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4/1/2014 Communism Marxism Leninism and Maoism, INtroduction to Communism Marxism Leninism and Maoism, Difference in Communism Marxism

Leninism an
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Communism, Marxism, Leninism and Maoism : A short

Communism is an ideology which advocate for classless and stateless (not anarchist) society, in which
everyone have common ownership of all things and everyone suppose to get adequate opportunities for self
development and self expression. It promises efficient production and equitable distribution of resources,
ensures economic suffieciency to all and feeling of faternity among society.
Marxism is often considered as the foundation of communism. Marxism is the materialist view of the
develoment of the society which believes in Dialect materialism and provides that History of mankind is
history of class struggle, hizacked by capitalist for their own benifit. Marx predicted that, Capitalist system
embedded in itself, its own Seeds of destruction. He argued that because of explotation of proletariat by
bourgeoisie would lead to the formation of sense of unity and faternity among proletariat , which end as the
class struggle and eventually establish a class less society.
Leninism and Maoism are the practically corollary of
Marxism under different circumstances. Marx is the founder,
Engles is the architecht and Lenin is the builder of
communism through revolution which further streghthen by
Mao.Although Marxism, Lenisism and Maoism are the most
widely used schools of thoughts for communism but there
are some fundamental difference between them:
1. Marx argued that proletarian (Marxs term to describe
the workers) revolutions could only occur in fully
industrialized and capitalist countries, , Lenin argued
that an underdeveloped and imperialistic nation such as
the Russia Empire, would be the first to turn communist.
He modified the Marxist theory of a dictatorship of the
urban workers to a dictatorship of the exclusive
communist party. Like Lenin, Mao disagreed with Marx
on the issue that a communist revolution could only be achieved in developed industrialized countries.
Maos variation of communism focused mainly on the gathering of rural farmers as opposed to urban
industrial workers as Mao himself was originally a peasant pig farmer. Mao describes his version of
communism as Marxism adapted for Chinese circumstances.
2. Marx believes that as the tension rise proletarian would lead to control the economic resources on the
ther hand lenin belives that the attainment of full communism involves two stages, viz, the (1)
Revolutionary stage (2) the post-Revolutionary stage. The first phase of the Revolution is
characterised by the forcible capture of political power by the proletariat, and its subsequent
employment to squeeze out from society the last remnants of capitalism. At this stage, the State
assumes the character of a class-state; the proletariat adopts a policy, of gradual extension of public
ownership by confiscating and appropriating private ownership.
4/1/2014 Communism Marxism Leninism and Maoism, INtroduction to Communism Marxism Leninism and Maoism, Difference in Communism Marxism Leninism an
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3. Marx emphasised on the class struggle within the same country because of hypothetical growth of their
sense of common faternity due to the exploitation but Lenin states that theory of Imperialism is the
strategic need for workers in the industrialized countries to bloc or ally with the oppressed nations
contained within their respective countries colonies abroad in order to overthrow capitalism, which is
evident by his slogan, Workers and Oppressed Peoples of the World, Unite!.
4. The other distinguishing characteristic of Marxism-Leninism is how it approaches the question of
organization. Lenin believed that the traditional model of the Social Democratic parties of the time,
which was a loose, multitendency organization was inadequate for overthrowing the Tsarist regime in
Russia. He proposed a cadre of professional revolutionaries that disciplined itself under the model
of democratic centralism.On the other hand Mao developed a strategy for revolution called Prolonged
Peoples War in what he termed the semi-feudal countries of the Third World. Prolonged Peoples War
relied heavily on the peasantry.
5. Although Maoism is critical of urban industrial capitalist powers, it views urban industrialization as a
required prerequisite to expand economic development and socialist reorganization to the countryside,
with the goal being the achievement of rural industrialization that would abolish the distinction between
town and countryside.Ulimatly we can conclude that Leninism and Maoism both utilizes the theories of
Marxism, however fit such in the reality of their society.Although the fundamental concept of creating
class less society is same but they use it differently according to their circustances.

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