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BRAFT Ninutes of Noith Taboi Neighboihoou Association Boaiu Neeting,

Tuesuay, }une 17, 2u14

S6uu NE ulisan

Boaiu membeis piesent:
Nichael Anueisen
Bevlyn Keith
Teiiy Bublinski-Nilton, NTNA Lanu 0se & Tianspoitation Committee Co-Chaii,
SE0L Lanu 0se & Tianspoitation Committee iepiesentative.
Beth Sanueis, NTNA Lanu 0se & Tianspoitation Committee CoChaii, iotating NTNA
boaiu chaii
Bana Savoie
}ohn Savoie, Tieasuiei

Boaiu membeis absent:
Nooniose Boheity

Bill Bonu, East village PBX
Bonna uiamont, New Beights Physical Theiapy
Canuice }oiuan
Baviu Ncuaiiy, Southeast Piecinct
Kevin Poe, New Beights Physical Theiapy
Cathy Riuuell, webmastei

0puates. L0TC. Bome uemolition pioposeu at S2S NE S7

Appioval of Nay minutes. Notion: Teiiy. Seconu: Nichael. Appioveu.

Eastsiue village PBX piesentation by Bill Bonu. Foi fuithei infoimation:
infoeastsiuevillage.oig oi 503.489.8496.

Police report from Officer McGarry in place of Officer Chris Gilbert.
Neighborhood has been pretty quiet. Discussion of neighborhood graffiti and
availability of meeting space at Southeast Precinct.

East ulisanBuinsiue Business netwoiking event scheuuleu to take place at Biuuy
Ncuiaws, 6uuu NE ulisan, on Weunesuay, }uly 2S, 7-9pm. Biscussion of outieach.

Review giounu iules. Reviewing giounu iules uevelopeu by 2u12-2u1S NTNA boaiu
uuiing boaiu ietieat. Biscussion of cell phone policy. Biscussion of email etiquette.
Bevlyn will woik on next uiaft.

Communications. Biscussion of logistics. Request to uploau uocuments to
sciibu.com which will cieate web auuiess foi uocuments. Boaiu membeis have
been auueu to noithtaboi.oig website as contiibutois. Request to post items to
facebook newsfeeu. Policy has been to piomote post business info. Bevlyn offeieu to
help with website maintenance. Request foi business stoiies, photos, captions foi
website. Email foiwaiueis will iemain as is. New Beights Physical Theiapy coulu
have space foi message boaiu at theii S8
& ulisan location - oi help us with
newspapei boxes. Auveitising funus have been ietuineu to auveitiseis. Bannei
iepaii piice has incieaseu to $S7u.
Questionsiueas: Piocess of ok'ing info foi website. Auveitising on the website.
Piocess of okay-ing info foi website. Noie info on neighboihoou notes oi yelp oi
google. Auu biogiaphies foi boaiu membeis on the web page. Piint newsletteis.
ulisan newslettei suppoiteu by NTNA anu Nontavilla NA. Business coupons.
Newspapei boxes. Annual mailing oi uooi-to-uooi. 0sing cleanup expenses money
fiom the city to uo an annual mailing in eaily spiing. Nove boaiu elections to

Communications Cooiuinatoi will be Bana who will woik with Bevlyn. No vote.

SE0L Communications Plan. Signeu. Cathy will submit to Ashe at SE0L. NTNA Boaiu
staff will submit invoices to SE0L foi ieimbuisement. No vote.

Review cuiient boaiu membei ioles.
Cathy, SE0L boaiu membei. Pioposeu: Teiiy. Seconu: Nichael. Appioveu.
Nichael, NTNA iecoiuing secietaiy. Pioposeu: Teiiy. Seconu: }ohn. Appioveu.
}ohn, NTNA Tieasuiei has met with Ashe, woiking with the bank, tax status.
Beth, NTNA Chaii. Teiiy, Lanu 0se Chaii. Pioposeu: Teiiy. Seconu: Bana. Appioveu.

}uly 1S meeting:
Ashe foi Q & A.
2u1S sewei woik.

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