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Oscar Fernando Garcia Guerrero

Tongelresestraat 403 Mobile: 0657807598

5642ND Eindhoven Date of birth: 03/01/1989
oscarfgg@gmail.com nl.linkedin.com/in/oscarfgg

I am a Mexican graduate that is inspired by the Dutch culture of honesty and efficiency; which encourages
me to follow a career in the Netherlands. With a background on Electronics and masters in Human
Technology Interaction I am capable of create, develop and test products that are both competitive and
enjoyable to use. My optimistic and outgoing personality has leaded me to great results in the commonly
used group-oriented work. As a graduated, I wish to extend these accomplishments into the workforce. By
the hand of an innovative company, I wish to design new technologies that go beyond the expectations of
the user.

Working Experience

Philips - Internship (Graduation Project) Sep 2013 Apr 2014
- Thesis topic: Light distribution in offices for greater comfort and smaller eye-fatigue. During my
internship in Philips, I studied the effect that light distribution has on the human eye. By combining up-
and down-wards lighting, the light distribution is expected to eliminate glare and create less fatiguing
for the visual system. An experiment in an office environment was designed, ran and analysed in order
to prove this hypothesis.
Prodrive Study Case April June 2013
- Research project in South Korea: The task consisted on providing a commercial insight to the telecom
and electronic market of South Korea that could lead to the incursion of Prodrive in that country. By
doing remote and on-site interviews, the group explored the Chaebols (conglomerates) that lead the
Korean economy. The report extended recommendations on cultural and commercial strategies aiming
to facilitate the incursion of Prodrive in South Korea.
ITESM (Toluca) Study Board Jan May 2009
- Purser (administrator): In charge of the money management of the study board of my association.
Together with the board we organized a few student fares to collect extra money for equipment and
courses for the association.
ITESM (Toluca) - Volunteer work
- IT Courses for seniors: I instructed seniors and middle-aged people that were digital-illiterate. The course
covered the Microsoft Office package and the use of a web browser.
- Learning Community Centre: Together with a group, we maintained and upgraded the IT facilities placed
for students from one of the poorest areas of Mexico.


MSc Human Technology Interaction (GPA: 7.2)
- Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
Feb 2012 - Apr 2014
- Associations to drive benefits of natural light. An online survey and a laboratory experiment prove the
effect that associations with light have on people. After the data analysis, I observed that associations to
natural light had higher valence and greater restorative effects. These findings give a better
understanding of the beneficial effects of natural light.
- Indoor light level preferences. In a group of students, we did research on peoples preferences on
brightness levels, depending on their mental fatigue. In a two session experiment, participant
experienced a relaxed and a fatigue condition before setting the light to their preferred level. Results
showed that fatigued people select brighter levels of light.
- De-escalation in Stratumseind. In a group, different research methods (observations, interviews and
field experiments) were used to investigate the requirements of a light system that diminishes the
aggression in Stratumseind (night-life area). The possible use of a dynamic light, together with a
regulation of light displays of the bars, represents the best solution.

B.S Electronic and Computer Engineering
(GPA: 8.9) - ITESM (Toluca)
- Entirely automated greenhouse using Arduino platform. In a group, we created a greenhouse to
automatically preserved plant-life. The project developed the control of the greenhouse by regulation
light, humidity and heat.
- Production chain control using PLCs. With a colleague, we developed the control of a mini-production
chain that separated items and placed them in the correct stock. The entire process was automated by
the use of PLCs.
- Race track creator and simulator using LabVIEW software. In a group, we developed a program that
virtually creates different racing circuits. Users could determine the length and number of curves for
every racing circuit. Further, the program could estimate the shortest possible path for a car driving on
that circuit.

International Exchange

Tampere University of Technology
Tampere, Finland
Sep 2009 May 2010
- Enhancing indoor localization: Indoor location improvement by sharing Wi-Fi RSS. Different devices can
improve each others location by sharing their RSS and comparing it with others. The results showed
great improvement on the location accuracy when compared with conventional techniques.

Hard Skills.
- SPSS Statistics.
- CMS (Word Press).
- Mockups (Balsamiq).
- Adobe Photoshop.
- DIALux.
- Arduino coding language.
- LabVIEW Associate
Developer Certificate.
- STEP 7 (PLC).

- Cisco Devices.
- Microsoft Office.
- Windows XP/Vista/7/8.

Soft Skills
- Qualitative research.
(Interviews, focus groups,
- Quantitative research.
- User research.
- User testing.
- Interpersonal skills.
- Environmental Psychology.

- Human Perception.
- Self-awareness.
- Empathy.

- Spanish: mother tongue.
- English: Advance (ToefliBT: 101).
- Dutch: Intermediate (Casual Talking).
- French: Basic.
- Italian: Basic.

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