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Chapter Outline
Organiati!n an" Integrati!n
E#!luti!n !$ Stru%ture an" Fun%ti!n
Epithelial Ti''ue'
C!nne%ti#e Ti''ue'
Spe%ialie" C!nne%ti#e Ti''ue'
Mu'%le Ti''ue'
Ner#!u' Ti''ue
Organ' in B!") Ca#itie'
The S*in+&!ur Large't Organ
Organ S)'te,'
Dete%ting an" Re'p!n"ing t! Change
Negati#e Fee".a%*
P!'iti#e Fee".a%*
Explain the potential of stem cells
!ompa"e an# cont"ast a#$lt an# em%"&onic stem cells
Un#e"stan# the te"m dedifferentiate
List the %a""ie"s to $sin' em%"&onic stem cells
Define tiss$e
Name the fo$" ma(o" tiss$e t&pes an# thei" f$nctions
Define o"'an an# o"'an s&stem an# p"o)i#e an example of each
Un#e"stan# the p"ocess calle# homeostasis
*no+ +hat #i"ects the e)ol$tion of anatomical st"$ct$"es
Explain the e)ol$tiona"& histo"& of l$n's
Desc"i%e the feat$"es of epithelial tiss$e
Name th"ee t&pes of epithelial cells
!ompa"e an# cont"ast exoc"ine 'lan#s an# en#oc"ine 'lan#s
Desc"i%e the feat$"es of connecti)e tiss$e
Explain the #iffe"ence %et+een #ense an# loose connecti)e tiss$e
Desc"i%e the #iffe"ent f$nctions of ca"tila'e, li'aments, an# ten#ons
Explain +h& %loo# -a li.$i#/ is consi#e"e# connecti)e tiss$e
Desc"i%e %one an# a#ipose tiss$e
!ompa"e an# cont"ast the th"ee t&pes of m$scle tiss$e
!hapte" Nineteen 566
Desc"i%e ne")o$s tiss$e0 explain its f$nction
Name the fo$" ma(o" %o#& ca)ities an# thei" o"'an contents
Un#e"stan# the st"$ct$"e, location, an# f$nction of epi#e"mis, #e"mis, an# h&po#e"mis
Name each o"'an s&stem in the h$man %o#&, an# %"iefl& #esc"i%e its f$nction
Desc"i%e the f$nction of melanin an# its "ole in h$man s1in
Explain ho+ some o"'an s&stems inte"act to p"o)i#e homeostasis in the h$man %o#&
Explain the "oles of senso"& "ecepto"s, inte'"ato"s, an# effecto"s in homeostasis
Define the te"m ne'ati)e fee#%ac1
Explain the steps in homeostasis of %o#& tempe"at$"e
3e) Ter,'
o"'an s&stem
stem cell
connecti)e tiss$e
en#oc"ine 'lan#
epithelial tiss$e
exoc"ine 'lan#
a#ipose tiss$e
%one tiss$e
ca"#iac m$scle tiss$e
#ense connecti)e tiss$e
loose connecti)e tiss$e
s1eletal m$scle tiss$e
smooth m$scle tiss$e
ne")o$s tiss$e
ne'ati)e fee#%ac1
positi)e fee#%ac1
Le%ture Outline
191 Impacts2Iss$es3 It4s All a%o$t 5otential
A Stem cells a"e self6"ene+in' cells that can #i)i#e an# p"o#$ce mo"e stem cells
1 A#$lt stem cells "eplace some cells in a#$lts s$ch as %loo# cells
a A#$lt stem cells a%le to p"o#$ce ne")e o" m$scle cells a"e "a"e
7 Em%"&onic stem cells can p"o#$ce a +i#e" )a"iet& of ne+ cells
a Em%"&onic stem cells ma& %e a%le to p"o)i#e ne+ ne")e cells
8 Resea"ch ma& o)e"come the limits of a#$lt stem cells an# ma1e them as )e"satile as em%"&onic stem
197 Animal St"$ct$"e an# 9$nction
A O"'ani:ation an# inte'"ation
1 Tiss$es consist of one o" mo"e cell t&pes that collecti)el& pe"fo"m a specific tas1
a Epithelial tiss$e co)e"s %o#& s$"faces an# lines inte"nal ca)ities
% !onnecti)e tiss$e hol#s %o#& pa"ts to'ethe" an# p"o)i#es st"$ct$"al s$ppo"t
c M$scle tiss$e mo)es the %o#& an# its pa"ts
# Ne")o$s tiss$e #etects stim$li an# "ela&s info"mation
7 An o"'an is a st"$ct$"al $nit of t+o o" mo"e tiss$e t&pes o"'ani:e# in a specific +a& an# capa%le of
ca""&in' o$t specific tas1s
a The h$man hea"t is an o"'an that contains all fo$" tiss$e t&pes
8 O"'an s&stems a"e t+o o" mo"e o"'ans that inte"act ph&sicall&, chemicall&, o" %oth, to accomplish a
specific tas1
; O"'an s&stems accomplish tas1s that a"e collecti)el& calle# homeostasis
a Sol$te concent"ations an# inte"nal tempe"at$"e a"e examples of pa"amete"s that m$st %e
maintaine# +ith ce"tain limits %& o"'an s&stems
< E)ol$tion of st"$ct$"e an# f$nction
1 Anatomical t"aits )a"& amon' in#i)i#$al o"'anisms
7 T"aits that %est help an in#i)i#$al s$")i)e a"e p"efe"entiall& passe# on
a St"$ct$"al t"aits %ecome optimi:e# fo" s$")i)al in specific en)i"onments
!hapte" Nineteen 567
8 L$n's allo+ animals to exist in a lan# en)i"onment an# exchan'e 'ases +ith ai" instea# of +ate"
a L$n's a"e a#apte# f"om tiss$e in the '$t, not f"om 'ills
198 T&pes of Animal Tiss$e
A Epithelial tiss$es
1 sheetli1e st"$ct$"e +ith no ext"acell$la" mat"ix
7 lac1 %loo# )essels
8 th"ee cell t&pes
a simple s.$amo$s
% c$%oi#al
c simple col$mna"
; 'lan# cells
a Exoc"ine 'lan#s "elease p"o#$cts into #$cts fo" #eli)e"&
% En#oc"ine 'lan#s "elease p"o#$cts into the %loo#st"eam
= A#$lts can "ene+ epithelial tiss$es %eca$se the cells contin$e to #i)i#e in a#$lts
a Epitheli$m is the tiss$e most li1el& to %ecome cance"o$s
< !onnecti)e tiss$es
1 most a%$n#ant an# +i#el& #ist"i%$te# tiss$e in )e"te%"ates
7 sp"ea# o$t in a cell$la" mat"ix an# contain %loo# )essels
8 Soft connecti)e tiss$e is compose# of fi%"o%lasts
a 9i%"o%lasts ma1e an# sec"ete colla'en an# pol&saccha"i#es
% soft connecti)e tiss$e cate'o"ies3
loose > p"o)i#es s$ppo"t $n#e" epitheli$m
#ense > i""e'$la"0 p"o)i#es s$ppo"t in h&po#e"mis, a"o$n# o"'ans
#ense > "e'$la"0 ma1es $p ten#ons an# li'aments to hol# (oints
! Speciali:e# connecti)e tiss$e
1 !a"tila'e is a mat"ix of colla'en an# 'l&cop"oteins
a p"o)i#es a mo#el fo" #e)elopin' %one
% acts as a shoc1 a%so"%e" in (oints
7 A#ipose sto"es fat
8 <one is a soli# mat"ix of calci$m that encloses %one cells
a p"o)i#es s$ppo"t, p"otection, an# mo)ement
; <loo# cells a"e #escen#ents of %one cells
a t"anspo"t ox&'en, 'ases, p"oteins, n$t"ients, an# ho"mones
% p"o)i#e #efense a'ainst in)asi)e o"'anisms
D M$scle tiss$e
1 The th"ee t&pes of m$scle tiss$e "espon# to elect"ical si'nals f"om ne")e
7 S1eletal m$scle
a mo)es cont"actile $nits in "esponse to ne")o$s stim$li
% st"iate# -o" st"ipe#/ appea"ance0 m$ltiple n$clei
c calle# )ol$nta"& %eca$se +e can ca$se them to mo)e
8 !a"#iac m$scle
a also mo)es cont"actile $nits in "esponse to stim$li
% st"iate# appea"ance0 sin'le n$cle$s
c in)ol$nta"& -+e cannot conscio$sl& cont"ol/
; Smooth m$scle
a lines inte"nal o"'ans, cont"ols %loo# )essel #iamete", const"icts p$pil
% not st"iate#0 sin'le n$cle$s
c in)ol$nta"&
E Ne")o$s Tiss$e
1 It #etects an# "espon#s to stim$li
7 9$nctional $nit is an excita%le ne$"on cell -"espon#s to elect"ical stim$li/
8 Ne$"ons )a"& in len'th f"om mic"oscopic to th"ee feet lon' in h$mans
; Ne$"o'lia a"e s$ppo"t cells fo$n# in the ne")o$s s&stem
Animal Tiss$es an# O"'ans 568
19; O"'ans an# O"'an S&stems
A O"'ans in %o#& ca)ities
1 ?$mans ha)e %ilate"al s&mmet"& an# a coelom
7 The coelom in h$mans is #i)i#e# into t+o ca)ities
a The tho"acic ca)it& contains hea"t an# l$n's
% The a%#ominal ca)it& contains #i'esti)e o"'ans
c The pel)ic ca)it& is a s$%#i)ision of the a%#ominal ca)it& an# contains the %la##e" an#
"ep"o#$cti)e o"'ans
8 !a)ities not #e"i)e# f"om the coelom
a The c"anial ca)it& contains the %"ain
% The spinal ca)it& contains the spinal co"#
< The s1in3 &o$" la"'est o"'an
1 Epi#e"mis > the o$te"most la&e"
a 9lattene#, s.$amo$s cells a"e constantl& %ein' "eplace# f"om %elo+
% Most epi#e"mal cells a"e 1e"atinoc&tes -ma1e 1e"atin/
c *e"atin p"o)i#es +ate"p"oofin'
# *e"atinoc&tes sto"e melanin
7 De"mis > the mi##le la&e"
a It consists of mostl& #ense connecti)e tiss$e
% It contains senso"& "ecepto"s, %loo# )essels, an# s+eat 'lan#s
c ?ai" follicles in the #e"mis a"e act$all& a"eas of epitheli$m that po$ch into the #e"mis
# Oil 'lan#s sec"ete oil onto hai" an# 1eep it shin& an# soft
8 ?&po#e"mis > the %ottom la&e"
a loose connecti)e tiss$e an# a#ipose tiss$e
; The th"ee la&e"s of s1in +o"1 to'ethe" to3
a p"e)ent in)asion %& patho'ens
% #etect chan'es in p"ess$"e, tempe"at$"e, an# to$ch
c "e'$late %o#& tempe"at$"e
# p"e)ent +ate" loss
! S$n, A'in', an# the S1in
1 Melanin p"o#$ction inc"eases in s1in +hen expose# to the s$n
a U@ li'ht is a%so"%e# an# th$s #oes not penet"ate #eepe" into %o#& tiss$es
% U@ li'ht stim$lates p"o#$ction of )itamin D
c Too m$ch expos$"e to U@ li'ht can #ama'e DNA an# ca$se s1in cance"
7 Epi#e"mal cells #i)i#e less f"e.$entl& as +e a'e
a Slo+e" cell #i)isions in the epi#e"mis ca$se thinnin' of the s1in
% Smo1in' enhances this p"ocess %& sh"in1in' the s1in4s %loo# s$ppl&
c Excessi)e tannin' also accele"ates the a'in' p"ocess in s1in
D O"'an S&stems
1 The inte'$menta"& s&stem -s1in an# its #e"i)ates s$ch as hai", nails, f$", cla+s, .$ills, etc/ is one
t&pe of o"'an s&stem
7 ?$mans an# othe" )e"te%"ates ha)e n$me"o$s o"'an s&stems
a The #i'esti)e s&stem > cont"ols inta1e of foo# an# #i'esti)e f$nctions
% The "espi"ato"& s&stem > cont"ols ox&'en inta1e an# %alance
c The ci"c$lato"& s&stem > #eli)e"s ox&'en an# n$t"ients to cells an# "emo)es ca"%on #ioxi#e an#
# The $"ina"& s&stem > filte"s +astes f"om the %loo# an# sto"es $"ine
e The ne")o$s s&stem > #etects chan'es in inte"nal le)els of +ate", n$t"ients, sol$tes, +astes0
stim$lates mo)ement of m$scles
19= !ont"ol of <o#& Tempe"at$"e
A Detectin' an# "espon#in' to chan'e
1 A senso"& "ecepto" is a cell o" cell component that #etects a stim$l$s
7 Info"mation f"om senso"& "ecepto"s flo+s to the %"ain
8 The %"ain e)al$ates the info"mation an# #i"ects the app"op"iate %o#il& "esponse
< *eepin' tempe"at$"e ($st "i'ht
!hapte" Nineteen 569
1 Ne'ati)e fee#%ac1 is a p"ocess in +hich a chan'e ca$ses a "esponse that "e)e"ses the chan'e
7 Inc"ease# %o#& heat -s$ch as #$"in' )i'o"o$s exe"cise on a hot #a&/ t"i''e"s senso"& "ecepto"s in the
s1in +hich si'nal the %"ain
8 The %"ain #i"ects the follo+in' "esponses3
a Inc"ease# %"eathin' "ate t"ansfe"s heat f"om l$n's to ai"
% S+eat 'lan#s inc"ease o$tp$t to cool the s1in
c <loo# flo+ shifts, so mo"e %loo# 'oes to the s1in to inc"ease the heat that can %e 'i)en off %&
s+eat 'lan#s
# ?o"monal chan'es occ$" to #amp ene"'& an# slo+ acti)it&
; Recepto"s in the %"ain also #etect coolin' in the %o#&, an# some of the a%o)e p"ocesses a"e "e)e"se#
a A##itionall&, min$te m$scle cont"actions occ$" -shi)e"in'/ that inc"ease heat o$tp$t insi#e the
% !ont"action of m$scles attache# to hai" follicles ca$ses hai" to stan# $p"i'ht on the s1in,
enhancin' ins$lation %& hai"
19A Impacts2Iss$es Re)isite#3 It4s All a%o$t 5otential
A Stem cells a"e $sef$l, if the& can %e in#$ce# to %ecome specific cell t&pes
< Resea"ch is #i"ecte# at '$i#in' stem cells alon' ce"tain #e)elopmental paths
! Uni)e"sit& of Bisconsin "esea"che"s s$ccessf$ll& stim$late# stem cells to %ecome moto" ne$"ons
Animal Tiss$es an# O"'ans 57:

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