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A number of believers in the second hypostasis in the Ousia Of God namely

Godhead try to claim that ALL-H

(ARABIC !RAGRA""AIO#$ %as initially a lunar deity& %hich %as latter
made the God Of Abraham (Ibrahi'm$
and "oses ("u'sa'$ A()(
hey ho% ever for*ot that a similar claim canbe made that H! ALL!G!+
)!CO#+ H,-O)A)I) I# H! GO+H!A+ O.
GO+ %as a )OLAR +!I,& %hich %as inserted& *rounded&planted and inserted
in the Ousia Of God Of Ibraham by Athanasianism(
he second Hypostasis in the Ousia of God %as nothin* but a )olar +eity
%hich %as transformed into a Hypostasis
from a B!I#G& and then planted and *rounded in the Ousia Of God Of L//&
hus tranformin* the God of O( or L// into
an Athanasian God( Ho% ever Arius %as one of the last crusader a*ainst
Athanasian Heresy& but as a matter of the chance
the Athanasian Heresy %as some ho% able to alle*e that Arianis %as a
Heresy& and Athanasianism %as ortho0y(
All this %as done %hth out the permition of 1udaism& to %hich the God of L//
ori*inally belon*s to(
he do*ma of 2nity Of Ousia Of GO+ A#+ -L2RALI, O. H,-O)!)!)
emer*ed as an attempt to hormoni3e 1e%ish God
and 1e%ish "onothiesm and the do*ma of )olar deities(
As 1e%ish Creeds do not allo% any other God beside IH4H %hether lunar or
solar or planetary or s5y or earthy etc(
the only %ay to believe in a )OLAR GO+ %as to *round it in the Ousia Of God
Of 1udaism( )o a )olar God inside the Ousia
Of God of L// did remain beside the God A#+ H! GO+H!A+ O. O((
)o for the 6rst time a )olar God became a Hypostais in the Ousia Of God Of
O(& a*ainst all the believes of Hebraic -rophets
and reliable commentaries of Hebraic Bibles ( A uni7ue case in the history of
reli*ions %here the boo5s of the ori*inal reli*ion
i(e 1udaism %as interpreted by Athanasianism %hich attept to ta5e Hebraic
Bible from 1udaism %ith the ar*ument of
force(Antasianism not only converted )olar +eities into a sin*le Hyposasis but
also scilently reverted the God Of L//
from the )upree status of )upreme Bein* into a Hypostasis say .irst One inIts
O%n Ousia(
he 6nal step %as to rename the )olar God isolated in the Ousia and t%o ne%
names %ere coined for him(
.urther studies '
Athanasianism collected di8erent 7ualities&actions&event&features etc( of
di8erent )olar Gods and suppsed a perfect )olar God
and then *rounded in the Ousia of God of L//(
HA I) 9H, one may see that a sin*le alle*ed Hypostasis in the Ousia of
L//:) +eity resembles %ith a number of )olar Gods
not ;ust one(
One may 6nd similarities O. H! )!CO#+ ALL!G!+ H,-O)A)I) in the Ousia
Of God the hypostasi3ed )olar God and a
number of )olar Gods from Ra to "ithra (
)ome of them may be ascribed to COI#CI+!#C!) but #O all of them can be
ascribed to CO-I#CI+!#C!(
his does so that the initial proto Athanasianism accidently found sone
features probebly one or t%o common then
usin* them converted the Athanasian Christ into a )ubstitute for the )olar
Gods and then very %isly inserted the )ubstitute
)olar +eity in the Ousia Of L// GO+& so that this ne%ly invented God may not
be one beside God but inside God and Godhead(
)ince it proposed the theory that any thin* insided the Godhead O God is
neither beside God nor beside Godhead(
It is very %ise indeed(
"ithras have some parallels %ith the Athanasian God< e* ' "ithras
%as 5no%n to his follo%ers as =he li*ht of the %orld&> or =he Good
)hepherd&> and e0horted his follo%ers
to share ritual communion meals of bread and %ine( +urin* his life& he
performed many miracles& cured many
illnesses& and cast out devils( He celebrated a Last )upper %ith his ?@
disciples( He ascended to heaven at the time
of the sprin* e7uino0& about "arch @?st( ( ( (
Attis also have some parallels'
Attis& chan*ed into a 6r-tree& (-Attis: story
bears a stri5in* resemblance to the Athanasian God story( & Athanasianism
and -a*ans
=used to celebrate the death and resurrection the same date' and -a*ans and
Athanasianism used
some rou*hly common believeshey %ere simply *rafted onto stories of
Athanasian Hypostasis in order to ma5e -roto
Athanasianism theolo*y more acceptable to
pa*ans in the Roman !mpire( But the ancient Athanasianism had an
alternative e0planation' they claimed that )atan
had created counterfeit -a*an deities %ith many of the same life e0periences
as 1esus had( )atan
had done this& in advance of the comin* of Christ& in order to confuse
hey re*arded do*mas of death and resurrection account as bein* an e0act
description of real events& and
unrelated to the earlier -a*an traditions(
?ABoth are believed to be sons of God(
@A!vil forces pursued both Christ and Brishna in vain(
CAhe teachin*s of both are very similar (
DAboth emphasi3e love and peace(!C(
)I"ILARL, )I"ILARII!) B!9!!# B2+HA A#+ CHRI) AL)O !/I) !4!# I.
B2+HA "A, #O B! A GO+ I# H! RA+IIO#AL )!#)! O. A
ammu3 %asa Babylonian dyin*-and-resurrectin* )olar God& ammu3&
( +umu-3i$& means =true or faithful son(>
ammu3& the beautiful youth %ho died and %as
mourned for and came to life a*ain& the ancient +eity Of ammu3 cannot
borro% dyin* and resurrection from Athanism
but vice versa(
?( Horus and Athanasian God both %ere bapti3ed(
@A)et and Horus contendin* on the "ount & Athanasian )econd Hypostasis
and )atan contendin* on the "ount(
One may as5 %hether Athanasian third Hypostase is a Lunar +eity or a )olar
Any Ho% I. )O"! O#! CO#)I+!R I)LA"IC GO+ A) A L2#AR +!I, H!# H!
"2) HA4! O ACC!- HA A#A#A)IA# H,-O)A)I)
I) A )OLAR +!I,(

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