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Oracle|Hyperion Planning 11.1.

hplan classic application
Demo Script Flow
Table of Contents
Introduction.............................................................................................................. 2
Preparation step: Create a user for an Oracle Tablespace...................................3
Preparation step: Manage Data Source and create a DSN called hplan..............
Create a classic Planning application called hplan...............................................!
"pplication Manage#ent....................................................................................... $$
Te#plates i#port: S#art %ist................................................................................$&
Te#plates i#port: Metadata..................................................................................$
Te#plates i#port: 'eb for#s...............................................................................$!
Optional: (ssbase Data %oad................................................................................2)
Optional: Calculation Te#plates i#port...............................................................2$
De#o *lo+ e,planation......................................................................................... 2-
De#o Cleanup........................................................................................................ 2.
De#o Script The#e: The goals of this demo are to compete against small and easy-to-use
solutions like Cognos, and in a certain way against SAP BP&C (aka utlooksoft!, and to illustrate
in a presales acti"ity that a Planning SC is a#le to create a Planning application in front of a
customer$prospect within %& minutes' The concept used here is to position a Template approach
in order to compete against the Cognos Blueprint concept'
(ou will start your demo #y positioning the fact that, when we implement a Planning solution at a
customer site, we use a template approach which can #e organi)ed #y *ndustry, #y +roup
,unctions or Ser"ices, as well as #y Planning types (strategic planning, financial or operational
planning! which helps our customers to -uickly plan with our #usiness tool'
Talking point. e/plain why Templates can help organi)ations (implementation e/periences,
industry re-uirements, lower TC and higher 0*!'
Benefits of this demo.
- This demo illustrates the simplicity and ease of use of 1yperion Planning when demoing
rapid application creation 2 ease of maintenance'
- This demo shows that 1yperion Planning is a rich integrated Planning$,orecasting
en"ironment 2 no need to open se"eral windows$components in order to create Planning-
re-uired end-user capa#ilities (we# forms, calculations, dimension hierarchies!'
- 1yperion Planning has a rich +raphical 3ser *nterface, with no language$code to learn
e"en during calculation creation - #usiness process oriented'
- racle pro"ides a focused and open Planning solution that can #e -uickly customi)ed for
industry- specific re-uirements #ased on a template$shared #est practices approach'
4ri"ing competiti"e ad"antage.
- Show this demo to emphasi)e the 5orkspace as the single entry point to maintain and
use all 6P7 applications and associated processes'
- Position this e/ample to demonstrate 1yperion Planning as an integrated 5e#-#ased
application that helps to create, maintain and use Planning$,orecasting processes for all
- 8e"erage the use of a )ero footprint, thin we# client to manage all processes linked with a
Planning application (application creation, we# forms, calculations! using a single
- 0ich we# interface to create and manage a Planning application and underlying
components (dimensions, we# forms, task lists, etc'!'
- 0ich we# interface to create and manage calculations 2 position and illustrate Calculation
- A 3P9 illustrating the process of creating a Planning application using templates is
a"aila#le on ,. http.$$files'oraclecorp'com$content$7yShared,olders$1yperion
:%&standalone:%&content$Create a Planning application'odtpc
- A ,lash "ideo recording is also a"aila#le on ,.
:%&a:%&classic:%&Planning:%&application:%&in:%&<&mn$7o"ie$hplan - ,lash
The focus of this demo is to create a classic Planning application called =hplan> importing
dimensions and we# forms and optionally loading data and calculations'
The steps e/plained #elow must #e e/ecuted in order'
/ On 0our de#o dri1e2 e,tract the content of the hplan3classic.4ip file to D:5
After e/traction, you should ha"e a folder called 4.?demos?hplan with four su#folders as #elow'
@ote that these files will #e added to the e/isting hplan folder with 6P7A content'
/Start all necessar0 ser1ices (racle 4ata#ase Ser"ices, ,oundation Ser"ices, 5orkspace,
6ss#ase Ser"ices, Planning, 1yperion 07* 0egistry, Calc 7anager! that you start when doing a
Planning demo'
Preparation step: Create a user for an Oracle Tablespace
/ 6un the Oracle Create 7ser utilit0 e,ecutable and fill pro#pts as sho+n belo+.
3se the 4ata#ase Tools shortcut on the desktop to access the folder'
Click on Buit when the creation process is finished'
Preparation step: Manage Data Source and create a DSN called hplan
Another mandatory and preparatory step #efore creating a Planning application is to create a
datasource name connection'
/%og in to the 'or8space using de#oad#in9de#oad#in.
Application 4ata#ase.
4ata#ase Platform C racle
Ser"er C #idemo
Port C <D%<
4ata#ase C orcl
3ser C hplan
Password C hplan
6ss#ase Ser"er.
Ser"er C #idemo
3ser C demoadmin
Password C demoadmin
Click Ealidate 4ata#ase Connection' Click Ealidate 6ss#ase Connection' Click ,inish'
Create a classic Planning application called hplan
*mportant. All steps descri#ed pre"iously donFt need to #e e/posed to the prospect'
This is the starting point of demonstration'
/ Na1igation : "d#inister : Classic "pplication "d#inistration :Planning
"d#inistration. Clic8 on Create "pplication.
4ata Source C hplan
Application @ame C hplan
Shared Ser"ices proGect C Planning
*nstance C 4efault
Calculation 7odule C Calculation 7anager
Base Time Period C <% 7onths
,iscal Start (ear C %&&H
Start 7onth C Ianuary
6"en 4istri#ution
Total (ears C D
3se Currency and 3S4 as default currency
Select only one Plan Type called Plan< (important. do not rename the Plan Type!
Click ,inish'
Talking point.
- Position #enefits of the 5orkspace e/plaining that e"erything can #e managed from a
single entry point (application maintenance, data entry, etc'! and how itFs easy and -uick
to create a Planning application'
"pplication Manage#ent
/nce the application is created, open the application #y clicking on +o to the new
application. hplan'
/Add a new dimension.
Select the Administration menu J 7anage J 4imensions
Click Add 4imension'
6nter Products for the 4imension @ame' 9eep default properties and click Sa"e'
6/planation. Products dimension will #e used in the application and in all we# forms and
/Click on 6"aluation rder

/7anage and sort Selected 4imensions as #elow, then click Sa"e'
6/planation. The application contains a Smart 8ist which is used in a we# form where the
Account and Eersion dimensions are displayed' *tFs necessary for the Eersion dimension to #e
first in the e"aluation order in order to display the Smart 8ist correctly'
/Select the Administration 7enu J 7anage J Alias Ta#les and add a ,rench alias'
Talking point. As #efore, e/plain that there is only one interface to manage the
application' Show some re-uired dimensions (Scenario, Account, Eersion, Currency! to
e/plain the em#edded intelligence, e'g', talk a#out Currency when competing against
Cognos' 4iscuss the Eersion dimension when competing against utlooksoft' 6/plain
the #enefits of using Aliases in order to com#ine #oth mem#er code and mem#er
name$description in a data form'
Te#plates i#port: S#art %ist
/4ou#le click on 4.?demos?hplan?Smart8ist?command'#at to use 8ife Cycle 7anagement (8C7!
that will upload a Smart 8ist into the application (Smart 8ist called Spread7ethods!'
/In order to hide the #lack command window and the technical code, return to the Planning
interface and e/plain what a Smart 8ist is 2 the #enefits of using a Smart 8ist in a we# form or in
a calculation prompt for end users'
(The command window will automatically close when the process is finished'!
Eiew the Smart 8ist #y selecting Administration J 7anage J Smart 8ists'
Code e/planation. Smart 8ist management using command'#at

rd "D:\ORCL\MW\user_projects\epmsystem1\import_export\demoadmin@Natie
Directory\!preadMet"ods" #s #$
This command remo"es the 4irectory (rd! Spread7ethods if it e/ists under the 8C7 ,ile System'

D D:\%ps\&'(ip\&)*exe x "D:\demos\"p+an\!mart+ist\!preadMet"ods*&)"
'o"D:\ORCL\MW\user_projects\epmsystem1\import_export\demoadmin@Natie Directory"
,*, 'r
The ')ip file called Spread7ethods')ip, located in d.?demos?hplan?Smartlist, is then e/tracted to a
8C7 Shared Ser"ices ,ile System under. 4.?1(S8?common?importAe/port?demoadminK@ati"e

,inally, the 8C7 #at utility is run using the sa"ed 7igration 4efinition located in
Trick. the Smart 8ist import action can #e hidden if you call the command'#at file from the ne/t
section on importing metadata'
Add the following line.
call D:5de#os5hplan5S#artlist5co##and.bat
to the #eginning of the 4.?demos?hplan?metadata?allAdimensions'#at file'
Te#plates i#port: Metadata
/4ou#le-click on 4.?demos?hplan?metadata?allAdimensions'#at to load dimensions and
e/change rates'
/*n order to hide the #lack command window, return to the Planning interface and e/plain what
the 7etadata import process is.
/+o to 4.?demos?hplan?metadata? and open the Account'cs" file with 6/cel'
6/plain that Administrators can manage dimensions using 6/cel and Account properties'
(The command window will automatically close when the process is finished'!
Select Administration J 7anage J 4imensions to re"iew the metadata Gust loaded' *f the
metadata doesnFt appear, log out and log #ack in'
Code e/planation. 7etadata management

5hen you edit the allAdimensions #at file under 4.?demos?hplan?metadata, you can see that
dimensions are created in the Planning relational repository in the following order.

Currency dimension
6/change 0ate ta#les called ActualA0ates, BudgetA0ates and ,cstA0ates
Account dimension
6ntity dimension
(ear dimension
Scenario dimension
Eersion dimension
Products dimension
5hen dimensions are loaded into Planning, the 6ss#ase application is created and dimensions
are pushed to the Plan< cu#e'
*f you open the currency'#at file in edit mode, the command used is.
3f:d:5de#os5hplan5pass+ord.t,t 9":hplan 97:de#oad#in 9M
9I:d:5de#os5hplan5#etadata5Currenc0.cs1 9D:Currenc0
9%:d:9de#os9hplan9#etadata9outlineload.log 9=:d:9de#os9hplan9#etadata9outlineload.e,c

The utline8oad utility is called to upload into an Application (A! called hplan #y the 3ser (3!
demoadmin a 4imension (4! called Currency, using a file called Currency'cs" and passing the
encrypted user password stored in the password't/t file'
All these commands are e/plained in the hpAadmin'pdf file starting on page L&'
Tal8ing points and >enefits:
- Administrators can easily use 6/cel to create dimensions, dimension mem#ers and
hierarchies, and upload changes into the application when it is li"e'
- Position the template approach from a functional perspecti"e. #ased on industry
planning shared models, companies can -uickly integrate #est-in-class planning
processes using industry #est practices'
- Position the template approach from a technical perspecti"e. Administrators can -uickly
create a testing en"ironment, and can ha"e se"eral testing models ready to use
depending on end user re-uirements'
- Consider we# form templates as part of 8ife Cycle 7anagement artifacts (mo"ing we#
forms #etween applications, #etween en"ironments$ser"ers!' *t also ser"es as a #ackup
of the application'
As the 6ss#ase part is now created, you can encapsulate data load at the end of this metadata
management part in order to ha"e a sample of data' See following sections'
Te#plates i#port: 'eb for#s
/4ou#le-click on 4.?demos?hplan?we#forms?importwe#forms'#at to import three we# forms into
the hplan application'
(@ote. you may need to restart the Planning ser"er to see the imported forms!
Click on the ,orms folder to display the imported forms'
Code e/planation. we# forms import

The importwe#forms'#at file, located in 8.?demos?hplan?we#forms, contains commands used to
upload the three we# forms into the Planning relational repository'

cd D:\orc+#m1#demos\"p+an\1e-0orms

,irst, you change the current directory to the one where the we# form definitions are located'

2ormDe0.ti+*cmd '0:D:\ORCL\MW\demos\"p+an\pass1ord*txt import 'a++ epmdemo
demoadmin "p+an

(ou use the ,orm4ef3til'cmd utility to upload the we# forms into Planning, using the encrypted
user password stored in password't/t' All we# forms that you import into the hplan application
use demoadmin as the user and localhost as the Planning we# ser"er'

ther kinds of commands you can use .

FormDefUtil.cmd -f:D:\ORCL\MW\demos\hplan\password.txt import =<' *ncome Statement'/ml>
epmdemo demoadmin hplan

FormDefUtil.cmd -f:D:\ORCL\MW\demos\hplan\password.txt e/port -all epmdemo demoadmin

FormDefUtil.cmd -f:D:\ORCL\MW\demos\hplan\password.txt e/port O6/penses with 4ri"erO
epmdemo demoadmin hplan

7ore e/planations are a"aila#le in the Planning Administrator +uide'
Tal8ing points and >enefits:
- Administrators can easily manage and upload we# forms into the application'
- Position the template approach from a functional perspecti"e. #ased on industry
planning shared models, companies can -uickly integrate #est-in-class planning
processes (data 6ntry forms! using industry #est practices'
- Position the template approach from a technical perspecti"e. Administrators can -uickly
create test data entry forms, and can ha"e se"eral testing models ready to use
depending on end user re-uirements'
- Consider we# form templates as part of 8ife Cycle 7anagement artifacts (mo"ing we#
forms #etween applications, #etween en"ironments$ser"ers!' *t also ser"es as a #ackup
of the application'
(ou can also use 8C7 to automate a task list import, again emphasi)ing that the Template
approach helps to integrate planning #est-in-class processes into 1yperion Planning'
Optional: (ssbase Data %oad
/4ou#le-click on 4.?demos?hplan?data?loaddata'#at to load data into the application'
pen the <' *ncome Statement data form to "iew the data loaded (change the (ear to ,(<&!'
Code e/planation. 6ss#ase 4ata 8oad

3sing the loaddata'#at file, located in 4.?demos?hplan?data, you are a#le to load data directly into
6ss#ase' The command used is. ess#sh ?D:5de#os5hplan5data5loaddata.#shO which calls
the 6ss#ase 7a/8 Shell command-line interface (essmsh! and uses the loaddata'msh file script'

5hen editing the loaddata.#sh file, the commands used are.

login de#oad#in de#oad#in@
i#port database hplan.Plan$ data
fro# data;file AD:5de#os5hplan5data5data.t,tA
on error abort@

you log in to 6ss#ase as demoadmin,
you import data into the Plan< cu#e of the hplan application
using a file located in P4.?demos?hplan?data?data't/tP
and log out after the file is loaded'
Optional: Calculation Te#plates i#port
/,rom na"igation, select Administer J Calculation 7anager'
6/pand the Planning J hplan tree to the Plan Type le"el and select ,ile J *mport'
Click Browse to #rowse to the location where the hplan rules are stored (4.?demos?hplan?calcs
Click *mport''
1ighlight #oth calculations, right-click and select 4eploy'

The 7i/ calculation is used with the %' Product 7i/ we# form and is set to 0un on Sa"e' The
Spread calculation is used with the N' 6/pense with 4ri"er we# form and is also set to 0un on
Tal8ing points and >enefits:
Position Calculation 7anager "alues.
- Calculation 7anager ena#les customers to create, "alidate, and deploy sophisticated
calculations to sol"e ,inancial 7anagement and Planning #usiness pro#lems' (ou can
use Calculation 7anager to create any of these calculations.
o Allocate costs among entities
o Perform re"enue modeling
o Perform e/pense modeling
o Prepare a Balance Sheet
o Calculate cash flow
o Calculate currency translation adGustments
o Calculate group and minority interest
o Calculate deferred ta/es
- Calculations are defined in the 5orkspace, using a single we# interface to manage all
kinds of calculations'
- @o need to deploy packages to end users'
- At this stage, you can open a calculation (the simplest one is the 7i/ calculation!, and
show how the rule uses a calculation flow chart and how a calculation is created' *f you
want something more sophisticated using an *, statement, open the Spread calculation'
De#o *lo+ e,planation
/ Select the first we# form called Q <' *ncome statement R'
4ata is entered at the lowest le"el of the 6ntity and Products dimensions #y account and #y
month for Plan, Eersion< and %&<&' Show that no data e/ists in the (earTotal for operating
e/penses at this le"el'
/ Select Products in the second dropdown and click +o'
perating e/penses are only entered at the (earTotal le"el for total Products'
These operating e/penses need to first #e allocated to products using a product mi/ :
per entity, and then #e allocated #y month using an 6/penses dri"er'
/ Select the second we# form called Q %' Product 7i/ R and collapse the form'

/ 7odify the percentages #y product and entity at the (earTotal le"el'
n Sa"e, the 7i/ calculation is run and perating 6/penses are allocated down to the lowest
le"el of the Products and 6ntity dimensions'
/Select the we# form called Q <' *ncome Statement R' Select ProductA in the second
dropdown and click +o'
@ote that we now ha"e data #y entity and #y product at the (earTotal le"el'
5e need to allocate these e/penses to the monthly le"el using the ne/t we# form Q N'
6/penses with 4ri"er R
/ Select the we# form called Q N' 6/penses with 4ri"er R
/ Copy$paste data from (earTotal to the BegBalance J Eersion< column'
/ 7odify the Spread 4ri"er using the Smart 8ist dropdown in the Spread column and click
Sa"e' The allocation is done automatically #ased on the Spread calculation'
(1int. choose the Sales dri"er instead of the Prior (ear dri"er!'
/ 0eturn to the *ncome Statement we# formS all data is now calculated and a"aila#le'
+oal of this demo is to -uickly create an application in front of a customer'
@ow that the application is created, you can position 1yperion Planning "alues and
#enefits #ased on your customerFs re-uirements'
(ou can continue to use this application to demonstrate 1yperion Planning features.
- 4ata 6ntry form features (grid Spreader, AdGust, Cell te/t, supporting detail, doc
attachment, etc'!'
- (ou can show how easy it is to create a we# form on-the-fly'
- (ou can create a task list #ased on the three we# forms'
- (ou can pro"ision users (1enry and Carol!, assign security, and demonstrate with these
De#o Cleanup
/ *n 5orkspace, open Calculation 7anager, e/pand Planning J hplan J Plan< J 0ules'
0ight-click and on the 7i/ and Spread rules and select 4elete' Click 9 when asked if you
want to delete' Click 9 when deleted'
/ Select Administer J Classic Application Administration J Planning Administration' Select
4elete Application, highlight the hplan application, click on the 4elete Application #utton'
/ Stop the Planning ser"ice' 0un the Create 3ser utility to create an empty repository' (ou
will #e a#le to reuse the hplan 4ata Source'

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