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Topics: Research from school effectiveness and school improvement using

different models of learning

English speaking competency and good values played important role in inbound
tourism business, the future working field for the SMK (Vocational School) students
majoring at tourism. Speaking was employed as the means of communication
between the people of the company and the customers. ood values in spoken
communication were the part of a good service of the inbound tourism business.
!onetheless, English speaking material of SMK students majoring at tourism was not
specifically designed for the real language use in the working field. "t did not
facilitate the students for character internali#ation as well as enhancing the real use of
language in the working field. Therefore, this research concerned with developing
character based English Speaking $aterial for %ocational School Students rade &
$ajoring at tourism. This research was conducted at S$'! ( )ogyakarta and some
of the inbound tourism businesses at )ogyakarta, the future working field for S$'
students. The research *uestions were +,- what is the design of character based
English speaking instructional material for the students of S$'! ( )ogyakarta
majoring at tourism. +/- what is the *uality of character based English speaking
instructional material for the students of S$'! ( )ogyakarta rade & majoring at
tourism. This study applied research and methodology. The data gathering techni*ues
were the observation, interview and *uestionnaire.
A. Backr!"#$ !% t&' St"$(
0ne of issues that %ocational School +S$'- needed to deal with is the
preparation of its students before entering the working field +Schul# and 1harles,
/22,-. ood characters as well as good English proficiency were the *ualities that
S$' students majoring at tourism needed to possess. S$'! ( )ogyakarta attempted
to improve the efforts to produce professional labor forces by improving the students3
English proficiency and character building for the students. Therefore, this study
intended to develop the character based English speaking instructional material for
S$'! ( )ogyakarta students majoring at tourism. This study met the school plan so
as to increase the students3 effectiveness for ac*uiring the language as well as
enhancing the school role in preparing the students to encounter the working field.
This research was beneficial for the school, students and the teachers. 4or the
school and the teacher, and the students5 the finding of this research was useful for
enhancing the students3 English proficiency as well as character building. 4or the
researcher, this research was useful as the reference for conducting further research.
Two main research *uestions were
,. 6hat is the design of character based English speaking
instructional material for the students of S$'! ( )ogyakarta rade & majoring
at tourism.
/. 6hat is the *uality of character based English speaking
instructional material for the students of S$'! ( )ogyakarta rade & majoring
at tourism.
B. T&'!r't)ca* R'+)',
This research employed some of the theories namely +,- research and
development theory +/- instructional design +7- language learning theory and +8-
character education.
The research and development theory was intended for providing the general
steps of developing the product starting from the defining, planning, developing,
disseminating. The defining step was for identifying the problem whether the
character based English speaking learning material solved the problem which was
encountered in the English speaking learning material. 9lanning step was the
preparation of the learning material development. :eveloping was the step to write
the goal, objectives and the learning activities, and se*uences. The disseminating was
the implementation and the evaluation +;org and all, /2275 :ick and 1arey, /22<,
Sugiyono, /2,2-.
The instructional design theory provided detail steps of developing the product
in defining, planning, developing and disseminating. The defining process consisted
of conducting the pra need analysis and theoretical review so as to define the problem
in the real working field. The planning was obtained through observation, interview
and *uestionnaire. Then the step was continued by developing. "t included deciding
the goal, learning objectives, se*uence of the learning material, the teaching learning
activity and the course conse*uences. The disseminating was where the assessment
of learning material was done +'emp ,=>>5 9rawiradilaga, /2,,5 ;org and all,
/2275 :ick and 1arey, /22<5 Sugiyono, /2,2-.
The language learning theory was beneficial as the point of consideration for
deciding the teaching learning activity, and how it was in line with the goal and the
learning objectives. "t was utili#ed to trigger the language ac*uisition of the students.
4rom this theory, the assessment of product *uality was started to be developed
+?armer, /22,5 @ynch, /2,2-.
The theory of character education was employed as the reference for building
the character of the students as well as encouraging the character education which
included moral knowing, moral action and moral reflection. The character education
employed for integrating the character building within the learning material including
the learning activity and the reflection on character +9opov, /2225 'oesoema, /22>5
?idayatullah, /2,2, @ickona, ,==/, !ucci, /22A-
C. M't&!$!*!(
This research belonged to the research and development theory. "t followed
the four main step namely +,- defining +/- planning +7- developing and +8-
disseminating. The process can be illustrated as follow
The research applied three of data gathering techni*ues namely the
observation, the interview and the *uestionnaire. The observation at the working field
was conducted on some inbound tourism business, the future working field of S$'
students. Those working field were classified into +,- well established company +/-
medium company and +7- new company. The interview and the observation were
conducting in the working field. "t was during ,(
$arch /2,7B/2
Cpril /2,7. The
observation at school had been conducted on //
Cpril /2,7. The evaluation of the
product was conducted by distributing the *uestionnaire to the eDpert, the teacher and
the learners which are going to be conducted on September /2,7.
There were two types of the data namely the *uantitative and the *ualitative.
The *uantitative data was aimed to measure the *uality of the product. The *ualitative
data was intended as the source for developing the learning material.
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'emp, E.E. +,=>>-. Instructional design: a plan for unit and course
development 1alifornia: 4earon 9itman 9ublishers, "nc.
@eathers, :.. +/22/-. :eveloping the successful communicator.
$assachusetts: Cllyn and ;acon
@ynch, T. +/2,2-. Communication in the language classroom. Toronto: 0Dford
Gniversity 9ress.
?idayatullah, 4. +/2,2-. Pendidikan karakter mme!angun perada!an !angsa.
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9rawiradilaga, S. +/22>-. Prinsip desain pem!ela+aran. Eakarta. 4ajar
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Sugiyono. +/2,2-. Metode penelitian pendidikan: pendekatan kuantitaitf,
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