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ISSN No : 2230-7850
Monthly Multidiciplinary
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Indian Streams
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Vol II Issue IX
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Occupational Hazards And Accidents In India : Indian Streams Research Journal (Oct. ; 2012)
Sharmistha Bhattacharjee , The Role Of Industrial Safety Measures In Combating
Volume 2, Issue. 9, Oct 2012
Indian Streams Research Journal
Safety, Hazards, Accidents, Measures and Industrial.
Problem and Significance
Hazards and Accidents is an occurrence which adversely not only affects completion of a task, but
also effects loss of human life, personal injury or damage to human beings. The problem of occurrence of
hazards and accident is inevitable but its severity and frequency can be controlled by adopting safety
measures. It is important to ensure that the workers remember all the safety guidelines and avoid dangerous
practices even when nobody supervises them. The best method of prevention is the preparedness that needs
to be woven into the management structure. The significance of Industrial safety figures Mr Roger Mooore
reveals that India accounts for 32 percent of global workplace fatalities averaging 120 deaths at work per
day the overall rate of workplace injuries is about 50000 per day, around one third of global occupational
Scope, Limitation and Methodology
The author attempts to review the literature present on occupational hazards, accidents and safety
measures. The paper provides an outline of the role of safety in the workplace to enable a one to understand
that Safety is a value not a cost. This paper attempts to focus on the occupational hazards and accidents
The presence of occupational hazards and industrial accidents de-motivates
the worker to contribute their best to the organization. The participation of workers in
the workplace which promises safety and security fosters teamwork, quality of product
high productivity and a good communication between management and the industrial
workers. For combating occupational hazards and accidents in an industrial site, safety
is necessary and a challenging issue in an industrial environment. Serious
technological accidents happens everyday somewhere in the world, causing deaths,
injuries and damages to the environment and to the employees Most accidents are
caused by people. People are not aware of how to use protective equipments nor are they
aware of industrial hygiene and security measures. This paper provides an overview
from the secondary sources of data on occupational hazards and accidents, and focuses
on the safety and security services and measures provided by the institutions and
government to combat the problems to provide an understanding of the situation in
Indian context
The Role Of Industrial Safety Measures In Combating
Occupational Hazards And Accidents In India
Sharmistha Bhattacharjee
Jaypee Institute Of Information Technology University , Noida
Available on all social networks
and the safety measures taken up by the government and other institutions. The work is limited to secondary
sources of data and reviews the literature to enable one to do a primary empirical study.
Industrial Accidents and Hazards
An unwanted event which can't be planned/ anticipated in advance may be termed as an accident.
An Industrial accident may be defined as an event, detrimental to the health of man, suddenly occurring and
originating from external sources and which is associated with the performance of a paid job, accompanied
by an injury, followed by disability or even death. An accident may happen to any employee under certain
circumstances. Industrial accidents which take place in the industrial site are trips, slips and falls, strenuous
activity or over exertion such as lifting of heavy weight, falling or moving of an object, death or injury from
collapse of building or walls, exposure to extreme temperatures electrical currents, atmosphere pressure
and environment, exposure to harmful substances resulting to inhalation or ingestion.
Types of industrial accidents are:
(1) Near accident i.e. an accident with no damage or injury.
(2) Trivial
(3) Minor
(4) Serious
(5) Fatal (death)
An accident is an unplanned incident and for each such incident there is usually a specific cause or
causes if one could but discover them. Accident may be caused due to
(1)Technical causes i.e. unsafe conditions
(2) Human causes i.e. unsafe acts Personal factors.
Technical Causes: - Unsafe conditions reflect deficiencies in plant, equipment, tools, material handling
system, and general work environment etc.
(a) Mechanical causes or factors
(1) Unsafe mechanical design/construction
(2) Hazardous arrangement (over loading etc.)
(3) Improper machine casing/guarding
(4) Improper material handling.
(5) Leaking acid valve
(6) Untested pressure vessels.
(7) Protruding nails.
(b) Environmental factor causes
Environmental factors indicate improper physical and atmospheric surrounding conditions of
work which indirectly promote the occurrence of accidents. Environmental factors include.
(1) Too low a temperature to cause Shivering.
(2) Too high a temperature causes headache or sweating.
(3) Too high a humidity to cause uncomforts fatique and drowsiness.
(4) Defective and improper illumination causing eyestrain, glares, shadows etc.
(5) High speed of work because of huge work load.
(6) Pressure of dust, fumes and smokes and lack of proper ventilation.
(7) Inadequate rest or breaks between the working hours.
(8) Noise, bad odor and flash coming from the nearby machinery, equipment or processes.
(9) Poor house keeping.
(10) More no. of working hours, and over and above them the tendency of the employer to insist for over-
time work.
The Role Of Industrial Safety Measures In Combating Occupational .....
Indian Streams Research Journal Volume 2 Issue 9 Oct 2012 2
Human Causes Unsafe acts by the person concerned are due to his ignorance or carelessness, or
day-dreaming etc.
It has bear estimated that there are four accidents caused by human causes to every one that is
caused by technical causes.
(1) Age (2) Health (3) Home environment
(4) No. of dependents.
(5) Lack of knowledge and skill
(6) Improper attitude towards work.
(7) Day-dreaming and inattentiveness
(8) Fatigue.
(9) Emotional. Instability e.g. jealousy, revenge fullness
(10) Mental worriness.
(11) Non-use of safety devices.
(12) Financial position.
Other than immediate accidents employees are victims of various forms of hazards depending on
their occupation
1.Physical hazards - in which the worker is exposed to harmful elements or physical dangers, such as heat
and cold, light, noise and vibration and ultra radiation and ignozing radiation.
2.Chemical hazards The chemical hazards are on the increase with the introduction of newer and complex
chemicals. Exposure to industrial chemicals may cause skin diseases, allergy, cancer and the like. Common
industrial chemicals which cause lung diseases are machine oil, rubber acid etc.
3.Biological Hazards- Workers are exposed to ineffective and parasitic agents at the pace of work.
4.Mechanical Hazards- They may be due to protruding machinery and form moving parts of machinery, fire
and electricity.
5.Psychological Hazards- Such hazards may arise from lack of satisfaction, emotional tensions and
frustration, insecurity and poor human relationship.
6.Ergonomic hazards - in which the body is strained or injured, often over an extended period, because of
the nature (design) of the task, its frequency, or intensity. Hazards means are unsafe conditions or processes
that can cause illness, injury or damage to equipment or construction or you can simply say that hazard is a
potential condition awaiting to be converted into an unwanted accidents.
7.Electrical Hazards-To avoid from industrial electrical hazards. The following instruction should be
followed by carefully. Under normal circumstances the rate of current flow in amperes of the order o 2OmA
to 25mA can cause electrical shock. A fatal shock can be caused by 50 m.A of current. For this type of
electrical supply better method would be to use. (MCB5) Miniature circuit breakers,
Industrial hazards also include (a) Mechanical hazards (b) Electrical hazards(c) Fire hazards and
(d) Constructional hazards
To combat hazards and accidents certain safety measures and precautions are been taken up for a
smooth running of the industrial work place. Scholars define safety as a procedure designed to lower the
occurrence or risk of injury, loss and danger to person's property or the environment.
Industrial Safety measures or techniques is implemented to reduce the risk of injury, loss &
danger to persons, property or the environment in any facility or place involving the manufacturing,
producing and processing of goods or merchandise. Employers are required to compensate employees for
work-related injuries or sickness by paying medical expenses, disability benefits, and compensation for
lost work time.
In the modern context, corporate management increasingly has viewed industrial safety measures
as an investmentone that may save money in the long run by way of reducing disability pay, improving
productivity, and avoiding lawsuits
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There are innumerable statutory legislations for labour wefare which looks up the health services
and precautions to be taken up by the industrial set up in India. To name few are The Factories Act 1948, The
Mines Act 1952, The Plantation Act 1951, The Motor Transport Workers Act 1961 and The Contract Labour
(regulation and abolition). Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 follows a set procedure prescribed
by the government to avoid industrial accidents and hazards to maintain industrial safety.
The foremost activity which these Acts provide is First Aid appliances in work place .The presence
of such First aid is necessary to promote a accident free work place
1.There shall in every factory be provided and maintained so as to be readily accessible during all working
hours' first aid boxes or cupboards equipped with the prescribed contents and the number of such boxes or
cupboards to be provided and maintained shall not be less than one hundred and fifty workers ordinarily
employed at any time in the factory.
2.Nothing except the prescribed contents shall be kept in a first aid box or cupboard
3.Each first aid box shall be kept in the charge of a separate responsible person who holds a certificate in the
first aid treatment recognized by the state government and who shall always be readily available during the
working hours of the factory
4.In every factory wherein more than five hundred workers are ordinarily employed there shall be provided
and maintained and ambulance room of the prescribed size, containing the prescribed equipment and in the
charge of such medical and nursing staff as may be prescribed and those facilities shall always be made
readily available during the working hours of the factory
The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970(OSHA) plays a vital role in focusing on security
measures in industrial sites. It is first comprehensive industrial safely legislation passed at the federal level
was The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1970 was passed to assure so far as possible every working
man and woman in the nation safe and healthful working conditions and to preserve our human resources.
OSHA was established within the Department of Labour and was authorized to regulate health and safety
conditions for all employers with few exceptions. It includes safety standards, designed to prevent
accidents, and health standards, designed to protect against exposure to toxins and to address the more long-
term effects of occupational hazards It encourages employers and employees to reduce workplace hazards
and to implement new or improve existing safety and health standards. It provides for research in
occupational safety and health and develops innovative ways of dealing with occupational safety and health
problems; It enables to establish "separate but dependent responsibilities and rights" for employers and
employees for the achievement of better safety and health conditions. It maintains a reporting and
recordkeeping system to monitor job-related injuries and illnesses and establishes training programs to
increase the number and competence of occupational safety and health personnel This Act also covers to
investigate the imminent dangers, catastrophic and fatal accidents, employee complaints, programmes
high hazard inspections and re-inspection.
Imminent Danger: Condition where there is reasonable certainty that a danger exists that can be expected to
cause death or serious physical harm immediately or before the danger can be eliminated through normal
enforcement procedures.
Catastrophic and Fatal Accidents: Investigation of fatalities and catastrophes resulting in hospitalization of
three or more employees.
Employee Complaints: Each employee has the right to request an OSHA inspection when the employee
feels that he or she is in imminent danger from a hazard or when he or she feels that there is a violation of an
OSHA standard that threatens physical harm.
Programmed High Hazard Inspections: OSHA establishes programs of inspection aimed at specific high
hazard industries, occupations, or health hazards.
Re-inspections: Establishments cited for alleged serious violations may be re- inspected to determine
whether the hazards have been corrected
Both private and public sector employers facilitate medical facilities for their workers and their
families under ESI scheme. Indoor and outdoor medical facilities are given to the workers in departmental
undertakings. In the project plan itself, the provision of adequate indoor and outdoor medical facilities are
made compulsory for public sector undertakings
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Common medical amenities for the employees
Suitable equipped first aid centres, ambulance rooms
Regular hospitals either in the factory premises or inside the township
General medical treatment and health care.
Separate arrangements for specialist treatment for diseases like tuberculosis, cancer, leprosy and mental
Hospital and dispensary facilities for the treatments of workers and their families
Arrangements for the treatment at government hospitals at their own cost by the employers if it is necessary
Private sector companies such as Tata Steel, Tata motors, Philips, Hindustan Unilever Godrej, JK
(Kanpur), L& T Indian Dye Stuffs (Mumbai) Mafatlal Industries Ltd and many others have extended
medical facilities to their employees. In fact most companies today medical reimbursement facilities, the
amount varying with each company
The Committee on Labour Wefare in the case of smaller units has recommended the following
Providing medical facilities to joint basis by a group of employers in scattered areas
Providing medical facilities to the workers by a joint drive by the institutions like industrial cooperatives,
industrial estates.
Popularizing other systems of medicine namely Ayurvedic, Sidda, Unani and Homoeopathy, by setting up
dispensaries running on these systems in the areas of concentration of industrial workers
Preventive and curative measures for occupational diseases
1 Preventive Measure:
Pre employment and periodic medical examination
Removal of health hazards to the extent possible
Surveillance over certain classes of workers such as women, young persons and persons exposed to special
Emergency treatment for accidents
Training of first aid personnel and education of workers in health and hygiene
2. Curative measures
The curative aspects will begin once a worker suffers from ill health or disease. The statutory
provisions in labour laws for safeguarding the health of workers are as follows
Restrictions on employment of women at certain hours and places
Protection for young persons
Provisions of first aid and ambulance services
Provisions relating to cleanliness, disposal of waste and effluents, ventilation and temperature and dust
fumes and lighting
The term measure means the provision devices, equipment or other modes which ensure safety.
Safety measures can classified as
1. Safety measure for design of factory premise
(a) Adequate layout
(h) Emergency exist
(c) First aid
(d) Arrangements
II. Safety measure against machine accident
(a) Provision of interlock guard
(h) Enclose dangerous parts with suitable casing
(c) Dangerous parts should be out of reach during operation
III. Safety measures against fire
(a) Fire fighting equipments
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(h) Proper storage of explosives.
(c) Adequate exists.
V. Safety measures against electric hazards
(a) Warning signals.
(h) Underground Cables
(c) Safety fuse should be there
Industrial safety is conducive to improve productivity. It affects productivity as
(a) If a worker is mentally ensured that he is working is safe working condition. His morale will be high and
he will work with more concentration and thus productivity' will increase.
(b) Safe working environment helps in motivating employees to perform their job in efficient manner.
(c) Safe workplace environment leads to reduction of accident and hence reduction in direct and indirect
cost of accident.
(d) Safe working environment helps in reducing absenteeism which will in turn lead to increase
Scholars are of the opinion that the role of occupational health service should be essentially
preventive. It should be able to identify occupational hazards and suggest measures for their control detect
occupational hazards and give initial treatment, render advice about the placement of people in suitable
work, provide necessary advice relating to the supervision of conditions at work which may influence
health and general sanitation and undertake health education. The occupational health services also enables
protecting the workers against health hazards which may arise out of their work or the conditions in which it
is caries on and contributing towards workers physical and mental adjustments and establishments and
maintenance of the highest possible degree of physical and mental well being. The occupational health
service at work should vary according to the size of the work group the hazards involved the location of the
plant and many other factors. The object should be to set up a preventive occupational service tailored to the
needs of the factory and its particular hazards. Occupational health covers a very wide field and calls for
specialized knowledge from many disciplines such as medicine, engineering, chemistry, toxiocology,
physiology, statistics, and above all a close interdisciplinary team work. At international level, the
Occupational Health Service recommendation (No.112, 1999) of ILO has guided many governments in the
creation of legislation in relation to occupational health in all branches of economic activity, in developing
as well as industrialized countries. In 1981, the ILO adopted a convention, and issued several
recommendations on occupational safely, health and the working environment which helps in defining a
national policy and action to be taken at the level of the undertaking. The Government of India became
concerned about the occupational health after the recommendations of the Royal commission of labour in
The causes of accidents and hazards in industrial sites are mostly related to technical and human
factors. Safe and healthy work environment preventing accidents and hazards motivate the workforce and
bring out the best out of the worker An effective implementation of safely measure is possible only if there
is an early intervention, clinical assistance and the proactive management of employee's health and care
issues can successfully reduces absenteeism and absence related costs (sick pay/cover/overtime) and
encourages people back to work sooner, identifies and helps rectify the reasons for poor performance,
reduces the impact on pensions scheme funds (such as early retirement due to sickness),prevents work
related ill health, facilitates early return to work, effectively mange absence, maintains competitiveness and
productivity, meets statutory obligations, achieves significant cost savings ,enable employees to make
informed decisions of employee performance and absence issues ,boost staff performance, productivity
and profitability and reduces employee risk, minimize insurance claims and lower premiums. It provide
workers with a safe work environment, encourages to conduct routine/regular workplace inspections,
provides personal protective equipment, develops and implement safe work procedures and rules, provides
on-going safety training, enforces safety rules and appropriate discipline and provides on-going property
conservation practices.
One of motivation factor for management's effort directed at accident prevention with strict
legislations, the government's announced policies in favors of vulnerable section of community and the
Indian Streams Research Journal Volume 2 Issue 9 Oct 2012 6
The Role Of Industrial Safety Measures In Combating Occupational .....
trade union involvement, the industrial management find it easier to aired by safety laws rather than to face
legal and other consequences of doing so. The safety function in industry today is not confined to
preventing accident at work only. It also includes control of occupational health program, creating work
condition which is safe, controlling human factors responsible for accidents, creating climate conducive to
working and designing of machines and work situation to suit the capabilities and limitation of man both
physically and mentally. There is the human cast in terms of emotional sufferings to the partners, children,
family and workmates of those killed at work.
Deshpande, A (2010) Industrial Sociology, Sun India Publications, New Delhi
Prasad.J ((2009) Industrial Sociology, Vayu Education of India, New Delhi
Singh .A.P (2011) Industrial Sociology, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi
Pylee, M. & George a 1996, Industrial Relations & Personnel Management, Vikas Publishing House, New
Sivarethinamohan, R 2010, Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare: Text and Cases, PHI Learning Private
Limited, New Delhi
Report: Industrial Safety and Environment Chapter 3 : Industrial Safety Accident and Hazard
Sivarethinamohan, R 2010, Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare: Text and Cases, PHI Learning Private Limited,
New Delhi
Pylee, M. & George a 1996, Industrial Relations & Personnel Management, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
Prasad.J ((2009) Industrial Sociology, Vayu Education of India, New Delhi Report :Industrial Safety and
Environment Chapter 3 : Industrial Safety Accident and Hazard ptumech.loremate.com/ise/node/3
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