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Cancer Diagnostic Tests and Blood Tests Word
Diagnostic Tests
Blood Tests
Di agnost i c T est s
Ba r iu m E n ema
An x-ray examination of the colon using barium sulfate. Laxatives or enemas may be required
Ba r iu m S wa llo w
An x-ray study of the portion of the digestive canal between the throat and stomach (esophagus)
in which the patient swallows a barium mixture while the x-ray doctor watches for signs of
narrowing, irregularity, or blockage. No preparation is required except fasting. Sometimes, in a
procedure called an upper gastrointestinal (UGI) series, the barium is also observed after it
enters the stomach to check for stomach problems or ulcers.
Bio psy
The surgical removal of a small piece of tissue to determine if the area is cancerous.
Bo n e Ma r r o w Bio psy a n d A spir a tio n
A needle is inserted into the bone of the hip or breast bone to obtain a sample of bone marrow
for study under a microscope.
Bo n e S ca n
A type of diagnostic examination that takes pictures of the bones after a radioactive dye is
injected into a vein. This examination can show tumors of the bone.
Br a in S ca n
A type of x-ray examination using a radioactive dye injected into a vein that will show injury,
disease or healing.
Br o n ch o sco py
A direct examination of the air passages of the lungs. A narrow, flexible tube called a
bronchoscope is gently inserted either into the nose or throat and then through the voice box,
down the trachea and into the large airways of the lungs.
C o lo n o sco py
An examination of the entire length of the colon using a lighted, flexible tube.
C o lpo sco py
An examination of the cervix and vagina using an instrument called a colposcope.
C o n iza tio n
A small wedge shaped tissue sample is surgically removed from the cervix and examined for the
detection of cancer cells.
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C yto lo g y
The examination of cells under a microscope looking for abnormalities.
C T S ca n
A CT (Computerized Tomography) scan creates cross-section images of the body, which may
show cancer or metastases earlier and more accurately than other imaging methods.
C ysto sco pe
Thin, flexible lighted tube inserted into the urethra to examine the bladder.
Dig ita l Recta l E x a m
An examination in which the doctor inserts a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum to
examine the rectum or prostate in males. In females, it may be a part of a pelvic examination to
feel for abnormalities in the rectum or uterus.
E n do sco pe
A thin, lighted instrument used to examine parts of the inside of the body.
E RC P ( E n do sco pic Retr o g r a de C h o la n g io -pa n cr ea to g r a ph y)
An examination of the pancreas where a tube is inserted down the throat, through the stomach
and into the pancreas. A dye is injected and x-rays are taken to show abnormalities. The ERCP
can also be used to obtain tissue samples for biopsy.
E so ph a g o sco py
Examination of the esophagus with a thin, lighted scope.
E str o g en Recepto r A ssa y
A test that determines if breast cancer is stimulated by the hormone estrogen.
F in e Needle A spir a te
A procedure in which a needle is inserted under local anesthesia to obtain a sample for the
evaluation of suspicious tissue.
F r o zen S ectio n
A diagnostic technique done by a pathologist on a piece of tissue removed by a surgeon. The
tissue is quick frozen, stained, and then examined under a microscope to determine if it is
benign or malignant.
Ga lliu m S ca n
Radiographic imaging of the body which measures the amount of the radioisotope gallium that
is concentrated in a specific part of the body. It is most useful in detecting nodal disease above
the diaphragm. Also called: Gallium-67 scintigraphy, Ga67 scan, high dose (8-11 mCi) gallium
Gu a ic Test
A test that checks for hidden (occult) blood in the stool.
IVIn tr a ven o u s P yelo g r a m
An x-ray of the kidneys, ureters and bladder, taken after a dye is injected into a vein.
La pa r o sco py
A surgical procedure to examine the organs in the abdomen with a lighted tubular instrument
that is passed through a small incision in the abdominal wall. It is usually performed under
general anesthesia.
La po r o to my
A surgical procedure where the abdominal cavity is opened either to examine it or to remove or
repair tissue.
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Lymph a n g io g r a m
An x-ray examination for enlarged lymph nodes.
Ma mmo g r a m
A diagnostic x-ray of the breast to screen for tumors. This technique uses low dose x-rays to
produce an image of the breast. All suspicious lumps must be biopsied to determine whether or
not they are cancerous.
Ma g n etic Reso n a n ce Ima g in g ( MRI)
A diagnostic procedure, which uses magnetic fields to produce images of the body.
Media stin o sco py
A surgery where a tube is inserted into the chest to examine the organs in the area between the
lungs and the lymph nodes. Doctors are able to take tissue samples from the lymph nodes on the
right side of the chest during this procedure.
Myelo g r a m
An x-ray of the spinal cord after the injection of a dye into the sac surrounding it. Used to see if
a tumor involves the spinal cord or nerve roots.
Na so ph a r yn g o sco py
Examination of the nasopharynx, a tube that connects the area behind the nose (nasal cavity) to
the area behind the soft palate of the mouth.
Needle Bio psy
A type of biopsy where a needle is used to withdraw small amounts of tissue or fluid for
examination by a pathologist. This procedure is also called fine needle aspiration.
Nu clea r S ca n
A diagnostic procedure in which a weak radioactive substance is injected into the blood stream.
The body then absorbs the substance. A machine, like a giant Geiger counter, moves over the
area being tested and takes pictures.
P a lpa tio n
Physical examination by touching or feeling. A palpable mass is one that can be felt.
P a p S mea r
A microscopic examination of cells of the cervix. This test can detect cancer of the cervix in the
early stages.
P elvic E x a min a tio n
An internal examination of the female reproductive organs.
P o sitive E missio n To mo g r a ph y ( P E T)
Positive Emission Tomography is a scanning method that gives information about the chemical
function of the body, rather than the structure. A radioactive tracer is injected into a vein to
provide a color-coded picture of the body.
P r o g ester o n e Recepto r A ssa y
A test done of a breast cancer tissue specimen to determine if it is dependent on female
hormones for growth.
P u lmo n a r y F u n ctio n
Measures lung function.
S ig mo ido sco py
Examination of the lower colon using a lighted hollow tube called a sigmoidoscope.
S o n o g r a ph y
The use of ultrasound pictures in diagnosis.
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S pin a l Ta p ( Lu mba r P u n ctu r e)
Removal of spinal fluid for examination. This simple procedure involves numbing the skin of
the back with a local anesthetic and placing a needle into the numbed area to remove a sample of
spinal fluid.
S ter eo ta ctic Needle Bio psy
A procedure used in the diagnosis of brain tumors. A special frame is used to hold the patients
head stationary while the biopsy needle is directed to exactly the right spot. A CT scanner is
used to find the correct position. This method has also been applied to very small breast
Th o r a co sco py
An examination of the inside of the chest using a thin lighted tube called an endoscope.
U ltr a so u n d
The use of high frequency sound waves to create an image of the inside of the body. Involves
spreading a thin coating of jelly over an area of the skin, then bouncing high frequency sound
waves through the skin onto internal organ.
U pper GI S er ies
X-ray using barium solution swallowed by patient; examines esophagus, stomach, and small
intestine; reveals ulcers, hiatal hernia, and stomach cancer.
X -r a ys
Energy used to produce images or pictures of internal body structures to diagnose disease.
Blo o d Tests
A bso lu te Neu tr o ph il C o u n t ( A NC )
The ANC is calculated by multiplying the percent of neutrophils (plus bands) by the total
number of white blood cells. This count is used to determine if chemotherapy can be given.
A cid P h o sph a ta se
Also called: acid phos, acid f, acid ptase. A test of blood serum to detect a specific enzyme
produced by several tissues, particularly the prostate. Acid phosphatase levels are elevated in
85 percent of cases with skeletal metastases, 60 percent of untreated cases, and 20 percent of
localized cases. Usually ordered as a separate laboratory test. May also be ordered as prostatic
acid phosphatase (PAP), a measure of acid phosphatase secreted by prostate gland cells
specifically. Note: test results may be affected by recent prostatic massage or palpation; acid
phosphatase level should be assayed before digital rectal examination. Normal range: varies
according to method of processing the serum:
1.0 4 King Armstrong microns/dl
0.5 2 Bodansky or Gutman microns/dl
0 1.1 Shinowara microns/ml
0.1 0.73 Bessy Lowry microns/nk.
0.5 11.0 unit/L
A lph a -feto pr o tein
A blood test used as a tumor marker for liver cancer. Elevated alpha-fetoprotein levels are also
found in certain ovarian and teratocarcinoma or embryonal carcinoma of the testis. Elevated
alpha-fetoprotein levels are not found in other histologies of testicular cancer. Normal range:
Adults: <15 ng/ml.
A lka lin e P h o sph a ta se
An enzyme in the blood commonly used in medical diagnosis. It is elevated in cases of bile
obstruction (liver disease or cancer involving the liver) and in various bone diseases, including
cancer involving the bone.
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Bilir u bin
Red blood cell pigment metabolized by the liver; may be high in liver disorders and in certain
types of anemia; gives skin yellow tint.
Blo o d C o u n t
A blood test used to determine the number of the various types of blood cells.
BU N ( Blo o d U r ea Nitr o g en )
Chemistry study of blood serum to measure the level of urea in the blood, a sign of impaired
kidney function or urinary obstruction. Normal range: 10-15 mg/100 ml.
C A -125
Tumor marker that may be elevated in cancers of the ovary, breast, and colon.
C A -19-9
A tumor marker that may be elevated in cancers of the colon and pancreas.
C A 15-3
A tumor marker that may be elevated in breast cancer.
C a lciu m
Elevated in cancer that has spread to the bone, with tumors that produce parathyroid hormone-
like protein and in multiple myeloma, as well as in some non-malignant diseases.
C E A ( C a r cin o g en ic E mbr yo n ic A n tig en )
A tumor marker found in the blood that may indicate the presence of certain types of cancer
cells. Tumor marker substances may be produced by the tumor itself or by the body in response
to a cancer.
C r ea tin in e
Waste product in blood; is a measure of kidney function; if elevated may signify kidney disease.
E lectr o lytes ( S o diu m, P o ta ssiu m C h lo r ide, C a r bo n Dio x ide)
These levels are useful in metabolic and endocrine disease, and for monitoring both nutritional
status and the effects of treatment.
F er r itin
Measures iron storage protein in sialic acid; low levels suggest good prognosis in head and neck
malignancies, although test is nonspecific for head and neck cancer; elevated levels present in
lymphoproliferative disease; may indicate Hodgkin's disease or leukemia; monitors cause of
disease in neuroblastoma; nonspecific in neurogenic tumors.
Gr a n u lo cyte
A type of white blood cell that kills bacteria.
Hema to cr it
A way of measuring the red cell content of the blood. The normal level is about 40-45 in men
and 37-42 in women. A low hematocrit is a sign of anemia.
LDH ( La ctic Deh ydr o g en a se)
A blood chemistry study, usually part of a liver panel, useful in assessing liver and pulmonary
disease. All tumors produce LDH. Normal range: total LDH levels range from 48 to 115 IU/liter.
There are five tissue-specific isoenzymes that can be identified and measured. The distribution
of isoenzymes is as follows:
LDH1: 18.1% to 29% of the total (heart, red blood cells and kidneys)
LDH2: 29.4% to 37.5% of the total (heart, red blood cells and kidneys)
LDH3: 18.8% to 26% of the total (lungs)
LDH4: 9.2% to 16.5% of the total (liver and skeletal muscles)
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LDH5: 5.3% to 13.4% of the total (liver and skeletal muscles)
Leu ko cyte
Another name for white blood cells. A type of cell in the blood which helps defend the body
against diseases caused by bacteria, virus, or parasites. There are three types of leukocytes:
monocyte, granuloctye, and lymphocytes.
Lymph o cyte
A type of white blood cell. The three main kinds of lymphocytes are T cells, B cells, and natural
killer cells. T cells attack and destroy virus-infected cells, foreign tissue and cancer cells; B cells
help produce antibodies or proteins that help destroy foreign substances; Natural Killer cells
destroy cancer cells and virus-infected cells.
Neu tr o ph il
A mature white blood cell that fights bacterial infections.
P la telet
A blood cell that assists in blood clotting.
P la telet C o u n t
Measures the number of platelets in a drop of blood. Platelet counts increase during strenuous
activity and certain conditions called myeloproliferative disorders: infections, inflammations,
malignancies, and when the spleen has been removed. Platelet counts decrease just before
menstruation. Normal values range from 150,000 to 400,000 per microliter. A count below
50,000 can result in spontaneous bleeding; below 5,000, patients are at risk of severe life-
threatening bleeding.
P lo idy A n a lysis
A test to measure the amount of DNA contained in a cell. Most cancer cells are aneuploid, which
means they contain an abnormal amount of DNA.
P r o lifer a tio n In dex
High rates indicate actively growing tumors and a greater risk of relapse.
P S A ( P r o sta te S pecific A n tig en )
A substance (tumor marker) in the blood derived from the prostate gland. Its level may rise in
prostatic cancer and is useful as a marker to monitor the effects of treatment. It is occasionally
elevated as a result of non-malignant conditions, such as benign prostatic hypertrophy. Should
be evaluated in conjunction with other diagnostic tests such as digital rectal exam, transrectal
ultrasound, and/or prostatic acid Phosphatase levels.
Red Blo o d C ell ( E r yth r o cyte)
Cells in the blood that carries oxygen and are responsible for the red color of blood.
Red Blo o d C ell C o u n t ( RBC )
Counts the number of red blood cells in a single drop of blood. "Normal" ranges vary according
to age and sex. Men4.5 to 6.2 million; Women 4.2 to 5.4 million; Children 4.6 to 4.8 million. A
low RBC count may indicate anemia, excess body fluid, or hemorrhaging. A high RBC count
may indicate polycythemia (an excessive number of red blood cells in the blood) or
Enzyme found in liver cells; elevated in liver disease and may also be elevated in heart attack.
Enzyme elevated in liver disease (e.g. hepatitis, alcoholic liver, etc.)
S -P h a se ( C ell C ycle A n a lysis)
Percentage of tumor cells synthesizing DNA; patients with high S-phase fraction have less
favorable prognosis.
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Th yr o id Ho r mo n es T3
Thyroxine (T4) represents 80 percent of the thyroid hormone produced by the normal gland
and generally represents the overall function of the gland. The other 20 percent is
triiodothyronine measures as T3. Sometimes the diseased thyroid gland will start producing
very high levels of T3 but still produce normal levels of T4. Therefore measurement of both
hormones provides an even more accurate evaluation of thyroid function.
Th yr o id Ho r mo n es T4
T4 reflects the amount of thyroxine in the blood. If the patient does not take any type of
thyroid medication, this test is usually a good measure of thyroid function.
Th yr o id P r o file
Measures the amount of hormone produced by the thyroid gland; aids in diagnosis of hypo or
hyperthyroidism and in monitoring response to thyroid treatment.
Th yr o blo bu lin
Elevated levels of this serum hormone are found in follicular carcinoma and return to normal
following treatment if all tumor is removed; useful for monitoring residual disease and
recurrence of follicular carcinoma.
Tu mo r Ma r ker s
Chemicals in the blood that are produced by certain cancers. Measuring the markers is useful
for diagnosis, but especially useful for following the course of treatment.
U r ic A cid
Elevated in gout; may also cause kidney stones.
Wh ite Blo o d C ells
A type of blood cell that is responsible for fighting germs and infections. White blood cells are
composed of monocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils. The normal
count is 5,000 to 10,000. It may be elevated or depressed in a wide variety of diseases.
Chemotherapy and radiation therapy usually cause low white counts.
Wh ite Blo o d C o u n t ( WBC )
Measures the number of white cells; WBC elevated during infection, inflammation, burns,
leukemia, low WBC indicates bone marrow depression may be present with some viruses, toxic
reactions, German measles, infectious hepatitis, and other diseases.
Type Type Percentage Percentage Number Number
Neutrophil 50-60% 3000-7000
Eosinophils 1-4% 50-400
Basophils 0.5-2% 25-100
Lymphocytes 20-40% 1000-4000
Monocytes 2-9% 100-600
Source: Cancer Information Service
Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Revised March 2008
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