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Quantum Cognition and Entanglement

The hypothesis that there may be something quantum-like about the human
mental function was put forward with Spooky Activation at Distance formula
which attempted to model the effect that when a words associative network is
activated during study in memory e!periment" it behaves like a quantum-
entangled system# The human body is a constant flu! of thousands of
chemical$biological interactions and processes connecting molecules% cells%
organs% and fluids% throughout the brain% body% and nervous system# &p until
recently it was thought that all these interactions operated in a linear
sequence% passing on information much like a runner passing the baton to the
ne!t runner# 'owever% the latest findings in quantum biology and biophysics
have discovered that there is in fact a tremendous degree of coherence within
all living systems#
The accelerating electrons e!plain not only the (a!well )quations and the
Special *elativity% but the 'eisenberg &ncertainty *elation% the +ave-,article
Duality and the electrons spin also% building the -ridge between the .lassical
and /uantum Theories#
The ,lanck Distribution 0aw of the electromagnetic oscillators e!plains the
electron$proton mass rate and the +eak and Strong 1nteractions by the
diffraction patterns# The +eak 1nteraction changes the diffraction patterns by
moving the electric charge from one side to the other side of the diffraction
pattern% which violates the ., and Time reversal symmetry#
The diffraction patterns and the locality of the self-maintaining
electromagnetic potential e!plains also the /uantum )ntanglement% giving it
as a natural part of the *elativistic /uantum Theory and making possible to
understand the /uantum -iology#
Preface ................................................................................................................................... 2
Quantum Cognition ................................................................................................................. 3
Human Perception ............................................................................................................... 3
Human memory ................................................................................................................... 3
Knowledge representation .................................................................................................... 3
Quantum Consciousness .......................................................................................................... 4
Quantum Entanglement ........................................................................................................... 5
The ridge .............................................................................................................................. 5
!ccelerating charges ............................................................................................................ 5
"elati#istic effect ................................................................................................................. 5
Heisen$erg %ncertainty "elation ............................................................................................... &
'a#e ( Particle )uality ............................................................................................................ &
!tomic model ......................................................................................................................... &
The "elati#istic ridge .............................................................................................................. &
The wea* interaction ............................................................................................................... +
The ,eneral 'ea* -nteraction ............................................................................................... .
/ermions and osons ............................................................................................................... .
0an )er 'aals force ................................................................................................................ .
Electromagnetic inertia and mass .............................................................................................. .
Electromagnetic -nduction .................................................................................................... .
"elati#istic change of mass .................................................................................................... 1
The fre2uency dependence of mass ....................................................................................... 1
Electron ( Proton mass rate .................................................................................................. 1
,ra#ity from the point of #iew of 2uantum physics ..................................................................... 1
The ,ra#itational force ......................................................................................................... 1
The Higgs $oson .....................................................................................................................34
Higgs mechanism and Quantum ,ra#ity ....................................................................................34
'hat is the 5pin6 ................................................................................................................33
The ,ra#iton ......................................................................................................................33
Conclusions ...........................................................................................................................33
"eferences ............................................................................................................................32

!uthor7 ,eorge "a8na
The hypothesis that there may $e something 2uantum9li*e a$out the human mental function was
put forward with :5poo*y !cti#ation at )istance; formula which attempted to model the effect that
when a word<s associati#e networ* is acti#ated during study in memory e=periment> it $eha#es li*e a
2uantum9entangled system? @odels of cogniti#e agents and memory $ased on 2uantum collecti#es
ha#e $een proposed $y 5u$hash Ka*? ut he also points to specific pro$lems of limits on o$ser#ation
and control of these memories due to fundamental logical reasons? A&B
The human $ody is a constant flu= of thousands of chemicalC$iological interactions and processes
connecting molecules> cells> organs> and fluids> throughout the $rain> $ody> and ner#ous system? %p
until recently it was thought that all these interactions operated in a linear se2uence> passing on
information much li*e a runner passing the $aton to the ne=t runner? Howe#er> the latest findings in
2uantum $iology and $iophysics ha#e disco#ered that there is in fact a tremendous degree of
coherence within all li#ing systems? A5B
Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles are
generated or interact in ways such that the 2uantum state of each particle cannot $e descri$ed
independently ( instead> a 2uantum state may $e gi#en for the system as a whole? A4B
- thin* that we ha#e a simple $ridge $etween the classical and 2uantum mechanics $y understanding
the Heisen$erg %ncertainty "elations? -t ma*es clear that the particles are not point li*e $ut ha#e a
d= and dp uncertainty?

Quantum Cognition
Human Perception
! i9sta$le perceptual phenomenon is a fascinating topic in the area of perception? -f a stimulus has
an am$iguous interpretation> such as a Dec*er cu$e> the interpretation tends to oscillate across
time? Quantum models ha#e $een de#eloped to predict the time period $etween oscillations and
how these periods change with fre2uency of measurement? Quantum theory has also $een used for
modeling ,estalt perception> to account for interference effects o$tained with measurements of
am$iguous figures? A&B
Human memory
The hypothesis that there may $e something 2uantum9li*e a$out the human mental function was
put forward with :5poo*y !cti#ation at )istance; formula which attempted to model the effect that
when a word<s associati#e networ* is acti#ated during study in memory e=periment> it $eha#es li*e a
2uantum9entangled system? @odels of cogniti#e agents and memory $ased on 2uantum collecti#es
ha#e $een proposed $y 5u$hash Ka*? ut he also points to specific pro$lems of limits on o$ser#ation
and control of these memories due to fundamental logical reasons? A&B
Knowledge representation
Concepts are $asic cogniti#e phenomena> which pro#ide the content for inference> e=planation> and
language understanding? Cogniti#e psychology has researched different approaches for
understanding concepts including e=emplars> prototypes> and neural networ*s> and different
fundamental pro$lems ha#e $een identified> such as the e=perimentally tested non classical
$eha#ior for the con8unction and dis8unction of concepts> more specifically the Pet9/ish pro$lem or
guppy effect> and the o#ere=tension and under e=tension of typicality and mem$ership weight for
con8unction and dis8unction? y and large> 2uantum cognition has drawn on 2uantum theory in three
ways to model concepts?
E=ploit the conte=tuality of 2uantum theory to account for the conte=tuality of concepts in cognition
and language and the phenomenon of emergent properties when concepts com$ine?
%se 2uantum entanglement to model the semantics of concept com$inations in a non9
decompositional way> and to account for the emergent propertiesCassociatesCinferences in relation
to concept com$inations?
%se 2uantum superposition to account for the emergence of a new concept when concepts are
com$ined> and as a conse2uence put forward an e=planatory model for the Pet9/ish pro$lem
situation> and the o#ere=tension and under e=tension of mem$ership weights for the con8unction
and dis8unction of concepts? The large amount of data collected $y Hampton on the com$ination of
two concepts can $e modeled in a specific 2uantum9theoretic framewor* in /oc* space where the
o$ser#ed de#iations from classical set EfuFFy setG theory> the a$o#e mentioned o#er9 and under9
e=tension of mem$ership weights> are e=plained in terms of conte=tual interactions> superposition>
interference> entanglement and emergence? !nd> more> a cogniti#e test on a specific concept
com$ination has $een performed which directly re#eals> through the #iolation of ell<s ine2ualities>
2uantum entanglement $etween the component concepts? A&B
Quantum Consciousness
E=tensi#e scientific in#estigation has found that a form of 2uantum coherence operates within li#ing
$iological systems through what is *nown as $iological e=citations and $iophoton emission? 'hat
this means is that meta$olic energy is stored as a form of electromechanical and electromagnetic
e=citations? These coherent e=citations are considered responsi$le for generating and maintaining
long9range order #ia the transformation of energy and #ery wea* electromagnetic signals? !fter
nearly twenty years of e=perimental research> /ritF9!l$ert Popp put forward the hypothesis that
$iophotons are emitted from a coherent electrodynamics field within the li#ing system?
'hat this means is that each li#ing cell is gi#ing off> or resonating> a $iophoton field of coherent
energy? -f each cell is emitting this field> then the whole li#ing system is> in effect> a resonating field9a
u$i2uitous nonlocal field? !nd since $iophotons are the entities through which the li#ing system
communicates> there is near9instantaneous intercommunication throughout? !nd this> claims Popp>
is the $asis for coherent $iological organiFation 99 referred to as 2uantum coherence? This disco#ery
led Popp to state that the capacity for e#olution rests not on aggressi#e struggle and ri#alry $ut on
the capacity for communication and cooperation? -n this sense the $uilt9in capacity for species
e#olution is not $ased on the indi#idual $ut rather li#ing systems that are interlin*ed within a
coherent whole7 Hi#ing systems are thus neither the su$8ects alone> nor o$8ects isolated> $ut $oth
su$8ects and o$8ects in a mutually communicating uni#erse of meaning? ? ? ? Iust as the cells in an
organism ta*e on different tas*s for the whole> different populations enfold information not only for
themsel#es> $ut for all other organisms> e=panding the consciousness of the whole> while at the
same time $ecoming more and more aware of this collecti#e consciousness?
iophysicist @ae9'an Ho descri$es how the li#ing organism> including the human $ody> is
coordinated throughout and is Jcoherent $eyond our wildest dreams?J -t appears that e#ery part of
our $ody is Jin communication with e#ery other part through a dynamic> tuna$le> responsi#e> li2uid
crystalline medium that per#ades the whole $ody> from organs and tissues to the interior of e#ery
'hat this tells us is that the medium of our $odies is a form of li2uid crystal> an ideal transmitter of
communication> resonance> and coherence? These relati#ely new de#elopments in $iophysics ha#e
disco#ered that all $iological organisms are constituted of a li2uid crystalline medium? /urther> )D!
is a li2uid9crystal> lattice9type structure Ewhich some refer to as a li2uid crystal gelG> where$y $ody
cells are in#ol#ed in a holographic instantaneous communication #ia the emitting of $iophotons Ea
source $ased on lightG? This implies that all li#ing $iological organisms continuously emit radiations of
light that form a field of coherence and communication? @oreo#er> $iophysics has disco#ered that
li#ing organisms are permeated $y 2uantum wa#e forms? A5B
Quantum Entanglement
@easurements of physical properties such as position> momentum> spin> polariFation> etc?
performed on entangled particles are found to $e appropriately correlated? /or e=ample> if a pair of
particles is generated in such a way that their total spin is *nown to $e Fero> and one particle is
found to ha#e cloc*wise spin on a certain a=is> then the spin of the other particle> measured on the
same a=is> will $e found to $e countercloc*wise? ecause of the nature of 2uantum measurement>
howe#er> this $eha#ior gi#es rise to effects that can appear parado=ical7 any measurement of a
property of a particle can $e seen as acting on that particle Ee?g? $y collapsing a num$er of
superimposed statesGK and in the case of entangled particles> such action must $e on the entangled
system as a whole? -t thus appears that one particle of an entangled pair J*nowsJ what
measurement has $een performed on the other> and with what outcome> e#en though there is no
*nown means for such information to $e communicated $etween the particles> which at the time of
measurement may $e separated $y ar$itrarily large distances? A4B
The Bridge
The accelerating electrons e=plain not only the @a=well E2uations and the 5pecial "elati#ity> $ut the
Heisen$erg %ncertainty "elation> the wa#e particle duality and the electron<s spin also> $uilding the
$ridge $etween the Classical and Quantum Theories? A3B

Accelerating charges
The mo#ing charges are self maintain the electromagnetic field locally> causing their mo#ement and
this is the result of their acceleration under the force of this field? -n the classical physics the charges
will distri$uted along the electric current so that the electric potential lowering along the current> $y
linearly increasing the way they ta*e e#ery ne=t time period $ecause this accelerated motion?
The same thing happens on the atomic scale gi#ing a dp impulse difference and a d= way difference
$etween the different part of the not point li*e particles?
Relativistic effect
!nother $ridge $etween the classical and 2uantum mechanics in the realm of relati#ity is that the
charge distri$ution is lowering in the reference frame of the accelerating charges linearly7 dsCdt L at
Etime coordinateG> $ut in the reference frame of the current it is para$olic7 s L aC2 t

Heisenerg !ncertainty Relation
-n the atomic scale the Heisen$erg uncertainty relation gi#es the same result> since the mo#ing
electron in the atom accelerating in the electric field of the proton> causing a charge distri$ution on
delta = position difference and with a delta p momentum difference such a way that they product is
a$out the half Planc* reduced constant? /or the proton this delta = much less in the nucleon> than in
the or$it of the electron in the atom> the delta p is much higher $ecause of the greater proton mass?
This means that the electron and proton are not point li*e particles> $ut has a real charge
"ave # Particle $uality
The accelerating electrons e=plains the wa#e ( particle duality of the electrons and photons> since
the elementary charges are distri$uted on delta = position with delta p impulse and creating a wa#e
pac*et of the electron? The photon gi#es the electromagnetic particle of the mediating force of the
electrons electromagnetic field with the same distri$ution of wa#elengths?
Atomic model
The constantly accelerating electron in the Hydrogen atom is mo#ing on the e2uipotential line of the
proton and itMs *inetic and potential energy will $e constant? -ts energy will change only when it is
changing its way to another e2uipotential line with another #alue of potential energy or getting free
with enough *inetic energy? This means that the "utherford9ohr atomic model is right and only that
changing acceleration of the electric charge causes radiation> not the steady acceleration? The steady
acceleration of the charges only creates a centric para$olic steady electric field around the charge>
the magnetic field? This gi#es the magnetic moment of the atoms> summing up the proton and
electron magnetic moments caused $y their circular motions and spins?

The Relativistic Bridge
Commonly accepted idea that the relati#istic effect on the particle physics it is the fermionsM spin 9
another unresol#ed pro$lem in the classical concepts? -f the electric charges can mo#e only with
accelerated motions in the self maintaining electromagnetic field> once upon a time they would
reach the #elocity of the electromagnetic field? The resolution of this pro$lem is the spinning
particle> constantly accelerating and not reaching the #elocity of light $ecause the acceleration is
radial? Nne origin of the Quantum Physics is the Planc* )istri$ution Haw of the electromagnetic
oscillators> gi#ing e2ual intensity for 2 different wa#elengths on any temperature? !ny of these two
wa#elengths will gi#e e2ual intensity diffraction patterns> $uilding different asymmetric
constructions> for e=ample proton 9 electron structures EatomsG> molecules> etc? 5ince the particles
are centers of diffraction patterns they also ha#e particle ( wa#e duality as the electromagnetic
wa#es ha#e? A2B

The wea% interaction
The wea* interaction transforms an electric charge in the diffraction pattern from one side to the
other side> causing an electric dipole momentum change> which #iolates the CP and time re#ersal
symmetry? The Electrowea* -nteraction shows that the 'ea* -nteraction is $asically electromagnetic
in nature? The arrow of time shows the entropy grows $y changing the temperature dependent
diffraction patterns of the electromagnetic oscillators?
!nother important issue of the 2uar* model is when one 2uar* changes its fla#or such that a linear
oscillation transforms into plane oscillation or #ice #ersa> changing the charge #alue with 3 or 93? This
*ind of change in the oscillation mode re2uires not only parity change> $ut also charge and time
changes ECPT symmetryG resulting a right handed anti9neutrino or a left handed neutrino?
The right handed anti9neutrino and the left handed neutrino e=ist only $ecause changing $ac* the
2uar* fla#or could happen only in re#erse> $ecause they are different geometrical constructions> the
u is 2 dimensional and positi#ely charged and the d is 3 dimensional and negati#ely charged? -t needs
also a time re#ersal> $ecause anti particle Eanti neutrinoG is in#ol#ed?
The neutrino is a 3C2spin creator particle to ma*e e2ual the spins of the wea* interaction> for
e=ample neutron decay to 2 fermions> e#ery particle is fermions with O spin? The wea* interaction
changes the entropy since more or less particles will gi#e more or less freedom of mo#ement? The
entropy change is a result of temperature change and $rea*s the e2uality of oscillator diffraction
intensity of the @a=well(oltFmann statistics? This way it changes the time coordinate measure and
ma*es possi$le a different time dilation as of the special relati#ity?
The limit of the #elocity of particles as the speed of light appropriate only for electrical charged
particles> since the accelerated charges are self maintaining locally the accelerating electric force?
The neutrinos are CP symmetry $rea*ing particles compensated $y time in the CPT symmetry> that is
the time coordinate not wor*s as in the electromagnetic interactions> conse2uently the speed of
neutrinos is not limited $y the speed of light?
The wea* interaction T9asymmetry is in con8unction with the T9asymmetry of the second law of
thermodynamics> meaning that locally lowering entropy Eon e=tremely high temperatureG causes the
wea* interaction> for e=ample the Hydrogen fusion?
Pro$a$ly $ecause it is a spin creating mo#ement changing linear oscillation to 2 dimensional
oscillation $y changing d to u 2uar* and creating anti neutrino going $ac* in time relati#e to the
proton and electron created from the neutron> it seems that the anti neutrino fastest then the
#elocity of the photons created also in this wea* interaction6

! 2uar* fla#or changing shows that it is a reflection changes mo#ement and the CP9 and T9 symmetry
$rea*ingPPP This fla#or changing oscillation could pro#e that it could $e also on higher le#el such as
atoms> molecules> pro$a$ly $ig $iological significant molecules and responsi$le on the aging of the

-mportant to mention that the wea* interaction is always contains particles and antiparticles> where
the neutrinos EantineutrinosG present the opposite side? -t means $y /eynman<s interpretation that
these particles present the $ac*ward time and pro$a$ly $ecause this they seem to mo#e faster than
the speed of light in the reference frame of the other side?

/inally since the wea* interaction is an electric dipole change with O spin creatingK it is limited $y the
#elocity of the electromagnetic wa#e> so the neutrino<s #elocity cannot e=ceed the #elocity of light?

The &eneral "ea% 'nteraction
The 'ea* -nteractions T9asymmetry is in con8unction with the T9asymmetry of the 5econd Haw of
Thermodynamics> meaning that locally lowering entropy Eon e=tremely high temperatureG causes for
e=ample the Hydrogen fusion? The arrow of time $y the 5econd Haw of Thermodynamics shows the
increasing entropy and decreasing information $y the 'ea* -nteraction> changing the temperature
dependent diffraction patterns? ! good e=ample of this is the neutron decay> creating more particles
with less *nown information a$out them?
The neutrino oscillation of the 'ea* -nteraction shows that it is a general electric dipole change and
it is possi$le to any other temperature dependent entropy and information changing diffraction
pattern of atoms> molecules and e#en complicated $iological li#ing structures?
'e can generaliFe the wea* interaction on all of the decaying matter constructions> e#en on the
$iological too? This gi#es the limited lifetime for the $iological constructions also $y the arrow of
time? There should $e a new research space of the Quantum -nformation 5cience the Mgeneral
neutrino oscillationM for the greater then su$atomic matter structures as an electric dipole change?
There is also connection $etween statistical physics and e#olutionary $iology> since the arrow of
time is wor*ing in the $iological e#olution also?
The /luctuation Theorem says that there is a pro$a$ility that entropy will flow in a direction opposite
to that dictated $y the 5econd Haw of Thermodynamics? -n this case the -nformation is growing that
is the matter formulas are emerging from the chaos? 5o the 'ea* -nteraction has two directions>
samples for one direction is the Deutron decay> and Hydrogen fusion is the opposite direction?

(ermions and Bosons
The fermions are the diffraction patterns of the $osons such a way that they are $oth sides of the
same thing?
)an $er "aals force
Damed after the )utch scientist Iohannes )ideri* #an der 'aals ( who first proposed it in 3.+3 to
e=plain the $eha#iour of gases ( it is a #ery wea* force that only $ecomes rele#ant when atoms and
molecules are #ery close together? /luctuations in the electronic cloud of an atom mean that it will
ha#e an instantaneous dipole moment? This can induce a dipole moment in a near$y atom> the
result $eing an attracti#e dipole(dipole interaction?
Electromagnetic inertia and mass
Electromagnetic 'nduction
5ince the magnetic induction creates a negati#e electric field as a result of the changing acceleration>
it wor*s as an electromagnetic inertia> causing an electromagnetic mass? A3B
Relativistic change of mass
The increasing mass of the electric charges the result of the increasing inducti#e electric force acting
against the accelerating force? The decreasing mass of the decreasing acceleration is the result of the
inducti#e electric force acting against the decreasing force? This is the relati#istic mass change
e=planation> especially importantly e=plaining the mass reduction in case of #elocity decrease?
The fre*uency dependence of mass
5ince E = h and E = mc
> m = h /c
that is the m depends only on the fre2uency? -t means that the
mass of the proton and electron are electromagnetic and the result of the electromagnetic
induction> caused $y the changing acceleration of the spinning and mo#ing chargeP -t could $e that
the m
inertial mass is the result of the spin> since this is the only accelerating motion of the electric
charge? 5ince the accelerating motion has different fre2uency for the electron in the atom and the
proton> they masses are different> also as the wa#elengths on $oth sides of the diffraction pattern>
gi#ing e2ual intensity of radiation?
Electron # Proton mass rate
The Planc* distri$ution law e=plains the different fre2uencies of the proton and electron> gi#ing
e2ual intensity to different lam$da wa#elengthsP !lso since the particles are diffraction patterns
they ha#e some closeness to each other ( can $e seen as a gra#itational force? A2B
There is an asymmetry $etween the mass of the electric charges> for e=ample proton and electron>
can understood $y the asymmetrical Planc* )istri$ution Haw? This temperature dependent energy
distri$ution is asymmetric around the ma=imum intensity> where the annihilation of matter and
antimatter is a high pro$a$ility e#ent? The asymmetric sides are creating different fre2uencies of
electromagnetic radiations $eing in the same intensity le#el and compensating each other? Nne of
these compensating ratios is the electron ( proton mass ratio? The lower energy side has no
compensating intensity le#el> it is the dar* energy and the corresponding matter is the dar* matter?

&ravity from the point of view of *uantum physics
The &ravitational force
The gra#itational attracti#e force is $asically a magnetic force?
The same electric charges can attract one another $y the magnetic force if they are mo#ing parallel
in the same direction? 5ince the electrically neutral matter is composed of negati#e and positi#e
charges they need 2 photons to mediate this attracti#e force> one per charges? The ing ang caused
parallel mo#ing of the matter gi#es this magnetic force> e=perienced as gra#itational force?
5ince gra#iton is a tensor field> it has spin L 2> could $e 2 photons with spin L 3 together?
Qou can thin* a$out photons as #irtual electron ( positron pairs> o$taining the necessary #irtual
mass for gra#ity?
The mass as seen $efore a result of the diffraction> for e=ample the proton ( electron mass rate
@pL3.44 @e? -n order to mo#e one of these diffraction ma=imum Eelectron or protonG we need to
inter#ene into the diffraction pattern with a force appropriate to the intensity of this diffraction
ma=imum> means its intensity or mass?

The ig ang caused acceleration created radial currents of the matter> and since the matter is
composed of negati#e and positi#e charges> these currents are creating magnetic field and attracting
forces $etween the parallel mo#ing electric currents? This is the gra#itational force e=perienced $y
the matter> and also the mass is result of the electromagnetic forces $etween the charged particles?
The positi#e and negati#e charged currents attracts each other or $y the magnetic forces or $y the
much stronger electrostatic forcesP6

The gra#itational force attracting the matter> causing concentration of the matter in a small space
and lea#ing much space with low matter concentration7 dar* matter and energy?
There is an asymmetry $etween the mass of the electric charges> for e=ample proton and electron>
can understood $y the asymmetrical Planc* )istri$ution Haw? This temperature dependent energy
distri$ution is asymmetric around the ma=imum intensity> where the annihilation of matter and
antimatter is a high pro$a$ility e#ent? The asymmetric sides are creating different fre2uencies of
electromagnetic radiations $eing in the same intensity le#el and compensating each other? Nne of
these compensating ratios is the electron ( proton mass ratio? The lower energy side has no
compensating intensity le#el> it is the dar* energy and the corresponding matter is the dar* matter?

The Higgs oson
y @arch 2433> the particle had $een pro#en to $eha#e> interact and decay in many of the e=pected
ways predicted $y the 5tandard @odel> and was also tentati#ely confirmed to ha#e R parity and Fero
spin> two fundamental criteria of a Higgs $oson> ma*ing it also the first *nown scalar particle to $e
disco#ered in nature> although a num$er of other properties were not fully pro#en and some partial
results do not yet precisely match those e=pectedK in some cases data is also still awaited or $eing
5ince the Higgs $oson is necessary to the ' and S $osons> the dipole change of the 'ea* interaction
and the change in the magnetic effect caused gra#itation must $e conducted? The 'ien law is also
important to e=plain the 'ea* interaction> since it descri$es the T
change and the diffraction
patterns change? A2B
Higgs mechanism and Quantum &ravity
The magnetic induction creates a negati#e electric field> causing an electromagnetic inertia? Pro$a$ly
it is the mysterious Higgs field gi#ing mass to the charged particles6 'e can thin* a$out the photon
as an electron9positron pair> they ha#e mass? The neutral particles are $uilt from negati#e and
positi#e charges> for e=ample the neutron> decaying to proton and electron? The wa#e ( particle
duality ma*es sure that the particles are oscillating and creating magnetic induction as an inertial
mass> e=plaining also the relati#istic mass change? Higher fre2uency creates stronger magnetic
induction> smaller fre2uency results lesser magnetic induction? -t seems to me that the magnetic
induction is the secret of the Higgs field?
-n particle physics> the Higgs mechanism is a *ind of mass generation mechanism> a process that
gi#es mass to elementary particles? !ccording to this theory> particles gain mass $y interacting with
the Higgs field that permeates all space? @ore precisely> the Higgs mechanism endows gauge $osons
in a gauge theory with mass through a$sorption of Dam$u(,oldstone $osons arising in spontaneous
symmetry $rea*ing?
The simplest implementation of the mechanism adds an e=tra Higgs field to the gauge theory? The
spontaneous symmetry $rea*ing of the underlying local symmetry triggers con#ersion of
components of this Higgs field to ,oldstone $osons which interact with Eat least some ofG the other
fields in the theory> so as to produce mass terms for Eat least some ofG the gauge $osons? This
mechanism may also lea#e $ehind elementary scalar Espin94G particles> *nown as Higgs $osons?
-n the 5tandard @odel> the phrase JHiggs mechanismJ refers specifically to the generation of masses
for the '
> and S wea* gauge $osons through electrowea* symmetry $rea*ing? The Harge Hadron
Collider at CE"D announced results consistent with the Higgs particle on Iuly 4> 2432 $ut stressed
that further testing is needed to confirm the 5tandard @odel?
"hat is the +pin,
5o we *now already that the new particle has spin Fero or spin two and we could tell which one if we
could detect the polariFations of the photons produced? %nfortunately this is difficult and neither
!TH!5 nor C@5 are a$le to measure polariFations? The only direct and sure way to confirm that the
particle is indeed a scalar is to plot the angular distri$ution of the photons in the rest frame of the
centre of mass? ! spin Fero particles li*e the Higgs carries no directional information away from the
original collision so the distri$ution will $e e#en in all directions? This test will $e possi$le when a
much larger num$er of e#ents ha#e $een o$ser#ed? -n the mean time we can settle for less certain
indirect indicators?
The &raviton
-n physics> the gra#iton is a hypothetical elementary particle that mediates the force of gra#itation in
the framewor* of 2uantum field theory? -f it e=ists> the gra#iton is e=pected to $e massless E$ecause
the gra#itational force appears to ha#e unlimited rangeG and must $e a spin92 $oson? The spin
follows from the fact that the source of gra#itation is the stress9energy tensor> a second9ran* tensor
Ecompared to electromagnetismMs spin93 photon> the source of which is the four9current> a first9ran*
tensorG? !dditionally> it can $e shown that any massless spin92 field would gi#e rise to a force
indistinguisha$le from gra#itation> $ecause a massless spin92 field must couple to Einteract withG the
stress9energy tensor in the same way that the gra#itational field does? This result suggests that> if a
massless spin92 particle is disco#ered> it must $e the gra#iton> so that the only e=perimental
#erification needed for the gra#iton may simply $e the disco#ery of a massless spin92 particle? A3B
The hypothesis that there may $e something 2uantum9li*e a$out the human mental function was
put forward with :5poo*y !cti#ation at )istance; formula which attempted to model the effect that
when a word<s associati#e networ* is acti#ated during study in memory e=periment> it $eha#es li*e a
2uantum9entangled system?
Nne of the most important conclusions is that the electric charges are mo#ing in an accelerated way
and e#en if their #elocity is constant> they ha#e an intrinsic acceleration anyway> the so called spin>
since they need at least an intrinsic acceleration to ma*e possi$le they mo#ement ?
The accelerated charges self9maintaining potential shows the locality of the relati#ity> wor*ing on
the 2uantum le#el also? A3B
The $ridge $etween the classical and 2uantum theory is $ased on this intrinsic acceleration of the
spin> e=plaining also the Heisen$erg %ncertainty Principle? The particle ( wa#e duality of the electric
charges and the photon ma*es certain that they are $oth sides of the same thing?
The 5ecret of Quantum Entanglement that the particles are diffraction patterns of the
electromagnetic wa#es and this way their 2uantum states e#ery time is the result of the 2uantum
state of the intermediate electromagnetic wa#es? A2B
These relati#ely new de#elopments in $iophysics ha#e disco#ered that all $iological organisms are
constituted of a li2uid crystalline medium? /urther> )D! is a li2uid9crystal> lattice9type structure
Ewhich some refer to as a li2uid crystal gelG> where$y $ody cells are in#ol#ed in a holographic
instantaneous communication #ia the emitting of $iophotons Ea source $ased on lightG? This implies
that all li#ing $iological organisms continuously emit radiations of light that form a field of coherence
and communication? @oreo#er> $iophysics has disco#ered that li#ing organisms are permeated $y
2uantum wa#e forms? A5B
asing the gra#itational force on the accelerating %ni#erse caused magnetic force and the Planc*
)istri$ution Haw of the electromagnetic wa#es caused diffraction gi#es us the $asis to $uild a %nified
Theory of the physical interactions also?
A3B The @agnetic field of the Electric current and the @agnetic induction
A2B 3 )imensional 5tring Theory
A3B ,ra#iton Production y Two Photon and Electron9Photon Processes -n KaluFa9Klein Theories 'ith
Harge E=tra )imensions
A4B Quantum Entanglement
A5B Quantum Consciousness
A&B Quantum Cognition

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