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6 Behaviors That Can Get You Fired!

1. Dishonesty, Lack of Interity and !vasion at "ork#$ace%

It is essential for an employee to be truthful, unambiguous and cooperative with
management and colleagues at workplace. In addition, it is important for an
employee to protect organizations proprietary information and secrets such as
program materials, new projects, copyrighted / trademarked materials, sensitive
accounts, etc. to prevent corporate espionage and theft. No employees are
supposed to eploit companys time, resources or materials for their personal gain.
!ailing to abide by these responsibilities may put the respective employee in a bad
light and will eventually lead to termination.
&. 'oor 'erfor(ance%
"erforming tasks slowly, with numerous errors can have a negative impact on ones
professional life. #mployees with such sloppy attitude and absence of inclination
towards doing a good $uality job are bound to get fired, unless they act $uickly and
change their approach for more productive deeds.
). *efusin To Fo$$o+ Directions and ,rders%
#very employee should understand that it is very essential for them to follow the
directions and to act in accordance with the re$uest of their superiors at workplace,
for a smooth and healthy relationship with the management. %nyone who doesnt
comply with this moral code of conduct is certain to be terminated.
-. Inconsistent or .nre$ia/$e "ork and Behavior%
#mployees should always be consistent and unwavering in their productivity and
behavior in order to benefit the organization and produce profits or positive
turnover. %ny ups and downs in the productivity and accuracy in their jobs will
congregate to meet dire conse$uences.
0. Lack of 1otivation%
It is essential for an employee to maintain and even increase his motivation levels
at the workplace in order to efficiently tackle the challenges of the work. &otivation
is the source of power for successful employees. 'ack of motivation can have a
direct negative impact on an employees performance and productivity, which
ultimately leads to termination.
6. Ina/i$ity to #erfor( assined 2o/s%
#mployees who state that they are capable of carrying out certain tasks during
interview or on resume, but fail to perform those duties while at work, are likely to
be fired if they do not learn to perform those tasks $uickly. (uch wrong doings are
intolerable in this challenging business world and can also have an adverse effect
on the employees future career option.
'ying in the resume, high absenteeism rate, drug / alcohol abuse, seual
harassment, inability to socialize with colleagues, carrying out personal business at
work, and lying in the resume are some of the other culprits of employees losing
their jobs.

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