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The Civilizations

The Babylonian civilization had a large territory that was occupied by the people living in
it. In it were abundant crops; and furnished food; wine; building material and fuel. All that was
needed to survive and at the same time to enjoy through simple luxuries that were catered
because they were one of the civilizations that was advanced, meaning; they have a variety of
occupations for their people; they were able to store food and other goods for survival; they
had their own government which was a type of Monarchy; they also followed their own laws in
which one is the Hammurabis code. They also performed trading over long distances which
prove how much money they got during the time. Also, they have a variety and ranking of social
positions like; the Amelu which is originally a patrician, a man from an elite family; the
Mushkenu which basically means a beggar, it doesnt have to mean poor but a person who is
landless; the third is the Ardu which is a slave, his masters chattel. They also had their own
writing and a system of notation. They had their own development of important art style; one
of which is making their houses with a center room with other rooms attached to it. Their
writing was called cuneiform. All these categories I believe would be very much enough to
consider Babylonia a great civilization.

The Persian Empire was the largest empire in World history, that would only mean that
they occupied a large amount of territory during their reigning it was easy for them to find food
because they were surrounded by the Black Sea; Mediterranean; Caspian; and Red Arabian Sea,
makes it easier for them to perform trading among neighbours. They had their own
government; one of their rulers was known to be Cyrus who ruled from 550-539 B.C. He was a
military genius. They traded cheese; grain and wool to be able to acquire the things that are not
found in their area. They also had their own arts and also had their own political social classes.
They also kept their writing to keep records of their events and other important things that has
to be kept. This is why they were also considered to be a civilization.

The Aztec occupied a huge territory enough to have a regular contact with other
civilizations. Their place was surrounded by mountains so farming was a normal thing to do and
is popular. Their government had a king; that would only mean that theirs is a Monarchy type.
They also had their own laws and were strict when it comes to its implementation. One would
be their One Time Forgiveness Law. They have a variety of occupations too for their people.
They very much perform trading so that they could acquire other products that were relevant
for their living. They were very much capable of storing surplus food and other goods. They had
their own writing system which is a type of pictographic. They had their own development of
important art style; which was craftsmanship and extraordinary work as something that was
extremely valuable. They had a language called Nahuatl. They also had a variety and ranking of
social positions. This is why they are considered to be a civilization.

The Bantu Speakers spoke Swahili and the people developed a culture based on the
farming of root crops; foraging; and fishing on the West African coast; which would only mean
that they occupied a large territory for their settlement. Bantu kingship was often regarded as
divine. The Bantu developed a more collective understanding of leadership; the group took
priority over individuals. They also performed trading with their neighbouring countries. Also
they were very active when it comes to their Arts; a ceremonial mask carved by the Kuba is one
of the most developed artistic traditions of all the African groups. They also had their own
writing and slavery trading. All of these are enough to make them a civilization.

The Incas known today as Peru has large parts of modern Ecuador, western and south
central Bolivia. Which could only mean that they occupied a large territory during their
reigning; their government was both Monarchy and Theocracy. They also traded heavily with
luxury goods like cloth and labor. They had irrigation system where they collected the ice of the
Andes Mountains and watered the crops in the southern part of the empire. They were also
very much proud of their technology which could be seen in their great monuments; tall
structures built to extraordinary heights. They had their own writing system also which is
known as knot tying and the use of pottery to convey drawings. They also performed slavery
because they did render services forcibly. All these make up for them to be considered a

The Mayans had a great amount of territory to occupy for their people. There was a
distinct class system in ancient Maya times between the ruling classes and the farmers and
labourers, there must have been educated nobility who were scribes, artists and architects.
Their government consisted of city-states, each ruled over by a dynasty of kings. Their
government is a Monarchy. Trading for them was very crucial to maintain their cities. They
were very much capable also of storing surplus food and other products. They also have their
own developed Art and are a huge part of the Mayan culture, and were often closely tied to
religion. They make sculptures; ceramic pieces and paintings. One of the major styles of the
Mayan sculpture was the Stelae; a Stela was a large stone slab, covered with carvings. They
were very much involved when it comes to technology too; the Maya numerals is a proof and
the very much proved that they were to be the only pre-telescopic civilization to demonstrate
knowledge of the Orion Nebula. All these proved that they are to be considered to be a

The Assyrians spans into four countries which could only demonstrate that they had a
large territory to settle in. Assyria had two great mountains which is the Taurus and Zagros
mountains. They did farming and rely on their crops. They had two languages; the Akkadian and
the neo-syriac. Akkadian was written in cuneiform which is their type of writing on clay tablets.
They practiced two religions throughout their history: the Ashurism and Christianity. The first
was the pioneering religion of the Assyrians. They have animal domestification, agriculture,
pottery, controllable fire, smelting. They are rich in corn fields. They have a lot of cities with
craft specialization and writing. They also had a government; one of the rulers was known to be
Shamshi-Adad. They also have their own Arts and had a variety of occupation for their people;
and a veriety and ranking of social positions. They also have their own writing system. All these
qualify them to be recognized a a civilization.

The Hittites probably originating from the Black Sea, they first occupied central Anatolia,
making their capital at Hattusa. Which could only mean that they had a large territory for thei
people; they also have their own writing which is the Cuneiform tablet discovered at Modern
Turkey. It also proved that they had their own political organization, social structure, economy,
and religion. They had their own king whom they believed to become a god after dying. Their
art is also a unique one; one of which would be the plastic art of pre-imperial and is considered
to be scarce. Examples are found in stone sculptures in a powerful and in somewhat unrefined
style. They were also capable of storing surplus food and other goods. They also had a variety
and ranking of social positions and occupations. All these proved only that they are to be
considered a civilization.

The Sumerians were considered to be good hunter-gatherers; they roamed that part of
the Middle East called Fertile Crescent. The crops was their major source of food and farming fo
them was really important in which required a permanent settlement. Sumerians had a great
amount of territory to settle in. they grew wheat and barley and irrigated their crops by digging
ditches to river waters. Some of them manufactured pottery; they also did weaving, leather or
metal work, and some were involved in trade with other societies. At least twelve cities arose
among the Sumerians. In addition to an increase population, civilization was also about variety,
and enough food was produced to support people who worked at other occupations. There
were also traders, and the Sumerians developed an extensive commerce by land and sea. They
built seaworthy ships and they imported from afar items made from the wood, stone, tin and
copper not found nearby. Sumerians writing is the oldest full-fledged writing that
archaeologists have discovered. They wrote arithmetic based on units of ten, the number of
fingers on both hands. The Sumerians put the domination of men over women into law. They
also have their own education. They also acquired slaves; the name for a female slave was
mountain girl and for t he man would be mountain man. This is why Sumerians is to be
considered as a civilization too.

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