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To: All Rodent Users

From: Tom Curran, PhD, FRS

Deputy Scientific Director

Mary Tomlinson
Senior Vice President for Research Administration

Subject: Required Training for Aseptic Techniques for Rodent Survival Surgery

Date: May 8, 2014

During our March 2014 AAALAC site visit, the site visitors asked the IACUC to re-evaluate rodent aseptic
techniques to ensure conformance with the Guide recommendations. The Guide states that regardless of the
species, aseptic technique includes preparation of the patient, such as hair removal and disinfection of the
operative site; preparation of the surgeon, such as the provision of appropriate surgical attire, face masks, and
sterile surgical gloves; sterilization of instruments, supplies, and implanted materials; and the use of operative
techniques to reduce the likelihood of infection. The IACUC reviewed current practices and voted to require
investigators conducting rodent survival surgery to attend hands-on training for rodent aseptic techniques.

If you are approved to conduct rodent survival surgery, you must sign up for one of the following rodent aseptic
techniques classes:
Abramson Research Center (ARC) Colket Translational Research Building (CTRB)
5/13/14 Conference Room 124, 11am-1pm 5/27/14 Conference Room 1200-B, 1-3pm
5/23/14 Conference Room 123-AB, 10am-12pm 6/2/14 Conference Room 1100-B, 11am-1pm
6/9/14 Conference Room 123-AB, 10am-12pm 6/3/14 Conference Room 1200-A, 10am-12pm
6/17/14 Conference Room 123-AB, 11:30-1:30pm 6/10/14 Conference Room 1100-B, 11am-1pm
6/20/14 Conference Room 123-C, 11am-1pm 6/12/14 Conference Room 1200-A, 1:30-3:30pm
6/16/14 Conference Room 1100-B, 10am-12pm
6/18/14 Conference Room 1100-B, 10am-12pm
Please contact Christina Kozlowski at kozlowskic@email.chop.edu to sign up for a class.

It is the Institutions responsibility to ensure that all personnel handling animals are appropriately trained to
provide humane animal care. As part of our commitment to AAALAC, we are dedicated to maintaining the
highest standards of care for the animals used in our research and training programs.

Please contact Dr. Rebecca Wiltshire (267-426-2253, wiltshire@email.chop.edu), or Dr. Jolaine Wilson (267-426-
9326, wilsonj2@email.chop.edu) if you have any questions. This training must be completed prior to July 1,

Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated.

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