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Concept and importance
Elements of Directing
- Supervision-concept, functions of a supervisor.
- Motivation-concept, Maslows hierarchy of need: inancial and non-financial
- !eadership-concept, styles-authoritative, democratic and laisse" faire.
- Communication- concept, formal and informal communication# $arriers to
effective communication, how to overcome the $arriers.

Key Concepts in Nutshell
Meanin o! Di"ectin: %t refers to instructing, guiding, communicating and inspiring
people in the organisation .
I#po"tance o! Di"ectin: &'(. %t initiates action. &)(.%t integrates employees efforts.
&*(%t is the means of motivation. &+(%t facilitates implementing changes.
&,(%t creates $alance in the organi"ation.
Ele#ents o! Di"ectin: &'(Supervision &)(Communication &*(!eadership
Concept of Supervision: Supervision refers to monitoring the progress of wor- of ones
su$ordinates and guiding them properly.
$unctions o! a %upe"&iso":&'(acilitates control &)(.ptimum utili"ation of
resources&*(Maintenance of discipline &+(eed$ac- &,(%mproves communication
&/(%mproves motivation
Motivation- Moti&ation process of stimulating people to accomplish desired goals. %t
depends up on satisfying the needs of people.
Maslo'(s Hie"a"chy o! Nee)s: - 0ccording to Maslow, man does every wor- to satisfy
his need. 0 man has various needs and their order can $e determined. 1he needs of a
human $eing serve as a motivation for him. .n the $asis of priority human needs can
$e divided into five parts &i( 2hysiological needs, &ii( Safety needs, &iii(.0ffiliation or
social needs, &iv( Esteem needs and &v( Self-actuali"ation needs.

$inancial o" Moneta"y Incenti&es: inancial incentives are those incentives which
are evaluated in terms of money. 1hese are helpful to satisfy 2hysiological and Safety
3eeds. %t includes the following &i( 2ay and allowances, &ii( 2roductivity-lin-ed wage
%ncentives, &iii( 4onus, &iv( 2rofit sharing, &v( Co-partnership &iv( Suggestions, &vi(
5etirement $enefits, &vii( 2er6uisites.
Non-!inancial o" Non-#oneta"y Incenti&es: 3on-financial incentives are not directly
related with money. 1hese incentives help in the satisfaction of top hierarchy needs
li-e social, esteem and self-actuali"ation. %t includes the following &i(.Status &ii(
.rgani"ational climate &iii( Career advancement opportunity &iv( 7o$ enrichment &v(
Employee recognition programmes &vi( 7o$ security &vii( Employee participation &viii(
Employee empowerment.
Meanin o! *ea)e"ship : %t refers to influence others in a manner to do what the
leaders wants them to do.
*ea)e"ship %tyles:
I+ Autoc"atic *ea)e"ship %tyle:-
&a(.Meaning: %t refers to that leadership style in which the leader tends to run the show all $y
&$(.Characteristics: &i( Centrali"ed 0uthority, &ii( Single 8man Decision, &iii( 9rong 4elief
5egarding Employee, &iv( .nly Downward Communications.
&c(. 0dvantages: &i( :uic- and Clear Decisions, &ii( Satisfactory 9or-, &iii( 3ecessary for !ess
Educated Employees.
&d(.Disadvantages: &i( !ac- of Motivation, &ii( 0gitation $y Employees, &iii( 2ossi$ility of
II+ De#oc"atic *ea)e"ship %tyle :-
&a(. Meaning: %t refers to that leadership style in which the leader consult with his su$
ordinates $efore ma-ing any final decisions.
&$(.Characteristics: -&i(Cooperative 5elations,&ii(4elief in Employees, &iii( .pen
&c (.0dvantages : &i( ;igh Morale, &ii(Creations of More Efficiency and 2roductivity, &iii(
0vaila$ility of Sufficient 1ime for Constructive 9or-.
&d(.Disadvantages: &i( 5e6uirement of Educated Su$ordinates, &ii( Delay in Decisions, &iii(!ac-
of 5esponsi$ility in Managers.

III+ *aisse,-!ai"e o" $"ee-"ein *ea)e"ship %tyle: -

&a(. Meaning : %t refers to that leadership style in which the leader gives his su$ ordinates
complete freedom to ma-e decisions.
&$(Characteristics &i(ull faith in su$ordinates, &ii( %ndependent Decision-ma-ing system,&iii(
Decentralisation of 0uthority &iv(Self-Directed Supervisory and Controlled.
&c(. 0dvantages.&i(Development of Self-confidence in Su$ ordinates, &ii( ;igh-level
Motivation,&iii(;elpful in Development and E<tension of the Enterprise.
&d(. Disadvantages.&i(.Difficulty in Cooperation, &ii(!ac- of %mportance of Managerial 2ost, &iii(
Suita$le only for ;ighly Educated Employees.

Co##unication: Communication refers to process of e<change of ideas $etween or among
persons and creates understanding. Communication process involves the elements of source,
encoding, channel, receiver, decoding and feed$ac-.
$o"#al Co##unications refers to all official communications in the form of orders, memos,
appeal, notes , circular, agenda, minutes etc.
In!o"#al Co##unications are usually in the form of rumours, whispers etc. 1hey are
unofficial, spontaneous, unrecorded, spread very fast and usually distorted.
-a""ie"s may e<ist for effective communications. Some of these $arriers include-semantic
$arriers, organi"ational $arriers, language $arriers, transmission $arriers, psychological
$arriers and personal $arriers.
Manae" should ta-e appropriate measures to overcome these $arriers and promote
effective communication in the organi"ation such as
I#p"o&in co##unication e!!ecti&eness:
i. Clarify the ideas $efore communication ii. Communicate according to the needs of receiver.
iii. Consult others $efore communicating iv. 4e aware of language v. Convey things of help
and value to listeners vi. Ensure proper feed$ac- vii. Communicate for present as well as
future viii. ollow up communications and i<. 4e a good listener.

/23 1hat is #eant 4y Di"ectin5 E6plain the i#po"tance o! )i"ectin5 7M
0ns: Directing is telling people what to do and seeing that they do it to the $est of their a$ility.
%t includes ma-ing assignment, e<plaining procedures, seeing their mista-es are corrected,
providing on the =o$ instructions and issuing orders.
I#po"tance o! Di"ectin: -
'. %t initiates action

) %t integrates employees efforts
*. %t is the means of motivation
+. %t facilitates implementing changes.
,. %t creates $alance in the organi"ation
/83 Mention the ele#ents o! )i"ectin5 2M
0ns: '( supervision )( motivation *( leadership +( communication
/93 E6plain ho' )i"ectin is a pe"&asi&e !unction o! #anae#ent 2M
0ns: Directing is a pervasive function as every manager from top e<ecutive to superior
performs it.
/:3+;Di"ectin is the least i#po"tant !unction o! #anae#ent+( Do you a"ee 'ith this
state#ent5 Gi&e any t'o "easons in suppo"t o! you" ans'e"+ : M
0: 3o, % dont agree with this statement.
%mportance of direction: Direction may $e regarded as the heart of the management process.
%t is e<plained under the following parts:
a(.%nitiates action: 0ll organi"ational activates are initiated through direction.
$(.%ntegrates employees efforts: 0t all levels of management the su$ordinates under the
Managers integrate the wor- of su$ordinates.
c(.Means of motivation : Directing helps in motivating employees towards organi"ational
/<3+=The post o! supe"&iso" shoul) 4e a4olishe) in the hie"a"chy o! #anae"s>+ Do you
a"ee5 Gi&e any th"ee "easons in suppo"t o! you" ans'e"+ 7M
0(.3o, % dont agree, $ecause a supervisor performs the following functions to achieve
organi"ation goals.
unctions of the supervisor:
a(.2lanning the wor-. 1he supervisor has to determine wor- schedule for every =o$.
$(.%ssuing orders: Supervisor issues orders to the wor-ers for achieving coordination in his
c(.2roviding guidance and leader ship: 1he supervisor leads the wor-ers of his department.
d(.E<plains the policies and programmes of the organi"ation to his su$ ordinates and provide
e(.Ma-e necessary arrangement for supply of materials and ensure they are efficiently
f(. Deviations from the target if any are to $e rectified at the earliest.
g(. 1o help the personnel departments in recruitment and selection of wor-ers.

/73+1hat is #eant 4y ;Estee# nee)s( an) ;%el!-actuali,ation nee)s( in "elation to
#oti&ation o! the e#ployees5 :M
0: i. Esteem 3eeds: these needs are needs for self esteem and need for other esteem .or
E<ample: Self-respect, self-confidence etc.
ii. Self-actuali"ation 3eeds: 1his is the needs to $e what one is capa$le of $ecoming and
includes needs for optimal development.
/73+It is th"ouh #oti&ation that #anae"s can inspi"e thei" su4o")inates to i&e thei"
4est to the o"anisation(+ In the liht o! this state#ent? e6plain? in 4"ie!? the i#po"tance
o! #oti&ation+ <@7M
0: %mportance of motivation:
i. Motivation sets in motion the action of people: Motivation $uilds the will to wor- among
employees and puts them into action.
ii. Motivation includes the efficiency of wor- performance: 2erformance of employees
dependence not only on individual a$ilities $ut also on his willingness.
iii. Motivation ensures achievement of organi"ational goals: %f employees are not motivated,
no purpose can $e served $y planning organi"ing and staffing.
iv. Motivation creates friendly relationships: Motivation creates friendly and supportive
relationships $etween employer and employees.
> .Motivation leads to sta$ility in the employees: Motivation helps in reducing a$senteeism
and turnover.
vi. Motivation helps to change negative ? indifferent attitudes of an employee
/A3+=All #anae"s a"e lea)e"s? 4ut all lea)e"s a"e not #anae"s+> Do you a"ee 'ith
this state#ent5 Gi&e any th"ee "easons in suppo"t o! you" ans'e"+ 9@: M
0: @es, % agree with this statement.
Difference $etween leadership and management :

-asis *ea)e"ship Manae#ent
.rigin !eadership originates out of
individual influence
Management originates out
of official power and rights.

ormal 5ights 0 leader has no formal rights 0 manager has certain
formal rights
ollower A
0 leader has followers 0 manager has

/B3 E6plain the &a"ious lea)e"ship styles5 7M
0ns(:0utocratic leadership style: 1his style is also -nown as leader centered style. 1he leader
-eeps all the authority and employees have to perform the wor- e<actly as per his order. ;e
does not decentrali"es his authority. 1he responsi$ility of the success or the failure of the
management remains with the manager.
Democratic leadership: 1his style is also -nown as group centered leadership style.
Managerial decisions are not ta-en $y the manager in consultation with employees. 1his
leadership style is $ased on decentrali"ation. Managers respect the suggestions made $y his
su$ ordinates.
!aisse"-faire leadership style: this style as leadership is also -nown as free $rain leadership or
individual centered style. 1he manger ta-es little interest in managerial functions and the su$
ordinates are left on their own. Manager e<plain over all o$=ectives# help su$- ordinates in
determining their own o$=ectives. 1hey provide resources. 1hey also advise the employees.
/2C3 Mention the cha"acte"istics o! autoc"atic lea)e"ship style+ 9M
0ns(.'.Centrali"ed authority ).Single man decisions *.9rong $elief regarding employees
+..nly downward communication.
/223+ E6plain th"ee a)&antaes an) th"ee )isa)&antaes o! autoc"atic lea)e"ship style+
0ns(.0dvantages: '.6uic- and clear decisions ).Satisfactory wor- *.3ecessary for less
educated employees
Disadvantages: '.lac- of motivation ).0gitation $y employees *.2ossi$ilities of partiality. 7M
/283+ E6plain th"ee a)&antaes an) th"ee )isa)&antaes o! )e#oc"atic lea)e"ship+ 7M
'( 0ns: 0dvantages:'.Democratic leadership style advantages,).Morale,*.Creation of
more efficiency and productiv$ity,+.0vaila$ility of sufficient time for constructive
)( Disadvantages:'.5e6uirement of educated su$ ordinates ).Delay in decisions
*.!ac- of responsi$ility and managers
/293+ Mention !eatu"es o! )e#oc"atic lea)e"ship style5 9M
0ns: '( co operative relations )(.5elief in employees *(..pen communication
/2:3+ Mention the cha"acte"istics o! laisse,-!ai"e lea)e"ship style 9M
0ns: ull faith in su$- ordinates '(.%ndependent decision ma-ing system )(.Decentrali"ation
of authority
*(.Self directed

/2<3+ Mention th"ee a)&antaes an) th"ee )isa)&antaes o! laisse,-!ai"e 7M
0ns: -'.Development of self confidence in su$ ordinates, ).;igh level motivation, *.;elp in
development of e<tension and enterprise
Disadvantages: '.Difficulty in co operation, ).!ac- of importance of managerial post,
*.Suita$le only for highly educated employees
/273+ =Manae"ial !unctions cannot 4e ca""ie) out 'ithout an e!!icient syste# o!
co##unication+> Do you a"ee5 Gi&e any th"ee "easons in suppo"t o! you" ans'e"+:M
0: @es, % agree with this statement.
Communication is important $ecause of the following reasons.
i. Communication facilitates planning in a num$er of ways
ii. Communication helps management in arriving at vital decisions
iii .Communication is necessary in creating unity of action of action
/273+ Mention one 4a""ie" to e!!ecti&e co##unication+ 2M
0: 2oor listening s-ills of people.
/2A3+ Gi&e any one #easu"e to i#p"o&e co##unication+ 2M
0: Communicate according to the needs of receiver.
/2B3+ 1hat )o you #ean 4y "ape&ine5 E6plain t'o types o! "ape&ine alon 'ith
0: Brapevine: 1he networ- or pathway of informal communication is -nown as grade point

1wo types of grapevine communication

Bossip Single Strand
/8C3+ E6plain any th"ee #easu"es to o&e"co#e the 4a""ie"s to i#p"o&e
co##unications e!!ecti&eness+
0na: '.Clarify the areas $efore communication: 4efore communicating to employees a
manager should ma-e an analysis of the su$=ect matter.

). Consult others $efore communication: 0 manager should encourage participation of
su$ordinates which will ensure their support and cooperation.
*. Communicate according to the needs of receiver: 1he manager should ma-e ad=ustments
according to the needs of the receiver.

23+It is conce"ne) 'ith inst"uctin ui)in an) inspi"in people in the o"ani,ation to
achie&e its o4Eecti&es+ Na#e it+ 2 M
0: Directing
83 E&e"y #anae" !"o# top e6ecuti&e to supe"io" pe"!o"#s the !unction o!
)i"ectin+ 1hich cha"acte"istic o! )i"ectin is "e!e""e) he"e5 2M
0( Directing ta-es place every level of management.
93 It #eans o&e"seein the su4o")inates at 'o"F+ 1hich ele#ent o! )i"ectin is
"e!e""e) to5 2M
0: Supervision.
:3 %upe"&iso" acts as a linF 4et'een 'o"Fe"s an) #anae#ent+ Ho'5 2M
0: Supervisor conveys management ideas to the wor-ers on one hand and wor-ers pro$lems
to the management on the other.
<3 It "e!e"s to the 'ay in 'hich u"es? )"i&es? )esi"es? aspi"ations? st"i&ins o" nee)s
)i"ect cont"ol an) e6plain the 4eha&io" o! hu#an 4eins+ 1hich ele#ent o! )i"ectin is
in)icate) he"e5 2M
0: Motivation.
73 Moti&ation can 4e eithe" positi&e o" neati&e+ Gi&e t'o e6a#ples o! neati&e
#oti&ation+ 2M
0( a( Stopping increments $( 1reating
73+1hich nee) in the hie"a"chy theo"y o! #oti&ation "e!e"s to a!!ection? acceptance an)
!"ien)ship5 2M
0: 4elonging needs
A3 It is an incenti&e o!!e"e) o&e" an) a4o&e the 'aes@sala"y to the e#ployees+
Na#e the type o! !inancial incenti&e "e!e""e) he"e+ 2M
0( 4onus
B3 Na#e the incenti&e 'hich "e!e"s to ;i&e #o"e autono#y an) po'e"s to
su4o")inates( an) ho' a"e people a!!ecte) 4y this incenti&es5 2M
0( Employee Empowerment : Due to this incentive people start feeling that their =o$s are
important and they contri$ute positively to use their s-ills and talent in the =o$ performance.

2C3 It is )e!ine) as a p"ocess o! in!luencin othe" people to 'o"F 'illinly !o" "oup
o4Eecti&es+ Mention this ele#ent o! )i"ectin+ 2 M
0( !eadership
223 It is p"ocess 4y 'hich people c"eate an) sha"e in!o"#ation 'ith one anothe" in
o")e" to "each co##on un)e"stan)in+ 1hich ele#ent o! )i"ectin is "e!e""e) he"e5
0( Communication.
283 1hich ele#ent in co##unication p"ocess "elates to the p"ocess o! con&e"tin
enco)e) sy#4ols o! the sen)e"5 2M
0( Decoding
293 In 'hich Fin) o! co##unication net'o"F? a su4o")inate is allo'e) to
co##unicate 'hich his i##e)iate supe"io" as 'ell as his supe"io"(s supe"io"5 2M
0( %nverted >.
2:3 A#it an) MiFFi a"e 'o"Fin in the sa#e o"ani,ation 4ut )i!!e"ent )epa"t#ents+
One )ay at lunch ti#e MiFFi in!o"#e) A#it that )ue to co#pute"i,ation #any people
a"e oin to 4e "et"enche) soon !"o# the o"ani,ation+ :M
0( %t is an e<ample of informal communication.
*i#itations o! in!o"#al co##unication:
Messages tend to $e distorted.
%t often carries rumors.
%t is unsystematic.
2<3 The"e a"e so#e 4a""ie"s in co##unication 'hich a"e conce"ne) 'ith the state
o! #in) o! 4oth the sen)e" an) the "ecei&e"+ %tate any th"ee such 4a""ie"s+ 9@ : M
0( %t refers to physiological $arriers: i. premature evaluation ii. !oss $y transmission and
poor retention. %ii .!ac- of attention.

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