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Research Journal on International Relations & Economic Development

Call for Papers

Issue No. 1 Call for Papers
Perspectives on the International Relations, International Economic Development,
International Law and Human Rights Movement in the 21st Century
Deadline: September 1, 2014

The Editorial Board of The Krityanand UNESCO Club Research Journal on International Relations and
Economic Development invites submissions of papers for its first Issue. The journal welcomes articles on
diplomacy, conflict resolution, international relations theories, international law, international political
economy, geopolitics, security studies, international business, International Economics, and regional or
current issues related to strategic concerns.
The Journal will be in Soft copy format and available on the organizations website. The language the
journal publishes in is English.
Papers on above mentioned topics (min. 3,500 to max 6,000 words) should be sent by email to

At the Forum KNUC Research Journal on International Relations & Economic
Development, we will discuss and research foreign affairs and global Economic development issues
among states within the international system, including the roles of states, inter-governmental
organizations (IGOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and multinational corporations (MNCs).
We will focus on geopolitical analysis, globalization, international policy issues and apply qualitative and
quantitative analysis. Our focuses will analyzing, as well as formulate new solutions to issues with foreign
policy and economic development.
a) Manuscript Submissions
Manuscript submissions will be accepted between 1
August to 1st September 2014. Please identify your
paper as a submission for the Research Journals Issue, on your subject line and title page. Manuscripts
should be in Microsoft Word at Times New Roman Font size 12, with 1.5 cm margins. All text, including
references, is double-spaced in Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. All submissions must have
at least an Abstract, Introduction, Body, Conclusion, and Reference page.
Manuscripts will be screened by the editor for appropriateness and then sent to at least two reviewers for
detailed assessment. Empirical studies using all types of qualitative and quantitative methods are
welcome. The primary criteria will be soundness of methodological approach as applied to international
affairs. Non-traditional analytic approaches are welcome with appropriate explanation. Conceptual
contributions that extend existing concepts and theories of international affairs and empirical studies that
refine understanding of international affairs, outcomes, and processes are particularly welcome. Include
correct author identifying information on the title page only and remove the author's information in the
"tools-options-user information" section. If there are multiple authors, please identify the contact author.
Place the title of the manuscript at the top of the abstract page. The submission should contain all tables,
figures and references in a single file. Please also include your assurances that the manuscript is original
and is not under review at any other journal. Please include in your e-mail three or four keywords that will
help us assign the manuscript to appropriate reviewers. Your submission will be acknowledged by return
e-mail when assigned to reviewers (usually within two weeks of receipt). Your abstract is 250 words or
less. Please provide proof of copyright clearance for any previously published materials used in the article
such as: photographs, tables, charts, graphics, etc. Submissions must follow the rules recognized for peer
reviewed journal articles and not merely be opinion based; therefore, a submission must be backed up
with research and citations. Submissions must include APA format as outlined in the Publication Manual
of the American Psychological Association (6th edition).
Contributions should be sent electronically (in Microsoft Word format) to the email address at
knunesco@yahoo.com and follow the guidelines listed below:
- Length: 3,500 to 5,000 characters with spaces, including bibliography and footnotes.
- Submissions must include:
A short biography of the author (maximum 50 words);
An abstract (maximum 150 words);
Keywords for bibliographic classification;
The date the article was written.
For the core text, use Times New Roman ", 12 point and 1,5cm of space between the
For the references throughout the text in the format (AUTHOR, year, p.), use Times New
Roman ", 10 point;
For the endnotes, use Times New Roman ", 10 point and no space between the lines;
Only submissions received by September 1, 2014 will be considered.
For more information about this Call for Papers, or to submit your manuscript, please contact at

Mukesh Kumar Mishra
Secretary General
102/A, Kalpanapuri
Adityapur Industrial Area
Jamshedpur, 832109, INDIA.

Tel: + 91 657 210 1198
Mobile: + 91 9279502203

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