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Of the special learning environments

recently created, which model is
autonomous and independent of the
regulations and rules that govern the
traditional public school system?
A. Elementary Schools
B. Charter Schools
C. Middle Schools
D. Magnet Schools
2. Which practice is not associated with
Piagetian Theory?
A. Identifying children with developmental
B. Aligning state-mandated standards
C. Selecting appropriate activities
D. Designing appropriate activities
3. Which of the following is a belief of cognitive
A. By changing environmental conditions, one can
control student behavior
B. All people pass through developmental stages,
although at varying rates
C. Learning involves constructing individual
knowledge from individual
D. Responses are influenced by the
consequences that follow them
4. Extrinsic reinforcement can be legitimately
employed in all but which one of the following
A. Engaging students in an activity or task of low
B. Providing feedback for increasing competence
C. Providing students with social support and
D. Increasing interest in a task itself
5. What is the goal of multicultural education?
A. Enable teachers to generalize across ethnic
B. Encourage ethnic groups to adopt the
practices of the dominate culture
C. Provide all children with equality of
D. Identify students with limited
English proficiency
6. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
(IDEA) mandates that educational rights are to
be granted to all people in what age category?
A. Birth to age twenty-one
B. Three years old to age twenty-one
C. Six years old to age eighteen
D. Six years old to age twenty-one
7. State or national standards drive the
curriculum in most school districts.
Standards are organized into scope and
sequence. What does scope mean?
A. The repetition of the content
B. The depth of the content
C. The span of the curriculum
D. Instructional objectives
8. Which answer is not one of the facets of
psychosocial development that can contribute
to academic success?
A. Cognition
B. Self-image
C. Social interaction
D. Moral reasoning
9. Which of the following reflects behaviorists
A. Students learn by observing models
B. By manipulating the environment one can
control behavior
C. Students construct their own reality
D. Negative consequences have little effect on
student behavior
10. Which method of evaluation determines
what students know and can do prior to or
during instruction?
A. Formative
B. Summative
C. Diagnostic
D. Performance based
11. According to Howard Gardner, a student who
exhibits talents in perceiving visual images and
imagined representations possesses which of the
multiple intelligences?
A. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
B. Logical Mathematical Intelligence
C. Naturalist Intelligence
D. Spatial Intelligence
12. Which is not one of the typical capabilities
of a second grade child?
A. Performing mental operations with the use
of concrete objects
B. Classification of items
C. Conservation
D. Hypothetical thinking
13. Teachers assess students prior knowledge
for all but which one of the following
A. Identifying misconceptions
B. Assess working memory
C. Ascertaining interests
D. Determining current levels of
14. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs suggests which
scenario would most likely impair a students
ability to concentrate on intellectual pursuits?
A. An undeveloped aesthetic appreciation
B. A lack of interest in self-actualization
C. Alienation from peers
D. An unexpected outcome on
one test
15. Which answer is not one of the goals accomplished
through multicultural education?
A. The creation of culturally literate students
B. An increased understanding and tolerance for
culturally based beliefs
C. The elevation of dominate culture role-models for
ethnic groups
D. An increase in student confidence
to pursue goals previously
thought unattainable
16. Referral for evaluation into a Special
Education program can come from which
of the following?
A. Parents, teachers or physicians
B. Parents or physicians
C. Parents or teachers
D. Teachers only
17. The application level of Blooms Taxonomy
requires students to do which of the
A. Appraise information or data
B. Construct something unique by combining
C. Examine the various parts of
D. Use information in an actual
18. A third grade student who is punished for
not meeting expectations will most likely
suffer which one of the following?
A. Role-confusion
B. Guilt
C. Inferiority
D. Shame
19. Negative reinforcement is best described as
which one of the following?
A. Punishment in the form of consequences for
specified behaviors
B. Unpleasant stimulus that requires student
action for its removal
C. Time out that excludes students
from activities
D. Punishment that involves the
loss of a positive reinforcer
20. Objective tests remain popular for all but
which one of the following reasons?
A. Reliability is high
B. Objectivity is high
C. Electronic scoring is possible
D. Environmental complexity is
21. Site based management is decentralized and
has which one of the following advantages?
A. Teachers have a high level of involvement
without accountability
B. Teachers are given decision-making authority
C. Administration assumes the role of decision-
making with accountability
D. Administration is recognized as
having the necessary expertise
to guide outcomes
22. A foreign language teacher pairs a fluent speaker
with a less fluent speaker to practice a skit. Will
this practice be successful or unsuccessful?
A. Successful, the fluent speaker can provide support
for the less fluent speaker
B. Successful, the level of understanding has little to
do with peer collaboration
C. Unsuccessful, students learn language
best through direct instruction
D. Unsuccessful, the more fluent
student gains little from the
23. All but which one of the following are
effective ways to retain fact-based
A. Rehearsal
B. Meaningful learning
C. Mnemonics
D. Demonstration
24. Students who have an external locus of
control exhibit which one of the following
A. Taking responsibility for their outcomes
B. Experiencing pride for their success
C. Giving credit for their
accomplishments to others
D. Attributing failure to a lack of
25. Tracking, or ability grouping, is acceptable in
which one of the following situations?
A. Interests or vocational aspirations
B. Intelligence or interests
C. Ethnicity or vocational aspirations
D. Tracking is never acceptable
26. Identify the element that is not necessary for
an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
A. Present level of performance
B. Strengths and needs to determine goals and
C. Instructional strategies and
support services
D. An explanation of the most
restricted environment
27. A teacher who is designing a student-
centered lesson would incorporate
activities based upon which learning
A. Behaviorism
B. Constructivism
C. Developmentalism
D. The Zone of Proximal
28. Typical fifth grade students would comply
with school and classroom rules based
upon what level of moral reasoning?
A. Fear of being caught
B. Adherence to rules is important
C. Social contract
D. Universal Ethical Principal
29. For minor misconduct from a student, a
teacher should do which of the following?
A. Detention after school
B. A private discussion outside of the
C. Ignore the behavior
D. Support the undesired
behavior with attention
30. Performance based assessment, or authentic
assessment, is best characterized as which one of the
A. A method to determine prior knowledge and establish
B. A way to emphasize student active responses that result
in a product or event
C. An evaluation where students must
interact with the information by
D. A method to determine the core
knowledge a student has attained
31. Induction programs accomplish all but
which one of the following?
A. Help teachers successfully adjust to a new
career or school system
B. Furnish information regarding district
C. Reduce attrition rates
D. Introduce novice teachers to
the Praxis III Evaluation
32. Metacognition pertains to all but which one of
the following answers?
A. Students extenuation in use of words as in
B. Students knowledge of their own cognitive
C. Students awareness of their
D. Students determination of
personally effective study
33. The practice of mastering a skill to automaticity
is best exemplified in which scenario?
A. Students mimicking a foreign language teacher
to learn new vocabulary
B. Students collecting samples of vegetation for a
science lab
C. Students talking to themselves to work
through a difficult problem
D. Students using flash cards to
learn their multiplication facts
34. Which quality is not typical of a student
with learning goals?
A. Perseverance
B. Self-regulatory behavior
C. Using the teacher as a resource
D. Focusing on grades
35. Teachers should accommodate individual
learning styles of students for which one of the
following reasons?
A. Most school districts mandate such practices
B. It increases student motivation
C. Students advance incrementally
D. It decreases time on-task
36. Which one is the current definition of inclusion?
A. Individualization of instruction for all students with the
cooperating teaching and special education teacher
teaching all students
B. Individualization of instruction for special education
students with special education teacher present in the
classroom to assist special education students
C. No individualization of instruction in
the regular classroom and frequent
visits to a special education resource
D. No individualization of instruction
37. If a ninth grade teacher designs problem solving
activities that are ill-defined, will the transfer of
learning likely be successful or unsuccessful?
A. Successful because students like those types of
B. Successful because most problems outside of school
are ill-defined
C. Unsuccessful because relevant
information may be missing
D. Unsuccessful because goals may
be unclear
38. Select the desired management style for
teachers and parents to use with children.
A. Uninvolved
B. Permissive
C. Authoritarian
D. Authoritative
39. Classroom environments should be
structured to facilitate which of the
A. Teacher control
B. Student access
C. Learning
D. Student control
40. How are norm-referenced scores accomplished?
A. By having set criteria on which to base the test
B. By comparing the performance of students
C. By projecting expected
performance on a test
D. By determining what has and
has not been learned
41. Which answer is not one of the benefits
students received when their parents are
involved in their education?
A. Increased attendance
B. Improved attitudes toward school
C. Increased academic
D. Increased dependence
42. Which language irregularity is typified by
incorrectly using one word or label for
several different objects?
A. Overgeneralization
B. Under generalization
C. Overregularization
D. Expressive speech
43. Integrating the curriculum is beneficial for all
but which one of the following reasons?
A. It maintains the complexity of the actual
B. Students use language from several disciplines
to examine problems.
C. Methodology from various subjects
is utilized.
D. It primarily is skill-based and
literal to reduce students
44. Which type of modeling would be most
beneficial for a student struggling with an
unfamiliar or difficult task?
A. Teacher modeling
B. Peer modeling
C. Cultural modeling
D. Parent modeling
45. Optimal use of computers in the class requires that
teachers do which one of the following?
A. Locate standards for the discipline in which the
computers are to be used
B. Plan and implement objectives as they typically
would in the classroom
C. Program instruction based on B.F. Skinners theory
of programmed instruction
D. Accommodate the various
learning styles of students in
the classroom
46. Which of the following is not an acceptable
modification for special education students?
A. Adjusting the size of the assignments
B. Varying the time allotment for an
C. Decreasing the level of difficulty
D. Assigning homework to
introduce concepts
47. Instructional objectives determine which one of
the following?
A. A clear statement concerning what the student
is to accomplish
B. A broad perspective concerning learning goals
for a school year
C. The repetition and depth of
content covered
D. The span of the curriculum
48. According to research which one of the
following is a common outcome of students
who experienced day care?
A. Assertiveness, independence, and compliance
B. Assertiveness, independence, and less polite
C. Self-confident and polite
D. Independence, politeness, and
49. Teachers should base rules for the classroom
on which one of the following factors?
A. The rules childrens parents have in their home
B. The developmental stage of the children
C. What rules the children in the classroom
determine as a group
D. What has traditionally been
prescribed in schools
50. Student evaluation that is based upon a set
criterion and not the performance of
others is referred to as which one of the
A. Criterion-associated
B. Criterion-referenced
C. Norm-referenced
D. Summative evaluation

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