they don0t have tent.
I. Aut in prepositions:
. Her house is 9999999999999 the country.
". There is a store 9999999999 to the lake.
#. :y house is 999999999999999 a cuiet street.
$. There is a car 99999999999 front 9999999999 the house.
7. There is a tree to the left 9999999999999 my house.
<. Dam0s house is 9999999999999 the tree and the garage.
=. ;re you waiting 9999999999 the bus1
@. 20m walking 999999999999 school.
A. She0s listening 9999999999 music now.
B. 20m 9999999999 vacation in Hue.
II. 2ake $uestions for these answers:
. 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999991
The great /all of Vhina is over nine meters thick.
". 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999991
Ues, he has a few paddy fields.
#. 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999991
2t is hot in the summer.
$. 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999991
He is going to Hue.
7. 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999991
Do, he isn0t going to stay in a hotel. He0s going to stay with his
<. 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999991
20m reading a book.
=. 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999991
The window is blue.
@. 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999991
2 need two kilos of meat.
A. 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999991
She is thirty now.
B. 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999991
Ues, Ho Vhi :inh Vity is the biggest city in Cietnam.
III. Aut in so!e> a> an> any> few> little> lot> lots:
. 2 eat 999999999999 banana every morning.
". The farmers produce 9999999999 of rice.
#. %o you have 999999999999999 eggs1
$. 2 can speak a 999999999999 -nglish.
7. /ould you like 999999999999 tea1
<. She needs a 9999999999 of meat.
<ho( =nh 6 /
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=. There are a 999999999999999 people in the house.
@. She has 9999999999 cookies. /ould you like to eat 999999991
A. 20m hungry. 2 want 99999999999 milk.
B. There is 99999999999 eraser on the table.
I1. 2ultiple choice:
. There isn0t 999999999999999 rice in the bowl.
a. a few b. a little c. much d. some
". He 9999999999 a hot drink.
a. want b. is wanting c. need d. needs
#. 999999999999 damage trees and flowers.
a. Dot b. Should c. Shouldn0t d. %on0t
$. deep 999999999 the grass.
a. of b. off c. to d. far
7. /e 9999999999 eat healthy food.
a. want b. don0t want c. should d. shouldn0t
<. Mooke That boy 99999999999 trash on the street.
a. leave b. leaves c. is leaving d. is going to leaving
=. They are cutting 99999999999 a lot of trees.
a. up b. down c. off d. to
@. The animals are in 999999999999.
a. danger b. beauty c. dangerous d. beautiful
A. 99999999999999 Ciet Dam, we recycle many things.
a. ;t b. ?n c. 2n d. Nrom
B. He 9999999999999 pick flowers.
a. Shouldn0t b. should not c. don0t should d. doesn0t should
Test 1:
B! Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently:
. a. face b. orange c. lemonade d. lake
". a. recycle b. temple c. lettuce d. chest
#. a. photo b. dofen c. ocean d. motorbike
$. a. menu b. tube c. music d. turn
BB! 2ultiple choice:
. 999999999999 going to the museum1
a. never eats b. eats never c. is never eating d. never is eating
". %oes he want 999999999999999 his grandfather1
a. visit b. visits c. visiting d. to visit
#. He should 99999999999 more healthy food.
a. eat b. eats c. eating d. to eat
$. 9999999999999 you learn -nglish1
a. /ould b. Van c. %oes d. %o
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7. 2 usually go to school 999999999999 the morning.
a. for b. at c. in d. on
<. %on0t 9999999999 trash in the street.
a. save b. collect c. throw c. pick
=. 9999999999999 are you going to stay1 > in the hotel.
a. /hat b. /here c. /hen c. /hich
@. He wants 9999999999 an engineer.
a. be b. to be c. being d. is
III. Read and choose a suitable verb for each blank :
*unch *ea%e in at e*e%en teache&
nea& goe
This is my sister, Trang. She is a P!9999999999. She teaches at a small
school P"! 9999999 the village. She gets up P#! 9999999999si.. -very morning she
P$! 999999999 the house at cuarter to seven. The school is not P7! 99999999 my
house, so she P<! 9999999999 to work by bicycle. Her class starts at seven and ends at
P=! 99999999. :y sister rides home and has P@! 999999999 at cuarter to twelve.
BC! "ead the passa#e and answer the $uestions:
:y name0s Mien and this is my husband, 8hil. /e work in offices in Mondon. /e
have breakfast at half past seven. /e must go to work early so we don0t have a
big breakfast. /e usually have bread, orange Quice and milk.
Nor lunch, we usually have a sandwich or an orange. That0s about .#B.
/e have dinner at about half past seven, it0s the big meal of the day and we have
fish with vegetables and potatoes or rice. /e have apple Quice with meal. ?n
Saturday evenings, we usually go to a restaurant for dinner at about eight o0clock.
g Buestions:
. /here do they work1
". /hat time do they have breakfast1
#. /hy don0t they have a big breakfast1
$. /hat do they usually have for breakfast1
7. /hat do they have for dinner1
<ho( =nh 6 /
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<. /here do they have dinner on Saturday evenings1
C! 2atch the $uestions to the answers:
. /hat is he doing now1 ;. Ues, he is
". %oes he play soccer in his free time1 S. 2n a flat in Mondon.
#. How old is he1 V. < days a week.
$. How often does he go to school1 %. Ues, he does.
7. 2s Sa a student1 -. He is going to visit his home village
<. /here does he live1 N. He is listening to music.
=. /hat is he going to do this Sunday1 O. 2t0s cool.
@. /hat0s the weather like today1 H. He is ".
CB! Sentence uildin#:
. TamR oftenR dinnerR seven.
". TheyR workR dardenR now.
#. /hatR weatherR likeR Hanoi1
$. UouR readR bookR moment1
B! Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently:
. a. big b. high c. like d. time
". a. table b. game c. take d. have
#. a. beach b. season c. weather d. read
$. a. mountain b. house c. shoulder d. mouth
BB! 2ultiple choice:
. 9999999999999 much milk does she have1
a. /hat b. /hich c. How d. /hen
". Nruit Quice is good for your 999999999999.
a. favorite b. favor c. healthy d. health
#. She 9999999999999 much money.
a. need b. needn0t c. don0t need d. doesn0t need
$. Uou can wait 999999999999 me at the school gate.
a. at b. for c. with d. in
7. /e often have 999999999999 at =:BB p.m.
a. breakfast b. lunch c. dinner d. B
<. There are 9999999999 flowers on the table.
a. a little b. a few c. an d. a
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=. His lips isn0t full. They are 9999999999999.
a. fat c. weak c. thin d. long
@. Memonade, apple Quice, soda and 99999999999 are cold drinks.
a. beans b. noodles c. vegetables d. iced tea
A. His children often play chess in 999999999999 free time.
a. your b. her c. their d. his
B. /hat about 99999999999 table tennis1
a. 8lay b. to play c. playing d. plays
BBB! "ead and choose a suitale ver for each lank:
they her ha*ing %unch
dishes home comes *egeta.%es
The 8ike are 999999999999P! breakfast now. :r. 8ike goes to work at @
o0clock. He always has 9999999999999 P"! at his office. He 9999999999999 P#!
home at $ o0clock. :rs. 8ike is washing the 9999999999999 P$!. :ary is helping
9999999999P7!. The 8ike always have dinner at 999999999999 P<!.
9999999999P=! often have 99999999999 P@! and fish for lunch.
They are happy.
CBB! "ead the passa#e and answer the $uestions:
2 like spring. The trees are green and it is warm. 2 live in a small village in the
country. 2 often ride my bike in spring.
2n summer, 2 go on vacation. 2 usually go to 2taly or Spain with my family. 2t0s
always hot there. 2 like going to the beach and swimming in the sea.
The fall is my favorite season. 2t is cold but it isn0t wet. Ther are woods near my
village and 2 often go walking there with my brother and sister.
2 don0t like winter. 2t is very cold, wet and gray. 2 don0t often go out in the
evenings. 2 usually stay at home and watch television or listen to music.
g +uestions:
. /hat does he often do in the springR
". /hat0s the weather like in 2taly or Spain in the summer1
<ho( =nh 6 /
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Van 6
#. /hat0s his favorite season1
$. /hat does he usually do in the fall1
7. /hat does he usually do in the winter1
CBBB! 2atch the $uestions to the answers:
. 20m thirsty. ;. There are five
". ?ur mother is wasing clothes. S. 2t0s mr Mong0s daughter
#. /here is your clothes1 V. Met0s help her.
$. How many pencils are there on the desk1 %. Ues, they are.
7. 2s your new hat blue or black1 -. /e0re going to the cinema.
<. /here are you going now1 N. Met0s go somewhere for a drink.
=. /ho is that1 O. They0re in the bo..
@. ;re these your books1 H. 2t0s red.
BD! Sentence uildin#:
. DgaR sometimesR goR her friend0sR houseR weekend.
". /eR goR Dha TrangR this Sunday.
#. /hereR your childrenR beR atR moment1
$. /eR likeR eatR someR fruits.

<ho( =nh 6 /

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