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Testing: Unit Testing / User Manual Module: Production Planning

CLIENT : 200
DESCRIPTION : Bill of Mat!ial

DATE : 01#01#200$
TEAM : P!o%&'tio( Pla((i()
NAME : Na(+ Ba,& -P.C/

TEAM : P!o%&'tio( Pla((i()

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Testing: Unit Testing / User Manual Module: Production Planning
10 T!a(1a'tio( Co%# Pat+
M(& Pat+
Lo)i1ti'1 P!o%&'tio( Ma1t! Data Bill of Mat!ial1 Bill of Mat!ial
Mat!ial BOM CS01 2 C!at
T0Co% CS01
20 I(3&t Data
1. Before creating BOM, ensure all materials aaila!le in material master of "our #lant.
$. Bill of material num!er % &ea'er ( ) C*il' #arts of &ea'er s*oul' !e entere' in material
master +it* , co'e MM01 as #er #lant re-uirement.
3. .or follo+ing material +e *ae to create BOM,
/ 0.R, % .inis* Pro'uct (
/ 0S.1 % Semi finis*e' Pro'uct ( 2 Su! Assem!lies Or &aing ra+ material as c*il' #art.
/ 0SRP % S#are Parts ( 2 Su! Assem!lies Or &aing ra+ material as c*il' #art.
3O,E2 ,O CREA,E A RE4A,5O3 O. MA,ER5A4 BOM MO674E 5S 7SE6 53 SAP.
53 SAP BOM MAS,ER 5S CREA,E6 ) MA53,A53E6 P4A3, 85SE.
201 I(3&t S'!( Na4 2 C!at BOM: I(itial S'!(
, co'e CS01 is use' for creation of !ill of material.
, co'e CS0$ is gien to 'o t*e c*anges in create' !ill of material.
, co'e CS03 is gien to see t*e contents of !ill of material % 9ie+ .acilit" (
3O,E 2 A, P4A3, 4E9E4, A7,&OR5,: .OR CREA,5O3 ) C&A31E 5S 159E3 ,O P4A33531
PERSO3 ) A7,&OR5,: .OR 95E8 .AC545,: 5S 159E3 ,O A44 7SERS O. SAP.

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Testing: Unit Testing / User Manual Module: Production Planning
Entries re-uire' in initial screen,
&ea'er num!er to !e entere' in material file' or can !e selecte' from .; alues.
/ Pla(t 2
1RO7P BOM can !e create' +it*out P4A3,, +it* s*o+n facilities grou# !om conce#t
is not feasi!le to control ) monitor t*e 'ocument. 5t is 'eci'e', BOM s*oul' !e create'
+it* P4A3, .
/ BOM U1a) :
5t is a man'ator" .iel', 4ist of usage is gien !elo+ for reference.
.or #ro'uction #ur#ose usage s*oul' !e 1. 7sage $ is gien for R)6 'ata,
3O,E 2 5n Scenario testing +it* s*o+n facilit" it is clear t*at not #ossi!le to control )
monitor R)6 'ata +it* usage $, so it is 'eci'e' t*at, for manufacturing reference R)6 'ata
+ill !e entere' in R)6 !ranc* #lant .

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Testing: Unit Testing / User Manual Module: Production Planning
- Alt!(ati5 BOM :
,*is #roision is gien to create #ro'uction ersion for same *ea'er material.
5f not*ing is entere', !" 'efault s"stem is generating alternatie <1=.
3O,E 2 5f secon' time !om is o#en +it* CS01 s"stem +ill create alternatie
<$= for same &ea'er material.
Ste#s for creating #ro'uction ersions :
.or same *ea'er material create 'ifferent alternatie BOMs ) create relation of all
alternatie BOMs % Pro'uction 9ersion ( in MRP; ie+ of material master.
/ C+a() N&4,! : 5f EC3 is release' to c*ange t*e BOM, EC3 num!er to !e entere'
in c*ange num!er. After EC3 num!er s"stem +ill gie ali' 'ate ) ne>t reision leel
for BOM.
Once t*e ie+s are selecte', Press on ,a!
202 I(3&t S'!( Na4 2 C!at Mat!ial: O5!5i.
Screen 12

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D1'!i3tio( of
t+ 6il%
Nat&! of t+ 6il% Val& of t+ 6il%
Material Man'ator" Mat!ial 'o%
BOM 7sage Man'ator" 1
Plant Man'ator" Yo&! 3la(t (&4,!

Testing: Unit Testing / User Manual Module: Production Planning
Once t*e ie+s are selecte', Press on ,a!

Page 5 of 11
D1'!i3tio( of
t+ 6il%
Nat&! of
t+ 6il%
Val& of t+ 6il%
Base ?uantit" Man'ator" 718 o! a1 a33li'a,l
BOM te>t S+o!t t9t .+i'+ %1'!i,1 t+ .+ol BOM
Alt ,e>t. T+i1 t9t %1'!i,1 a( alt!(ati5 a(% a 5a!ia(t
BOM Status Man'ator" 7018
Not to , &1%0

Testing: Unit Testing / User Manual Module: Production Planning
After com#onent entr" if "ou #ress enter, s"stem +ill o#en gien !elo+ +in'o+ to enter -uantit" of

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of t+ 6il%
Nat&! of
t+ 6il%
Val& of t+ 6il%
6il% i1 )i5( to 'o(t!ol it4 1:&(' i( BOM; 3!1(tl<
10; 20; 30 t' lo)i' i1 )i5(0 I( f&t&! if !:&i!% <o& 'a(
a%% (i( (. 4at!ial1 to 4ai(tai( 1:&('0
5C, Man'ator"
7L8 fo! 4a(&fa't&! 4at!ial; = fo! 'la11 &1% i( 5a!ia(t
'o(fi)&!atio(; D fo! %o'&4(t1; N fo! (o( 1to'>? it41; T
fo! t9t it410
Com#onent Man'ator" E(t! 'o43o((t (&4,!0
?uantit" Man'ator" A1 a33li'a,l fo! t+at 'o43o((t0

Testing: Unit Testing / User Manual Module: Production Planning

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D1'!i3tio( of
t+ 6il%
Nat&! of
t+ 6il%
Val& of t+ 6il%
?uantit" Man'ator" a1 a33li'a,l
.i>e' ?t".
,*is in'icator s*o+s t*at t*e 'o43o((t :&a(tit< is al+a"s t*e
Scra# t*at is e>#ecte' in one o#eration for t*e -uantit" of a
com#onent to !e #rocesse'
Percentage of scra# t*at occurs 'uring #ro'uction of t*e
material if t*e material is a 'o43o((t
3et 56
,*is in'icator 'etermines +*et*er scra# for t*e com#onent is
calculate' on t*e !asis of t*e net re-uire' -uantit" %t*e re-uire'
-uantit" .it+o&t assem!l" scra# from t*e material master
Co/Pro'uct 5n'icator s*o+ing t*at t*e item is a 'o-3!o%&'t
Consoli'ation of alternatie items +it*in a BOM. Eer" material
in t*e assem!l" can !e inclu'e' in t*e alternatie item grou#.
5f t+o materials are to !e 'efine' as an alternatie, t*en enter
uni-ue letter for !ot* material.
for alt item
Enter Position of an item in an alternatie item grou# li@e 1, $, 3
for alt item
,*is alue 'efines *o+ items in an alternatie grou# are
selecte' for +it*'ra+al #ostings.
,*is strateg" is ignore' in material re-uirements #lanning %MRP(
eit*er 1 or $, 1enerall" enter <$=.
7sage Pro!.
for alt item
Percentage #ro!a!ilit" t*at a material +ill !e use' in t*e
assem!l" li@e 30A, $0A etc.
MRP 6ata
MRP 'ata +ill !e ca#ture from material master, not re-uire' in

Testing: Unit Testing / User Manual Module: Production Planning
Select com#onent in BOM ie+,
Clic@ on icon < item=
A!oe !asic 'ata alrea'" coere' a!oe.
A#art from t*at, if t*e item is BScra#B item or item +*ic* forms com#onent in Re#air / Conersion
BOM, negatie -uantit" 'e#icts stoc@ is generate' +*en or'er is confirme' for &ea'er item
Pro'. Stor. 4ocation is location +*ere stoc@ +ill !e increase' if @ee#
a!oe negatie -t" setu#.
.or Re+or@ / Conersion BOM, se#arate Pro'. Stor. 4ocation +ill !e 'efine' for negatie -t"
mar@e' Com#onents, so t*at trac@ coul' !e @e#t for transactions 'one +it* t*ese t"#e of
Basic 'ata2

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Testing: Unit Testing / User Manual Module: Production Planning
Clic@ on Status / 4ng ,e>t.

Page 9 of 11
D1'!i3tio( of t+
Nat&! of t+
Val& of t+ 6il%
4ine 1
,e>t of u# to ;0 c*aracters, +*ic* forms t*e first of t+o
lines of te>t 'escri!ing t*e it4
4ine $
,e>t of u# to ;0 c*aracters, +*ic* forms t*e secon' of
t+o lines of te>t 'escri!ing t*e it4
S#ares #art in'icator E(t! 7L8 to i%(tif< it41 1&33li% loo10
Costing Releanc"
Controls t*e e>tent to +*ic* a BOM item, o#eration, or
su! o#eration in t*e routing is inclu'e' in costing.
Material Proision
,*is @e" in'icates t*at t*e BOM item is su!Cect to
material #roision, D for material #roi'e' !" customer
) 4 for material #roi'e' !" en'or.
Bul@ Material
,*is in'icator 'efines a BOM it4 as a !ul@ material,
+*ic* is aaila!le 'irectl" at t*e +or@ centre %for
e>am#le, +as*ers or grease(
Pro'uction stor@.
3um!er of t*e issue location from +*ic* t*e material is
issue' 'uring t*e #ro'uction #rocess. Ba'? fl&1+ is
#oste' to t*is issue location if re-uire'
.or selection of stor location .; alues #roi'e'
Su##l" Area
,*e su##l" area is use' for material re#lenis*ment
#ur#oses an' is situate' 'irectl" on t*e s*o# floor
,*e su##l" area is use' in DA3BA3 #ro'uction control
an' in 8are*ouse Management
3ot to !e use'.

Testing: Unit Testing / User Manual Module: Production Planning
After com#letion of all entries, clic@ on sae !utton to sae t*e 'ocument.
COP: OP,5O3 2
5f BOM is alrea'" aaila!le in 'ifferent #lant, use < COP: .ROM= icon to transfer / co#" BOM
contents in re-uire' !ranc* #lant.

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Testing: Unit Testing / User Manual Module: Production Planning
.ollo+ing , Co'es are use' for ie+ing 'ifferent t"#e of re#orts,
/ CS13 2 Summarise' BOM
/ CS11 2 6is#la" BOM 4eel B" 4eel
/ CS1E 2 8*ere 7se 5tem.
/ CS1; 2 BOM Com#arison.
/ CS$0 2 Mass c*anges.
/ CS0F 2 6is#la" Plant Assignment
/ CS0G 2 C*ange #lant assignment
/ CS0H 2 Create Plant Assignment
/ CS0E 2 C*ange BOM grou#.
/ MM06 2 .lag Material for 6eletion.
/ MM60 2 Material 4ist.
/ CS0E 2 C*ange BOM grou#.
/ CSMB 2 Material BOM Bro+ser 5nitial Screen.
Presentl" BOM is single 'ocument ) controlle' +it* single reision num!er,
5n SAP BOM contents get s#lit in 'ifferent mo'ules ) same s*oul' !e controlle' +it* 'ifferent
reision leel manuall". Reision num!er control +ill !e finalise' after EC3 tr"out an' +ill !e
'ocumente' in EC3 Manual.

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