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Energy Work and the Mystery of Being Versus Doing

By Stacy Vajta

Working with energy can be a bit of a mystery. After all, most of the time you cant see it. But you can feel
it and experience it in some way. And the tricky thing with energy is that often, the less you try, the easier it
is to connect with.

And so it makes sense that when working with energy that the less doing we do, and the more we can move
into a state of being with as we engage with energy in any form, the more we will step into the world of
energy and how it works.

The mystery part comes in around just how to do this.

Im a doeralways have been. And as an energy worker its easy for me to step into the flow of energy and
just be and follow energy when working with others. When it comes to my own stuffIm faced with an
on-going lesson around surrendering and simply being the energy (or vibration) that I seek.

In fact, this had been such an un-embodied concept for me for much of my life, that I really had a hard time
getting it. I could tell you how it worked and see this process in my clients; but for me personally, I had to
let go of a whole lot of energy around the need to do in order to create and allow the Universe to support
me. And the layers of that involved all kinds of things like trust and protectionand really knowing what I
wanted. (More in that in a minute!)

I share this because I know I am not alone in this challenge. Weve been taught that doing gets us where
we need to be. And dont get me wrongaction with intention is important. But energy work and working
with vibration to connect to what is our flow and the vibrational resonance we need to create is all about
experience and beingness. In fact, it is my view that this is indeed what we are learning as we ascend or
upgrade our own energetic intelligence and how we work here in this realm. Some of us get to learn this
over and over!

So, heres what Ive come to learn about the mystery of getting into the Being mode to allow the Universe
and the energetic intelligence within it to help us.

1. Our hearts speak energy way better than our heads

Recent research shows that the hearts electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the
electrical activity generated by the brain. So when it comes to speaking energy, the heart has a pretty loud
voice. It doesnt need to shout as much as our brains seem to do.

By simply moving into our hearts and conjuring up a feeling or a feeling-tone to an image is much
more powerful than thinking about an image. And in doing this, we also move into what HeartMath calls a
state of resonance. Our whole system responds to this energy, providing a powerful message.

It also gets us out of our heads. And speaking for the doers of the world, it can be hard to stop thinking,
trying or doing and move into this place of surrender and allowing the heart, and the hearts desires, to do
what they do best: and that is to radiate out the vibration of the heart far and wide.

2. We need to feel with the vibration that we want to create.

This too can be a mystery. What do I mean by feel with the vibration?

Well, what I do now is I get into my heart and hang out there, and then let myself feel the energy of what I
am working with. It may be the thing I want to create something I want to call into my experience or
an energy I am needing to support myself with in some way (joy, surrender, love, peace).

So I find this as best as I can in my heart and then I send that out. I consciously stay present to the energy as
it moves out into the space around me. If Im looking for something to create, I feel this energy move out
and connect with whatever it is that also resonates to this vibration. Or if I am looking for an energy to help
me shift my own energy, I feel that vibration and sense it moving out and finding its resonate energy. And
then I simply let it be. No doing necessary.

This may sound like a doing exercise, but really its about letting me track or feel the energy that my heart
is sending out. And following that as far out into the Universe as my awareness can. Its simply feeling
(sensing) where my energy goes and what responds to it.

What typically comes out of this type of being with energy is more flow, more ease and a sense of
surrender that leaves me feeling more connected. Oh yeah, and some other magical happenstance!

3. Working through the stuff that keeps you from being able to be is important

As I said, Ive had to really look at what has kept me from feeling safe enough to simply drop into my heart
and allow the Universe to support me. And I highly encourage you to do the same if needed.

You can move into your heart to do this work as well. Allow yourself to feel what is within you that may be
keeping you disconnected. By bringing your awareness to that, you can let that shift as you reconnect and
simply experience what iswhich is what being is all about!

And if you find that you are indeed having trouble creating or shifting your energylook deeper into what
is there that may need to be revealed and healed to support a deeper connection. Ask yourself questions like,
Do I feel safe?, Do I feel protected or simply What is keeping me disconnected? and then let your
energy show you. But the easiest way to shift energy is to be present to it and allow it to unwind as you
simply experience it fully.

Energy work and working with energy doesnt need to be as mysterious as it may seem when we surrender
into our hearts and allow ourselves to be part of the mystery! Allowing ourselves to be is the way to feel
more, experience more and connect more to all that is around us.

Energy Work and Resistance: 3 Steps to Letting Go
By Stacy Vajta

Resistance is one of those things thatwell, is just a part of growth. It can truly be a drag (pardon the pun);
yet if we dont find a way to move through our own resistance, our stuckness can create some pretty
serious emotional pain.

I think many of us have come to think of resistance as something pretty negative. Sure, our resistance can be
a little ugly if we get really stuck; but it doesnt have to be a dirty word by any means.

Really, its a pretty natural phase of growth. In fact, I like to re-frame the idea of resistance from something
we have to power through or conquer (or magically never experience), into a sign pointing out that we are
onto some big, wonderful change.

I spend a lot of time helping people through resistance in my energy healing practice. Energetically it really
does look and feel like were fighting ourselves and what we dont want to experience. And typically, were
trying to bypass whatever it is that we dont want to look at or deal with, and step beyond it into our
something new.

But the magnetic pull of whats right in front of us cant be avoided.

So what if you stopped thinking about resistance as the bad guy, and started to work with it?

Our personal healing and growth can take us into our depths and new territory, but we can get there in ways
that creates surrender and opening rather than a fight.

Here are 3 ways that Ive learned to work with resistance energetically to create a little more ease in moving
through it.

1. Stop the fight.

Perhaps like me, when your inner-growth buttons get pushed, it feels like youve hit up against a wall. My
belly reacts my third chakra goes into defense mode and that deep biological energy flares up. Theres an
energetic restriction that varies depending on the level of alert, but to some degree theres always some part
or me saying, DO NOT make me go there!

Well, the way out of this inner fight is to go within and see where your energy is invested.

This is the place to start.to acknowledge that theres a fight going on. Take a moment to be with the fight,
the tension or the fear; and allow yourself to surrender to this to let go. I know thats not always easy, but
until we do were energetically out of sync with what really needs healing.

2. Work where you are.

Energy work for self healing really is about surrendering to what is. And particularly when it comes to
resistance, if you arent able to pull your energy back (out of the fight) and into where you are, then I think
its pretty impossible to get beyond it.

When I look at this through the lens of energy, what I see is that the energetics of resistance is you pulling
yourself back into something that needs more workmore healing. Theres an energetic process that has not
been allowed to move through to completion that is holding all this energy or emotion that creates

So by coming back into the energy that is truly present, and working where you are, you get the opportunity
to complete and allow the energy to move through its full flow or paces. And with this, you get to release
whats there and move on!

So you stop the fight by acknowledging what is (as well as all the thinking and trying that goes on to avoid
it); and then begin drawing your energy and attention back into what is really right in front of you, and
simply be present to the resistance itself.

I know what youre thinking.Yuck! Why would I do that?!

Well here is what I have come to know as a deep energetic truth: when we bring our awareness into some
energy and allow it to unfold through its own intelligenceit shifts and expands toward healing.

When Im in resistance Im holding an incredible amount of judgment about something. And if I can let
myself feel this really experience it without needing to fix it or make it into something new it starts to
shift. And that can be a really hard thing to believe, as its counter-intuitive to go into the yucky. But it

3. Go into the yuckyaka lean into it.

Whatever the resistance islean into it. Dont think about it, but feel it, experience it and let the ahas
come as they may. And play around with the idea that energetically when you do this, theres a beautiful
unwinding that happens. In fact, you can even visualize the energy unwinding as you sit in it and allow it to
release in its own timing.

The trick is, you do want to do this from an energetic stance of opening and releasing. If you find youre
getting stuck in the leaning in process maybe you dont feel anything, or maybe you feel your inner
victim coming out big-time then ask yourself an honest question if you are ready to let this go.

If you get a no to that question, thats OK, but find the edge where you are able to work and let go and
then hang out therelean into that. And by the way, giving your inner victim a voice is OK, just dont let
yourself get stuck there!

When it comes to resistance and working energetically, it really is all about getting back into the moment
and surrendering into what is happening within. Resistance can be a really rich, juicy, healing place. And the
faster we can recognize our own resistance, the faster we can get to the energy of it, and the quicker (and
easier) we can move through it into something new and wonderful!

If you want some additional tips, check out more tips to working with resistance. And see how you do using
these tipsyou may just find that your relationship to resistance changes and you let go a whole lot easier!

3 Ways to Work with Your Energy
By Stacy Vajta

When it comes to energy work, I think Im a pretty grounded gal. Sure, I can talk crystalline structures and
grids with the best of them, but when it really comes down to healing and working with energy its all about
simple, grounded practices.

There is no magic energy pill. You just have to lean into the energy, be present and work at the level of what
is real for youwhat you can see, sense and feel in your body and in your energy.

Identifying where to work is often the hardest piece of the puzzle. Much of my work is about helping people
to find that, and to begin to focus in more to work where it counts the most.

Sometimes this may even seem somewhat simplistic to my clients. They may have a vast sense of all that is
going on and I zero in on one core piece. But its the piece that unravels the rest! What Ive learned is,
when you really get to the core, the energetic story is clear as a bell and not too complicated. And then,
when you focus there, the approach to working with your energy can become pretty uncomplicated as well.

In a nutshell, here are the 3 areas that I look to when working with energy:

Holding and reconciling a vibration

One of the most powerful ways to work with energy, I think, is to simple grab onto a vibration and hold
itlet it anchor into your system.

I do this a lot these days. If you can recognize an energy, you can grab onto it and amplify it into your
system. And as you do, energies within you that have trouble playing nice with this new energy will show
up to either be worked with or to simply find a way to reconcile with the new vibration.

Think of it this way, if you add a new energy or vibration into your system, then your whole the system can
either move into sync with the new energy or it will need to stretch, release and find common ground (as a
system) to hold what you introduce. The latter, is the healing process.

Sometimes the body and the energy system can quickly and easily self-adjust as you hold this energy with
conscious intent to upgrade to it. In those moments you are ripe for the transformation. And sometimes you
will notice various energies bumping up against this new vibration tension, unwillingness, resistance,
fear and the like. When that shows up, you work thereright at the edge of the energy itself.

Working at the edges of various vibrations

99% of what I do, and what I teach, is about working at the point where two or more energies interact. To
me it feels as though a vibration bumps up against my experience; there is a real edge to it or a boundary that
I begin to notice where that energy meets my awareness. We notice this point of energetic interaction as
emotions, sensations and thoughts typically the ones that dont feel so good.

And most of the time we run from this place. Thats called resistance.

But the way to work with the energy is to lean into experience the edge of the energy or vibration and
honor the boundary between the part of you that recognizes that as an energy (the observer self) and the part
of you that feels it fully (the pain body).

Hang out there, and you find healing. Hang out there with awareness, and the energy begins to unwind,
release and transform.

Tools to clear your energy

The third piece of the energy puzzle is to have some tools on hand to actually clear your energy.

If you want to really learn to work with your own energy, having a few set of tools to help you clear
energetic channels, chakras and recognize when energy lets go is important. Sometimes observing energy
and allow your energetic intelligence to do the work is key, and other times you may want to direct a
clearing of some kind. Andknowing when to do what is the art of working with your energy!

There are many resources for learning new tools to support your energy. Theres a booklist on my website
that may point you to some good reading. Learning simple techniques can go a long way. And often simple
methods are the most effective.

If you do nothing elselearn to ground your energy! Spending time each day letting your energy run and
clear as you connect into the earth and your own highest vibration can be oh so healing. If youd like a few
guided meditations from me to help you with that, please feel free to get the download from my site.

But remember, when it comes to tools, keep it simple. Usually the easiest way to access your energy works
the best.

Get some energy work too. Thats the best way to really learn how to work with your energyto experience
it in action. Lots of folks out there offer energy work in many flavors. If youd like to experience the work
that I do, join in on the Energetic Alignment Global Healings I offer. They happen twice a month, and you
can get some healing and learn some new tools to boot!

Just because you are open and sensitive to energy, doesnt mean you cant learn how to manage your energy
so you can move through the world in a clearer energetic state.

Its time to learn.

Keep it simple. Keep it grounded. Heres to your healing.

When Grounding Your Energy Is a Challenge: Connecting with the earth
By Stacy Vajta

I spend a lot of time talking with clients about grounding. I think sometimes this subject is taken lightly
like an entry-level idea that people move right on past to get to more complex energetic concepts. Yet
grounding ones energy is very complex; and something in which many people struggle with or even
bypass all together.

What I find so interesting when it comes to how people ground their energy is what people are doing at a
very deep energetic level.

Grounding, and how your energy flows as a part of that process, is a microcosm of the whole of your
energy. And, it tells a very complex story. The challenges you might find as you ground your energy can
actually be a doorway into what else is going on within.

Over the next few days Ill be posting a few issues here that I see in my work when it comes to grounding,
as well as a few thoughts on how to work with the energy. Id love to hear your comments if you find
threads of your own experience here.

Connecting with the Earth

This may seem like a strange challenge as connecting with the earth is inherently the point of grounding, but
youd be surprised as to how many people are reluctant (at an energetic level) to do so.

I say this not as a judgment, but as a fact: there are people who are much more comfortable being un-
connected to this planet. They may be more interested in other planets energies or in operating at an
energetic level more in the upper realms.

I see this quite often when my clients who are much more comfortable with the energetics of what is going
on out there in the cosmos than here. They may indeed be trying to access that energy and bring it to earth
with the whole earth piece being foreign to them.

What often shows up at a vibrational level when I look at their energy is a fear or reluctance to drop into the
energy of the earth, and themselves. Honestly when they get below the heart center things start to get a little
wonky. It becomes almost impossible to really embody the energy they are trying to work with.

A lot of people who consider themselves to be Indigos or Starseeds find themselves in this place. They feel
this, yet dont really understand what it is about.

Indigos, Starseeds and other highly sensitive people often believe their energy to be foreign to the earth. Yet
I see a very different story when I look at their energy. I see a match to the earth energy that is present; but a
real fear of getting to it.

And as I write that I can feel a collective 3rd chakra reaction. The fear may be starting to rise, or even a
sense of being judged. This is neither my intent nor the energy from which I speak. So take a deep breath for
a moment and recognize your own energy in this moment and how the energy of grounding and being
grounded can really stir things up.

Weve all been taught that grounding should just happen. That being grounded is a state we should just
naturally get to by dropping a cord into the earth and viol, there you are.

Not so. Its complex.

But the challenge created by not connecting to the earth is that it is pretty much impossible to create and
manifest when we are not connected to the earthly energies the more grounded, dense energies that draw
consciousness into form here on planet earth.

The trick here is to begin to recognize this resistance and the beliefs behind it, and then to work there.

Those folks who I work with typically have a lot of beliefs about where their energy is better suited. They
tend to be more comfortable with vibrations seeped in light-language. Yet what they miss out-on with no
earthly connection is that the earth is indeed pulsing with this very energy!

One of the main fears that often is revealed is that to really connect into the earth and the earth energies in
this way which true grounding requires is that what one will find is darkness, heaviness and pain.

And I can tell you, that is far from the truth. Once you get past the resistance and the beliefs that may get in
the way of finding the energy that is supportive, transformative and light, you will indeed find exactly how
you connect with the earth in a way that makes your energy sing.

The cosmic light language is thriving under our feet. And even when one feels more at home out there,
they will indeed find something familiar now-a-days below, deep in Mother Earth.

The starting place is of course to first notice what is happening with your own energy when you try to
ground and give your energy to the earth. Can you surrender your energy in this way or do you find some

If there is something which gets in the way, thats where you want to work. Lean into that.

Be sure to check out part 2 When Grounding Your Energy Is A Challenge: Resistance and part 3 When
Grounding Your Energy is a Challenge: Learning to surrender of the series!

And if you want some help learning some tools to work with your own energy, I invite you to check out my
Lightworkers Energy Camp tele-trainings. These classes are a great way to learn the art and craft of energy
work. And we will of course start with grounding on July 24!

When Grounding Your Energy Is a Challenge: Resistance
By Stacy Vajta

I wanted to share some of my thoughts on grounding, as it is something that I spend a lot of time talking
about and working on with my clients. A day doesnt go by where people ask a lot of questions about this
process and some of the challenges they have.

If you missed part 1 of this series,When Grounding Your Energy Is a Challenge: Connecting with the
earth. please check it out. I wrote about the fear of connecting to the earth.

Those fears lead us toward our resistance for sure. But it doesnt have to just be about the fear of connecting
into the earth. Resistance as a whole to anything we are working with in our lives can create some
challenges when it comes to being fully grounded.

I certainly see this in my work and in my own life, which Ill share below. Id love to hear your comments
if you find threads of your own experience here.


Any time we are in resistance to anything in our lives grounding can be a challenge. I think it is part of
the package of resistance itself. We just dont want to drop into ourselves when we are resisting something
in our lives.

I certainly feel my own inability to really allow my energy to flow into the earth when I am in a state of
turmoil and resistance to something in my life. When I am working through things and finding those places
within me that I resist, its hard to fully ground my energy. Its a whole lot easier for me to sit and stay
focused on the energy in my head, or let my own distractions keep me from finding my way into the earth.

But when I do sit and face my own resistance and focus there first, instead of trying to jump over that and
force myself to get grounded, then the whole energetic process is easier and integrated. I have to go through
my resistance to whatever else I am working on first in that moment. (There is no by-passing, only moving

If we reverse engineer this, we can also look at it this way if you are having trouble grounding but cant
figure out why, follow the energy. Do you find some resistance that needs to be looked at?

It may be the resistance to embody some energy (any energy) that is pointing you toward a deeper
understanding of self or something that needs attention in your life not just a resistance or fear of
connecting to the earth.

The trick here is to a). realize there is a connection between resistance and your ability to surrender your
own energy into the earth, and b). to go slow and really experience into what you feel when you are
grounding (or avoiding grounding). And then, lean into that energy before you try to force yourself to get

You need to work where you are.

There is no point trying to bust through some struggle to being grounded and/or only think of it as a
grounding problem, when really it is a need to turn your lens onto some resistance showing up in your
energetic field.

Try this:

1. Let go of the need to ground for a moment. Focus your awareness on what has your attention.

2. Dont try to solve. Just be present. Simply just be with what is and let your energetic intelligence
transform the energy.Lean into what you are experiencing and work there.

3. If you do find you are ready to do a little work on what you find, here are a 3 ways to work with your

Sometimes simply bringing awareness to a level of resistance is enough to help you ground, where you can
then work even more deeply. But if you cant find your way into the earth, look at what is in the way.
Follow the energy.

Want to learn tools to work with your own energy? I invite you to check out my Lightworkers Energy Camp
tele-trainings. These classes are a great way to learn the art and craft of energy work. And we will of course
start with grounding on July 24!

Next up the fear of surrendering. Thats a big one.

When Grounding Your Energy is a Challenge: Learning to surrender
By Stacy Vajta

Ive been sharing some of my thoughts on grounding here these past few days. I think sometimes this
subject is one that people dont focus on its a step toward something else. Yet grounding ones energy is
a very complex process.

What I find so interesting is that what people are doing at a very deep energetic level when they ground their
energy reflects the whole of their energy. And the challenges you might find as you ground your energy can
actually be a doorway into what else is going on within.

If you missed either of the first 2 parts to this series, When Grounding Your Energy Is a Challenge:
Connecting with the earth.or When Grounding Your Energy Is A Challenge: Resistance please check
them out. Id love to hear your thoughts! They may create a thread to the third challenge I see, which is the
fear of surrendering.

As I said, grounding is complex. Its not just about sending a grounding cord into the earth and having an
anchor. Its creating a relationship with the earth and the earths energy. And to do that we must surrender.

Fear of Surrendering

The third challenge is a big one: a fear of really surrendering your energy into the earth. After all, that is
what grounding is about. Grounding is not just an anchor into the planet. It is you, letting go surrendering
your own control and energetic flow deep into the earth and becoming a partner with that energy.

This is where I spend the most time working with people. And it always shows us the way to other patterns
that hold similarities energetically.

We all have fears and every time we come to a point in our own process to let go, we get to look at how we
do this in our grounding as well. And for those who tend to hang on tight no matter what it shows up in
how your energy flows when you try to ground.

So the area to focus on here is to sense into the surrender mechanisms you hold in and around the 2nd and
3rd chakras when you ground.

Can you let go?
Can you sense your energy flowing into the earth and mixing into that energy?
Can you allow that new combination to rise back into you and through you?
Surrender. Its not easy but its a huge component of grounding.

As you sit and find your own energy moving deep into the earth, what challenges do you notice? How might
you be able to shift your perspective just a bit to allow your own grounding process to reveal to you
something much bigger?

This process is similar to what I wrote about with resistance. Its not about pushing your way into feeling
grounded and then surrendering. Focus on surrendering and through that you will find more grounded

Some tips:

1. Start with your physical body. Are you relaxed? Are you gripping at allanywhere?

2. Then focus in on the breath. Allow the breath to be gentle and calming. Try some heart-breathing. Let
your whole heart chakra actually breath and spend some time feeling the yummy there.

3. Then head toward the 2nd and 3rd chakras. Dont worry about the what or the why but simply be
with that energy there. Relax into your energetic flow as you can, as an observer. Notice if you find any
energetic gripping going on. If so, allow the energy to unwind into expansion and letting go. Keep in mind
you are working at a process level, not content! Watch the process.

4. Let your softer energy begin to flow into the earth. Keep your energetic focus on letting go and allowing a
flow of energy. Your energy will show you what is there for you.

5. When done you can ponder what it all means and what might be showing up for you. But start by letting
your energy flow and feeling the level of surrender that you can allow as you give your energy freely into
the earth.

There is a lot to be learned by focusing on your own energetic process. Say hello to your energy. Say hello
to the earth. And, let your energy run freely.

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