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Anchor Savings Bank, petitioner v. Henry Furigay, et. al.

, respondents
G.R. No. 191178, March 13, 2013
Nature: Petition for Review on Certiorari
Topic: Obliation!, Re!ci!!ion
"#$ file% a verifie% co&'laint for !(& of &one) an% %a&ae! with a''lication for
re'levin aain!t Ci(%a% *ran!'ort #ervice!, +nc. it! 're!i%ent, hi! wife, an% a ,-ohn .oe., *he
R*C ren%ere% it! .eci!ion in favor of "#$. /hile Civil Ca!e No. 990812 wa! 'en%in,
re!'on%ent !'o(!e! %onate% their rei!tere% 'ro'ertie! in "la&ino!, Pana!inan, to their &inor
chil%ren, re!'on%ent! 3ee& G. 4(ria) an% 3erriette C. 4(ria). Clai&in that the %onation of
the!e 'ro'ertie! wa! &a%e in fra(% of cre%itor!, "#$ file% a Co&'laint for Re!ci!!ion of .ee%
of .onation, *itle an% .a&ae!

aain!t the re!'on%ent !'o(!e! an% their chil%ren. *he R*C
i!!(e% an Or%er %en)in the &otion to %i!&i!! on the ro(n% that the "#$5! action for
re!ci!!ion ha% alrea%) 're!cribe%.
"#$ file% the action for re!ci!!ion onl) on October 16, 2002 or after fo(r 768 )ear! fro&
the ti&e the .ee% of .onation wa! rei!tere% in the Rei!ter of .ee%! of "la&ino!,
Pana!inan, on "'ril 6, 2001. *he fo(r0)ear 're!cri'tive 'erio% !ho(l% be rec9one% fro& the
%ate of rei!tration of the %ee% of %onation an% not fro& the %ate of the act(al %i!cover) of the
rei!tration of the %ee%! of %onation beca(!e rei!tration i! con!i%ere% notice to the whole
C" fo(n% that the action of "#$ ha% not )et 're!cribe%, b(t wa! 're&at(re. *he C"
note% that "#$ faile% to allee in it! co&'laint that it ha% re!orte% to all leal re&e%ie! to obtain
!ati!faction of it! clai&.
3a! the action for re!ci!!ion alrea%) 're!cribe%:
+n relation to an action for re!ci!!ion, it !ho(l% be note% that the re&e%) of re!ci!!ion i!
!(b!i%iar) in nat(re; it cannot be in!tit(te% e<ce't when the 'art) !(fferin %a&ae ha! no
other leal &ean! to obtain re'aration for the !a&e.
"rticle 1389 of the Civil Co%e !i&'l) 'rovi%e! that, =*he action to clai& re!ci!!ion &(!t
be co&&ence% within fo(r )ear!.5 #ince thi! 'rovi!ion of law i! !ilent a! to when the 're!cri'tive
'erio% wo(l% co&&ence, the eneral r(le, i.e, fro& the &o&ent the ca(!e of action accr(e!,
therefore, a''lie!.
+t i! th(! a''arent that an action to re!cin% or an accion 'a(liana &(!t be of la!t re!ort,
availe% of onl) after all other leal re&e%ie! have been e<ha(!te% an% have been 'roven f(tile.
< < < +n%ee%, an accion 'a(liana 're!(''o!e! a >(%&ent an% the i!!(ance b) the trial co(rt of
a writ of e<ec(tion for the !ati!faction of the >(%&ent an% the fail(re of the #heriff to enforce
an% !ati!f) the >(%&ent of the co(rt. +t 're!(''o!e! that the cre%itor ha! e<ha(!te% the
'ro'ert) of the %ebtor. *he %ate of the %eci!ion of the trial co(rt aain!t the %ebtor i! i&&aterial.
/hat i! i&'ortant i! that the cre%it of the 'laintiff ante%ate! that of the fra(%(lent alienation b)
the %ebtor of hi! 'ro'ert). "fter all, the %eci!ion of the trial co(rt aain!t the %ebtor will retroact
to the ti&e when the %ebtor beca&e in%ebte% to the cre%itor.
4ro& the foreoin, it i! clear that the fo(r0)ear 're!cri'tive 'erio% co&&ence! to r(n
neither fro& the %ate of the rei!tration of the %ee% !o(ht to be re!cin%e% nor fro& the %ate the
trial co(rt ren%ere% it! %eci!ion b(t fro& the %a) it ha! beco&e clear that there are no other
leal re&e%ie! b) which the cre%itor can !ati!f) hi! clai&!.

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