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pollution at home can be curbed in many way-

* segregating dry and wet waste

* using books made of recycled paper
* walk for short distances rather than driving
* avoid using plastics
* the best way to control pollution is recycling

1. Join a local chapter of an environmental group or start one in your community.
Likely you already belong to a national organization devoted to protecting the environment. If you don't, definitely join
one. The next step is to get active in a local chapter, or to be at the core of a group of people starting one. This way,
you will meet like-minded people, understand how national issues affect you locally, and share in the successes of
your group. It's important that there are tangible actions that you take. Equally important (or more so) is acting with
other people to leverage governments and corporations to change. The personal changes that you or I make pale in
comparison to the effect that a government or corporation can have. When laws and changes are put in effect by
these entities then there is a significant impact on the environment.
2. Call Congress people and Senators, as well as C.E.O.s, about current bills and policy.
The National Resources Defense Council has a good database about these things. They make it easy for you to
compose e-mails and get them to the appropriate people. Once you've done that, a follow-up call drives the message
home. Consider how much more impact a telephone call has for you. It's the same thing for anybody else. This link
provides information about how to contact your Congressperson or Senator. When you call, reference the bill by its
number, and let the person who answers the phone know how you stand. Inquire as to how your representative is
going to vote. These calls may seem perfunctory; however, they are very effective.
3. Start a weekly or monthly potluck to foster environmental action.
This provides you with an informal way to meet people, exchange ideas, and hear about successes large and small.
People who might shy away from considering themselves activists, or making a telephone call, are happy to attend a
potluck and get a chance to eat and socialize. Everyone likes to eat. And once they're full, they find it hard to get
away, and will take the time necessary to listen to you. And, of course, you will get a chance to listen to them.
4. Eat organic.
The organic food movement is one of the success stories of the environmental movement. Eliminating the use of
pesticides produces healthier crops and contamination in the groundwater is reduced. This food is healthier for you.
Back in the 1980s, it was hard to find organic food. Even during the 1990s, it wasn't that common. Now most, if not
all, major grocery stores carry organic food. All this is because of consumer demand. Every time you buy an organic
product it sends a message to the corporations that control the farms. Which brings me to my next point.
5. Join a C.S. A. (community supported agriculture) or start a community garden.
The C.S.A. movement is a relatively new phenomenon. Basically, many individuals or families, each purchase a
share in a small local farm. Then, every week or so, those people go to the farm and pick up the vegetables grown for
them. When choosing a C.S.A. find one that uses organic growing practices, and gives its workers to a fair wage. Be
certain that the C.S.A. is doing these two things.
Fresh produce is a real luxury. It is more valuable than gold. If you live in an area where there is no C.S.A. available,
then consider starting a community garden. This could be as simple as an herb garden on a back window that you
share with neighbors, to a backyard garden shared in the same way. Or it could be as elaborate as a plot of land that
you rent with a number of neighbors, or a vacant parcel that you gain access to, where you till the earth and plant
vegetables. Some communities, like Ann Arbor, have a community garden set up and supported by a nonprofit
organization. The one here is called project grow. They provide the land, you provide the seeds and the time. I've
done it many years, and it has always been rewarding.
6. Eat less processed food.
A lot of energy goes into making a Twinkie. The same can be said of Cheerios, soda, or any other processed food.
This is true whether it is conventional or organic. Additionally, processed food is generally not as healthy for you as
whole food. An example of this is the vitamins which are added to processed food. An apple or orange has a lot of
vitamin C naturally in it. These fruits also have many other enzymes and micro-nutrients in them. They're easier to
assimilate by the body and to better effect than synthesized vitamin C. The vitamin C in processed food, on the other
hand, is ascorbic acid, only one element in the complex presentation of vitamin C in its natural form. Eat whole foods
for their benefits to your body, as well as their benefit to the earth.
7. Give away things you don't use to people who will.
It is absolutely true that one man's trash is another man's treasure. If you have a friend that will use an item that you
are no longer using, then why not give it to them! By doing so, you effectively save the resources necessary to create
a new item of that sort; and your generosity increases. You may have saved your friend money, and in any event
there will be a strengthening in your friendship. Hey! When you give enough things away, you can move to a smaller
house. A smaller house reduces your carbon footprint significantly. It's a lofty goal to do to everything you can to
defend the environment. But, it is just as significant to give away a pen to somebody who needs one. By constantly
attending to consciousness and awareness of everything that you do, you will have a positive effect on the
8. Increase your awareness of the urgency of the issue.
There are many popular authors on the subject. Al Gore, Will Tuttle and Derick Jensen all come to mind. Check out
their books from the library. Just as important as the facts and figures presented by these authors is the certainty
created in your mind by reading them. If it is not enough to look around and see how we mistreat the natural world,
then these authors will bring the point home. Not only that, they provide a deeper and broader context than a list of
action items like this possibly can. As this is the most important issue the day, you owe it to yourself and society to
fully understand it as best as you can. Taking the time to read about it will strengthen your resolve, energize you, and
provide you with a thoroughgoing knowledge of the situation.
9. Buy green products.
There are many common brands that are created with the environment in mind. Whenever you buy something that
you need, like food or household supplies, it's a chance to buy something that was made in ecologically conscious
way. The best thing to do is to buy items that are made locally. That way, your money stays in your community and
you can see for yourself what are the business practices and environmental choices of the producer. Some items are
hard to find which are made locally. For these, there are various resources which help you find companies that have
a standard of best practices. Green America has a website to this end.
10. Have a "lazy day".
One day a week, you might try having a "lazy day". Consciously decide not to use the car, television, or any
appliances if you can avoid it. Take a walk outside, observe the natural colors of the sky and the earth around you.
Notice any insects, plants or animals that you might see and remember that they are there when you don't see them
also. Notice your breath. Notice your thoughts and your awareness. You are an expression of nature. Give thanks,
rejoice and be at ease. Take this luxury of human consciousness and bring it to bear in the defense of the natural
world around you.
A list like this is bound to be incomplete. It is only meant as an inspiration for you. Everyday countless opportunities
present themselves for us to act on behalf of the environment. By developing your awareness and consciousness of
the environmental crisis you can have a beneficial impact. By persevering in these matters in our personal lives, we
begin to be able to hold our governments and corporations responsible. The amount of resources that one person
uses are very small compared to a nation or large corporation. However, laws and boards of directors create policy
that these entities follow. We can have an effect on the politicians and the C.E.O.s. They will listen to our voices, our
votes, and our dollars. Every day is an opportunity for action. Hone your perception, influence and knowledge so the
things you do help green the earth and inspire the people around you.

Everyone can help by self education and by adopting good and healthy practices. It is also important that we help
raise awareness about the significance of environmental issues, their dire consequences and what can be done.
One person alone cannot save the planets biodiversity, but each individuals effort to encourage natures
wealth must not be underestimated.- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Every action or inaction of any person in regard to her or his surroundings has an effect- be it good, neutral or bad-
on the environment. Nature already provides for our needs.Whatever we do to it gets back to us. If we are friends of
the earth, it will also be friendly to us. By becoming aware and doing the right action, we choose to be part of the
solution. What comes to mind now to serve as reminders include the following:
Stop smoking or at least follow the No Smoking sign.
Use unleaded gasoline in your cars.
Keep your car properly maintained to keep it in good running condition to avoid smoke emissions.
Share a ride or engage in car pooling.
Instead of using your cars, choose to walk or ride a bicycle whenever possible. With this eco-friendly practice,
you will also be healthier and happier by staying fit.
Never use open fires to dispose of wastes.
Adopt the 3Rs of solid waste management: reduce, reuse and recycle. Inorganic materials such as metals,
glass and plastic; also organic materials like paper, can be reclaimed and recycled. This takes into account that
the proven solution to the problem of proper waste management (especially in third world countries) is proper
disposal (in waste bins for collection and not in the street where it could fall into drains), waste segregation and
collection, and recycling.
Start composting brown leaves in your yard and green scraps from your kitchen. It will reduce waste while
improving your yard and garden soils.
Reconnect with nature. Live green by using green power supplied abundantly and freely by wind and the sun.
Hang your laundry to dry to minimize use of gas or electricity from your dryers. Enjoy fresh air from open
windows to lessen the use of air conditioning system.
Patronize local foods and goods. In this manner, transporting goods and foods prepared with GMOs which
uses fuel from conventional energy sources will be minimized.
Use eco-friendly or biodegradable materials instead of plastic which are made up of highly toxic substances
injurious to your health.
Create your green space. Value your garden. Plant more trees and put indoor plants in your homes.They clean
the air, provide oxygen and beautify your surrounding. Thus, care for them and by protecting them, especially
the big trees around and in the forest, you protect yourself and your family, too.
Have a proper waste disposal system especially for toxic wastes
Take very good care of your pets and their wastes.
Never throw, run or drain or dispose into the water, air, or land any substance in solid, liquid or gaseous form
that shall cause pollution.
Do not cause loud noises and unwanted sounds to avoid noise pollution.
Do not litter in public places. Anti-litter campaigns can educate the populace.
Industries should use fuel with lower sulphur content.
Industries should monitor their air emissions regularly and take measures to ensure compliance with the
prescribed emission standards.
Industries should strictly follow applicable government regulations on pollution control.
Organic waste should be dumped in places far from residential areas.
Say a big "NO" to GMOs or genetically modified organisms. Genetically engineered crops are not only bad for
the environment since they require massive amount of fungicides, pesticides, and herbicides; but GMO altered
foods are also health risks and negatively impact farmers' livelihood.
Help stop pollution. Join the Earth Day celebration every April 22nd and consider making it an everyday
practice for the rest of your earthly life.
The following reminder has been sourced from facebook (05.04.13) which I added to this article because of its
MANDATORY REMINDER FROM CNN- NASA reports that by the next 10 months, earth gets hotter by 4
degrees from now. Himalayan glaciers are melting @ rapid rate. Our climate is changing drastically &
it's getting worst. We must help fight Global Warming by doing the following steps:
1) Plant more trees
2) Don't waste water
3) Use cloth bag and don't burn plastic
Pls copy & paste this to your wall: SAVE MOTHER EARTH

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