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VOL. XXL NO. 26.
WHOLE NO. 1,066.
gfttat ;3wti-lavm) ,tiimhivtl.
107 N. Ptflh SI., earn-i *irrJi, P/iitadelpfiio.
roperfy. Tbo Uit makes llieiu si
use n.njuiJ tribunals which decide u]
lions I'lnil individual rights of ma
lour. It is unui'ttputerl. The deem
have been uniform. The sanction .,
lireck Areopagr and Jewish r-:uiho-
times of Lycurgns and Abraham until
las been unbroken. Slaves. rf prop-
m.i.ces ] irfi'i-lv-
'1 litre is no property
> law makes properly! And whatever
proper! v is good property.
ur uf store properly is not ilili- n.-nt,
ihe .-hnraeler "I" nnv oilier property,
lly 10 tho reslriclion or ,piahlnalioiis
.., i- .
nilucc tli-m -lop till most oil' i si
of Naples, fulbcr i
seouB dungeon* lo
to ask will, what
if the free nog
In tbo Iiopu tbn( tbo waller* coruplu.ned of hnvo
occurred w'lHbut tho kuowlclgw of wimjl ol wc
director* or these t,overa1 companies, unit Ibnt tbey
will promptly Into luca-ioro lo *U>|> them, we forbear
~"ying more al present
f HKt SROnOEB IN 1S3-I >-nd 1660,
of a publiealiu,, entitled " rhiladelplun
lM'Jl" wkcli ii| pcirvd ... */'/ /W/Y.lt
bur of the same year, thus speaks
population :
r "J
who kept :.'">- of IUe-1 i iiitH'Jei cf |!ulcun
''1 .
... .... -.Hi.- .. I>! ronlM-cl ''
trom-i -.. -' i "- "-' ' ' "
ireru wnonu f< '"' -if "'' &"" "J
... .-., . ... ;. I..J- 0,t-motnutB
iht;.-. - .'..J '. '" .'-' '
ill:.- i.
(laughter) Th was a fact
(rcuewed laughwr). And hu
' : ~ philosophy, And
in " Mi to plain statute;
n;;lii give, tcavo roo in r.
I, i. I. . .in,, .lebovnb. i
.: !/ '.
S |, was il pinion of frwnogroca entertained l>y
PIiils.lclpLijiia in 181M. bin bow diuerenl i- ihe
opinion in IWu. Tr.ov are lh- idols ul lb- '". '"}
,.,.. . i| ..., ,.n ....,, will, the bhek Itcpubl.-
cans nnd wombip (btni nro beld
nropcrty of his
ium 'is [<-M\ In lu.i ni:..-i. r, rilthoii-li Hi"
'.,1,..^h,.."m.m, .; ted! ><;<- Here in the
This is ibe full theory in morals ns in fuel-
tbat a
Just iu proper!v, bcenUBB
you any it hor=B could nai bepropriv,
an njiinio?.
The miutcr h.i5 o right of |.ro|rtv in I in- a.
of his li.nii.il npj.i--i-.tii-- -Hi. p.irvi.i m il.-.--'
thiit of all oLhrji- properly Ik who would
this in the one <.\isi>. ..'I 1 '! nsih -oiivinee himself oi
tlie rightfulne-s of his dump lW e in any other
(riven t-isi. wlii-b niii-lil Weo'iiie o.lious to hi:
i his perfomd 01
. tbo Court I have " few wotds lo
nlccee should not bu prom ' i
found guilty of n violnliou ul tl
Stove law.f.n.1 it } 'I'l'i " >1 '"1 " 1 '
" J
,,: "
tyranny of the Old World !.> i -' >
1 '".' 1 "!
until il.- A-.erie.in -h.ir- -. h: . I- 1: ">
.. . ..*.
u ]n n ,l i n j.n r-r. i j.m, j.Ijiiv " fc'tr rati
uld no: be.rnsbe.i '. i I- i ' ' "
claw. Commeu. i"c ibe stm^ux- "' l"^ al l leuder
one or twelve yea", n simmer lu a strniv" Inn.l.
i-miic m.-:,r ) l.rr;.d by ibe swi-.ttol my brow,
ur Honor will be.iv wu!i_n.-. uiintc-isloiocd i 1 mil
^nppcnr in Coiirm. i"ii.-U ltt if nddn-M itx-iii- I
have tcrcd tb.il 1 might fail in baarii :i
this oec:i-iO!i woMi.j l! .1.. i-I- - ' ' - 1,
' ;' '"
(.,(..-.1. -.,., ti.. -r. .' p :!
befure you- I sa) t'
t .,.r,..|lj
.. ,.-,.. ere.- if. ...l|. ..U. isofbon".".
i. Ibis thin.-
..-Il .-. 'flint nr ;.i- 1 a thus lend Slates
ion...) . b. tin! Slntea in their
il.it. fir, tl.ii MH
n, ,, inking the eh.ii
I 'I 1 1 riled by
. I.,,,-. II.-..-
as bindinfl oiio-u tm wa-t thfi Inn of Kpjjit fJ bnif.-I
Hebrew ehildn-u; jusl us binding tui tbo Inw 1
milt. Worship the j'obk-ii in. ,.-.-. worship nm i.i'l;
ju-i :is l.;i..|ir.g ii lb- law futb"
nnoetles to preaeli the tiosp.
'' :..l.uro.unlermyii
to obey ii. I ."n s-jITct, but I
-..) ,',.-uluw bidding .".- )
lellowucn of ihiir I.e. lo-.u. I
wrong. Ycn.F.t!..l me a h.w l.i-I.l.i..- in>- -:..p i;..
i nr- lo tl..- r. o: the oo- :. I i :... suiS-r tbe ]CMi of till
these hmuls Lave earned, I cad sutler bonds nnd
..-in,. i i )...: I l.t'-p'ug i'.-e.lcuorjnc npray
i.fe but 1 tannot k<: ;!' imaiph upon ibe Inw of
my (io.1 no: upon the bleeding, proslroto form of iny
full ..,.,. fgouotto Missouri lorelinvcoppreittud
liu.uunity, for my duly bus titled mi
but win, II.. |l,..l .Inert* tl..- H>-|' u:
. .. .: [hat " two wbitu
. .1 in Anderson Count)'
tnnn a' hundred t.iitbi ol nrythrjui- lo poison tbo
.ll-. tbo ovidsoco of whirb was oolj I
f some, eclored pcrBoun while nuder torture, anil to
icapu death. That in Willi.in.M (."ouuty thns: while
Decs. Thin in I i-Lur Couol) -. man named Morri-
vj wns bauged in the j.n-.-enee cf liie hundred cili-
ens, for the crimo of bciog *chnr-.d'' with inching
pgcoes to InsutJeci.oii. i hnt .. Irriiy m.ip'ell-r
:\in hinl lately nt.ii--. I .- in Auloiiio, b.d. iu ll.-.- pro-
ine lnn^.;a,~o of its Ijtilycr, "been lra.ilntr-l ic
another /-'-'' '/ '""". and ik-it a neflro boy hod
ceoinjeini-l biui in bis /trrmitneni s
i-.irtbly dui-e*' ; nnd that (ioo,nni.,i
levity fioni tl.,- oh: . ii.i> l.i|.|i < i| '.'-.ii
Mr. I, ii. ui. mi A l 'Mi flt. l.j wii-.
to .[.i.l tl- Stale, had " bieT, pn-n ui. -I l.y n mr.i-ri..l
impediment." Ami Can wo read lb. so iking* in Amer-
ican papers ami fail to ideutifi t' .- -i-r.i ! l;ii.
iv.t ,viil, linn dm ami Hosiliahco! W.; aro almost
chucEcd .n out nltirr.pl- to deer> thn brutality of
tbeso Itnliau tyraotn when we rend of tbo doiugs of
our degenerate Hupublieans in the ..lave .listricls.
Certainly, while such Ihings eiiit in a coiintry with
which wo have >.. .'.;>> tics >> i.ll.ii.ty wo feci thnt
i; , . .- ..I (,..ilmii .-i wo..1.. led in the bouie
profe I friends, and wo haio ihn ui
loing lo tell
"''.V-l.' ll' eelel.rm.'.l I 1 '" l-'I'-iiiinf. Hrofesaor of
Natural Science in Hie I'r. e (hur.li College, and one
of tbo grcnteii n ,lr ( ili-U uf his day. iiiaiutnmcd that
block wa the righl aud prop,-! .olor, und that we,
are nil bleach. .1 up (ro:irs of ho,-hi,r) -that wo were
just lik ouo ul ilio,. shnwls Ihat were wen somo-
U the fogate (lnu-hter)--^' -1^ el.an goue
..I f,.,.-;...r). Hi- would aiv.; th.-m :. phyM.-u
, .;:,.. l 1,on Willi this. 'I I"' stiij thnt
" r
Ibcso, nnnlomihlH cilled Ibe it'- i'i- Thnt was
:i l,-nrr..-.l len.i (laughter)but it vvii.i a sort of ineni-
t.rnn.j ivbich rousislud oi a eoiii.-n.-s ol cells, tvow,
in tke wt.it.- mm lb. were verv lito the boxes kept
in such sbopi us llnne nf Mr, lu.o.v-they we.ro nil
for chow-ll.i-r,- wn-i ixitl.ii,- in tl ,n |hi,i|;hter)-l.ii
in regard to tic dark rii.e Hie r.',- muawi ' I""' (l .
w.tb what ik .alk-'l n hhiek pi-in-nl mid if the ret-.
iiiueojuiii was i-.ol uiiule k,r th. l.lai.-k pigment, what
was il made for nl all f (laughter). That was ralber
a philo-oi.bic:.l ni-'inniii ir.mv.-l Inughier). The
ojiiaiuii wan 1>. Id by -me dial I irk racu wis the
old original tueu ol" man : a black fice and a while
heart Thoro was many a mnu who bud a white faee
aud a block heart! (Cheers.)
: the slaveholder
: ihat Lai
iieriod :
r nbnc
We publish below- Hume adidavits nnd certifieates,
i.hi.h .w.-.l tlie slartlinj; fa.-l that the Coa -re Lilian
i., lv-1-, ', ,1 he Hie LiMtn.s- party from the Fifth
[ii-.ii't B-utch is composed of a part of ibia cily
an-1 M..m ere Coimlv. l-i v Bromt .TollN ilaowS
Ai.,,in,..\. . ll,- 1= t.rov.-d to have ex-press*! hun-
__ .. ml forms .: ll i- 1 v . it "d-
frc.ua - nno! -... utnml error of the bend, and
not ..f the be.nl Therefore 1 do not think I shall
Inre worse at the bands of your Honor, if 1 state
plninlv my v.cws nnd feeling -n tl- {.-n-: <|m't..i,
of the ruzi tho n-lils of man. I t'-sil that il is a case
t],n! .l! U i.l. iri.li.- I -^ :<' ) '," ' ' l"Hei;or,v
to meet the great Jn-lj;.- et oil ll- - aria.
_ hhas W-nnrgucJij tfco prosfcwn Ihat I. afur
soould be tho Inst to .In-obcy Ibbso laws j hut in thii
I find nothing tl.at -1 1 destroy my sympattv for
th.- . r-.-l-.-l- -t'uggl.i;- hdiln- t,.,l in all linds
Surely I bnviTbecn prolccwd. 'Iho fish in the
rivers ihe ounil in the st ihhl.- -I--.I. -r n lb l-r-sl
!,n.. i--.u proi.eiril. Shall 1 join bnn.ls with those
who make wicked Inws. m cr.nlurg out the poor
black man, for wh there is r.o protection but in
the grave, where the wieked cease Irani troubling and
Itlftw^si^Bin a forvi-uer. I Crst saw th
lii.htau.oi,-' il- i :'.! '-'I t'" bills of Scotlimd;
Innd 'sir il-'t i - . ' * i- pieiT-l, nnd where Jtslav
, ,),,,-,- i.i a - 1 i'e set loot on ihat sbor
the frcst- In the proeee-s of lime,
.. procure money lo earry on the p.
th.-rn.l .-l;ipi-,iv,.- Inn" to--i[,r...,
an.n'im if. i... uiim.
i, t,-.-,li,v, hining shiplied someol tin
was exported from this eity
. i. the toi
i.l both, till death shnil end tho
toil Herein nom slion for legal
idicial diciiMioti. Docs Ibe --.,i"
Phillips aa thing I Tl,.- t'.mslil.i-
is vcrj clear and vi-r> plain in pnnuing 0;t tie
way il. :
-s micstion is to he seltkd.
Atlicle - provides that no jierson shall be
deprived Of life, liberty or ;,r.--ity ii.thont .l",- pro-
.. . : I,,. ....-. . .... liray is a person, is ndi '
on nil lin-.d-, I'lullip- nilmits il : r!;.- I.l..-lln
inarsliiils aud atlorm is thai hint U.in.K.j b
ifspulo is the libort) and lili Ion;; luil it n nm
entering inlo lb; fjll mm v .-!' manhood. A great
niii-fltifin lien hcLvnti the-e men Hut U ray, stand..
on soil covereil by this I -e-stit.it .an hn robbed
liborly, or the woges of bis toil, only by don prnee
lii'i-r i- ..
against .t lest in mi evlre.nity 1 i-.-y fur mercy nun
,1ml! ., he heard.' fir. (Jin luw to llngraotly oul-
ragrs ibe divioo law that I ought no', lo bo scotone. d
A single n-uinik,nr.d I have ilune. Kromtbe tt?U-
.,,., ., ,,: ,i ,. hi In- f.ds.'l ami fruiu jour rendering
iiml int. ipntation of Ike la.v. tin jur, , i,.- found nn-
guiliyiies.gjilty '! earrying out tho gTeat principles
uf the liechin.l ,.l In'lepen-l.-n : yes. .ulty of
... ii.. ..... ... .. , i-.-- -I-' . -- i.
cat Cod! enn tbwe Ihings be? < nn it be
What country is (his I I an it be tbat 1
land boasting uf freedom, of morality, of
it I ll,.,-. h,..;-. nli. hoii h.i.^ -bull the |ko-
nlc bow down ami worship I'.i- gr. at image set up in
Yes, thn jury say guilty. b-Jl leCommctid
-V of the Court. Mcrev.'-ir.i- k... Ii. --
i aai guilty of no crime, 1 (bereforc ask
-, No. s.r, 1 ask fur no won j ; I oslt ler
justice. Meroy ii what 1 ask of my God. Jusl.ee

Courts ofeiy ndoplcd co.intr. is all I nslc. It

tlia true character of them
,,... i. I, ,; - , lamesik lahoiiniT to ilinouncc
ntelii-b IV- l. |- Hen llie I hrivtia:, tniii-slr) of
Innl will unite in yeldir.g to i)r. Chccvcr all ll...
moral support il is in its power lo mulct
Aniil.r .,. "r
one man. and odors
liberty under foul.
Gray was a slavo, a
roversy shall esc,
1 by jury nhall be j
i ol mouey. Tbo h
a. you. yvetridea theso
(Lib whole rjucstion lo
; tu trample right nnd
r, it mny bo sniil Jitn
iLilK-l (.
My f.vlui;
children are
comHed (he
(he oppressed of my
my home. My
my heart ; bui
i-u ready to die, i
'huri- are casta wLcro uul to speak is a strong
furiu of osier(;ouno( (o ronilcmn is lo approve.
When n grent moral ouesliou is made a te='. nueKion
b:forc the public uiiuJ. or a great evil is threatening
in snp-ad i" a coir.in-.unl; . ami in... hod) of imn pro-
f.-B-ni- emineutly 10 ' lh- re| :.-eu;i.ii-- in u ei
i . -.:.,.,:. -I. - i u publiel) nnd clearly 10 express
any uptnion nl-uul il, this want ef n^ertion is imme-
diately received by the powers of evil .11 (he stroogeat
Tte hujtorv of t'-i- slavery .|.ir-i.. -:s hii been snrh a
constant history of such liistanees, ainoi.; .lilli-reut
reb-ions bailie, prof.-^iug lu represent the t'brislian
Cbureh, as to giM ,'.- u re jn belief io Christianity
as a pruclifiil working force, than
... .- . ,- , ol U.. .1
Mr. (ieor-e l.-.ompson I
lets, wboso labors for 1
limed. Co! -i are wel
inhabitants ..I Urigbtoi
na oa Ibe previous
1 in tbo Town Hall,
nee to tho question
ins of tho American
imitation nnd ulti-
'n,.-. tlulivorcd by
y at the
1 Craft,
self and
Tin ark.-l . 1 of this kind bavi
copal Convent
1 the chain of the
,1.-11 h,.- |... '- ....
terrible conflict "l-.li the ile.ti .- I -< "I -'av. rt i;."-i
cost and when tl, - b.slory of I
1.-, treat snuggle shaU
bucnuoiilly wril(en, tho rescuers of Jim Gray will be
considered as having dote honor tufiod.to humanity,
ami (.. !l..iii-ki -
[ nm (old there is 110 appeal from Una Court, yot I
do appeal to the euurt ol high Heaven, wh-11 Judge
U; inund and Jml -e Catoa. Ike re-cm r and I'-c r. -
cucd.sbnll all hive 10 stand al Ibe judgment sent of
the Most II..-: .
I hovo. sir, euileavorid li. ube> th- divm,- law
all the bins of uiy conntrv that do not eOnllic:
the lawsBl nivCod. My humble tv.ab is, that 11
then appear that I have -lone my 'inly- Ml I
ir CuiiiTuissionur wou
r aiid the plainest pro-
City of phSadtiph
On Hie DID day or
,e nfiidavit and certiGeatca
nnd loved his Ihllow-n
o,iiil.Ht,-,n..- i- feared God
aiiwmncrs tur
I i 11'. h
.ccurrvd. The Kr.i ,
and the American Hoard of Coi
n Missions in Uoston, being 111
I to testify nuun.^i an ...humanity
nine and horrible thnt ever defaced 1
the slave trade.
.. can it be pi a.!- d in e.veuSe l;at thjl
liygon- and ohvol. -..- kii-luf w;ckcdr.esssince, it has
i- back on us like the demoniac with seven other
its more wicked limn H.-e onip-l llhal
nvi-ohip leaves the put -if New Vurk even- week
titled n-.t n.r Cm ml. find Itaii-.. -lo say nothing of
wbnt is done in other ports, ll is known that officers
uppoiut.-d by Uov.rumc-it ! fnt.M -.his horror are
constantly bribed into
doatni- hells, > Hi 1 1.
despair, nre riding th: w
V tlie
--VIIU-" IV,.' ^ Q.U.J U. .-,- .- 1'" ".- '
wifufrom slavery in ii.-oigiii,n familiar lo many ol
our readers. The hoi-lerons =(orm of wind nad ram
which pmvaikd at Hi- time of the lir.il of these two
meetings, operated a^nirist a lull afl-ndaneo ; but (lit)
nudience was of a very icBpoclable character, and
ppeared tuueh interested in the proceedings, In the
.U-nre {.111 the lirsl neerisioii) '( Hi- Mayor, who was
prevented fmia being prc-eai by an engagement, the
as Ukoa bv John N..I I- V--] . J-l'., Into
I C, --on, and 1..1 l r- . h ui 1 '
should preside, pronoumvl a high esMgi
a geolleinon Ion" .levote 1 t.. (h- 1- rile
meuiures conducive lo the freedom, el
moral improcemenl of' bis k-llow-L-eing-,
After some observations by the Ch
Alil-nuaii lijrrows,
M. 1 -..I r delivered a very; nilereslmj
which ho ospoied the objections of sue
thnt the slaves of thn l.'niied Stales do ut
freedom, furnibhinj! various illuslralit
irrepressible yearnings after cmanei-."1 '-
dangers (bey
-; "
they tnay
,at ho
of ail
The very refus
is roots of the
laondod with den
to he Cbrislinus.
1 testify shows b
er have spread i
A few years n
up to Satan "and thi
torie of thane who ilefended lavery
i B
esire their
of their
aad of thn
reach a soil where
ud erect, free and secure from the man-
huilter. 'Tbo speaker also gave instances of the gross
and guilty perversion .,1 I. htistinmiy, in tho so-called
religious teaching furnished to slaves by pro-slavery
ministers and others, with a view to reconcile (ho vie-
ims of oppression, not oiily lo uneomnensaled toil
ml p-rp-i.-t) bonds, but lo the cruel scourging*
vhich arc often indicted upon them.
Mr. TiiOMi'soy commenced by observing thnt if
(base in this country who honored the Christina reli-
eion ami desired tu extend it, were about, for the
lint liiui, 1,0 expend their philanthrope and mission-
ary 1e.1l upon a foreign field of labor, there would be
no work lor (hem lo do more iieeess.iry and impera-
tive than thnt of seeking to abolish American sla-
ver)', by means of the Cliri s tin filiation of the
fe.-iii-" Christians of the United States, w
prosliluk-,1 the New Tcsianierit 10 such 11110:
lo make it sanetion oppressions and ahoiniiinlions,
worse than any thai had gr.mii out of the false
1 pro-
, In. i, (..
r the cordial sympathy of
ilf m'kv
JtBESfi. ClUSOS, .'
of "Illinois, who have gone through the many
,of tie- sottkmcui of a new country. I b-"-
[ . 1 .lavs the lrenfth of my mnnbood.
t 1 stand before y
;... I,, , ,..-
" upon tin. spirit ale
man. ., , , 1. n
.1. that I
.,.,1,1, When
from beyond the bcj
vns a charm in Hie nanio-
,, j.., Iicvoiu! the name ol
,!",.,- lo" know anything
ind tliat '
need because, as
.[am anAboli-
a mako for being an
Ibis country, liku lite
js a Democrat ; there
hir, I soon found I hud
nneiples or pn
my adopted country dillercd upon hanks
land questions, in on thing thoy.M
.liiui...- I,,ir^li.ri
I'Liiri.-li Kelly,
e i,.r,-i L :i-,er,ii,-i In 1I1I. ,.oui
,.f,I , 111- Ol ll |-| '""
.1. - I,. III.- '-.'" "'-
hkvi;v 11- -U.WAHI-.
', could stoop U.w..
rurscd svhlem of slavery tin
odovcr any nutiou, the Mol,
1 10 which Hii'f olhired as Ii
nf the eliildreu of toil. As 1
the crushing aristo-rm v .,t 1
support a worse nristuera
party who proposed, at leai
,iathies all elasscs ol m-n ti
globe. In this choice I i...n.l
n Ihe favor of thi
to be sentenced. . ....
possing from Hie Constitulional ,:.hj...;tmns
to this law, 1 would call the attention oi you. Honor
to Hie partialiiv ol the hiw.nliivh is so at variance
with the designs of ll.e I'athors . organ.iig this
emtucnt. No man can read the Cons ilulnm-i1.
.. _ieh the word slave cannot In' tound ; Iroiu which
tbo idea that 11 man could be minced to n Hung, am
held as prnp-rt, is eoiofril!) .'..-I.-I -no '.
tent with saying Ihat slavery 1
is desirable to abolish, or deal
in the way of formal [.roles t,
Abolitionists when tlmj- coml
calling ihe 111 selves
Will) vigorously oa (he ene-
it' isVe merit of Dr. Cheovcr thnt ho lins applied
|,ia -cholru'ship !" r1 "-' mv.'.nig-itioii of all Ihose urgu-
,,,, \.- ,,,." nii,..u,-,t or can he cnwive.l which r
,'t I.e. snlhi-e.l to gain ground in a ,01111,1,1111'
........l-ilv pur>,.ing Ibe same course that the Ame
Church has done about slavery.
,_ _li_
It baa come now to ho (kticalc ground lo talk
n-aiiibl tie- slave l,-a..le : anil ". hnstian bodies, instead
cV =p--.kiu- .11 Hiuaer, piuiisly shut their eyes
"ivc thanks that eo t.rt -,n'.:i.ia-..i,-_- ri t-pi-
uol he.-.i snlfercl to - Iiv.de tie- hearts..! l.r.il.1
ini.-rrvi.it Hi- r-joi-'ings of a fol.-um jubilee te
memornto the triuuipbs of Christianity.
iiloo.lv lash was juslilicd by the -pmlalioa that " he
who knowelh his nia.-lers will, and doelh il not, shall
Until, with mniiv ftripci." Two i.eiiturus ago, a
w i.ir-ons in ibis nirv. ilv I, .11, overs of a devout
ud Wv man, sought lo'dis- over, by .earehiug H,e
noeptl record, in depeinlcme upon Hi- enligluciini;
mliu-m-e of llie Hole .-pint, thc-ir duly in regard to
their faith, their pracliee. ami their mode of worship.
Without tlie aid of learning, cotnmenta
ous, they came to the conclusion tb-V
vila -i-jain-l which ihei should testih
,laveryT On this matler they -
hnndsui innoceiicy, nad had
belief in the iiilniinaniiy ai
iiier-diandiT-i! of those w'
,up-ri" ii|iiu
.mongst (he
ashed their own
.>. ..nee declared ihcii
il sinful ii.:ks of making
ictils bore the iiua-e and
...... [j,.
thnt t
"'"at Tho' snm^^dnsion.heXelieved/would be
che.1 by every umn who tat down 10 tin: ,u.o i.rl.nl
uly of the religion that inculcated the. golden rule,
,.-'s th-v would hovo done
llut what wns the spee-
of all, of ibe four in" 1 '"'"
els of ll
I Of llie pri.
vyhole bill from
t bis slave esea;
,;,;,. hi
. ii giii.,1
i,l v
above nil other properly^
it ..iii..-ai.t-cs tbat no ot!
A.lain. Kir, Ihe pnrtiali
.a in. -1 lined by the word
nagni lying slave pro^rty
ntheunlioa-alaw giving
tr property could possibly
( of this law is so gloat,
:l I'oii-titulii.li that eil'li-an
tyranny that would 1
1, i.i.rnk a.s Liinin-I vtitli 1 '
views enn I he any- I
rely for this 1 ought '
. Th
rnnieiil. 1111. Ii r this hi tv, -
"l his '
vo been and there- til:
nirTSTiTiliiitcd' States who have labored 1
j sacrificed largely 1.1 the cans,- ol negro en
tion.to whom wo most, gratcntlly -* j|I
mage due lor Uie v
have i
vvhihjt most 'of our informutioii
derived from others who, like ourscl
iueouiniiHii-il and annoyed in the samo
Under one prctc.v.1 or another, negro
women are permilled lo ride in the same
Indits and cenllemen on somo of the linci
complainli; have been made to us of negro
encouraged by some conductors t
whilst ladies have 1.0:11 e |- lied ... ..-,
ourselves have seen a negro wench lightly sand-
wiched between Iwo ladies who manifested all tin
signs of mortification uml ilno-omfort
TEverj- cuRtom bus gentle beginnings, nnd il
lions nro usually gradual '
since should be put down
tuotiy. Our people ought
-.eutuikv home,
in- (oil. There
r protect him in
it hnd John fj-
,vo escaped, the
ivo followed hi
;of tbo United States, nn
10 (if 1 need pardon), but I c.-n
>r the fife of 1110, see what there is in robbing
,1 bi- ,nali..-iial.l- lights and enslaving lunik
uit should enCiili- it to tho siiecial and pteuhnr
tiii ciiiailouallaw.
mi awnre, sir, that I
s, marshals, attorneys ami many
, but v
. oul.l rival, for lib:
jr tlioroilgh-b..-!irl-lle---
tinguisbul man who IS '";
fbo great power of Dr. Cheovc
heard any 1
s, !",.r self-ill
flueu horrors in New York?
enough in "hat wo profess tv
iitin-s Hie loatlisiini'.- diseases, the dmly throw- 1 l, |l i v _|,|^ll)], Sp moderntoi", -
vrbo-ird of Ibe dead, the alter pi-,v-.--si | il( .'li
", m.-. . and professors o
-1,-irkJ wh,- c-.i.iplei- the wi.rk of feai-.agoiiy , rader.s in slaves ; nay.r-""
.1 ,.,., all lh,s .1 appears. ,s in some was such
, u ,, -
a,., 'n.,.1. onln-iv-rl.'l -round, that to cvpress an
',,,,,-, ill ,iigh 1 l..-a.l.-i-oh.i 1 --.-leimntamong
1,'-,'.,.,,, br.-ih.vn What is ibe u=0 or sending a
ircvenl civilized, Chris-
oryins sin of the Ui
his only theme. M
powers his Maker h:
I ho highest ordi
of a province,
willing to oxei
f flerod
subject is
li ami negro
) keep their scats
l... .-1111111, gs. an
I 'will-nil
."niled the slaughter of
Fir tell me not of men ready and
1I0 the law. My lteileeiucr, wf
,nlly worthy to speak, and yet w
trust, although he knevr no sin, )(
y lav
,.,Vvii I- I11111 anil iney a
all consecrated lo the one
u ,erwheln.il,,, object wliieh lie is scekn
Ho throws nil the rnvs ol Ins intellei 1 11.1
' "
, ,-..,, lh- nolle- of those who have the
, l,..,k -11 Hi- spcclacle- Dr. Clu-evei- solbr-.
'' l - ',,',
, \si,,le--rvi dlv |..,|.>ilai'pr-aelie,
'"",', '',.. ,,| lie.- Iii-li-.sl posiimns in New York
, lYi,| honor, all Hio sympathy and
philanthropists, wo should imd i
[ B preaching a gospel wlueh the
which honestly proclaims deliver
and tho opeuiog of tho prison
,|: !l,.Meul,.-; ll'll.esalt brill. Lost
with shall it he sailed '(
lint the linspe-lhas
only like a si
::i-ll.-.til-:'k^'-^ truly ic mr.ny
,,! ,,... li,s.,,il-L'-p..blu
. some pulpils. and souio so-called religi"'"-
ivisihlo but mighty force which
That ii
cosnol. Said' ho not truly, then, that nussionnries
ere needed logo to the land .there Christ was thus
ueitied afresh bv those who bore Ins name, there
j declare Hint Chrlslianilv and slavery could not
coesist, nnd thai il was the duly of the Churches to
,. M f,, ri ,. ,l, di-.ii.liae tll at would punty thim. ronv
tbo crime of slaveholdiug nnd llio stam nf blood.
Slavery had advam ed will, gign =traks since ibo
,..- f 'indep l-i.ee, when the world was startled b,
Hie birth of a nation whose advent was heralded by
the declaration that all men were created will; an
m!,lici,ble ri-bt to life, liberty, I the pursuit
Hint announcement, whu-b slv. 1
' fol-
,- call the
imlv opened know ll'/io
inc (hat powerful breath thii.u-b .,,, vi.c- ....... -
au-am as the |.mpl."l '' old, they fall oa the,
fac^s Xn the Bb* tf '[">
,^ ffi***
II, 1-- i' ,/,.,- -Sk-.r-j. .,: The iMkptailait-
ie report of tlie nieelllig,
?.'. T. Cl,e,
a Th.
lliKeil eu llllielel
ai of chattel des-
orid had ever before
rupled the politics,
HI11 or, ha,:
States, both
lh- 11 residential chair, ami nl
..:,.. , tho Federal Cover
.y.OJid eaten Ibe he:.
iie country; nnd hn
,, but the politician
a struggle with lh
uf its predom
of-alVnirs (npplf

,g ils heigh'
tlie t|,,,
bo-lies .
ibe Clu.
lull i
ij. That
cnliici for the limil.dim of slavery
kepuldieall parly sle.obl ti-mmph. tl
remain as ur-cut as et,,r. to wn.g.-
il,. l!.|.-r iiiilillle,, ..1-J..I. '-l-i'l'l '"-
Is of humanity f~~
!>sity would
tlio kind of man called for 1
1 liii|jpiness
ven long year
thoso 1. ...
ko a govern
liliertv as
r ihe whole he
impelled Ha
,11 ll. lie: IUig-1 i.alTiei.
I,- Aluiigbiy. If slavery
lentil ami an ngrc'iuenl
avo one coiisideruiioi, n
nee ought not 10 hepron
. ttbiih 1 think 1 bate pro
it l,.,d\.l amis 1.
,1,1 tl...
the sulii.-'c!
1 allow.
ivnys, w.
ennmit oll.-i,..-.,---,. those charge., are linighter.niv
t as the ground for the death of the wu)- (renew
n . uiplory ins
will promptly
violate them,
pationee and endi palieiuM: am, hi.hu. -----
(1 ( ( ; , ., ,,.,!,, it 1),. ,-real, -' ,l,i ., Ii..i-i.t.i.|iii. -t,r-.-i.T,i 11 " t -
] ( ( , I -Iniik it In-iief difust anil norroi
11 at ibis lime fceliu- ihe utmost horror
, M---revelaii..ns mtek bv Lorl Llanover and Mr.
Kdwin James of what 11,- 1 1. ]";<-"'.' 'V,,
^ ^,
prisons of Naples, bvery hone-si mm,1 is 1 ill 1 v 11
Tlik.Tust and horr.o as iL ....utemplates 1110 incc
.,., io, LTO, bj IL. i,!.l ^tKHOU

r and cheers). He had

nl.t the tv.--r.ls -A ll-lv
!,. of one blood ul! 1I1-
" and (hcv had been
remain that Ihe ,1: t-U v:-:,: vt, t.feyo,-
whilo man. Now, be was not sure but
wtl , |,laek (tmieli and long-continued
cheeni). no would tell the-
,| Inughter), Mnj(--
Abolitionists of Ann 1 1 - r, tj tl Irmoral
? r,- j.ni-ti.e.iehvwiu^ fiol-.n . 1 '-- .-. OT vic-
tor)- to the power ot Ibe iroll, alel lie ,e,enerutlol
of public opinion. One man, however ,.t ,..,. . a
Lint a hero and a martyr, hnd deemed u bis duly,
ilb'a -.ni'ill but devoted hand of liillnwcrs, logo
wri'io Vir-inia to collect a iiuinber of slaves nud
|,,,| m the way 10 a land of freedom, Tbat
ww John brown He (Mr Thompson) deeun.-d
e- in 1 -ins be employed neither lh- it i-.-sl nor tho most
hristinn; but he, nevertheless, fully believed that
il,.- leader nf that expedition \ "
punal lives, t
of Gd I '"ii'
'i- 1- "' i"'l ' -o-'--k'.l his success.
bi.ur- .m. hi. 'I ihe -word of the r-'j.irit. whieli is ih-
Word of Ciod," with a piiteii.-y seldom equalled, and
hnd cshibiied a charaetor ~o sublime ihat ihrongh
rill future nges he would rank us one of (he most
nailed benevolenea
eminent worthies America had gn
hear.) The greatest .let of homage tbat e.nd
paid to tb.- iti-tnorv of John Uronn was about
Denhom, a dislin- 1 paid by flw St

in try, and which
. u of Mnssachusi
111 nweallh would, ill <1
icnior a man who had t Itber been afraid
1 mm got so much to adinir- kh-ers).
1 \
m\m\ att-#Iaa
.VEMDEll 10. 1KGI).
r, tUu friends of I
be add ressed !i
Sew York.
Tmi overthrow of dnvrry ndvm
rapidity. The frantic efforts
inccs with increased
I Souther"
s for the increase, nnd the lc^aUtnlioo,
..,.11 foreiRH slave trade whit h bits hithi rto b
riod on slcnlibilyHie threats rooted '. the So; U
accession nnd wnr.cf n fori ibloscisui-eof (be I r."
and the government archives I I din '-- '""' '
. mnnufnclat
human btrlngB ns properly," which wna ndoplod by
the votes of those who had rejected tho oilier.
Why. having rejected Hip former, did (hose floveroud
BOotloniOii adopt Ibe latter, of tlituse two expressions
which loom synonymous 1
BccaubU the identity of nicnning is only seeming!
Ikcnuso lliii hitter e.\pre.'.sioii allows iln'i" to relmn
ilavelioldors in their Churches, and to recognize, an
'iriitlau, Churches in the South eonsistina mainly of
Because, by the latter, the burden ofreprobnli
trnasferred from the overt net of sliwcuolding, ft thing
which am be proved, to Iho mental purpose of tin
ilavdioMcr, Which can bo kept unproved, ns far it
iction or discipline by iho Church is coacurned, by s>
iiuplc nnd common .1 thing ns u slaveholder's lie.
lleciiuijc the simplicilv, directness and Ihoronyhncs.
if Iho lnn"iiii"e used by Mr. Garrison nnd Dr.Chccvor
isaaili tlnvoholiltnf ia tho Church .iust
,ut i.i it,. ' hurch. a thing whioh The Independent
Yet it ia this very directness ofspeech, going straight
:o the murk, and piercing the Slave Power under tho
cotumnnion-lnWo just ns surely aa in the coltou-Guld,
tbiil The Independent has the assurance to atigtaalixc
" logodiedulj-," or verbal logcrdumiiiu, while its
n language, studiously so Adjusted n to spam Iho
si avebold ins church-member, is represented aa honest,
In and practical opposition to slavery
id from mountain height before, as that toiid
duwn upon slavery's bloody plains on the li*' o
October last, aU obedient, ] doubt not. lo vofc
at High I A fewmeli thunders more, nnd sitter
and Sodom shall Bleep together; the Church nnjB01
.nt, meanwhile, like Lot's wife, pclril'leil in li"1-'
1, may aland as becoming monuments fur eve-ran
Putisn PiLianoir-
emnrk. Inst Week upon Hie annual HI
TVtMOf Philadelphia, a
prc-reniniions, by 'be
ide by Mr. It
very Society, oilman
e of thu proceedings
particularly to eurtai
porter of that pnpel
I Purvis. The following
S 1.01
An Anil-Slavery Convention of much Interest was
delil on Saturday and Sunday, October 20 am) il,
Cmiaatota, In the Free Church of which the 1!
DEW.HI GnEES is pastor. The following organisili
was adopted
JYeiittaiiMr. - Wiuos.
Simian/ Mrs. Dr. Jnrvis.
Btaiaau OjFIinii((M Derit.1. Green, (i. YV. I'ulm
Aaron .M. Powell, Rev. C. A. (In mmond, Sirs, (i. W. 1
The llrst scealon ou Saturday was mainly occupied by
Aoron M. Powell, who i-.iiitrusti .1 the unli-slavcry cause
of twenty-dvo years ago with the anti-slavery move-
ment nf the present timo in its several nspecte. Ilu
argued hopefully the curly liberation of the slave, if
part of hla oppressor, then through revolutionary
netlon. There win n htrnn- under, inrent of rijiupalliy
ird from Mr. Purvis hirosulf. which we copy ft
Prtsa, will be quite sutllclent to convince all wl
him Hull he was grossly libelled by Iho reportc:
[tvnKHiiv, Tuesday, Ocloh
.i JTii
<0u, (Envopmn osi3p(iflf.
and often' e
... . . io live without diiuking)
,1, |. .,.,.- ii..l.:.l eNpu^ions, hangings and burn-
iiitn" of white strnii"ers and negro residents, wlucb
,;;,-...,.':.>..,.,.:." -.ir of r.-alit, 10 th.i-0 ab,unl
(i .-. iho Ii.imI treatment, "i evory sln>c
glatn, Dl visitors from the North, who -ire followed,
watel'ied, impertinently ealecliic.ed respecting their
I,,,,,,,, ... rcsidenco, origin, politics ami opinions, and
Ihcu assaulted Willi personal outragB and driven vio-
lently out of the Slate for no worse crime than having
spoken civilly to a negro, or owned a eopy of The
7>,(.,m.m os[irc.<<ed a preference for Iho Hepubl,
party, or even for the suspicion of any one of these
things-all these, so far from showin-
rigor and vitality in the Shire Power, an
s that ol
lion from its manife
like a man in (fc/ii-i
energy nnd profusii
pvi.ot- on
clutching at straws for salv
destiny ; lavishing its strength,
(reineus. with self-exhausting
It is tho wrath of that
e furiously in proportion It
hiiortnessof his remaining lime, and tccai/fc he fa
[bat his timcisshorU
All Ihese, we say, nre by no means discouraging,
hut hopeful indications, clearly marking the beginning
of the end. Ylut, while >ve mark, nnd expose, these
struggles of the actual slaveholders against the
advance of civilization nnd Christianity , it ia of the
utmost importance to mark, and expose, the corro
spouding efforts or " the grenl bulwark of slavery,"
the American Church, with lis leading- parb'sans and
organs, and their tortuous and treacherous manccu-
Wc ham heretofore spoken of the undisguised com-
plicity Willi slavery shown in the recent anniversnnes
of the Episcopal Convention in this city, and of the
American Tbjnrd or Com missioned for Foreign Mis-
sions at Boston. We have nlao described the treach-
erous devices by which the most widely circulated
"religious" newspaper In the country, while saying
many hard things nguinst slavery and its apologists,
and thus securing the n-vme of opposition to that wick-
edness, has bultrcssed it in the manner most effective
of all, by persistcaily holding open tho door of the
Chureh for the admission of slaveholders. We liar-
now to speak or the latest evasion, at once false ar
Ition to shivery in su..-h a manner nt kiconden
complicity with it fa <ht Oliurelies, and by die repre-
nentotitet ofpitl'i. s well as elsewhere and by othci
poi-aons, as practhing " logod.edaly," or verbal leger
domain, with tho purpose of "confounding things thai
in,, dilb.riiii." I lie elfrontery of thus charaderizing
Iho u*: of the simple word "slaveholders," as it has
appeared in these columns, nnd in the speech
ivsoluliuns of Or. Clieever, and in the writings of
friends of the American Anti-Slavery Society, would
Lin"-, but for the frequency 'It eipinl di-plnys
beenil iho disentangling of
i uh in iU. f columns- How fnr it
..;-..- .. ...I,. ry, . en ' lue
,', thai the editors ! that paper have always affce-
inatcly fmleniia'd with Dr. South aide Adnma,
iiuhingforliiscl arm lei .> * blc" nod "Chris-
in " : nnd that in. senior olitor (Dr. Duron of New
Uavcn) i 1 in rcMrctiiig him on Itic Prudential
. of tho "American Hoard." at it.- very last
a, he has often done before,
lauis has clabornlcly argued thai .lavebold-
|,t .1. sirable nnd Christian. His writing and
preaching, his "life and conversation," l.aro been
i effectual in maintaining the credit of slaver;
country than the elfui is of iiuj actunl slavchoh
moral relation to slavery is iho sa
nny actual slaveholder, except that ho has Binn
against more light, nnd under the pressure of h
It is absurd to say that a practical opposition
nvcry is carried on by apposing Legree as ft in'
ter aud at the same lime defending Dr. Adams re
Christian. Yet The Independent takes, and adheres
liou, in spile of the obvious fact that the
of Dr. Adams aud his pro-slavery
fellow -clergy men is the very force that keeps the bru-
tality of I-Pgrec from breaking down the system which
they both advocate.
When the Chureh separates herself from slavery,
slavery will sink, from the utter rottenness or its
other supports. The gtent trial has now begun whe-
ther sho will so withdraw, or wait
ruin overwhelms both. She would not hear the Abo-
f . Another chance is mercifully givi
to hear the same momentous tenths from the lips of
Choevcr. But tho crisis ha
imcs more imminent lor every day that repentance
reformation are delayed.
m in i M Ol 111"
ised by times ei
lculating politicians, or a pro-slavery, seltlsll nni
ipt religion. Jolm Brown's Lexington euo, li
eonil great revolution, had already been heird
omul the world.
On Saturday evening the Convention was iidih
by Messrs. Powell and Green. I cannot give J
sketch of their remarks. The chief topic wni the
ent relation of tho several political parties to the slavery
question. Mr. Green mode the closing speech, nnd i
of tho most searching and elenely analytical efturis,
applied to the Kcpublicau party, to which I Have c
li"- 1
attended, and chji
1.1. 1' vol
il y.i
ixprcssion of my
. waders as deem the mailer W;
loueht, will do me the fnvor1 wil
....... ....,- ,,f ,ln.. nnl ininlO
.vi.iiv .-riM'iiii-, and i'(nu
;:|ieieln- referred to.
itfully yours,
lor, however, is not witho
as the following, from The /'"is of (f<
nent of hen Is of the great struggle in w leh he is
of ,. ilitntl C liia mi'-sion lathis eel in try.
hairmai. ol
were present. Mr. SjuiCkI
1 former meeting, npologiied,
'? |l -' 1 ' 1 fur
-ejpr.ssed his war
a protest
f Ih
1>I" red In
jy ccrla
urch o
he newspapers, as
n dlsaQecled memb
the Puritans, said
rs of the
fifty jji
.Herts gab I \
reogthe Dr. Cheei-er's ban
1 have read the
ds in his
e the money n
es SwABf. aq..,
ftev. lire. Brock and
Ferguson, J. II. Ilinton, M.A.. Cliarlcs Stove!, Thoma
;, John Steuph , li. Ma vies. Henry Richard, et
r a lengthened address from Dr. Chccvor, nnd
dl r discussion of various points, it was moved t
WiiiLUt Bnocs, D.D., seconded by Itev. Tuou,
J.iMis, supported by Itev. Biiaiir.r FKiioeaosr, I.L.D., nr
That Ibis uieetiug, having heard a statement fro
Itev. f.'eorge D. Clieover, D.D., of New York.
waives to rir.Chet
ir giving el
j appesr-
e tti an, as
1 believe, there has ever been before,
tun! way in which we enn work for the
ry is, no doubt, by n rowing phintiitk
labour; and a great and sudden
made within a few weeks i
As you arc aware, wo no
olonica than we ever did in the beit days of
y ; bot vllo nnd unhappy ossoclationi hang about
Unit special preduclion. protraeling the period of bad
isi lavement and kid feeling wliieh i* the regular
Dqncst of tynilinir.il inslilutlona. The rase of eotlen^^
, very Oiffbront. 'e have always gone lo you fur our
Many of us become uneasy at tbii dependence, long ego ;
uu are nworc of the Strut cfTorU made lo oblnbj a
supply from India, and from Africa. Tho.0 cxnerl-
ments were not thrown away. Wo have ascertained
where cotton may befit be grown, and what is wanted
for its regular and sufficient growth. It is no small
matter that the best judges declare the very best cotton
they have seen lo be ihnt which comes from Australia
and that the Indian, purchasable for U, per lb. on iho
spot, would fetch lltl. ot Manchester. Such proofs of
what is feasible are of great value ; but the next step
., Kliet
: tiiiratl.-nti
n lm- heeu ailed Ion l'el"U-l
Addition Convention held ir
n.l r'vJ'l.iv h-'t :
' ll " <<> " '-"'''
,. denying the trutliliilne-i <:
' in twor-iliy advoc
tho slave in tho United Slates, ichu is, by nil sulfaS*
incoris.to ht iieifoiii/.l mid In r. by c.ninicnds him lo the
frlcndsliipnndliher,ilil}ol'lliellrilL-]iLh.,r I. ' .
ing that, whether in the pulpit, on Iho ,' "
the Bocinl circle, he will be found to ba f I " .
servant of Iho Master who e.teculeth ri.-i.t. n .n.-l
judgment for all who nro oppressed. Anfl lids tneellmj
resolves to assure the Christian brethren In the
eh of tho Puritans, who. have so nobly stood by
:lcal si
Mr. Che
cuptr-l by Mr.
Of it , the paper alluded tt
Muscatine Co., Iown.Oel. 23, 1B60.
grapliitally .'
liko the " Down East," is
I, nil a myth. There is real
^...inncnt. Here, almost two thousand miles
from home, I hear " the West spoken of as the place
for men 10 go. " !o fltl fieinj "
; for that Is, after all,
tho reason why most reoplo emigrate. Within my
recollection, "York Slate" was about equivalent to
Bunset," or the western end of the world. I once saw
n roan and boy set off. with heavy hearts, but light:
purses and valises, "to seek their fortune." I asked
the father whore they were going. " 01
the far West"! nnd he sighed so loudly
to cry, "More than twenty miles west of Roches!.
But forty years have nude havoc with oui- Weston
well ns Southern boundaries.
And fearful injuetlee and wickedness have attended
the march in both those directions. Piracy on the se
is the only parallel to hind monopoly hero in this ocen
prairie of the West. I would hang men for Ihe Inttc
us aoon as for the former. When Harvard Law Sehot
tenehos the " Iligher Law,'
when Legislatures only
" rcinnct tho laws of God," when men have founded
schools where wisdom is the ly U a eher. States whose
throne is justice, and Churches whose altar and
(as will be in tho '^ooil time coming -'),
The forenoon session was chiefly
Greco, Mr- Powell, nnd Roy. Mr. Hammond ol fctcr-
boro. Resolutions were Introduced by Messrs. Powell
aud Hammond, but having no copy in my possession I
shall bo unable to give Ihem to you.
In the afternoon, George W. Pulnnni made a stirring
nnd impressive speech upon the religious nspecla of Hie
.use. His remarks, tbuugh very radical in tone, were
; eeived with much apparent interest. The Rev. Mr.
Hammond again addressed the Convention, advocating
he union of political effort with moral agitation against
lavery. Tho Convention was next addressed by Hon.
;errlt Smith, This.was the llrst public meeting in
vlnch he had spoken, from home, in nearly two yenrs.
Ir seems, lo be in excellent health. He denned very
doqucntly bis idea of true religion, its simplicity and
iccllence; also gave his views of the Divine govern-
nont, as npplied to slavery. In the light or his doQm-
ion of truo religion, human government, he argued,
ihould be truly religious, and lo vote was an obligation
lot to be set aside. Absence from the polls was a dere-
ictldn of duty. 1 cannot give yon anything like a full
sketch of his, or of any of the Bpceclics. A. M. Powell
raised the inquiry ns to the relation of Mr. Smith, and
such as nro with him in belief, to the actual estati
organization, called government, by and through whi
laves are held and hunted, Such an nrganiiatii
nown nnd recognised as government, could not
ruly religious, the polls thereof certainly cold n-t
f Divine appointment, nor absence therefrom,
art, be a dereliction of duty. Wl
ml nvoweoTy for revolution? A
idercd it an anti-slaver v duty to recognize the proson'
nachinery of government only ns n conspiracy, cou-
pling ngainst the liberty of a nation of slaves.
Mr Smith responded, that though the polls ond other
rovemroentnl arrangements were in the hands of wicked
nen ho would go among them, cast his ballot for
righteoua rulers, and so be an exemplar of truth and
among his fellow-men. Hedelende.l Ins course
to Congress, and accepting a seat therein in
ri giil oous government. .Mr. Green argued very ably
(to my mind j conclusively, th.it through the reeog-
i) sovereignty of the majority in legislation, what is
oininatcl goveriiimnt here is n most monstrous nnd
ked conspiracy, aud, being such, we should not.
Iho memory of the
mver bo repented in 1
n A. Chandler,
port of his impotci
M. We hope, lor tl
lered and venernt.
unett Square.
\lhertT. Hall,
iVilmcr Plnnkinton,
by looking, f..r a moment, at tho dllluring e^preaaions
of these two pnrlies. and then nt the practical ten-
deney of the use of each.
Shivery is the thing practised by slnveholders.
Without slaveholders, slavery would have no exist-
ence ; they are the persons who prevent its abolition
ri. , nre the pule, primarily responsible for its
continuance, nnd for its guilt.
The terrible dirceiaeta of Mr. Garrison's U-jjua-c
is one of the complaints mnda .i. i him b) con
scrvntism in Church nnd Slate v\ I .. 1- -..l..- tl
.1, , :.. :i, mrlliod < thorough .. . . -
and Territor
assails Mr Garrii ith ilunnuo-js innuendoes.
. i. I
' . ill Uretlly by echoing ',e
ilu ii' ..I....' ! inii.l.l'ity "Inch if. brother and
rival. The Obtereer, had nlrendy made nguinst him.
Dr. Cbeevcr saw that slavery was sheltered in the
Church ui (Ir icry jiirt-. s whu bad found it necessary
to utIPr stronj general I i-.j^ih:;.' "f condeinnation
against it. The Ameriean Tract.Society and the Ai
rican Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missii
were perrectly content with lnvery. 1 hey preferred
not lo touch it, in Iho way of opposition, with i
their finders. At last, compelled by Ihu persei
remonstrances of some of their [citrons, they altered
some .-eneral condemnation of the system, carefully
so phrased as. not to infringe upon slaveholding
church-iuembers. In tho same way, The Independe
(which was established because n. class of ulen w
(.Towing up who, liking TIlS Obsercer't piety, wc
ilis"usted with the thoroughness o( its pro-slavery)
used expressions strongly i-jieleiiinntorj- ofi
general, but f.n [dirated a- to spare those slaveholders
who were allied with it ns "Chrisliaa breth
Dr. Cbeevcr saw the pernicious practical
of Ihia course of policy. IIo Sftn &U u ffn
well as wickedness, to tolerate and e\tcnu;
Church, that which is decried n- .ul arbco
" the world." Uu saw the absurdity of
a certain proportion of pulriditj the soil el i>
earth" I of m.aiul.aiuing uu inteiioiiture of some thick
darkness with " the liyht of the world "
; and be saw,
above all, that evil example would not only nullify
piety of precept, but would prove shameless hypoc-
risy in those who attempted to unite the two. lie
therefore nttneked slavery in tho "American Board
ns well as in the Tract Society ; nnd. as Mr. Garrison
had done, he espre.-seil this opposition in the simplest
anddiraetest language, making liia rebukes tell against
" slaveholders," regardless of the fact that a pro-
nlavery Church had rated tliem aa Christians. And
this il was which first drew upoa him the opposition
of The Independent.
The whole of this immensely important inniler is
seen, in a nut-shell's compnss, in Ihe resolution offered
by Dr. Cheever iu Ihe General -\ssociation of Iho Statu
of Sow York, nt its meeting last year in Dr. Thorn
This resolution 'condemned slaveholding," dcel
jng that the renunciation (f it ought lo be mndi
condition of membership in the Christian Church.
lir. Thompson opposed Ihe resolution, caused its
rejection, nnd then proposed n substitute which ccn-
sarca_nol " jdavcholdiog," but" Ihe holding of
,till be in tho '^ood time cor
vnnieat, with itftlave codes ar
id monopolies, will rank and v.
.-.J. ti.irr.
11. C. Wliil
d thci
r Is now in Bcotlonil. On Sunday, the
11th, ho preached to crowded congregations in Olas-
tales for o Bubsisteneu of fc
f yoi
[at Ion
in the .;. miug.
grcgntionnl) ; and In the ovcnln
(Free). lie will hold n scries ol
previous to going to Edinburgh,
reception awaits b'
Loudon for the delii
Street Church |Ci
in the Zion Clmrcli
nee tings in Glasgow
,-here an entllUBinitlt
; are in progrc?! if
in London of a Cot
. Wif
,ve ueeds no other reply llian the following
J. Miller McKlm. which shows very clearly
eporter has so
upon ihe testimony "f '
Editor of Tti? rrrts.
Is return from the North. Il
will probably consisl of six Discourses. St. James i
Freemasons' or E-veter Hall will be taken Tor the ocer
sion. Some distinguished peiaon will preside on each
Decision. This Course of Lectures will bo followed by
an Aggregate Public Meeting, at which it is expected
Loi-J Itronchiiui will fill the chair.
You will see by the enclosed paragraph tr
Eulnburgh paper that Tr. Guthrie has herald
approach of Dr. Cheever to the Modern Allien.
friends of the cause on your side should do all tl
get tho Doctor to prolong his stay amongst
Sill: I hi
e ""'I }
v.- Kill
aid 1 add anutl:
which, I
fill to yon as it ia unpleasant to liiyseh,
i silence to
il he Will
ay with Ui isprl
it the polls o
voroignty of that ir
personating tl
e I.egisl
ority, b
uve, acknowlodgi
: stand, ifnicd be
iinlv A^.ici.t.Theci-owdcdsloteofi
cok conmclled ua to defer tho record of a brutn
;o upon tho person of Mr. Lewis Tnpjian and o
his grandson Mr. William Barney, committed by the
ruffian Isaiah Ryndcrs.U.S. Marshal, in hisofaee on the
10th ult. Mr. Tappan tat the request of Wm. Curlia
Noyea, Esq.) went wilh his grnadson to the MnrahnPs
office to see if ho could not make arrangements wilh
him to place in Ihe Colored Orphan Asylum, lo be edu-
cated without charge to the government, tho three
African boys lately rescued from a slaver on the coast
of Africa, nnd then lying In the Eldridge Street Prison.
'J Mr. Tappan having stated his business in respecirul
B terms, Marshal Renders I the representative of Ihe dig-
f nity sod Ibc morals of the Adminis i rati on] at once
ko out : " I have been annoyed enough about these
incd infernal niggers. Bdecate them! Why do yon
ed-c cnte poor while boys? Youdon't care a dami
them, but have a mighty love for the damned nip
,. It h Jll a |..-.t-[i:.-- I 'I'-n't l...li. v,. uwunl ,.t 1
The former Cotloii supply As
did its pari in obtaining and nlTonling Informal
lit hi feed and bringing various parties Into c
cation: and now it is time to bo organising
nedon. A new Association Is just formed (jol
under limited liability), which proposes n capital of
100,0011, aad to begio operations when half that
01 11 011 ut Is subscribed. Its managers espial n tho
grounds or their expectation th.it the proBts cannot bo
less than 25 per cent. ;"aiid their plan is to reserve all
10 per cent., to enlaive Iheu enpital and extend
the se hemo. Government i* prepared lo concede land
in India and elsewhere, free, or on a merely nominal
rent ; to assist in providing labor [by promoting emi-
gration and otherwise) and lo support the public works
by which markets may be opened to Iho growers o(
cotton. As the command of Suitable land, and Ihe con-
ditions of cotton production bad been ascertained
before, there seems lo be 110 requisite wanting ; for
c cannot be n doubl about the contribution of sulU-
t capital. Where tho very best cotton ever seen in
cheater has come from, Queensland in Australia,
there is an orcn of suitable soil, mill virgin and in s
highly favorable clinintejnrgc enough lo make a Euro-
11 kingdom. The deficiency there Is of labor, and
,' it will ho supplied, our Australian colt
y may plainly show. In fudin, there is a
imlted supply of land and labortho laborers be:
indnslrious nnd pnticut cultivators, fully disposed
of tnn-port.
ir-ellous beauty nud richness of 111
acccs, sweeping backward from
^.iisippi. And where Is now on
;.-. scarcely discernible I
beautiful v
m nnd Connec
id ou Eden
Hut while
nn liberty,
a well be
other wise accepted as divine inspiration. N
.lule the existing order prevails. Our present
n.l religion nro .total failures fur tho great 1
edemption, material, moral or spiritual. And
,ur own anli-slnvery movementa perpetual
against all tyranniesand the " still small voice
I, amid the earthquakes, whirlwinds ni
luing mid blasting the nations, one mij
despair. Missions and missionaries of mercy ll
in every age. Ours is the niani festal inn of Go.
and good-will lo the children uf men in the nineteenth
century. All our governments, all our religions, nro
only convenient and corrupt compromises wilh sinners.
naots with death," no " agreements With hall," none
none, though tho very pillars of heaven fallnone, not
oven to purchnve iinuicdiale millennial blessedness
this, nud this only is our gospel I All i'enlntouchs.
Psnltus or Prophecies, nil pries tbowls, nllnrs or wor-
alone, .
ourselves, free of compli
friendly, protracled and nnimnlcil discission upjii
siiljeet followed, participated in by Messrs. Smith, Gi
ond Powell.
OnSunday evening, iritevcstiiiri owning remarks v
made by the Rev. Mr. Green, of the Sandwich Islands
(brother of Berioh Green). He gave nn account of the
introduction and uso of the ballot in the affairs t
government in Ihe Sandwich Islands, and expressed li
faith in the use of the ballot for the removal of slavei
from this country. A. M. Powell was the next speake
He spoke of Iho faith of the Abolitionfsts in the obs
lute right, of the value of uncompromising individual
. I,-,,-,, i.-r ..I' ih.' superiority of ihe influence of personal
r. iitu'l. on r that nf ballot -i laimcJ with compromise.
Tl.- k.i' 't Tiailiec, whose work was not t organize
either Churches or political parties, bot to go about
led with the " fooli-hm-ss nf pi-i-nehiiii;,"
plan. As in 1S36, so now in ISfiO, in Ihe
Presilient in I eninp.iigo, many will for-
B Ibis Divine philosophy, nnd tho noble
to which it leads, jnHl for this ouee, in
Ihe emergency of the hour, lo choose the "least" of
" grant evils," in Ihe liopo that good may come
cby. All such Will bo in so far weakened persou-
, nod the slave a loser in their sacrifice of strength.
lull Green next addressed Ihe Convention nt consld-
ilc length, taking lor his theme Ihe " Infidelity of the
Abolitionists," which he presented in (nvornble contrast
wilh Ihe popular " evangelical " religion of the country,
nted by tho late Episcopal Convention, Hie
meeting of tho American Board of Commissioners for
Foreign Missions, the American Tract Society, etc. I
eould wish you and your readers might be favored
with a verbatim report of this
ith Its lights nnd shades, was rendered with
ness nnd a logical
,r, I submit that, these things being soand th
iot be tlistn 1that the cine stands )"'! where
did before the Kennett Square card nppisn-i'l : a
hero, so far as Th- JV.s. if. eoneerneil. I am willine.
; ,tveiL J.M.JI0K1M
cannot help expre^ing our surprise, that in si
place as Kennett Sipmre, iiiiyhe-iy, young or old, should
have been found willing to endorse the reporter's
dnlous misrepresentations of Mr. Purvis's speech and
seek to e.xeile against him Ihe cowardly and v
patriotism which resents every allusion to the w
indicted by the Fathers upon tho black race a.
outrage upon the venerated and sainted dead." We do
not think Iho staid oitUcns of that Borough will feel
themselves much flattered by the assumption of Iho
of tho card that ilinj were railed upon to vimli-
he peace and credit" of the place 1
ir philoi dry i.iih. 1
r . . 1-1 ihe
The ton e of the meetings throughout was spirited
uraging.and it was a Convention which cannot
1 left n strong impress for good upon all who
[We give below a passage in Ihe debates nl
Lnmvorsary of the Pennsylvania Anti-Slave
nndvertently omitted last week by the rep!
jassage should have been inserted, we beli
report of the proceedings of Friday evening.]
ills WtiiTsovClimidlcr Darl ing Ion, spe
the Republicans, sail I he had long been looking for such
ty, and that he wns please
.1 to support it. 1. ton, have long been expecting
n party i nnd I am pleased to see it also, but I at
going lo support it. 1 will lielp.ns earnestly 1
Chandler Darlington says he will, tu make it heller, bi
I will not act wilh it. It is built on a corrupt fouudi
ion and is therefore itself corrupt. It is part Dfa co
upt government anil piria)..., necessarily of the natui
f thai government. The. goveenuieiil is renewed ever
our years. Mr. Iluchnnnu is in power now. He is the"
Executive not only of the Democratic but of the llepub-
iean party. Thoy would have preferred Fremont, and
they voted for him ami opp I Iluclninnn ; but nt the
time they agreed to lake liuih:
Tasiso Rkvksoe.A few monlhs since,
man was kidnapped in tho town of Sndsbur
Co., Pa., nnd na nltempt made lo sell him i
The kidnapped man had been employed h
linms Tbol-ne, nn nci iee Aholili
.,.1 b.
land li
inee writing you before, I have spoken in mo
principal towns in La Snllo County, Illinois,
pie arc wailing nud longing tor belter things
their politics or pulpits bring. Many hope Abraham
Lincoln will not be elected, oven though expecting
him, becaufc they fear their ilisiippnluinie
greater in his election than at his defeat;
many pledges and promises nre made to tho S
" ". Such, too. is my own view of the
lectured one evening last week In Ottawa Court House
mg my audience were the brave Uossaek and Dr
Stout, just released from prison, for rescuing a slnvt
rom the merciless fangs of the government! that hail
oluutecrcd to perform the bloodhound In hie tyrant
service. They we
the c
Ing fro, y last In
thoy embarked for the muuntnin
Ferry. Last week completed til
at that memorable spot. Did c
On the night of the iiPtli ult. Mr. Thornes bar
on fire nnd destroyed. His house was saved only by
extraordinary exertion. There is scarcely a 1
tho incendiary was one of the Indicted kidnappers, whose
motive, in the light of this fact, is clear enough,
morning alter the tire, Mr. Thome searched the ndjoin-
ing grounds for some traces of the incendiary, nnd, on
going into the cornfield, he discovered fresh
a man going to and returning from tho bni
being followed, led to where n horse hod been hitched
to the fence. These tracks were followed lo the Mt.
Vernon Ilolel nud thence to Ihe residence of n
indicted kidnappers, who
contents of Mr. Thome's barn
dlobo S2,000ovoi
mi for which he was insured. His liolgh
bars, by whom he is highly respected, should not suffer
him to benr lids heavy loss nloue. Mr. Thome belongs
lo tho class of men whu cull themselves "infidels" [a
class usually as hostile to the anti-slavery movement ns
Iho sectarians represented by Th: A'cw York- Qtistri.tr),
but if tho minister* nud Churches in his neighborhood
possessed aa much ...t the t.'hriniinn spirit as is mani-
fested by him la his daily life, there would bo little
danger of any one there being kidnapped and sold into
Slavery. " By their fruits ye shall know them." "Why
call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the Ihlnga which I
r such nn avalanche ny!"
case. I
and Iheiue 1
lould have drawn n large part of our
ing ago. A great deal of collon d'nl
ravel from the Deccan down to Iho coast j but it was
n bullocks; nnd it arrived so soiled and spoilt that
mytrs and sellers were discouraged. Now there nro
ailwnys extending over the toblc-lnnds. and actually
1 ply on the Ganges and
id then on other navigable rivers,
iree produce on board on Iho Indus
, moat sanguine. Tho Punjab olona
Will grow more cotton than Iho whole world wants
nnd the opening of the Indus for its
will, perhops, turn out to be tho gr
history of our uew cotton a upply.
West Indies, ngaiu. Ttrilisli Guiana
lillas of llalboats t
ml incident it
.'minded him that he was an officer nf the gDvcrnmclii
representative of tho Executive of the United Slntei
ut this only angered him the more, insomuch that h
eclnred (his cronies in the office applauding him b
tamping on the floor), " I wish every damned niggc
,-es hunghuug so high Hint God Almighty eould nc
each tliem ; I wish yon were hung with them ; 1 should
;ko to have the hanging of you; I'll bo damned if I
rould not hang you. in handsome style." The irnto
Dlcinl approached Mr. Tappan in a menacing manner,
Thereupon his grandson i.i Ian student in tho office of
Villinin Curtis Soyesl gently interposed, any
nust not strike uiy grandrather.'' Rynders
oung man by ihe hair of hi* head with both
Mr, Tappan (who Is upwards of 71) years old], making
Id protect him, was forced out of the
n abettors of
io would supply
>L tell
The : ang man was, after t
permitted to depart.
Marshal has been pro-
secuted for ns;<aoli and tnlt.'ry. and, if justi
; Court, will be severely punished for I
Rynders Is n fit representative of the party which
,0 sympathy and support of the editors
rs of Th* Neu Turk O'isrrcer.
Hie recent Pit r>:n is' mm Li' or Si-ivtnv.Notice was given in
ill |h ehurehi 3 at Richmond (Ihe centre of the domes
ticsla e trade) 1 .Min.l.iv lii.it. of a meeting* tv '"' heh
eve, in the on the nest day 1 the A trie an church, t.i unite in pr.iye
t the ! thai
view of the probable result of Ihe Presidential clcctic
Think of slaveholders, slave-breeders and slavc-trndi
assembling to pray for Hie safety and perpetuity
their diabolical system. 77ie Mn York- Observer, 1.
sharing in the panic of its Southern friends, nnd fenri
Ihnt the sham Democracy and their allies were about
io hurled from power, rolled up its eyes nnd
gated it.-, con lite 11, nice in the awfully impressive ma
idicnled in Ihe following paragraph :
"A correspondent, whose note is published or
last page of
el: if we
e Fremont *rt if you have
s, nil n
They said in
a all 111
Huclumaii'a term is nboi
ose wo shall have Lincoh
mt slaves nro sent bn'ck, aud
ear IhS yoke nro put down ;
mil havt all their otll
fail, then Iirii
1, hut I
yeclf responsibl
t into 1.
not advantages. You
of his v.
ibjectof Diiuniou, ond said something about a State
withdrawing from the confederacy, which elicited
question from
Dr.STEBDBMIf I'einisylvnniii should recede from tl
Union, what does the genlleiunn propose to do about
the public debt 1 (Applause.)
Tii.im.is WurosnxI don't think I'll undertake nov
answer Ihnt question.
Dr.SVEDDixaSo, youhnd better not (moreappbiu
Tuoii.m Wuirsos- (looking and speaking in his ui
satirical stylo)Friend Chairman, iboro is one It
that has always seemed to me very extraordinary,
I can only account for it by tho conclusion that
Slebbins must be a very popular man. The Doctor nnd
I have always been good friends. We always differ,
be suro, but still we arc pr. it; good friends. Sow,
Doctor, when he speaks at ihese meetings, as ho is 1
to do from the back part of the bouse, is aure to
pplnudcd by the people around hli
iew ot the approaching election.
-,.. ni.ue need of pray-- '
, shall man help us;
Il the Lord di. not hell.
The O'lsrrcir's sympathies always go with the ahnn
emocracy; no amount of pro-slavery being sufficient ti
irn the stomach of its editors. Seeing that party ii
mger of being ovcrtlimwn, it shrieked out its dcspnii
77ir OiirriTrai
licnl priochino "
eem lo think It
Coxtestios 1)
ult, nnd regret lha
columns, we eannc
ndrerd presided,
acted as Secretary.
Buston, II. Fori
Johnston and olhe
Liii'li'cil papers oft.. n denounce'
a de stern tii.iiu( the pulpit; but Ihey
' political firoyin/j " is quite propel
of the proceedings
.Chirhs P. Du.ll ul Topshiim
Lcnoc Homond. E. II. Heywood
mglau of Chicago, Rev. N. R.
Congregational and Meihodisi
ministers of Drndford offered prayers on Ihe occasion.
Two Methodist clergymen al.-. . volunteered adefence of
their Church, claiming that ll was anti-slavery. Tbe
resolutions adopted are bleh-loned, affirming sound
principles nnd meeting practical issues in a bold nnd
unequivocal manner. A cautiously-worded cplstlo from
Sennlor Collamer, compared with one addressed to the
Convention by William Lloyd Garrison, presents a con-
trast not unlike th.it between ice and sunshine!
if collon growing in Jamaica, where, as I need m
'OU, the people are accustomed to cuttun tillage, and
sulli, i. nilv industrious, when a market is open 10 them.
They work on ihe sugar plantation* when fairly
treated ; bnt they naturally put mine heart inlo oilier
modes of industry. In Africa there is fair success
wherever due pains have been taken lo engage tho
people in industry. It is impossible to overrato the
of what is going on along Iho western coast
under Mr. Clegg's superintend enco and eneourage-
it is no sufficient Held for our Manufacturers
to for a steady supply. Dr. Livingstone is
opening up notion rvei"iis 111 >' mini .viriea \ but thero
nod patience will be requisite. About these
schemes your Southern men may naturally laughnot
ipprecinling the primary object of civilizing the people,
ind stopping the slave trade l>\ .111 industrial commerce ;
aclurers arc turning their enterprise nnd capital in Ibe
direction of India, Australia and the West Indies. In
1 States cotton is nn imported simple ; and
there are no conditions of production which nre not
matched in certain or our colonics. Wo hive command
lucb larger area of virgin soil, and of labor snpe-
a quality and cheapness to Hint of negro slaves ;
lie proprietors will certainly take more pains
their business than your Southern gentry do.
They will produce collon as well and economically as
he Germans in Western Texas, without their dilEcuIly
hout a market, and consequent recourse to middlemen
vlio absorb their prodls. Our cotton growers will not
oti-ien lie ir hu-in. K to overseers who are paid by tho
rcight or quant ii> ol the produi C.nnd 1 hereby templed
,,|,-,-i, .,t .. J-. r.itiun. They will set out wilh Ihu
.est agricultural nn 'hods, and will know how to save
heir land from deterioration. Your planter* hove [bo
,d vantage of a traditional possesion of the market;
,m! it has availed them tou long ; but Ihe time must
irrivo when Hint privilege will give way before tho
mprovement of the race and tbe nccda of mankind;
md that time seems to be near ut hand. They havo
themselves hastened it by their oppressive political
their vicious socialand now their dishonest commer-
cial conduct. If they could but see their case ns other*
see It, it would be clear lo them that their only ehanco
now is to transfer the pecuniary value of their alsvc-s
to their lands, and lo give themselves the advantage of
free labor before they lose the custom of Europe.
They will not see nnd do Uiis ; and they must lake tbo
consequences of their own act in alarming Ihe world
about the pence nnd stability of the I'nion, and disgust-
ing it with Ihe vicious labor system which is implicated
in both. Our manufacturers havo shown themselves1
abundantly unwilling lo admit ihe peril; 10 Ihnt thu
practical proof they arc now giving of their senao of it
ought tu nwako tho South to a consciousness of its
situation. The planters themselves baie. not unfairly,
said hitherto Ihnt Ijineasliire manufacturers wore Iho
.pport of American slavery. If thai support is
ing transferred lo other fields of production,
icnded hy the ad vantage* of free labor, it surely
e time for Southern men lo be sotting their
in order. 1 have spoken only of Iho economi-
cal aspect of ihe affuir. If lhat alone in so clear, what
be said when it is illustrated by political
.ions on the one hand, and moral ones on tbo
Cbnh a, if h<
ipplause (laughter). Sow, /might Blind Lei
the very same question a hair-n-donon times, a
would applaud me (increased laughter). My
is that tho Doctor must be a very popular 1
77.S Iftrald of Monday pub-
a despatch from Washington, saying : " Quite
r of loiter* have been received t.v the Secretory
frum moderate- and eon.ervativo men il
South, inking him to station a sufficient numb
Cniled Slates soldiers in nil the nrscnala and fortifica-
tions in Ihe Sottlh to prevent the arms be'mg sclied
tho negroes, who. it is feared, will attempt iasurrecii.
in tho event of Lincoln's election." Happy Uv
who don't want to be freewouldn't like their free-
dom, co abort, if it wero offered to Ihem I
other I *
- the adventurers
uprom'sing your
our neighbora. His ability to
repeat his aggressions under the eyes and within thu
reach of your government and laws la a mystery lo ui
nnd a very disagreeable one.
Tbo attention of Europe isdiviih.il li.-tween the march
of events iii Italy ond the meeling of despots at Warsaw.
In Italy affairs fli-e improving, [rom Iho discrediting of
(he Mniiinian faction, and Ibe rally of nil worthy Ita-
lians to Ihe constitutional sovereign who affords tbo
only practicable centre of notional action. Girlbaldl
has recovered hlmiolf from his momentary swervo. and.
ia In full career ngain accordingly. There will bo ereac
diflkuliica for long years to come ; but the immediate
peril from faction U over. The K-si account
of Ihe Pope and Ids ngcnls Is ptirfinp* ll,a1
Safurdau fat-lew, in 'he series of paper, on
age. of tbe Papal rouri and government, beginning win.
Atonelli and the Pope fnch being the order of thf.r
power') ninl I'.iiiii; through 1 1 1 group of Roman n
I mi, no nJmlwr ol that newspaper, any mure
other people, who find its bad spirit a heavy In
pay fur iU ability ; but If that series of nr tick's
reprinted as a tract, and widely circulated, it v
probably do more towards disabusing Hie i"
priests In all lnnd*, and perhaps the priests
iban anything yet issued by ProlcilBnt oloriiilsls.
As fur Ihe Warsaw meeting. loo!" l0 ,ikL' ,bot
which, a century ago, preceded the partition of Poland.
Its aspect i painful and disgusting; 1 trust I need not
say very olar-mine. for power is passing
i. riis.-Ki-.
It i:
being the
spiralor vs hrunool 1 num. Whatever
statu ot urgent
i conjuiicllon sh
on, tin' .i~ cnBiblo reforms promised to the
peoples o Russia ai 1 Austria. Happily those vexed
mini but IfitbeporS ble to do luisch f to liberty, they
dpiess nnlagcnt
lav hut to easily further
democratic despot w o well undcrsta ids how to lake
ndsant.i'-' of it. 11. H.
Itom m gonfon dovvrGinmrtcnt.
You w nuld h likdl to k
you did Hi
,but all
Boston, Oct. 2V, IB60,
Wkm.,WO have had our Prince, in spile of you!
him all to yourselves,
lapaneseand the Great
i were in vain. Had it
not been, however, for the circumstance that a Com-
mittee from hero was on hand to look after you, the
whole visit hero would have been spoiled, as you had
nearly persoudod the Royal party to stay another day
in your WlldBrncssof Shopkeeper*. As all the arrange-
ments had boon made Tor Thursday an the great day of
the fenst, the militia companies being ordered from
distant points to report on that day, a delay
town for the sake of
good season, no that nl
look upon a Prince in
the Bloo.1 (none were I
had as good a chance ni
ond " coign of vani.ii.-'
Clerk of the Vcatbo
o arrived duly on Wed-
the railway outside the
. imposing onlraiic-ei in
mini- tliat want!
ih, as well aa a Prince of
t to),
nrs, and every window, balcony
" thronged with curious but
windows and balconies were all
ubric. and the sidewalks were
considering the undemonstrative
ie stands, was as uproarious as
the balcony of the Prince,
highly of the behavior of the
on this occasion. I have had
slavery and pro-slnvery leanings of this mythical
functionary, according to his conduct at seasons whi
his cooperation was important for our own purposes.
But I lliink there can bo no doubt of his loyalty to ill
true Prince. Had ho In-cn regularly appointed, by Lettci
Patent, Purveyor of Weather to 11m lluyal Highness, he
could not have furnished a teller article than lie gn
us during the whole visit. Thursday was really
beautiful holiday. Thetoivn was full of strangers fri
other parts of the country, which helped to swell the
and overflowed upon the Got
dressed, well-behaved tliui
hile the grass was
. The sight of the w
nils and ten thousand. ..f
clustering and grouping
oicceding pretty
of the n at a
distance, gave gaiety and anirei
although they, probably, did not p
ing speciee!.- in detail or in mass
displays of Europe. Altogether i
to look at.
.rough high breeding whi'
- Republican youth need Hi
of Hie mont pUM-Ulg kiml-
nooearance was of that
[ a,
perhaps, Ihe lesson
t Inn
iost to have set befon
, much of any of my
of ibis magnitude, and it Is now
lie to tarn from matters of real importance to' the
..'re tritles ol polities. But there Is really ueit to
thing to tell. The Belleverett party are still lined
their victories in Vermont, Maine, Penmiylvnnin and
Ohio, and confident ol" carrying the day nest Sixth ot
ember. Thoy are In strong hopes of turning out
liurlingnnio lind Mr. nice. Ihe prcont Reprcsenta-
s of Ihe two Boston Districts. Elsewhere, tilt
-ess of the Republicans Is conceded oven in
ition will gain by ihe exchange. There was a
very strong effuct made to have a Fusion candidate for
nor, to be mode by melting together the two
Democratic ones, Messrs. Beach and Butler, and the
Belleverett one, Mr. Lawrence, and running them into
one, In the shape of the octogenarian Ex-Governor Levi
.incoln. Where the hileh was that hindered this
promising plot 1 cannot say. Some any that the venera-
"ctim declined bcine laid noun the altar and ending
his public life, alter having been nine times Govern.
Ignominious beating at the end of it. Rut this
llkoly.bc being an Old Whig. Others say Hiatal
Butler did nut see the sense of utterly swamping tl
Democratic party, without a chance of carrying tl
State. And yet others, that Mr. Lawrence, the Be
erell man, refused to sacrifice his prospects of uu
53 in favor of somebody else. Tins is the most pro
de solution of Ihe mystery, as he no doulit ospjcls
i elected. I apprehend, however, that we shall ha
submit to the opprobrium of seeing the man wl
occupied the Chair of the John Brown Meeting la
December, occupying tin.- Cliuir of Hate nesl January.
This is very bad ; but as the Union is to go to smash
nunlh upon Ihe election of Lincoln, I suppose our
Bhareoftbewreckof matter and the crnshof worlds,"
consequent thereupon, will make us indiffcrunt lo the
(Out Washington tforrcanonilciuc.
ejodiee and hostility I id * I ''' N ' '!"'' "
helping hand, by giving the- ml. -i p..-ii.l. notice ..f
their meelings and procuring smtabh. pin . i f>-r h"lding
Among the articles unavoidably included from our
ilumns last week was a notice of a Convention lo be
held to-day anil to-morrow (.Saturday and Sunday) at
Mcodota. La Salle Co., 111., lo he attended by the follow-
ing sneaker* : Pnrkor Plllsbury. E. R. Brown of Peoria
Co., Rev. C. Jl. Campbell of Iowa, A. J. Grovcr of Earl-
We hope lo hear a good report or this Conven-
YVlf i. H(.i>
i Ihey
. nolle of a State . ntl-Slavery i mi-enti n for
M eliignn, o be he d at Ad ioo, commencing nil UtTth
t., will be found in alio icr column Irle
lb t State rally to this meet ng in lull
Parker Pillsbury "iili-H II Stehblns ondMrs Jos pWni
G IfiJngw 1 bu among the speakers.
Niilltjfenl Ami-Slavery SiiliMriplion-Auiiivcrsury.
JAfiUftKY, 1B61.
: claim for Universal Liberty was flrst made
itry. Ihe best part of a lifetime ago. Hie work
lay wholly In futurity. The idea and the principles of
min Rights were to be replanted, the justice and
lessily of their cause a- against slavery to be proved,
the prevailing apathy Lo be broken, the public mind
' iwiVeucdnndoukintileil, the Insufficiency of aChui
State controlled by slavery to compass freedom
leaionsl rated, the retrogression of the land towards
uir'uiiu under llieir sway lo be made manifest, and
lading the last proofs of his new \o\<
of poems, entitled " Home Ballads," perhaps the ben
hi;, 1. 1-.. doc lions-
All Theodore Parker's writings have been truisfcrrcd
to Ticknor and Fields, who will publish Ihe work he left
, Historic Americans. The mimolr of
Mr. Porker will bo included In the same volumes, and
ipying Ihe pen of Rev. John Weiss,
hua completed his "Conduct of Lift" at
will eoon sec daylight- Tlio papers ll con-
loiruent Emersonian chapters, and sort^ of
a treated of are as follows : Fate. PoVer,
Wealth, Culture, Beauty, Behavior, Worship, UluaUns,
Boston ^ynnscripl says: "The crayon portrait
Wendell Phillips, drawn by Thomas II. Johnston
for C. H. Broiiio.rd, ia now on exhibition at Iho st<
,nd White, 3Z2 Washington street. Many por
of Mr. P. have already been presented to the public,
but they have all been wanting in force of eiprcssion
delineation of character. Mr. Johnston has slic-
ed in depicting his subject in ono of his best
of his feature,
eh truthfulness
let, by p,
experience or eyesight, "a realizing sense"
the barbaric cruelly of American slavery. There
danger in hearing the politicians and philosophi
nrgue upon the question, that we shall look upon it
we do on some of the economic theories of Ihe day
as a matter for sp^ ulati.-ii rin-j .-.vpri'imcnL It Is only
when Ihe terrible nature of slavery is brought directly
before the eye, and home to the hei
tain to occupy the rightful position ou this exciting and,
at present, nil -absorbing topic.
ISifty all the morning in discussing with a good-
natured Douglasilo the peculiar doctrines of his leader,
I was perhaps inclined to judge him and his friends
very charitably, and to think that possibly many men,
still in the ranks of pro-slavery parties, at the North,
are honest and mean well by Iho country, if not for the
African race. But nn hour niter my Douglas friend
left me, I met a slave-mother, with the teom yet upon
her cheeks, caused to flow by (he fresh inflictions of
wrong and misery by a elnvc-master. A daughter of
hers had mode nn effort to escape from the prison-house
of her bondage, and was recaptured and brought back
to the plantation from which she bad flown. Her master
ordered her stripped, but could get no one lo flog her,
and finally did it himself, and with such hellish thorough-
ness that some white carpenter* near the place left it
in horror. The master having lacerated his victim to
his complete satisfaction, then filled the bleeding lash-
cuts will! salt and water, and sent the young woman to
Richmond, where she was speedily sold to Ihe rice
plantations of South Carolina. "I have had nineteen
>tpn.v,ioiis. and has given tne oulii 1
mrkahle fidelity, and nt Ihe
mental characteristics with i
and feeling. Tliu picture gives great
friends of Mr. Phillips, mid must be
mast successful portrait for which hi
is to be lithographed by Fnbronius, and published by
There wnsameeling in I il-i -g-i-', not long since, of
working men of the city, to hear addresses from Li
Brougham and olher eminent men. Lord lSrouglu
inddr s, mail self t title of n
period of
sard the old s
sod I
is of
1 by i
I began work many more than a
I began work, and from that hour lo t
ullv bci.-n. like yourselves, a working man ; and
i snicking man will I continue as long as Frovi-
blesscs me with health cf body 3iid strength of
no merit for this, I like it. It has become my
I nature. It has become my habit. I cannot
possibly lay It oslde ; I do not see why I should lay it
oslde; if 1 see any reasonif I sco that the public
ould be better served by my laying it aside, thou 1
ould lay it aside and take tho ease which I had
irned. or thought 1 had earned. But till I find that I
in work no longer, or that there is any good reason
by I should work no longer, work I shall, and work
will, rc-i piny as work 1 can
(loud cheers).
Josiali Quini'y. senior, allowed his name to boused
i one of the committee of inanii^uitnt of the ball to
e given iu honor of Baron Renfrew in Boston, and
lys : " It is now nearly, if not quite, seventy years sii
had the honor of joining at Concert Mall, in liostoi
onlra dance, with the Duke of Kent, the prim
grandfather. I should csleoin it alike honor lo ui
\ith his grandson. But nature [
llibits. and I must submit." The JViifiWW h:l. Uigt n
in noticing Ihu replj of Josiah Qulncy, when asked
his name in connection with the Boston ball for
Prince of Wales, nays : " It Is so well plirascd ll
in itself, it presents n remarkable illustration of
continued strength of intellect. Mr. Q. will attain
if ho lives, his ninetieth birthday in February next
ciatc of nil thi
ived lo sco thi
rreedim of speech, of Ihe press, an
association to he claimed and tserti
fieientiltilrumeutuli tics of progress.
This is the initiatory work that has been done, and by
ibmidant opportunities of direct
idered practicable. The wokk ns
shapes, now lies before us, whose pri
make ready for it. The despotism inurivcii wuiujici,
y. To meet it, requires devotion, industry, and the
joperatlon and the diseiplino of self-ControL It
Jqulres generous contribution's of money. We trust
lat all these indisp.n- ill- requisites are now, as ever,
Wc earnestly and cordially entreat all
stive land in sincerity, whether Europi
ins, to unite wilb us more numerously o
inily than ever to meet the demands
pises unparalleled in the history of our country
ideed, in the history of the world. For when
has it ever happened that Freedom has been
from among a dominant people for a down-trodden one,
grand a scale os thi* I Wc ask aid of Europeans,
we bid them observe that their freedom makes
ess only in exact proportion as our slavery is
;ht into discredit. We ask aid of Americans ; for
where Is tho American to whom this cause of ours is
not the supreme interest of the present hour aa afford-
ing the only hope of Futurity J The work before us is
ever that primary one conicmpliited by no other enisl-
ing body, political or religious : the work that Church
and Government are always tempted by [he necessities
of their position as such to neglect, adjourn, suppress.
And the stronger Ihe desire of their members to pro-
mote the cause, the stronger the temptation, being so
placed, lo temporise ond lo compromise.
To nil these we confidently appeal lor aid in the work
they can neither do, nor do without.
We cordially invite all who love Liberty tho world
over, to meet us at the Music Hall. Boston, in tho mon
of January next, in person or by letter, uniting thi
sympatldes and contributions with ours in the great
work of Iho timethe peaceful extinction of
Cnanuy, LveIa D. pjittta.
Bji:k NrmiEtts op Tnt Stanhahd.RtctiAnn D. Webb.,
ITS Great Brunswick street, Dublin, requires the fol-
owlng numbers of the National As-ti-5ijvt.ry Sn.vp.tao
reference by any who may apply to 1dm for tho purpose.
His imperfect collection having been occasionally of use
in this way, ho Is desirous lo complete It, and any of the
following numbers will be thankfully received if for-
:arded lo the care of Rev. S. May, Jr., 2*1 Washington
.reel, or to the Anti-Slavery Office, 5 Beekman street,
ew York.
Vol 1Nos. 2, 10, 13, 35 lo 33, 11.
ZSos.ll, 16,82,23,
3Sos. II, 13, 33, 1!;., IT.
4Nob. 13, 27, JC, IS.
6No*. In. 21, 10.
C-Nos.fi, T, 1^.23, Jl, 12, , IC
T-Nos. S. 6, 8. 14, 2D, iO.
8Nos. 12, M, 3.1, 13, 01.
JNos. 2T, 35, 30.
10Nob. 1 lo 6, 10, 11, 11, is, lfi, io to ond.
i- pijl.lk.i .. uj.inly
n-.l I In. ..In r ...
.oil- r- .,u I !.-..; Is UI-.''
"-In will lei It-"--
il iho
Cii'.i.jf,,,,!, ;rt.W"ilnlSillol3,00nla
I I,,, li.'licr I'd io-iIjv If i.. -ruin was
.1, ... buieml of intruding bli
|;..|.ul.llcaiu. Probably
Foptivc Slave tow lake cue of ll
jiiricianJ Hie |-;oplc- take care of It
_ i. Thru li all we o.-k. It li not ni all
llUelv'tlmtl,.. ii-iLlnmkeuspcrbillU'l' In- seal for uk'gvr-
. o,f.; ...... ;.,. I".-;. M.fi
....itrrjpl.ic ijQjpalclicslolhi! coniniU--lolien and lliechic-1
and l-i niv , ikIii.jIIs who ore engaged In ihe buy "otk.
ami uial.in;- op lor bim*.-li a reiwpl of bis leal In the
Mb. Dewlev Hcm.The aiinouiiccmcnt ihnt the
M. E.CIliin:btS..ril,),
Vnd in then another \ -i-i preltv
o he seen enough lo
tcts,atll un Mils cal Entcp-
Schools to
thoyo nl, r'ol |iu '' c. T
as prettily
11 was the
childr 0. Thel Ble- in on oroph heatro of
ra the two
sides n froal. nd the h ars in tb e centre. The girls,
almost all in r. lite, but i
jbnn.Iurii IC ling-off of gay ribbons.
arty. Ue hn
,ir.ds who for.
us, tho
it least
iy In Ihe plighted
When the Prince and his Euitc entered, it was a eight
to see the fluttering of the thousand handkerchiefs
the girls enthusiastically waved ihem in welcome, whi
the boys received him wilh rousing cheers, After tho
guests had taken their places on the plalfonn op]
the children tane the Ode initten by Dr. Holmes,
nil your readers have seen, to the tuoe of God sa
Queen, and afterwards llu-v 6U ng oilier pieces of
1he names whereof this deponent cannot tell,
all over in nn hour, and was as happily executed as it
Was well conceived. In the evening was ihe Ball, given
in honor of Ihe Prince at the Boslon Academy of. Music.
Of course, you will not expect any account of those
profane mysteries from mc, as it. is not n supposnblo
case that any correspondent of aoncdaie a paper osTnt
Stawiaiiii could assist at any such worldly frivolities.
But I believe there is no doubt that it was n ?Vry gay
aDd brilliant festivily.
It was, to be sure, made the occasion of the only dis-
play of partisan malignity which deformed Ihu three
the qucsti
6S of the system, yet a flying slave, or n whipped
an, or an outraged slave-girl, if wc h
of the shocking crime committed, give;
nil the line-spun theories of the pol
aspect of the casethe genuino ai
t, the truth. The head, in Ihe one ci
confused, but, in the other, the heart is not
and never misleads. I know thi
Republican politicians some of tl
lirjg to cover up all the genuine anti-slovery
t there is in the Republican party, but it is n
difficult business. It will come out, and the "conllict
ilh slavery, in some shape or other. will go on. "I
n't like negroes, slave or free," said the lieu. Mr.
Kilgore, nt n Republican meeting in this city tho other
night, but it was well under-.toc-l by his nudlcnco tcJiy
he said it. It was lo curry favor wilh pro-slavery men
here, and lo make them bcliove that Republicans an
oolorphobilcs as well ns Democrats. "lie said mori
than enough lo satisfy the people of Ihis District,'
remarked n bitter pro-slavery Democrat, " but did hi
speak M trull, f " I am happy to say that there wert
numbers present at the neMing alluded to who did no
relish the innumerable flinga at the colored race. It I
certainly an agreeable In, i that Mr KJleore has run hi
Congressional race and is succeeded by a belter liepub
Mahy Mat,
Locisa Louisa,
L. JIahu Chili,,
IIectisttv SiBOBST,
Ax'ne Wahres WesTus
lUllI GidV ClIAIlllX,
llvjLKV ElBa GjiiBbJo.i
FBAKCEa M.tur RoBtiLsi
C.tnotJ'K \ftarns,
Mahy Www,
EijjtiP. Edoy,'
Sajiau P. Ruiiosi
.S.imii Uc-.-m.i. Mir.
Aeiiv Ki'i.i 171 Fo,-n:H,
eiAinu Li. Sm-niwifK,
A..-, ittin ": i-i; lb ii ii
Aiiivr.-ri G. Ktso,
["l 1 /.ia Frill Vn, Ail-Hi,
1-1Soa. 2S
ICNo. 23.
I, in, 18,^0,20,41 to
-p.i.e ..nl;
a of all
Tin. i'lo^iio.-.-nn. Li KeTio.e. Wc hnv
iy thai Lincoln Ls elected President by
the free Slates (except New Jersey) this
Rocky Mountain, while it is not by any
that he has not nlsocarricil f Iregon and Cali
nojority iu this State Li about 10,000. The Republicans,
.owevor, have lost several Cuiigrcsslonal Di
hat Lincoln will cotni.a Iu ad c-. In ist ration In Ihe
face of an adierso HinjiTity in both branchi
rcss. The votes of Ihu Southern Stales [en
iutI, which has gone for Do-iglas] will hi
stvtccn Breckinridge and RcU. We shall
hetheror not Iho South will execute b.-r
r. ;ik up the Union.
iCorain'*. If F
i. i don' hick l
r r-itb. pobliilied a
WrWiun .liks.
'followed to Iha
ibinliv f>|irli,i-ii.i.l, M'>.,i.it;iTi ami bruiiebt back lo Fort ,
\vnb, mid on I lie llib.,r j.;|,!cii.'.,r. 1-fO. was bnneou Hie
u. ..i, ,.r ,k., ..u,,,. , r ,., ,, ,;. h ,.|| s| r Crimloiil bad
. VI. e Idler found n.-ai fori W,,rm nnii
pai-:r -..nie timi- ago. w,u .-.[lainl,-
r. lie lev. Ii i- fiinhrr (aid here, that
.-..iili.-lai.- of Mr. Bavfluy, Bov. Mr
ii In Mi,-.., ni. and i- now uo 1,1. ivuy Inn
III. m-liiTC lit v.lll LiiilR on 'Ii..- -init linili '
pi'ii.'l'l.-ln.'d" In''
:.,;;i; ",; I
in relation to Mr. lleivley
J true." The onlv tbiitj-. ihjIh.-i Mr. 1st v. ley m.:ii|iulH:d
n III,- jirll.-le i. tli'o n letter aa~ .-enailil," iU>lgncd for Nim
iibl.li .arm l,.Tii. .he.-, led to A ll.-i Mr. Bjvky, ivlil.b
, iter .1. .-rii.fl ro, ,il.,-.liii.,ii plot. I- net till, elranco evi-
leliceoil ivbi.-blolianc a man! And yel Texa< claim, t
I... ii-i.ilivi-.l SI, lie. \Vli., ,0111 of lliv slave State.', believes
Goisu off to Tftr. EMiT-r-dti.South Carolina, or nt
,-itii,c,'.iii''ol''(l'- 'y-.-V.tVT-.!.,- I ', '
lil- '". '.iltie
t', r,n, .':"-, i'll, '.-.,
..if tin- l.'..iin-/.rii,,fl,il.-f;,ii,-i ill ,1 l!b-li,..llc-r.
i !l
Miili''.' ,.u'".'"r: VI"" ,ii>.
Died, at Eiiterprh
The Jie'c-l of death Inn ii|,-ai(i i witi I ihu li.-u-c-h-.ld
iik.-n fi-Liii il, ii.it tlos time tlif tender child, l,vely
ibly prcclem, Lu! the venL-rable, loved and
. \
' I.
nob.-on. If
Horn iv, lb,
nee of 1761, see seem
in which tb.it n-.'-j .
,.',ig.,,.bvivas. aa well as ho
rested In the cause of fugi
_n full of y
s, whose counsel has guided, whoso
u""nthe various KhftioUonlfu"
rafil.s unguis hm.53 of her disposition
for the ivelfare of others ivere
action, and in which her conduct
hose thus connected with her.
as thus devoted to her family, her
et- ready for those in need, beyond
few days of th
1 n.,.,-,.
i -lie |.c
.1 .(.,.-, , ofllil- I.
f. ihoidJ
2Tic cuiii-ncT, "flu p,r,.i[i..:hiiti:'..l niili
!l,,'hir'.- |[<'V.rt-'
|'j I'c- fltv. ll ini.-lil j-.-.-li.ly
cuoranii oi the tVeii.li lliiffornportlfius sun
In oilier n-.ir.i.-, iht grand ncgullntors en mo a
irllcularly hiree Ilea In ibeir ears

Eceninq r>
The Way Noeiiiehs Mes aiie Welmw
.(111.Th, t"ii..i //.r,i).(..i llic :l:-l Septcml ... --
,,,an|..llh. !- p id,:. I, Mr. J.jhnll. Kenting. of Hint
"iy. rcciv-il vectnlly lit Sfar "
.1. li f"0.1 I'.' 11.1-1 il-.. I'.-ln -T
II,,, cio.-n
Ir.K'eathip ne.il lo
in a pattLiinpni.p- tail, lie
In, I lo- li noiva II. I lb
t'fordi li.' V'ic /V.T.il.f .
iXoW Vc.ik oi '
,: days. Mr.
b for Savain i nil, as
iself for
a ,l..i,-l. ,.td,-r, vtn-,1 fr
- 11 re, 1. ii.ri.lt-
[ i.i-cilil..-. lim.s. n
.-.iliicc.t hi- - "
.1- l-r,
it York
:ndy to join him in
SIaHV El.rZAIlETII Saeoeat,
Anxb Laso don Aa.de ii,
M.p.v E. SiEAKta.
ncd tlie Repul
ict to the rrnnn at his birth, and
irugtjlcs of tho Revolutionthe crcs
[e is to-dny the .it interesting man in the nationhy
ssocintion and by persnnal worth, ond by the posses-
ion of a vigoroti'.i inl.-ll-tt in that day of life wh
iio moss of mankind the light of the brain has set."
James it.dpath. the biographer of John Drown, not
lonorctl With o public ovation ni Port au Prince, Hsyti
on the 17th of September last. M. J. M. Duval, Prcsi
Senate, proposed a sentiment it
honor of Mr. ltodpaih. for - hia incessant labors for tin
cause of liberty and the regeneration of thi
race." Mr. R. then made a speech in English
ivns translated into French. He said :
Gentlemen, they (Abolitionists) ore a noble
, all..'.) ..il 1
,.fll,.; ooit
t I si
le. I ivt.iihl
nor ...an
Ihe h..|y i.l-a
.y f.n-iliM i-
' I""'"
1 "
(be Ball, bei
only the vert
capable. It
wife l tin;
and Democrats. Now, the hatred ivh
nnte class of our fellovv-citiiens hear
ia of that spileful description of which
y Bmnlleat pallerns of the human mind n?c
was clearly proper that Mrs. Ranks,
rank in the State, should open th
with the Prince, as Mrs. Mercian did in New York. This
iv os more than the Hell -live celt spite could stomach.
Accordingly their organ, The Oourltr, was made the
medium of the lie, the day before, that Mrs. Banks had
declined the proffered honor, which never had been
proffered. This being contradicted by the lady in her
proper place on the tloor, they arranged that Ihe Pi
should dance flrat with Mrs. Line
Mayor, for which the escuse was made that it was
Boston DaU, and that, therefore, the Mayoress was 11
chief lady present. This was not true, in tho flr
place, for it was not confined lo Doston people, eithi
as to its company or its management, and, if so, stri
etiquette would have given the first place to tl
Governor's wife, They could not help tho secot
dunce being given lo her j but they managed to do it
the moil ungracious and ill-bred manner possible, j
supper, again, which is nn occasion of eminent ccr
many and etiquette on all occasion" who per*otm
recognked rank nro present, no places were rc-eern
for Governor Bunks and Senator Wilson, Ihe persons
having precedence
persons, who jumped nt Ikis opportunity of snubbinc
n thei
n idea they were giving of ll
a ond go
id then
how gro:
in of It
The Democrats have- succeeded in raising something
f a panic here, in their own ranks, over the Presiden-
tial election. All eyes are turned lo New York, ttt\i we
have numberless old women, and some men, who really
believe the Union Will crack into two ports if Lincoln is
elected on tho Clb of Noveniuer, ns your correspondent
believes ho will be. Where the crock is to run, no one
us nny idea ; but that it will crack somcirAerc
emn people arc certain. No doubt some of the
Southern politicians are in earnest in expressing their
desire for disunion, hot Ihey will no more darn contest
the question on tho field of battle with the nation, than
they would to give Ihcir slaves books lo read. Tho
game of Secretary Cobb is well understood here, and
there, were meant to intimidate and frighten the Stale
of New York into giving her electoral vole in sueh a
manner as to make Jo. Lano President. But before
the most " respectable " men oi lii.thaiu precede him to
the naHovi's-treo. There are more traitors in New York
city to-day than In any slave Slate of this Union-
traitors who for the sale of dry goods submit to the
demands of the South, and for pelf connive at their own
lonor. These Southern traitor* are i|"i"e"icn. but
Northern article is made up of sneaks.
ho business men ol" Washington are no believers in
inion. but go on in erecting buildings ns if they
o sure tho Union would Inst for ever. I prc-
: that in case of Lincoln's election, real estate in the
trict will take a sudden rise. See If it does not.
And one expectation which will tause the rise will be,
that slavery will soon die out here. Most ot
a already sick of it, and desire to make
Washington over into a wldc-nwake, free Northern
A little while longer, an Administration or two
ind tho fact will he accomplished, ond not by
Congress, but by the legal voters of this District. Tho
furious pro-hlavery men here now are Southern clerks,
who will be seiit home nest Mnrdi. to make place for
quieter and more decent people. Theythese Southern
clerksare oor Disunionists, and simply because ihey
.ot keep ufllee. There are hundreds (if old oilbtens
of the liLitrict, who nr,- not anil slavery tuor
bo elected, it for nn othor [impose, that the
Disunionists may be brought lo the test. Of
ick out, not withslanding their tremendous
such n faiih worth dying for, ood his
AbolilionisiW every rank, ha, o l.ng since found
it is n faith worth living I.t. ^.ioii may it universally
|,,-,-,ail tllroiieh'iul (lie world 1
" 1 know that it will soon triumph in tho United
StalesHint slavery there must suon perish hefure i
The doom of that cruel barbarism, pronounced froi
Tiict Bazaar will ho opened in the Saloons of the
Assembly Buildings, Pliiladelphia, on Tuesday evening,
December 11th, and will continue during the following
three days. This announcement will bo sufficient to
secure lo the Managers the zealous cooperation of those
who. for many successive years, have proved Ihe value
of tlii, instrumentality of anti-slavery labor.
To others, who have not had this experience, and
who have not hitherto deeply felt tho claims of the
American anti-slavery enterprise, we appeal for aid,
not only in the name of four millions of their fellow-
,nij.y,iirin. rlcnciicd. bv American slnltlles. of all Ihe
rights of American freemen, but also for the sake of
their own imperilled liberty. This anti-slavery qu.
tion, the agitation of which has been widening and
deepening for thirty years, until every vil"
Maine to Texas feels its influence, is no lonr.
tho question, Shall the negro slaves of these United
mnnoipated? The truth, ever obvious (o th.
mural philosopher, that the enslavers of olhers becom
themselves enslaved, is now being demonstrated to tlii
The ineslinial.lt- bh.-Jsihcs which American cit;
,-o held so dear, freedom of speech and of th
press, the hobiai corpics, the right of trial by jury, and,
ideed.all tho safeguards of American law, nro wrcsl
om every man, Northern or Southern, who, ur
Southern soil, dares to oflead a slaveholding populi
iy manly utler.mcea iu behalf of liberty. The Strug
s now fur our own civil and p.-liiicil freedom, its u
s for the personal freedom of the slaves ; and upon nil
hose whose moral susceptibilities take no cogniianct
.f the latter, wc urge the consideration of the former
t is hy sueh discipline that nations may learn that thi
absolute right Li the wisest political economy.
csull of our long experience in anti-slavery labor
ifldenco to urge on the community the claims o
ivenly-Hlth I- air. The principles of equitable trnf
i which our Fairs arc conducted aro too wel
o to need explanation here. From our coadjutor
mc and abroad we hope lo receive valuable con
.,,- ..uiiJrt'.Js who .
,r.-,-.,or. The .li.H-r ...f her home wnj fi-n-ly .. third,
I. i".,L.d and cloihiiig lor tb. ,.,._ who ncc-dcl, and tbat
ieh gave the other olT.rines more than half their
ue, warm heartfelt sviup.nl.y tor the suilcrinci, of
All these Clu-i..iti-,n dc-l-i ihe dailv performed in
in. .st quiet. unobtl '
, s from N'en
in- -. ond uin.-ilioiiiJ a-i lulbtir
I ili.-ird,, daation. They wen
.f l.clne iil:..lui..ii clulsurlca
.flier vi
; her love.
and purer for the bl
tisflcd with the
a Him who will
bo fulness, leaving her frie
id gratitude for th
lives should I
.s th.it t
jf these nii-
nds only tin
go through the State h
.1 > i; riniliid nl i-rc.-.-i.i
p,i,-iiil ..I their i..nine
,-, ,i Iho in..... i L.: ..I.. u- l.j
,!! il-hii. :
...I -ill.il h:
Andrew C. Oiilchinsoii. n son ol" J.-s.ie Hui.-hiiHon,
,!!:,' '.!.'. i'i !." .' il !' - "" '-
. ., ionic iii.ai.liy. a fciv days since. He was fifty-two years,
Si impede.Eiplii slnvcs escaped Iroin Atcoinac
,-,.,. i. /.re--,.,. I..-I .:! :' ' ..;-.. -' ' -'''-
oiieittly recapinrtil ...ii .1-. nie.ic.lv 1-1..:..]. ihey were all
rnf:cn hack, and tis of i beiu were :k,!d lo a more southern
Old GabmKSTS-There id a ivt.ninn in Peachntn,
e 111., l=lc
an.J bii'.l latin ,
i of the i-eil-cl li-
iver |iirl of litis
,li.-t,ll patiUt
3 Plot at a
borne he dcEermhicd
i holiest calling
Texas Pior
Ihe .Iclilah of 111.: a'-. I. lli.llt. I ....a. spil-i.:..... in i-
havirecicbcdu, frt.n, ..il:r .oii'i.e- (,nyi Ibe Ualn-
.Im.l-i-'oil we linvi now Ihe I"" He. wil.i Clli|.tlllllc It-
ilinonrfroui n resident of Texas, who writes to lbs Louls-
,,ri;i....| fabric is -Mil vi,il.|,
- ,?l .\VK r Dbi.,
, lt., ;,l,noii[c,r'
Bull, represent ilia I
-The Censi
om 5.2W)
ol 4H. The slaws lire In arly nil In foiinlv lil.ic-x),
and there is rj.jo.1 rii--.n o. Iicpc- the -,,|.,ln will he nl-l-
tshed In some nay tvtthln n few years.
A LiscOLS M ^-v T.miti-.D vi o Kratiikbed (is a JIls-
llK-P.llt.win.e a. .-.ami ..f lb- i.irniK ninl Itaibcring of nil
Ohio iiinil oil A cl.-iiiiv....! at Smth.-,. .1 /i.,- ,-.l .on.-.
Mr. Mali' I l.cvi b .- 111:1 .--. I'.rn, n Icin Arroil.t, Coiiimi:
plht Mi-i,,l|.pi.:i- 111- I....H :i_..
p|ic.l at ^ichc.l.jii.-otc
.."r-. line lei' t, ,[.-, link
v.",i,,ll.,t Lin. .'.In. ..-nil Ihe-
1.1... , n ..llnlnpt lodls B ulsc I... .. ..
diattly $i ripped him. covered hint
ns. The other pas-
iiv .Lars
llrown, I etui.
rilh iilood, nsin ll.iyti. I hope that m
live passed we will see slavery numbered
nga that were mid are not.
of the- Abolitionists, who seek, by peace-
eradicato slavery, I thank you, Ilaytiens,
for your svnipatby : in In-half of niv de-'ar friendi. the
"--lor's Ferry and Iho family of John
ly thank urn. heliefsetors, for your
-e,ua .ui.wiieiii : and in li.-lnilf ,.t' th.ise , arnest nnli-
iy men who believe that ihe houdiuaii must be
ile'd hv fi.ci.u, itn.l ore prepared In aid hull. I thank
..., llayli, land of I'.lion ami of Dessnlines, fur die
lesson tliat yoor hi-ttmi inn lies and the hope tint it
Ilefore resuming my seat, i will ask you to add still
farther to my obligations to you b> joining me in asen-
rrfo. r>a/rraify mid EqualityTot Urn Liberty of
... . d tfic Prai.ri.il . ol' nil r.,,-1 r , .Hid Hi.; E-..)u.ihii. in
rights, of all nien an.l all nicts tl.iuiipliuul all Ihe world."
President Geffrard sent to the meeling assurances t
his approval of its nbjects. yentiiueuis were ofercd 1
honor of Thadtleus Hyatt, of the. memory ,'of Job
Drown, of Victor lluiz.i. and I. mmnine. After dintie
Mr. Hcdpath was escorted by o torchlight precession I
tho vessel in which he took passage for Iho United
States. Ho is now in Now England, acting as an agei
of the liny lien government lo promote colored emlgn
lion to that Republic.
Donations in money or articles of merchandise niai
y OJlko, No. 107 North Fiftl
cct, Philadelphia, or t am- member of the Com
S.truii 0. Halloweix,
Gctinc-iii M. JoxiS,
llt;|IKCC',l Pliiulv,
Mart 5mw,
M tllllll bltOHUAKER,]
Mant T. SncKXEr,
Emily TV. TAYi,onT
Lyiiia Wltrrt,
Mahy Ghew,
Tm; new Scries now co nststs of Sine Tracts, lo whic
d feather
Emancipation i:
before tl
en West LvDiia.The bill
, the Ditith West It
accompanied w
...,c i ,-,.,11
it ;:..>.-
thi since, ns to ah.il
.einc piilill.-lied an.
be older Siaies, 1 d
,:::;:,,.,:," t
51 itt i '
of T. ..
... H- i
:..,. The I.
,,.jri-all> .1.
,n tlilfcrcnl iiarti
jriein ol ibric Ores, as fur as yci
t from the Ignltlcii ol maichf, o
i kIm'cIi there was Ihe jllgliU:-l e

"""o, ihon'ehtb
iin.il, )'",';
1,'nrKn... ai,- II, . on.. -lions ihal have 1 - irlc-cid tbe t-oc-l
lili,e-l|....f oiivs,li,lt-le.[ ..nil ; fa, i. Sn.li report, are
- r : '' " "''
' l,,; ""- rL
:. -''':, ')' '',
'';;!! ;',:V'^mi!'
jeCI.Ihat ill.-.' r. i-.rn
lid the- i.eople
eli ini..,iiL-athinof Tli'. : nb-
iilr orlgiri in Ihe minds of
l^in of ib.it tirt.it | . om-
ond. pre p.ir.i lory to prccl|.l-
DtarSir: t lako Ihe
morri' n wl
,....,.1.. ,h,.i,r-
eil ink, rill. -I
dcircd her
v ;ii,niw ..r
e-siore.l toils i-inhifiil owner.
:a Insurrectio.v.Wc learn through n
l' .Jl In
. ,,li'n,[inriiiL- klifvlcdge arc M
would again call the ntlentii
of all friends of Anti-Slavery Reform, as just the publi-
hich the limes and tho cause now require.
Call for themsend for themcirculate them.
Correspondence bfiw.-eii l.vdia Maria Child and
- - Wise and Mrs. Mason, of Virginia, G
Kit lettoi-s
-ill- t
breeding lo
suite. The Duke of Xoivessllc
opportunily he had of rebuking it, by Inviting t
Governor, our two Senators, and the members for t
Boston Dis trie U, to join Ihe Royal party to Portland,
the exclusion of th" nelt-appoiotcd Committee of Recep-
tion and their pets, I need hardly soy that Ihe impres-
sion left behind him by tho Prince of Wales, hero as
from Parker Pilla-
lotuo thing of iv hat
e doing to dUseml-
il the West. In this oste radical anti-slavery
work they have oor earnest sympathy, and to our
er3 in that part of tbe country wo say, Fail not lo give
these dovoied laborers your heartiest cooperation. Th I
oDlce. for Ihe sale of Anti-Slavery, Temperance,
Woman's Rights, Anli-Captlnl Punishment. Peace.
Spiritual and other publii nii.,ni, has been eslnblistted
,t So. 16 Steuben street, Albany, N. Y-. near tbe Deln-
an House. A general assortment of stationery will
bo kept on hand for sale on the most favorablo terms.
Subscriptions for The Zilsrulor, Natio&u, AN-tl-SiAYMlY
Standshd, Anli-Slautn/ Bugle (Ohio), ioniion Aall-
Slautry Advocate nnd Hmild of Projrrss, will bo
Contributions a
culating Petitions,
for gratuitous distribution, Etc., etc.
Donations. Orders for Hooks and Tracts, nnd commit
nications relative to anti-slavery nnd other reform
meetings in different parts of the State should bt
uddrv..ed lo tbj geoeral agent,
Lthia Mott, Albany, N. T.
No. 2 Victor Ililito on American ila very, w
of other ili.-ii.ijiii-li...i unlividqals, ..-,
Toequcvillo. Ma/lv:ini, lluiiib.ddt, Ltifayetle, 4c.
6 eenls.
No 3 An Account or some of the Principal Slave Insur-
rections during the last Iwo Centuries. Cy
Joshua Coffin. S cents.
o l The Sew Reign of Terror In tho SlaveholdinE
Slates, for ISoA-hKi. Id com
o. fi. Daniel O'Connell on Aroerh
mocmtic party : and It
'---rot the rcigriof 111
llarily tj- means an
inn correspondet
ullcrlv Intlle nrc tl
e under the pre'e
n. Kncli.-li mill Spo
mm, S. V.
FlocliEsrEn. Oct. 1
The fuel Hint you
r I could honorably
a for regarding this us n inspleloai i
1, n,vdnii B l,lerliianycapa.
, ihli.i; i,,ur iilni.-i skin of
'll-, it is probal.lv Ilk- best
en Hut v ei L Ic quality cull
Induce even w black a ucgra
1 iiiDLiii.rs Pocotisi.
pcriiil Notices.
I, Testi
with Iho i
V^i 'e-iU.-llonoll,le'a'c-li'
r snliseriherB in
.. Jf.-id.WiVun well
,,.llp|..-.l It '
lllb. S|-.'akcrs, rtcr.Ilcrti
Von*.An Anli-Sinyery
id Sunday. November loth and
i Oreen, Aaron il. Powell, and
Members of its Own
JLvJUA Cimlo. S cenLs
&-A deduction of fifty pe:
nily. Compiled by l.
ticket for Lincoln,
1 of tar and fcaibt
h1 of pro fee line Ib.'i
rsoinil Liberty NlPi
est by a
postage charge.
ill be made whert
Gratuitous eopiei
r for examination, on rveeiviag thi
S.J.Mny, M. 0. Wright,
P. H. Jones, G. E. Baker,
s! B. Anthony, E. C, Stanton,
Had at tbe Anti-Slavery Odices, 5 Beekt
street. Sow York ; 107 North Fifth street, Philadelphia
15 Steuben street, Albany ; nnd '221 Washington street,
,r. m- men in 111.; I/ Hi
t (ii-ki'l. 1 am mil In. riled by
ill' r, !. Iliinv-I.in.: l.'.-li.
The l.c-oplo icnttiid lb,"
inl.-ri-c. I- J- ,..ii-'.l'in..i..
lii the North. Owing it. it
..Iwlvaninee- which [ I ' - l" 1" I'-vc-Iicating t
. L t,,, I ,V ||| i"ii,..|,-ily refrain fn-lll giving any advice

Dd. Gj/fPn./ Jttpubliean.

CoNSEBTAiivK " Hepi'olii. isb-M.The Boston eor-
rei pr.,i,i,: r ii.J |
i!ieSpringtield Br/iuWicjasan: "I oblervc
ii , T'n.'.t.ict "tii'm !" biSieti n ..ij-ii mm...If to write to
he Soul"To a.-jU re the -lav.bol.fers that ll will be all
rj.-litil'l In i...:li.,eii,oiid tbiil Ihe- t'agitlve Slave law
"irJll l.ee-l,ior..v,l. 1 .in. inliirimd lha. Jecloll..,,. Jcaie.,
E-a of Hornby, hie, ul,o wrllten luinionii the slaveholder;
tlial'jlr.rt.rwiti I, .|iiite- I. ii,;uliei, .an,] that Ihe r-'ugillve
Slavt) laiv will "ol be eui-jitcl. J.joci'i opinion is quite as
The MosrtiLv Dsto.v Anti-Slavebv Meliim) for
ivemher will be held In Ihe I.ctl.ue liuoiu of the Church
the I'oritnns.oii iluitnv Lve.viso.Niiv. 12, at 7i o'clock.
Tbli meeting Is free to all the friends of tbe slave, vrilhoul
party. It Is uniformly Interesting and
n rr.n talde. Come, one apd alll
sum. Asti-Slatebv Cosvestios.Tho
nvenllonfor Mlchlgao, will
,.- on S.ilnnlay, Noii'inbcr
Second Annual Anil
cnt year, v,
Hit enilait
nd entoniajiug
la slichlgBu sei
or thciUivc has
iiional, have been of the most
iharaeler. Lei the friend* of
10 It, that llieln .hall be do
io mote friends anywhere thou
Among tho speakers will be- ',. B.stetibins of Ann Arhor,
iln. Josephlno Grifllna of Ohio, and Parker Pillsbury of
ho bnd rcOt'ed I eiuco the wnr on thu Spanish lWnsuLa, and the con- 1 Ilis Mnjcstv wished I
innd of the tremor of all thitw- C'n^ttd , .-.'.in-ill subslilniion of ihe cigar lor Ihe tobacco pipe, gardens lit kcw, bros'
been entirely alicred. Tin- greatest him into a chamber, :i
...ling I strictly followed 1 1 1 > simple
hiul right IVoiii fit.il 1., life, to the
i lie linssncro of St.
Exchange, to please
jealous eves upon those who ground. ! ll-
Willinni find Mnry to occupy the throne Upon
else but the will of lliu two HoUICS, In illy;
phlct l>v 0. Blount, describing ilio king as it cc
lore.; ,.|..
ml Umy.
of n just w
progress of it. Tin. r.-r..r--. K iny .l.-mio having so tar
sunk in th" wnr, tli.it ho both abandoned his people
and deserted Ihe govornmeiil, nil his right nml Idle
did accrue to th. kins. [l " i i-dit of " conrpjeror
over him." This ascription ..I William's till-.- I" th"
right of conquest vftia especially repugnant lo the
parliamentary leaders ; mid idlliongh ihey did not
_,. ,- -...*..,..I ! Ir.iilr.i'i 1 ll.i- I'-i-.I.ii:!
.mpliiet above mentioned.
"Sliorlest Way with Dissenter
ire. aliko of those it assailed a
urned by order ul' the Hoi
Che physical miuihiltiiinn of an nppunmi
much more simple mi operatiun tlum h,- n
overthrow i arguments might not always
but the torebnnd th" fagot wore ovoi nt bin
lo suppress the opinions of nu adversary '
deeisvvoly conclusive than any attempt (
them would possibly bo-
Tlie works of the curly Chvi
Cry. I. in'
.lul.l i Willi I
M. lo tin! SpC i:il ill .
give rise where tin- pnic
.loled, and Ike organs
:o bis ebihtren nt
:bccrfully | but, ei
if the Little Park, t
able' people : On,'
part of the si. I... nth . . '
t . V-i j*j i -s t Vl h I j i-
li.cr.Tture ;
nil Vow'isli-iooks, liil.l.SMNu | I. wore or.k-.red lobe
burned, because they were Idled will, hluspheu.ic.s
i".iiiistnriM. The I'uliniidviis.-in o-lie.-i-it objected
hntred-euiporors, kings, and popes vied with each
nthot in iheir iuluunutiom- against it; d
thousand copies were burned at one time
a font throwim- the destruction ol h>
copies of the Kornn by Cardinal Xiuioi
, inlo thu
way. Tho "HiBtotia Aiigle-S ' i
nistory of all tint hupp- >"'>' H'--
KiugdomsufLngliindmid -> utlmul lice, \
Conqueror to Queen Elizabeth, by Dr. Jnn
was found to contain man)' false mill injur
lions upon the sovereignty ami uidipenih.
rlrango vicissitudes ; h
is daring iu breaking
finding tho clutches o
forward bis mnnuscrit
agency of a masked 1
whereabouts should r
rod by [ho word "no
= 1 d.".l Ol
\ burned
,,,Mir Mil il.i.t. In' gratified Ins feelings
bv publicly coiniiii I ling the great reformer's discourses
anil thews' lo the Hani- =i , a roinplinieut the students
of Wi'ltcnhcrg acknowledged by burning eight hun-
dred copies of TeUel's en-mier theses in the market
pluca of Hint town. When Sctvetua, after once
c-eHpin- from bis eiiemies nt Vieimn, wns retaken,
and, by Calvin's ii.sii^niiijii, Imaivil at Geneva, bia
looks :in.l in -. fil't ilci'fd Uic same fnto.
InlTC^, ili.-'-Kii.iln.' ""I Ji:iri.iai:.|iiiis](on*scauwns
burned by the common hangman m Geneva, and bi-
'Contnit"c=ociftl "i.li.rwards exp..ri..nud the same fnU
In England, tin' war upon books was comiuoneed
bvtlie hun-hlv. Iiigl|.re:ii.hiiig son of the Ipswich
butcher. The 'prodn.-lioii of liten.ry works had, until
his time, been fostered rather than disc raged, and
the importations :,( foreign |.re-^= faeilitateu. Wol-
soy, writhin.' under il..- svere in>rfonahties launched
ulhim by S-kolton Mid Kov. and luivseemg that the
spirit of religion liberty would i-]-.ed ilsell, oil (be
witi"s leal to il hv I'tnisl. am g a brave people
awaicuiiig to a scltso of Iheir uniittl migbl, warned
the clergy thai unless they eiericd themselves lo sup-
ntt'ss pn'niin". priniiriM would m-at certainly suppress
them. ThenMiil,, cardinal left no me-'-
revei, ( tin., circulation of anything
angerous to either ' '
.'liurcb or .~t-atM. The kin;
unjoy uau Buueiujj satires levelled at
fnvo'rile sullieientlv to protect lha e.i.
vengeance, but the author of the " Dofunce ot (be
Seven Sacraments " was not loath to make his advei
snricsknow thnl he had at his command morepowoi
ful weapous than bis jwm. He accordingly
" Indes Espurgatoriu.i,''
..; .-,f I'..
heretical ; and Wain
St. Paul's ami pr.snh
works of ihe Witletiberg luoii
his proud master, that in le
dy m
bo traced. He was one
inving heen Biibstitmcd ft
but at length govcrnuitt
__.. to lay hold of him. nn-1, utinii'lom-d to h
liitr. |,j those liis pen hail serve. I, he dn .1 r i vtu- moo
fn i;ii:..al k eiilitle.1" The Super . .-! .'ml
Dominulion of the Imperial Crown . i i .1 m ! "'
theCrownnmlKing.il. > Scotlmul, .. i- -c -I- i-..
loScotlisli mili.-m., Hint the parliament. d that , uitiilr
hnnded it over lo the e seenti oner. Ten
the !ri-h 11. "i'-m "f C.-iii.iiu.il- i.r.lered tho .
Dublin of." a false, malicious, and penndalous b
uiblishcil bv ihe Irish Iruohins, and called "A J.ong
listory ol" a' Short Session of u Certain Parliament in
n Certain Kitigil ," the contents of which wero less
Qhijriious than its lille. .
The last noticeable Inslane f l.-u.-.k-ljummg U
nuUiorityo-:-curr.-.l in 1 72J. 'ihe .-del. rated plivMcinti,
Dr. Mead, purcha-e.l tr.-m the binary of the Lani-
yraveof lles.sel n copy of ihe " Chiiiiiaiiisiuc Itcsti-
tutio" of Servelus. Ih' publicatict, of which cost tho
":"e. This particular copy was reputed
iged to. ColLodou, one of his necusers.
Tho doctor determine,I to reprint the ill-i'afed work in
quarto bill before tin- edition was completed, the
sheets were seiwd at the instance of Dr. Gibson,
Bishop of Loudon, and Ihe impression burned, May
l'i, 1733. '\ few copies csenned .1, -Inn tu.n. one .,1
which maybe sen in the Library of tho Medical
Society of "London. In 1770, a perfect reprint wi
issued, but only four copies are now known to be
existence. The ominai . -ipv pas.-ed from Dr. Mead
into the hands of Ihe Due d'e la Vallierc, ill the sale
of whose colleetin it was purchased for the Imperial
Library of France at ihe price of H.S-IO livres.
In these .lavs of cheap printini; rind tolernl ion, book-
l.urnin.' i- looked upon as n puerile folly, upon a pm
with the Irish nielh-.il .,l'>[.iteiri..- :i hanker by hiirnm-
ratthTul andvahiwl servant. General Unrconi
ing lo the orders they had received, -withdr
])hysicians. also, who had accompanied
patienl from Windsor, having consigned h
charge of thu pages, nUo thought proper to i
actually returned to London the same ni
King then impaliently demanded lo see hi
ml the promise under which he hud been i
ilViMcd." 'fhe'j'rin.-.-^. -.r- l.r..in.l.r I
'intlow ; tho King ..il , e *
ft the Stub, but it
e the Defender of the
Faith would ounrrel -villi its high-prinst, mid prohibit
the lucubrations of the advocate of papal supreiaacy
as pestilent, infectious, and sedition-! Among those
who were busiest in Ibis literary crusade, the Uishop
of Durham wfti pane ulnrly prominent. Uis mortal
fear of one " little I k hcught l.y some folks from
NowetLStle," led him to make u vain nlttmpt logetall
the ports of the kin-dom .loi-ed a-jmnsi the offeuditig
volume. Gv aiiotle i .eph-at.ilii' l-relute unwittingly
earned the gmtiU.de of ihe r.rorniers. Upon the
publication of Ihe S.cond edition ol Tindal's liible in
Lord '.Ma n- field's and Dr. IVieslh-.y's home*.
Vinula! Masselin.in retreating from the lines ol Torres
Vctlras wantonly destroyed Ihe church
oriJcobaoo, riob with the
: -
alunble works have f
il- i;.J. .villi .-piril in ul .villi 1HOV1I-,
cud lo wbi.ee,, e
i ,..
1'," 1
. .a. tempt by all ii lb ' .1 uuunitici.
Ill ihus plneiliM |i,.'lhi.|- tin roiin.i|llellci.s .'I It.
pcrnnce in the use of rU.-ol.ol and thai in the m
tobacco, 1 would be very sorry to be misuailerslood
as regarding these two kinds of intemperance lo he
in an ...jiial decree perniriouH and degrading.
The \n\- "it.'iIi i.il.'u . . ..iii..1;..t u.av le -i,.|.i.l rui'l
Iniy. ami tin 1 1 . 1 ..i to wlnei ho is addicted may grnd-
uiilly imii I . -i, ,i '. ,. I.. In"" and ileteriornle his off
epriii" , h,t th. diiim drinker is .pjnrrelsome, mis-
chievmiM. und oil- ncriiiiii.il. It is under the iulluenet
lilt.^rt.ir't'le; la-k'w'hi.'h tiu-v have undertaken. Th.
best thin., thru can be Maul l.u dram drinkiug ia, tha'
it induces disease, which carrier, the poor wretel
prenintnielv lo the grave, and rids the world of thi
nuisance. Iiut.iinli.rtuuutely.iri ibis .as in many other
cases, what is waulins in .piu'r'; is made up ia ijuaa
lily. There arc cheeks on ihese evil halms wlucl
there are not on the olher. The dram drinker, or, t.
use a more general term, the drunkard, is held to bi
a n.,sious animal. He is an outcast from all deeen
r-oeielv, while there is no such delusion for ihe .uos
a-.-id .' stnokor.
The comparison ol the cllien, of tobacco Willi those
of alcohol leads lo the consideration of a much wider
uestion than that with which I s- .1. In all ages
f which we have am record, mankind have been u
III! Imbit of rcsoiting to the use of certain vegetahl.
prmJu. liona, not an c..,olril..iliug to noiirishmeiU, hn
on account ofthcir ha.int some peculiar inllu.aiee w
stimnlnuls or *. dative- (or in .-..ane other way) on lln
uervous system. Tobacco, alcohol, the Indian hemp,
thu kava of the South Sea Wanders, lliu Puragm
> l/ie J-JlUar of 37ie (]j>mlonl Tirnts.
Sin : Liming been applied to some tune since to
join in a petition to the liou=e of Commons that they
would appoint a committee to impiire into the effects
reduced hv the prevailing habit of tobacco smoking,
declined to do so -, first", because it did not appear
lo me tlmt such a commitlee would bo very
lent to discuss a Subject of ibis kind ; and, so
because, even if they were so, 1 did not see
would he possible fur 1 'a rli anient to follow up by any
net .il legislation the conclusion- at which they might
have Arrived. Nevertheless, I am ready to ndmi'
that the subject is one nf no trilling importance, am
well worthy the serious consideration ofnny ouewh,
Lakes an interest in the pn-ent and future well-beui"
of society. From these considerations it is that 1
address lo you Ihe following obsei'vn-
ational I iii-rat arc of For
Tho cnipyre
.lislill.ili.ui of
of iMl.n.e
j igtiorn
.-, allow
enernl of the republic of letters," refused
he letters addressed to him by the most
scholars ol Ihe ice lo b published, because she found
useful for fuel. -Mr. Wurburton'a aervunt used
,;,,-. liri; of old plavs. many of which were
ic specimens of our Kh?abe;1uiti drnmatisls. for
the- 'I. .lie ! t:iH...| bght.i.g the lire, for which
off- red a free pardon if he would divulge the nam.
th,' per-ou hv wIici^m assi.iiaiiee the obnoxious vers
,,f the ^.-riptures bad been reprinted. He nccep
the com! it ion, and lo the a-lonisliment ol the ch
cellor, and the c.-nliision of the Bishop ol D'.rle
declared the bishf.p sea. ihe man. he having, by ci
fully buying up every copy of Ihe first otboon, sup-
,.ti,',| il,'f.,nd.n I-.,- luineiug nu the second.
In Ihe reign of Edwnrd VI.. tho work
Lombard. Hum f-o:.lus. arid I liomas i.)ui .
enrried upon biers. bled inn. bonbres, and burned
in the markei-place of Oxford. In the nest rcigu
English llildes and linglish < oinmeutanes on tin
Scrtntiirm of which Ihe her was aliuust inliiiitc.
were ireated in the same ninuuer. Philip and Mnry
did nol halt in the good work of suppressing .any
hooks tending to undermine their own temporal
authority or the spiritual predominance ol the pope,
and in the latter i-al-gory were reckoned writings
calculated lo bring religions house- or the hoi icty ol
Jesus into contempt. In 1SB5, the Btulloners'
iiany received iheir eharl..r, by -"liic-li they
e\pr..-l. aulli.,ri'cl to search as olten a. it |.
tliemall'l Besoceupied byprioHrra l '"- -
ers, or bookseller-s. for any waria i
State or their own iulei-esrs, and i. - i.-. bum. or
conicrt Kiu-h work- I" their o.,u ,.- Il.t. - '' ; 'rs
afterwards, the following l.-|-.-e, and, a- .-tnp. . alls
it, "terrible" proclamation :b issued, and promptly
acted upon
" lhi tin- Kinr) .'" '."...'..ei. \\ hc-reas divers hooks,
filled with heresv, sediiion, ami treason, have of late
and be daily l.roudit into Ihe realm nut ol foreign
rouiilriesand place.- l.-voud th. -sens, and some also
covertly printed within this realm, ami east abroad in
) but tils... . n-'oiirng. incut is given to disobey
Inwful princes rind -ov.-iii.ts, the Hug and mucous
majesty, for reilrc-s Inn: of. do by Iheir present pro-
elnumlion ileelnre nnd publish lo nil Iheir subjects,
that whosoever shall, alter tin, proclnianliou hereof,
be found lo have- nay of Ihe said wicked and seditious
books, or finding Ih, in, dorh nut b.rthwilh burn lln
same, without showing or readinj thi -inn t.. mi,
other person, shall in thai oast be r, put. .1 nnd mL. n |
for a rebel, mid shall without <i> 1 ii 1 .-... .[! 1..-
that ofTpuee, according to ihe urdir ol uuirtial law-
Given at our manor of M. .Inmes, the i",ih day of June,
135S." Thiscuri and cruel edict is supposed to have
becnc-l>eciliUvprov.:.!.c.l by ihe appearance of a liltle
work, by oue Christopher i ioudwrn. on the lawlubiesj,
of ili-ubeyin" superior powers, in which rebellion
ngainst Ihe tyranny of the crowned higola was openly
advised and ilefcnScd.
In Elizabeth's lime, several political pamphlets, and
folic'.!. ..i.i | -c'.fo record- ..I theh ,-pital "! Hi
en ftpplh I -p.. itS .C...VI.I,. l...,..ki.|-r;
I,-..,.. :
was Ihe inimeilintc cony.'. 1.'- r-lconr .
the Princesses wero hastily r. iiioicd, .and the King
was dragged from Ihe window, entreating In be
allowed to speak lo his children..Vow/*-' ili.-i->ry
WnrJiK'ri Hit' wnv lo Jciiniiie'j liimse.- :.'.. tragi"!' I'lt'^
>-i|.-tii!:.Vi-.ii THACT&.-The foil
. N.fii,..- nu, b.ni-.
T .vi P U
TdE king's speech wns a very iini.r.rl.ant consider
in lii.lh lor Ihe crown and lire cabinet. The policy
...; nii.l liberie, of indcjiendcuce - ' -
attempted from the dm Iidloivnict the lie volution nnd
energetically carried nu by M. Casimer t'erier, was
therein lo he openly avowed, ia the name of all the
to the govei
different shndes c
coffee, and even lea, belong to Ibis category. A
Bake nnd that of olhe
..... .crsal may almost be regarded as
nnd there is sufficient reason to believe
n certain limits, the indulgence of the
useful. But we must not nbuse our in-
i.;. tu nni. of the most important rules
naiblo bain", both for his own
to observe. Even
moderate ngenta as tea nnd coffee, taken in
cess, nro prejudicial, blow much more bo are
jncco and alcohol, lending, as they do, not only to
; degradation of I lie individual, but lo that of future
titrations of our species.
If lobar co smoker- would limit themselves to the
cnsional imlulgeiu e of Iheir nnpetites, they would
do liltle linnu cither
there is always dung
begun innv he cnrriei
o themsclvcc
r tlmt a sensual habit on
lo c\cess, and ihnt danger
o of those V -
. For such persons, the prude:
is lo abstain from smoking nltogether.
iting Ihnt yon nnd your readers will excuse u
io.."ucurii'cil so large n space in your column
.n ........ i,, i; ..,.,,,. H n. TlnnDiE.
ihe list of the sis cclebralet
iy win. .11. .1 lii October, is t
'o'etry/'tieoffrey L'haiicer (died Oct.^ 25,
chiefly for hi- "
;i; n H.
i Cowpc
labits. destroyed in n fe" m
light years labor. Sometime
rloies enough to commit bterui
,vhendyiiig.din.-[...-l )' - "
c0lll| ..-.I ! I. h . .1 ' * '
have been worth .....
ofp.,gul.l.-n-.-.!'. -' ;'. ! ,; : ' |'""'' ;
, i
"' ,','."',
"riroVhi"^f.- hit whai was of cousiilcrnbl) morv
conscnuencc, luiriicil bis fallu r'B iucomplele " 1 luloso-
phyotn ManasaM. rdi.ru:' a I'oluical Associnnon
Ms Kdinhiirjd, K-ci.ir.-s on - Political I ;.a....
a continuntion ut bis ' 'liucyefopiclia Ktit.uuiic.i U.~
sertation"; unmimltul ..f MiUons aphorism, that he
wdio destroys a good book kills Reason itself.
Clitimln-f't Journal.
l.itnal Muuker, nnd wi
bets of it uu tic -y-i.-.
ill 1 am no: prepared i<
osc whohohl tlml. ulidc
^of lohlll-c -i pr. ... Ii.i
rvr..pull-.Jo and soetl... lb
c pains of hiu-.;t>'r. and
educed by li.euinl and
iug in the bloo.1 i
mot suppose ihnt Ihe
i bo merely negative
.. r.hc to th. opinion "I
-bury Tale;
I "Sir Philip Sydney, who wrote the elcgn
"Arcadia," nnd whoso gnllnnlry on ihe field
Zutpheti is always remembered, not only in connccli
v.- ill- hi -.- --.mpl i-h ,!' bu' al-o in om,i..etion wi
iy lot in r
task difficult
than to sum up in a lew sentences, nt once general
id precise, and significant without being compro-
ising, the position and policy of n government sud-
denly formed, and in the midst of action. A still
greater dillienltv lies iu delivering through the roynl
luth Ihe sentiments of the I. iupr ami Ins advisers, in
isisU.uce with the dignity and true intent of both,
1 in throwing a-ide all di Here n.-e.s tliut may exist
iwcen Ihcm.soau to exhibit nothing but the har-
.in,,..,- ..]. i-aiioii ..!' ih-. [iLo.vev iIim; esetei-e in ....ru-
in. Notwilhsliiiuling its cuitian-r.ssnienls, anil pre-
cisely on that nr.eonnt, this onleil, which the consti-
tulionnl sj-stem impose- periodically on the prince
nnd his ministers, i, sound and salutary. It reminds
them on n ffxed ami solemn day ol" their mutual rein-
lions, nnd of the necessity ihey are under of showing
themselves nailed, ami of speaking nnd ncling in
mutunl accordance. There is, in this public manifes-
tation of Ihe whoh- Moveiiiineni bc-lore the country, n
due homage rendered to the position occupied by
royalty, ami a guarantee for Ihe influence, of the
country in the counsels of the sovereign. There in
much in being compelled to appear what it ia desira-
ble thnl we should be in effect Inevitable publicity
olten deloruiinc-s good conduct, and pr events many
"'in'S'ovenibier.'l'sitJ. this obligation had nothing in
it of nnemliarmssiug nature, ciiher for King Louis
Philippe or his ad visers. They were perfectly agreed
upon general maxims of policy, nnd upon the course
tu adopt on the pellicular i|iieslions under onsi.lera-
.villi oidy a distant prospect '
iy benofloial, But
ich circumstances
mbit of constantly
classes of society
Ehesctgh Weinke, father of l'linicl, was a farmer.
The yf"i- table- in his gui-Jeti -.nllered considerably
from tfe dcprcilatioiiB of a woodchuck, whose hole
and habitation was near Ihe premises. Daniel some
tenor twelve years old, and his brother Lzckiel,

this habit arc. indeed, various, ll
rencc depending uu d.ll. nu. c of const, union, rn
:.,,, i;. ,....; ..: I -i. -otherwise. Hut, fro
best observations ivhii b I have been able
mnku on the subject. 1 am K-l to believe that the
r, i, v. i.l, i .' a s.itlii hnriu from it, to
prenter or less extent. The i-irliest symptoms a
anilcalLil la ii-.--.l- ::- gc"."" of ihe nervous syslei
large proportion of habitual smokers n; rendered
-' - indisposed to bodily and incapable
M.-rtion. Cithers Miller from .lepers-
I- amounting lo hypwdioiulris-i-,
b, v. . I".... a lime, though it ii-rii-
el proposed I
(1 nt once all further trouble
;1 looked wilh compassion upoa th:
rb hi).-
captive, nnd offered lo let him go free. The bo
could not agree, and each appealed lo their father
decide the raise.
' Woll.iuv buys." said the old genth
be judge. There UUieprif"""-
ink). , nail 1
s uf Knylaiul
1 much menial
ion of tho spii
inlly there i
..ugh very n
Oct. 1". 15KC, of wounds
Minund Waller, whoso easy-
utcd tu muih to iiuptovc our
1CS7. Dr. Philip Doddridgn
orth nine- ni :s*. the Hng
-,1 nc

i.-piibiliiii -
topEtiiv gu.tuHcvnoN on So i-Bor-ntrv dCAi-ifit-ATios.
rLF-COXTBADICTllJSS Ul' Till, Illlll.F.. Ill
I p-i.. iMi; \:
!.[<.. ill,.,,,, ll.i
[,"'!':;,; >' --:.::
pitOl.blLJslVi: l
-UII,.Mi.s.-jei,.l iu Oliver .1, mm.
I'r Wa-
ll III'- bngbsh rauguiige :
h also tho poet Akcnside),
;on of a butcher
Lie died at the
early i.-'e of twenty-one years. 1'he sixth
Kn-li-h poMti-y, who died in October, .and who 'l-s-.-rc
oiK-cial in-.li--'-. is eoiumoiilv known us L. EL. (La
don). After her inm-riaio. Iier sun.anie was Maelc!
Phe died on the 15th, ISMS.
If we wanted a socoml list of writers ol Kugl
noetrv who died in Octolu-]- w, should name r-lurl _
'JiJll,: lliCl),t.-ll li;.lh. 17-Ull, Wilkic llorh. I"'-'!,
Smollett (21st, 1,71), lb-own (23.1, 1 7CG), and Clin-
lnite Smith (2-ih,leU|-,).. ,b s Shirley was a I'r
tc.-lant eliTgyman, who lunual Koinriu t'atholic ai
became a sehoulmnsler in Loudon. Desides h
poems, ho wrote thirty-nine plays and fcomo school
1 j |i M,,i., i- ,- .| l.i-c I'rcnel th.'i-s
iut . rn-li-h I'- -- ' - "i 1. iu ni tho"Dun
., f V. .h'.mW.U- .-|..linwhvhispc.cu.
,,!, | |... .,1 Ii, l.ilue, Smollett isl.e-t
anv exorbitant preb
Ight tend lo impede- inn uneccuui
cabinet assembled sometimeH nt the res!
Marshall Sonlt, Heir prcflidcn(; at others
Tuilcrics. round tie king, actordiag totheim
state nf the atln.rs Iu d-haie. At all these
then- was lice llbcrii ..I ! -cussiou without restraint,
i, - tier,- w.-i,- r.w i li . i s to surmount. The pre-
paration of the rojnl speech, therefore, presented no
-.no.,- -alii- ,ln . '.-. :l ...biianco of the policy to be
...... I.., , - inly (ho obligation, always
r , . - .,- -i- . -Ian-ling bclwccu the king
. ., . i- !. uiciisiii-e. compatibilities
... l.u .-u:,-..- which, with reference to
I. ..- . . i 1 -I .. .i ,. ,- necessary to hold before
, Ih.-n-icic of Lraoce; and before Krmice in
of ihe govenunenl. l!i -fore submitting it to
the collected cabinet.it was between Ihe king nnd
df that this dilliculty hnd lo ho discussed ; and
here I found my task a laborious one. Not only did
King Louis Philippe litale profoundly on bis roynl
duties mid thoniliiirsot'ihi country, but he possessed,
arc-over, n'singulacU f.Tiile mii.1, quick in nppro
nsion, niiimnii-tl and llcxiblv; every ub-a and
iprcssion e.-tercised over him. at the limt luomeiit, n
pi-eiluininaut influence, t.'leai-sighle.l ami ,|i
,l La pj-Qnc
OMAN'S i:ii;ii'i>.-i't-.,e,-iii..es .-r .
fTlllE PDRI.Ii; Lll-l: OV Cil'T. JtiflN UHOWN, by
.... . (puinling lo the
the counsel and plead the
e and liberty."
with a slroug urguineiil,
ilure of the criininiil, tin-
ly dono; said that much
could it would not repay half the damage he hn
already done, llis argument wns ready, pracliea
ami to thu point, and of much greater length than ..u
limits will allow u- lo oeeu|,y in rebiting ihe story.
The fulher looked with pride upon his sou, wli
became a ili-tin-ni-licl inii^t iu hi- manhood.
"Now, Daniel, it's your turn; I'll hear whnt yo
itwns uia first case. Daniel saw that the plea .
ally rc.-ov.
e.v pern. In:
a able I
a tobm in iinianrosis to .
inctiou uf the two being pretty "ell .-.-luLli-hcl
; case by the fuel Unit, on Ihe prne '
; Ihe sight of ihe patient
ig left
grndually restored,
to olher symptoms
..... ower of the nervous system iu
;era are liable; but it is unnecessary for
o; and, indeed, there nro some which 1
er leave then, lo imagine for themselves
lake the description of them myself iu
11 eireeli
the healthy npiietito for food, ll
tho digeslion being soon rendu
loss of Utah and the sallow con
cult to any what olher disease;
imperfect assimilation of food.
. John Ill-own wns an
thor o
L'bnrlolto Smith
d poetry. Her
erlicated to the
, " When, in tho I'arlia
: : :- ,
Prmctblne 1-l.j.td
sed lo reach when s
..__ always foresee correctly the c
,-ortls upon the public to whom Ihey w-
Scaliilig, le-
eet of his
ami almost e.i.:lu.-l-...-K -. upi-.d biuisclf wilh satisfy-
ing his own idea, to which he- olleu nltached more
Importance limn it really possessed. I submitted to
draft of the speech in the beginning ol
r, anil during a i'.u-tniglii, upon every para-
graph, and nearly upon every word, we held discus-
sions, incessantly abandoned and renewed, as Iresh
resolutions or doubts ar*e to ceniraveao the dc
ol" the preceding eve. I received daily, and
oral times In a nu-rning, little notes from the king,
ivhieli he Imtisiuiitcl to me the results ot iln- nor
ffcilnitctyfoia ^ilvcrtiscmcnts.
'IMPKNDlSfi IKlsls"
I^VUNnVUli-i'iir I.
, rc'pi-c invti.d to
T7-i.-;Niu:riHiM: a- jt.-iicr:. b.,p,u-i..T
pelual lluctuation of his mind, and tin
me to reconstruct my own plan. Thi
respect for nionnn-hy, -and also in the
the definitive result would be advantageous.! sub-
mitted wilh ft good grace to Ihis long controversy,
often upon insiguiii..-sm poims. alihough sulhcienily
m.imnted. My oxpetltntion wns not deceived. On
readini' uvcr.iirtcr a lapse of twenty-seven years, and,
as iua chapter of Mien-lit history, tins, opening i-pei'i
of Ihe session of 1S.'!2. 1 hml il worth.- of the ration,
government or n free people, nnd unless I beguile
ijself, all impartial judges would el
-- -ipressiuii.
London, in le',1, ti.i I.i
\"lb "Jj";,
','Z'J'i v.:, :.;/
-,.i." X,'tt[..
of SM.AMA-MiKil SAl-'li
of Ennlitnd. the ^ceaiisl orator ol our tune
niioled the Btiblimcat of our poetswhen the olo-
nuciee of l-'ov did iustic- to the it-nius ol Cow
H w- w-mitc.l athii.lli-.tof sis writ.
oix-t-i who died in October, we should pmce ueore
!;.,. ( ,; VI1I , | ir. |. list, fi.r he died Oclober 7tl
Hi" lie wield.. I the sword as well as tho pen, nil
li'l.e Sir 1'liilip Sydney, aii.nher soldier poet of October
t|[, rir
,' | |
.' i,[,t I -I.. d puee was entitled
.. i , . - ,,| p, .,(
It > ,- praised by Rope.
lU'k died Dcloher in, r,y.l a, William Julius
Mielile. who died October "a. l.^.i-s knuwn chieily
by his eacelh-ul translatiun of iho " Lusiad ol
Camoens inlo Lie-lish . Sir Kiehnr.l llln,-tiuor-
died Oclober f>, I fsii ; his beat poem is " Tho Crea-
tiun." Companionfor Ynalh.
\, soon ns the 1 ing I myself Ind nearly agree.]
Ibc Cabinet, lo win. h I had imparled regularly on

MilJi'ie m
; M-.v,
.eing met wilh ir
oo freely in th
In tho early part of tho
molting was' almost entire
inionly called Ihe loi
onlyn i then thnl any (
orcserit ,eiilii
iy confined t
considered as tl gentleman v
lEOBCE III. AM. 111? Krr.rM.ic?.- It would hnvo been
llflheerrol-softhc ph,sieuin- hrnl been coiilincl
ignornnce. LJul ib.ir negligen.e -' Mill moi
rel.en-.ible. While tl,..- poor iua w- depriv.
,1,,,-c fuller olliees whieh Ins wile an.l -laugl.le.
dil have rendered, he .vas abandoned lo th..- ..at
low inereenaries : am! =o little di-cnininalion "
eWrc-d in thu choice of bis ntlcndnnu, that .he charge
fhis person devoKcd .hi.lly on a Oeruiun page,
amed Ernst, who was utterly unworthy tu he trout, .1
ItLe.luiro... .,,!,. I
; iL1 ,u who 1,0,1 b.-n rai.cl by ihe palronageof
li, M .,:-, repaid the kindness of bis lUynl master
villi the most brutal in-ralitu.le. Me wont su tar tu
o strike tbe belples, King, and on ono occas.on, when
TUB Beauty of LiCUBSa and Mosses,Lieben;
0--C-, how ot these I Meek ereiilurvs ; the
menvof Ih,- earth. .-ailing wilh hushed sofiuc
ilinth-ss renks; creature.- bill of pity, cuvenng
strange nnd tender honor the scarred disgrace ot
hiyi inlet li i- on tl..- trembling stones, to leach
thetnncst. No words, that 1 snow of. will say viral
ihese tnossea are. Sone are delicnto t
li.vfect ciiout'b, in:-".- rich enough. How
of Ihe rounded bosses of furred and bom
the starred divi,i,,ns of rubied bloom, hue uiineu, as
if the r,.H-l; spirits -..-..ih I spin ].orph,i-i as we do glass :
the traceries ofintricate -ilv.-r, ami Inn^s ol r,.nb-;r
lu-lr s,a,bre-..l.nt. burnished through every fibre
into fitful brig! - and gloss, traverses of si kee
change, vet all subdued ami pensive and trained l.-i
siipu-st:s.-n-.-toll-:S ( ,i'grncs.. '1 hey will not U
pitl'iercil, like the lliiwer-, i-r clmi'let or love token ;
Cut of Ihese ihe wild bird will make its nest, nnd the
wcari-d. hild his pillow. .
And as tho enrthV, firs! mercy, so they are its last
gift to us. When all other service is vain.lroin pit
pUN'l IXTIibS'liltV 1,-l-MiiVAI,.-
[CN..I the MAMMOTH 1'1-JN, N... 7'.'
tJlLN ol the
1 .'.'' :
- :y--
Whennll other __.
uoo, the soft mosses nnd grny lichem
their wnlch by the headstone. Tho woods, the blos-
soms. Ibe gift-tearing gra--.-es have done their parts
for ii lime, but tln-.se ib. service for ever. Trees for
the builder's yard, ih.wcrs for the bride's chamber,
coin fur the granary, moss for the grave,
Yel us in one sense the humblest, in nnolber ihev I *r*
ln "
are the most honored uf Ihe earth's children, b'nfaii-] tuJr-..ll..,e
ing, as motionless, ihe worm frets them not, and the - ol i>rj\,*u. Dr,"F'
aui'nmn wastes not. Strong in lowliness, ihey iieiil,.-,- '
1 *',!
. ". '-,.',, \.
'':'.'.."'",- '-''.'
i'". J
L ,ii;,
blaaehinheator piueinlroM. Totheni.slow-bng.-ted.l
,j, ln -L-ri.il.i ilmi , ,lic,.. Ii..,. .lui.,,, it.
.,.Tl -.ant-hcar1 ,d,i-i l iir. ; ,n.l the wearing of Iheilark,:^;^^^ .
clcrnnllnpe5tne.si.it the hill.-, to il,..-ni. slo-.-.--|.er,-..h..t. t ,(i L. a Uu llcli r_,.j , rl.-. ,. i , ut,,i, ,m,
iri dyed, the tender framing of iheir endless imujery, OEOhu* ff. lilLOR.
-,,,t -

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