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Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education

Competency Rubrics
Approved for Pilot Testing, May, 2!
Ne"t Revie#, May, 2$
A rubric is an assessment tool t%at is designed to convey performance e"pectations,
Provide systematic feedbac& to students about t%eir performance and promote student learning' T%e
Curriculum Committee for t%e Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education
(OCNE) %as developed rubrics describing performance levels for eac% of t%e * competencies guiding t%e
curriculum' T%ese rubrics can be used as an assessment tool for students in eit%er clinical practice or in
simulation, in situations t%at re+uire t%e student to demonstrate one or more competencies' T%e rubrics
can be used alone or in combination, depending on t%e demands of t%e performance tas& and t%e level of
t%e student'
Eac% rubric %as several components, (*) a statement of t%e competency to be demonstrated- (2) a
scale #%ic% describes %o# #ell or poorly t%e student performs during a competency demonstration- (.)
dimensions #%ic% lay out t%e parts of t%e competency #%ic% are vital to successful ac%ievement- (/)
descriptions of t%e dimensions at eac% level of performance'
T%e performance levels for eac% of t%e * competencies in t%e curriculum are referred to as
0benc%mar&s1' 2enc%mar&s are specified for four levels #it%in t%e nursing curriculum, t%e end of t%e
first year of nursing courses, t%e end of t%e #inter term of t%e second year of nursing courses (#%en
students may transfer to O345 for completion of t%e 24 course#or&), t%e end of t%e AA4 scope of
practice course (#%en students #ill complete complete re+uirements for t%e AA4 and be eligible to sit for
t%e RN licensure e"am), and t%e end of t%e .
year of t%e nursing curriculum (#%en students #ill complete
nursing course re+uirements for t%e bac%elors degree)' 6t is e"pected t%at students across all consortium
programs #ill demonstrate ac%ievement of t%e benc%mar&s before progressing to t%e ne"t level of t%e
6n addition to rubrics related to eac% competency, OCNE Curriculum committee and faculty are
developing scoring7grading rubrics to be used in con8unction #it% specific assignments, for e"ample,
scoring literature revie#s, #ritten term papers, case analysis, concept maps, reflective 8ournals' 6t is
e"pected t%at any scoring7grading rubric used for individual assignments could be lin&ed to one of t%e *
References on Rubrics and t%eir 5se,
McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. (1999) Module 10: Designing scoring rubrics; 10.4 n
!n!l"#ic rubric $r!%e $or #he $!ce#s. &n McTighe, J. & Wiggins, G. The
understanding by design handbook (''. 1(1)1*+).
,#e-ens, D.D. & .e-i, .J. (/004) Introduction to rubrics: An assessment tool to
save grading time, convey effective feedback and promote student learning.
,#erling, 0:,#"lus.
W!l-oord, 1.2. & nderson, 0.J. (1993). Effective grading: A tool for
learning and assessment. ,!n 4r!ncisco: Josse"51!ss.
6Wei%er, M. (/00/). 7h!'#er (: The 'ur'ose !nd 'rocesses o$ e-!lu!#ion
Learner-centered teaching: ive key changes to practice !pp. ""#-"$%&.
,!n 4r!ncisco:
8ubrics 7ode: Italici'ed(Level ") 2old 9 :evel 2- Italici'ed * underlined ( AA+) 9nderlined : 1,; 5nderlined ; 2old 9 beyond
<!ge 1 o$ 1(
OCNE Competency <*, A competent nurse=s personal and professional actions are based on a set of
s%ared core nursing values
>6MEN46ON E"emplary Accomplis%ed >eveloping 2eginning
= 7ode o$ 2#hics
(used !s ! re$lec#ion
o$ nursings> sh!red
core -!lues
&n#egr!#es 'ro$ession!l
-!lues ?i#h 'erson!l
-!lues; ?or@s ?i#h
colle!gues #o cre!#e !
sh!red cli%!#e $or core
-!lues =A
Consciously incorporates
eac% provision of t%e ANA
Code of Et%ics in practice
Articulates the nine provisions in
the A,A -ode of Ethics) +elf-
assesses o.n performance in
relation to each provision.
/egins to integrate into care
Bno?s #h!# #here is ! code o$
e#hics $or nurses; !r#icul!#es
so%e o$ #he ele%en#s in !
gener!l or -!gue sense
C4 2TD&7.
<8&=7&<.2, nd
e#hic!l dile%%!s
inheren# in clinic!l
Wor@s ?i#h #e!% %e%bers #o
!ssure #h!# '!#ien#s righ#s !re
'ro#ec#ed b" ins#i#u#ion!l
'olicies !nd 'r!c#ices.
n!l"Ees 'olicies ?hich h!-e
inheren# dile%%!s such !s
soci!l Fus#ice -s. indi-idu!l
6dentifies #%en clinical practices
and protocols may be at odds
#it% individual patients rig%ts
6dentifies dilemmas in #%ic%
individual rig%ts are in conflict
#it% t%e greater good
Can articulate dilemmas, #it%
pertinent facts'
0ecogni'es .hen o.n values are at
odds .ith values of client and1or
0ecogni'es biases that may be
introduced into clinical reasoning
as a result of personal values.
Identifies obvious ethical dilemmas
in .hich there are t.o or more
viable options.
M!" no# iden#i$" e#hic!l
dile%%!s in 'r!c#ice. 9n!?!re
o$ o?n -!lues or bi!ses !nd
ho? #hese %!" in$luence
in#er're#!#ion o$ clien#>s -!lues
or ?ishes.
&n#er're#!#ion !nd
8es'onding #o
4!cili#!#es discussion !%ong
'!#ien#s, $!%ilies !nd o#her
s#!@eholders #o consider
courses o$ !c#ions !nd
conseGuences !nd #o re!ch
Del' $!%ilies ?or@ #hough
#he e%o#ion!l !s'ec#s o$
e#hic!l dile%%!s
6dentifies sta&e%olders in et%ical
Can apply et%ical principles to
identify c%oices, possible
+eeks assistance from colleagues or
instructor to interpret o.n biases
and values and their influence.
-an articulate ethical principles
but may not see application in
particular conte2t
M!" !c# ?i#hou# recogni#ion o$
in$luence o$ o?n bi!ses, or o$
#he eHis#ence o$ ! dile%%!.
Does no# in-ol-e s#!@eholders
in e#hic!l decision. &s un!?!re
o$ choices, !nd e#hic!l
$r!%e?or@s #h!# %!" !ssis#
iden#i$ic!#ion o$ choices !nd
'ossible conseGuences.
8e$lec#ion on e#hic!l
?acilitates debriefing #it%
teams involved in #or&ing
t%roug% et%ical dilemmas,
and understanding t%e
conse+uences of decisions
Engages in reflection about
c%oices, considering et%ical
frame#or&s, and t%e
implications for future
0eevaluates o.n values and biases
through reflection, and their impact
on future clinical situations.
Ethical dilemmas occasionally
included in reflective assignments.
9n!?!re o$ -!lue o$ re$lec#i-e
'rocess. 2#hic!l dile%%!s no#
!ddressed in re$lec#i-e
8ubrics 7ode: Italici'ed(Level ") 2old 9 :evel 2- Italici'ed * underlined ( AA+) 9nderlined : 1,; 5nderlined ; 2old 9 beyond program
<!ge / o$ 1(
OCNE Competency <2, A competent nurse develops insig%t t%roug% reflection, self@analysis and self@care'
>imension E"emplary Accomplis%ed >eveloping 2eginning
8e$lec#i-e 'rocess
Auestions meaning and relevance
related to t%e profession and
9ses %ul#i'le resources in
es#!blishing insigh#$ul, re$lec#i-e
e-!lu!#ion !nd 'l!n $or ch!nge.
&ncludes indi-idu!l, 'ro$ession!l
!nd socie#!l $!c#ors !nd
Establis%es o#n internal
standards for reflection'
6nterrelates personal and
professional be%aviors #it%
relevance identified to bot% self and
t%e profession.
De-elo's s'eci$ic sel$)%oni#oring
s#r!#egies deri-ed $ro% sound
re!soning !nd 'roble%)sol-ing
2s#!blishes 'l!n $or ch!nge.
-ontinues to seek e2ternal
feedback and assistance in
reflective process. >emonstrates
recognition of t%e importance
and relevance of reflection'
6dentifies areas for improving
personal and professional
be%aviors. -an set realistic goals
.ith consultation.
.!c@s unders#!nding '$ #he
$ocus, i%'or#!nce !nd
rele-!nce o$ re$lec#ion.
Does no# in#errel!#e
'erson!l !nd 'ro$ession!l
beh!-iors in sel$ re$lec#ion
,el$)n!l"sis o$
'erson!l !nd
C%allenges t%e establis%ed and
%abitual patterns of be%avior and
Routinely implements a self@
monitoring process t%at promotes
t%e core values of self care #it%in
t%e nursing profession'
Ac&no#ledges intricate
connections bet#een personal and
professional be%aviors'
Auestions personal and
professional establis%ed patterns of
be%avior and t%oug%t.
<r!c#ices sel$)%oni#oring s#r!#egies
$or co%'leH 'ro$ession!l !nd 'erson!l
8e$lec#s on i%'lic!#ions, o$ 'erson!l
!nd 'ro$ession!l beh!-iors #o?!rds
es#!blished s#!nd!rds o$ #he
Identifies o.n established
patterns of behavior and thought.
Practices self@monitoring
strategies for uncomplicated
professional and personal
Ac&no#ledges possible
implications for self and
practice #it% occasional
Does no# Gues#ion o?n
es#!blished '!##erns o$
beh!-ior !nd #hough#.
Limited development of
self-monitoring strategies)
limited insight possible
implications for practice
or self
n!l"sis is non)s'eci$ic
!nd;or ide!lis#ic.
,el$ 8ene?!l :ives a life t%at is consistent
#it% personal and professional
values' Consistently ad%eres to
a plan for self@rene#al and
motivates ot%ers to consider
ma&ing t%is commitment'
Participates in a personal plan
for self rene#al in t%e p%ysical,
mental, social, and spiritual
dimensions' Consistently
prioritiBes based on personal
and professional values and
Talks about and is considering
committing to a lifelong plan
for self rene.al.
M!" no# h!-e !n" 'l!n
$or sel$ rene?!l, bu# is
in#eres#ed in le!rning
!bou# ?h!# #his en#!ils.
8ubrics 7ode: Italici'ed(Level ") 2old 9 :evel 2- Italici'ed * underlined ( AA+) 9nderlined : 1,; 5nderlined ; 2old 9 beyond program
<!ge A o$ 1(
OCNE Competency <., A competent nurse engages in self@directed learning
>6MEN46ON E"emplary Accomplis%ed >eveloping 2eginning
##i#udes #o?!rd
3ie.s all situations as
learning to be embraced)
(,C<) 'ro%o#es !nd role
%odels li$elong le!rning #o
'eers !nd he!l#hc!re #e!%
4ee&s ne# learning
e"periences beyond t%e
limits of assignments'
RecogniBes t%at
information continually
evolves' Readily identifies
and ta&es responsibility
for o#n learning needs'
Eager to s%are ne#
learning #it% peers'
Increasingly open to ne.
learning opportunities)
decreasing reactivity to change
and multiple, valid points of
0ecogni'es o.n learning
needs .ith assistance.
<ercei-es #h!# @no?ledge
!nd s@ills $or co%'e#en#
'r!c#ice !re s#!#ic. &s
reluc#!n# #o #!@e
res'onsibili#" !nd eng!ge in
o?n le!rning.
c#i-e le!rning d!'#s !nd e-!lu!#es
le!rning $or s'eci$ic
si#u!#ions; cri#ic!ll" re$lec#s
on, !nd incor'or!#es ch!nges
needed $or si%il!r si#u!#ions.
E2pands repertoire of
learning styles. 0outinely
reads literature related to
patient population or
practice area.
Actively engages in
learning, evaluates and
integrates ne# learning
into practice' Articulates
learning needs, style, and
4ee&s information out of
interest, beyond t%e limits
of assignments'
Curious, identifies
perple"ing +uestions and
see&s ans#ers'
-ompletes assigned learning
activities and occasionally
initiates additional learning
0ecogni'es o.n learning
styles and participates in
activities that enhance o.n
learning styles.
7o%'le#es !ssigned le!rning
!c#i-i#ies. Does no# ini#i!#e
!ddi#ion!l le!rning !c#i-i#ies.
.oo@s $or rules #h!# c!n be
!''lied. W!n#s #o be #old
?h!# #o do !nd ho? #o do i#.
D!s di$$icul#" recogniEing
o?n le!rning s#"le.
9se o$ Technolog"
Men#ors o#hers in he!l#h c!re
!''lic!#ions o$ #echnolog"
#ools !nd resources.
7h!%'ions in#egr!#ion o$
'ro-en #echnologic!l
!d-!nces in#o 'r!c#ice
5ses standard tec%nology
resources efficiently and
&nde'enden#l" eH'lores
%ore !d-!nced o'#ions $or
#echnolog" in 'r!c#ice.
4ses standard technology
resources and applications in
practice .ith assistance.
5esitates to e2plore additional
technological applications
D!s li%i#ed @no?ledge o$
#echnolog")b!sed he!l#h c!re
!''lic!#ions. De%ons#r!#es
so%e resis#!nce #o
in#egr!#ion o$ ne?
8ubrics 7ode: Italici'ed(Level ") 2old 9 :evel 2- Italici'ed * underlined ( AA+) 9nderlined : 1,; 5nderlined ; 2old 9 beyond program
<!ge 4 o$ 1(
OCNE Competency </, A competent nurse demonstrates leaders%ip in nursing and %ealt%care
>6MEN46ON E"emplary Accomplis%ed >eveloping 2eginning
!nd e-!lu!#ion
9ses 'erson!l ch!r!c#eris#ics
o$ e$$ec#i-e le!dershi' (e.g.,
con$idence, ris@)#!@ing,
o'enness, en#husi!s%) #o
ins'ire #e!% %e%bers #o?!rd
!chie-ing clien#;!genc" go!ls,
!nd di%inish resis#!nce !%ong
0egularly evaluates and
augments o.n leadership
Men#ors o#hers in le!ding
e$$ec#i-e %ee#ings !nd in
con$lic# resolu#ion.
Engages in self@directed
professional development to
improve leaders%ip
c%aracteristics and s&ills
5nderstands conse+uence of
ma&ing leaders%ip decisions
#it% limited information'
2$$ec#i-el" $!cili#!#es %ee#ings
!nd %!n!ges con$lic#.
/egins to use o.n leadership
abilities primarily relying on a
basic set of leadership
strategies independent of
situation or team
+till reluctant to lead
c#i-el" '!r#ici'!#es in #e!%
.i%i#ed recogni#ion o$ o?n
le!dershi' !bili#" !nd
7oncern re%!ins $ocused on
o?n clinic!l 'er$or%!nce.
9n!ble #o le!d.
,u'er-ision >emonstrates effective
organiBational, fiscal and
political competencies'
:eads groups t%at manage
systemic %ealt% care issues'
Promotes a supportive
environment #%ere ot%ers
can gro# and ac%ieve
personal e"cellence'
2-!lu!#es 'er$or%!nce, eH'l!ins
decisions, solici#s sugges#ions !nd
su''or#s 'rogress.
<ro-ides co!ching !s ?ell !s
$eedb!c@ #o incre!se 'ersonnel>s
!bili#ies !nd sense o$ #e!%?or@.
Routinely recogniBes ot%ers=
success and improvement.
/egins to recogni'e
leadership issues and
Provides some positive and
constructive feedbac& on
specific aspects of
M!" h!-e li%i#ed
recogni#ion o$ nursing
le!dershi' res'onsibili#ies
$or iden#i$"ing !nd
resol-ing indi-idu!l clien#
M!" no# recogniEe ?hen #o
'ro-ide $eedb!c@ !nd %!"
be unco%$or#!ble 'ro-iding
$eedb!c@ #o 'eers !nd
8ubrics 7ode: Italici'ed(Level ") 2old 9 :evel 2- Italici'ed * underlined ( AA+) 9nderlined : 1,; 5nderlined ; 2old 9 beyond program
<!ge + o$ 1(
Deleg!#ion 6entors others in delegation.
7romotes collaborative
team.ork. Empo.ers others.
>elegates to and evaluates
ot%ers, ensuring t%at t%e tas& is
#it%in t%eir scope of practice,
t%at t%ey are competent to
perform t%e tas&, and t%at t%ey
receive clear communication and
feedbac& in regard to t%eir
0eleases increasing levels of
responsibility and accountability
as staff demonstrate proficiency.
Identifies la.s and regulations
and .hat they say about
delegation to various levels
and categories of personnel.
Ackno.ledges delegation as a
needed modality to improve
client care. -onsults .ith
e2perienced nurse regarding
delegation needs for client
E"plains t%e purpose and
desired outcome of t%e tas&
and t%e time frame in #%ic%
t%e tas& is to be completed'
M!" be $ocused on o?n
clinic!l 'er$or%!nce r!#her
#h!n #he 'er$or%!nce o$
M!" no# iden#i$" #!s@s #h!#
could be deleg!#ed.
Identifies a vision and
influences others to share the
De%ons#r!#es ?ell)de-elo'ed
ch!nge %!n!ge%en# s@ills:
'l!nning, org!niEing,
i%'le%en#ing !nd
coordin!#ing, %oni#oring !nd
e-!lu!#ing, i%'ro-ing Gu!li#",
!nd %!n!ging $isc!l resources.
6mplements %uman, financial
and information resources to
accomplis% goals'
?orecasts costs, develops and
monitors budgets, conducts
cost@effectiveness analysis'
Provides leaders%ip in t%e
modification of client care
and 7or organiBational issues
to#ard identified outcomes'
&nde'enden#l" !n!l"Ees issues,
resources, !nd su''or# !$$ec#ing
decisions or ch!nges.
6ay be reluctant to lead
M!in#!ins !n o'en %ind #o ne?
'ossibili#ies, !l#ern!#i-es !nd
o'#ions. 8es'ec#$ul o$
di-ersi#", builds uni#",
de%ons#r!#es generosi#".
M!" h!-e li%i#ed
recogni#ion o$ o?n
le!dershi' !bili#" !nd
D!s li%i#ed !bili#" #o le!d.
8ubrics 7ode: Italici'ed(Level ") 2old 9 :evel 2- Italici'ed * underlined ( AA+) 9nderlined : 1,; 5nderlined ; 2old 9 beyond program
<!ge ( o$ 1(
OCNE Competency <C, A competent nurse collaborates as part of a %ealt% care team
>6MEN46ON E"emplary Accomplis%ed >eveloping 2eginning
Initiates collaboration and seeks
consultation .ith other team
+eeks opportunity to .ork .ith
healthcare team members .ith
different points of vie.) uses
every interaction as an
opportunity to build
relationships) follo.s through on
Proactively builds team
relations%ips- offers assistance
#it%out being as&ed- is
affirming and problem@solution
Readily consults #it%in t%e
%ealt% care team- sees self as a
participant in collaborative
Dor&s #ell #it% team members
#%o %ave varying points of vie#-
enters into team relations%ips
and readily accepts and fulfills
assignments and commitments'
Actively contributes to team
#or& - offers %elp and assists
team #it% problem solving and
decision ma&ing- and s%ares
information necessary to ma&e
informed decision'
-onsultation and collaboration
limited to o.n peers, faculty and
nursing staff.
Limited collaboration .ith other
health care team members.
Avoids most opposing points of
vie.) fulfills assignments and
commitments most of the time.
6ay avoid team.ork and be
reluctant to offer help or engage in
problem solving and decision
7onsul#s ?i#h 'eers !nd $!cul#";
li%i#ed coll!bor!#ion ?i#h
nursing s#!$$ or o#her he!l#h
#e!% %e%bers.
Does no# iden#i$" sel$ !s !
%e%ber o$ ! #e!%.
.i%i#ed ini#i!#i-e #o !ssis# o#her
s#!$$ %e%bers
Wor@s 'ri%!ril" in isol!#ion;
$ocused on co%'le#ing o?n
!ssign%en#s; seldo% !s@s $or
hel' or $eedb!c@
9se o$ $eedb!c@
Gi-es #i%el" !nd !''ro'ri!#e
$eedb!c@ #o #e!% %e%bers
$ocused on beh!-iors.
8 e!dil" di$$eren#i!#es
cons#ruc#i-e $ro% non)
cons#ruc#i-e $eedb!c@; !n!l"Ees
sel$)e-!lu!#ion !nd $eedb!c@
recei-ed, re$lec#s on, #hen
-erb!liEes ho? $eedb!c@ could be
-!lu!ble !nd used in $u#ure
Eives feedbac& in a timely and
appropriate manner but is not
Regularly and realistically self
evaluates o#n performance,
compares self@evaluation #it%
feedbac& received, verbaliBes
intent to use t%e constructive
feedbac& in future situations
0eluctantly gives feedback to teams
members. 0eflects on constructive
feedback, and usually incorporates
its relevance into future behaviors1
nursing practice. +till reluctant to
self-evaluate, but results are more
balanced .ith 'osi#i-e !nd neg!#i-e
9n?illing #o gi-e $eedb!c@ #o
#e!% %e%bers.
8e!c#s #o cons#ruc#i-e $eedb!c@
!s cri#icis%.
Iuic@l" -erb!liEes res'onse #o
$eedb!c@ ?i#hou# re$lec#ing on
i#s -!lidi#" or rele-!nce.
C-erl" neg!#i-e in sel$
e-!lu!#ion; does no# see #he
bene$i# o$ sel$)e-!lu!#ion
8ubrics 7ode: Italici'ed(Level ") 2old 9 :evel 2- Italici'ed * underlined ( AA+) 9nderlined : 1,; 5nderlined ; 2old 9 beyond program
<!ge * o$ 1(
>6MEN46ON E"emplary Accomplis%ed >eveloping 2eginning
<ro-ides 'osi#i-e eH!%'le !nd
$!cili#!#es o#hers> e$$or#s #o
incre!se #heir ?ellness 'riori#ies
!nd beh!-iors.
RecogniBes need to manage
p%ysical %ealt% variables and
emotional stressors and sets
priorities and time boundaries-
as&s for assistance and feedbac&
from team members

+upports peers in their efforts
to.ard .ellness.
M!" !llo? rigors o$ school #o
co%'ro%ise e$$or#s #o %!in#!in
'h"sic!l !nd e%o#ion!l he!l#h.
M!" under%ine 'eer e$$or#s
#o?!rd ?ellness.
OCNE Competency !, A competent nurse practice #it%in, utiliBes and contributes
to t%e broader %ealt%@care system'
>6MEN46ON E"emplary Accomplis%ed >eveloping 2eginning
Resource 5tiliBation
=e#?or@s M!in#!ins ne#?or@s ?i#h
s#!@eholders, %ul#idisci'lin!r"
'ro$ession!ls !nd co%%uni#"
le!ders on beh!l$ o$ clien#s.
c#i-el" '!r#ici'!#es in !# le!s#
one co%%uni#" '!r#nershi'
RecogniBes current and needed
net#or&s #it%in t%e immediate
clinical area' Ma&es contacts
among community agencies t%at
provide services for clients'
3erbali'es an understanding of
the need and importance of
developing professional
4ocuses on rel!#ionshi' ?i#h #he
nurse !ssigned #o #he s!%e
clien#(s) in #he clinic!l se##ing.
,"s#e% 8esource
6nfluences %ealt%care system
management #it% attention to
regional and possible global
implications' 6dentifies and
analyBes resources (e'g' money,
time, personnel, e+uipment,
ideas) to solve resource
utiliBation issues'
5tiliBes strategies of resource
management and budgeting in
meeting multiple client and7or
population %ealt% care needs'
6s a#are of t%e practice needs at
t%e system levels. &n#er-enes $or
i%'ro-ed he!l#h %!n!ge%en#
?i#hin !genc".
&den#i$ies curren# b!rriers !nd
inconsis#encies in resource
u#iliE!#ion ?i#hin ! he!l#h c!re
s"s#e%. Cb#!ins d!#! $or !n!l"Eing
he!l#h c!re resource 'roble%s.
6ncreasing a#areness of
practice needs and resources at
individual, family, and7or
community level.
Lists benefits and costs affecting
resource options to meet needs of
client or community health care
5as limited kno.ledge of
traditional healthcare system
resources and their impact on
health care.
Limited kno.ledge of data
needed to identify resource
8ubrics 7ode: Italici'ed(Level ") 2old 9 :evel 2- Italici'ed * underlined ( AA+) 9nderlined : 1,; 5nderlined ; 2old 9 beyond program
<!ge 3 o$ 1(
6mproving 3ealt% Care 4ystems
D!#! 9ses d!#! #o %!@e decisions !bou#
#he !lloc!#ion !nd dis#ribu#ion o$
s"s#e% #o i%'ro-e #he he!l#h $or !
s'eci$ic clien# or 'o'ul!#ion.
Obtains data to identify areas for
improving %ealt% care access for
5as difficulty using data to
identify healthcare access issues
for client1population.
4ocuses on curren# c!re
si#u!#ion; un!ble #o iden#i$" d!#!
8egul!#ions c@no?ledges !nd e-!lu!#es #he
i%'!c# o$ l!?s, regul!#ions,
s#ruc#ure, rules, !nd guidelines on
resource u#iliE!#ion !nd i%'!c# on
he!l#h c!re 'ro-ided #o
clien#;'o'ul!#ion. Actively
initiates modifications needed for
improved %ealt% care for
6dentifies impact of la#s,
regulations, structures, rules, and
guidelines on resource availability
for %ealt% care for individuals,
families and t%e community'
Identifies one or more policies or
regulations affecting resource
availability in a specific health
care situation.
9ncer#!in !bou# #he role !nd
i%'!c# o$ regul!#ions, l!?s on
#he u#iliE!#ion o$ resources
needed #o i%'ro-e he!l#h c!re.
>6MEN46ON E"emplary Accomplis%ed >eveloping 2eginning
6mproving Access to 3ealt% Care
ccess #o 7!re En%ances navigation bet#een systems
to promote seamless and smoot% client
transitions and services' 8eco%%ends
!c#ions #o !ddress 'r!c#ice issues !nd
'olicies #h!# !re b!rriers #o he!l#h c!re
Assists clients to reduce
barriers to accessing optimal
%ealt% care' 6dentifies practice
issues and policies t%at impact
access to %ealt% care'
Assists clients to recogni'e
barriers to accessing optimal
health care. 8escribes client
characteristics and situations
in .hich access to health
care needs improvement.
&s un!?!re o$ b!rriers #o
!ccessing o'#i%!l he!l#h c!re.
D!s li%i#ed !bili#" #o iden#i$"
'r!c#ice issues !nd !''lic!#ions
#o bro!der he!l#hc!re issues
!$$ec#ing clien#;'o'ul!#ion
!ccess #o c!re.
?acilitates t%e development of
interdisciplinary plans and
multidisciplinary revie#s' 2uilds
collaboration bet#een community
agencies and %ealt% care systems to
ma"imiBe community %ealt% outcomes'
M!@es con#!c#s !%ong
co%%uni#" !gencies #o le!rn ?h!#
ser-ices !re !-!il!ble. M!@es
re$err!ls #o loc!l co%%uni#"
resources ?i#h consider!#ion #o
clien# si#u!#ion;needs.
4ee&s to learn more about
referral agencies #it%in t%e
community' Periodically
ma&es referrals to local
community resources
8emonstrates limited
kno.ledge of the need or the
process of initiating referrals.
Limited kno.ledge of
community resources.
<olic" Decision)
%!@ing <rocesses
&%'le%en#s !c#ions #o re-ie? !nd;or
i%'ro-e !ccess #o he!l#h c!re $or di-erse
6dentifies political and policy
ma&ing processes and actions to
improve %ealt% care and solve
access problems'
0ecogni'es that nursing role
involves policy and political
action in order to make
changes and improve health
care access.
9nsure ho? #o #!@e !c#ion #o
!ddress he!l#h dis'!ri#ies or
l!c@ o$ he!l#h c!re !ccess !s
'!r# o$ nursing role.
8ubrics 7ode: Italici'ed(Level ") 2old 9 :evel 2- Italici'ed * underlined ( AA+) 9nderlined : 1,; 5nderlined ; 2old 9 beyond program
<!ge 9 o$ 1(
OCNE Competency < $, A competent nurse practices relations%ip@centered care'
>6MEN46ON E"emplary Accomplis%ed >eveloping 2eginning
8e!diness $or
6ntuitive appreciation for diverse
and comple" relations%ips'
&%%edi!#e inclusion o$ '!#ien#
s#or";his#or", -!lues.
9ncondi#ion!l !##en#ion !nd reg!rd
$or '!#ien#;clien# needs
6ntegration and adaptation
of personal style #it%
e"pected professional
relations%ip style
6ntentionally moves out of
personal comfort Bones to
accommodate patient needs
Consistently sets and
respects appropriate
8eveloping self-
assessment of personal
relationship style.
A.areness of personal
discomfort .ith
intermittent attempts to
initiate meaningful
A.are of professional
4ocuses on o?n 'erson!l
-oid!nce o$ unco%$or#!ble
!s'ec#s o$ rel!#ionshi's
9n!?!re o$ 'erson!l co%$or#
&n!''ro'ri!#e bound!ries
Models e$$ec#i-e rel!#ionshi'
8el!#ionshi' i#sel$ beco%es '!r# o$
#he #her!'eu#ic in#er-en#ion !nd c!re
eH'erience $or bo#h nurse !nd
8emonstrates value of
relationship by e2pending time
and energy
Ackno.ledges and accepts
client1family attitudes
Adapts care to individual
client7 family needs
Attempts to establish
0ecogni'es importance of
relationship by eliciting
client1family story
8el!#ionshi' de-elo'%en# is
ei#her !-oided or eHceeds
'ro$ession!l bound!ries.
d!'#!#ion $or
3alues, promotes and advocates for
inclusion of client1 family
uni9ueness in all aspects of care.
<riori#iEes !nd in#egr!#es '!#ien#
Proactively influences ot%ers to
respect diverse people and
Dor&s proactively to reduce
5ses understanding of
cultural, economic,
environmental and social
differences to assess
uni+ueness of individual
6ncorporates understanding
of client=s7family=s
perspective into plan of care'
Collaborates #it% client in
care planning
Identifies and describes
aspects of a number of
cultures including o.n.
6ay apply these
descriptions stereotypically
to members of a cultural
group .ithout individual
8escribes current issues
for e9uality and health
care access.
Attempts to understand the
Dolds s#ereo#"'ic -ie?s o$
clien#s;$!%ilies. 4!ils #o
recogniEe cul#ur!l di$$erences,
or #he i%'!c# o$ soci!l, r!ci!l,
en-iron%en#!l !nd econo%ic
ineGu!li#ies on indi-idu!l>s
u#o%!#ic uni-ers!l !''ro!ch
#o c!re
.!c@ o$ inclusion o$
8ubrics 7ode: Italici'ed(Level ") 2old 9 :evel 2- Italici'ed * underlined ( AA+) 9nderlined : 1,; 5nderlined ; 2old 9 beyond program
<!ge 10 o$ 1(
>6MEN46ON E"emplary Accomplis%ed >eveloping 2eginning
meaning of the health
event1illness1death to the
client1family across the
OCNE Competency <F, A competent nurse communicates effectively'
>6MEN46ON E"emplary Accomplis%ed >eveloping 2eginning
Deaves t%e t%erapeutic goals of
nursing7client7families into
communication priorities and
approac%es' d!'#s -erb!l !nd
non-erb!l co%%unic!#ion s#"les in
co%'leH clien# si#u!#ions.
Effectively refocuses
communication to#ard goals.
Establis%es goals for
t%erapeutic interactions'
Effectively utiliBes verbal
and nonverbal approac%es
for effective t%erapeutic
communication in non@
complicated client situations'
Readily elicits client=s and
family=s communication'
Caring apparent t%roug%
tone and nonverbal
+ho.s basic understanding
of therapeutic
communication strategies
but struggles .ith
implementation. Listens to
4ses open-ended
9uestioning to elicit
psychosocial data .ith
increasing confidence.
,otices more cues from

7o%%unic!#ion is #!s@ $ocused
?i#hou# #her!'eu#ic go!l.
&n#er!c#s on ! soci!l le-el.
-oids Gues#ioning $or
'erson!l in$or%!#ion.
&n!''ro'ri!#e -erb!l, !nd;or
non-erb!l co%%unic!#ion.
9n!?!re o$ o?n !$$ec# !nd
Wi#hin De!l#h
7!re Te!%
<ro-ides !ccur!#e !nd co%'le#e
-erb!l !nd ?ri##en co%%unic!#ions
incor'or!#ing con#eH# !nd
co%'leHi#" o$ #he si#u!#ion.
<ro%o#es coll!bor!#i-e in#er!c#ions
?i#hin !ll %e%bers o$ #he he!l#h
c!re #e!%. Mentors ot%ers in
improving communication
7rovides accurate and
complete verbal and .ritten
communications in regards to
typical clinical situations.
4ee&s verbal collaboration
#it% ot%er %ealt% care team
members' >iscriminates
relevant7irrelevant details'
:ritten communication
sho.s increasing
consistency in accuracy
and format. Is inconsistent
in including all needed
detail. +ho.s reluctance
to interact .ith other
health care members other
C-er or under re'or#s; l!c@s
org!niE!#ion o$ con#en#. =eeds
!ssis#!nce #o discri%in!#e
rele-!n# $ro% irrele-!n# de#!il.
8ubrics 7ode: Italici'ed(Level ") 2old 9 :evel 2- Italici'ed * underlined ( AA+) 9nderlined : 1,; 5nderlined ; 2old 9 beyond program
<!ge 11 o$ 1(
>6MEN46ON E"emplary Accomplis%ed >eveloping 2eginning
processes' than nursing staff.
De!l#h Te!ching
nd &n$or%!#ion
9ses 'o'ul!#ion b!sed !n!l"#ic
%e#hods #o iden#i$" 'o'ul!#ion
he!l#h educ!#ion needs. >esigns and
implements %ealt% education
programs to address learning
needs of population'
Assesses client=s learning
needs, learning styles, and
variables impacting t%e
teac%ing@learning process'
5ses appropriate materials
4pontaneously incorporates
%ealt% care &no#ledge and
education into routine
Creates individualiBed %ealt%
teac%ing materials'
Initiates standardi'ed
health teaching.
6ay have limited
recognition of client
variables impacting
learning or health care
education needs.
Tells client and family of
o.n actions and plan of
C%i#s in$or%ing clien# o$ #he
'l!n o$ c!re or r!#ion!les $or
o?n !c#ions.
M!" $eel !?@?!rd ini#i!#ing
he!l#h #e!ching.
M!" gi-e !d-ice.
Does no# iden#i$" clien#>s
le!rning needs !nd 'riori#ies.
&%'!c# o$
nd o#her
6ntegrates multiple, subtle
variables into t%e interaction in
comple" client situations
ble #o !''ro'ri!#el" re$lec# #he
clien#>s %ess!ge ?i#hou# dis#or#ion
or bi!s
A.are of cultural and
language differences.
Gno#ledgeable of o#n
communication s&ills and
deficits' RecogniBes o#n
cultural biases and
ine"perience' 6ntegrates
multiple overt variables into
t%e interaction in
uncomplicated client
situations- may notice some
subtle variables
8eveloping self-a.areness
of o.n cultural and
language variations.
Identifies key cultural
variables that effect
communication in
uncomplicated client
.!c@ o$ !?!reness o$ cul#ur!l
!nd l!ngu!ge -!ri!#ions !s !
b!rrier #o e$$ec#i-e
M!" be un!?!re o$ -!ri!#ions
#h!# i%'!c# co%%unic!#ion.
''e!rs Fudg%en#!l in
8ubrics 7ode: Italici'ed(Level ") 2old 9 :evel 2- Italici'ed * underlined ( AA+) 9nderlined : 1,; 5nderlined ; 2old 9 beyond program
<!ge 1/ o$ 1(
OCNE Competency <H, A competent nurse ma&es sound clinical 8udgments
E"emplary Accomplis%ed >eveloping 2eginning
4ocuses obser-!#ion !''ro'ri!#el";
regul!rl" obser-es !nd %oni#ors !
?ide -!rie#" o$ obFec#i-e !nd
subFec#i-e d!#! #o unco-er !n" use$ul
Regularly observes7monitors a
variety of data, including bot%
sub8ective and ob8ective- most
useful information is noticed, may
miss t%e most subtle signs
Attempts to monitor a variety of
sub;ective and ob;ective data, but is
over.helmed by the array of data)
focuses on the most obvious data,
missing some important information
7on$used b" #he clinic!l si#u!#ion
!nd #he !%oun#;#"'e o$ d!#!;
obser-!#ion is no# org!niEed !nd
i%'or#!n# d!#! is %issed, !nd;or
!ssess%en# errors !re %!de
>eviations from
E"pected Patterns
8ecogniEes sub#le '!##erns !nd
de-i!#ions $ro% eH'ec#ed '!##erns in
d!#! !nd uses #hese #o guide #he
RecogniBes most obvious patterns
and deviations in data and uses
t%ese to continually assess
Identifies obvious patterns and
deviations, missing some important
information) unsure ho. to continue
the assessment
4ocuses on one #hing !# ! #i%e !nd
%isses %os# '!##erns;de-i!#ions
$ro% eH'ec#!#ions; %isses
o''or#uni#ies #o re$ine #he
6nformation 4ee&ing
sser#i-el" see@s in$or%!#ion #o 'l!n
in#er-en#ion: c!re$ull" collec#s use$ul
subFec#i-e d!#! $ro% obser-ing #he
clien# !nd $ro% in#er!c#ing ?i#h #he
clien# !nd $!%il"
Actively see&s sub8ective
information about t%e client=s
situation from t%e client and family
to support planning interventions-
occasionally does not pursue
important leads
6akes limited efforts to seek
additional information from the
client1family) often seems not to
kno. .hat information to seek
and1or pursues unrelated
&s ine$$ec#i-e in see@ing
in$or%!#ion; relies %os#l" on
obFec#i-e d!#!; h!s di$$icul#"
in#er!c#ing ?i#h #he clien# !nd
$!%il" !nd $!ils #o collec#
i%'or#!n# subFec#i-e d!#!
E"emplary Accomplis%ed >eveloping 2eginning
PrioritiBing >ata
4ocuses on #he %os# rele-!n# !nd
i%'or#!n# d!#! use$ul $or eH'l!ining
#he clien#>s condi#ion
Eenerally focuses on t%e most
important data and see&s furt%er
relevant information, but also may
try to attend to less pertinent data
6akes an effort to prioriti'e data
and focus on the most important, but
also attends to less relevant1useful
D!s di$$icul#" $ocusing !nd !''e!rs
no# #o @no? ?hich d!#! !re %os#
i%'or#!n# #o #he di!gnosis;
!##e%'#s #o !##end #o !ll !-!il!ble
Ma&ing 4ense of
2-en ?hen $!cing co%'leH,
con$lic#ing or con$using d!#!, is !ble
#o (1) no#e !nd %!@e sense o$
'!##erns in #he clien#>s d!#!, (/)
co%'!re #hese ?i#h @no?n '!##erns
($ro% #he nursing @no?ledge b!se,
rese!rch, 'erson!l eH'erience, !nd
in#ui#ion), !nd (A) de-elo' 'l!ns $or
in#er-en#ions #h!# c!n be Fus#i$ied in
#er%s o$ #heir li@elihood o$ success
6n most situations, interprets t%e
client=s data patterns and compares
#it% &no#n patterns to develop an
intervention plan and
accompanying rationale- t%e
e"ceptions are rare or complicated
cases #%ere it is appropriate to
see& t%e guidance of a specialist or
more e"perienced nurse
In simple or common1familiar
situations, is able to compare the
client<s data patterns .ith those
kno.n and to develop1e2plain
intervention plans) has difficulty,
ho.ever, .ith even moderately
difficult data1situations that are
.ithin the e2pectations for students,
inappropriately re9uires advice or
2-en in si%'le o$
$!%ili!r;co%%on si#u!#ions h!s
di$$icul#" in#er're#ing or %!@ing
sense o$ d!#!; h!s #rouble
dis#inguishing !%ong co%'e#ing
eH'l!n!#ions !nd !''ro'ri!#e
in#er-en#ions, reGuiring !ssis#!nce
bo#h in di!gnosing #he 'roble% !nd
in de-elo'ing !n in#er-en#ion
8ubrics 7ode: Italici'ed(Level ") 2old 9 :evel 2- Italici'ed * underlined ( AA+) 9nderlined : 1,; 5nderlined ; 2old 9 beyond program
<!ge 1A o$ 1(
E"emplary Accomplis%ed >eveloping 2eginning
Calm, Confident
ssu%es res'onsibili#": deleg!#es
#e!% !ssign%en#s, !ssess #he clien#
!nd re!ssures #he% !nd #heir $!%ilies
Eenerally displays leaders%ip and
confidence, and is able to
control7calm most situations- may
s%o# stress in particularly difficult
or comple" situations
Is tentative in the leader<s role)
reassures clients1families in routine
and relatively simple situations, but
becomes stressed and disorgani'ed
2Hce'# in si%'le !nd rou#ine
si#u!#ions, is s#ressed !nd
disorg!niEed, l!c@s con#rol, %!@ing
clien#s !nd $!%ilies !nHious;less
!ble #o coo'er!#e
7o%%unic!#es e$$ec#i-el"; eH'l!ins
in#er-en#ions; c!l%s;re!ssures clien#s
!nd $!%ilies; direc#s !nd in-ol-es
#e!% %e%bers, eH'l!ining !nd gi-ing
direc#ions; chec@s $or unders#!nding
Eenerally communicates #ell-
e"plains carefully to clients, gives
clear directions to team- could be
more effective in establis%ing
+ho.s some communication ability
!e.g., giving directions&)
communication .ith
clients1families1team members is
only partly successful) displays
caring but not competence
D!s di$$icul#" co%%unic!#ing;
eH'l!n!#ions !re con$using,
direc#ions !re uncle!r or
con#r!dic#or", !nd clien#s;$!%ilies
!re %!de con$used;!nHious, no#
&n#er-en#ions !re #!ilored $or #he
indi-idu!l clien#; %oni#ors clien#
'rogress closel" !nd is !ble #o !dFus#
#re!#%en# !s indic!#ed b" #he clien#
>evelops interactions based on
relevant patient data- monitors
progress regularly but does not
e"pect to %ave to c%ange treatments
8evelops interventions based on the
most obvious data) monitors
progress, but is unable to make
ad;ustments based on the patient
4ocuses on de-elo'ing ! single
in#er-en#ion !ddressing ! li@el"
solu#ion, bu# i# %!" be -!gue,
con$using, !nd;or inco%'le#e;
so%e %oni#oring %!" occur
2eing 4&illful
,ho?s %!s#er" o$ necess!r" nursing
>isplays proficiency in t%e use of
most nursing s&ills- could improve
speed or accuracy
Is hesitant or ineffective in utili'ing
nursing skills
&s un!ble #o selec# !nd;or 'er$or%
#he nursing s@ills
E"emplary Accomplis%ed >eveloping 2eginning
&nde'enden#l" e-!lu!#es;
!n!l"Ees 'erson!l clinic!l
'er$or%!nce, no#ing decision 'oin#s,
el!bor!#ing !l#ern!#i-es !nd
!ccur!#el" e-!lu!#ing choices !g!ins#
Evaluates7analyBes personal
clinical performance #it% minimal
prompting, primarily ma8or
events7decisions- &ey decision
points are identified and
alternatives are considered
Even .hen prompted, briefly
verbali'es the most obvious
evaluations) has difficulty imagining
alternative choices) is self-protective
in evaluating personal choices
2-en 'ro%'#ed e-!lu!#ions !re
brie$, cursor", !nd no# used #o
i%'ro-e 'er$or%!nce; Fus#i$ies
'erson!l decisions;choices ?i#hou#
e-!lu!#ing #he%
Commitment to
De%ons#r!#es co%%i#%en# #o
ongoing i%'ro-e%en#: re$lec#s on
!nd cri#ic!ll" e-!lu!#es nursing
eH'eriences; !ccur!#el" iden#i$ies
s#reng#hs;?e!@nesses !nd de-elo's
s'eci$ic 'l!ns #o eli%in!#e
>emonstrates a desire to improve
nursing performance, reflects on
and evaluates e"periences-
identifies strengt%s7#ea&nesses-
could be more systematic in
evaluating #ea&nesses
8emonstrates a.areness of the need
for ongoing improvement and makes
some effort to learn from e2perience
and improve performance but tends
to state the obvious, and needs
e2ternal evaluation
''e!rs unin#eres#ed in i%'ro-ing
'er$or%!nce or un!ble #o do so;
r!rel" re$lec#s; is uncri#ic!l o$
hi%;hersel$, or o-erl" cri#ic!l
(gi-en le-el o$ de-elo'%en#); is
un!ble #o see $l!?s or need $or
8ubrics 7ode: Italici'ed(Level ") 2old 9 :evel 2- Italici'ed * underlined ( AA+) 9nderlined : 1,; 5nderlined ; 2old 9 beyond program
<!ge 14 o$ 1(
OCNE Competency <* , A competent nurse uses t%e best available evidence
>6MEN46ON E"emplary Accomplis%ed >eveloping 2eginning
8ou#inel" $r!%es rele-!n# se!rch
Gues#ions !nd c!n e$$ec#i-el" n!rro?
se!rch #o loc!#e ! li%i#ed nu%ber o$
%os# rele-!n# sources. ssesses
se!rch resul#s #o de#er%ine ?he#her
!l#ern!#i-e in$or%!#ion re#rie-!l
s"s#e%s should be u#iliEed. 4luid
incor'or!#ion o$ curren# @no?ledge
$ro% o#her disci'lines
5ses assistance effectively to
frame +uestions and to
construct and implement
effective searc% strategies'
Constructs specific searc%
strategy using appropriate
terms and commands for t%e
information retrieval system'
4ee&s and integrates current
&no#ledge from ot%er
+eeks local resources to
ans.er specific 9uestions=
e.g., unit procedure manuals,
and practicing nurses.
-an conduct broad data-base
search using digital retrieval
systems, including the internet.
Able to independently find
literature in one database.
0ecogni'es needed
information sources from other
8elies on e!sil" !ccessible
in$or%!#ion ('eers,
ins#ruc#ors, #eH#boo@s).
&s un!?!re o$ 'resence or use
o$ d!#!)b!sed in$or%!#ion
=eeds !ssis#!nce #o in#egr!#e
@no?ledge $ro% o#her
o$ 2-idence
2-!lu!#es rese!rch !nd o#her e-idence
$or reli!bili#", -!lidi#", !ccur!c",
!u#hori#", !nd 'oin# o$ -ie? or bi!s,
%!@ing ! Fudg%en# !bou# o-er!ll
Gu!li#" o$ e-idence.
Evaluates t%e arguments
supporting opinions'
Evaluate t%e overall strengt%
of evidence supporting a
Read and summariBe
original researc%
(+ualitative, +uantitative,
Clinical trials)'
E"plain findings of studies to
clients or colleagues'
0ecogni'es the difference
bet.een data-based
publications * opinions.
0eads and summari'es
integrative revie.s and
clinical practice guidelines.
cce'#s !ll 'ublished
in$or%!#ion !s !ccur!#e.
Does no# di$$eren#i!#e
o'inion $ro% d!#!)b!sed
cce'#s -ie?s o$ o#hers !s
!ccur!#e, es'eci!ll" #hose
'ercei-ed #o be in !u#hori#".
8ubrics 7ode: Italici'ed(Level ") 2old 9 :evel 2- Italici'ed * underlined ( AA+) 9nderlined : 1,; 5nderlined ; 2old 9 beyond program
<!ge 1+ o$ 1(
>6MEN46ON E"emplary Accomplis%ed >eveloping 2eginning
9se o$
e-idence in
9ses e'ide%iologic!l in-es#ig!#ions #o
iden#i$" 'o'ul!#ions !# ris@.
7onsiders resul#s o$ in#er-en#ion
s#udies in designing !''ro'ri!#e
nursing c!re.
8e)e-!lu!#es 'olicies, 'rocedures or
s#!nd!rd o$ 'r!c#ice ?hen e-idence
su''or#s ! ch!nge.
:eads practice c%anges supported
by evidence'
4elects and7or #rites plans of
care t%at incorporate
evidence from integrative
revie#s and clinical practice
4ee&s researc% evidence to
refine o#n nursing practice'
Looks for supporting evidence
for nursing interventions.
Identifies potential
implications for practice from
integrative revie.s and
clinical practice guidelines.
4nderstands that information
continually evolves.
8ecision-making is rule-
=eeds !ssis#!nce #o !d!'#
c!re e-en in #he $!ce o$
e-idence su''or#ing ch!nge.
D!s di$$icul#" Gues#ioning
s#!nd!rds o$ 'r!c#ice.
J De-elo'ed b" B!#hie .!s!#er, 2dD, & Mich!el B!#i%s, <hD. 1!sed on T!nner>s Model o$ 7linic!l Judg%en# ugus# 0+
8ubrics 7ode: Italici'ed(Level ") 2old 9 :evel 2- Italici'ed * underlined ( AA+) 9nderlined : 1,; 5nderlined ; 2old 9 beyond program
<!ge 1( o$ 1(

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