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Small Group Teaching Plan

Session 83: Hell

Key Question: What is hell like?
Biblical Truth: Hell is the place of eternal punishment and separation from God.

(Note: Questions or activities that are more appropriate for younger youth or for older youth are marked by “YY” or
“OY” respectively.”)

Preparation: Preview the video for this session. (See clip on this CD.) Read Matthew 8:11-12; 25:41-46; Luke 16:19-26;
2 Thessalonians 1:5-10; 2 Peter 3:7-12; Revelation 14:9-11; and the “Background for the Bible Passages, Session 83.”

After the Video:

1. Ask:
 How is Anne’s situation like hell?
 Typically, how is hell depicted in movies and on television? Does it seem that horrible?
 Do these secular images of hell correspond with the biblical view of hell?
2. Distribute the “Heaven and Hell” handout and the “Session 83 Outline.” Say: In the next two sessions, we will discuss
the contrast between heaven and hell. In today’s session, record any truths you discover about hell on the
handout. Review the “Session 83 Outline.”
3. Call on a volunteer to read aloud Matthew 8:11-12. Ask:
 What will occur in the kingdom of heaven? How does that contrast with what will occur in the outer
4. Call on a volunteer to read aloud Matthew 25:41-46. Ask:
 Where will Jesus send those who are cursed? Why will He send them away? How long will they be punished?
5. Call on a volunteer to read aloud Luke 16:19-26. Ask:
 Where did the poor man go when he died? What happened to the rich man when he died?
 What request did the rich man make from Hades? Why could no help be sent to the rich man?
 What does this story teach you about hell?
6. Call on a volunteer to read aloud 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10. Ask:
 Why are the events of heaven and hell evidence of God’s righteous judgment? (OY)
 Why is it right for God to judge mankind? When will the revelation of God’s judgment take place?
 On whom will God take vengeance? What penalty will they pay?
 Why is separation from God the greatest terror of hell?
7. Call on a volunteer to read aloud 2 Peter 3:7-12. Ask:
 Why is God delaying His Son’s second coming?
 When Christ comes again, how will the events of that day occur?
 In what manner should you conduct yourself until that day?
8. Call on a volunteer to read aloud Revelation 14:9-11. Ask:
 What do you picture the “full strength” of God’s wrath to be?
 What kind of torment will those who worshiped the beast suffer? How long will this torment last?
9. Ask:
 How does this study on the topic of hell motivate you to tell others about Jesus Christ?
 How has your view of hell changed as a result of this study?
Review the “Eternal Questions” handout with students from Session 81. Provide extra copies of this handout to
students who do not have one. Ask: Did you find additional answers to any of the questions you recorded on this
handout? Discuss student responses.

1. Provide images of hell from magazine pictures, television clips, movies clips, and songs. Ask: Do any of these images
depict the true terror of hell, which is separation from God?
2. Teach the session from a location in which you can build a fire. As always, use precautions with students near any fire
source, but encourage them to sit close enough to the fire to be uncomfortable from the heat.

Hand out copies of the “Exploring the Bible Daily 83.” Encourage students to read the passages for today’s session.
Direct students as they read to write questions or insights.
© 2007 LifeWay Press®. Fuel2: Owning Your Faith, Volume 7. Permission granted to reproduce this item for church use only. Published in the United States of America.

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