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How do the bacteria that live in your intestines help you?
Digestion and nutrient absorption
Why do you need saliva (spit) when eating food?
mixes with the food and makes it easier to swallow
After you have swallowed where does your food go?
These bacteria live in your lower gut to help you digest food but are harmful if you eat it.
E. Coli
How do the bacteria that live in your intestines help you?
Digestion and nutrient absorption

1-The intestines are lined with , which helps push food through to the end.
2-The digestive enzymes created by the pancreas break down and from
foods on the way to the small intestine.
3- breaks food down into nutrients that can be absorbed by blood.
4- digestion - food is chewed, mixed and churned.
5- The main function of the intestines is to break down food and absorb .
6- The intestines break down into main sections, the large and the small intestines.
7-The is made up of very dense cells.
8- digestion - chemical reactions break down food.
9-The secondary part of the liver is to create for making blood clot.
10-The main function of the liver is to the blood.
11-Once it reaches the need to go to the bathroom will start.
12- digestion - chemical reactions break down food.
13- Atherosclerosis is a serious health problem that can be caused by smoking. It is a buildup
of along the walls of the blood vessels.
14- breaks food down into nutrients that can be absorbed by blood.
15- are bumps on the tongue containing taste buds.

1-Mucus 2- Carbohydrates, proteins 3- Digestion 4-Mechanical 5- nutrients
6-two 7-liver 8-Chemical 9-proteins 10- detoxify
11- 25% 12-chemical 13- Cholesterol 14- Digestion 15- papillae

Bile is produced by the
a. liver
b. pancreas
c. gall bladder
d. small intestine
The villi are associated with the and function in .
a. pancreas, release of hormones
b. gall bladder, production of bile
c. small intestine, absorption
d. large intestine, excretion
Most mechanical digestion takes place in the
a. liver
b. mouth
c. small intestine
d. large intestine
What part of your body keeps your food from going into your lungs when you swallow?
a. Stomach lining
b. Esophagus
c. Chyme
d. Epiglottis
Humans digest food through organs in which order?
a. Mouth, stomach, large intestine, small intestine
b. Mouth, esophagus, small intestine, stomach
c. Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine
d. Mouth, stomach, esophagus, large intestine
The long tube that connects the mouth to the stomach is called .
a. amino acid
b. bile
c. esophagus
d. enzyme
The wavelike movement that moves food through the digestive system is called .
a. digestion
b. bile
c. absorption
d. peristalsis
The first 10 inches of the small intestine is called the
a. epiglottis
b. epidermis
c. dendrite
d. duodenum
What is bile?
a. A flap of tissue that seals the windpipe
b. A muscular tube that connects the stomach and mouth
c. A substance that breaks down fat particles
d. A thick slippery substance
e. A triangular organ that lies between the stomach
f. The upper part of the abdomen
g. A protein theta speeds up chemical reactions in the body
h. J-shaped organ located in the abdomen
Which of the following indicates the correct order through the digestive system?
a. mouth-stomach-esophagus-small intestine-large intestine
b. mouth-esophagus-stomach-large intestine-small intestine
c. mouth-small intestine-stomach-large intestine-esophagus
d. mouth-esophagus-stomach-small intestine-large intestine
Bile is produced by the
a. liver
b. pancreas
c. gall bladder
d. small intestine
The process by which foods are changed into forms the body can use is called .
a. nutrient
b. digestion
c. emulsification
d. malnutrition
Which of these functions do the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems carry out by working
a. Providing the body with energy
b. Supplying cells with oxygen
c. Supporting the body structure
d. Protecting the inner organs
The villi are associated with the and function in .
a. pancreas, release of hormones
b. gall bladder, production of bile
c. small intestine, absorption
d. large intestine, excretion
Which body system breaks down food into smaller molecules to provide energy for the body?
a. Nervous
b. Muscular
c. Digestive
d. Respiratory
Mechanical digestion begins in the .
a. esophagus
b. pharynx
c. mouth
d. stomach
The fingerlike projections on the lining of the small intestine are called .
a. pepsin
b. villi
c. chyme
d. colon
The large intestine is also called the .
a. colon
b. esophagus
c. saliva
d. liver
What part of your body keeps your food from going into your lungs when you swallow?
a. Stomach lining
b. Esophagus
c. Chyme
d. Epiglottis
is the thick liquid form of food.
a. pepsin
b. peristalsis
c. lipase
d. chyme
Undigested food from the small intestine moves into the .
a. mouth
b. large intestine
c. stomach
d. liver
The breaking down of large food molecules into small molecules is called .
a. peristalsis
b. emulsification
c. chemical digestion
d. absorption
The liver is part of which organ system?
a. digestive
b. respiratory
c. nervous
d. cardiovascular
The wave-like movement that moves food through the digestive system is called
a. chyme
b. mechanical digestion
c. peristalsis
d. chemical digestion
Which TWO systems are involved in removing waste and maintaining water balance in the body?
a. Urinary
b. Endocrine
c. Excretory
d. Respiratory

Villi are the small
fingerlike projections in the intestines that absorb nutrients for your blood to carry away.

The digestive system provides the oxygen that humans need to survive.
True False

Which organ of the urinary system is where blood is filtered?
1- filters blood from waste and produces urine. 2-It consists of the inner region
called and outer region called . 3- The tough fibrous coat around the kidney is
called 4-The vessel responsible for bringing the blood into the kidney is
called and vessel that takes the blood away from the kidney is called .
5- The part of the kidney that collects the urine before it passes down the ureter is
called . 6- is the tube that carries urine away from the kidney and brings it into
the , where the urine is stored.7- Finally, carries urine from the bladder to the
outside of the body.
8- The bladder is composed of cells.
9-The is an elastic, muscular organ that holds urine until it leaves the body
10-The is where urine is stored after it leaves the .

1-kidney 2- medulla, cortex 3- capsule 4-renal artery , renal vein, 5-renal pelvis
6- ureter , bladder 7- urethra 8-stretchy 9-bladder 10--bladder, kidneys

Which of these functions do the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems carry out by working
a. Providing the body with energy
b. Supplying cells with oxygen
c. Supporting the body structure
d. Protecting the inner organs
All of the following are wastes your body removes except
a. urea
b. oxygen
c. carbon dioxide
d. uric acid
A cell is said to be fully turgid when it cannot absorb any more water or when turgor pressure is
maximum. The best simile of turgor pressure would be
a. an in ground swimming pool
b. when your stomach is mixing up digested food
c. when your bladder is full and cannot hold anymore urine
d. when one of your kidneys stop working properly
Which TWO systems are involved in removing waste and maintaining water balance in the body?
a. Urinary
b. Endocrine
c. Excretory
d. Respiratory
The excretory organ in most invertebrates, including earthworms is called:
a. nephridium
b. kidney
c. Malpighian tubules
d. Urethra
What do the kidneys do?
a. Produce bile to aid in digestion of lipids
b. produce insulin to help break down sugar
c. filter the blood to remove waste through the urinary system
d. produce white blood cells
In the grasshopper, the waste flows into malpighian tubules by
a. osmosis and active transport
b. dripping
c. passive transport
d. diffusion
What very important job do the kidneys have?
a. To filter waste out of the blood
b. To make urine
c. To remove solid waste
d. All of the above
Before the kidneys filter it out, where does urea exist?
a. In your intestines
b. In your liver
c. In your bloodstream
d. In your stomach
What is the excretory organ of a grasshopper called that collects waste, salt, water and nitrogen from
body fluids and empties them into a digestive tract?
a. nephridia
b. kidney
c. Malpighian tubules
d. urethra
Which organ is not found in the urinary system?
a. kidney
b. urethra
c. rectum
d. bladder
The substance that serves an important role in the metabolism of nitrogen in animals and is the main
nitrogen-containing substance in the urine of mammals:
a. urea
b. uric acid
c. filtrate
d. nephrostomy
Which system protects, regulates temperature, and prevents water loss?
a. Reproduction
b. Excretory
c. Endocrine
d. Immune
Which body system include(s) the kidneys and bladder?
a. Skeletal
b. Urinary
c. Muscular
d. Endocrine
Which body system include(s) the kidneys and bladder?
a. Skeletal
b. Urinary
c. Muscular
d. Endocrine
In the grasshopper, the water that is emptied from the malpighian tubes into the digestive system,
together with the waste, is later reabsorbed back into the body in the
a. intestine
b. kidney
c. rectum
d. anus
Urine is carried from the kidneys to the bladder by two thin tubes called
a. urethras
b. capillaries
c. ureters
d. tubulars
The diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange into the blood always takes place in the
a. capillaries
b. kidneys
c. urethra
d. sphincters

The kidney is a fist-sized, muscular pump that circulates blood.
True False

Breathing and respiration
Where does the nasal passage lead to?
What are the three most deadly chemicals found in the tobacco in cigarettes?
Tar, Nicotine, and Carbon Monoxide
What is the function of the respiratory system?
The respiratory system takes oxygen into the body for use by cells and removes the gaseous
waste,carbon dioxide, from the body.
The amount of oxygen in a human being's blood decreases. How will the body MOST LIKELY respond to
the change?
a. Increasing body metabolism
b. Decreasing movement
c. Decreasing blood pressure
d. Increasing breathing rate
The process that takes place inside cells and gives the body energy is called:
a. Respiration
b. Electrolysis
c. Breathing
d. Exhalation
"Exhalation" is another term for the action of:
a. Breathing Out
b. Breathing In
c. Cellular Respiration
d. Digestion
Which of these describe alveoli?
a. glands that produce bile
b. tiny sacs inside the lungs helpful in breathing
c. bacteria helpful in digestion
d. bones located in the foot
Which of these best describes the purpose of the respiratory system?
a. to break down food for energy and nutrients
b. to facilitate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
c. to provide response to stimuli in the world around us
d. to provide structure and support for the body
When you inhale, oxygen enters your body through
a. the esophagus
b. the nose
c. the diaphragm
d. the heart
What word best describes the function of the trachea?
a. passageway
b. entry point
c. muscle
d. pumping station
What term best describes carbon dioxide in the body?
a. harmless
b. toxic
c. necessary
d. beneficial
Air passes from the nose to the trachea through the:
a. Bronchi
b. Lungs
c. Pharynx
d. Larynx
The "Voice Box" is another name for:
a. Bronchi
b. Pharynx
c. Larynx
d. Tongue
What part of your body keeps your food from going into your lungs when you swallow?
a. Stomach lining
b. Esophagus
c. Chyme
d. Epiglottis
The epiglottis is a flap that
a. prevents your lungs from taking in too much air
b. prevents water from flying out your nose while drinking
c. prevents food and drink from going down your trachea
d. connects the small to large intestines
Where does gas exchange take place?
a. Trachea
b. Bronchi
c. Pharynx
d. Alveoli
"Passive Smoking" can also be called:
a. Heavy Smoking
b. Secondary Exhalation
c. Addiction
d. Secondhand Smoking
Which system provides the body with oxygen?
a. Respiratory
b. Integumentary
c. Nervous
d. Endocrine
What can you infer about the function of the ribcage?
a. it helps the lungs pump oxygen
b. it connects the trachea to the lungs
c. it protects the lungs
d. it delivers oxygen from the lungs to the blood vessels
Where does the transfer of oxygen into the bloodstream take place?
a. in the nasal passage
b. in the trachea
c. in the alveoli sacs connected to capillaries
d. in the bronchioles
The large muscle below the lungs that expands and contracts from each breath is the:
a. Cilia
b. Diaphragm
c. Larynx
d. Epiglottis
Which of these functions do the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems carry out by working
a. Providing the body with energy
b. Supplying cells with oxygen
c. Supporting the body structure
d. Protecting the inner organs
What is the membrane surrounding the lungs?
a. pleural membrane
b. carcinogenic membrane
c. celluloid membrane
d. respiratory membrane
The first stop in the path of air is:
a. Nose/Mouth
b. Pharynx
c. Lungs
d. Trachea
Air moves into the lungs when alveolar pressure is less than atmospheric pressure, and out of the lungs
when alveolar pressure is
a. less than atmospheric pressure
b. greater than atmospheric pressure
c. decreased
d. the same
What is the name of the dome-shaped muscle that contracts when you inhale?
a. diaphragm
b. lungs
c. stomach
d. biceps
What happens when your diaphragm relaxes and moves upward?
a. your lungs deflate and you breathe out
b. your lungs inflate and you breathe in
c. your alveoli transfers oxygen into your bloodstream
d. your bronchioles enlarges
Which system provides the body with oxygen?
a. Respiratory
b. Integumentary
c. Nervous
d. Endocrine
The amount of oxygen in a human being's blood decreases. How will the body MOST LIKELY respond to
the change?
a. Increasing body metabolism
b. Decreasing movement
c. Decreasing blood pressure
d. Increasing breathing rate
3 Multiple Choice Questions
oral and nasal cavities -> pharynx -> larynx -> trachea -> primary branchi -> secondary bronchi -> tertiary
bronchi -> bronchioles -> terminal bronchioles -> respiratory bronchioles -> alveoli
a. breathing is:
b. respiratory system
c. passages (11)
d. functions (6)
3 Multiple Choice Questions
Small tube formed from the division of the bronchi.
a. Bronchi
b. Breathing
c. Bronchioles
d. Trachea
The cavity at the back of the nose, connecting the mouth and nose to the oesophagus.
a. Trachea
b. Bronchi
c. Alveoli
d. Pharynx
The system of organs and tissues that takes air into the body.
a. Pharynx
b. Respiratory system
c. Breathing
d. Respiration
5 Multiple Choice Questions
Secreted by cells in the airways, it helps to trap dirt and bacteria that are then swept to the throat
where they can be swallowed. The bacteria are killed by the low pH in the stomach.
a. Mucus
b. Gills
c. Glucose
d. Lung
Increased by exercise to increase the availability of oxygen and the excretion of carbon dioxide.
a. Breathing rate
b. Diaphragm
c. Heart disease
d. Exhale
The air sacs at the end of bronchioles where gas exchange takes place in the lung.
a. Alcohol
b. Alveoli
c. Aerobic
d. Glucose
A protein that is present in large amounts in red blood cells where it is used to carry oxygen around the
a. Aerobic
b. Epiglottis
c. Alcohol
d. Haemoglobin
The normal volume of air that is exchanged in a single breath.
a. Tidal volume
b. Cartilage
c. Glucose
d. Alveoli
5 Multiple Choice Questions
dead space
a. failure of blood to become oxygenated
b. thick walled respiratory passages (oxygen can't diffuse)
c. 2 accessory organs of digestion
d. organic, provide energy (fats and oils)
a. 5-6 foot section of digestive tract
b. 2 accessory organs of digestion
c. skin, mucous membranes and nail beds turn bluish
d. another name for digestive tract
a. organic, act as catalysts, necessary for normal growth
b. structures where gas exchange occurs in lungs
c. inflammation of bronchial tubes from colds or smoking
d. Chemical reaction resulting in the release of energy from organic nutrients
small intestine
a. 2-3 foot section of digestive tract
b. 5-6 foot section of digestive tract
c. another name for digestive tract
d. function of bile
a. air that can be inhaled beyond normal breathing
b. air that can be exhaled beyond normal breathing
c. organic, provide energy (fats and oils)
d. organic, act as catalysts, necessary for normal growth
2 Multiple Choice Questions
1- is bronchus.two short branches located at the lower end of the trachea that carry air into the lungs.
left is shorter
a. lungs
b. trachia
c. avioli
d. bronchi
a. lungs
b. avioli
c. pharnyx
d. trachia
5 Multiple Choice Questions
1- smoke damages the tiny hair-like particles called the cilia, paralysing them from doing their job
of producing mucus and sweeping dirt out of the lungs. this causes smokers cough
a. What is a motor neurone?
b. What does smoke do to the health?
c. What does carbon monoxide do to the health?
d. What does nicotine do to the health?
2- it rises
a. What happens to the volume of the thorax when we breathe in?
b. What happens to the air in the lungs when we breathe in?
c. What happens to the air inside the lungs when we breathe out?
d. What happens to the pressure inside the thorax when we breathe out?
3- blood that contains no oxygen and is blue
a. Respiration
b. Oxygen
c. Deoxygenated Blood
d. Synapse
4- Nose, Olfactory Cells, Chemicals
a. What is the sense organ, receptor cells and stimulus for Taste?
b. What is the sense organ, receptor cells and stimulus for Sight?
c. What is the sense organ, receptor cells and stimulus for Touch?
d. What is the sense organ, receptor cells and stimulus for Smell?
5- Where 2 neurones meet, there is a tiny gap called a synapse. Signals cross this gap using
chemicals. 1 neurone releases the chemical into the gap and it is diffused across the gap and
makes the next neurone transmit an electrical signal.
a. Thorax
b. Trachea
c. Ribs
d. Synapse
5 Multiple Choice Questions
2 thin moist membranes g makes a continuous envelope around lungs forming an airtight seal
a. pleural membranes
b. gaseous exchange
c. trachea
d. bronchioles
the pressure in your lungs increases and your ribcage contracts causing the diaphragm to return to
dome shape
a. gaseous exchange
b. What happens when you exhale?
c. What happens when you breathe in?
d. What does oxygen do in the blood?
trachea splits to form these 2 tubes
a. trachea
b. alveoli
c. Bronchi
d. bronchioles
oxygen diffuses in the blood resulting in a lower percentage in the exhaled air; CO2 and nitrogen
percentage increases since the body gets rid of it through the blood. Exchange with oxygen through
a. oxygen debt
b. What happens when you exhale?
c. What does oxygen do in the blood?
d. What happens when you breathe in?
inhaled= 78% exhaled 79% (anomaly)
a. what percentage of other gases are inhaled and exhaled?
b. what percentage of oxygen is inhaled and exhaled?
c. what percentage of CO2 is inhaled and exhaled?
d. what percentage of nitrogen is inhaled and exhaled?
5 Multiple Choice Questions
The windpipe.
a. Bronchus
b. Trachea
c. Inhale
d. diaphragm
What is created when CO and water combine.
a. Carbon dioxide
b. capillary
c. Bronchus
d. Carbonic acid
Tiny sacks of tissue at the end of the bronchi specialized for the movement of gasses between air and
a. Artery
b. Vein
c. Alveoli
d. Inhale
When there is a little amount of things in a big space.
a. Respiration
b. High concentraion
c. Low concentraion
d. Pandiculation
Hemoglobin and oxygen combined.
a. hemoglobin
b. Alveoli
c. Oxygen
d. Oxy-hemoglobin
Tiny sacs of lung tissue specialized for the movement of gases between air and blood.
a. Vein
b. Exhale
c. Aveoli
d. Inhale
Breath out 11% of oxygen
a. Inhale
b. Oxygen
c. Exhale
d. Alveoli
Breath in 16% oxygen
a. Cilia
b. Tar
c. Inhale
d. Exhale
Iron and oxygen
a. Alveoli
b. Vein
c. Oxygen
d. Hemoglobin
The process in which oxygen and glucose a complex series of chemical reactions inside cells.
a. Hemoglobin
b. pandiculation
c. Respiration
d. Diaphragm
5 Multiple Choice Questions
Large, flat muscle at the bottom of the chest cavity that helps with breathing
a. diaphragm
b. tar
c. inhale
d. trachea
to breathe in
a. nicotine
b. exhale
c. inhale
d. tar
a. bronchi
b. bronchus
c. asthma
d. trachea
very small branches of bronchi that extend into the lungs
a. bronchiole
b. bronchi
c. inhale
d. bronchus
plural of bronchus
a. bronchiole
b. bronchi
c. bronchus
d. trachea
5 Multiple Choice Questions
level of carbon dioxide
a. -pnea
b. -capnia
c. -oxia
d. -phonia
a. pleuro
b. pulmo
c. pneumo
d. spiro
a. rhino
b. spiro
c. pulmo
d. phreno
a. -emia
b. -phonia
c. -pnea
d. -oxia
level of oxygen
a. -pnea
b. -oxia
c. -emia
d. -phonia

1-The lungs take in and release .
2-When a disease is , it means that it will keep coming back every so often.
3-Bronchitis is a health problem where the fill with mucus and fluids.
4-The one main function for the is the exchange of gases in the air to bring oxygen into the
5-The is also known as the vocal chords.
6-A buildup of cancerous cells that swell and form a bump or mass is called a .
7-The respiratory system throughout the body. The main organs are the .
8-The one main function for the is the exchange of gases in the air to bring oxygen into the
9- The respiratory system throughout the body. The main organs are the lungs .
10-The lungs take in and release .

1- oxygen, carbon dioxide 2- chronic 3- Bronchi 4- lungs 5- larynx 6- tumor 7- exchanges air 8- lungs
[lungs] 9- exchanges air 10- [oxygen] [carbon dioxide]

The alveoli are grape-like air sacs found in the lungs.
True False
The respiratory system and the circulatory system have nothing to do with each other.
True False
Emphysema is a health problem caused by smoking that makes it difficult to breathe in and out.
True False
Humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.
True False

5 True/False Questions
1. exhalation: chest cavity________ in size pushed
True False- exhalation: chest cavity________ in size decreases.
2. Gases are exchanged between air in the lungs and blood external
True False
3. 10-12 inch muscular tube monosaccharide
True False-10-12 inch muscular tube esophagus
4. double sugars disaccharide
True False
5. air that can be inhaled beyond normal breathing supplemental
True False- air that can be inhaled beyond normal breathing complemental.
2 True/False Questions
1. trachia windpipe
True False
2. cilia What are the 1 cell thick sacs that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to diffused quickly
through the body?
True False
5 True/False Questions
1. Bronchi Air moves through the pharynx and into the trachea or windpipe. It is the tube that
you feel when you rube your fingers on your neck.
True False Bronchi Air moves from the trachea to the bronchi to the passages that
direct air into the lungs..
2. Diaphragm A large dome-shaped muscle that plays an important role in breathing.
True False
3. Pharynx A dark, thick, flammable liquid
True False Pharynx Is the only part of the respiratory system that is shared with
another system,the digestive system
4. Low Concentration Molecules take up more space
True False Low Concentration Molecules take up less space
5. pandiculation The process in which oxygen and glucose a complex series of chemical
reactions inside cells.
True False pandiculation Yawning and Stretching at the same time.
5 True/False Questions
1- What happens to the diaphragm muscles when we breathe in? they contract
True False
2- What is the sense organ, receptor cells and stimulus for Touch? Skin, Touch and Pressure
Receptors, Pressure
True False
3- Nitrogen the unreactive gas that makes up most of the air around us
True False
4- Diaphragm a flexible tube kept open by rings of cartilage, also known as the wind pipe
True False Diaphragm a sheet of muscle that forms the base of the thorax.
5- What happens to the diaphragm when we breathe in? it moves up and out
True False What happens to the diaphragm when we breathe in? it becomes flatter
and m
5 True/False Questions
Gills Small projections from the surface of cell lining the airways that sweep the mucus up from the
lungs to the back of the throat.
True False
Glucose A simple sugar that is the most important source of energy in the body.
True False
Lime water A disease in which lung tissue grows uncontrollably due to mutations in the cells. Usually
caused by chemicals in cigarette smoke.
True False
Lung The organ of gas exchange for air breathing animals.
True False
Energy This is released by respiration. It can be converted from one kind to another but is never
True False
5 True/False Questions
1. Bronchus The passages that direct air into the lungs
True False
2. Regular diffusion The process in which oxygen(O) and Glucose(CHO) undergo a complex
series of chemical reactions inside the cellcreating energy.
True False Regular diffusion When fluid moves from a high concentration to a low
3. High concentraion Many things in a small space.
True False
4. Inhale When your diaphragm contracts and pushes out air.
True False Inhale When the diaphragm relaxes and air comes into the trachea..
5. Pandiculation The process in which oxygen(O) and Glucose(CHO) undergo a complex
series of chemical reactions inside the cell creating energy.
True False- Pandiculation When you yawn and stretch at the same time..
5 True/False Questions
1. what is the adaptation of a capillary wall? one cell thick ; O2 and CO2 doesn't have to diffuse
very far
True False
2. Where can ciliated epithelial cells and goblet cells be found? in the trachea and bronchi
True False
3. diaphragm moves up and down to change pressure in the thorax so air can flow in or out
True False
4. What happens when air enters through mouth and nose? it travels through oesophagus and
down the trachea entering the lungs
True False
5. what percentage of other gases are inhaled and exhaled? inhaled=21% exhaled= 16%
True False what percentage of other gases are inhaled and exhaled? inhaled +
exhaled= 1%.
2 True/False Questions
1. functions (6) oral and nasal cavities -> pharynx -> larynx -> trachea -> primary branchi ->
secondary bronchi -> tertiary bronchi -> bronchioles -> terminal bronchioles -> respiratory
bronchioles -> alveoli
True False functions (6) -gas exchange between air and blood
-moves air to and from exchange surfaces
-protect respiratory surfaces
-defense against invading organisms
-produce sounds
-regulate pH of blood.
2. breathing movements are performed during: respiration
True False
2 True/False Questions
1. Bronchi Small tube formed from the division of the bronchi.
True False Bronchi Tubes formed by the division of the trachea..
2. Alveoli A cluster of sacs at the end of the bronchioles where gas exchange takes place.
(Singular : Alveolus).
True False
5 True/False Questions
1. pneumo pleura
True False -pneumo air, gas, respiration lung.
2. naso nose
True False
3. pulmo air, gas, respiration lung
True False -pulmo lungs.
4. pneumono lungs
True False
5. pulmono lungs
True False pulmono air, gas, respiration lung.
5 True/False Questions
lung cancer a lung disease in which cells in the lungs grow out of control
True False
capillary smallest blood vessel; brings nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and absorbs carbon
dioxide and waste products
True False
exhale to breathe out
True False
tar to breathe out
True False tar a thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns
alveoli plural of alveolus
True False

5 Matching Questions
1. Thin
2. Bronchitis
3. Bronchus
4. Excretion
5. Respiration
a- The walls of the alveoli and capillaries are this to help increase the rate of diffusion
across them and hence the rate of gas exchange.
b-Infection of the lungs. Often resulting from smoking.
C-The elimination of a waste substance from the body.
d- One of the two main divisions of the trachea as it branches into the right and left
e- The oxidation of glucose to form carbon dioxide and water with the release of a large
amount of energy.

Answers- 1- a, 2- b, 3- d, 4- c, 5-e
5 Matching Questions
1. air sac walls become stretched and thin, very poorgas exchange in lungs
2. starches
3. exhalation forces air_____ of the lungs
4. air that cannot be exhaled
5. two branches of trachea
b-residual air
Answers-----1-e, 2- a, 3-d, 4- b, 5- c
5 Matching Questions
1. Cilia
2. Tar
3. Carbon Monoxide
4. Mitochondria
5. Red Blood Cells
a-Tiny hair like extensions that move together in sweeping motion. It sweeps mucus into
the throat.
b-Blood cells another term is also erythocyte
c-a colorless, odorless toxic flammable gas formed by incomplete combustion of carbon.
d-An organelle found in large numbers in most cells
e-A dark, thick, flammable liquid

Answers----------------1-a, 2-e, 3-c, 4- d, 5-b
5 Matching Questions
1. What happens to the diaphragm when we breathe out?
2. What happens to the intercostal muscles when we breathe in?
3. What is a sensory neurone?
4. What is a motor neurone?
a-protects the organs inside the thorax
b-They carry signals from receptors to the spinal cord and brain.
c-Carry signals from the central nervous system to effectors.
d-it moves up and become domed shaped
e-they contract
answers-----------------1-c, 2-e, 3-a, 4-d, 5-b,
5 Matching Questions
1. Why is each alveolus very small?
2. what happens to the pressure in the thorax during inhalation and exhalation?
3. What is the function of goblet cells.
4. gaseous exchange
5. what happens to internal intercostal muscles during inhalation and exhalation?
a-produce the mucus
b-the exchange of gases by diffusion across the wall of the alveoli between the air spaces
and blood
c-Larger surface area
d-inhalation=slight drop in pressure exhalation=raised slightly above atmospheric pressure
e-inhalation=relaxes exhalation= contracts
ANSWERS------------1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b, 5-e
5 Matching Questions
1. Vein
2. hemoglobin
3. lungs
4. Red blood cell
5. Carbon dioxide
a-The main organs of the. respiratory system
b-(CO) A green house gas we produce when we exhale.
C-A blood passage that brings oxygen and carbon dioxide back to the lungs.
d-The cells that transport oxygen to certain parts of the body. (Hint. Only cell in the body
without a nucleus.
e-The protein that oxygen connects itself to when it travels to the body cells.
Answers----------------1-c, 2-e, 3- a, 4- d, 5-b
5 Matching Questions
1. spiro
2. -emia
3. pulmono
4. bronchiol
5. phreno
b-levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide
ANSWERS--------1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-e, 5-d

level of oxygen
levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide
level of carbon dioxide
bronchi, bronchus
phrenic nerve
air, gas, respiration lung
air, gas, respiration lung
3 Written Questions
The series the chemical reaction that takes place in cells to release energy----------------------
The tube that carries air from the nose and mouth to the chest cavity----------------------
The process by which the body takes in and lets out air----------------------
ANSWERS------------1- ANSWER: Respiration , 2- ANSWER: Trachea , 3-
ANSWER: Breathing
3 Written Questions
muscles, bones, and joints----------------------
group of passages that filter incoming air; transports air to lung; has many microscopic air sacs for gas
level of organs and level of movement ----------------------
ANASWERS-------1- ANSWER: breathing involves: 2- ANSWER: respiratory system,
3- ANSWER: breathing acts an interface between:

3 Written Questions
Inhalation and exhalation of air.----------------------
pair of spongy organs of respiration in which blood is aerated ----------------------
What are the 1 cell thick sacs that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to diffused quickly through the
body? ----------------------
1- ANSWER: respiration 2- ANSWER: lungs 3- ANSWER: alvioli
Written Questions
1. carbon dioxide and water vapor-----------------------
2. decreases-----------------------
3. pulmonary edema -----------------------
4. anoxia -----------------------
5. emulsifies fats -----------------------
1- ANSWER: exhalation allows waste gases like__________ and __________ to be removed
from the lungs
2- POSSIBLE ANSWERS: inhalation: internal air pressure___________ or exhalation: chest
cavity________ in size
3- ANSWER: tissue fluid builds up in air sacs due to inefficient heart action
4- ANSWER: failure of blood to become oxygenated
5- ANSWER: function of bile
5 Written Questions
1. The most abundant blood cell type specialised for the carriage of oxygen and gas exchange.------
2. A group of diseases that affects the function of the blood vessels, often caused or made worse
by smoking, that can lead to heart attacks. -----------------
3. A flap of skin that can closes off the trachea when you swallow so that you don't choke on your
food. -----------------
4. To breath out. -----------------
5. Can be caused by particles from tobacco smoke or dust from industrial processes. Can lead to
further problems due to white blood cells destroying tissue and leading to emphysema. -----------
1- ANSWER: Red blood cell
2- ANSWER: Heart disease
3- ANSWER: Epiglottis
4- ANSWER: Exhale
5- ANSWER: Lung damage
6 Written Questions
1. passageway leading from the trachea to a lung.-----------------------
2. stimulant drug in tobacco that increases heart rate and blood pressure -----------------------
3. lung disorder in which the bronchial tubes contract quickly and cause shortness of breath,
wheezing, or coughing; may occur as an allergic reaction -----------------------
4. a tiny sac for holding air in the lungs-----------------------
5. disease in which the tissues of the lungs lose elasticity, making breathing very difficult--------------
6. colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas produced by cigarettes-----------------------
1- ANSWER: bronchus 2- ANSWER: nicotine 3- ANSWER: asthma 4- ANSWER: alveolus
5- ANSWER: emphysema 6- ANSWER: carbon monoxide
Written Questions
1. a colorless orderless gas that living things on earth need to sirvive----------------------
2. A colorless gas---------------------
3. Air moves through the pharynx and into the trachea or windpipe. It is the tube that you feel
when you rube your fingers on your neck---------------------
4. Molecules take up more space---------------------
5. Are the main organs of the respiratory system----------------------
1- ANSWER: Oxygen 2- ANSWER: Carbon dioxide 3- ANSWER: Trachea
4- ANSWER: High concentration 5- ANSWER: Lungs
Written Questions
1. A large dome shaped muscle responsible for controlling breathing. ------------------
2. What we use to make energy for our cells. Plants produce this. ------------------
3. The process in which oxygen(O) and Glucose(CHO) undergo a complex series of chemical
reactions inside the cell creating energy. --------------
4. The throat ------------------
5. Tiny hairlike extensions that line the nose and trachea that act as tiny brooms ------------------

Answers----------------1- ANSWER: diaphragm 2- ANSWER: Oxygen 3-
ANSWER: Respiration
4- ANSWER: Pharnyx 5- ANSWER: Cilia
5 Written Questions
1. to trap dust and microbes and brush mucus into goblet cells. Dust trapped in mucus is then
coughed out.---------------------
2. protects lungs ---------------------
3. windpipe---------------------
4. inhalation=increases exhalation=decreases---------------------
5. joins one rib to the next. two types internal and external ---------------------
answers-------------1- ANSWER: what is the function of ciliated epithelial cells? 2-
ANSWER: ribs
3- ANSWER: trachea 4- ANSWER: what happens to the thorax during inhalation and
exhalation ?
5- ANSWER: intercostal muscles

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