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Nama :

Instruction: Please read the questions and the instructions of each questions carefully. Ask your
teacher if you dont understand with the questions if youre not sure with the answer you can leave it
blank. Do your best!!

Number 1-4 choose the answer which you think is correct.
1) To ask the time, you would say :
a. Jam berapa sekarang ?
b. Apa jam sekarang ?
c. Berapa jam sekarang ?
d. Pukul apa sekarang ?

2) To excuse yourself you need to say :
a. Ayo !
b. Hai !
c. Maaf !
d. Terima kasih !
3) Write the Indonesian words for the following number.
a. 20 ______________________
b. 67 ______________________
c. 13 ______________________
d. 100 ______________________
e. 45 ______________________
f. 8 ______________________
10. Use the preposition di, ke or dari to complete these sentences correctly.
a. Kamu mau pergi ____ mana ?
b. ____ mana kamu tinggal ?
c. Dewi berasal _____ Bali.
d. Pak Wayan beli kue ___ warung.

11. Translate the following sentences into Indonesian.
a. She goes to the beach every monday. ____________________________________________
b. Rama likes banana _________________________________________
c. We eat fried rice today. __________________________________________
d. My mother is going to the village. ___________________________________

12. Give the correct Indonesian greetings for the following times.
g. 7.00 am ______________________
h. 12.00 noon ______________________
i. 3.00 pm ______________________
j. 7.30 pm ______________________
k. 10.00 am ______________________
l. 2.00 am ______________________

4) Draw a line to connect the questions and greetings with the appropriate responses.
a. Apa kabar ?
b. Siapa namamu ?
c. Selamat jalan, Pak.
d. Bagaimana mengeja namamu ?
e. Sampai jumpa.
f. Selamat sore, Bu.
I. Nama saya Lucy
II. Sampai nanti
III. Selamat sore, Mila
IV. Selamat tinggal, Tom.
V. L-U-C-Y
VI. Saya baik-baik saja.

5. Translate to Indonesian.
a. There are five pencils Ada _____lima _______pensil
b. There are seven books ________________________
c. There are ten watermelon _________________________
d. There are fifteen tables _______________________________
e. There are twenty five chairs ______________________________________

6. What do you say if you want ask permission to your teacher to go to the toilet?
7. What do you say if you want to borrow a pencil to your friend ?

8. Match the pictures with the correct command


Saya suka membantu ibu. Pada hari minggu, saya membantu ibu di dapur. Saya membantunya
memotong sayuran. Ketika memotong saya ingat tentang permainan bola voli di sekolah.
Tiba-tiba, tangan saya tergores pisau. Ibu segera mengambil obat dan perban. Luka
dibersihkan dan diberi obat, lalu diperban. Sejak itu, saya lebih hati-hati memotong
A. Fill the blanks based on the story above.
1. Saya suka ______________ ibu.
2. Saya membantu ibu __________ ______________.
3. Tiba-tiba tangan saya ____________ .
4. Ibu segera __________
5. Luka dibersihkan dan diberi _________.

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