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PII : S0277-5387(96)00581-5
Polyhedron Vol. 16, No. 18, pp. 3073-3088, 1997
1997 Elsevier Science Lt d
All r i ght s reserved. Pr i nt ed in Gr e a t Bri t ai n
0277 5387/97 $17. 00+0. 00
An overview of modeling studies in HDS, HDN
and HDO catalysis
R o b e r t J. A n g e l i c i
Depart ment of Chemistry and Ames Laborat ory, Iowa State University, Ames, I A 50011, U.S.A.
Abst r act - - Recent legislation directed at reducing sulfur levels in petroleum-based fuels has led to numerous
studies of commercial hydrotreating, the process whereby sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen are removed from
organic compounds in petroleum feedstocks. The goal of this overview is to highlight organometallic and
clean surface model studies t hat offer realistic ways of understanding details of hydrodesulfurization (HDS),
hydrodeni t rogenat i on ( HDN) and hydrodeoxygenat i on (HDO) reactions as they occur on heterogeneous
hydrot reat i ng catalysts. 1997 Elsevier Science Lt d
Keywords: hydrodesulfurization; hydrodenitrogenation; hydrodeoxygenat i on; thiophene; pyridine; furan.
This Symposium-in-Print is being published at a time when the petroleum industry ar ound the world is seeking
new ways t o reduce sulfur levels in gasoline and other fuels. Currently, U.S. federal regulations require gasoline
t o contain no more t han 0.1% sulfur (by weight), but this limit will be reduced t o 0.04% by the year 2000; in
California, only 0.003% sulfur will be permitted [1]. Similar reductions in sulfur levels are being imposed in
European countries. As other parts of the world become more industrialized, the need t o reduce sulfur levels
will surely increase.
Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) is the process whereby sulfur is removed from organosul fur compounds t hat
are present in petroleum distillates and other feedstocks by treatment with hydrogen gas (up to 200 atm
pressure) at temperatures of 300--450C. The reaction conditions depend, in part, on the sulfur contents of the
feedstocks which typically range from 0.2 to 4%. The most commonl y-used catalyst is a combi nat i on of cobalt
and mol ybdenum supported on A1203. The Co and Mo exist primarily as Co9S8 and MoS2 [1,2]. Under HDS
conditions, removal of nitrogen and oxygen from their organic compounds in petroleum also occurs. These
processes are known as hydrodeni t rogenat i on ( HDN) and hydrodeoxygenat i on (HDO) [3] and are represented,
along with HDS, by eqs (1), (2) and (3).
CaHbS + c H 2 - " - ' ~ ' H2 S + Ca l l d
CaHb N + c H 2 = NI-I 3 + CaI-I d
Ca HbO + c H 2 = I'I20 + CaHd
This treatment of petroleum feedstocks with hydrogen gas is known as hydrot reat i ng and is performed on a
very large scale commercially: 26 million barrels of feedstocks per day worldwide and 8.2 million barrels per
day in the U.S.A. in 1995 [4]. I n addition t o HDS, HDN and HDO, hydrogenat i on of unsat urat ed hydrocarbons
also occurs; these latter reactions are usually undesirable because of the high cost of H2.
The reasons for removing sulfur from petroleum feedstocks are not only t o reduce the amount of sulfur
3074 R. J . Angelici
oxides released i nt o the at mospher e dur i ng the combust i on of hydr ocar bon fuels, but also to reduce sulfur
poi soni ng of preci ous met al - based reformi ng cat al yst s t hat are used in pr oduci ng high oct ane gasoline. Ni t r ogen
removal is per f or med in or der to reduce ni t rogen oxi de emissions from burni ng fuels and t o prevent basic
ami ne poi soni ng of zeolitic cracki ng cat al yst s which are used to generate gasoline-sized molecules from l arger
hydr ocar bons. Typi cal l y, ni t rogen levels in crude oils are onl y 0 . 1 ~. 9 % by weight. The CoMo/A1203 cat al yst
which is highly effective for HDS is less active for HDN. When ni t rogen removal is especially i mpor t ant , a
NiMo/A1203 cat al yst is preferred. Oxygen levels in crude oils are usual l y low ( < 0. 1%), and while HDO occurs
under hydr ot r eat i ng condi t i ons, oxygen r emoval is general l y not a goal of this process.
The model studies descri bed in this Symposi um-i n-Pri nt at t empt t o under st and how adsor pt i on and react i on
of molecules occur under the st renuous process condi t i ons used for HDS, HDN and HDO. Whet her the
model s are organomet al l i c complexes or molecules on single met al cryst al s under ul t r a high vacuum, they
represent si t uat i ons t hat are very different from t hose used in hydrot reat i ng. For this reason, results of model
studies may or may not be rel evant t o react i ons per f or med under cat al yt i c condi t i ons; however, they do pr ovi de
realistic examples of how react ant s might adsor b and react, And t hey have also opened up many new ways of
t hi nki ng about how these processes mi ght occur on a cat al ys t - - ways t hat had not been previ ousl y imagined.
Model studies also help us to distinguish between "r easonabl e" and "less r easonabl e" mechani sms t hat were
pr oposed in the past. Whi l e these studies suggest how hydr ot r eat i ng react i ons might occur, it is necessary to
design experi ment s t hat will test the val i di t y of each model. Such experi ment s, a few of which have been
report ed, begin to bri dge the rat her sizeable gap between t he model i ng and het erogeneous cat al ysi s engineering
communi t i es.
In this l ead-off article, I give bri ef overviews of HDS, HDN and HDO in an effort t o highlight some of the
r epor t ed model i ng studies; the coverage is not i nt ended to be comprehensi ve. Much mor e has been done on
HDS t han HDN, while HDO has been i nvest i gat ed rel at i vel y little.
The types of or ganosul f ur compounds present in pet r ol eum feedstocks are shown in Tabl e 1 [5-8]. The al kyl
and aryl thiols (RSH), t hi oet hers ( RSR' ) and disulfides ( RSSR' ) undergo HDS [eq. (1)] under the mi l dest
condi t i ons and are t herefore desulfurized mor e readi l y t han the ar omat i cal l y stabilized t hi ophene [9,10]. It
is the t hi ophenes t hat requi re the st renuous condi t i ons empl oyed in hydrot reat i ng. Whi l e the t hi ophenes,
benzo[b]t hi ophenes and most di benzot hi ophenes are desulfurized under current process condi t i ons, future
regul at i ons will also require desul furi zat i on of rel at i vel y unreact i ve di benzot hi ophenes [11,12] t hat are sub-
st i t ut ed in the 4, 6-positions such as 4, 6-di met hyl di benzot hi ophene (4,6-Me2DBT). These sterically hi ndered
di benzot hi ophenes represent a maj or challenge for researchers in HDS. For each of t he different t ypes of
organosul fur compounds in Tabl e 1, HDS react i on product s, i nt ermedi at es, t her modynami cs and kinetics have
been summari zed by Gi rgi s and Gat es [13].
Table 1. Types of organosulfur compounds in petroleum
RSH, thiols
RSR, sulfides
RSSR, disulfides
4 5
3 6
9 I
Modeling studies in HDS, HDN and HDO catalysis 3075
Model studies of all of the classes (Table 1) of organosulfur compounds have been reported. Organic
chemists have used transition metal complexes, including metal carbonyls [14], extensively as stoichiometric
reagents for the desulfurization of thiols and thioethers. In an effort to understand how metal complexes
promote C- - S cleavage in thiols, Curtis [15] showed that the C- - S bond of the thiolate (RS-, R = aryl, t-Bu)
ligand in the cluster complex Cp~Mo2Co/S3 (CO)3(SR)- is cleaved homolytically when the cluster is refluxed
in acetonitrile. This cleavage is presumably promoted by the formation of a stable p3-sulfide complex [eq. (4)],
I - ! "
M~ I ~ f M M~ I ~ f M
+ R- (4)
which provides the driving force for the reaction. Heterolytic C- - S bond cleavage of the thioether
tetrahydrothiophene (THT) ligand has been observed [16] in reactions of CI3W(#-THT)3WCI 3, which contains
three sulfur-bridging THT ligands, with nucleophiles (Nuc-) such as SR- , SeR-, CI-, Br - and H- [eq. (5)].
C13W(I.I.-THT)3WC13 + Nuc-
CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 Nu e q - -
C1 3 W~ WCl 3 (5)
In this case, the electron-withdrawing W(III) centers presumably make the ~-CH2 of the THT susceptible to
nucleophilic attack. Thiols such as CH3SH undergo rapid C- - S cleavage on single crystal metal surfaces under
UHV conditions to give hydrocarbons and a surface sulfide [17,18]. Cyclic thioethers such as thietane (C3H65)
and tetrahydrothiophene (THT, C4H85 ) undergo initial C- - S bond cleavage on Mo(110) to give adsorbed
thiolates (propanethiolate or butanethiolate), which then decompose to give the corresponding alkane or
alkene and the surface sulfide [17,18]. As in its reaction on Mo(110), thietane reacts with a dinuclear mol-
ybdenum complex to give cyclopropane and the sulfide complex [eq. (6)] [19]. An organometallic model for
Me " [ + - 1 +
Me ~ ~ , , Me
S . S Me ~ . s , ~ , S
s ) s
+ V + MezS (6)
THT ring-opening on Mo(110) is provided by the transformations in eq. (7) that occur on an Os3(CO)t0
I S ~
Os ~
Os / \ O s O~" Os s
cluster core [20]. These are typical examples of organometallic model reactions that provide possible detailed
mechanisms for reactions of cyclic thioethers that occur on metal surfaces.
The unsaturated thioether 2,5-dihydrothiophene (2,5-DHT), which we have proposed [21,22] as an inter-
mediate in a mechanism for the HDS of thiophene, decomposes on Mo(110) to give butadiene selectively and
3076 R. J . Angelici
the surface sulfide [eq. (8)] [18,23]. Butadiene is also the maj or product of 2, 5-DHT hydrodesulfurization over
+ M S ( 8 )
a 5 % Re/AI203 catalyst at 300C [22(a)]. The 2, 5-DHT ligand, when coordi nat ed to a metal t hrough the sulfur,
in the complexes L~M(2,5-DHT), where LxM = W(CO)5, Fe(CO)4 or Re2(CO)9, also decomposes [eq. (8)] by
releasing butadiene [24]. Presumably, sulfur-coordination of 2, 5-DHT t o a metal center, whether on Mo(110),
on an HDS catalyst or in a complex, promot es butadiene evolution.
Thiophene is the organosulfur compound t hat has been most extensively investigated by organometallic
modeling. Because of the central role of mol ybdenum in commercial HDS catalysis, one would expect the
literature t o be filled with mol ybdenum-t hi ophene complexes. Yet none has been reported despite numerous
efforts by several research groups. A partial exception t o this statement is fac-Mo(CO)3[2,5-(PhzPCH-
2CHz)2C4H2S] in which the thiophene port i on of the tridentate ligand 2,5-(Ph2PCH2CH2)2CnHzS is ~/~(S)-
coordinated to the mol ybdenum [25]; the coordinating PPh2 groups presumably provide the necessary driving
force for sulfur coordi nat i on of the thiophene group. It is not obvious, however, why simple thiophene
complexes are not stable; it might be noted that several other metals, e.g., Ru, Os, Rh, Ir and Re, have higher
HDS activities t han Mo [26,27], and thiophene complexes are known for all of these metals [28].
In its complexes, thiophene coordinates in the several different modes shown in Fig. 1; reviews of the many
complexes t hat contain thiophene ligands have been published [28-30]. In principle, thiophene could adsorb
to metal sites on HDS catalysts in any of these ways. Raman, infrared emission (IRE), and inelastic tunneling
(lET) spectroscopic studies by Diemann, Weber, and MUller show t hat thiophene adsorbs t o MoSz/A1203 only
when the MoS2 is reduced by H2 [31]. Based on vibrational dat a and MO calculations, the authors propose
t hat thiophene coordinates t hrough its sulfur to a Mo n site. It would be useful to compare these spectroscopic
results for thiophene on reduced MoS2/A1203 with analogous dat a for thiophene complexes exhibiting the
coordi nat i on modes in Fig. 1. Spectroscopic studies of single metal crystals indicate t hat thiophene may adsorb
on Pt(111) either by coordinating t hrough its sulfur at om but tilted with respect to the surface or by r/5-bonding
with the thiophene molecular plane oriented parallel to the surface [32]. I n general, thiophene is very reactive
1 1 ( S ) T I 2
1 ] 4 I ] 5
Fig. 1. Known modes of thiophene coordination in transition metal complexes.
Modeling studies in HDS, HDN and HDO catalysis 3077
on single crystal metal surfaces and undergoes non-selective decomposition t o carbon and other product s
[17,18,33]. On the other hand, several studies [34] show t hat thiophene is f o r me d from acetylene and sulfur on
Pd(111) surfaces.
In all structurally characterized organometallic complexes containing ~fl (S)-coordinated thiophene, the metal
does not lie in the plane of the thiophene; the sulfur may be described as approximately sp 3 hybridized
[28-30]. There are no X-ray-determined structures of q2-thiophenes, al t hough the Os(NH3)5(2,3-r/Z-Thi) 2+
complexes, where Thi is thiophene or a substituted thiophene, are well-characterized spectroscopically [35].
Selenophene, the Se analog of thiophene, is 2,3-q 2 coordinated in Cp'Re(CO)2(2,3-~/2-Sel) [36]. And benzo[b-
]thiophene (BT) forms complexes Cp' Re(CO)z(BT) t hat exist as equilibrium mixtures of isomers exhibiting
the 2,3-~/2- and ~fl(S)-coordination modes [37]. Al t hough well-refined X-ray structures were not obtained for
either Cp'Re(CO)2(2,3-qZ-Sel) or Cp'Re(CO)z(2,3-~/Z-BT), structures of some of their derivatives have been
reported [36,38,39]. Several structural determinations of ~/4_ and qS-thiophene complexes have been reported
[28-30]. Molecular orbital calculations of thiophene bondi ng to metal centers in organometallic complexes
[40] and on catalyst surfaces [41-43] have been used to estimate the most favorable bondi ng modes and types
of reactivity expected from adsorbed thiophene.
While thiophene in its complexes undergoes a variety of reactions, I discuss below only those reactions t hat
seem most relevant t o catalytic HDS; they often lead t o C- - S bond cleavage. Initially, reactions of thiophene
in relatively positive metal complexes are discussed; in this environment thiophene is often attacked by
nucleophiles. Next, reactions of relatively electron-rich complexes will be examined. Nucleophilic addition has
been reported only for qS-thiophene complexes. The metal presumably withdraws electron-density from the
thiophene making it susceptible to attack by nucleophiles. The cationic Mn(CO)30/5-T) + reacts [eq. (9)] with
/ 7 L .do
+ [ H - ] = I ! =. . =S ( 9 )
I / , - - , 1 7 "
Mn ( CO) 3 Mn ( CO) 3
hydride sources (HUe(CO)4-, HW( CO) ~ or BH4) , as well as other nucleophiles ( CN- and PBu~), to give the
allyl sulfide product 1 [44,45]. A related allyl sulfide ReH2(PPh3)z(~/4-C4HsS) was prepared by reaction of
ReH7(PPh3)2 with thiophene in the presence of the hydrogen acceptor t -BuCH = CH2 [46]. This reaction
presumably involves transfer of a hydride ligand t o a coordinated thiophene. This type of mechanistic step is
supported by the conversion of 2 t o 3 in eq. (10) [47]. The allyl sulfide ligand in 3 may be subsequently
- - ] +
P = PPh3 3
H ~ ] r / S / (10)
80 H ~ ] p ' ~
converted t o t et rahydrot hi ophene in 4 upon reaction with H 2. Complex 2 also reacts with excess thiophene
under H2 (1 atm) to give 4.
The reaction [eq. (11)] of hydrides (A1H4, HzAI(OCHzCHzOMe)~- or HBEt 3) with the ~/5-T ligand in
7 +
+ [ H - ]
3078 R. J . Angelici
CpRu( qt T) not only results in addition of H- t o the C(2) position but also causes cleavage of the C- - S
bond to give a butadiene thiolate ligand (5) [48]. It is not obvious why C- - S cleavage occurs in reaction (11)
but not in (9). Rauchfuss [49,50] showed that a butadiene thiolate ligand may also be generated by electrophilic
addition [eq. (12)] of H to the C(2) carbon of an electron-rich q4-thiophene complex t o give initially an allyl
+ -]+
+ H+ " " ~ ~ I S
(' qe' ceMe6) 6 Ru
7 8
sulfide complex (7) which subsequently undergoes ring-opening t o the butadiene thiolate product 8.
The C- - S cleavage reactions in eqs (11) and (12) require ~/5 o r / 1 4 thiophene coordi nat i on to a metal. Since
BT and DBT do not coordinate in this manner [30], these benzothiophenes do not undergo reactions t hat lead
to C- - S cleavage by processes analogous t o those in eqs (11) and (12). A common mode of BT and DBT
coordi nat i on is q6 t hrough the benzo-rings. However, there is no evidence t hat this type of coordi nat i on
promot es reactions t hat result in C- - S bond cleavage [51,52]. The 2,3-~f-coordinated form [37] of BT is
presumably an intermediate in catalytic hydrogenat i on reactions [53,54] t hat give 2,3-dihydrobenzothiophene,
an intermediate in the HDS of BT [37]. Sulfur-coordinated BT and DBT complexes do not undergo C- - S
cleavage reactions, but they may be precursors to intermediates t hat lead to insertion of a metal into a C- - S
bond as discussed below.
The qt t hi ophene ligands in Cp*I r ( qt Thi ) 2+ do not undergo nucleophilic attack by H donors, as in eqs (9)
and (11). Instead, H2AI(OCH2CH2OMe)2, as well as the reducing agent Cp2Co, simply donates two electrons
to give [eq. (13)] the ~/4-thiophene complex 10 [55]. In the presence of bases or during ultraviolet photolysis,
S + 2 e - = ..~ ( 13)
IrCp* Ix Cp*
9 Cp* 11
10 isomerizes to 11 with the insertion of the Ir into a C- - S bond of the thiophene ligand. Thus, the overall
effect of reducing complex 9 is cleavage of a thiophene C- - S bond. Oxidation of 11 with two equivalents of
Cp2Fe + gives 9 quantitatively, which results in making a C- - S bond. Thus, simple reduction and oxidation leads
to C- - S bond breaking or making. The anal ogous Cp*Rh(~/tMe4T) 2+, where Me4T is tetramethylthiophene, is
also reduced by Cp2Co to give Cp*Rh(q4-Me4 T) [56], which is not reported to rearrange t o the ring-opened
analog of 11. Reduction of (q6-C6Me6)Ru(~/5-Me4T)2+ by Cp2Co gives (r/6-C6Me6)Ru(r/4-Me4T), which is an
analog of 10 [49], it t oo is not reported to isomerize to a ring-opened product similar t o 11.
The planar 6-membered ring in 11 has been described as an aromat i c iridathiabenzene unit [55]. I t forms q6_
complexes [57] and reacts with a variety of Lewis acids and bases [58]. With phosphines it forms adducts [eq.
(14)] in which the iridium is coordinatively saturated and the 6-membered ring is no longer planar nor aromat i c
+ P R 3 ~ R 3 P - ~ S ~
Cp* Cp*
11 12
( 14)
[59]. Jones reported the format i on of the Rh analog of 12 by the reaction shown in eq. (15) [60,61]. Detailed
Modeling studies in HDS, HDN and HDO catalysis
/'..,,,, " Q
Mc, j P H
60 Me3p/
( 15)
R h P * s
Me 3 P l
M e 3 P ~
studies indicate that this reaction proceeds by reductive-elimination of benzene to give a 16-electron fragment
Cp*Rh(PMe3) that reacts with thiophene by C- - H or C--S oxidative-addition to give either
Cp*Rh(PMe3)(H)(thienyl) or 14 [eq. (15)]; complex 14 is the more stable isomer. Benzo[b]thiophene and DBT
also react to form C--S inserted products, 15 and 16 [60,61]. A variety of methyl-substituted dibenzothiophenes
undergo this reaction [62], but it is interesting that the sterically hindered 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene
forms only an ql (S) complex but not a C- - S inserted product. The hydrotris(3,5-dimethyl-l-pyrazolyl)borate
complex Tp*Rh(C2Ha)(PMe3) reacts either thermally or under UV-photolysis [63] like 13 in eq. (15) to
give a mixture of C- - H and C--S oxidative-addition products, Tp*Rh(PMe3)(H)(2-thienyl) and
r 1
Tp* Rh(CHCHCHCHS)(PMe3); however, in these complexes, the C- - H oxidative-addition isomer is the more
stable one.
Bianchini and S~inchez-Delgado describe ring-opening reactions of thiophene (T) [64] and benzo[b]thiophene
(BT) [65] with the 14-electron fragment (triphos)Ir that is generated by dissociation of benzene from
(triphos)Ir(t/4-C6H6) ; triphos is MeC(CH2PPh2) 3. In the reaction with BT, intermediate 18 was isolated and
' - ] + (triphos) S ~ +
(t ri phos)i x0-C6H6) + + BT T I - I F THF lx
- reflux D- ( \ (16)
\ x
17 L ~ S
Ix 19
assigned an r/3-BT structure based on spectroscopic studies. As in 11, the Ir in 19 is part of a delocalized
iridathiabenzene 6-membered ring. Reaction of 19 with H2(5 atm) yields a sulfur-coordinated complex of 2-
ethylbenzene thiolate resulting from hydrogenation of the C-~-C bond and cleavage of the I r - - C bond in 19
[65]. When the 16-electron fragment (triphos)Ir(H) is reacted with BT, the ring-opened product 21 is generated
initially [eq. (17)] but is converted to the 2-vinylbenzenethiolate complex 22 on heating. Thiophene reacts with
P \ I / n P\I
P~, / H T H F p.-If~S A p.,. I r ~ S
20 in the same manner to give the butadiene thiolate analog of 22 [64]. The 16-electron rhodium fragment
(triphos)Rh(H), generated thermally from (triphos)RhH3, undergoes many of the same reactions as (tri-
3080 R. J . Angelici
phos)Ir(H) with T [66,67] and BT [68]. In addition, the Rh analog of 22 catalyzes the conversion of BT t o 2-
ethylbenzenethiol [68]. This is the first example of a homogeneously catalyzed reaction of BT t hat results in
cleavage of a C- - S bond. Bianchini and S~inchez-Delgado [69] have also shown t hat DBT undergoes homo-
geneous HDS t o give biphenyl and H2S in the presence of catalytic amount s of (triphos)(H)Ir(t/2-C,S-C~2H8S),
a complex whose structure is anal ogous to that of 21 but contains the ligand resulting from C- - S oxidative-
addition of DBT to the (triphos)Ir(H) fragment. These catalyzed reactions are especially interesting because
many of the mechanistic details of the reactions are understood. Homogeneous catalytic reactions of T, BT
and DBT with H2 have been recently summarized by Bianchini and Meli [70].
In another example of C- - S oxidative-addition at an electron-rich iridium, T and BT were observed [71] to
i 1
react with [Ir(1,5-COD)(PMe3)3]CI to give ring-opened complexes (Me3P)3(C1)Ir(SCHCHCHCH) and the
chloro analog of 21. Besides Ir and Rh, platinum in the electron-rich Pt(PEt3)3 reacts with T, BT and DBT to
give C- - S oxidative-addition product s as illustrated for BT in eq. (18) [72]. In reactions that appear to be
Pt(PEt3) 3 + BT 80 C Et3P ~ /S-----~,,_ _j/~
/ P t (18)
toluene Et3P \ _ _ / " ~ J
quite different t han those of the electron-rich Ir, Rh, and Pt complexes, (CO)3Mn(r/6-BT) and (CO)3Mn(r/5-
T) are reduced by Cp2Co in the presence of CO to give product s [eqs (19) and (20)] in which Mn inserts into
Cp2Co ( C Oh M
MI I ( CO) 3 I
s - 7 + s
0 Cp2COco ( C O ) 4 M n ~ ~
Mn(CO)3 Mn(CO)3
a C- - S bond of the thiophene [73]; in product 23, the metal has inserted into the S-aryl bond rather than the
S-vinyl bond, which was observed for the Ir and Pt complexes [eqs (16)-(18)]. Anot her unexpected route [74]
[eq. (21)] to a metal-inserted product involves C- - S cleavage of a thienyl ligand to give a product in which a
(Me.2N) 2 (NMe.2)2
ButOH (ButO)2/ - - ~OBut)2
vinylidene of the cleaved thienyl ligand bridges two metals. Anot her interesting thienyl C- - S cleavage reaction
is t hat of the zirconium complex in eq. (22) [75].
25 *C r i
Cl ~Zr 18 h ~ CI ~Z
Model i ng studies in HDS, HDN and HDO cat al ysi s 3081
In a r emar kabl e react i on [eq. (23)] wi t h t hi ophene, [Cp*IrH3]z not onl y cleaves bot h C- - S bonds but also
Cp* ~ H ' Cp* ~>~ --
6 o c cp," y "cp,
delivers t wo hydr ogen at oms to form but adi ene, whi ch is st abi l i zed by bondi ng to the i ri di um at oms [76]. The
t -but yl et hyl ene pr esumabl y dehydr ogenat es t he react i ng [Cp*IrH3]2 whi ch provi des an i ni t i al coor di nat i on site
for the t hi ophene. Jones and Chi n have also suggested a mechani sm for t he overall process [76].
The above react i ons i l l ust rat e t he many different ways t hat t hi ophene C- - S bond cleavage occurs in t ransi t i on
met al complexes. Some of these react i ons are bet t er under st ood t han others. Besides t he react i ons cited here,
t here are numerous ot hers in which bot h C- - S bonds in t hi ophenes are cleaved by mononucl ear and pol ynucl ear
complexes; some of these have recent l y been summari zed [70].
A few of t he above react i ons t hat result in C- - S cleavage have been i ncor por at ed i nt o mechani sms for HDS.
Whi l e t here is not space t o descri be t hem here, full discussions may be found in the fol l owi ng sources. Bianchini
and Mel i review mechani sms for cat al yt i c hydr ogenat i on and HDS of BT and DBT in t he sol ut i on phase [70].
My gr oup has pr oposed t wo mechani sms based on or ganomet al l i c model studies. One [21, 22, 77] involves
par t i al hydr ogenat i on of t hi ophene t o di hydr ot hi ophene in the initial steps. The ot her [77, 78] begins with
cleavage of bot h C- - S bonds before any hydr ogenat i on of t he C4H4 por t i on of t hi ophene occurs. In or der to
test the vi abi l i t y of these and ot her mechani sms, we conduct ed [79] a series of t hi ophene HDS react i ons using
D2 i nst ead of H2 over a PbMo6S8 cat al yst and det ermi ned the number and l ocat i on of deut er i um at oms in the
1,3-butadiene product . I t was concl uded t hat bot h of t he above hydr ogenat i on and C- - S cleavage mechani sms
were consi st ent wi t h the results. Of t he mechani sms pr oposed in the l i t erat ure t hat were not based on
or ganomet al l i c model s, some were consi st ent wi t h the findings; ot hers were not [79]. A qui t e different appr oach
to devel opi ng mechani sms of het erogeneous t hi ophene HDS was t aken by St art sev [80,81]; his pr oposal s are
based on cat al yt i c r eact or and surface char act er i zat i on studies.
Al t hough t he maj or focus of model studies has been on possi bl e mechani sms for t hi ophene HDS, some
at t ent i on has been devot ed t o under st andi ng how the pr ot ons in t hi ophene and benzo[b]t hi ophene undergo
exchange wi t h D 2 in a process [eq. (24)] t hat is oft en much fast er t han desul furi zat i on. This exchange has been
+ D 2 ~ + H 2
observed on CoMo/ y- AI 203 [82] and PbMo6S 8 [79]; exchange is much faster for pr ot ons in the 2 and 5 posi t i ons
t han in the 3 and 4 posi t i ons. Thi s exchange coul d be expl ai ned by the model react i on in eq. (25) which
H H ' ~ + D' - ] +
~ S + CD3OD OH-D- ~ S + CD3OH
H 23* CpRi u ~
describes a base-cat al yzed exchange of t he 2, 5-prot ons of an ~/5-thiophene l i gand with deut er i um in deut ero-
met hanol [83]. The react i on is first or der in bot h the compl ex and OH- concent rat i ons; and it is much faster
for pr ot ons at t he 2 and 5 posi t i ons. On a CoMo/7-AI203 cat al yst , t he oxi de i ons in A1203 may act as the base
t owar d a t hi ophene t hat is qS-coordinated t o a Mo or Co. In fact, when CpRu(r/5-T) + is adsor bed on an A1203
whose surface - - OH groups have been exchanged with deut eri um (---OD), the deut er i um is i ncor por at ed i nt o
the 2 and 5 posi t i ons of t he t hi ophene of t he adsor bed CpRu(r/5-T) + compl ex [83]. Whi l e qS-coordination
r easonabl y account s for t hi ophene H- D exchange over HDS cat al yst s, r/6-coordination of BT does not [84].
On several HDS cat al yst s (PbMo6Ss, Co025MoS, and 5% Re/7-A1203) exchange of BT pr ot ons wi t h D 2 occurs
3082 R . J . Angelici
f ast est a t t he 2 and 3 posi t i ons, but OH- - c a t a l y z e d exchange o f t he q6-BT in CpRu( q6- BT) + occur s f ast est in
the 2 a nd 7 posi t i ons.
Anot he r possi bl e mechani s m f or H - D exchange coul d i nvol ve a t hi enyl i nt er medi at e. Thi s pr opos a l [85,86]
is based on t he r eact i on [eq. (26)] o f Cp(NO)(PPh3)Re(r/ J (S)-T) + (24) wi t h bases t ha t ar e at l east as basi c as
(l i g)Re~s " - ] + base ~ 25 ~ H+ S - - - - / ~ - ~+
.C~ (lig)Re _ ~ (lig)R
24 25 HI~
mor phol i ne (pKa = 8.3). Since free t hi ophene r equi r es ver y s t r ong bases f or its de pr ot ona t i on, t he conver s i on
o f 24 t o 25 is cl earl y p r o mo t e d by t he met al f r agment ; a possi bl e me c ha ni s m f or this r eact i on i nvol ves initial
r e a r r a nge me nt o f t he ~/~(S)-bonded t hi ophene t o its 2,3-r/2(C,C) i somer , whi ch is act ual l y t he species t ha t
under goes de pr ot ona t i on t o gi ve 25. Re p r o t o n a t i o n o f 25 wi t h aci d (HBF4 or Tf OH) gives t he car bene
26 whi ch in s ome cases (e.g., 2- met hyl t hi ophene) r ear r anges r api dl y t o t he mor e st abl e i s omer 24. The
benzo[ b] t hi ophene compl ex Cp( NO) ( PPh3) Re0/ ~( S) - BT) under goes [85,86] t he a na l ogous de pr ot ona t i on a nd
r e - pr ot ona t i on r eact i ons as in eq. (26) t o gi ve t he benzot hi enyl car bene pr oduct . Unl i ke t he Re syst em, t he
benzot hi enyl l i gand in Cp( PMea) 2Ru( r / l ( C) - benzot hi enyl ) r eact s [87] wi t h CF3503 H t o give onl y t he ~/~(S)-
benzot hi ophene compl ex Cp( PMe3) 2Ru0/ I ( S) - BT) +. Overal l , t he pr ocess i nvol vi ng de pr ot ona t i on o f t hi ophene
and BT in t hei r ~/1(S) compl exes t o give r/~(C)-thienyl compl exes [eq. (26)] f ol l owed by r e - pr ot ona t i on ba c k t o
t he r/ l (S)-t hi ophene compl ex, r epr esent s a possi bl e me c ha ni s m f or p r o t o n exchange wi t h deut er i um on an HDS
cat al yst .
I n a me c ha ni s m pr opos e d by Ra kows ki DuBoi s, t he me t a l compl ex pl ays a qui t e di fferent r ol e [88]. I t was
obser ved t ha t [(r/5-CsH4Me)Mo]2(S2CH2)(#-S)(/~-SH) + cat al yzes t he exchange [eq. (24)] o f t hi ophene( T) a nd
benzo[ b] t hi ophene( BT) pr ot ons wi t h D2; mor e ove r , pr ef er ent i al deut er i um subst i t ut i on occur s at t he 2,5
posi t i ons in T a nd t he 2,3 posi t i ons in BT. The a ut hor s pr ovi de convi nci ng evi dence t ha t t he cat al ys t serves
si mpl y t o gener at e aci d ( H ) in sol ut i on by a r eact i on si mi l ar t o t ha t in eq. (27) [89]. Thi s het er ol yt i c cl eavage
R " ] + R
' s " s , , H
' M ~ s S , ~ - C p ' M ~ s S ' ~ ' M C p '
Cp . M o C p ' + a 2 _ /
R = CI h, ( c I hhc n
+ H + (27)
o f H2 is s ome wha t unusual because a H - i on f or mal l y adds t o a br i dgi ng sulfide t o give a br i dgi ng SH g r o u p
in t he pr oduct . I t is t he D + pr oduc t o f this r eact i on, when usi ng D2, t ha t is pr opos e d t o cat al yze el ect rophi l i c
subst i t ut i on o f hydr ogens in t he 2,5 sites on t hi ophene a nd t he 2,3 posi t i ons o f BT. I ndeed, ot her deut er o- aci ds
such as D2SO4 al so cat al yze t he exchange o f t he 2, 5- pr ot ons in t hi ophene [90]. On a CoMo/v-A1203 cat al yst ,
one mi ght concei ve o f a si mi l ar me c ha ni s m in whi ch D2 is conver t ed t o aci di c D , pe r ha ps as a sur f ace - - S D
gr oup whi ch p r o mo t e s the exchange r eact i on. At this poi nt , t her e is no exper i ment al evi dence t o di st i ngui sh
a mo n g t hese di fferent possi bl e mechani s ms [eqs (25), (26), (27)] f or H - D exchange [eq. (24)] on HDS cat al yst s.
Or ga noni t r oge n c o mp o u n d s ( Tabl e 2) in pe t r ol e um f eedst ocks under go hydr ode ni t r oge na t i on t o f or m
a mmo n i a accor di ng t o eq. (2) [1,3,91]. The al kyl ami nes, bot h cyclic a nd non-cycl i c, unde r go H D N under
mi l der condi t i ons t ha n t he uns a t ur a t e d pyri di nes, qui nol i nes, pyr r ol es a nd indoles. A var i et y o f cat al yt i c
r e a c t or st udi es [ 1,3,13] i ndi cat e t ha t t he N- cont ai ni ng ri ng o f uns a t ur a t e d het er ocycl es mus t be s at ur at ed bef or e
C - - N bond cl eavage occurs. An exampl e o f this H D N pr ocess is shown wi t h i ndol e in eq. (28). Since t he
Modeling studies in HDS, HDN and HDO catalysis
Table 2. Types of organonitrogen compounds in petroleum
R2 NH ami nes 5 ~ 2
7 H
R3 N indole
4 5 4
pyridine quinoline
N H2 - ~ N
=- (28)
NI-I 3 + ethylbenzene + ethylcyclohexane
saturated amines undergo HDN rapidly, the overall HDN rates for the N-het eroaromat i c compounds are
determined by the rates of hydrogenat i on of the unsaturated N-cont ai ni ng rings. These rates decrease in the
following order [1,92]: quinoline > pyridine > indole > pyrrole. Thus, as practiced, the HDN process con-
sumes large quantities of relatively expensive H2. One commercial goal for the HDN process is t o find catalysts
t hat will remove nitrogen as NH3 without first hydrogenat i ng the unsaturated N-cont ai ni ng rings. So, some of
the organometallic modeling studies have been directed t oward reactions t hat lead t o C- - N cleavage of
unsaturated nitrogen heterocycles. Ot her studies have sought to understand HDN as now practiced, which
means underst andi ng mechanisms for the hydrogenat i on of unsaturated N-heterocycles and also mechanisms
for C- - N cleavage of the resulting saturated cyclic amines. Mechanisms for catalytic hydrogenat i on of the N-
het eroaromat i c compounds based on organometallic studies have been reviewed and discussed elsewhere
[1,54,77,93]. Some of these hydrogenat i on studies were performed with single metal complexes [54], while
others were done on metal cluster complexes especially those of Ru3 and Os3 [94-98]. Mechanisms for C- - N
cleavage in alkylamines, based primarily on reactions of secondary amines with Ru3 and Os3 carbonyl clusters,
have been proposed [95]. Other approaches t o HDN mechanisms are based on heterogeneous catalytic reactor
studies [1,3,99-102].
The goal of cleaving C- - N bonds without prior hydrogenat i on of N-cont ai ni ng heteroarenes was recently
achieved by Wigley and his group with a substituted pyridine [103], as shown in eq. (29). The r / 2 ( N , C ) -
27 28
3084 R. J . Angelici
coordi nat i on of the tri(t-butyl)pyridine ligand in the starting complex 27 is i mport ant in promot i ng attack of
H- on the coordinated carbon. Al t hough there were no identifiable intermediates in this reaction, the anal ogous
reactions of 27 with carbon nucleophiles, RLi or RMgX, first give product s resulting from the displacement
of C1 by the alkyl or aryl R group. Several of these complexes with Ta - - R groups have been isolated and
fully characterized [103(b), 104]. Upon heating, the R group migrates from the Ta to the carbon of the r/Z-tri(t-
butyl)pyridine with concomi t ant cleavage of the C- - N bond to give a complex anal ogous to 28 in which an R
group replaces the hydrogen on the carbon bonded to Ta. Rate studies [104] of complexes with p-substituted
phenyl R groups suggest that the R group acts as a nucleophile as it migrates from Ta to the carbon. Al t hough
details of the hydride reaction [eq. (29)] are not known, it t oo presumably proceeds by initial format i on of a
Ta - - H bond followed by migration of the hydrogen to the carbon to give 28. It is the format i on of a strong
Ta - - N multiple bond that presumably provides the driving force for the C- - N bond cleavage.
An even more recent and remarkable pyridine C- - N bond cleavage [eq. (30)] was reported by Wolczanski
2.1 Na/Hg, py ~, / ~ v - ~
(silx)3NbC12 25 *C,-2NaCI (silx)3Nb (30)
H ] 70 *C
( s i l o x ) 3 N b ~ ~ "PY ] 1 h
30 H Nb(silox)3
and co-workers [105]. I n the first step, reduction of (silox)3NbC12, where silox = Bu~SiO, with Na/ Hg in the
presence of pyridine gives the q2(N,C)-pyridine complex 29. Thermolysis of this complex gives the ring-opened
product 30 in which the cleaved C-~-N bond forms a Nb ~ C alkylidene complex with one Nb and a N~ N
imido complex with the other. Isomerization around the ~ C double bonds gives 4 different isomers, one of
which was characterized by an X-ray diffraction study. Al t hough the mechanism is not known, this reaction
suggests new ways t o think about ~ N cleavage wi t hout first hydrogenating the pyridine ring.
Reaction of (silox)3Ta with a series of substituted anilines is reported by Wolczanski t o give products
resulting from either C- - N or N- - H oxidative-addition [eq. (31)] [106]. The C- - N oxidative-addition product
x HN- "x
(silox)3Ta + H2N-- ~ ~ (silox)3Ta~ \ + (silox)3Ta~ ~
31 32
31 is favored by electron-withdrawing X groups, e.g., CF3, whereas electron-donating X groups (Me or OMe)
give exclusively the N- - H oxidative-addition product 32. This reaction is especially interesting because it
demonstrates t hat it is possible to cleave C- - N bonds even t hough the HDN of aniline requires hydrogenat i on
of the arene ring before C- - N cleavage occurs [1,107].
rf-Coordi nat ed N-methylpyrrole can be activated to attack by hydride in complex 33 to give 34. Al t hough
this reaction does not lead to C- - N bond cleavage, it resembles closely reactions [eqs. (9) and (11)] of qs_
+ L i A I H 4 ~ - - Me
(Ph3P)2 ReH2 (Ph3P)2 [R~H2
33 34
coordinated thiophene; one of these reactions [eq. (11)] leads t o C- - S bond cleavage. I n the proper environment,
it seems possible t hat an qS-coordinated pyrrole could also undergo a similar ring-opening reaction. Fr om the
discussion above, it is evident t hat new organometallic models for C- - N bond cleavage are beginning to
Modeling studies in HDS, HDN and HDO catalysis 3085
Al t hough oxygen cont ent is usually low ( < 0.1%) in petroleum crudes, it is higher in shale oil, tar sand, and
coal liquids [1]. The types of model organo-oxygen compounds t hat have been studied under catalytic conditions
are primarily phenols and furans. As for HDS, pathways t o HDO product s [eq. (3)] can involve oxygen
removal either before or after hydrogenat i on of the aromat i c rings. An example of an HDO reaction t hat
proceeds by initial hydrogenat i on is t hat of benzofuran [eq. (33)] [109]. The steps in this reaction are similar
H2 : ~ H2 : ~ O H _H2 OH2 : ~ (33)
to those in the HDS of benzo[b]thiophene [37].
There are relatively few organometallic model studies t hat are directed t oward understanding HDO.
However, numerous C- - O cleavage reactions of alkoxy or phenoxy ligands in transition metal complexes have
been reported [110]; some of these might be considered as HDO models. The first step [eq. (33)] in the HDO
of benzofuran (BF) has been modeled by its homogeneous hydrogenat i on to 2, 3-dihydrobenzofuran using
(qS-CsMes)Rh(NCMe)32 as the catalyst [54(a)]. As in the analogous hydrogenat i on of benzothiophene, this
step presumably proceeds via 2,3-r/2 coordi nat i on of BF to a Rh - - H intermediate followed by hydrogen transfer
to give the 2,3-dihydrobenzofuran.
Fur an itself appears to be a very weakly coordi nat i ng ligand [111]. To my knowledge, the only known qs_
furan complex is (qs-CsMes)Ru(~/5-CnH40)+, and it was reported to be insufficiently stable t o be isolated [112].
An interesting reaction of furan t hat may be related to its HDO is t hat shown in eq. (34) [113]. This reaction,
R e H7 ( P P h 3 ) 2 + O + ~ / / - - - - - ~ ~ , O + ~ - - - - ( 3 4 )
(Ph3P)2 Re(CO)
which occurs in refluxing cyclohexane, gives complex 35 in 55% yield. The t-butylethylene presumably acts as
a hydrogen acceptor to generate ReH3(PPh3) 2 which is the active intermediate t hat consumes two moles of
furan, one t o form the 1-oxapentadienyl ligand and the other t o serve as the source of the CO ligand; propane
and propene are also produced. While little is known about the details of this reaction, it is interesting t hat
furan decomposes on Pd(111) [114] and on clean and sulfided mol ybdenum surfaces [115] to give CO as the
maj or product. On Pd(111), the other product s are H2 and benzene, presumably derived from a C3H 3 surface
species. Under HDO conditions on a reduced and sulfided CoMo/AI203 catalyst at 400C [108], furan gives
the C3 molecules propene and propane in addition t o butenes and butane. The observation of C3 product s
during the HDO of furan suggests t hat CO may also be a product, al t hough not identified in the study [108].
The format i on of CO and C3 product s in the organometallic [eq. (34)] and clean metal surface model studies
may offer an opport uni t y t o understand details of the mechanism of furan HDO.
In 1982 when we began our first experiments in organometallic modeling of thiophene HDS, the proposed
mechanisms for this reaction were based on observed reaction products, assumed coordi nat i ng properties of
thiophene (primarily t hrough the sulfur), and a generous amount of imagination. Very little was known about
modes of thiophene binding in metal complexes or reactions of coordi nat ed thiophene t hat lead to cleavage of
C- - S bonds. Now, fourteen years later, the situation is quite different due to the efforts of several research
groups. We know t hat thiophene is capable of binding t o metals in several different ways, and there are many
different reaction types t hat lead t o cleavage of thiophene C- - S bonds. As a result, it is possible t o write several
reasonable mechanisms for thiophene HDS. Of course, it is possible t hat none of these proposals represents
the process as it occurs on an HDS catalyst. Thus, further model studies may open even newer ways of thinking
about thiophene HDS. On the other hand, it is also i mport ant to try t o link bot h organometallic and clean
surface model studies t o the reactions occurring in HDS reactors. Even simple questions about catalytic HDS
have not been answered. Which, if any, of the known modes of thiophene binding in metal complexes occurs
3086 R. J . Angelici
on the catalyst surface? How are these binding modes influenced by the specific metal on the surface, the
neighboring at oms around the metal and the oxidation state of the metal? Can we design metal sites on catalyst
surfaces t hat favor binding modes which activate thiophene t o undergo C- - S cleavage? Clearly, we do not
have useful answers to these questions. But we do have tentative answers, which should help us move in the
direction of constructing more efficient HDS catalysts.
In addition to developing an understanding of current catalysts and preparing new heterogeneous catalysts,
I think anot her goal, particularly for organometallic chemists, is the creation of homogeneous HDS catalysts.
Successes in this direction have already been cited in this overview. These early results demonstrate t hat
homogeneous HDS is possible; however, much more efficient and less expensive catalysts are required.
While HDS modeling studies have developed to the point where we can think about creating new catalysts,
HDN modeling is at a much earlier stage. A broader understanding of organoni t rogen ligand binding and
C- - N cleavage reactivity in organometallic complexes and on clean surfaces is still needed for the development
of new catalytic HDN processes.
Acknowled#ements--I am grateful to the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Chemical Sciences
Division, for their generous support. It has been a joy to work with my graduate students and postdocs who are, of course,
the major contributors to our HDS results.
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