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Stories that Inspire

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July 2014. Vol. IV.
Organized Inspiration
The inspiring stories behind two organizations working on Child Sexual Abuse.
Last month, team aarambh had the pleasure of meeting with two separate organizations that work on prevention and awareness on issues related to child sexual abuse(CSA) in two
different cities - Bangalore and Pune. They obliged to our request and shared with us the ideas and stories behind their unique journeys - from the first moment of inspiration to how the
idea emerged, from challenges they face every day to incidents of transformations and impact, from setbacks to successes, from overcoming frustrations to see a future as they want to
see it.
Their stories give us a deeper and nuanced view of not just the organizations but also ground realities of Child Sexual Abuse & Exploitation in India.
This months aarambh talk presents these stories to you. We hope that this will help you know them better. We hope this will enable us to reach out to each other and in the grand
tradition of sharing ideas - spark yet another idea.
Enfolding Sexuality and CSA
"I was approached by a girl of around 26 or 27 years of age who asked me to remove her uterus. I asked her why she wanted to do that.
Terrible mood swings she said. Every time she was on her periods, her uncontrollable anger would be directed at her family.
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I told her that when you are on periods, your body cannot lie. It behaves selfishly at the time because it is thinking of yourself and your safety above anything else at the time.
8 months later, the girl returned. Her problem was under control.
Nowthis set me thinking it was knowledge that solved the girls issue. Basic knowledge about yourself and your body has the ability to bring change. It could even cure a health
issue. That idea of the possibility of knowledge was the foundation for Enfold.
Dr. Shaibya Saldanha, a practicing gynecologist and mother of two, is one of the most sought after trainer and speaker on issues of health, sexuality and child sexual abuse in the
country. Since 2000, Dr. Salhanha and the Enfold Proactive Health Trust, the Bangalore-based organization that she co-founded have been trying to set the record straight on health and
sexuality in India, one training group at a time. India's first CCRU (Collaborative Crisis Response Unit) for victims of CSA was established under the leadership of Enfold in Bangalore.
Click here to read our interview with Dr. Saldanha.
Muskaan: Gender, Power and CSA

"Muskaan was initiated because at the time (circa 2000), nobody seemed to be interested in speaking out about child sexual abuse. It made them uncomfortable. Initially we faced a lot
of challenges. Schools were not keen while communities and families preferred not to speak about it.
It was only gradually that we realized that there was a demand for the work we were doing. As society becomes more courageous, sensitive and open about it, the demand only
increases. We realize that we cannot stop what we are doing.
Muskaans approach to prevention and treatment of CSA is child-centered. They bring a unique feminist perspective which promotes critical thinking and an awareness of gender and
patriarchy. Since 2000, Muskaan has been working in and around Pune with children and adults with various groups to campaign and create awareness about child sexual abuse. What
started as a collective campaign by concerned individuals and organizations to address a complex issue is now a full-time program run by the Aalochana Center for Documentation &
Research on Women. Click here to read an in-depth profile of Muskaan and their work.
E m a i l u s a t a a r a m b h . p r e r a n a ( a t ) g m a i l . c o m o r E m a i l u s a t a a r a m b h . p r e r a n a ( a t ) g m a i l . c o m o r
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Aarambh is a joint initiative of Prerana and ADM Capital Foundation in India.
Our goal is to support communities to reduce, resist and report cases of Child Sexual Abuse & Exploitation (CSA&E) in
India, by working with civil society, government agencies and the judiciary, through sharing resources and demonstrating
best practices.
Our mailing address is:
103,V K Industrial Estate, Pais Street,Byculla (W),
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