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Intel 8051

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#$%&'515&() *y +nfineon i" *a"ed on the 8051
,he Intel 8051 i" a -arard architecture, "in!le chip microcontroller (.') /hich /a" deeloped *y +ntel in 1080 for u"e in em*edded
"y"tem"1 +t /a" popular in the 1080" and early 1000", *ut today it ha" lar!ely *een "uper"eded *y a a"t ran!e of enhanced deice"
/ith 8051&compati*le proce""or core" that are manufactured *y more than 20 independent manufacturer" includin! $tmel, +nfineon
,echnolo!ie", 3a4im +nte!rated 5roduct" (ia it" 6alla" #emiconductor "u*"idiary), )75 (formerly 5hilip" #emiconductor),
Win*ond, #, 3icroelectronic", #ilicon (a*oratorie" (formerly 'y!nal), ,e4a" +n"trument" and 'ypre"" #emiconductor1 +ntel8" official
de"i!nation for the 8051 family of .'" i" MCS 511
+ntel8" ori!inal 8051 family /a" deeloped u"in! )39# technolo!y, *ut later er"ion", identified *y a letter :': in their name, e1!1
80'51, u"ed '39# technolo!y and /ere le"" po/er&hun!ry than their )39# predece""or" & thi" made them eminently more "uita*le
for *attery&po/ered deice"1
1 +mportant feature" and application"
2 5ro!rammin!
= Related proce""or"
> Reference"
5 ?4ternal link"
[edit] Important features and applications
+t proide" many function" ('5@, R$3, R93, +A9, interrupt lo!ic, timer, etc1) in a "in!le packa!e
8&*it data *u" & +t can acce"" 8 *it" of data in one operation (hence it i" an 8&*it microcontroller)
1B&*it addre"" *u" & +t can acce"" 2
memory location" & B> k% each of R$3 and R93
9n&chip R$3 & 128 *yte" (:6ata 3emory:)
9n&chip R93 & > k% (:5ro!ram 3emory:)
Four *yte *i&directional inputAoutput port
@$R, ("erial port)
,/o 1B&*it timer"
,/o&leel interrupt priority
5o/er "ain! mode
$ particularly u"eful feature of the 8051 core i" the inclu"ion of a *oolean proce""in! en!ine /hich allo/" *it&leel *oolean lo!ic
operation" to *e carried out directly and efficiently on internal re!i"ter" and R$31 ,hi" feature helped to cement the 80518" popularity
in indu"trial control application"1 $nother alued feature i" that it ha" four "eparate re!i"ter "et", /hich can *e u"ed to !reatly reduce
interrupt latency compared to the more common method of "torin! interrupt conte4t on a "tack1
,he 8051 @$R, can *e confi!ured to u"e a 0th data *it that can proide addre""a*le communication" in an R#&>85 multi&point
communication" enironment1
8051 *a"ed microcontroller" typically include one or t/o @$R,", t/o or three timer", 128 or 25B *yte" of internal data R$3 (1B
*yte" of /hich are *it&addre""a*le), up to 128 *yte" of +A9, 512 *yte" to B> k% of internal pro!ram memory, and "ometime" a Cuantity
of e4tended data R$3 (?R$3) located in the e4ternal data "pace1 ,he ori!inal 8051 core ran at 12 clock cycle" per machine cycle,
/ith mo"t in"truction" e4ecutin! in one or t/o machine cycle"1 With a 12 3-D clock freCuency, the 8051 could thu" e4ecute 1 million
one&cycle in"truction" per "econd or 500,000 t/o&cycle in"truction" per "econd1 ?nhanced 8051 core" are no/ commonly u"ed /hich
run at "i4, four, t/o, or een one clock per machine cycle, and hae clock freCuencie" of up to 100 3-D, and are thu" capa*le of an
een !reater num*er of in"truction" per "econd1 $ll #+(a*", "ome 6alla" and a fe/ $tmel deice" hae "in!le cycle core"1
?en hi!her "peed "in!le cycle 8051 core", in the ran!e 1=0 3-D to 150 3-D, are no/ aaila*le in internet do/nloada*le form for
u"e in pro!ramma*le lo!ic deice" "uch a" F5E$", and at many hundred" of 3-D in $#+'", for e4ample the netli"t from
'ommon feature" included in modern 8051 *a"ed microcontroller" include *uilt&in re"et timer" /ith *ro/n&out detection, on&chip
o"cillator", "elf&pro!ramma*le Fla"h R93 pro!ram memory, *ootloader code in R93, ??5R93 non&olatile data "tora!e, +F', #5+,
and @#% ho"t interface", 5W3 !enerator", analo! comparator", $A6 and 6A$ conerter", R,'", e4tra counter" and timer", in&circuit
de*u!!in! facilitie", more interrupt "ource", and e4tra po/er "ain! mode"1
[edit] Programming
#eeral ' compiler" are aaila*le for the 8051, mo"t of /hich feature e4ten"ion" that allo/ the pro!rammer to "pecify /here each
aria*le "hould *e "tored in it" "i4 type" of memory, and proide acce"" to 8051 "pecific hard/are feature" "uch a" the multiple
re!i"ter *ank" and *it manipulation in"truction"1 9ther hi!h leel lan!ua!e" "uch a" Forth, %$#+', 5a"cal, 5(A3 and 3odula 2 are
aaila*le for the 8051, *ut they are le"" /idely u"ed than ' and a""em*ly1
[edit] Related processors
,he 80518" predece""or, the 80>8, /a" u"ed in the key*oard of the fir"t +%3 5', /here it conerted keypre""e" into the "erial data
"tream /hich i" "ent to the main unit of the computer1 ,he 80>8 and deriatie" are "till u"ed today for *a"ic model key*oard"1
,he 8031 /a" a cut do/n er"ion of the ori!inal +ntel 8051 that did not contain any internal pro!ram memory (R93)1 ,o u"e thi" chip
e4ternal R93 i" to *e added that /ill contain the pro!ram that the 80=1 /ill fetch and e4ecute1
,he 8052 /a" an enhanced er"ion of the ori!inal +ntel 8051 that featured 25B *yte" of internal R$3 in"tead of 128 *yte", 8 k% of
R93 in"tead of > k%, and a third 1B&*it timer1 ,he 8032 had the"e "ame feature" e4cept for the internal R93 pro!ram memory1 ,he
8052 and 80=2 are lar!ely con"idered to *e o*"olete *ecau"e the"e feature" and more are included in nearly all modern 8051 *a"ed
[edit] References
5ayne, William (10)1 Embedded Controller Forth for the 8051 Family (hardcoer) (in ?n!li"h), ?l"eier, 5281 +#%) 0G8&
[edit] !ternal lin"s
+ntel 3'# 51 "erie" microcontroller"
)75 (5hilip")
3a4im +nte!rated 5roduct"
Roman&Jone" F5E$ %a"ed 8051 'ore
#ilicon (a*"
'ypre"" @#%
,e4a" +n"trument"
6olphin +nte!ration (8051 +5 proider)
#in!le pa!e in"truction "et "ummary
8051 +nterfacin! ,utorial"
Free 9nline %ook: $rchitecture and 5ro!rammin! of 8051 3icrocontroller"
The 8051/8052 Microcontroller:
Architecture, Assembly Language, and Hardare !nter"acing
#oo"$ 3ain H #ynop"i" H ,a*le of 'ontent" H ?rrataA'orrection"
Professors%Instructors$ ReCue"t Free 'opy
:&'e 8051%8052 Microcontroller$ (rc'itecture) (ssem*l+ ,anguage) and -ard.are Interfacing: /a" /ritten *y 'rai! #teiner,
the /e*ma"ter and author of 8052/com1 ,he idea to /rite a complete *ook on the topic of the 8052 microcontroller came from the
doDen"&& po""i*ly hundred"&&of i"itor" of 80521com /ho emailed me a"kin! if a printed er"ion of the tutorial" /a" aaila*le, or
"u!!e"tin! that + /rite a complete *ook in the "tyle and "pirit of the tutorial"1
$fter year" of receiin! "uch Cue"tion" and "u!!e"tion", + decided to !o ahead and follo/ that adice1 ,he *ook u"e" the tutorial" at
80521com a" an initial *a"e and then *uild" on tho"e chapter" /ith additional "ection" on the 8052 microcontroller hard/are, a
functionin! "in!le&*oard computer, a cu"tom monitor pro!ram, and practical interface e4ample" that demon"trate interaction /ith
keypad", ('6", e4ternal +2' real&time clock", and an e4ternal #5+ "erial ??5R931
+n the proce"" of /ritin! the *ook, + de"i!ned the 80521com #%' and /rote the #%'39) monitor pro!ram to demon"trate it"
functionality1 + al"o /rote the Ii"+#5&52 in&"y"tem pro!rammin! Windo/" application to proide an ea"y&to&u"e method to do/nload
ne/ pro!ram" to the microcontroller1 ?ach of the"e proJect" /a" deeloped /ith the "pecific purpo"e of proidin! a *a"i" for
di"cu""ion in the *ook and, a" a re"ult, the *ook coer" each of the"e topic" in "ufficient detail for the 8052 noice to Cuickly !et up to
"peed in the"e area"1
,he *ook "tarted a" a "imple, "mall proJect to put the current tutorial" into a printed er"ion&&*ut a" the *ook took form, + found that
there /ere more and more related topic" that + /a" compelled to di"cu""1 ,he =>B&pa!e *ook i" the re"ult of nearly a year&lon! effort1
+t i" my "incere hope that the *ook /ill *e a" /ell&receied a" *oth 80521com and it" tutorial" hae *een oer the la"t 8 year"1
#asic introduction to t'e 8051 microcontroller
,he 8051 i" an 8&*it microproce""or ori!inally de"i!ned in the 10808" *y +ntel that ha" !ained !reat popularity "ince it" introduction1
+t" "tandard form include" "eeral "tandard on&chip peripheral", includin! timer", counter", and @$R,8", plu" >k*yte" of on&chip
pro!ram memory and 128 *yte" (note: *yte", not K*yte") of data memory, makin! "in!le&chip implementation" po""i*le1 +t" hundred"
of deriatie", manufactured *y "eeral different companie" (like 5hilip") include een more on&chip peripheral", "uch a" analo!&
di!ital conerter", pul"e&/idth modulator", +2' *u" interface", etc1 'o"tin! only a fe/ dollar" per +', the 8051 i" e"timated to *e u"ed
in a lar!e percenta!e (may*e 1A2L) all em*edded "y"tem product"1
,he 8051 memory architecture include" 128 *yte" of data memory that are acce""i*le directly *y it" in"truction"1 $ =2&*yte "e!ment
of thi" 128 *yte memory *lock i" *it addre""a*le *y a "u*"et of the 8051 in"truction", namely the *it&in"truction"1 ?4ternal memory of
up to B> K*yte" i" acce""a*le *y a "pecial :mo4: in"truction1 @p to > K*yte" of pro!ram in"truction" can *e "tored in the internal
memory of the 8051, or the 8051 can *e confi!ured to u"e up to B> K*yte" of e4ternal pro!ram memory ,he maJority of the 80518"
in"truction" are e4ecuted /ithin 12 clock cycle"1
We deeloped a I-6( "ynthe"iDa*le model of the 8051 and a 'MM *a"ed 8051 in"truction&"et "imulator, *oth found *elo/, on /hich
/e8e *a"ed "ome re"earch direction"1 9ne of tho"e direction" i" a tunin! enironment, al"o found *elo/, to a""i"t a de"i!ner /ho
/ant" to modify the 8051 architecture to *e more po/er efficient for a particular pro!ram Nou "ee, a particular 8051 /ill pro*a*ly
e4ecute the "ame pro!ram oer and oer for it" lifetime, "o it /ould *e nice to orient the 8051 to/ard" that pro!ram1 We8e al"o
deeloped "ome ne/ architectural feature" that can *e u"ed to lo/er the po/er of an 8051, /hich /ill appear on thi" pa!e in the
80510related releases
8051 #ynop"y" #ynthe"iDa*le 3odel
8051 +n"truction #et #imulator ('MM)
8051 5o/er ,unin! ?nironment
8051 %enchmark"
8051 references
S+nt'esi1a*le 2-3, Model of 8051
,he +ntel 8051 i" an 8&*it micro&controller1 ,hi" micro&controller i" capa*le of addre""in! B>K of pro!ram and B>K of data memory1
,he implementation *elo/ i" /ritten in #ynthe"iDa*le I-6( (at lea"t *y #ynop"y" and 7ilin4,) and model" the actual +ntel
implementation rather clo"ely, e1!1, it i" 100O in"truction compati*le1 Ii"it thi" pa!e for late"t information and up!rade", and keep in
mind that /e tend to make freCuent rei"ion"1 6o not he"itate to contact u" re!ardin! Cue"tion" or comment"1 #eedless to say, e do
not, nor does the $ni%ersity o" &ali"ornia at 'i%erside, (ro%ide any )ind o" arrantee "or anything you read or donload "rom this
#loc" 3iagram
8051 3e4elopment #oard) Re4 5
The 8051 development board provides an easy-to-use and low-cost way to develop your 8051 based microcontroller
projects, without purchasing any other special equipment, such as I programmers or emulators! "ll required so#tware is
available as a #ree download, including a compiler$
%tandard 8&5' () cloc*ed at ''!118+ ,-.
50 I/0 lines$$ "ll I/0 lines are clearly labeled and available at the edge o# the prototype construction area!
1'* %2",, program variables and code 3'+* usable #or code download4
10* 5lash 20,, non-volatile program storage and data logging
-igh speed baud rates6 115'00, &5700, 18+00, etc! "ll standard baud rates are supported 3e8cept 100 baud4
9isplay port, wor*s with standard character-based :9s! " 178' display will be available #rom (;2 3see photo
<ight :<9s, controlled by 8 dedicated I/0 lines 3not shared with the 50 I/0 lines4
=us e8pansion with + chip select signals, #or adding )"2Ts, "/9 converters and other bus-based peripheral
)nregulated, polarity-protected 9 voltage input with ' position terminal bloc*!
("):,0>' monitor #or easy code development without additional equipment!
9 ?oltage, 8 to 15 volts 3regulated4, 50 m" or 100 m" with :9!
( omputer @ith %erial (ort, :inu8 or ,icroso#t @indows A5-0%2', A8, A8%<, >T+, '000!
"ssembler or ompiler, usually "%11 or %9
Terminal <mulation (rogram, eg -yperterminal 3windows4, ,inicom 3linu84
Te8t <ditor (rogram, eg >otepad, ?i, <macs
%tandard A pin serial cable 3straight through, not null-modem$4
,C3 3ispla+ Port
The 8051 development boardBs :9 port provides the 1+ signals needed #or standard character based :9 modules! "
178' display is available #rom (;26
,hi" i" a *ackli!ht di"play /ith tran"mi""ie ('61 +n *ri!ht li!htin! (a" thi" photo) the character" appear a" hi!hly reada*le !reen
a!ain"t a dark *lue *ack!round1 +n darkne"", the character" are *ri!ht !reen a!ain"t the darker *ack!round (/hich doe" pa"" a "mall
amount of the *ackli!ht, yet "till remain" much darker than the di"played character")1 (ike all character module", ei!ht cu"tom
(!raphic) character" may *e do/nloaded to the di"play, in addition to the *uild&in character font1
#oard P'oto

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