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Security Certifications

General Security: Basic | Intermediate | Advanced

Forensics/Anti-Hacking: Basic | Intermediate | Advanced
BISA -- Brainbench Information Security Administrator
This Brainench certi!ication tests kno"ledge o! net"orking and Internet security#
including authori$ation# authentication# !ire"alls# encry%tion# disaster recovery
and more&
Source: Brainench
BITS -- Brainbench Information Techno!o"y Security undamenta!s
This Brainench certi!ication tests asic kno"ledge o! in!ormation security
conce%ts# skills and est %ractices& To%ics covered include:
o Attack recognition# %revention and res%onse
o 'ontent security
o (ataase in!rastructure %rotection
o General conce%ts
o )et"ork in!rastructure %rotection
o *erimeter and Internet security
o Security management systems and security technologies
Source: Brainench
GIAC -- G!oba! Information Assurance Certification #ro"ram
This %rogram seeks to identi!y individuals "ho can demonstrate kno"ledge o!
and the aility to manage and %rotect im%ortant in!ormation systems and
net"orks& The SA)S organi$ation is "ell kno"n !or its timely# !ocused# and
use!ul security in!ormation and certi!ication %rogram& A shining star on this
landsca%e# the GIA' %rogram aims at serious# !ull-time security %ro!essionals
res%onsile !or designing# im%lementing and maintaining a state-o!-the-art
security in!rastructure that may include incident handling and emergency res%onse
team management& Availale entry-level certi!ications include the !ollo"ing:
o GIA' In!ormation Security Fundamentals +GISF,
o GIA' Security -ssentials 'erti!ication +GS-',
Source: Gloal In!ormation Assurance 'erti!ication
SCN# -- Security Certified Net$or% #rofessiona!
This entry- to mid-level security certi!ication !ocuses on t"o %rimary to%ics:
!ire"alls and intrusion detection& .elated curriculum and e/ams cover net"ork
security !undamentals# and net"ork de!ense and countermeasures& Individuals
"ho attain this certi!ication "ill e ale to "ork as !ull-time IT security
%ro!essionals "ith an o%erations !ocus&
Source: Security 'erti!ied *rogram
This security certi!ication !ocuses on im%ortant security !undamentals related to
security conce%ts and theory# as "ell as est o%erational %ractices& In addition to
!unctioning as a standalone e/am !or 'om%TIA# 0icroso!t acce%ts the Security1
as an alternative to one o! the s%eciali$ation e/ams !or the 0'SA and 0'S-
0essaging and Security s%eciali$ations&
Source: 'om%TIA Security1 'erti!ication 2vervie"
SSC# -- Systems Security Certified #ractitioner
The entry-level %recursor to the IS'-s3uared4s 'ISS*# the SS'* e/am covers
seven o! the 56 domains in the 'ISS* 'ommon Body o! 7no"ledge& The e/am
!ocuses more on o%erational and administrative issues relevant to in!ormation
security and less on in!ormation %olicy design# risk assessment details and other
usiness analysis skills that more germane to a senior IT security %ro!essional
+and less so to a day-to-day security administrator# "hich is "here the SS'* is
really !ocused,&
Source: +IS',8
TICSA -- TruSecure ICSA Certified Security Associate
TI'SA demonstrates asic !amiliarity "ith vendor-neutral system- and net"ork-
security %rinci%les# %ractices and technologies& It is an entry-level security
certi!ication !or net"ork or system administrations and !or those interested in
climing the !irst rung in a security certi!ication ladder suitale !or !ull-time IT
security "ork&
Source: TruSecure I'SA *ractitioner 'erti!ication
BIS -- Brainbench Internet Security Certification
The BIS seeks to identi!y individuals "ith a good "orking kno"ledge o! Internet
security %ractices# %rinci%les and technologies& It is aimed at !ull-time net"ork or
system administrators "ho must manage systems "ith Internet connections or
Source: Brainench
BNS -- Brainbench Net$or% Security Certification
The B)S seeks to identi!y individuals "ith a good "orking kno"ledge o!
net"ork security %ractices# %rinci%les and technologies& This cert is aimed at !ull-
time net"ork administrators "ho must deal "ith e/ternal threats through
oundary devices like routers# !ire"alls or intrusion-detection systems# as "ell as
more ty%ical internal threats&
Source: Brainench
CI' Security Ana!yst
Individuals "ho take and %ass the 'I9-Security *ro!essional +'I9-S*, e/am#
and hold one o! the !ollo"ing certi!ications 3uali!y as a 'I9 Security Analyst
o 0icroso!t 'erti!ied Systems Administrator +0'SA,
o 0icroso!t 'erti!ied Systems -ngineer +0'S-, :
o 0icroso!t 'erti!ied Systems -ngineer +0'S-, 8666
o 'erti!ied )ovell -ngineer +')-, :
o 'erti!ied )ovell -ngineer +')-, ;
o 'isco 'erti!ied )et"ork Associate +'')A,
o 'isco 'erti!ied )et"ork *ro!essional +'')*,
o 'isco 'erti!ied Internet"ork -/%ert +''I-,
o <inu/ *ro!essional Institute +<*I, <evel 8
Individuals "ho hold this credential can carry out security %olicy# identi!y and
handle security threats# and a%%ly countermeasures using !ire"alls# intrusion
detection and related systems& The %rogram4s 9e !ocus also includes coverage o!
online %ayments# transaction %rocessing and related security matters&
Source: *roso!tTraining Inc&
CI'-S# -- Certified Internet 'ebmaster-Security #rofessiona!
The 'I9-S* demonstrates kno"ledge o! 9e- and e-commerce-related security
%rinci%les and %ractices& It is o! %rimary interest to 9e administrators "ho must
im%lement and manage a secure and "orking 9e %resence that may also include
e-commerce ca%ailities&
Source: *roso!tTraining Inc&
C'S# -- Certified 'ire!ess Security #rofessiona!
This certi!ication recogni$es individuals "ho can design# im%lement and manage
"ireless <A) security& To otain this credential# candidates must !irst ac3uire
'9)A certi!ication and %ass one e/am& *lanet= 9ireless recommends that
candidates otain a Security 'erti!ied *rogram certi!ication or the Security1
certi!ication e!ore taking the '9S* course&
Source: *lanet= 9ireless
E'SC# -- Enter(rise and 'eb Security Certified #rofessiona!
This certi!ication recogni$es systems administrators# managers and IT su%%ort
%ersonnel# among others# "ho are res%onsile !or the security o! enter%rise-"ide
net"orks# >*)s and 9e communications& To otain this cert# candidates must
attend three core courses and one elective course# and %ass all associated e/ams&
Source: <earning Tree International
GIAC -- G!oba! Information Assurance Certification #ro"ram
This cert %rogram seeks to identi!y individuals "ho can demonstrate kno"ledge
o! and the aility to manage and %rotect im%ortant in!ormation systems and
net"orks& The SA)S organi$ation is "ell kno"n !or its timely# !ocused# and
use!ul security in!ormation and certi!ication %rogram& A shining star on this
landsca%e# the GIA' %rogram aims at serious# !ull-time security %ro!essionals
res%onsile !or designing# im%lementing and maintaining a state-o!-the-art
security in!rastructure that may include incident handling and emergency res%onse
team management& Availale intermediate certi!ications include the !ollo"ing:
o GIA' Auditing 9ireless )et"orking +GA9),
o GIA' 'erti!ied Fire"all Analyst +G'F9,
o GIA' 'erti!ied Intrusion Analyst +G'IA,
o GIA' 'erti!ied IS2-5??@@ S%ecialist +G??@@,
o GIA' 'erti!ied Incident Handler +G'IH,
o GIA' 'erti!ied 9indo"s Security Administrator +G'9),
o GIA' 'erti!ied A)IB Security Administrator +G'AB,
o GIA' Security <eadershi% +GS<',
o GIA' IT Security Audit -ssentials +GSA-,
o GIA' Systems and )et"ork Auditor +GS)A,
o GIA' 'erti!ied Security 'onsultant +G'S',
Source: Gloal In!ormation Assurance 'erti!ication
NSC# -- Net$or% Security Certified #rofessiona!
The )S'* demonstrates the aility to design and im%lement organi$ational
security strategies# and secure the net"ork %erimeter and com%onent systems& It is
an intermediate-level IT security certi!ication aimed at net"ork or systems
administrators "ith heavy security res%onsiilities or those "ho "ork !ull-time on
IT security matters&
Source: <earning Tree International
SCNA -- Security Certified Net$or% Architect
This is a mid- to senior-level security certi!ication that !ocuses on conce%ts#
%lanning and im%lementation o! *rivate 7ey In!rastructure and iometric
authentication and identi!ication systems& Individuals "ho attain this certi!ication
"ill e ale to im%lement either or oth o! these technologies "ithin organi$ations
or as consultants to such organi$ations&
Source: Security 'erti!ied *rogram
AIS -- Ad)anced Information Security Certification
Security Aniversity4s AIS %rogram comines coverage o! key in!ormation security
to%ics# tools and technologies "ith a hands-on# la-oriented learning and testing
%rogram& To otain AIS certi!ication# security %ro!essionals must com%lete eight
courses# including si/ tools-oriented classes on to%ics such as:
o )et"ork %enetration testing
o Fire"alls and >*)s
o >irus analysis# %atch management and incident res%onse
o *7I
o Intrusion detection and com%uter !orensics
o Anti-hacking
T"o management classes on net"ork security %olicy and architecture security are
also re3uired& Students must take and %ass a demanding e/am&
Source: Security Aniversity
CCIS* -- Certified Counteres(iona"e and Information Security *ana"er
The %ur%ose o! ''IS0 is to %re%are individuals to study %otential sources o!
threat# de!eat attacks and manage in!ormation security at an organi$ational level&
''IS0 is a management-level certi!ication# "here ''IS0s generally manage#
"ork "ith or consult IT organi$ations# technical s%ecialists and other IT security
Source: -s%ionage .esearch Institute
CERI-ACSS -- Ad)anced Com(uter System Security
The '-.I-A'SS seeks to identi!y la" en!orcement o!!icials "ith advanced
com%uter crime investigation e/%erience and training& .e3uirements include t"o
years o! com%uter investigation/deugging# three years o! 0icroso!t %lat!orm
analysis# one year o! non-0icroso!t %lat!orm analysis# :6 hours o! a%%roved
training# a "ritten e/am and success!ul com%letion o! hands-on e/ercises&
Source: 'yer -n!orcement .esources Inc&
CIS* -- Certified Information Security *ana"er
The 'IS0 demonstrates kno"ledge o! in!ormation security !or IT %ro!essionals
res%onsile !or handling security matters# issues and technologies& This cert is o!
%rimary interest to IT %ro!essionals res%onsile !or managing IT systems#
net"orks# %olicies# %ractices and %rocedures to make sure organi$ational security
%olicies meet governmental and regulatory re3uirements# con!orm to est security
%ractices and %rinci%les# and meet or e/ceed re3uirements stated in an
organi$ation4s security %olicy&
Source: In!ormation Systems Audit and 'ontrol Association
CISS# -- Certified Information Systems Security #rofessiona!
The 'ISS* demonstrates kno"ledge o! net"ork and system security %rinci%les#
sa!eguards and %ractices& It is o! %rimary interest to !ull-time IT security
%ro!essionals "ho "ork in internal security %ositions or "ho consult "ith third
%arties on security matters& 'ISS*s are ca%ale o! analy$ing security
re3uirements# auditing security %ractices and %rocedures# designing and
im%lementing security %olicies# and managing and maintaining an ongoing and
e!!ective security in!rastructure& 'ISS* candidates must have !our years o!
e/%erience +or a college degree %lus three years o! e/%erience,&
Source: +IS',8
C#TS -- Certified #enetration Testin" S(ecia!ist
An o!!ering !rom Io"a-ased training com%any# 0ile 8# this credential stresses
currency on the latest e/%loits# vulnerailities# and system %enetration techni3ues&
It also !ocuses on usiness skills# identi!ication o! %rotection o%%ortunities# testing
Custi!ications# and o%timi$ation o! security controls to meet usiness needs and
control risks and e/%osures& The credential is structured around a !ive-day# D8#E66
course that4s acked u% y a *rometric e/am&
Source: 0ile8
C## -- Certified #rotection #rofessiona!
The '** demonstrates a thorough understanding o! %hysical# human and
in!ormation security %rinci%les and %ractices& The most senior and %restigious IT
security %ro!essional certi!ication covered in this article# the '** re3uires
e/tensive on-the-Co e/%erience +nine years or seven years "ith a college degree,#
as "ell as a %ro!ound kno"ledge o! technical and %rocedural security to%ics and
technologies& 2nly those "ho have "orked "ith and around security !or some
time are ale to 3uali!y !or this credential&
Source: American Society !or Industrial Security +ASIS,
C'#SS -- Certified 'eb #rofessiona! Security S(ecia!ist
2taining this credential re3uires %assing the 'I9 Security *ro!essional e/am
and meeting additional "ork e/%erience re3uirements& *lease see the 'I9-S*
listing !or more in!ormation&
Source: International 9emasters4 Association +I9A,
GIAC -- G!oba! Information Assurance Certification #ro"ram
This cert %rogram seeks to identi!y individuals "ho can demonstrate kno"ledge
o! and the aility to manage and %rotect im%ortant in!ormation systems and
net"orks& The SA)S organi$ation is "ell kno"n !or its timely# !ocused# and
use!ul security in!ormation and certi!ication %rogram& A shining star on this
landsca%e# the GIA' %rogram aims at serious# !ull-time security %ro!essionals
res%onsile !or designing# im%lementing and maintaining a state-o!-the-art
security in!rastructure that may include incident handling and emergency res%onse
team management& The GIA' Security -ngineer +GS-, track is the senior-level
certi!ication& All mid-level s%eciali$ations# as "ell as additional e/ams and "ork#
are re3uired&
Source: Gloal In!ormation Assurance 'erti!ication
ISSA# -- Information Systems Security Architecture #rofessiona!
The ISSA* %ermits 'ISS*s to concentrate !urther in in!ormation security
architecture and stresses the !ollo"ing elements o! the 'B7:
o Access control systems and methodologies
o Telecommunications and net"ork security
o 'ry%togra%hy
o .e3uirements analysis and security standards# guidelines and criteria
o Technology-related usiness continuity and disaster recovery %lanning
+B'* and (.*,
Source: +IS',8
ISSE# -- Information Systems Security En"ineerin" #rofessiona!
The ISS-* %ermits 'ISS*s "ho "ork in areas related to national security to
concentrate !urther in security engineering# in coo%eration "ith the )SA& The
ISS-* stresses the !ollo"ing elements o! the 'B7:
o Systems security engineering
o 'erti!ication and accreditation
o Technical management
*lus# it adds %ro!ound coverage o! A&S& Government in!ormation assurance
Source: +IS',8
ISS*# -- Information Systems Security *ana"ement #rofessiona!
The ISS0* %ermits 'ISS*s to concentrate !urther in security management areas
and stresses the !ollo"ing elements o! the 'B7:
o -nter%rise security management %ractices
o -nter%rise-"ide system develo%ment security
o 2verseeing com%liance o! o%erations security
o Anderstanding B'*# (.* and continuity o! o%erations %lanning +'22*,
o <a"# investigations# !orensics and ethics
Source: +IS',8
#S# -- #hysica! Security #rofessiona!
Another high-level security certi!ication !rom ASIS# this %rogram !ocuses on
matters relevant to maintaining security and integrity o! the %remises# and access
controls over the devices and com%onents o! an IT in!rastructure& 7ey to%ics
covered include %hysical security assessment# and selection and im%lementation
o! a%%ro%riate integrated %hysical security measures& .e3uirements include !ive
years o! e/%erience in %hysical security# a high school di%loma +or G-(, and a
clean criminal record&
Source: ASIS International: *hysical Security *ro!essional
CCCI -- Certified Com(uter Crime In)esti"ator /Basic0
The '''I is one o! t"o com%uter !orensic certi!ications aimed at la"
en!orcement and %rivate IT %ro!essionals seeking to s%eciali$e in the investigative
side o! the !ield& Basic re3uirements include t"o years o! e/%erience +or a college
degree# %lus one year o! e/%erience,# 5F months o! investigative e/%erience# :6
hours o! com%uter crimes training and documented e/%erience !rom at least 56
investigated cases& Advanced re3uirements um% e/%erience to three years +or a
college degree# %lus t"o years o! e/%erience,# !our years o! investigations# F6
hours o! training and involvement as a lead investigator in 86 cases# "ith
involvement in over E6 cases overall&
Source: High Tech 'rime )et"ork certi!ications
CCT -- Certified Com(uter orensic Technician /Basic0
The ''FT is one o! t"o com%uter !orensic certi!ications aimed at la"
en!orcement and %rivate IT %ro!essionals seeking to s%eciali$e in the investigative
side o! the !ield& Basic re3uirements include three years o! e/%erience +or a
college degree# %lus one year o! e/%erience,# 5F months o! !orensics e/%erience#
:6 hours o! com%uter !orensics training and documented e/%erience !rom at least
56 investigated cases& Advanced re3uirements include three years o! e/%erience
+or a college degree# %lus t"o years o! e/%erience,# !our years o! investigations#
F6 hours o! training and involvement as a lead investigator in 86 cases "ith
involvement in over E6 cases overall&
Source: High Tech 'rime )et"ork certi!ications
CEECS -- Certified E!ectronic E)idence Co!!ection S(ecia!ist Certification
The '--'S identi!ies individuals "ho success!ully com%lete the '--'S
certi!ication course& )o %rere3uisites are re3uired to attend the course# "hich
covers the asics o! evidence collection in addition to highly technical
terminology# theories and techni3ues&
Source: International Association o! 'om%uter Investigative S%ecialists
CERI-CE -- Com(uter orensic E1amination
The '-.I-'F- seeks to identi!y la" en!orcement o!!icials "ith asic com%uter
crime investigation e/%erience and training& .e3uirements include t"o years o!
com%uter investigation/deugging# one year o! 0icroso!t %lat!orm analysis# si/
months o! non-0icroso!t %lat!orm analysis# :6 hours o! a%%roved training# a
"ritten e/am and success!ul com%letion o! hands-on e/ercises&
Source: 'yer -n!orcement .esources Inc&
+RENSIC,ANTI--AC.ING - Intermediate
CCE -- Certified Com(uter E1aminer
The ''-# o!!ered y the Southeast 'yercrime Institute at 7ennesa" State
Aniversity in %artnershi% "ith 7ey 'om%uter Service# seeks to identi!y
individuals "ith no criminal record "ho have a%%ro%riate com%uter !orensics
training or e/%erience# including evidence gathering# handling and storage& In
addition# candidates must %ass an online e/amination and success!ully %er!orm a
hands-on e/amination on three test media&
Source: 7ey 'om%uter Service
CE- -- Certified Ethica! -ac%er
The '-H identi!ies security %ro!essionals ca%ale o! !inding and detecting
"eaknesses and vulnerailities in com%uter systems and net"orks y using the
same tools and a%%lying the same kno"ledge as a malicious hacker& 'andidates
must %ass a single e/am and %rove kno"ledge o! tools used oth y hackers and
security %ro!essionals&
Source: -'-'ouncil
CCE -- Com(uter orensic Com(uter E1aminer
The International Association o! 'om%uter Investigative S%ecialists +IA'IS,
o!!ers this credential to la" en!orcement and %rivate industry %ersonnel alike&
'andidates must have road kno"ledge# training or e/%erience in com%uter
!orensics# including !orensic %rocedures and standards# as "ell as ethical# legal
and %rivacy issues& 'erti!ication includes oth hands-on %er!ormance-ased
testing as "ell as a "ritten e/am&
Source: International Association o! 'om%uter Investigative S%ecialists
C-I -- Com(uter -ac%in" orensic In)esti"ator
The 'HFI is geared to"ard %ersonnel in la" en!orcement# de!ense# military#
in!ormation technology# la"# anking and insurance# among others& To otain
'HFI certi!ication# a candidate needs to success!ully com%lete one e/am&
Source: -'-'ouncil
CII -- Certified Information orensics In)esti"ator
2taining the credential o! 'erti!ied In!ormation Forensics Investigator re3uires
adherence to a code o! ethics# success!ul com%letion o! a rigorous e/am and
!ul!illment o! s%eci!ic e/%erience re3uirements& Aimed at !ull-time %ro!essional
%ractitioners# this certi!ication is vendor-neutral and devoid o! s%onsored training
re3uirements or the use or %urchase o! s%eci!ic %roducts&
Source: International In!ormation Systems Forensics Association
C#T# -- Certified #enetration Testin" #rofessiona!
An o!!ering !rom Io"a-ased training com%any# 0ile8# this credential seeks to
identi!y individuals "ho4ve develo%ed the skills necessary to conduct thorough#
%ainstaking %enetration tests !or their em%loyers# or !or customers "ho hire them
to conduct such testing inde%endently& The credential is structured around a !ive-
day# D8#E66 course# and !ollo"ed u% "ith a *rometric e/am&
Source: 0ile8
CSA -- CyberSecurity orensic Ana!yst
The 'SFA aims to identi!y individuals "ho are interested in in!ormation
technology security issues# es%ecially at the hard"are level& *rere3uisites include
at least one certi!ication in com%uter and so!t"are su%%ort# net"orking or security
+such as 'om%TIA4s A1# 0icroso!t4s 0'SA or 0'S-# or 'isco4s '')A,#
success!ul com%letion o! an introductory and an advanced com%uter !orensics
course o!!ered through the 'yerSecurity Institute and no criminal record&
Source: 'yerSecurity Institute
CSS -- ie!d Certified Security S(ecia!ist
This certi!ication %ermits individuals to s%eciali$e in 'isco# 'heck *oint or cross-
%lat!orm to%ics +"hich is "hy "e list it in oth the vendor-s%eci!ic -- although the
%arent organi$ation %oints out that these certs are Gvendor-inde%endentG -- and
vendor-neutral surveys,& 'andidates must %ass a hands-on# %er!ormance-ased
test to otain F'SS certi!ication&
Source: Field 'erti!ied *ro!essional Association
GIAC -- G!oba! Information Assurance Certification #ro"ram
This cert %rogram seeks to identi!y individuals "ho can demonstrate kno"ledge
o! and the aility to manage and %rotect im%ortant in!ormation systems and
net"orks& The SA)S organi$ation is "ell kno"n !or its timely# !ocused# and
use!ul security in!ormation and certi!ication %rogram& A shining star on this
landsca%e# the GIA' %rogram aims at serious# !ull-time security %ro!essionals
res%onsile !or designing# im%lementing and maintaining a state-o!-the-art
security in!rastructure that may include incident handling and emergency res%onse
team management& The %rogram includes one mid-level !orensics certi!ication --
GIA' 'erti!ied Forensic Analyst +G'FA,&
Source: Gloal In!ormation Assurance 'erti!ication
C2C -- Certified Cyber-Crime E1(ert
The '=' identi!ies com%uter !orensics investigators# in!ormation technology and
security %ersonnel# la" en!orcement o!!icials# la"yers and others# "ho must have
the kno"ledge and tools to e!!ectively collect# handle# %rocess and %reserve
com%uter !orensic evidence& The certi!ication re3uires success!ul com%letion o!
the 'om%uter Forensic and 'yer Investigation course# and a %ractical and "ritten
Source: --usiness *rocess Solutions
CCCI -- Certified Com(uter Crime In)esti"ator /Ad)anced0
The '''I is one o! t"o com%uter !orensic certi!ications aimed at la"
en!orcement and %rivate IT %ro!essionals seeking to s%eciali$e in the investigative
side o! the !ield& Basic re3uirements include t"o years o! e/%erience +or a college
degree# %lus one year o! e/%erience,# 5F months o! investigative e/%erience# :6
hours o! com%uter crimes training and documented e/%erience !rom at least 56
investigated cases& Advanced re3uirements um% e/%erience to three years +or a
college degree# %lus t"o years o! e/%erience,# !our years o! investigations# F6
hours o! training and involvement as a lead investigator in 86 cases# "ith
involvement in over E6 cases overall&
Source: High Tech 'rime )et"ork certi!ications
CCT -- Certified Com(uter orensic Technician /Ad)anced0
The ''FT is one o! t"o com%uter !orensic certi!ications aimed at la"
en!orcement and %rivate IT %ro!essionals seeking to s%eciali$e in the investigative
side o! the !ield& Basic re3uirements include three years o! e/%erience +or a
college degree# %lus one year o! e/%erience,# 5F months o! !orensics e/%erience#
:6 hours o! com%uter !orensics training and documented e/%erience !rom at least
56 investigated cases& Advanced re3uirements include three years o! e/%erience
+or a college degree# %lus t"o years o! e/%erience,# !our years o! investigations#
F6 hours o! training and involvement as a lead investigator in 86 cases "ith
involvement in over E6 cases overall&
Source: High Tech 'rime )et"ork certi!ications
CERI-ACE -- Ad)anced Com(uter orensic E1amination
The '-.I-A'F- seeks to identi!y la" en!orcement o!!icials "ith advanced
com%uter crime investigation e/%erience and training& .e3uirements include t"o
years o! com%uter investigation/deugging# !our years o! 0icroso!t %lat!orm
analysis# t"o years o! non-0icroso!t %lat!orm analysis# F6 hours o! a%%roved
training# a "ritten e/am and success!ul com%letion o! hands-on e/ercises&
Source: 'yer -n!orcement .esources Inc&
CERI-ACSS -- Ad)anced Com(uter System Security
The '-.I-A'SS seeks to identi!y la" en!orcement o!!icials "ith advanced
com%uter crime investigation e/%erience and training& .e3uirements include t"o
years o! com%uter investigation/deugging# three years o! 0icroso!t %lat!orm
analysis# one year o! non-0icroso!t %lat!orm analysis# :6 hours o! a%%roved
training# a "ritten e/am and success!ul com%letion o! hands-on e/ercises&
Source: 'yer -n!orcement .esources Inc&
C#TS -- Certified #enetration Testin" S(ecia!ist
An o!!ering !rom Io"a-ased training com%any# 0ile 8# this credential stresses
currency on the latest e/%loits# vulnerailities# and system %enetration techni3ues&
It also !ocuses on usiness skills# identi!ication o! %rotection o%%ortunities# testing
Custi!ications# and o%timi$ation o! security controls to meet usiness needs and
control risks and e/%osures& The credential is structured around a !ive-day# D8#E66
course that4s acked u% y a *rometric e/am&
Source: 0ile8
#CI -- #rofessiona! Certified In)esti"ator
This is a high-level certi!ication !rom the American Society !or Industrial Security
+ASIS is also home to the '** and *S* certi!ications, !or those "ho s%eciali$e in
investigating %otential cyercrimes& Thus# in addition to technical skills# this
certi!ication concentrates on testing individuals4 kno"ledge o! legal and
evidentiary matters re3uired to %resent investigations in a court o! la"# including
case management# evidence collection and case %resentation& This cert re3uires
!ive years o! investigation e/%erience# "ith at least t"o years in case management
+a achelor4s degree or higher counts !or u% to t"o years o! such e/%erience, and a
clean legal record !or candidates&
Source: ASIS International
Brainbench -I#AA /Security0
The Brainench HI*AA +Security, cert deals "ith to%ics and re3uirements that
drive the Health Insurance *ortaility and Accountaility Act +HI*AA, o! 5@@E#
to hel% IT %ro!essionals understand and im%lement related in!ormation handling
and %rocessing re3uirements&
Source: Brainench
CCSA -- Certification in Contro! Se!f-Assessment
The ''SA demonstrates kno"ledge o! internal control sel!-assessment
%rocedures# %rimarily aimed at !inancial and records controls& This cert is o!
%rimary interest to those %ro!essionals "ho must evaluate IT in!rastructures !or
%ossile threats to !inancial integrity# legal re3uirements !or con!identiality and
regulatory re3uirements !or %rivacy&
Source: Institute o! Internal Auditors
CE -- Certified raud E1aminer
The 'F- demonstrates aility to detect !inancial !raud and other "hite-collar
crimes& This cert is o! %rimary interest to !ull-time security %ro!essionals in la"#
la" en!orcement or those "ho "ork in organi$ation "ith legal mandates to audit
!or %ossile !raudulent or illegal transactions and activities +such as anking#
securities trading or classi!ied o%erations,&
Source: Association o! 'erti!ied Fraud -/aminers
CIA -- Certified Interna! Auditor
The 'IA cert demonstrates kno"ledge o! %ro!essional !inancial auditing %ractices&
The cert is o! %rimary interest to !inancial %ro!essionals res%onsile !or auditing
IT %ractices and %rocedures# as "ell as standard accounting %ractices and
%rocedures to insure the integrity and correctness o! !inancial records# transaction
logs and other records relevant to commercial activities&
Source: Institute o! Internal Auditors
CISA -- Certified Information Systems Auditor
The 'ISA demonstrates kno"ledge o! IS auditing !or control and security
%ur%oses& This cert is o! %rimary interest to IT security %ro!essionals res%onsile
!or auditing IT systems# %ractices and %rocedures to make sure organi$ational
security %olicies meet governmental and regulatory re3uirements# con!orm to est
security %ractices and %rinci%les# and meet or e/ceed re3uirements stated in an
organi$ation4s security %olicy&
Source: In!ormation Systems Audit and 'ontrol Association
GIAC -- G!oba! Information Assurance Certification #ro"ram
This cert %rogram seeks to identi!y individuals "ho can demonstrate kno"ledge
o! and the aility to manage and %rotect im%ortant in!ormation systems and
net"orks& The SA)S organi$ation is "ell kno"n !or its timely# !ocused# and
use!ul security in!ormation and certi!ication %rogram& A shining star on this
landsca%e# the GIA' %rogram aims at serious# !ull-time security %ro!essionals
res%onsile !or designing# im%lementing and maintaining a state-o!-the-art
security in!rastructure that may include incident handling and emergency res%onse
team management& Availale certi!icates# "hich indicate success!ul com%letion o!
a relatively short ut highly !ocused course# include the !ollo"ing:
o GIA' HI*AA Security 'erti!icate +GHS',
o GIA' Solaris Gold Standard 'erti!icate +GGS'-6866,
o GIA' --9are!are 'erti!icate +G-9F,
o GIA' -thics in IT +G-IT,
o GIA' 'utting -dge Hacking Techni3ues 'erti!icate +GHTH,
o GIA' .everse -ngineering 0al"are +G.-0,
o GIA' Security A"areness +GSA9,
o GIA' 'yer 9arrior 'erti!icate +G'9I,
o GIA' Business <a" and 'om%uter Security +GB<',
o GIA' <egal Issues in In!ormation Technologies +G<IT,
o GIA' 'ontracting !or (ata Security +G'(S,
o GIA' <a" o! Fraud +G<F.,
o GIA' 9indo"s 8666 Gold Standard 'erti!icate +GGS'-6566,
o GIA' Auditing 'isco .outers Gold Standard 'erti!icate +GG'S-6:66,
Source: Gloal In!ormation Assurance 'erti!ication

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