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Improving Mathematics Learning Creativity for Students

Through Problem Solving Learning

Wanda Nugroho Yanuarto, S.Pd (wandanugroho86@gmail.com);
Fitrtianto Eko Subekti, M.Pd (efitrians@ymail.com).
Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto
The research focuses on mathematics learning creativity for students. The aim of this research
were: (1) improving the quality of learning mathematics in class especially for students of
Mathematics Education Department in Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto; and (2)
improving mathematics learning creativity for students through problem solving learning. In
achieving the goal, the researcher used a method of problem solving learning. It was
implemented in the class. In another meeting, the researcher used the conventional learning. So,
it got clearly the difference between problem solving and the conventional one. Compare and
contrast between both of the methods were observed. The result of this research could be seen by
the instruments of the research such as: (1) observation desk for assessing the activity from
students and lecturer, (2) the result of the students test using problem solving learning. It was
clear that the result for observed students (0.53 was in average criteria on 1
meeting and 0.70
was in high criteria on 2
meeting) and lecturer (82.5% was in high criteria at 1
meeting and
87.5% at 2
meeting was in high criteria also). The result of the test that students did the
assignment using problem solving learning were 35 students who got 70 - 85 scores and 12
students got 85 100 score in 1
meeting and 2
meeting , students got 70 85 score, 34
students and 17 students got 85 100 scores. The number of the students was 55 students. It
could be concluded that through problem solving learning, students could improve mathematics
learning creativity for students

Key words: Problem Solving Learning and Mathematic Learning Creativit

This research was done based on the fact that many students in class had difficulty in
understanding the material, such as: a) there were so many students who just kept silent and
didnt ask to the teacher to what they didnt understand to the material. It is shown on the
exercise task that many students had bad result, b) the students had no problem solving method
to solve the task and the exercise, c) the students were afraid to ask and discuss with others,
because they didnt understand some of material that teacher given. Based on thee facts, the
researcher do some plan and research to solve those problems. How did we know that the student
had less creativity to solve the problems on the class? The fact was many students had no
problem solving method to solve that problem, so it can be concluded that students had no
creativity. The characteristic of problem solving in this research is students not only can listen,
write, communicate to another but also students can create, look for the solving of the problems,
analyze the data and make a conclusion.

Based on the description before, this research tried to prove that problem solving learning
creativity could improve students creativity or not.

Theoritical Review

Slamet (2010:145) stated that creativity has a correlation with a new invention based on
something that has used before. On the other hand, Satiadarma (2003:108) cited that creativity is
a process as a result of someones thinking, one try to find relation between on thing to another
thing, answer a question, or find a new method to solve a problem.
Someone can be called as creative person. Sanjaya stated that a creative person is
someone who has a big curiosity, has a great imagination, and like a big challenge to solve a
problem, and appreciate the ability (2007 : 110).
Based on the definition and characteristics, the researcher concluded that a creative
person having a big curiosity, a big imagination, a great opinion, a widen point of view, and a big
brave in challenge. Therefore, some indicators could be drawn through the students attitude as
Table 2.1 : Indicator for problem Solving Learning
Indicator Students attitude
1) having a big curiosity Students be able to:
a) answer question from friends
b) find some sources
c) pay attention to lecture
2) having a big imagination Students be able to :
a) find correlation between one thing to
b) make a presupposition;
c) develop a material
d) make a plan
3) having a great opinion Students be able to:
a) deliver an opinion;
b) develop an opinion from their
4) having a widen point of view Students be able to :
a) find some possibilities;
b) see some weaknesses;
c) get involve in difficult situation.
5) having a big brave in challenge Students be able to:
a) defense an opinion;
b) give/accept a suggestion and critic;
c) prepare in any situations (include in


A. Problem Solving Learning
Every student has a same or different problem. Killen (1998) defined a problem as a
situation coming from some familiar information and some needed information. It is also
supported by Killens opinion (1998) Therefore, problem solving can be considered as a process
to apply knowledge in a new situation. So, a new situation can be got.
Karen added Karen (Jasmaniah dan Suryati, 2008:70) problem solving as problem
learning which focus on a creativity to solve a problem.

Sanjana (1989) stated some steps in problem solving learning as follows:
(1) find a problem
(2) make a hypothesis (an answer from the problem)
(3) collect a data
(4) test the hypothesis
(5) draw conclusion
(6) implement or apply
Sanjaya (2006) stated some advantages of problem solving such as:
a. Problem solving as a good technique to understand some subject matters.
b. Problem solving can improve students learning creativity.
c. Problem solving can help students to develop their new knowledge and take some
responsibilities in learning.
d. Problem solving can develop students capability to think critically and to get a new
e. Problem solving can develop students willingness to have continuously study
f. Problem solving can develop students critical thinking creatively because in the learning,
students focus on problems based on the solvency.
Some disadvantages were given by Sanjaya as follows:
a. When students dont believe that some problems are difficult to solve, so students will be
reluctant to do or solve the problems;.
b. The success of the learning strategy needs allocation of time to have a preparation;
c. Without any understanding a reason why students try to solve the problem, students will
not learn what students want to learn.

B. Some problems faced by the students
Lecturing situation in first and second meeting found that the students were lacked
of: (1) giving a question, (2) having imagination, (3) stating and answering a question or a
statement, (4) having difficulty in doing developmental material and (5) having minimal
bravery to give an answer. Therefore, researcher applied problem solving learning


This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) which consists of 1) plan 2)
do 3) observation 4) reflection, and 5) evaluation.


A. Subject of the research
The subject of the research is students of Mathematics Education Department,
Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto. The students took Economics
Mathematics course in 2011/2012.

B. Time for the Research
This research spent 4 months from May to August 2012.

C. Place for the research
This research was taken in Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto.

D. Research Procedures
The CAR had some steps as follows: (1) Plan, (2) do, (3) observation, (4)
Reflection and (5) evaluation.

E. Method for collecting data
The researcher collected the data in the form of observation and test.
Observation was used to get the activities of students by giving correlation with some
steps in problem solving learning. In the other hand, test was used to get data of
students creativity in learning mathematics.

E. Success Learning Indicators
This research can be concluded as a success research when there is an
improvement in the cycles. The learning creativity must be achieved high and the result
of minimal creative thinking in a good category.

Result and Discussion
Some activities in this research such as:
1. Planning
a) The researcher with the lecturer of the subject had an agreement to have a cooperative
learning, Jigsaw type as the learning media to improve active role and learning
b) Learning media such as lesson plan and worksheet used cooperative learning, Jigsaw
2. Learning instruments are observation sheet for active students role, observation sheet for
lecturer activity, and questionnaire for students learning motivation using cooperative
learning, Jigsaw type.
3. Do/Action

In do or action step is done some action which is suitable to some steps in the
4. Observation
In this step, observation was taken to observe students activity and Lecturers
activity on observation sheets.

1. Students creativity observation
Table 4.7. The result of Students Creativity Observation
Cycle Average Score category
I 0,64 average
II 0,78 high
The result of the average score for students creativity observation through
problem solving learning is as follows:

Chart 1. Problem Solving Creativity
Students activities in this section are: respond to question and problem, make a
hypothesis, make a trial, do trial to get information, collect and analyze the data, make a
conclusion. Based on the observation of Students problem solving creativity in cycle I
and II showed that there is improvement in some indicator: 1) make a trial has improved
0.10,;2) do trial to get information has improved 0.30;3) collect and analyze the data
0.35; 4) make a conclusion has improved 0.33. The improvement happened because there
are creativity of the students and responsibility in learning, and lecturers role in guiding
and motivating to the students.
a b c d e f
siklus 1
siklus 2

2. Lecturers activity
Table 4.8. The Result of Lecturers activity
Cycle Average Score Category
I 82,5 High
II 87,5 High
Based on the average score forr lecturer activities through problem solving
learning are as follows:

Picture 2. Diagram of Lecturer s activity
Some Lecturers activities are discuss the students paper; Inform all material and
the aim in that subject; motivate the students by explaining the advantages of the subject
and correlate them to the daily life; Make a stimulus such as giving the subject content;
Divide students to small group consists of 4-5 members; Give problems in the form of
question (LKM); Give a chance to student for asking questions in understanding some
questions in LKM; Ask the student about the presupposition of the answer towards the
problems; Guide the students in having the presupposition; Give a chance to the students
to discuss; Ask students to have the result of their discussion and try to find the
presupposition of the answer; Ask the students to find information for examining their
answers; Ask the students to discuss with their group for determining the data for
examining the answer; Guide the students who got difficulty in solving their problems;
Give the students a chance to ask a question; Guide every group in examining the answer
presupposition; Ask one of the group to present their result; Ask another group to
a c e g i k m o q s u w y aa cc
siklus 1
siklus 2

respond; Asses their result and respond if there is a mistake; Ask the students to write the
result discussion; Explain about the result of students discussion; Guide students in
drawing the conclusion; Ask the students whether they have a problem or not; Explain
the subject and give correlation to daily life; Give the students a chance for asking
question which they havent yet understood; Motivate the students to develop by using
problem solving in some exercises; Correct the students answers; Do some reflections
and review the subject; Draw conclusion with the students; Give paper term to the
students; Give paper term to the students; Deliver learning planning to the next meeting.
Then the students can prepare first.
Based on the observation for lecturers activity during the learning process in cycle I
and cycle II showed that there were some improvement. It can be concluded from the
average percentage 5%. The improvements are caused by discussing the problems
between lecturer and students.
3. Evaluation of Students Learning Creativity Test
Based on the result of the students learning achievement through problem solving
learning in cycle I and II are as follows:

Picture 3. Diagram of Students learning Creativity test in cycle I
Based on the student test in cycle I, it can be concluded that the result is good
because only 3 students getting low in category from total students 55.
0% 6%
0 N < 40
40 N < 55
55 N < 70
70 N < 85
85 N 100

Based on the result of students leaning achievement test through problem solving
in cycle II are as follows:

Picture 4 . Diagram of Student Learning Creativity in cycle II

Based on the students test in cycle II are good because only 1 student from 55
students got score in low category.
Conclusion and Suggestion
A. Conclusion
After doing observation and evaluation in 2 cycles, can concluded that there are
improvements of students creativity through problem solving learning in Economics
mathematics course, Mathematics Education Department, Muhammadiyah University of
Purwokerto. In every cycle showed a good result by having only 3 students and a student
getting score in low category.
B. Suggestion
Based on Classroom Action Research in Economics Mathematics subject, some
suggestion can be drawn as follows:
1. Problem Solving Learning can be applied to improve students creativity to another
2. In having Problem Solving Learning, a researcher must have a good preparation to the
activities and to lecturer.

2% 6%
0 N < 40
40 N < 55
55 N < 70
70 N < 85
85 N 100


Killen, R. 1998.Effective Teaching Strategies Lessons from Reseasrch and Practice. Australia:
Social Science Press.
Sanjaya, W. 2007. Strategi Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan. Jakarta:
Satiadarma, P. 2003. Mendidik Kecerdasan. Jakarta: Pustaka Populer Obor.

Slameto. 2010. Belajar dan Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhinya. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.

Table 4.1. The Average Score of Problem Solving learning in cycle I
No. Students Activity
1. Respond to question and problem 34 1 High
2. Make a hypothesis 33 0,97 High
3. Make a trial 12 0,35 Low
4. Do trial to get information 9 0,26 Low
5. Collect and analyze the 14 0,41 Average
6. Make a conclusion 5 0,15 Low
The average Score 0,53 Average
Table 4.2 The Average Score of Problem Solving Learning in cycle II

Students activity
1. Respond to question and problem 33 1 High
2. Make a hypothesis 32 0,97 High
3. Make a trial 15 0,45 Average
4. Do trial to get information 18 0,55 Average
5. Collect and analyze the 25 0,76 High
6. Make a conclusion 16 0,48 Average
The average score 0,70 High

Table 4.3. The Average Score of Lecturers Activity in Cycle I
No. Lecturer activity Score Category
1. Discuss the students paper 5 Excellent
2. Inform all material and the aim in that
4 Good
3. Motivate the students by explaining
the advantages of the subject and
correlate them to the daily life.
4 Good
4. Make a stimulus such as giving the
subject content.
4 Good
5. Divide students to small group consists
of 4-5 members
4 Good
6. Give problems in the form of question
4 Good
7. Give a chance to student for asking
questions in understanding some
questions in LKM.
4 Good
8. Ask the student about the
presupposition of the answer towards
the problems.
4 Good
9. Guide the students in having the
4 Good
10. Give a chance to the students to
4 Good
11. Ask students to have the result of their
discussion and try to find the
presupposition of the answer
4 Good
12. Ask the students to find information
for examining their answers
4 Good

13. Ask the students to discuss with their
group for determining the data for
examining the answer
4 Good
14. Guide the students who got difficulty
in solving their problems
5 Excellent
15. Give the students a chance to ask a
4 Good
16. Guide every group in examining the
answer presupposition
4 Good
17. Ask one of the group to present their
4 Good
18. Ask another group to respond 4 Good
19. Asses their result and respond if there
is a mistake
4 Good
20. Ask the students to write the result
4 Good
21. Explain about the result of students
4 Good
22. Guide students in drawing the
4 Good
23. Ask the students whether they have a
problem or not
4 Good
24. Explain the subject and give
correlation to daily life
4 Good
25. Give the students a chance for asking
question which they havent yet
4 Good
26. Motivate the students to develop by
using problem solving in some
4 Good

27. Correct the students answers 4 Good
28. Do some reflections and review the
4 Good
29. Draw conclusion with the students 4 Good
30. Give paper term to the students 5 Excellent
31. Deliver learning planning to the next
meeting. Then the students can prepare
5 Excellent
Total 128
Percentage 82,5 % High
Table 4.4. The Average Score of lecturers activity in cycle II
No. Lecturer Activity Score Category
1. Discuss the students paper 5 Excellent
2. Inform all material and the aimin that
5 Excellent
3. Motivate the students by explaining
the advantages of the subject and
correlate them to the daily life.
4 Good
4. Make a stimulus such as giving the
subject content.
4 Good
5. Divide students to small group
consists of 4-5 members
4 Good
6. Give problems in the form of question
4 Good
7. Give a chance to student for asking
questions in understanding some
questions in LKM.
5 Excellent
8. Ask the student about the
presupposition of the answer towards
the problems.
5 Excellent

9. Guide the students in having the
5 Excellent
10. Give a chance to the students to
4 Good
11. Ask students to have the result of their
discussion and try to find the
presupposition of the answer
4 Good
12. Ask the students to find information
for examining their answers
4 Good
13. Ask the students to discuss with their
group for determining the data for
examining the answer
4 Good
14. Guide the students who got difficulty
in solving their problems
4 Good
15. Give the students a chance to ask a
4 Good
16. Guide every group in examining the
answer presupposition
5 Excellent
17. Ask one of the group to present their
5 Excellent
18. Ask another group to respond 4 Good
19. Asses their result and respond if there
is a mistake
4 Good
20. Ask the students to write the result
4 Good
21. Explain about the result of students
4 Good
22. Guide students in drawing the
4 Good
23. Ask the students whether they have a 5 Excellent

problem or not
24. Explain the subject and give
correlation to daily life
4 Good
25. Give the students a chance for asking
question which they havent yet
5 Excellent
26. Motivate the students to develop by
using problem solving in some
5 Excellent
27. Correct the students answers 5 Excellent
28. Do some reflections and review the
5 Excellent
29. Draw conclusion with the students 4 Good
30. Give paper term to the students 4 Good
31. Deliver learning planning to the next
meeting. Then the students can
prepare first
4 Good
Total 136
Percentage 87,5 % High

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