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Quest for a Sustainable University: a review

Lus P. Amaral
, Nelson Martins
, Joaquim B. Gouveia

Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering; University of Aveiro; Campus
Universitrio de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
e-mail: lpgamaral@ua.pt
Department of Mechanical Engineering; Centre for Mechanical Technology and Automation (TEMA);
University of Aveiro; Campus Universitrio de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
e-mail: nmartins@ua.pt
Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering; Research Unit on Governance,
Competitiveness and Public Politics (GOOVCOP); University of Aveiro; Campus Universitrio de Santiago,
3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
e-mail: bgouveia@ua.pt
Paper submitted: 26-Feb-2013; Paper revised: 06-Oct-2013, Paper accepted: 25-Oct-2013

Structured Abstract
Purpose: The paper aims to deliver a general review of the methods used to pursue the concept of a Sustainable
Design/methodology: The research was internet-based, and it included research papers, books, conference
proceedings, technical reports, and internet websites. The review was divided in two main parts: sustainability
implementation methods and assessment and report tools. In turn, the practices used on universities to implement
included more traditional environmental-sustainability initiatives and a more updated Sustainable
Management Systems.
Findings: Because traditional sustainability environmental-sustainability initiatives have flaws, more recent
tools were developed to help manage sustainability. Two Sustainability Management Systems specifically
oriented to universities are outlined on this paper. They both highlight the advantage of disposing a systematized
management system; the need of address environmental issues, and putting special attention on the use of
resources, especially energy, on campus buildings; the social responsibility of the institution; and educational
and research sustainability activities that must be taken on universities. Managing sustainability in a university
would be facilitated if the procedure used to implement sustainability is aligned with the tool used that assesses
its performance.
Originality/value: The paper presents an updated review of the efforts that universities have been made in
contributing to a sustainable development. It includes methods and tools used to manage sustainability within a
university, including the ones used to implement, assess and report it. The paper also intends to highlight the
need of consistency and coherence between the implementation method and the assessment and report tools.
Keywords - Sustainability, University System, Management Systems, Sustainable Education

Of all questions that mankind faces today, the impact of economic growth on ecological systems shows one of
the greatest paradoxes (Newman and Dale, 2008). On one hand, economical growth provides welfare to
populations, but on other hand contributes to environmental degradation and natural resources depletion.
Although prior studies from Rachel Carson (1964) and Kenneth Boulding (1966) were published, it was Limits
to Growth (Meadows, 1972) that shook the concept of economic development as we knew it. The Limits to
Growth authors raised a reasonable doubt about the earths ability to sustain its population and economical
growth. The book was shrouded in controversy and pretty soon the debate became polarized: from one side the
Accepted for publication at
the International Journal of
Sustainability in Higher
Education in 06-Oct-2013

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