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Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

Volume 44, Issue 7 July 2014

Community Gardens Not Just a Fad
I continue to be impressed by how many in this congregation enjoy gardening.
Many of you have your own backyard gardens, others share a community garden,
still others frequently make their way to Shalom Farms (shalomfarms.org) to assist
in ensuring folks throughout Richmond have access to fresh, healthy produce.

This inclination toward gardening came to my attention at the most recent
Wednesday night cookout where a group from the church discussed a passage
from David Naugles Reordered Love, Reordered Lives: We forget the place of
land in the purposes of God, Israel, the church, and new creation. What does it
mean we forget?

Time and again, folks responded that there is just something that happens when
a person spends time using their hands in a garden. Hard and even frustrating as the work can be at times,
they spoke of the peace and focus they experience in the effort. They spoke, too, of a deeper sense of connec-
tion to God who, after all, first calls us to be stewards of the land (Gen. 2:15). In other words, community
gardening is hardly a fad or side hobby. Truly we are made to tend this land on which God one day will make
all things new.

Nevertheless, worried that this current excitement over gardening in our culture might fall out of fashion, the
author and farmer Wendell Berry puts it this way: stewardship is hopeless and meaningless unless it involves
long-term courage, perseverance, devotion and skill.

Its no different, then, than any aspect of our call as followers of Jesus a slow, steady, courageous walk
where something happens when our hands work faithfully. Sometimes we cannot put into words the
something, other times we name it as the deep affirmation of Gods grace running through us and we give

I hope you will continue in your steadfast love of Gods creation, and please share your stories with me! How
is God teaching you through your daily gardening? How do you describe the something? It seems Jesus
found plenty of lessons for our soul simply by paying attention to the rhythms of the land.

I leave you with this brief quote from John Calvin, who recognized that our stewardship of the land is not
simply utilitarian, but Gods grace makes our endeavor so much more:

Now if we ponder to what end God created food we shall find that he meant not only to provide for necessity
but also for delight and good cheerIn grasses, trees, and fruit, apart from their various uses, there is a
beauty of appearance and pleasantness of odor.

Grace and Peace, Bobby Hulme-Lippert

Appreciative Inquiry for the Centennial Celebration
As many of you know, I have remained at Grace Covenant this summer to
help with a project for the Centennial Anniversary. I have had the great pleas-
ure of sitting down with several of you so far to discuss fond memories and
future hopes, but I still need to see many more! Of course I will be around
asking you to meet up and calling you to schedule something, but everyone is
more than welcome to reach out to me as well. You can reach me using my
cell phone number, which is (910)470-7003, or you can contact me through
my email account, which is lwwoodco11@gmail.com. Just as a reminder, these
are the primary questions that the interviews will be focusing on:

1. Remembering your entire experience at out church, when were you most alive,
most motivated and excited about your involvement? What made it exciting?
Who else was involved? What happened? What was your part? Describe what you

2. What do you value most about our church? What activities or ingredients or ways
of life are most important? What are the best features of this church?

3. Make three wishes for the future of the church.

Thank you so much for your involvement; I look forward to meeting with you!

Sincerely, Luke W. Woodcock

Centennial Celebration
In April 2015 Grace Covenant will celebrate its first 100 years. The
Centennial Committee has decided on a quilted banner to celebrate
this occasion.

A design has been created and materials are now needed. The goal is
to use 100 different fabric squares in this project. If you would like to
contribute a fabric(s) or have any questions, please contact Cherry Corley at 515-7330 or

Keep in mind that fabric MUST BE 100% COTTON, clean, pressed, and large enough to cut a 3
inch square. Deadline is July 15.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Staff Meeting 10:00 am
Backyard BBQ 6:00 pm
(see page 9)
3 CDC Chapel
10:00 am

Prayer 9:15 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm

Mens Lunch 12 noon
Staff Meeting 10:00 am

Worship Committee Meeting
and Property Comm. Meeting
7:00 pm
Care Team 2:00 pm

Backyard BBQ 6:00 pm
(see page 9)
10 CDC Chapel
10:00 am

11 12
Prayer 9:15 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm

Mens Lunch 12 noon

Christian Ed. Comm.
Meeting 6:00 pm

Staff Meeting 10:00 am

CDC Board Meeting 5:00pm

Backyard BBQ 6:00 pm
(see page 9)
CDC Chapel
10:00 am


Shalom Farms 8:00 am

Date Night 5:00 pm
Prayer 9:15 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm

Mens Lunch 12 noon

Staff Meeting 10:00 am

Deacons Meeting 6:00 pm

Care Team Meeting 2:00 pm

Backyard BBQ 6:00 pm
(see page 9)

24 CDC Chapel
10:00 am

25 26
Prayer 9:15 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm

Mens Lunch 12 noon
Staff Meeting 10:00 am

Backyard BBQ 6:00 pm
(see page 9)
31 CDC Chapel
10:00 am


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Staff Meeting 10:00 am
Backyard BBQ 6:00 pm
(see page 9)
3 CDC Chapel
10:00 am

Prayer 9:15 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm

Mens Lunch 12 noon
Staff Meeting 10:00 am

Worship Committee Meeting
and Property Comm. Meeting
7:00 pm
Care Team 2:00 pm

Backyard BBQ 6:00 pm
(see page 9)
10 CDC Chapel
10:00 am

11 12
Prayer 9:15 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm

Mens Lunch 12 noon

Christian Ed. Comm.
Meeting 6:00 pm

Staff Meeting 10:00 am

CDC Board Meeting 5:00pm

Backyard BBQ 6:00 pm
(see page 9)
CDC Chapel
10:00 am


Shalom Farms 8:00 am

Date Night 5:00 pm
Prayer 9:15 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm

Mens Lunch 12 noon

Staff Meeting 10:00 am

Deacons Meeting 6:00 pm

Care Team Meeting 2:00 pm

Backyard BBQ 6:00 pm
(see page 9)

24 CDC Chapel
10:00 am

25 26
Prayer 9:15 am
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 10:55 am
Fellowship Hour 12:15 pm

Mens Lunch 12 noon
Staff Meeting 10:00 am

Backyard BBQ 6:00 pm
(see page 9)
31 CDC Chapel
10:00 am

Grace Notes Deadline:
July 21 is the deadline for
submissions for our August edition.


July 6 Wayne Casey

July 13 Hank Downing

July 20 Cal Gray

July 27 Rick Nochta

Fellowship Hour

July 6 Corby

July 13 Savage

July 20 Jacobs

July 27 Kessel

Summertime Office Hours

From Monday, June 23, to Friday, August 29,
the office hours will be as follows:
Monday -Thursday open from
8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and
Friday open from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
July Birthdays

3- Matt Johnson
6- Lewis Rosebro
6- Coco Wayne
6- Whit Whitley
7- Hank Downing
7- Tom Miller
7- Ben Williams
8- Harry Warthen
9- Jean Massey
10- Georgeanne Pace
12- Itunu Adekoya
16- Cecilia Rubis
18- Bob Brooks
18- Jef Londrey
19- Sallie Leys
21- Pat Tyler
22- Rosie Turner
23- John W. Roberts
26- Will Campbell
29- Nelson Reveley
30- Franklin Stone

We had so much fun this month talking about summer! The
children learned how to be safe during the summer by prac-
ticing applying sunscreen, and discussing what clothing to
wear to keep cool. They learned the importance of hydra-
tion by bringing in their own water bottle to drink out of all
day. In addition, hands-on activities like watching a water-
melon dry out and seeing how the water is so important to
the watermelon, just as water is important to our bodies.
The children reviewed safety rules like stop lights and signs, looking both ways, and using
walking feet inside. They discovered what plants grow in the summertime, as well as how
the rays of the sun felt on their skin. They even got to play with their shadows through differ-
ent shadow experiments! We also started water play, which is a great sensory learning activity
as well as super fun!
With June coming to a close and the Fourth of July on the way, we will switch gears
from summer fun to in the ocean! Children will explore different classes of marine life,
such as octopi, underwater mammals, fish, crustaceans, jellies, coral, shells, and seaweed, and
be able to identify some of their characteristics. They will discuss the difference between
mammals and fish, and find out what land mammals have in common with sea mammals.
Through hands-on science exploration of different plant and animal life under the sea, children
will be able to explore different textures, colors, shapes, and sizes. They will see what plants
live under the water, as well as how different underwater creatures eat, sleep, and live. Of
course, we will continue learning through water-play activities as we explore the depths of the
ocean during the month of July!
Director of CDC, Nicole Williams

Parents Night Out/Date Night: Grace Covenant is happy
to offer this blessing up to our families again on Saturday,
July 19, and Saturday, August 23, from 5:00 -8:00 p.m. A
charge of $5 per child will help defray the costs of child
care -- though there is a $10 maximum per family with
more than two children.

CARITAS time for Grace Covenant is just around
the corner. We will be providing a temporary home
for homeless women in our community from Au-
gust 30 until September 6. Everyone's help is needed and much appreciated. Please take a mi-
nute to contact Susan Farrell 314-1937, susanbarr311@ aol.com to let her know how you can
be a part of this ministry opportunity.

2014 Vacation Bible School at GCPC
Jesus Christ is Living Waters for our Bodies and Souls
-We learned how God used water and how he wants us to use and share this precious gift.
-We shared five great dinners together, with special water to drink each night.
-We made a huge creation banner, and crafts, a rain stick and a well, and painted t-shirts.
-We sang and danced and played in water and watched puppets.
-We heard Bible stories from Scuba Sam.
-Some of us even adopted a fish!
-We sang the songs and read the lessons
we learned for our closing program and
then ate ice cream.

We had the best teachers and helpers, a thank you to:
Artwork: Lewis Doormen: Dick and Kent Music: Chris, Katherine, Suzanne, Vivian, and the Puppeteers Food:
Vanessa, Erika, Billy, Janet, Dottie-Ray, Pat, Pete, Suzanne, Ann Crafts: Lisa, Cameron, Reagan T-shirt spon-
sor: Caroline Teachers: school age group: Luke, Everett, Brian preschool: Christopher & Leah little ones: Cheryl
and Beth Adults: Nelson, Dawson Storyteller: Scuba Sam
Thanks to all who came and shared the work and the fun!
It was a great week of VBS at GCPC!

Wednesdays in July! You are invited for a backyard
BBQ each Wednesday. Arrive anytime between 6:00
and 6:45 p.m. for burgers and hotdogs. Stick around
for either a Bible study or a book discussion that will
end no later than 7:45 p.m.

July 2 Hulme-Lipperts house, Acts 5
July 9 The Reveleys house, Acts 28
July 16 Bairds house, The Prodigal God
July 23 Bairds house, The Prodigal God
July 30 Hulme-Lipperts house, Acts 9

You can purchase The Prodigal God ($8) from the church office. Even if you cannot complete
the reading beforehand, you will still be able to participate in the discussion. All are welcome!


Sunday School is held every Sunday from 9:45-
10:30 a.m. The nursery crib room and Sunday
School are available for children age 2 and up.

Combined Adult Sunday School is in the Fellow-
ship Hall during the summer. We will look at a different Hero of the Faith each

July 13 Joshua Ralston Mitri Raheb
July 20 Virginia Hudson Leo Tolstoy
July 27 Christopher Tweel Samuel Morris
August 3 Luke Woodcock J. R. R. Tolkien
August 10 Tom Miller Charles Spurgeon
August 17 Joshua Ralston TBA
August 24 Virginia Hudson TBA
August 31 Labor Day Weekend Fellowship Breakfast

The Tweels Are Sticking Around!

We are delighted to share that God has called Christopher
Tweel to serve in our newly created position Director of
Christian Formation and Pastoral Assistant.

Christopher will begin his full-time ministry with GCPC
on September 1, 2014. Below is a brief overview of his
position along with a biography of Christopher, Leah, and
Amara. Though the Tweels are a well-known and well-
loved family already, be sure and extend a warm welcome
to them next time you see them!

The Position
As the Director of Christian Formation and Pastoral Assis-
tant for GCPC, Christopher Tweel will support the spiritual
development of the children and members of GCPC such
that they grow in the knowledge and love of God as grate-
ful disciples of Jesus Christ. This person will design, im-
plement, and oversee the direction and operational man-
agement of existing and future programs. Presently, this
means coordinating and, as needed, leading the Childrens
Ministry Programs (birth 5th grade) and Youth Ministry
Programs (6th 12th grade), as well as serving as resource for Adult Ministry Programs. As a Pastoral Assis-
tant, Christopher will assist in visitation and leading worship.

Christopher and Leah are excited to continue the relationship they began at Grace Covenant in the fall of 2011
and an answer to God's current call on their lives. The church has been a wonderful place of support during
this past three years while Christopher was in seminary (he received his Master of Divinity degree a couple
weeks ago), and he is looking forward to coming on full time to help the ministries here flourish further.

Christopher came from a deep religious background beginning with a great-great uncle who was an orthodox
priest, his uncle who was a Episcopal priest, and his mother who was a minister of music for many years.
Christopher and Leah came to school at Union Presbyterian Seminary by way of North Carolina, where they
spent five years in Greensboro and two in Mooresville at Presbyterian churches there. Their very first church
was First Presbyterian in Charleston, West Virginia, where Christopher got his official start in ministry, and
Leah began her education in what Reformed Theology was really all about!

Christopher and Leah met in college at West Virginia Wesleyan where Christopher studied Sociology and His-
tory and Leah studied Art and English. They married in April 2003 and spent the following years in travel and
service together, and supporting one another through Leah's Masters in Library Science. While in Mooresville,
N. C., they were blessed by the birth of their daughter Amara, in the early summer evening of May 20, 2011.
We hope you will share in our joy at answering God's call to ministry at Grace Covenant starting this coming
September. We are energized to see how God will continue to grow our church in spirit, health, and action in
our time together!

Stewardship Corner
Mays contributions totaling $26,900 were down 6.8% from Aprils total, but
were up over 10% from May a year ago. For the year through May contribu-
tions of $189,400 are up around 9% from the same period last year, exclusive
of contributions received applicable to prior year pledges. Total income for
the year, due to higher rental income, is up 7% over the same period last year.

Expenses of $40,300 in May were relatively low, and, as a result, income for
the month exceeded expenses by $700, reducing the year to date operating def-
icit to slightly more than $10,000.

Mays Five Cents Per Meal offering was $90, the Loaves and Fishes offering was $405, and the Mercy offering to
be divided evenly between the two, was $278. Gifts for the Ghana mission work enabled the church to contribute a
total of $3,000 for our departing guests, David Nambu and Samuel Misrowda.
Gratitude from Ghana
Rev. Samuel Misrowda wrote from Ghana
and thanked the many of you who contrib-
uted to the gift for his ministry in Gha-
na. He said via email, I want to thank you so much for the gift
you gave us. This enabled me to present a brand new laptop and
printer to the congregation. I also presented microphones to an-
other congregation in my hometown. There was so much joy in
the two congregations! We give thanks that God has used our
gifts to facilitate worship and the hearing of Gods
Word! Samuel went on to ask for our prayers, saying, "I am going on transfer to a smaller congregation in
September. Pray that I will be able to lift this congregation and make it a lively place and to overcome the
challenges they are facing. Even as we pray for Samuel and David, lets likewise keep them in our prayers.
Congratulations to Our Seminarians!
Christopher Tweel and Luke Woodcock both graduated from UPSem this past
Saturday. Christopher received The Glenn Gibson Memorial Award
established in 1963, this award is awarded to a student whose courage
and winsomeness in Christ perpetuate those quali-
ties so excellently demonstrated by Glenn Gibson,
Jr., for whom the award is named.
Luke received The James and Elizabeth Appleby
Book Award established in 1977; this award
provides books for students entering the pastorate
and are given to those whose commitment to
Christ and spiritual promise indicate particularly
fruitful pastorates to the glory of God.

Notably, our two seminary interns for this coming
fall Rex Childs and Linda Pitts both received
merit awards from the Joseph and Laura Mae
Stebbins Memorial Fund.

Bobby Hulme-Lippert

Chris Martin
Director of Music and Organist

Vanessa Strait
Administrative Assistant

Martha Rubin

Christopher Tweel
Christian Education Coordinator
for children

Luke Woodcock
Seminary Intern

Church Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m.
Friday, 8:30 a.m.12:30 p.m.
Phone: (804) 359-2463
Fax: (804) 278-6298


9:45 a.m. Sunday School for all ages in
the Education Building
10:55 a.m. Worship Service in
the Sanctuary
12:00 noon Congregational Fellowship in
the Social Room

Grace Covenant Child Development Center
Nicole Williams
Our Elders serve the church as leaders.
Our Deacons lead the church in service.

Please feel free to approach them
with any questions or feedback about
Grace Covenants ministries.
CLERK OF SESSION: Everett Reveley

Jordan Ball (14) - Nominating (M), Finance
(Co-M), Property (Co-M)
Matt Hartman (16) - Missions (M)
Virginia Hudson (14)
Cheryl Jacobs (15) CE/Discipleship (M),
Caroline Leith (15) - Fellowship (C-M),
Katie McCullough (16) - Administration (Co-M)
Dana McKnight (14) - Worship (Co-M),
Christof Meyer (15) Evangelism (M)
Joy Nevin (14) - Fellowship (Co-M)
Everett Reveley (15) - Finance (Co-M),
Property (Co-M)
Pete Sizemore (16) - Administration (Co-M)
Rob Turner (14) - Worship (Co-M)

Lisa Cardwell (15) - Flowers
Courtney Clements (15) - Fellowship
Phil Coltrain (16) - Deacon Fund
Mary Gray (15) - Meals
Jan Kessel (15) - Care
Ann Pais (14) - Care and Deacon Fund
Jennifer Schooley (15) - Greeters and Ushers
Judy Waldron (14) - Visitation

Greeter/Usher - Jennifer Schooley (Jan - Apr),
Courtney Clements (May-Aug),
Erika Tabor (Sept - Dec)

Guest follow-up/Inquirer Class - Erika Tabor (14)
Justice Ministry - Jessica Reveley (16)
Glass Office - Phil Coltrain (16)

Moderator - Erika Tabor (14)
Secretary - Judy Waldron (14)

Caroline Leith (14)
John Roberts (15)
Warren Zirkle (16)
The Staff Church Officers

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