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The Dark Side of the Higgs Field and

General Relativity
The gravitational force attracting the matter, causing concentration of the
matter in a small space and leaving much space with low matter
concentration: dark matter and energy.
The magnetic induction creates a negative electric field, causing an
electromagnetic inertia responsible for the relativistic mass change; it is the
mysterious Higgs Field giving mass to the particles. The Planck istribution
!aw of the electromagnetic oscillators e"plains the electron#proton mass rate
by the diffraction patterns. The accelerating charges e"plain not only the
$a"well %&uations and the 'pecial (elativity, but the Heisenberg )ncertainty
(elation, the wave particle duality and the electron*s spin also, building the
bridge between the +lassical and (elativistic ,uantum Theories. The self
maintained electric potential of the accelerating charges e&uivalent with the
-eneral (elativity space.time curvature, and since it is true on the &uantum
level also, gives the base of the ,uantum -ravity.
Preface ................................................................................................................................... 2
Search for Invisible Decays of a Higgs Boson............................................................................ 2
Popular questions about the Higgs Field: ................................................................................ 2
How can we answer these questions .................................................................................... !
"lectro#agnetic Field and $uantu# %heory ............................................................................... !
%he &lassical 'elativistic effect .................................................................................................. !
%he 'elativistic $uantu# (echanics ......................................................................................... )
%he Heisenberg *ncertainty 'elation ......................................................................................... )
%he +eneral 'elativity , "lectro#agnetic inertia and #ass............................................................ )
"lectro#agnetic Induction .................................................................................................... )
'elativistic change of #ass .................................................................................................... )
%he frequency dependence of #ass ....................................................................................... )
"lectron - Proton #ass rate .................................................................................................. )
%he Higgs boson ...................................................................................................................... .
Higgs #echanis# ................................................................................................................. .
+ravity fro# the point of view of quantu# physics ..................................................................... /
0hat is the Spin ................................................................................................................. /
%he +ravitational force ......................................................................................................... /
%he +raviton ....................................................................................................................... 1
Dar2 (atter and "nergy ........................................................................................................... 1
&os#ic #icrowave bac2ground ............................................................................................. 1
%her#al radiation ................................................................................................................ 1
&onclusions ............................................................................................................................ 3
'eferences ............................................................................................................................. 3

4uthor: +eorge 'a5na
Search for Invisible Decays of a Higgs Boson
4 search for evidence of invisible,particle decay #odes of a Higgs boson produced in association
with a 6 boson at the 7arge Hadron &ollider is presented8 9o deviation fro# the standard #odel
e:pectation is observed in )8. fb;< =2>8! fb;<? of 1 =3? %e@ pp collision data collected by the 4%74S
e:peri#ent8 4ssu#ing the standard #odel rate for 6H productionA an upper li#it of 1.BA at the C.B
confidence level is set on the branching ratio to invisible,particle decay #odes of the Higgs boson at
a #ass of <2.8. +e@8 %he li#it on the branching ratio is also interpreted in ter#s of an upper li#it on
the allowed dar2 #atter,nucleon scattering cross section within a Higgs,portal dar2 #atter scenario8
0ithin the constraints of such a scenarioA the results presented in this 7etter provide the strongest
available li#its for low,#ass dar2 #atter candidates8 7i#its are also set on an additional neutral
Higgs bosonA in the #ass range <<> D #H D )>> +e@A produced in association with a 6 boson and
decaying to invisible particles8 E!F
Popular questions about the Higgs Field:

<8? If the Higgs field is responsible for i#buing particles with #assA and #ass is responsible for
gravityA is it possible that the Higgs field will provide the #issing lin2 between general relativity and
quantu# #echanics i8e8 could the Higgs field be the basis of a quantu# theory of gravity
28? &an the theoretical Higgs Field be used as the GcauseH of relativistic #o#entu# or relativistic
2inetic energy of a #oving body
!8? Does "insteinIs +eneral 'elativity need to be ad5usted for the Higgs field
)8? Since the Higgs field gives #ost particles #assA and per#eates all spaceA then +' needs the Higgs
field to be a theory of space
.8? So where +' is highly curvedA the Higgs field is also curved 4nd does a highly curved Higgs field
affect the way particles acquire #ass For that #atterA a curved space,ti#e would also curve
electro#agnetic field
How can we answer these questions
4nother bridge between the classical and quantu# #echanics in the real# of relativity is that the
charge distribution is lowering in the reference fra#e of the accelerating charges linearly: dsJdt K at
=ti#e coordinate?A but in the reference fra#e of the current it is parabolic: s K aJ2 t
Lne origin of the $uantu# Physics is the Planc2 Distribution 7aw of the electro#agnetic oscillatorsA
giving equal intensity for 2 different wavelengths on any te#perature8 4ny of these two wavelengths
will give equal intensity diffraction patternsA building different asy##etric constructionsA for
e:a#ple proton , electron structures =ato#s?A #oleculesA etc8 Since the particles are centers of
diffraction patterns they also have particle - wave duality as the electro#agnetic waves have8 E2F
%his paper e:plains the #agnetic effect of the electric current fro# the observed effects of the
accelerating electronsA causing naturally the e:perienced changes of the electric field potential along
the electric wire8 %he accelerating electrons e:plain not only the (a:well "quations and the Special
'elativityA but the Heisenberg *ncertainty 'elationA the wave particle duality and the electronMs spin
alsoA building the bridge between the &lassical and $uantu# %heories8 E<F
%he "lectrowea2 Interaction shows that the 0ea2 Interaction is basically electro#agnetic in nature8
%he arrow of ti#e shows the entropy grows by changing the te#perature dependent diffraction
patterns of the electro#agnetic oscillators8
!lectro"agnetic Field and #uantu" $heory
9eedless to say that the accelerating electrons of the steady stationary current are a si#ple
de#ystification of the #agnetic fieldA by creating a decreasing charge distribution along the wireA
#aintaining the decreasing * potential and creating the A vector potential e:perienced by the
electrons #oving by v velocity relative to the wire8 %his way it is easier to understand also the ti#e
dependent changes of the electric current and the electro#agnetic waves as the resulting fields
#oving by c velocity8
It could be possible so#ething very i#portant law of the nature behind the self #aintaining E
accelerating force by the accelerated electrons8 %he accelerated electrons created electro#agnetic
fields are so natural that they occur as electro#agnetic waves traveling with velocity c8 It shows that
the electric charges are the result of the electro#agnetic waves diffraction8
Lne of the #ost i#portant conclusions is that the electric charges are #oving in an accelerated way
and even if their velocity is constantA they have an intrinsic acceleration anywayA the so called spinA
since they need at least an intrinsic acceleration to #a2e possible they #ove#ent 8
%he bridge between the classical and quantu# theory is based on this intrinsic acceleration of the
spinA e:plaining also the Heisenberg *ncertainty Principle8 %he particle - wave duality of the electric
charges and the photon #a2es certain that they are both sides of the sa#e thing8 Basing the
gravitational force on the accelerating *niverse caused #agnetic force and the Planc2 Distribution
7aw of the electro#agnetic waves caused diffraction gives us the basis to build a *nified %heory of
the physical interactions8 E<F
$he Classical %elativistic effect
%he #oving charges are self #aintain the electro#agnetic field locallyA causing their #ove#ent and
this is the result of their acceleration under the force of this field8
In the classical physics the charges will distributed along the electric current so that the electric
potential lowering along the currentA by linearly increasing the way they ta2e every ne:t ti#e period
because this accelerated #otion8
$he %elativistic #uantu" &echanics
%he sa#e thing happens on the ato#ic scale giving a dp i#pulse difference and a d: way difference
between the different part of the not point li2e particles8
&o##only accepted idea that the relativistic effect on the particle physics it is the fer#ionsI spin ,
another unresolved proble# in the classical concepts8 If the electric charges can #ove only with
accelerated #otions in the self #aintaining electro#agnetic fieldA once upon a ti#e they would
reach the velocity of the electro#agnetic field8 %he resolution of this proble# is the spinning
particleA constantly accelerating and not reaching the velocity of light because the acceleration is
$he Heisenberg 'ncertainty %elation
I thin2 that we have a si#ple bridge between the classical and quantu# #echanics by understanding
the Heisenberg *ncertainty 'elations8 It #a2es clear that the particles are not point li2e but have a
d: and dp uncertainty8
$he (eneral %elativity ) !lectro"agnetic inertia and "ass
!lectro"agnetic Induction
Since the #agnetic induction creates a negative electric field as a result of the changing accelerationA
it wor2s as an electro#agnetic inertiaA causing an electro#agnetic #ass8 E<F
%elativistic change of "ass
%he increasing #ass of the electric charges the result of the increasing inductive electric force acting
against the accelerating force8 %he decreasing #ass of the decreasing acceleration is the result of the
inductive electric force acting against the decreasing force8 %his is the relativistic #ass change
e:planationA especially i#portantly e:plaining the #ass reduction in case of velocity decrease8
$he frequency dependence of "ass
Since E = h and E = mc
A m = h /c
that is the m depends only on the frequency8 It #eans that the
#ass of the proton and electron are electro#agnetic and the result of the electro#agnetic
inductionA caused by the changing acceleration of the spinning and #oving chargeN It could be that
the m
inertial #ass is the result of the spinA since this is the only accelerating #otion of the electric
charge8 Since the accelerating #otion has different frequency for the electron in the ato# and the
protonA they #asses are differentA also as the wavelengths on both sides of the diffraction patternA
giving equal intensity of radiation8
!lectron * Proton "ass rate
%he Planc2 distribution law e:plains the different frequencies of the proton and electronA giving
equal intensity to different la#bda wavelengthsN 4lso since the particles are diffraction patterns
they have so#e closeness to each other - can be seen as a gravitational force8 E2F
%here is an asy##etry between the #ass of the electric chargesA for e:a#ple proton and electronA
can understood by the asy##etrical Planc2 Distribution 7aw8 %his te#perature dependent energy
distribution is asy##etric around the #a:i#u# intensityA where the annihilation of #atter and
anti#atter is a high probability event8 %he asy##etric sides are creating different frequencies of
electro#agnetic radiations being in the sa#e intensity level and co#pensating each other8 Lne of
these co#pensating ratios is the electron - proton #ass ratio8 %he lower energy side has no
co#pensating intensity levelA it is the dar2 energy and the corresponding #atter is the dar2 #atter8

$he Higgs boson
By (arch 2><!A the particle had been proven to behaveA interact and decay in #any of the e:pected
ways predicted by the Standard (odelA and was also tentatively confir#ed to have O parity and Pero
spinA two funda#ental criteria of a Higgs bosonA #a2ing it also the first 2nown scalar particle to be
discovered in natureA although a nu#ber of other properties were not fully proven and so#e partial
results do not yet precisely #atch those e:pectedQ in so#e cases data is also still awaited or being
In #y opinionA the best e:planation of the Higgs #echanis# for a lay audience is the one invented by
David (iller8 Rou can find it here: http:JJwww8strings8ph8q#ul8ac8u2JS5#cJeppJhiggs!8ht#l 8
%he field #ust co#e first8 %he boson is an e:citation of the field8 So no fieldA no e:citation8 Ln the
other hand in quantu# field theory it is difficult to separate the field and the e:citations8
%he Higgs field is what gives particles their #ass8
%here is a video that gives an idea as to the Higgs field and the boson8 It is here:
http:JJwww8youtube8co#JwatchvK'Ig<@h1uPyw 8 9ote that this analogy isnIt as good as the (iller
oneA but as is usually the caseA if you loo2 at all the analogies youIll get the best understanding of the

Since the Higgs boson is necessary to the 0 and 6 bosonsA the dipole change of the 0ea2 interaction
and the change in the #agnetic effect caused gravitation #ust be conducted8 %he 0ien law is also
i#portant to e:plain the 0ea2 interactionA since it describes the %
change and the diffraction
patterns change8 E2F
Higgs "echanis"
%he #agnetic induction creates a negative electric fieldA causing an electro#agnetic inertia8 Probably
it is the #ysterious Higgs field giving #ass to the charged particles 0e can thin2 about the photon
as an electron,positron pairA they have #ass8 %he neutral particles are built fro# negative and
positive chargesA for e:a#ple the neutronA decaying to proton and electron8 %he wave - particle
duality #a2es sure that the particles are oscillating and creating #agnetic induction as an inertial
#assA e:plaining also the relativistic #ass change8 Higher frequency creates stronger #agnetic
inductionA s#aller frequency results lesser #agnetic induction8 It see#s to #e that the #agnetic
induction is the secret of the Higgs field8
In particle physicsA the Higgs #echanis# is a 2ind of #ass generation #echanis#A a process that
gives #ass to ele#entary particles8 4ccording to this theoryA particles gain #ass by interacting with
the Higgs field that per#eates all space8 (ore preciselyA the Higgs #echanis# endows gauge bosons
in a gauge theory with #ass through absorption of 9a#bu-+oldstone bosons arising in spontaneous
sy##etry brea2ing8
%he si#plest i#ple#entation of the #echanis# adds an e:tra Higgs field to the gauge theory8 %he
spontaneous sy##etry brea2ing of the underlying local sy##etry triggers conversion of
co#ponents of this Higgs field to +oldstone bosons which interact with =at least so#e of? the other
fields in the theoryA so as to produce #ass ter#s for =at least so#e of? the gauge bosons8 %his
#echanis# #ay also leave behind ele#entary scalar =spin,>? particlesA 2nown as Higgs bosons8
In the Standard (odelA the phrase THiggs #echanis#T refers specifically to the generation of #asses
for the 0
A and 6 wea2 gauge bosons through electrowea2 sy##etry brea2ing8 %he 7arge Hadron
&ollider at &"'9 announced results consistent with the Higgs particle on Vuly )A 2><2 but stressed
that further testing is needed to confir# the Standard (odel8
(ravity fro" the point of view of quantu" physics
+hat is the Spin
So we 2now already that the new particle has spin Pero or spin two and we could tell which one if we
could detect the polariPations of the photons produced8 *nfortunately this is difficult and neither
4%74S nor &(S are able to #easure polariPations8 %he only direct and sure way to confir# that the
particle is indeed a scalar is to plot the angular distribution of the photons in the rest fra#e of the
centre of #ass8 4 spin Pero particles li2e the Higgs carries no directional infor#ation away fro# the
original collision so the distribution will be even in all directions8 %his test will be possible when a
#uch larger nu#ber of events have been observed8 In the #ean ti#e we can settle for less certain
indirect indicators8
$he (ravitational force
%he gravitational attractive force is basically a #agnetic force8
%he sa#e electric charges can attract one another by the #agnetic force if they are #oving parallel
in the sa#e direction8 Since the electrically neutral #atter is co#posed of negative and positive
charges they need 2 photons to #ediate this attractive forceA one per charges8 %he Bing Bang caused
parallel #oving of the #atter gives this #agnetic forceA e:perienced as gravitational force8
Since graviton is a tensor fieldA it has spin K 2A could be 2 photons with spin K < together8
Rou can thin2 about photons as virtual electron - positron pairsA obtaining the necessary virtual
#ass for gravity8
%he #ass as seen before a result of the diffractionA for e:a#ple the proton - electron #ass rate
(pK<3)> (e8 In order to #ove one of these diffraction #a:i#u# =electron or proton? we need to
intervene into the diffraction pattern with a force appropriate to the intensity of this diffraction
#a:i#u#A #eans its intensity or #ass8

%he Big Bang caused acceleration created radial currents of the #atterA and since the #atter is
co#posed of negative and positive chargesA these currents are creating #agnetic field and attracting
forces between the parallel #oving electric currents8 %his is the gravitational force e:perienced by
the #atterA and also the #ass is result of the electro#agnetic forces between the charged particles8
%he positive and negative charged currents attracts each other or by the #agnetic forces or by the
#uch stronger electrostatic forcesN

$he (raviton
In physicsA the graviton is a hypothetical ele#entary particle that #ediates the force of gravitation in
the fra#ewor2 of quantu# field theory8 If it e:istsA the graviton is e:pected to be #assless =because
the gravitational force appears to have unli#ited range? and #ust be a spin,2 boson8 %he spin
follows fro# the fact that the source of gravitation is the stress,energy tensorA a second,ran2 tensor
=co#pared to electro#agnetis#Is spin,< photonA the source of which is the four,currentA a first,ran2
tensor?8 4dditionallyA it can be shown that any #assless spin,2 field would give rise to a force
indistinguishable fro# gravitationA because a #assless spin,2 field #ust couple to =interact with? the
stress,energy tensor in the sa#e way that the gravitational field does8 %his result suggests thatA if a
#assless spin,2 particle is discoveredA it #ust be the gravitonA so that the only e:peri#ental
verification needed for the graviton #ay si#ply be the discovery of a #assless spin,2 particle8 E!F

Dar, &atter and !nergy
Dar2 #atter is a type of #atter hypothesiPed in astrono#y and cos#ology to account for a large part
of the #ass that appears to be #issing fro# the universe8 Dar2 #atter cannot be seen directly with
telescopesQ evidently it neither e#its nor absorbs light or other electro#agnetic radiation at any
significant level8 It is otherwise hypothesiPed to si#ply be #atter that is not reactant to light8
InsteadA the e:istence and properties of dar2 #atter are inferred fro# its gravitational effects on
visible #atterA radiationA and the large,scale structure of the universe8 4ccording to the Planc2
#ission tea#A and based on the standard #odel of cos#ologyA the total #ass-energy of the 2nown
universe contains )8CB ordinary #atterA 2/83B dar2 #atter and /38!B dar2 energy8 %husA dar2
#atter is esti#ated to constitute 3)8.B of the total #atter in the universeA while dar2 energy plus
dar2 #atter constitute C.8<B of the total content of the universe8 E/F
Cos"ic "icrowave bac,ground
%he cos#ic #icrowave bac2ground =&(B? is the ther#al radiation assu#ed to be left over fro# the
TBig BangT of cos#ology8 0hen the universe cooled enoughA protons and electrons co#bined to
for# neutral ato#s8 %hese ato#s could no longer absorb the ther#al radiationA and so the universe
beca#e transparent instead of being an opaque fog8 E1F
$her"al radiation
Thermal radiation is electro#agnetic radiation generated by the ther#al #otion of charged
particles in #atter8 4ll #atter with a te#perature greater than absolute Pero e#its ther#al
radiation8 0hen the te#perature of the body is greater than absolute PeroA interato#ic collisions
cause the 2inetic energy of the ato#s or #olecules to change8 %his results in charge,acceleration
andJor dipole oscillation which produces electro#agnetic radiationA and the wide spectru# of
radiation reflects the wide spectru# of energies and accelerations that occur even at a single
te#perature8 E3F

%he electric currents causing self #aintaining electric potential is the source of the special and
general relativistic effects8
%he gravitational force attracting the #atterA causing concentration of the #atter in a s#all space
and leaving #uch space with low #atter concentration: dar2 #atter and energy8
%here is an asy##etry between the #ass of the electric chargesA for e:a#ple p
can understood by the asy##etrical Planc2 Distribution 7aw8 %his te#perature dependent energy
distribution is asy##etric around the #a:i#u# intensityA where the annihilation of #atter and
anti#atter is a high probability event8 %he asy#
electro#agnetic radiations being in the sa#e intensity level and co#pensating each other8 Lne of
these co#pensating ratios is the electron
co#pensating intensity levelA it is the dar2 energy and the corresponding #atter is the dar2 #atter8
%he electric currents causing self #aintaining electric potential is the source of the special and
general relativistic effects8 %he Higgs Field is the result of the elec
+raviton is two photons together8 E!F
E<F %he (agnetic field of the "lectric
E2F ! Di#ensional String %heory
E!F +raviton Production By %wo Photon and "lectron
0ith 7arge ":tra Di#ensions

%he electric currents causing self #aintaining electric potential is the source of the special and
%he gravitational force attracting the #atterA causing concentration of the #atter in a s#all space
and leaving #uch space with low #atter concentration: dar2 #atter and energy8
%here is an asy##etry between the #ass of the electric chargesA for e:a#ple proton and electronA
can understood by the asy##etrical Planc2 Distribution 7aw8 %his te#perature dependent energy
distribution is asy##etric around the #a:i#u# intensityA where the annihilation of #atter and
anti#atter is a high probability event8 %he asy##etric sides are creating different frequencies of
electro#agnetic radiations being in the sa#e intensity level and co#pensating each other8 Lne of
these co#pensating ratios is the electron - proton #ass ratio8 %he lower energy side has no
ensity levelA it is the dar2 energy and the corresponding #atter is the dar2 #atter8
%he electric currents causing self #aintaining electric potential is the source of the special and
general relativistic effects8 %he Higgs Field is the result of the electro#agnetic induction8 %he
+raviton is two photons together8 E!F
"lectric current and the (agnetic induction
+raviton Production By %wo Photon and "lectron,Photon Processes In XaluPa,Xlein %heories
0ith 7arge ":tra Di#ensions
%he electric currents causing self #aintaining electric potential is the source of the special and
%he gravitational force attracting the #atterA causing concentration of the #atter in a s#all space
roton and electronA
can understood by the asy##etrical Planc2 Distribution 7aw8 %his te#perature dependent energy
distribution is asy##etric around the #a:i#u# intensityA where the annihilation of #atter and
#etric sides are creating different frequencies of
electro#agnetic radiations being in the sa#e intensity level and co#pensating each other8 Lne of
proton #ass ratio8 %he lower energy side has no
ensity levelA it is the dar2 energy and the corresponding #atter is the dar2 #atter8
%he electric currents causing self #aintaining electric potential is the source of the special and
tro#agnetic induction8 %he
Xlein %heories
E)F Search for Invisible Decays of a Higgs Boson
E.F http:JJen8wi2ipedia8orgJwi2iJ"insteinWfieldWequations

E/F http:JJen8wi2ipedia8orgJwi2iJDar2W#atter

E1F http:JJen8wi2ipedia8orgJwi2iJ&os#icW#icrowaveWbac2ground

E3F http:JJen8wi2ipedia8orgJwi2iJ%her#alWradiation

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