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Database testing Interview Questions

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Why do you want to work for us?
Why do you consider yourself suitable for this post?
Give me an example of any major problem you faced and how you solved it
Do you consider yourself successful?
who is your inspiration and why
what is your greatest strength
Why Do You Want To Work At Our Company?
What motivates you,Money or Success ?
why you choose our company?
what is your job strength ?
what is your ability?
briefly describe your ideal job?
what are your short term goals?
Why do you think you are the best for this post?
why u want to join this company?
Tell me something about your self
Why should we hire you?
What Are your strengths and weaknesses?
where do you see yourself in five(5) or ten(10) years from now?
Why did you leave your (current)present/previous job/Company?
what exactly do you look for a job?
what is your expected salary
how to impress the interviewer?
Describe any happy moment in your life?
What is your philosophy of life?
Why we should not hire you?
Why,you would like to join this organization?
What goals do you have in your career
what makes you stand out among other candidates?
Tell us about a time when you failed to meet a deadline. What were the repercussions?
If you get a Opportunity to go with a reputed company which is ready to pay more than what we r going to pay here.Will you
quit the job from here or what?
Can you work well under deadlines or pressure?How?
what is your goal of life?
Tell us about a time when you failed to meet a deadline. What were the repercussions?
Briefly describe your duties and accomplishments
What is your greatest achievement?
what education & training is required ?How did you find your job ?
What applicable attributes/experience do you have?
What is your most significant experience?
how will u design a pipe
Describe the workload in your current (or most recent) job
Explain how you would be an asset to this organization
Speak about city where you live
What would you consider as your biggest achievement and why?
Tell me about a time when you were able to identify a problem and resolve it before it became a major issue
Why do you want this job?
How long do you think it would be before you will make a significant contribution to the team/company?
what do u preffer to be after 3years?
Tell me something about your happiest day of your life.
how can we justify yourself that you are fit for this job?
What job position/s are you currently holding with your current employer?
describe a difficult situation?
tell about your most memorable movement
How would you spend a million pounds?
Tell me something about your worst day of your life.
How would you describe your ideal job?As per my interest so that I can work with full devotion and can fulfill my professional
why are you interested in our company.
tell me about a situation when your work was criticized?
what is your ideal boss?
Why cannot you clear the ijp(internal job posting)
what attracted you to this position?
what about your job profile
can u speak around for 5mins about {Bangalore/any} city?
What inspires you
tell something about your father?
Tell me about your family background.
What will be your expected Salary? Can you justify your Salary?
what is your career aspect & if they asked in general what should i answer?
What are your strengths and areas of improvement?
how long do you think you would want to be in the employment of the organization?
what is positive and negative in you?
what influenced you to choose this career??
Tell me about your dream job.
what motivates you and de-motivates you
What have you done to show initiative in your career?
what is the negative & positive thing in you?
How do you prioritize your personal matter over work?
What is your principles and values in life
Describe about your ideal company
what was your toughest/hardest decision you ever had to make?
what makes you the suitable candidate for this position
Have you worked with other on team endeavors
Tell me about how you have left a position better than you found it
what is your passion in life?
When do you get angry?
what makes you dissatisfied about your current job?
what are you doing before this job
What do you consider as the biggest challenge you have encounter in the work place
Please explain to us one conflict situation that you have experienced in your work life and how did you solve it
why u want to come to lower pay scale
Tell me about an experience in which you had to use tact?
Who are our major competitors and what differences do you notice in our products?
How do you determine or evaluate success? According to your definition of success, how successful have you been so far?
What activities have you done in the past?
What kind of person are you?
What is Your organizational structure?
what job profile are you interested in?
What were your greatest accomplishments and challenges?
if you were hiring a person for this job,what would look for?
As a MBA marketing student why do you want to pursue your career in banking sector
How to describe our city(Hyderabad) in a topic round during the interview time?
what is your dream vacation
Why do you think you are a qualified candidate for the job?
what are your hobbies?
how could i rate my self about my knowledge in programming
what is your name
how would you relate your key competencies to this position?
What is your career plan?
what would you want to be paid.
are you the right person for this job?
whats a prefect introduction
How do you handle pressures and deadlines and multi-tasking?
how do you plan your typical day at work
how to answer for gap between education and work
what are your job responsibility in your place of work?
tell me about Bangalore
what can you contribute to this company?
How much do you expect if we offer you this position
how do u rate yourself on the scale of one to ten?
what is the expansion of Philips?
how many degrees of comparisons in English and explain about it?
how did u spend your yesterday?
suppose you are asked a question concerning salary expectation, how do you tackle that question?
what are you doing
why do you want a change?
in which field u r working now
How are you different from others?
dressing style for interview?
What impact would you make in our organization?
What is your aim
how to give self introduction
what is your weakness and why?
Describe yourself
what is your edge from the other applicants?
why would u like to choose this profession?
What attracted you to this job?
In your last job,what would be the one thing that your peers most disliked about you?
What qualities do you think make someone successful in business?
Give us details of your present Employment Status.
How soon can you travel down to any location posted to?
how can you hire me when i have no experience?but i have ability to work for your company
in your opinion,how many these weaknesses be addressed?
why should we give you this job?
why you would like to be considered for this role
how do you see yourself after two years from now
why you have left this job?
what are your current weaknesses?
why do you think you are fit for this job,you don t have experience,i don t think you are fit for a job
What do you expect for your salary?Is this negotiable?
How would your friends describe you?
what is your favorite personality
Why are choosing this company instead of other company?
how long will u work here
what do you consider to be your most significant achievement?what difficulties did you encounter in realizing the
achievement and how did you overcome them
how do you work under pressure and solve your problems
why do you want to join us?
How creative are you?Give an example.
Why should you be given the job?
What are the benefits of being a graduate of Associate of computer Studies?
What courses have you liked most?Least? Why?
What do you do in your spare time?
who serves as your inspiration while working?
how do you find your salary?
Can you give an advice to those students who are technician,taking computer programs?
What does "success" mean to you?
when the interviewer asks, what is the Architecture of your project what we have to answer... plz provide the answer with the
Tell me about your current job and responsibility
Why did you left the previous organization
what is the best dress code for interview
what is faithfulness in your point of view
Give me your Self introduction
why do you fit for the job
what you want to become in your life?
can you briefly describe your current position, its duties , and responsibilities?
what is your attitude towards adversity and temptation?
what sort of things motivates you?
Mention briefly organisation structure of the company indicating your position in the hierarchy and the levels above and
below you
what examples can you give that emphasize your interest in this kind of work
What shall i do if i do not like some people at my office place . how shall i handle this kind of situation ?
how long would you like to stay with this company?
how do you rate yourself as a professional?
tips for successful interviews
how did you spend your last weekend
What is the difference between doing a good job and doing a great job?
what is the best possible answer of "why do you want to change"
How shall i react if i do not like some people in our office
why do like to work with us
what is your daily routine
how can i explain my project
How long would you expect to work for us if hired?
what motivates you ,money or work?
Could you please introduce yourself?
What attributes can you bring to this position?
what initiative you did in last company as you worked for 3 years?
Hi, Recently i have resigned a job. what i have to tell for the new employer that if he asks why you have resigned your
previous job.i have worked there for 10 months.
what value you will add to our company if you are selected
why looking for job change within 6 months
what makes you different from other candidates?
what kind of salary do you need?
Where do do you want to being five year?
why are you leaving this position?
how to perform first round in interview
What are the values & beliefs that have guided your life so far and how do you see them influencing your future?
what do you expect to learn from this job
what motivates you to work hard?
Please tell us briefly about a situation in your life when you have had to stretch yourself to meet a new situation or higher
give me directions on how to get here in this office from where you currently reside
what would you do if your boss needs several things done at the same time?
introduce your self
did you leave your job voluntarily or were you fired?
Why are you looking for a new position (if you are currently employed)?
kind of cement kind of pipe kind of g.i sheet size of shuttering scaffolding pipe
How do you feel about the same job or work in progress right now.
what are challenges and benefits from effective communication in the workplace
Mention briefly organisation structure of the company
Why did you leave your earlier job without any new job in hand?
What are your short term and long term career goals?
what is personality
What will you do if your senior officer do not mind your work ?
what are some things about global warming
how you spend your yesterday from morning to till evening?
how long u will stay for us
tell me about a problem you solved in unique way
Please outline your long term goals and ambitions that may be of interest to us
Why did you choose this particular field
what work or personal qualifications are you most proud of?
could you give me a general description of your job / career?
how & why did you choose this career ?
Were you doing anything at the age of 13 to prepare ?
Is there anything you would have done differently to prepare ?
Favorite part of career/job? Least favorite part
what is the meaning of passion
What is the thing that you did/or did not do, that you feel the most ashamed of?
define success in your own?
If you have 50 million do you still find a job?
Have you been a member of a successful team?
How many hours do you normally work?
how was the day,,,?
What are you looking for in your next job?
What is important to you?
How will your greatest strength help you perform?
What are your goals for the next five years / ten years?
What Position are you seeking in this organization
Can you work internationally in Qatar or U.K. ?
Why are you interested in working for our company?
Tell me about your self?
What are major problems you faced and how you solved it
what you will do during the first day of job
how you are different from others
How best can express or describe your ideal job
what can you do that someone else could not
at the end of the interview what questions to ask

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