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What are the pelvic measurements? What measurement is used to predict pelvic size? How is it measured?
What are the 4 basic pelvic types? Which type is ideal for childbirth? Why?
What are the hormones of the female reproductive system? How do the levels vary throughout the 28 day cycle?
What are the hormones of the male reproductive system? What are they responsible for?
Know Table 2-1
Study Figure 2-7 (p. 24)

Describe the events that take place during the development and implantation of the zygote. Study Fig 3-4 & Box 3-1
Explain the differences between the chorion and the amnion.
Identify and describe the functions of the placenta. Study Fig 3-5
Name the four hormones produced by the placenta.
Explain the flow of blood through the umbilical cord.
Describe the blood circulation routes before and after birth in the fetus.
Know Fig 3-7, Table 3-1, and Table 3-2
Describe fetal development: Study Fig 3-8 and Table 3-3

Know the terms used to describe the pregnant woman they will appear in test questions
Know Nageles rule
Know how to profile previous obstetric history for testing purposes only G,P, and A will be used but you need to know
what the other terms stand for
Know the signs of pregnancy Know Table 4-1
Know the physiologic changes of pregnancy and the nursing interventions & teaching Know Table 4-2
What are the essential hormones of pregnancy and what they do Know Table 4-3
How does pregnancy affect each of the body systems cardiovascular, respiratory, GI/GU, skin, musculoskeletal
How does pregnancy affect the woman psychologically?

What information is collected at the first prenatal visit?
How often do the prenatal visits occur? What information and exams take place?
What are Leopolds maneuvers? What are they used for?
What lab tests are done during the prenatal period? What is their purpose? Know Table 5-1
How does the height of the fundus of the uterus change during pregnancy? Review Figure 5-3 on p.66
What tests are used to assess fetal well-being? Study and be familiar with Table 5-2
What are some the common discomforts of pregnancy? What is the self-care for them?
Study Table 5-3
What teaching points should be included for the pregnant woman who asks about immunizations during pregnancy?
How does pregnancy affect medication metabolism?
What danger signs of pregnancy does the pregnant woman need to know?
What are the recommendations for weight gain during pregnancy?
What are the nutritional requirements of pregnancy with respect to the following key items: folic acid, iron, fluid,
caffeine, DHA, calories
What is pica?

Know what each of the key terms are and what they mean. You will see them being used in the test questions and
throughout your reading.
The Process of Labor
Know the 4 Ps
Pelvis: review chapter 2 regarding the anatomy of the pelvis & uterus; how does the anatomy of the female
pelvis impact on the ease/difficulty the fetus will have getting through the birth canal
Passenger: know terminology of the fetopelvic relationship
If given a picture or a description, be able to identify if its a vertex, face or breech presentation
Be familiar with the following figures: Figure 6-2, Figure 6-3, Figure 6-4
Powers: What happens during the uterine contraction? Be familiar with Figure 6-6
What are the effects of uterine contractions on the cervix? What is cervical effacement and dilation? What are
the phases of the uterine contraction? What happens during each phase?
Psyche: What activities are part of this part of the labor process? What can affect this part of the labor process?

Signs of Impending Labor
Know what the following are: lightening, vaginal discharge, energy spurt, false labor, SROM
What are the differences between true labor and false labor? Know Table 6-1
What is the most distinguishing characteristic between true labor and false labor? Refer to Table 6-1

Know the cardinal movements of labor and what is occurring during each one Figure 6-7
The 4 stages of Labor:
o What are they?
o What is happening during each one?
o What are the events that signal the start and finish of each one?

Physiologic Changes in Labor
What are the effects of labor on each of the body systems?
What are the s/sx of those effects?
What are some of the interventions that the nurse can use to care for the woman experiencing those changes? Table 6-2

What instructions should the pregnant woman be given about when to go to the hospital? When should she go to the
What is the nursing care of the patient in false labor?
What data should be collected on admission?
Review Box 7-1
What are the warning signs of potential complications?
When should the fetal heart rate be monitored (FHR)? Know Box 7-2
When should FHR be reassessed?
What is the difference between a reassuring and a nonreassuring pattern?
What is an acceleration?
What is a deceleration? What are the 3 types of decelerations? What can cause them?
What are Leopolds maneuvers? What are they used for? How are they performed? Review Skill 7-5
What is the normal appearance of amniotic fluid? What is a Nitrazine paper test? What is it used for? What constitutes a
normal result?
What is ferning? When would you see it? When would you not see it?
Know the stages and phases of Labor Know Table 7-4
What are the signs of an impending birth? Review Box 7-3
What is the care of the pregnant woman during the 3
and 4
stage of labor?
What are the maternal problems that need to be reported during the 4
stage of labor? (Review Table 7-6)
What is a Duncan mechanism? What is a Schultz mechanism?
What is the nursing care of the newborn during Phase 1?
What are the nursing responsibilities during this phase?
What are the signs of respiratory distress in the newborn?
What is APGAR? What is it used for? What does a score of 7 to 10 indicate?
Know Table 7-7
Why does the passage of urine and meconium need to be documented?
Why is vitamin K given? Where is it given?
Why is erythromycin eye ointment given to all newborns? When should it be given?
How is bonding promoted during phase 1?

Management of Pain During Labor
What are the factors than can influence labor pain
What are the sources of pain during labor
Non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic pain relief measures
o Know box 8-1
o Know box 8-2
What types of pharmacologic pain relief measures can be used during labor? Know Table 8-1
Know figure 8-5
What are some of the side effects associated with the epidural? What is a blood patch and when is it used?
What is the role of the nurse when drug based pain control is being used?
When caring for the OB patient who has received an epidural or general anesthesia what will the nurse monitor
and why?
What are the advantages of regional anesthesia for the OB patient?
Review the care plan on p. 156

Respiratory & Circulatory Function
What are the adaptations that the fetus must make in order to adjust to life outside the uterus?
What are the shunts? What are the changes that take place in the shunts? What causes them to close?
Why is surfactant important? What is its purpose?
Body System Adaptations and Functions
What happens after the umbilical cord is clamped?
What are the differences in the body systems before and after birth? Know Table 9-1
Why is thermoregulation important? What are the interventions that the nurse can take to prevent heat loss in the
newborn? Know the Evidence Based Practice box on p 162 and Table 9-2
What are the consequences for the newborn if they get cold?
Why are they vulnerable to heat loss?
Major nursing responsibilities related to preventing heat loss in the newborn
Why might a newborn become jaundiced in the 3
day of life?
Nursing Assessment of the Newborn
What are the 3 phases of assessment of the newborn?
Vital Signs: what are the norms?
Assessment of Physical Characteristics
What is the normal appearance of the newborn? Know Table 9-4
What are some key aspects of the physical characteristics of the skin & head of the newborn? P. 170 173 and know
Table 9-3
What is the normal stool cycle of the newborn? Know Figure 9-11
What are the behavioral states of the newborn? What is the significance of each?
What reflexes are normally present in the newborn? What potential problems are associated with the presence or
absence of these reflexes?
What is normal newborn behavior? What kind of information does it give the nurse?
What does the nurse look for?

What are the physiological changes that take place after delivery?
o what changes take place?
o How is the uterus assessed?
o What is normal? Abnormal?
o Know skill 12-1 p.227
o What is lochia? What are the characteristics of it? Know Table 12-1
o What is Homans sign?
o What changes occur after delivery?
o Vital signs: what is normal? Changes in VS after delivery?
Urinary, GI, Neuro, Skin, Endocrine
o Know signs of distended bladder
o Know changes that occur after delivery
o Nursing interventions that may be needed to address the changes that take place
Weight Loss
o Components of weight loss
Psychological Changes
Difference between PP blues & PP depression
Know phases of maternal adaptation Review Box 12-1 p. 234
Nursing interventions to deal with PP blues and depression Review Table 12-2
Postpartum Care
What does the postpartum assessment consist of?
What will the nurse check and document?
What does BUBBLE-HE stand for? What is the REEDA scale? What is it used for ?
What are some nursing interventions that can be used to promote in the postpartum patient?
What are ways to prevent infection during the PP period?
Bonding and Attachment
Review Box 12-2 & Box 12-3
Know the signs of positive parent-newborn attachment?
What are danger signs to look for in the postpartum period?
What should discharge planning & teaching for the PP patient include?

Know what each of the key terms are and what they mean. You will see them being used in the test questions and
throughout your reading.

What is abortion? What can cause it? What are the 3 types of spontaneous abortion?
What are the nursing interventions for a woman experiencing an abortion?
What is it ? How is it treated? What are the teaching points?
What is it? How is it treated? Nursing interventions?
What is it? What is the difference between a complete and a partial mole?
What are the lab tests that might be done? What is the treatment? What is the follow up care? Why is it
important? What is choriocarcinoma?

What is it? What are the 3 types? Study Figure 13-4
What are some of the risk factors?
How is it diagnosed? What are the signs and symptoms? How is it treated?
What is it? What are the 3 types? Study Figure 13-5
What are some of the risk factors?
How is it diagnosed? What are the signs and symptoms? How is it treated?

Know Table 13-2 and Box 13-2

What is it? What are some of the causes during pregnancy? What are the signs and symptoms? How is it treated?
Nursing interventions for the pregnant woman having DIC?

What is Rh incompatibility? What is ABO incompatibility? When would they occur? How are they treated?
What is Rho GAM? When would we give it?

Know the different types of hypertension that can occur during pregnancy
Know Table 13-3
What are the effects of GH on the fetus?
What are the signs & symptoms of severe preeclampsia? Know Table 13-4
What are the nursing interventions for GH? Review Table 13-5 & Nursing Care Plan 13-1
When would magnesium sulfate be used? What are the nursing interventions related to magnesium sulfate?
When would the fetus need to be delivered rapidly?
What is HELLP syndrome?

CHAPTER 13 continued

What are the risk factors for DVT during pregnancy?
What is a positive sign of DVT? How is it assessed?
What tests are used to diagnose DVT?
How is DVT treated during pregnancy? In postpartum women?

What is it? What causes it? How is it treated? What is the nursing assessment and management for it?

What is it?
How is it diagnosed? When is it tested for? How is it treated?
Why is it necessary to closely monitor blood sugars during pregnancy? What are the effects of gestational DM on the

What is a UTI? How do the changes of pregnancy lead to increased frequency of UTIs? What are the signs and symptoms
of UTI? How is it treated? What are the teaching points for UTI in pregnancy?
What is TORCH?
Know Table 13-6

Review Nursing Care Plan 13-2

What is preterm labor? What are the risk factors for preterm labor? What are the signs & symptoms of preterm labor?
What is a tocolytic? When is it used? Why is it used?
Know the following tocolytics from Table 14-1: magnesium sulfate, indomethacin, terbutaline, dexamethasone,
Why would steroids be given to a mother 24 to 48 hours before birth?
What is PROM? How is PROM treated? What is the nursing care of a patient with PROM?
What is dystocia? What causes it? How are the different causes treated?
What is the difference between induction of labor and augmentation of labor?
When would labor be induced?
What are the methods for inducing labor?
What is an episiotomy? When is it performed and why?
How are the lacerations of the perineum classified? What are measures that can be used to reduce swelling after an
What is a prolapsed umbilical cord? When can it occur?
What are the risk factors for prolapsed cord? What are the nursing interventions for a woman with a prolapsed cord?
What is cesarean birth? What are the indications for cesarean birth? Know Box 14-2 and Review Figure 14-11
What is the nursing care of a woman having a c-section? Review Box 14-3

WHAT ARE THE common causes?
What are the risk factors?
What are the signs & symptoms of PP hemorrhage?
Nursing interventions to treat PP hemorrhage? Know Box 17-2
What are the ways that PP hemorrhage can be assessed & managed?
Know Nursing Care Plan 17-1
Thrombophlebitis & Thromboembolism:
o What is it?
o What is the nursing assessment and care for it?
o What are measures to prevent it?
o What are the risk factors for it?
o What is a PE? Care of the pt with a PE
o What is an amniotic fluid embolism? Care of the pt with one
What is a puerperal infection
o Common sites of puerperal infections?
o Signs and symptoms? Know the safety alert on p.350 & Box 17-4
o Risk factors for?
o Nursing care and nursing interventions for postpartum infection?
Know difference between postpartum blues, postpartum depression & postpartum psychosis
o Nurses role in caring for PP patient with this disorder

What are the confidentiality laws in California? (see PP)
What is statutory rape? Why is it an issue with teen pregnancy? (Review PP and handout posted to Evolve website in PP
folder for week 10)
What is the developmental and physiologic impact of pregnancy on the adolescent? Know Table 18-3
How does teen pregnancy affect education? Long term effects of pregnancy on education & income potential?
What is the effect of teen pregnancy on adolescent fathers?
Nursing care of the pregnant adolescent Review Table 18-4
What are some of the parenting issues associated with adolescent parents?
What are some of the contraceptive issues and problems associated with adolescents?
Also Review Box 18-3

Identify the factors that should be considered when selecting a contraceptive method.
Confirming time of ovulation can be achieved by what assessments?
Identify and describe the different mechanical barrier methods of contraception. How does each one block or prevent
the transport of sperm?
What are the contraindications for an intrauterine device (IUD) insertion? Study Box 19-2
Identify and describe the different hormonal methods of contraception. How does each one prevent pregnancy?
What are the contraindications for OC use? Study Box 19-3 What are the warning signs of OC use?
What are the teaching points for OC use?
What are the least effective methods of contraception? Why are they ineffective?
Describe the vasectomy and tubal ligation procedures that are performed for permanent contraception. What are the
nursing responsibilities associated with sterilization procedures? What must be documented? Study Box 19-5

What is toxic shock syndrome? Describe the symptoms of toxic shock syndrome.
How does premenstrual syndrome (PMS) differ from premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)? What is the treatment
and management?
What is dysmenorrhea? Explain the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea.
Identify and describe the types of dysfunctional menstrual bleeding.
Women who have fibroids and become pregnant are subject to what risks?
Name and describe the two classifications of pelvic floor dysfunction. What is the treatment and nursing care?
To prevent osteoporosis, what is the recommended daily calcium intake for young women and postmenopausal
List and describe the screening tests for cancer detection among women.
Name and describe the most common types of surgical procedures performed to treat breast cancer. Study Box 20-2
What is the Nursing care for a woman who has had surgery for breast cancer?

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