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Affirmative Backup- Term Limits for Congress

Affirmative Backup- Term Limits for Congress
Opening uote# Corruption
Opening uote# Term $imits necessar%
"ignificance# Lack of term $imits $ea's to corruption
"ignificance# Congressiona$ approva$ rating at ()
"ignificance# Po$iticians use $ack of term $imits to t*eir a'vantage
"ignificance# Citi+ens automatica$$% vote to re-e$ect can'i'ates
"ignificance# Disproportiona$ amount of po,er of Congress
"ignificance# Term $imits necessar% for effective Congress
"ignificance# Term $imits not current$% in p$ace -ecause Congress refuses to $imit
"ignificance# Detrimenta$ $ack of accounta-i$it%
"ignificance# Different incentives for po$iticians necessar%
"o$venc%# 0a1orit% of Americans support term $imits
Backup# "upport for Term Limits
A'vantage# Better responsi-i$it% of Congress
A'vantage# 2e'uce' inf$uence of $o--%ists
A'vantage# Decrease of corruption
A'vantage# 2e'uce' Gri'$ock
A'vantage# E$ections no $onger 'eci'e' -% ,ea$t* of can'i'ates
A'vantage# 34 %ear term $imits root out entrenc*e' po$iticians
A'vantage# 34 %ears -ring -est of -ot* ,or$'s
A5T# Loss of e6perience
2esponse# E7ua$$% 7ua$ifie' can'i'ates a$,a%s avai$a-$e
A5T# Congress a$rea'% re7uires re-e$ection so term $imits unnecessar%
2esponse# (8) of t*e time t*e can'i'ate is re-e$ecte'
A5T# Term $imits ,ou$' give more po,er to -ureaucrats an' $o--%ists
2esponse# Terms $imits reduces t*is pro-$em
Affirmative Backup- Term Limits for Congress
Opening uote# Corruption
published by Our Generation [As Activists of The Sixties, we worked together to spark
social change. e established social protest groups such as the !ivil "ights #ove$ent,
o$en%s &iberation, and 'nviron$entalis$. e, at Our Generation, feel our activis$
should not stop there. Our Generation was established to unite the voice and harness the
power of the taxpaying A$erican $a(ority. e are dedicated to helping citi)ens
nationwide beco$e better infor$ed about the inner workings of !ongress, how they are
represented in !ongress, and to ca$paign for a li$it on !ongressional ter$s. To re$ain
co$pletely non*partisan, we accept no contributions, advertising or endorse$ents fro$
any political party. e rely solely on voluntary contributions fro$ every*day A$ericans+
,Ter$ &i$its, -uoting .ohn Ada$s, copyright /012
John Adams said, ithout !term "imits# ever$ man in po%er &ecomes a ravenous &east
of pre$' That &eing said, here are some of the reasons %e &e"ieve our countr$ needs
Term Limits'
Opening uote# Term Limits necessar%
by illia$ #urchison [a "adford 5istinguished 6rofessor of .ournalis$ at 7aylor
8niversity, in aco, Tex., a post he assu$ed after retiring fro$ nearly 90 years with
Texas newspapers, including the 5allas #orning :ews, where he was associate editor
and senior colu$nist, and won nu$erous pri)es for writing. ;is writings are found in
publications like the all Street .ournal, the eekly Standard, ;u$an &ife "eview, <irst
Things, Touchstone, and :ational "eview. ;is syndicated colu$n, distributed by
!reators since the =>0s, began in 1>?1+ ,Ter$ li$its needed in 8.S. Senate, !ongress, in
(oters get a shot at reining in the incompetent and deceitfu" and a&usive t$pes among
their "eaders' e need to start ta"king, as man$ did 2) $ears ago' e ta"ked a&out term
"imits on congressiona" service' Too much po%er, e*ercised in iso"ation from re&uke,
over too "ong a period of time, undermines and endangers democratic institutions'
e proper"$ "imit presidents to a pair of &ack-to-&ack four-$ear terms' h$ not simi"ar"$
force senators and congressmen to go &ack and "ive the "ives the$+ve made for their
"ignificance# Lack of term $imits $ea's to corruption
published by Our Generation [As Activists of The Sixties, we worked together to spark
social change. e established social protest groups such as the !ivil "ights #ove$ent,
o$en%s &iberation, and 'nviron$entalis$. e, at Our Generation, feel our activis$
should not stop there. Our Generation was established to unite the voice and harness the
Affirmative Backup- Term Limits for Congress
power of the taxpaying A$erican $a(ority. e are dedicated to helping citi)ens
nationwide beco$e better infor$ed about the inner workings of !ongress, how they are
represented in !ongress, and to ca$paign for a li$it on !ongressional ter$s. To re$ain
co$pletely non*partisan, we accept no contributions, advertising or endorse$ents fro$
any political party. e rely solely on voluntary contributions fro$ every*day A$ericans+
,Ter$ &i$its, copyright /012
The .ounding .athers of our countr$ never intended po"itics to &ecome a "ifetime career
for an$ individua"' The idea %as that ever$da$ citi/ens "iving in the 0nited 1tates, %ho
kne% first hand the issues facing us, %ou"d serve Congress for an a""otted amount of time'
hen their time %as up, the$ %ou"d return to their communities and "ive under the "a%s
the$ had enacted' As one Citi/en 2epresentative stepped do%n, a ne% one %ou"d enter
Congress' Toda$, %e use the term Career 3o"itician to descri&e %hat is happening in
Congress' There are no "a%s that sa$ a mem&er of Congress can on"$ serve a certain
amount of terms' Congress mem&ers are sta$ing in office for $ears &ecause of the pa$
raises, hea"th and retirement &enefits, and some sa$, the into*ication of po%er' 4ur
5eneration &e"ieves that 6em&ers of the 7ouse shou"d &e "imited to three t%o-$ear terms
and 1enators "imited to t%o si*-$ear terms'
"ignificance# Congressiona$ approva$ rating at ()
published by The !ri$son hite3 Serving the 8niversity of Alaba$a since 1?>9 ,8S
should i$pose ter$ li$its on !ongress, by Ayle .ones [Ayle .ones is a sopho$ore
$a(oring in political science+ on 5ece$ber Bth /012
8o one in this countr$ %ou"d &e shocked &$ the statement that Congress is unpopu"ar' 9n
fact, that concept has &ecome so common to the average American that it has a"most &een
accepted as the norm' As the $ear dra%s to an end, the congressiona" approva" rating
current"$ sits at or around : percent' 8inet$-one percent of the popu"ace disapproves of
the &od$ of the 0nited 1tates government that a""eged"$ represents the %i"" of the peop"e'
Logic %ou"d dictate that %ith a statistic "ike this, as the nation goes into a midterm
e"ection in 2)1;, those mem&ers current"$ serving might &e out of a <o& come ne*t
"ignificance# Po$iticians use $ack of term $imits to t*eir a'vantage
published by The !ri$son hite3 Serving the 8niversity of Alaba$a since 1?>9 ,8S
should i$pose ter$ li$its on !ongress, by Ayle .ones [Ayle .ones is a sopho$ore
$a(oring in political science+ on 5ece$ber Bth /012
Like%ise that po"itician kno%s their constituenc$' The$ kno% the voters+ &e"iefs and their
fears and, as such, e*p"oit them to ensure their position in societ$ remains unchanged'
Then, once the incum&ents are re-e"ected, and the$ return to ashington, the$ give a
voice not to their constituenc$ or to the ma<orit$ of 0nited 1tates &ut rather the nationa"
parties to %hich the$ &e"ong or to the specia" interests that he"ped make sure the$ get
e"ected in the first p"ace' 1uch conduct, in the opinions of most Americans, is repugnant
and inherent"$ undemocratic' 9t is for this reason man$ Americans = >? percent according
to 5a""up po""s = support imposing term "imits on Congress'
Affirmative Backup- Term Limits for Congress
"ignificance# Citi+ens automatica$$% vote to re-e$ect can'i'ates
published by The !ri$son hite3 Serving the 8niversity of Alaba$a since 1?>9 ,8S
should i$pose ter$ li$its on !ongress, by Ayle .ones [Ayle .ones is a sopho$ore
$a(oring in political science+ on 5ece$ber Bth /012
The sad and simp"e truth of the matter is the peop"e of the 0nited 1tates have &ecome
apathetic regarding Congress and po"itics &ecause the$ consider the situation hope"ess'
The average voters do not concern themse"ves %ith po"ic$, voting records or even
p"atform' The$+d rather vote for the devi" the$ kno% as opposed to the devi" the$ don+t' 9t
is easier to vote for the same po"itician over and over &ecause it re@uires "itt"e thought,
ver$ "itt"e research, and t$pica""$ there is a sense of fami"iarit$ %ith that po"itician'
"ignificance# Disproportiona$ amount of po,er of Congress
by 5uncan #urray [5uncan #urray has been a practicing attorney in the area for /1
years. ;e has also functioned as an ad$inistrator, general counsel, or special attorney
for several $unicipalities and special districts in :orthern 8tah and he has been a guest
lecturer and4or ad(unct professor in political science, constitutional and $unicipal law,
and legal ethics at eber State 8niversity, the 8niversity of 8tah, and Salt &ake
!o$$unity !ollege+ ,Ter$ li$its for !ongress3 ;ow we can do it, published by the
Standard*'xa$iner in /011
9f thereAs one thing a"most a"" of us agree on %ith regards to current events in the 0nited
1tates, itAs that %e fee" frustrated and po%er"ess' 1ome of the frustration and "oss of
empo%erment appears to &e coming from a fee"ing of &eing BdisconnectedB from
Congress, %hich is supposed to "isten to and represent us'
e understand that the Constitution is &ased upon princip"es of Bchecks and &a"ancesB
and not a""o%ing an$ one person or group to %ie"d too much po%er' The u"timate Bcheck
and &a"anceB is us Cthe peop"eD' e need to keep reminding ourse"ves that B3o%er tends
to corrupt and a&so"ute po%er corrupts a&so"ute"$B Ca @uote from the Eng"ish Lord John
"ignificance# Term $imits necessar% for effective Congress
by 5uncan #urray [5uncan #urray has been a practicing attorney in the area for /1
years. ;e has also functioned as an ad$inistrator, general counsel, or special attorney
for several $unicipalities and special districts in :orthern 8tah and he has been a guest
lecturer and4or ad(unct professor in political science, constitutional and $unicipal law,
and legal ethics at eber State 8niversity, the 8niversity of 8tah, and Salt &ake
!o$$unity !ollege+ ,Ter$ li$its for !ongress3 ;ow we can do it, published by the
Standard*'xa$iner in /011
3o%er in Congress comes from the time spent in office' e have a"" heard of the Bpo%er
of seniorit$'B e have a""o%ed career po"iticians to rep"ace Bciti/en "egis"ators'B Logic
%ou"d dictate, therefore, that to act as an effective BcheckB on the increasing po%ers of
Congress Cand to restore our o%n po%erD, %e need to uniform"$ "imit the time that an$
Affirmative Backup- Term Limits for Congress
one mem&er of Congress ma$ serve' This is usua""$ referred to as Bterm "imits,B %hich is
not a ne% concept' 9n fact, the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution detai"s term "imits
for the president Ca ma*imum of t%o four-$ear termsD' According to an organi/ation
ca""ed 0' 1' Term Limits, term "imits a"so e*ist for 1? state "egis"atures, eight of the 1)
"argest cities in America Cfor their cit$ counci"s andFor ma$orD, and -> states p"ace term
"imits on their governors andFor other Bconstitutiona" officers'B
"ignificance# Term $imits not current$% in p$ace -ecause Congress refuses to $imit
by 5uncan #urray [5uncan #urray has been a practicing attorney in the area for /1
years. ;e has also functioned as an ad$inistrator, general counsel, or special attorney
for several $unicipalities and special districts in :orthern 8tah and he has been a guest
lecturer and4or ad(unct professor in political science, constitutional and $unicipal law,
and legal ethics at eber State 8niversity, the 8niversity of 8tah, and Salt &ake
!o$$unity !ollege+ ,Ter$ li$its for !ongress3 ;ow we can do it, published by the
Standard*'xa$iner in /011
The ne*t @uestion %e cou"d ask isG B1o if term "imits have &een so successfu" in
empo%ering voters and making e"ected officia"s more accounta&"e, %h$ have %e not $et
app"ied term "imits to mem&ers of Congress,B The ans%er to this @uestion is that the 0'
1' 1upreme Court has ru"ed that congressiona" term "imits ma$ on"$ &e enacted through
amending the 0' 1' Constitution' Artic"e ( of the Constitution out"ines t%o different
methods to initiate a constitutiona" amendment process' The first method, %hich re@uires
a t%o-thirds super-ma<orit$ vote &$ &oth 7ouses of Congress, has &een used to initiate a""
of the first 2> constitutiona" amendments' 8eed"ess to sa$, a"" proposa"s to initiate a term
"imits amendment using this method have fai"ed to garner enough support, &ecause
Congress has refused to "imit itse"f'
"ignificance# Detrimenta$ $ack of accounta-i$it%
by .ohn 5elaney [an A$erican politician and business$an who has been the 8nited
States "epresentative for #arylandCs Dth congressional district since /012+ E'T;F!SG
in /012
Congress+s HIJ disapprova" rating "arge"$ ref"ects gro%ing disi""usionment %ith
ashington and its scanda"s, corruption, and cron$ism' The "ack of transparenc$ and
accounta&i"it$ undermines the po"itica" process and the pu&"ic+s trust, %hi"e "o&&$ists for
po%erfu" specia" interests gain "egis"ative favors for their c"ients'
"ignificance# Different incentives for po$iticians necessar%
by .ohn 5elaney [an A$erican politician and business$an who has been the 8nited
States "epresentative for #arylandCs Dth congressional district since /012+ E'T;F!SG
in /012
9f %e are going to restore trust in Congress, %e must strengthen oversight that insti""s
greater transparenc$ and insists on accounta&i"it$ from our e"ected officia"s' e must
a"so change the incentives in po"itics' Too often, po"iticians are so"e"$ motivated &$ se"f-
Affirmative Backup- Term Limits for Congress
dea"ing, ree"ection concerns, or advancing the interests of important donors' Congress is
not going to %ork unti" there is greater accounta&i"it$'
"o$venc%# 0a1orit% of Americans support term $imits
published by The !ri$son hite3 Serving the 8niversity of Alaba$a since 1?>9 ,8S
should i$pose ter$ li$its on !ongress, by Ayle .ones [Ayle .ones is a sopho$ore
$a(oring in political science+ on 5ece$ber Bth /012
9t is for this reason man$ Americans = >? percent according to 5a""up po""s = support
imposing term "imits on Congress'
Backup# "upport for Term Limits
by !atalina !a$ia ,6oll3 A$ericans strongly back ter$ li$its for !ongress, published
by 8SA Today in /012
Americans are over%he"ming"$ in favor of term "imits for Congress, even though the$ re-
e"ected :)J of incum&ent "a%makers in the 2)12 e"ection'
A ne% 5a""up 3o"" finds that three-fourths of Americans sa$ the$ %ou"d vote for term
"imits for the 0'1' 7ouse and 0'1' 1enate if the$ cou"d, compared %ith 21J %ho are
5a""up sa$s those findings track surve$s taken 1::; to 1::I' That period is %hen the
8e%t 5ingrich-"ed 7ouse 543 ma<orit$ pushed term "imits as part of its Contract %ith
America "egis"ative agenda' Term "imits %ent no%here in the 1enate and the$ have not
&een much of an issue since in Congress'
5a""up finds support for term "imits to &e universa", %ith Americans in &oth po"itica"
parties, independents and peop"e of ever$ age group &acking them' Kemocrats have the
"o%est "eve" of support, at I?J'
A'vantage# Increase' responsi-i$it% of Congress
published by "estart !ongress ["estart !ongress is a non*partisan super 6A! co$$itted
to holding !ongress accountable for their actions and ulti$ately re*establishing a
govern$ent ruled by the people, for the people. e do not endorse a specific political
party or candidateH instead, we stand for the A$erican people as a whole. Fn order to
eli$inate corruption in !ongress and return to the ideals of our <ounding <athers, we
believe the first step is to work towards ratification of a !onstitutional a$end$ent that
i$poses ter$ li$its for all $e$bers of !ongress+ ,Argu$ents for Ter$ &i$its, copyright
ith term "imits in p"ace, Congress %i"" &e more responsi&"e to%ard their constituents
Affirmative Backup- Term Limits for Congress
&ecause the$ %i"" soon &e constituents themse"ves' The$ %i"" have to "ive under the "a%s
the$ have created %hi"e in office'
A'vantage# 2e'uce' inf$uence of $o--%ists
published by "estart !ongress ["estart !ongress is a non*partisan super 6A! co$$itted
to holding !ongress accountable for their actions and ulti$ately re*establishing a
govern$ent ruled by the people, for the people. e do not endorse a specific political
party or candidateH instead, we stand for the A$erican people as a whole. Fn order to
eli$inate corruption in !ongress and return to the ideals of our <ounding <athers, we
believe the first step is to work towards ratification of a !onstitutional a$end$ent that
i$poses ter$ li$its for all $e$bers of !ongress+ ,Argu$ents for Ter$ &i$its, copyright
6em&ers of Congress %i"" have "ess time in office to deve"op financia""$ &eneficia"
commitments to "o&&$ists and other specia" interest groups, there&$ undermining the
threat of "o&&$ists &eing a primar$ inf"uence on "egis"ation'
A'vantage# Decrease of corruption
published by "estart !ongress ["estart !ongress is a non*partisan super 6A! co$$itted
to holding !ongress accountable for their actions and ulti$ately re*establishing a
govern$ent ruled by the people, for the people. e do not endorse a specific political
party or candidateH instead, we stand for the A$erican people as a whole. Fn order to
eli$inate corruption in !ongress and return to the ideals of our <ounding <athers, we
believe the first step is to work towards ratification of a !onstitutional a$end$ent that
i$poses ter$ li$its for all $e$bers of !ongress+ ,Argu$ents for Ter$ &i$its, copyright
1ince the time of the .ounding .athers, a genera" consensus states that peop"e, %hen
given po%er, %i"" eventua""$ &e corrupted &$ it' 9f Congress has term "imits in p"ace, their
po%er %i"" a"so &e "imited' Candidates %i"" &e more "ike"$ to run for the purpose of
serving the peop"e, and the$ %ou"d have to "eave office &efore corruption dominates their
A'vantage# 2e'uce' Gri'$ock
published by "estart !ongress ["estart !ongress is a non*partisan super 6A! co$$itted
to holding !ongress accountable for their actions and ulti$ately re*establishing a
govern$ent ruled by the people, for the people. e do not endorse a specific political
party or candidateH instead, we stand for the A$erican people as a whole. Fn order to
eli$inate corruption in !ongress and return to the ideals of our <ounding <athers, we
believe the first step is to work towards ratification of a !onstitutional a$end$ent that
i$poses ter$ li$its for all $e$bers of !ongress+ ,Argu$ents for Ter$ &i$its, copyright
Congress is heavi"$ entrenched in partisan po"itics, resu"ting in grid"ock %hen tr$ing to
pass an$ "egis"ation' 9f term "imits %ere enacted, toeing the part$ "ine %ou"d &e "ess
important, as the need for re-e"ection and ho"ding onto part$ seats %ou"d no "onger &e the
Affirmative Backup- Term Limits for Congress
driving force &ehind most "egis"ative decisions' Congress %ou"d have an easier time
passing the "egis"ation that %ou"d make a positive difference for the nation'
A'vantage# E$ections no $onger 'eci'e' -% ,ea$t* of can'i'ates
published by "estart !ongress ["estart !ongress is a non*partisan super 6A! co$$itted
to holding !ongress accountable for their actions and ulti$ately re*establishing a
govern$ent ruled by the people, for the people. e do not endorse a specific political
party or candidateH instead, we stand for the A$erican people as a whole. Fn order to
eli$inate corruption in !ongress and return to the ideals of our <ounding <athers, we
believe the first step is to work towards ratification of a !onstitutional a$end$ent that
i$poses ter$ li$its for all $e$bers of !ongress+ ,Argu$ents for Ter$ &i$its, copyright
6one$ is a ma<or factor in %ho %i"" %in an e"ection' 9ncum&ents have the &enefit of the
profits the$ made %hi"e in po%er = p"us the &acking of their part$, contri&uting
organi/ations and specia" interests = to get re-e"ected' 7o%ever, these %ea"th$
incum&ents are often not the &est person for the <o&, as the$ are so far-removed from the
dai"$ rea"ities of the American peop"e' A midd"e c"ass person %ho &etter understands the
pro&"ems facing the average citi/en is high"$ un"ike"$ to get e"ected over a %ea"th$
incum&ent' Term "imits %i"" he"p to e"iminate the shad$, profita&"e re"ationships &et%een
mem&ers of Congress and specia" interest groups, and therefore reduce the %ea"th gap
&et%een candidates' 9n turn, more @ua"ified peop"e %i"" have a rea" opportunit$ to %in
A'vantage# 34 %ear term $imits root out entrenc*e' po$iticians
by .ohn 5elaney [an A$erican politician and business$an who has been the 8nited
States "epresentative for #arylandCs Dth congressional district since /012+ E'T;F!SG
in /012
Term "imits can increase e"ectora" competition and serve as a check against entrenched
career po"iticians and specia" interests' E"ected mem&ers of Congress shou"d serve for a
ma*imum of 12 $ears from %hen such "egis"ation is passed' This %ou"d a""o% t%o
1enatoria" terms or si* Congressiona" terms' This %ou"d force out some dedicated pu&"ic
servants, &ut %ou"d encourage more cha""engers %ith fresh ideas to run for office'
A'vantage# 34 %ears -ring -est of -ot* ,or$'s
by Stephen "eader, -uoting To$ 6latts [a "epublican whoCs represented 6ennsylvaniaCs
1>th 5istrict since /000+ E'xplainer3 Should !ongress ;ave Ter$ &i$itsI J6art 1KG
published by :L! [broadcasting the finest progra$s fro$ :6" and 6ublic "adio
Fnternational, as well as a wide range of award*winning local progra$$ing, :L! is a
division of :ew Lork 6ublic "adio+ in <ebruary /01/
BT%e"ve $ears is a good time frame &ecause $ou have a chance to gain e*pertise and
kno%"edge $ou can then app"$ on &eha"f of $our constituents,B 3"atts said' 9tAs time to
step do%n and a""o% some ne% energ$ and ne% ideas to take $our spot'B
Affirmative Backup- Term Limits for Congress
A5T# Loss of e6perience
2esponse# E7ua$$% 7ua$ifie' can'i'ates a$,a%s avai$a-$e
published by "estart !ongress ["estart !ongress is a non*partisan super 6A! co$$itted
to holding !ongress accountable for their actions and ulti$ately re*establishing a
govern$ent ruled by the people, for the people. e do not endorse a specific political
party or candidateH instead, we stand for the A$erican people as a whole. Fn order to
eli$inate corruption in !ongress and return to the ideals of our <ounding <athers, we
believe the first step is to work towards ratification of a !onstitutional a$end$ent that
i$poses ter$ li$its for all $e$bers of !ongress+ ,Argu$ents for Ter$ &i$its, copyright
4n occasion, there ma$ &e a mem&er of Congress that has fought for his constituents
and resisted the corrupt s$stem of po%er a&use that is considered norma" on Capito" 7i""'
The .ounding .athers discussed the need for a rotation of office' hen one+s terms are
up in one office, that po"itician can run for another office Csuch as a mem&er of the 7ouse
running for 1enator, 5overnor, etc'D and put their e*perience to use in other he"pfu" %a$s'
The notion that on"$ one person = the incum&ent = can do the <o& %e"" is a&surd'
3ro&"ematica""$, %e continue to e"ect the incum&ent &ecause of name recognition and
part$ affi"iation rather than a proven track record' 2ea"istica""$, there is usua""$ someone
<ust as @ua"ified to take over the incum&ent+s office'
A5T# Congress a$rea'% re7uires re-e$ection so term $imits unnecessar%
2esponse# (8) of t*e time t*e can'i'ate is re-e$ecte'
published by "estart !ongress ["estart !ongress is a non*partisan super 6A! co$$itted
to holding !ongress accountable for their actions and ulti$ately re*establishing a
govern$ent ruled by the people, for the people. e do not endorse a specific political
party or candidateH instead, we stand for the A$erican people as a whole. Fn order to
eli$inate corruption in !ongress and return to the ideals of our <ounding <athers, we
believe the first step is to work towards ratification of a !onstitutional a$end$ent that
i$poses ter$ li$its for all $e$bers of !ongress+ ,Argu$ents for Ter$ &i$its, copyright
hi"e this %ou"d happen in an idea" %or"d, historica""$ the incum&ent is re-e"ected :)J
of the time' The p"a$ing fie"d is simp"$ not "eve" &et%een incum&ents and cha""enging
candidates &ecause of the a&i"it$ to raise mone$' 9n 2)1), the average incum&ent in the
7ouse raised around L1'; mi""ion, %hi"e the cha""engers averaged L1II,)))' 9n the same
$ear, 1enate incum&ents averaged L:'; mi""ion for each campaign, %hi"e cha""engers
raised L?1:,)))' ith that incredi&"e discrepanc$, it is no surprise that the incum&ent
usua""$ prevai"s' 9f a mem&er of Congress is "imited to one or t%o terms, the part$ itse"f
and other ma<or donors %ou"d not invest near"$ as much in an incum&ent, giving
cha""engers a &etter chance of %inning the race'
A5T# Term $imits ,ou$' give more po,er to -ureaucrats an' $o--%ists
2esponse# Terms $imits reduces t*is pro-$em
published by "estart !ongress ["estart !ongress is a non*partisan super 6A! co$$itted
Affirmative Backup- Term Limits for Congress
to holding !ongress accountable for their actions and ulti$ately re*establishing a
govern$ent ruled by the people, for the people. e do not endorse a specific political
party or candidateH instead, we stand for the A$erican people as a whole. Fn order to
eli$inate corruption in !ongress and return to the ideals of our <ounding <athers, we
believe the first step is to work towards ratification of a !onstitutional a$end$ent that
i$poses ter$ li$its for all $e$bers of !ongress+ ,Argu$ents for Ter$ &i$its, copyright
This argument is &ased in the notion that incoming "egis"ators %i"" &e entire"$
un@ua"ified for their <o&s and %i"" &e easi"$ "ed astra$ &$ staff, &ureaucrats, specia"
interests, etc' The %a$ the s$stem %orks toda$ suggests that the rea" pro&"em is in
"ongevit$ of office and the comp"acenc$ that can come a"ong %ith it' .or instance,
"o&&$ists invest heavi"$ in "ong-term re"ationships %ith sitting "egis"ators' Congress
mem&ers current"$ shirk man$ responsi&i"ities &$ de"egating them to &ureaucratic
Term "imits have the potentia" to great"$ reduce these pro&"ems' hen more
Congressiona" races are %on &$ cha""engers from outside the Be"t%a$, this change is
"ike"$ to &ring ne% staffers %ith ne% ideas into ashington, rather than rec$c"ing the
same o"d corrupt insiders'

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