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Ammonium chloride of high purity can be made by

the direct reaction between anhydrous ammonia vapor and hydrochloric acid gas,
according to the reaction
The reaction is exothermic (42,000cal/gmole!" #n most cases, neutrali$ation is
underta%en at reduced pressures of 2&0'00mm of mercury in one or more rubberlined
steel vacuum reaction vessels protected with an additional inner lining of inert bric%"
(oncentrated hydrochloric acid gas is passed through an aspirator, wherein it is diluted
with air to about 20) concentration and enters the reaction vessel via a vertical sparser
tube" According to preference, ammonia gas is introduced either by a second sparser or
by tangential no$$les
in the base of the reaction vessel" Agitation is provided by the large volume of air
entering the reactor with the hydrochloric acid vapor* thus, the need for a mechanical
agitator with its additional power re+uirements and maintenance problems is avoided"
,imilarly, operation under vacuum not only provides excellent cooling but
simultaneously prevents escape of noxious vapors and eliminates the need for
hydrochloric acidvapor blowers, plus their attendant cost and maintenance charges" A
reduced pressure of 2&0''0 mm of mercury and a corresponding slurry temperature of
-&o.0o( represent typical operating conditions" /other li+uor the centrifuge is pumped
bac% to the saturator(s! via a storage tan%" ,aturator off gases must be well scrubbed
before entering the vacuum pump or e0ector unit to prevent corrosion and to eliminate air
pollution" A twostage scrubbing system is usually
employed and may consist of a direct, barometric scrubber condenser followed by a
wetted, pac%ed tower" 1i+uor from the scrubbercondenser is returned to the mother
li+uor tan% and is evaporated in the saturator, thus providing a means of temperature
control and recovery" As with other processes involving reactions between hydrochloric
acid (or chlorides! and ammonia, traces of free chlorine in the acid feed can lead to
disastrous explosions caused by the formation of nitrogen trichloride in the saturator"
2ence, ade+uate safety precautions must be installed whereby the 2(l gas feed is
monitored and the flow discontinued when chlorine is detected" This can be accomplished
by such means as bypassing a small stream of gas through a photocell calorimeter unit
containing potassium iodide or using a modern continuous gas analy$er of the absorption
or chromatographic type" After separation and drying, the crystalline ammonium chloride
is bagged as +uic%ly as possible to minimi$e subse+uent storage and application
Amonium %lorida %emurnian tinggi dapat dibuat dengan
rea%si langsung antara uap amonia anhidrat dan gas asam %lorida, sesuai dengan rea%si
3ea%si ini e%sotermis (42"000 %al / gmol!" 4alam %ebanya%an %asus, netralisasi
dila%u%an pada te%anan ber%urang dari 2&0'00mm mer%uri dalam satu atau lebih %aret
berlapis ba0a %apal va%um rea%si dilindungi dengan lapisan dalam tambahan bata inert"
5lorida gas asam pe%at dilewat%an melalui sebuah aspirator, dimana hal tersebut
diencer%an dengan udara se%itar 20) %onsentrasi dan memasu%i be0ana rea%si melalui
tabung sparser verti%al" /enurut preferensi, gas amonia diper%enal%an bai% oleh sparser
%edua atau oleh no$el tangensial
di dasar be0ana rea%si" Agitasi disedia%an oleh volume besar udara yang masu% %e rea%tor
dengan uap asam %lorida, dengan demi%ian, %ebutuhan untu% agitator me%ani% dengan
persyaratan tambahan yang %e%uasaan dan masalah pemeliharaan dihindari" 4emi%ian
pula, operasi bawah va%um tida% hanya menyedia%an pendinginan yang sangat bai%
tetapi se%aligus mencegah %eluarnya uap berbahaya dan menghilang%an %ebutuhan untu%
asam %loridauap blower, ditambah biaya petugas dan biaya pemeliharaan" ,ebuah
te%anan ber%urang dari 2&0''0 mm air ra%sa dan suhu bubur sesuai -&o.0o(
merupa%an %ondisi operasi %has" 1arutan indu% centrifuge yang dipompa %embali %e
saturator (s! melalui tang%i penyimpanan" ,aturator off gas harus bai% menggoso%
sebelum memasu%i pompa va%um atau unit e0e%tor untu% mencegah %orosi dan untu%
menghilang%an polusi udara" ,ebuah sistem scrubbing dua tahap biasanya
dipe%er0a%an dan bisa terdiri dari %ondensor, scrubber langsung barometric dii%uti oleh
sebuah menara, dibasahi di%emas" 1i+uor dari %ondensor scrubberdi%embali%an %e
tang%i larutan indu% dan menguap di saturator, sehingga memberi%an alat %ontrol suhu
dan pemulihan" ,eperti dengan proses lainnya yang melibat%an rea%si antara asam %lorida
(atau %lorida! dan amonia, 0e0a% %lorin bebas dalam pa%an asam dapat menyebab%an
leda%an bencana yang disebab%an oleh pembentu%an tri%lorida nitrogen dalam saturator
tersebut" 6leh %arena itu, tinda%an pencegahan %eamanan yang memadai harus dipasang
dimana umpan gas 2(l dimonitor dan aliran dihenti%an %eti%a %lorin terdete%si" 2al ini
dapat dicapai dengan cara seperti melewati sebuah sungai %ecil gas melalui unit fotosel
%alorimeter mengandung %alium iodida atau mengguna%an gas analy$er modern yang
terus menerus dari 0enis penyerapan atau %romatografi" ,etelah pemisahan dan
pengeringan, amonium %lorida %ristal di%antongi secepat mung%in untu% meminimal%an
penyimpanan beri%utnya dan %esulitan apli%asi"

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