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The Constitution Handbook

Read pages 137-147 and answer the following questions on a separate

piece of paper.
The ig !dea " #age 137
1. What seven principles did the Framers base the Constitution on?
2. What did the Framers hope to ensure by creating a system of checks and balances and
separation of powers?
3. What are all citiens guaranteed under the Constitution?
!. What are some obligations that citiens have?
$a%or #rinciples " #ages 13&-13'
". #efine popular sovereignty.
$. #efine republic.
%. &ecause the Framers feared this' they created a limited government.
(. What term means the national and state governments share power?
). *owers only granted to the federal government are called this.
1+. *owers only granted to the states are called this.
11. *owers the federal and state governments share are called this.
12. ,,,,,,,,,,, of ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, means each branch of
government has its own -ob to do and cannot perform the functions of the others.
13. .nder the system of ,,,,,,,,,,,,, and ,,,,,,,,,,,, each branch may
check or limit the power of the other branches.
1!. /he &ill of 0ights became part of the Constitution in 1%)1. What do these first ten
amendments do? 1ow many total amendments are there?
The (egislati)e ranch * Congress + #ages 141-14,
1". What are the two primary roles of Congress?
1$. What cannot the government do unless approved by Congress?
1%. Congress has the power to impeach. #efine impeachment.
1(. 2ll members of Congress have the responsibility to of representing their constituents.
What are constituents?
The -.ecuti)e ranch *The #resident + #age 143

1). What is the *resident3s role as Chief 45ecutive? Chief #iplomat
Commander in Chief? Chief of 6tate?
2+. /he heads of 1" e5ecutive departments that help the *resident make decisions and set
government policy are called the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
The /udicial ranch * The 0ederal Court 12ste3 + #age 144-144
21. What are the three levels of courts in the 7udicial &ranch?
22. What do appellate courts do?
23. What type of cases are most common in the 6upreme Court?
2!. What does -udicial review give the 6upreme Court?
The Rights of 53erican Citi6ens #ages 144-147
2". What three broad categories do rights of 2mericans fall into?
2$. What are two rights you have when accused of a crime?
2%. What is due process?
2(. What 2mendment grants every citien e8ual protection?
2). 9ist five basic freedoms guaranteed all 2mericans.
Citi6ens8 Responsibilities #ages 147-147
3+. What is perhaps the most fundamental dut2 every citien has?
31. What is a duty male citiens over 1( have that females don3t?
32 What is perhaps the most important responsibilit2 every citien has?

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